HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-10-09, Page 7,
•• :
1 '
'AgtWI the Yarinne eat:
pelleneed,afrecent.,yea*and 010'004
Ougeko.4.',).30tWeett the United 'Etettee
. and Rritish markets' 11:n09141Di; to the
• Vaerliaor tarIt Aid with/MP",
Canadian livestock producer. would,
..reached a realization
---iiOni,le-et:tipcie A single SourCe Itijr th
'T:disPribellr•thelepeo'clisceeind -are seek.'
• lag a remedy, for •pericidlesily recur-
,. ring ills In'a. wider. e*Pai2Otun a Paz",
kfite:: 'Inthe enOveMent to•go 'farther
, afield in the vending of their product,
-Which Is merkedly avIdent'at the, pre.'
Sent 'Wee may be • .fin•eshadovled
:brighter and More gentile •for
Canadian livestock 'producers. • •.
•,. lathe Iliat afx Menthe of 1924 Can-
ada fed -feat -bile
tale and 40,953 'to 4hee1jelted 'States':
a* &tapered with 30,029lead. ta•Great
• •• ,Britain and, 28,659 heed to the United.
States:in the same 'p,eried.of 1923... The
total slioels, an Increase aiziounting to,
1.8991 in fever of tI present year, en
• Increase of 35 per cent ' The •number
of livestOck marketed in England and
Wales :during the first 26. weeksof the.
•ireae, 'lamented' to 89,148: fat cattle and
, ;95,94steres ea. -compered' with '1163,,
867 fit cattle and 234,804 °Myriad dur-
-.lug ' the coreeependieg,. Period of last -
Beet, : Bacon; Pork. and Mutton:
• In addition fa these ' live. experts
• •
there were exported 10,388,500P6im
Of, beef, . pf '•Which • 2,314,060 pciun
went to Great • Brittle and 6,307,5
went to the -United States; 51;5,10,3
pounds of •bacoe„ of Which 50929;4
• pounds went to Great Britain and, 22
890 to the belted •States' . 4 682 10
Penn& of pork; of 'Which,' .2;935,60
pounds went to Great,Britain and 682
600 pound'8. to the United: StateS.; an
19,200 pounds Otenutton• of which 20
eve: iletialieel,eeelieeteteePleeelionAteekee:
'Eoine progress has been Made in-th
co-operative marketing of livestock;
and the year ending June ' of the
• operation the: eatiCerative .cattle
• •Pool of the United Grain Geowers Ltd.,
• was e saceeeskul glee from. the stand7
point Of the producer. • -Par the twelve
Months• the profits' Of the, ,cattle.eool
• amounted: to ,t20,876, which Made pos.-
' .eible a distirbutien of one per 'cern: 'op
• the yalue•pf their,cattle to, he paid to
shippers in additioe, to the full Market
' which they had eli•eady'received.
• Since, the. peel •, was inaugurated in
February, '1923;• it. has Arad more then
-100,000 hegd Of:cattle iiitli 'Kahle Or
$3,200,000.: ' • ' '
Prairie Provineee DeveloPine New
' Markets. •'•„ •
Western . Caneda, • , the
,:Province of Albeitie has became very
interceied in • endeavOring :to. develop-.
.neW markets for its •Itiestocic, itid.• In
this, 'corinection.shipineets have been.
.inade to Japan, Beigiutie and to Cali-
fornia, The Grand e Preine and Peace
„Meer Dountry'have been furnishing 'a
lei -go number: of, Winter -fed• cattle for
the. .01d •Country markets, and ship -
meets • of nareftilie seleeted, cattle -have
Moved, from Cetera' and :Northern Al-
.• • ' HOPPER '
Racial ••
flouree-An Oteupittion. •
• The' "hopper", or "hoppene" of,
or lese than a dances; a Profesefonel
ditneer. •The'proof tenet had to,ped.
It le found in pesaiges which its
Meaning (lane clear, Uoppere" ap-
• pearing •Soupled 'with 're ,Danser" in
accounts of the•great fairs which play-
ed'anch, an important part in furnish-
ing amusement te the people 'of that
age. ,• The teepee appear to have been
used interchangeably. .
