HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-09-04, Page 5,
on t
fiqurtgi)Av net
'Mt" 441°94 '
r o rilaNira
/Leave pro *Cent% of one oz the Great ,Laiaty ateambhiai-:-
• dean ea • cpmfortabla •
traveller has seen Canada until he has Crossed
the Great -lakes. Missing them he MiSSea not
only the opportunity of tracing a • great,: historic,
important , and beautiful waterway. Ele also misses
aie experience which' cannot be ejoyed in any other
•pait of the world—that of going to sea in the centre
-of a continent, Above all, he misses nearly two days
of delightfully cool voyaging,*.which, if he be travel -
lbw between the eastern Prqvincesi and the prairie
region, ,provides e welcome break , in the king' and
dusty Jinirney:' • 'de • • •
•: The Great Lakes ,of Canada form the Most
• sparkable grouPte gf lakes in ,the world—, group re-
markable for its , extent,' its impOrtance, its historic
interest' and Its beauty. • With the St. LawiMiCe
• river, they provide Canada, in sumnier; with a stu-
pendous :inland • waterway by which •It Is possible to
•each .,the heart of ' the Dominion from Idle Atlantic
ocean, a waterway which; since the beginning, has
been 'inestimably important to. the country's develop.
... anent. This vast expanse ' is haunted by the ghtasts
• of ' many of; the most ['animas makers of, North
' America, As for .thelr.beautY-L-the loveliness Of these,
pine -fringed inland 'sear is something 4.4,1itcli One feels
• . rightly belongs:, in-:,cri-earn;.-
The Canadiar ' Pacific Railway, through' its Great
'fiakeS .'Stearrishlp ;Service 'enables • those anxious to
'..,injOy -.SW this. to gratify . their desire.- Three fine
isteanishipa the "AssinibOiii," "Keeviatie and"Manii.
'tetra.", are maintained by; the compariy in this servtee.
Built on • and brought out from. • the Clyde. they are
;miniature (rear) °liners . • .
Choice ma a he 'made of three Sailings •week,
two froth' ,Port. MCNic011 .and one frien Owen Sound,
• both ..ep, the Georgia'n BaY, a north-easterly. off -shoot
%not Lake. Huron.. • A, train run • of few hours ,frOrn
•' -Torente -by-,-Canadian-4)acific • brings Port.
the nientithOle. 'The 'decks are es specient el the ,iehins, end as
*Nicoll? Within a few miles of the spot where
Champlain and the Jesuits made their ill-fated treaty
with the Hurons tgainst- the Iroquois three 'cen-
turies ago. • ,
The illusion of being at sea COMeS •FlOCks'.
of great gulls wheel overhead, 'fearlessly "Settling •
on 'rail and davit. The deck .throbs beneath. . Cool
breezes drive out. all , unpleasant. memories of heat,
dust arid snaoke. Only two features of -a» life on
the ocean wave are lacking—the tang of silt, for
which the' scent of -pine 13 .wcirthy •substitute and
the unpleasant rolling,.. instead of whieli we have '
almost complete stiadiness: •
• Throughout all afternoon- one vieWS • an evet-e-
changing panorama. Large 'Islands bearing tiny ,
houses, flit by:: Small 'slands, canoes on their shal-
low beaches, give glimpses of,white tents seen through
'treee, and the smoke of, campfires. "Night ;Ames
softly, gradeally enveloping this picturesque medley
of water,' land and sky. ' The moon 'rises; -casting a
restless trail of :silver across the hike, a trail left.
by the, canoes of Radisson, Marquette Etienne Brule,
Father IT'orgnes, Hennepin, MacKeniie, Henry; a long.
procession of. daring men,' whose paddles still make
puraic in the pages of, Canada's thrilling' history.