• Ji the English Prayei'DooktVersinti
otthe Pieties theeete:still to be &tied
the Passage -Why hop ye se, yehigh
-hills?" end Chaucer,' eito ,gives such
e :good "close-np",ef the hie of the or
(leery people of his day, says a -the
errY peentice, one of his character,
del that -"at every •bridale 'Would he sing.
00 I and boppo"--tkat, Is, dance.
00 The "dancers" and "hOPPeres" of
00 thosedays, however, were es. hard a who was subject to fits of trance, Lie-
ge .Working Crew as • any Profeesiona,1 eamee. Any man ' coming into' any sh-ed thet herr heert be pierced with a
0 I dancers' of to -day .doing their- two and pert of England from a more northern needle.'
0 I tree turns • a dee, on the vaudeville piece wonld be Likely to be called • 'le Premature burial is Of the rarest -oce
.. ietage. They 'did not have :booking -Norrees", -or '''''Ie -Northern,' though currence, and it is doubtful jf Many but thorough -laxative w
d agencies .to arrange their tours; but the term also had a 'distinct raciel euthenticacted cases ,could be brought the bowels and sweeten the stomach
, .
. oee,„eeee„ee,Feeee„_ee,,eeT!,ee,„e„,„etheo„.ag.„...„..,x4.,..,-*,,,...,,rit.her.4.tgt-,*-------------------4----.2.-,ziAe.g..•
and this
• ,--..--,.......- - . .
een. distingtfieb, between' itPliear, ,, Boyhood Dreams.
• ;Slice imit reaRtlit. . . ' ' *
' '
I lie Is not neliefed by ',reflect/4:o*, pf Pk PeThtind dreamil. are !eh' rain '
-,-1-kbee,112„eent ' ,.' ,,......:_,-......,:_-_,. The)_,,t buliding,of the castles; whereeeee
j:fe' 4hiSiikbithuwe;ms ,iibtielibwineetitesfornetihthe .frtitninio"ef ,' ye,l'nr:1•-e.en''sa"ilds g-t:r-e"4164-11thiii:: l'
'catIvaits ililed, litignre .the wind,
Porteher in ehaeing.them. • • '• ' 1 The'lighthouge fading far behind,
1 Pinceit is' a self -cheater. ' It f I To skim the far ece Ceer• '
one but the man who indulges it Ig7 •• - •'
norance Is an unpardonable sin when The rhYthmie'rite M34 fall of deck
uueolifeStied: Beware ' h(41: You With' ne'en a thoughe.rf gale or wreek,
might be less, fortinia 'hen: Abdul And ,Youth to hodthehelm. ', ' •
Ben Tewfik---yon' migh
reistfit-4.,--&----4-'-: 0u-1i:ea
.,„. ,. .,.. . . ;iinne;::•,t4h,c,e, Eirt.:7;kielni7.fiapS:r: landsntv,d.cotr,loa:glarer,,,I.0,44_,.. -tce
Ceiff,”: ...r.t• - '•• '4' Le:" .
: Ie 'Metal:a:lonely r•ealm.
, .
Premature Bun .
' The tender Mother ;eft' to weep
Fears of peen:teepee burial: have re- Will- there, get th'oughts, Mere near and
:stilted 'in the fOrmatien of a SoCiety'tel .,„ d
effect reforats the layi of.. death eer•
Than if 'hoz were on, Shore.
tifIcation: There ie, hewever, nothing Per 'hearts nta.y -Cleave through span-
. - new these fear's; ' ' " iks8 '
Varlatiana--aioirte'e;.,ikielireys, Nurse- * • , ThEr:EgYpti4na kept 'the bodies .et• nearer' they would „SPUrn etn-
Rachel orhair—EnaltAil. thedead414(kr eareftkenlierVishin b„Y, ,•_, 'brace.'
Sourqe - Georeraphlial „OceePs., theprevlous ,
• settsiecl that life 'WaS ear '
There la --ea-''ci7doubt. that. 'in a good The„Greeks were. -elle *boy dreanis,' ....atinke-
he many 'Instance& TatellY seises, Inthis dangers of Premature' burial”and °ftea.. win orld ." • ,• . • • • .
. .
iiruuti' 0'131'4'40 frem• the ..°CmtPatfull cut cia.•OU'th2ger° °f 'a pereoti:believ. ed „With -.banners 'for °resides unfurled, -
, .„
0! nurse
or ea it', Was,•spelled the, to 13f, .dead be ore, cremaffon. • ' • '• • • • ••
-At arch -enemy --
Of health
• ' • .
• CP.tKiPer: '14e• elleMy',.07:631*PatiPZI: and rout whole
• . Orolk of 0.13rpk01, ii10144$4g...indigeS,tigni 01110-400e8ili
..okk 1.10a0ac4; .0Peplesimp!Is and !*17,09. dr3Pme4
BoO'e,4oro'o Pills 'have been waricl'e*4,0:f40-1400,ve-
for -over 74a7Y045,..:1IfOk the Ooo.o0 of LI**
,44., 044 ,x,,3:40*-4,;,,,,,,tF.t..(073404114.1mwmir.,F1,41pro7,.,,,rwlit,,,:
•testeapillsetreeetheri 'the see:ruck Stimulate the 1PV,P ande •
Sold Everywhere In
days- When family names were fonu- In modni times., the fear of being And stont hearts:, in the making.
The Motorilts' Sahit.
ing„ in the days before tke dominating burled alive has haunted many. Wilkie Some hundreds of French motorists
So, let him go his glorious way,
. His elate will conieto port some day, '
Norman race end language •had be Collins had this fear, and always left with many dreams, abeeatene. , • .
come entirely merged into the English overnight on his dressing -table a note • • near Argentan, • in • NOTMEllidy, to do
recently aseembled in a little village
"Ler B 11 '
T.ke .nnrse was not necessarily 'a
woman:, though -most often s� 7 Again,
.while.women"ii names and occupations
did sometimes •give rise to .family
• -they did' not, of course, d� it
so generally as men's. Both. of these
6oints. make it likely that only in g
minority of cases, • even;Where the
modern rapine. name is "literate" didk
the name come from this source.
e• All the et-lc:lance pOinte to "le Nor.'
keys:" ("the Norse,") or "IeNciethern,"
as theorigin of Most thee , •
aolemnlY enjoining that, should he be • •eIn . . • nt honor .to ' St Christopheree-Jajolet; a
• • - '
found- dead, his Etippoeed death was to - helf-forgotten saint, - whe •is•no* being
reed. • , • ' . ••
. .
hote in his pocket to the same effect. . •
, Hams Anderson always carried•ea ' •
be very carefully tested by a doctor.
A011111G 10'•EQU11•claimed as the patron, cif eel who use
• le : According tielegeed, Stechtiatopher-
Harnet Martineau left her doctor ten i - 1 , • . , )LETS leVajelet who was of giant stature
crossed the river Jordan ' one dark
putated before•hurial. Edmund Yates e.Mre. Georges' LefebYre,•,Sti t enon, 4' night,. when the Waters ran strongly,
, , ,
left twenty guineas with the proVislon Que., writes: „"1 do not think •there is bearing the Divine Infant , •cin his
that 'his Jugular vein was to be sever - 'anY, other medicine to equid 'Baby's. ellomii'ledrer;;0. "04:i0:In'ot
Or- :Ate' cyclists al
:Own Tablets for 'little' one.S.. ' I• have • , . , , , , , , r -
Lady Burton (the widow of the fa' used them for mY'bebY and, would. use Men, and others ,tireSaid to have formed'
,• painiclie. to see that her head was am -
mous; traveller, Sir Richard Bertan), nothing else ." 7 What . Lefebvre i•Iii'leomrtseemlveelas whose
says thousands of 'other others sa
Classified Advertisements
••‘-se Staves,' Mill Slab Weed, end Coed
wood. Reid Bros., Bothwell,e0ntario.
foR 1-04
They have, found by Id- that. the the ancient church of this- ewe leo,. •
n Fol
Tablets always do just w at is 'Claim- 'Math Village, Where rests a gilded re-• •
ed for them.; :The "Tablet •are inild liquary containing the hones of the-
iel•regulate faint. ••
" '' • '
No Difficulty At All. `
'traveled in • ballade on their own inithe meaning as indipating a Norwegian Or forwerd.