Acquaintanceship begins» in the dining -room- and is
carried on in the verandah cafe, the lounge, the
smoking roams and on the decks, with card parties,
music, dancing' and yarning an every conceiyablit
subject. . ' ' I
In the ;morning one finds' that -Lake Huron has ,
been left' behind. The ship is now in the St Mary's
River, whose green banks, with th..,eAh Accession of
suanm,er: eottages , and bungalows, 4E4.4 ,gliding:' by.: •
And so on. Past the. Soo, through the '"Big Water
of Hiawatha; out of sight of land to the Twin eitiel,,
—a never -to -be' forgotten trip. •
Vamin Are a Source pi Great liow They Compare Wuki the
Loss to Poultrymen Spring Planted Trees
The. Various. „Spec .ies. !Varner] held
Described -a-. AuLtring tifelterts.
.y I al ng„;rtare 'Alopg•
tkgrlet-ilture, Turdiao.) ,
esf-doineatie fowl .are in the aegre-
•',ate wady thousands of "doil.ara anT
• ..,aia;iy. to the poultry -keepers of CU-
-,iigjt f:S,orrt trttia:lnr.h:unu etycoot pres-
alieW unthriffiee0f ',Le* In
eefght„ lowc4 egg. trieduction, and, re-
- lueed causing' the 'Owner ,to
. an..,eitariiination.. Li the, exam -
a few mayliot. he. serious;
....mt., if Iiitle. crawlers' are
iiirease thouSands the et: ,
,..H.P.opgRTIE4 $4.4.
_ .
The following property, all Situated in the Village
of Lucknow, being part of. the Estate of the late Win:, Allih,
are for sale:--
Fliere,and There
Shipments of grain from Varicou-
ver for the 1923-24 sea.son.have now -
" Passed the 41,000,000 husliel ,thark., •
Officials estimate 'that the 50,000,-
000 'bushel mark Set for the smile"'
. will be surpassed- in the near futor&--
Solid L net: Store; with"•dWelling-,above,---aii
a 'dry': gohls. *tore; sitti4, od: oil' the North ,. West :corner Of.
Campbell,. and, Inglis St 'vets_ „
,Reports- from England , state that
'it has been universally concede that
Canada's pavilion was in the best
condition when the King opened the
. British Enipire Exhibition at Wein-
PARCEL NO, 2: bley on April 23rd... yeas the
Canadian building," the reports said.
• Frarhe two stO'rie, with large, lot, on West of "snick and span and Complete to
• the last nail. that led all others in •
higlis Street, dose to basiness ysectien..
• ,...
. . , 7
•• •
.eTwryl trick ',Bleelti. o;..cuoied :a8, general ' ;store,
, jewellry .stere arid' farm ieiplernent. warerooma, ;The •second
• floor, occupied ,as general „dental parlors and Of-.
• fice'a. This,,,prOperty • is in first class state of, repair ,and- has
been; newly dOed,rateci,' situated on seetli',side of . Campbell
_One-atory Frame, Block of'. four steres„.' noW Crecupied as a.
•barber, ahop, lauridry. and .gent' his property, is
-;no !Alt Campbell •Street. ,
, • .• - , • . .., • • .
. ,
l'ARCEL NO 5. " • ' ' '
Two-story Frame Building. of two stotes,1 now eccupied as ,a '
shee • repair and ,harne's4, shbp, sitaated on south .• side of
Campbell' 'Street '
Large 'Lot frentage on, north 'side Of
With., two -a tory frame' building—has :been
Canapbell Street,
used as a dry
the race to the finish in time for
to -day's official opening."
Over '
' er 3,000 settlers left Liverpool
for ,Canadq, on April 24th. Thirteen
hundred of these sailed on the Cana-
dian Pacific liner "Montca,lm," in-:
. eluding a party of 200 skilled work-
ers from Manchester; 38 belonging
to engineering trades, 40 to build-
- ifig trades . and 42 . farm hands.
Eighty skilled workers from Leeds
and a party of ;engineers from Bar-
row-in-Furness were also on hoard.