eeconalsted .ot starting •their • dane,e• s' communiZeticiti; too . between the twb '
OF•W0111%11000 by medieine' deale'rsd:o;.b;'sna'113.a.‘t 25
• .
cents a hex from • The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Cpe Brockeille
on, coestipa-
in whatever public plate they happen- lands even in those days, when the DAWN
. ..
ed to as often as they:believed they difficulties Of. transportation are talien
could draw a 'generous' crowd ' of vil- into.consideretion. , . • e .
lagers., Often they wield get ,engage. . There' are many:English family
meets for an 'evening's entertainment names'. which are traceable _ to ,the
at the lecal castle.' ' ' other 'three points of the cOmpass, too.
. .
Xe•Little, Lesson' in Liying.'.,
Alidul Ben Teerfik was thoroughly
benvieeed Of his own great 'wisdom.
He bore hiniselt With the 'dignity ',thee,
CePeshith shonlil, and lootted:dowii
on the ,creatures of his rule With 'a
proper 60etemptl, •• '," •
It Wae.hie 'belief that they: had been
created by Allah le: serve hitch; and, in-
deed, that all•the beetaies ofthe gar- :
den: CroVinee of EI-13ar-Nrizare•-e-e1or.,
perfuree,s bied-song and spangled _sky
forhis joyanee. „. ••
Bit es. --Abdul reclinednpOe his silk
en couch' in the cool a the evening he
• flat and flavortees; the nelsf6ians were
seeree'il to lath hei- d
v;as net hapCy. The 'sherbet tasted
,berta withe siteceSsfuiouteonie which
would -sem to ..augur a 'protliable'efu:
tura trade. •,. ,• '
The Alberta:Government's' eXpere.
niental shipment. �f beef •cattle"e6 447,
, is 'especially eigeificatit Japanese
• livestock dealers canie .fioni all over
the _Ceinitry-te • !levee -the -stack, • 'and
• .
were well pleased' with the. 'ct4tte and
•ParticUlarlee, eatiefied .with .the 'bee(
-TheY ankle P-
ment Mede ,as seen' as posszble and it
lieliemed:.:tner•e;•,-iliepOssibiiity- Of a
•velunilions and preditable- 'trade de.,
7eveloplegtin--thisteonneetipti. hetWeen
...,Western ,Canada and Japan.' '
ain't -the ;-"eatcfler" 'or the "pitcher,"
the indlii,iduai • '
But 'el'oSe. eh:Om-id:ten
• That makes, them Win :the' day.
, . . ,
It ain't the indieideal,
:Noe the e'bigl, league" , a whole,.
eent the, everlasthe teem work.
,eter,Y , bloontin!
Must. Improve ethe Heoteb.
"Bootlegging LsIn its infazicY."
"Well, considering:the kind of stuff •
• ", it's being briiught,uPon. do you think .
out of tune '; -.Peet his, favorite dancer
grace an
abandon. • • ••• •
' __The troth, is that oneeot , Abdul's
cherished plans .for his own pleasure
and:enrichment had struck an obstacle
witiCh Abdpi; had th f n
, • Ilse ar, been ma -
able either to remove or to surineent.
alway-e Peeved the,-Pashah when he
could Miegetiihathe Wanted_Without
delay. , • •
:There being no comfort for his dis-
turbed- titled in any of -the efitettain-
nient which his elyetcxuetaves prie
vided, he dteniisseilethe dancers con-
demned' tle•ehief inueteian to 'be he;
heeded, anittnreiv what was left of hie
sherbet in the chief butler's face '
In the' ' Stoopingeever tfie•
cistern, he lneked.inL-woridering,as.to
its. depth:---zand: his chance Of.survii,-
fug hacl a misstep•carried him' over 'its
' What, he beheldbroughtefeembzm
a g,esp of ;dismay...-. • e
There--floatinge on -the 'placid 'eur-
• face of -..the water -lay the •Moon, fete
•goddess ef. the night.' sky.: •'
"By Allah end 'the heard:Orthe Pro-
phet here is, calamity!" he •exciehned:
The fete which might -have be:tallela'
,rnehas befallen the 'Moen!"
' . His :first •thought was: to einnmon:
the palace guard, !narshal' his slaves•
and Set all his retainer§ to the task ,ef,
deecuing' the imperilled queeneet • the
etareir heavens': • • .
,Bet.,,eit, seeded • thought he he decided
to, attempt thereseue alone. 'Success
would brine to him, the greater Merit;
• . •
and, perhaps. se 'win the fever cf Al-
lah s to ge. n. for him the eemievel• of
all barriers now finstrath' i g
II IS cher-
• • .
• .
. ea y, h spied a long pole -which
he had sometimes used for iiik-ing•
ripe figs front' the higher boughs. Seiz-
ing it, he bent over the cistern and
-- -
thrust it „down into the teeter close,
to the edge Of the.shinnag disc. ' ', •
Certain that its end was now under
the_MPon, he leaned 61 -611 -With all: his
,weight, as., if he would pry theseles-
tial lumitutry from-its-aqueceis setting,
andlirojel it upward to its place in the
• zenith. • • .
• The next' moment he bit the turf
violently With -head and'', shotIldere,
and lay spreivling and breathIess-a
His feelings • somewhat ..relieved by I startled, pained and most undignifie
• , • ,
this self-creeted •diversion, he retired 1-laanahl '
to his sleeping apartnient • •• • •
• But th,e soothing -magic Of sleep was
sought in vaite• He tossed restlessly
A riot 6C -eters danCed before his
_closed eyes l Then, as, the pyroteeh-
:pies fa,ded, h opened his lids. '
It was intelerable that .circumstanees His vision repted L on the distant
,shonld balk.hie will. And yet he could ' dome cif lleaven,"' and there; sailing
thine, of ,no way, to overeotee,,ehein. serenely • in her accustomed Piece as
The thing he. :the -Moon!". - • • • . ••'•
reach, nutevauld not be 'forgotteri. ' Pulling, hinaself together ; he rose to
' 'Hot and upeOtafortable, he epee from fits feet';aseumed his f permed bearing
hisepillows and wandered out into hiS of :8elf-Sltilled. ' 'dlirintinean,l' and .ei"
'garden. He ',Dieced the ,paths lietiveen clalmed!
"Behold, 0 'Alia,h; how great a :Work .
the fragrant shrubs 'end 'tinder •epreath •
A Tune, of Difficulties When
Watchfulness is Needed.
•,Some girls ' uperithe. threshold oQ
wortenhooddrift into a decline in spite, '
of elbcarec4jand attention. Even strOng
and.aSualiY lively gine become Week;
depressed ,ried irritable, and astleee.
It, is the dawn Of 'iv hoed -'e- o
omen m st
iniPOrtant -In the life of every
and: „prompt measures should be 'taken
to keep the blood.rich and Cure. : If
• your blood is not, in 'a healthY condition'
at this stage, the body becorees ill-
noueished and -other 'ailments .develoC.
'It.the health is •not Maintained, by a
sufffciency of rich, red blood, all sorts
qf weaknesses are likely to arcse: Re-
mernber this. Pink Pills"
have saved thousands.'of girl and wo-
men frOM being, life-long invallds, be
of' their wonderful bleed -making
tiroperties. ' • -
• The value of Dr. William' Pink
Pills to ,
y ung women whose \ health
was falling has been proved over and
over again. These pills are the most
reliable blood builder, fortifying
nerves and creating the' liberal supply
of red' 'healthy bleed which a girl
needs to sustain her strength • •• • •
You can get Dr. Williarne' Pink Pills
through any dealere in' medicine, or by
• mail at 50c a box frem The Dr. Wil •
'name' Medicine -Co., Brockville. Ont
, A. Hero.
• let Dog -"t Saved nine lives treday;"
•ind Dog -"Hew was that*" ••
1.st Dog-,-"Resceed '•A •- kitten .'. from
• ••, •
drowning.", , •
••• Doing It Thoroughly.