. •
A tote! of 40,000,000 salmon trout
' J.,egga,has,,,been ;collected -during,the
last season by the Departihent of
Marine and Fisheries , in , Lake
Heron, Georgian Bay and Lake
Superior. The total number obtain-
, ed , compares favorably with the
average collections of recent years
and is sufficient to fill all the
- hatcheries .on -the Great Lakes en-
- ga,ged-in-the-propagation- of-esahnon---
trout. ' ..
pf ,two-stores,On-seuth
,1 Campbell Street aed noW occupied as' a 'eafe and meat ,mar-
,PARCEL NO. :8: •„
Rtsidente.'.ea 'Havelock ,Sti'00to, next to the lidiethediat Church,
Inify equipped, eltietrele7.1ights bat Or farhgee,,'
• Sleepin" poeh, hard iirid SRC water, ltrrge 'frekt:„.. verandah
with lawn tt front and, both sides of house, ,*.driveways and
large r gartige--,-,for three earai, furnace and fruit cellars are
separate. In additioni_titre are two • frathie baits' on stone
that •tnaltei leaf 'stables...aria' drive sheds, garden
, at rear This, propetty•ie one -brtfte-,best, in LueknOW,
as regar-ds location, ant general
; • .
:These .-properties can be inspected by interested
parties and (or price and terrna),Wr.j.t0'
10 Kin4Stz't
Graphic and :interesting educe-
-,..tional,..eareatiOn,,epietnrea-wilt -bring- -
-Alberta s ,various resou-re-ea 6a the
eyes of those,. who 4tend the British
Empire Exhibition this year, In '
-addition-to-pictures illustrating th
life of Alberta's citizens on the,
, farms, On the ratiches and in the
mining districts, charts will be used
40 bring amt, -interesting compilatione
.oiiboriefjiztusa:sitig7iciulluSturtrzoritivape.",dof ithdustrie.provai-
, , ,
Carrying an invitation 'to the
President' of the United ,States to
attend the celebrations of the,140th
anniversary M the settlement of
Upper Canada by the United Em-
pire ,Loyalists, 'which .will be held
e, Miss G. Lazier, herself a
descendant . Of the Loyalists, left
Belleville recently on horseback to
ride to Washington alone; dis-
tance of 600 miles. Elaborate ar-
rangementa for the celebrations mit
!ming made and it 4.8 expected that
Slionsands of visitors IQ attest!.
r••••••••ti • '
gvorirbody ohould learn to drive 4
ear; otorting.wIth tho4o who do.
,eet un the ; Poultry.„1kee‘ping.. part ..of
' -he' farm, business -is serious.
d birds present a droopy kind,
appearahee, the wings: Mwer-.
.• the ivatliers ruffled., and the, birds.
%nay .sulfer .frdin diaritheri,
,• •
OiTthe t.d.r.y species. ,•
.iowl,,,sev eh a decided. preferen.ce
• and- , The. bad); •
..!•1110-W„ ei,lor"; auld St.lcks.'' ot,ty
:use to lays' its eggs
a. large -Clesters. on Ow' qiall fea-
-lers below. the. vent., • lt take a about `.•
.nree 'ogs ,to , mature:',"
• .;use:' This eieS to:.
'au. skin atid ieeding thereou is. -very,
riltating..... The ”:.‘tenepon pailiduni
3 .tliC,....Precedihg; only
-dinewhat,:aniallel. "and 'has the•';hatiit
.t 'spending' its lite:dm. the ti;at.lieri •
.'t , 'net; so"' h. ritating. and depositi-
egz,..s at:.the.:: hese ..of, ',the. •
head idu.se'i".1..ipeui•US
s-terogranbus7 cam •found
['Weis aml e;i,vc'et tes
Well .-- fru- taveanived
for lliari!iit,g--=-Tlid.,;tittifter di;
....,Trtee,„7.414„airititil. An();
• - • ,
fhe•(;:reat Oat ,t).