• The enthusiastic girt :was thrilled
when she wa.s -introduced to the lei:n-
ous author at a dinner -party. . She lost
no time in starting a coniersetion and
letting him knew that She was one of
the keenest admirers of hisAatest
"You 'haireenn idea hoW very helpfut
have timed 'it, Me. 'grain!" she gash -
"Indeed" replied the author . "In
what way, may I ask" •
. :."Oh, • it has taught me to .concen-
rate, •• , . •
•."To 'cencentrate? ThAes:ver'ye nice• .,
Now tell me, what- re you 'coneen-
teating on atthe Present time?". asked
the ahor.•
replied the.giri,-"lots -and-lots
of:thines!" , ' •
• A Farming People.
Approximately 60 per:eent.; or 1,252;-
604 of tlie pepulation of Western Cana-
da live • on occupied farms. • Of the
balance, • , 474,516 live in- Ith twenty
cities and towee of over 2,500 and 228,-
962 In 1,309 email tons And villages
Of 2,500 or under..
• When holidaying, either•p
your cat Or destroy it. ' Do
it to forage for ithelf.
, Just So. • , „
- First Turtle -"He's 'a pessimist,,
• SeCond Turile7L- "yes',
The Perilous Organ of C)ther
Th• ere was mentiona little While ago
In a provincial paper, of the discovery
of an old "chercheberrel,organ,47 said
tolaye': been. in'the posses:sloe of one
Ing „potpie e. •L' te• e•••:-• •-•!amfl for ,oveta hundred Yearn'''
e genuine epecimen Of the mechani-
„ Presently- he halted, with an, excla-- is
nia.tion Of anger. Some underling had
'left A great cistern uncoii•ered. He
might have fallenintojtt He resolved
to have 'the head gardener executed
Whereat,. he returned 167 hie.;:hed•ee
and to 'eletier. • , . :, •
•••And now, having Smiled eit the, feel.'
ieh Vanity . Of the Pashali: consider,
friend, how many -there are nO Wiser*
than'end, Whethere in. sante' :Mat.: dangerennfuninn' For
eeete that while this church barrel-orters, you may , nor he 'among ,theet.
gaa ,evae perfectly 'In order by' reason
For thisis a parable oteveste.Motion
OfeWitateeticatie !
Imoniptd b conceit
.o ,14. ye ...Of leentreteoeS,'it,eleo"ecoultiegive
• ,, .Ont, -JitivCrow.” and "PennyeJeneS,"
and 'ignorance,
not. to, speak...of "Scots hee,"--and
And the *arid is full of it -full of
yowe.,..sWe6t-Horne.,", What "haPpen-
self-iinportant little • 'people , enteiing
„est „in these,. More e late,tv h t,h.e,prgare,
„Aroeed•••the.:•eirelecee,treeelingl'far but e
sit's attention: .strayed 7- Peeseteinte
getting ne*here, eieendieg leech -tint tke • .
ator,etitne• organists were She-
erge but, achieving nothing •Worth ••.
ceptiliteteaeweekitese nofeatirelkhr;
While. Thee -iniste.ke' actiVity,
itillity and perepiration for, perform-, '4319.n.,,t.
o Organists of ,now-ebe
emcee._ fe, „e„ e e..pl.tua.getirck
• •
Conceit eendelgiionittee are4the.:per.,. •
:Gre:Otgailifee.istraine:pr.7.1eiie 'itle.47'1
eats ,ofl'uttle 'Effort,' The wise Matra'
Might, reasonably be excused for uti,
appreciation of his oWn capacrty chtirehlike hilarity hile.. the excite,
balanced, be, a sense Of his Own 'Meta, inent of,,the•Otganie-1•!,:cireeettelif be
thins, '•anit -thee-el freetina'•
, Kies kolrettied by a knowledge of tha'l
f -st ch tot •'11' ''t '
strum t had .s ttias
CI:Odriy. 16 be in ,eolemand
• Bo,w18. tanks, Wash -basins, also heat-
ing equipment, including piping. coils,.
I saw above a eeii nnis 125 hp. tube boiler, used lighting
, .•.
eattiptheut.' such' as • conduits, switch
• And there wee no once, ne,ar,or far, • • boxes, etc., all in handing being alter -
„To keep the world from being mln'e, elt
daaetria731 must
sold at
• • ,[.. „t, Limited; t
ee-A__solitary planet shine____
"PadianD-Schnni' .EitateseeCorne -.moor; 73-' Adelaide St. West,e oron o.
Instruction courses, in inadetn•'meth-
ods of gradieg,and,peeking apples are Telephone mein 3•10i,
• to be given to fruit *koWeli' at the up.
Applepeeking station shortlyto
' DO Opened bye the inlitietry et agricub,
„ ture rit „cOttenhaiii, • Cambridgeshire,
•.31Ingland. . , ,
. ,
Protection:of tea -Pronts. •
ureter tube tyPe4 1•p., n good con-
dition, else a logo, , amount
_iteg,; _lighting :and, beatingquipment:
ill tell entire or In part" at • great
, 4odt1 bteeks. 'set 'in ce, sieritIce,beeause alterations toour
ineiA, with ti,te,etid .eeeifeed,,,Property; Real, Estates COniaraiten,
lutie' preyed elleee it in resisttng the, tit -tilted, Top Floor's 73 West Adelaide:
et1ning aetteii of"tiIe.driveilgrave1.,1 Street.' Toronte. Telephone Eltiln 3101.,
,cal organ.• which in far-off days , dil 1'
dutyen village chur,ehes, we- have rea-
son to believe 'net the congregations
• ,
of those ehurches were in considerable
, e
standing Of the nature, of tne ettek to
which he, sets- them.- • -
ebilleteeein ,vnea fie e 41..4111(1:Ade •
and 'vocational ItalnItifk--Iti choosing,
the Job forwhfdi ho is fit, end iti
twit hievielf the -hotter to do the jOb:.
•'Ile Plaint lila werie, 'axid *Orkt.Chlif
en,:a s • now, 17press iii7I;;;Zr but-
ton Meant disaster for the organist.
_ _
•.e.yzetillibleting Seaieted„'
jepan 14 the Only tOtintrY.Whern sea' e
e'eeilis etilthettecl: :ter;Ittiritan.don
Minente Lininient for ethititnatigni..
house, and ,at leet, .after Many weary
months of unsuccessful - search: he.
found one 1:v111011e -thought would he
pat- the thing • .••1: , • . ,. .•; I
• Accordingly he went off. to see the,
agent.. . • e... ••;"•• • • ••• • • • ' '•" 1 '
That gentleman at once ,gave hlig ,
thekey and accompanied •litai '.. on a I
tour orenspeetion., •• ., ' • '
•Looking out:of one 'of the back 'win- ;
dews:- Pat: ,retnarked that the •• railway.:
ran rather' Close to the house-. •'• 1 l
' "'The trains doenalce rather a noise," 1
the agent 'admitted. ' "Thee may inter- I
fere with your eleep.ae first bur You'll
get accustomed to :that aftie' the first"
twonights." ., • .. • , .• '• ,. , • - e.
• "Atiluth, slitire; Ott not Want te,get1 i
accustonaed to it et all, sir," answered I
Pat, '"eatise 01 can easily go an' slape ' I
in me aunt's 'house then Couple o'
nights!" • • • '. .•. " . '• • „: " .. ' •
'11 you are weak, thin and nervoils,
let ystF, dregglet supply yon,with Bitne
F'h eaPhate.• • It is guaxenteed to 'bi-
crease -.weight and strength and re-
etore :emerge,. viper ..and tervIS„,fere
Co, 25 Frant :St East, Toronto Ont
? •
Minard'alimbeee up stiff joints
and sore muscles.. Splendid for
• rheumatism and backache.
• ..•Seed• a Dominion Express ,Meney, •
Older, • They, eee .eaYeable. everywhere. ,
• Tokio Librerige.,
• The greet libraries. of Tokio Are now
aething of the pest.Prier to the re-
cent:ectleraitY,:tne' libieries werestock-
ed ith Engliah betake. :EverYelapan7
ese cellegeStip:teat reads , • ,
French and German: having been 'reie-
,geted to the -realm :of eectind "cheice,
Since Engllsh ha e been discovered to
be the open• Sesame,. to :Westernop-
ponunity„. •
Miriard's LIniMeet•fteneees Pale. •
.L , e'Tit for Tat. -
Ing little Hoe- old .'c'ere' yOtte
' Cher -Ming,' in No-
vember: Heiv bid are you,"
`. Hoese and, :Home.