....•4centritidted.:10y..-04.-itatie..lie de flit -leaf ifri.
gJ.tPeffilleta.t4:. e'r.ni. 1.14 for
N.1 t te;14, 494; 4;,. LP1: •ainnsdn 10.4 tt.;14., ret)lizai.
! Rearil,•plams s•iii;Obt cheiyi'es were,
started •4.rt
ment .tatien.,'''Yitielatid,;: in ),'9...14,,•and
each.season ge fhat evidenee we
now haver..IS,faii.ly:',Conclustve... 7
• Pears, Plums',and ,$n,ein; Cherric
'''..114,,''a.:111dIlYT's'''N‘,..:e1).t44411ierlig:i:..teS.'1' °lira
l paii»
ing has ',resulted least enie Owl-
et deaths, andhas given sduid;Nybi.“.
,...,,greater. growth 'ot tree,,;.; hetit duitu
the .tir'st season and , thereafter,:
tine,.. however, leiv'e • the • diatii
.ences been very, great'," though. ther,„).
haye bpert'sullicieptly.mar'kee, to'. War-
ran:t planting, prUviding \yeti hia.
thred trees- an ,ite-'secitreo front
..hurserieS. ' Arees idd early:dad
'with unripened: Wood iiTe to
SeasOns, tit`tveritii'er- cuulditidnz
which ' ..gil.,0,1141T. •ib
pr4,0tia,14.:,11111)0S.61014' Q.) 6,001'1,, W011:'
• • Ilia,t1tre4 nurSery stock,„ '' ler S:ucii
.:seasons spring plauting. Would proli-
LsablY- he.-pretere.ble/ • '. •
A. prePable, reasen• for the.-.fewbi
..,11unider Of deaths in fall..plaift:ed IlidiL
4V:spring- planteii---tt.t.2^^1S."71.11111`tht
10,0t$ *of the fall glanced Iree'S'ar:c.'
• not subjected to dbidg O»IL ii
the -roots Of !treeti.'".hviii Lever Untif.
, . •
C:onjuoctioii • with ' the' ftill -vs
spring • Plan.ting;
.Weie ..planted erdiaary -dd-ts •
a the head andn� of yuung cnicz boles. and •in dynamited o •
....res.'. :it is dark grey,. in de-
•sis .
, its, -eggs singly on the:Mown
otint the -Ita,(1. bfaile:chielt.•. -It takes
''.bout one Week to 'reach the 'hatch ing
...age and two. weeks' fer' the Young
;Li 4-se...togr9,3ii to.' mat -
The .large hen louse. "tloulogot.es
thdonlinalis, sonietiines called, the
blue louse," is sniok'y grey. in color
ind'one.-third .the i)re-‘
:sticks clOSC.to the --body,
be • found any•Whelr-and,ia,easily
••vecogniZed by its : size and -
, •' • ' .1 : •
The wing lonse,".Lineuru.s..capoliis"
.ts: a long .and 'Slender species
:Vith la.rge rounded head. It eon-
jts:. „Jici', the • Wing,
Twe ot'her.spedieS4'."guit.
And: the „ "brown lguae,'.r. are rarely
'present in nuenbers.• pool:inhibit the
'dody feathers.' • 1
_infest -trig ;Terkeys., •
. • tiird ''sPeeieS :are Conatnonly.'found
)ri tiitkeS,S; the "Gotiodes styiifei."
and. the 'Lipetiruk';OOlytratoeSitts."-,
• "Oouthdes-stylifen".,•Isf.thp west,
coinrnon.. It is a large louse bearing
some.yesenablanco tlle' large hen
Louse,. • and.' maY be diatinguisfied
.roin it by .• having the posterior-
4les Of the :head*.eitended backward,
-and -terMinatitit titi„. long bristles. •
./laCilts („.;e."Se.