-"A ,hou.Se.fs Milli of wood and stone, of ,
l• ' 'peste and silts 'and piers,' • .
Bu-ta home •,ifl"befit of loving deeds•'
•• that last a 'thousand •yeate."
An Aeable Desert. •
• ee .e.fee•••••
. ..•
▪ 7 •
;Let„cilli. cm.HeJpYuKeep Your G��d LoOk
• Nothing better_to care for •your
skin,' hah• and hands. The Soap to
seethe and, heal, the Talcum to per-
fume. Then 'wiry not make these
delicate, fragrant emollients your
everY-daY toilet PreParatiena?
Urania leek Pm by Wail. Address Canadian
Depot: "Ontleara, P. 0. Ian MN, suateate
Pr floapMe. Ointment 2.6 aad We. Ta1erw26e.,
nor Tyy emir new Shaving Stick. '
• Th:„Deseet .of Gobi" in 'Mongolia
consists raosgy of ,goodgrazing
insis _on 2BA, ABLETS. OF. ASPIRIN.
, . . ,
you„see_the.,1tBayeilcroSs" on b1ei-s-464,-are
not g&tng the genun Bayer ‘-'.1product , lirokt;e4
,by .millions and prescribed by physicians 24 years for
,COTti§ Headache Neu n; 1 cia° LuinbagO,
Accept__ pti ENT 6t3 pAcrkatd
which contains'ifrOv411 diction,
Trahay "Bayer" 'boxes of 12, talilette
Ale° -bottles of 4 arid.•100-1)reggists. •
'Aspirin. is tee trees metre (togitite,4 is e..xtilade) 'Of Beier ViVexieetiurt.ef Nirtioilretlex
'aeltifiktft 0t4341cYlk6ibid (icetyi esilerlic Acid, ,"'A.'$;, A,44t. Wittielt •ts' we!'
Aplrir inesne ttil3te iteinutocinro, to tweet the nubile agaiest iu1itAtion,, thr Tehiete
ot Barer Ciecupawy wUl kit steeped ,with their general tree* inatit, the ",'Ettiyer'Crree:"
Nerves Gave Little Rest
,Relieved, by Lydia E. Pink-,
ham's Vegetable Compound
Harrewenutb,Ont'arto,-,"I teok•yoUr
medicine befoee•my baby WAS bora and •
it Was a great help , •
to m6 as'I was Very •
poorly until .I started
to take it. I;jtistlfelt - •
ee:thenglelfeVeatited '
Mit ali:the-tinieend.
would tike:weak; '
fainting spells. My,.
nerves would bother .•
'me 'until' Teould''',get ,
little met,' day Or
night. I waStold'hya ,
, ,,i. , .. B. Pinkhainte Vege-
,...:oVf.?-..!±4.._23,1nd. • and I only took a
pp (s lino it7R13,-e-4-iiie WorideffiillY, :ITT”'
*vele recommend ::;e."toetay-Womare I
- •, :nm doing what '2,C 'CO 19 pathli;,..die-14)ig - '
•• good Medicine., , I lend thet little book
• ., you sett hie to any ohe.1 es.„lielit. 'You. •
,• eart•WitIr thr gliefitd8e of le t'•='• 'utie
' my: nettle in regard .ti) the Vegetable
1. Oinipottici if it Will serve tei hel i others", •'e
Ittql .A ' . . , .%. , V*:
Ilateniiernith, Ontarite ' -
In n• receet entiettA Of purchasers el •
, ,i4ydia 'E...Pinkbetti's Negeteble. COM* ,
ponied eVi.`,r,1,0(1, NO:replies: Were receiVe4
, and '98 out of •every 100 Sam "they hati:.
heetelielned by, ita use. This medicine'
, is for Sale by all druggists,
I' .' , • • _z„, , - .„,,,, - ...,,,,.
'', ' 1 61).,1.. No. 40--;-..t.te I"
• Zeo