• , • ,Three specipaitifest_dluicks..LL„Ln.d..
.;•ge,se'.. a', lin] d 7'eatent, the oil) •
aatuie 01 :the skin eifTwaterfewl le
Leg a .geoci,..),preventivd:against„..t9ese
'ox.ternal'pa0aSites..s, The ispegtes coin,-.'
gioniy, 'found' axe t'Ddeciphorris' '•
• ,
rode,a,,',', a , very fornall ,Parasite,, and' the,
:Lipeurtis SqUaltdus." a,fong slender
ye /0 sh., coicimd louse. '
_ • '
TIA,ese birds aie..freqUently infested.
.9`ne 1.a1.1 -three!,
baculha,": "Gonionee dainitor,
•Lis" And "Li-antobot.es°;conifiar,','
Mtstheds Of atfiatr011ing these -
'1414 Will be given in
$teveniiou, k.Jatension,-
C;-; GuelPh. ,
Stiible , .
'. When planning ,the changes to be
made in the' farm Stables 'neit sea-,
sun; give Ide question,lint, ventilation :
pendent tipda oxygen:. krood (hitt 1$
e41.41:Wduici` neVerbe oL sdryice...:to
animals or to humans 11 it were not
(Midized or combined with oit,Ygew.in
the Wkly.: l'ire cannot, Learn witeetil,
alr;.'and 'food cannot be ,„` bnrneti"111
liociy,*ithAiat is
that -so' nitigh time and scut* hd,vc.
oeen expended- on tire prohletus 01
breeding: and feeding,1- and inat
little attentiOn has been giVen to the
most iruportautl.c,Maild _in pit:hie_
eian the stable. in such a W14.. tlittc
pure ate' VViif be a.V,aiiitnie to tile aul,
'ataiS every Mink of thb Inn • no bit i-
te,yentioti 01-Ide ()autrip Agin:An
farm.. College.
‘,.,,,Ntiturs :tonics far yoUngr 6E0 ,i
'Pl"gs are exercise, Sunshine; 1:),t,ixty, tti
green_sitcCuletit tet..N44,-tine
ruunditi3O, Sitecess Withtne
thereiore, will depend Oa getting ,t11,
ow and pigS on pasIOle as scq,;4 ita•
pOsSible, it. is just as' important id
,tfie health • and thrift a the little that
the mother get .exercise its is .".fnr
If' •
ea a
result Of the depletion Of.ent:
'forests, • industries.' .dependent upon._
wood are already going out Of filial,
4683, wltli tha, itteliitah).4 dePteasitig
infittenne On 'their loditiitiee, Local
exhaustion 'of tho fOrerite'.ift leaving
great stretches Of, land inan uopte,
ottottvo oonottotti rosoltiq,in vir'
tutu hflOoieraiholoOl'f.-0: not deOpPa,,,,
1.4414, fat oliait4o0.10o,orgo.,
, , •
, health .and "Vigor .of'the trees' in th,
.'•varioUS 1aitings Q'elue1-1 to. iiiCa.tt,
.• A; rich strike of !silver lea4. 'qr0
' beer!. made on, Galena
Icon 'Ong vein is eighe
teen feet. in width and , shows 70
l'per. Cent lead with 30 ,to 50 euntes .
of ...Several big mining intere.1.
iestK. are ',reV,arted.4,44.c-ho,i4vgi'ilrOgs•
' The . manufacture of wooden
. ,
bmtea is an important' iridristu in
British- . 'There are 25'
'boie-trialting plants in the province,
representing 4 ...eapit4t bOtWeeti,,
QQ0;00():,, arid, '84,000,090, . ahout,
4200 employees. and an annual:pay;''
911 not less than •.$1,,450,000e
. „ •
• :So p °pillar ha a the ;bungalow
Capin. system esta.blished' by the
nadian Pacifie Railway become that!
, ,
"it will he .necessary te extend it
, greatly.' This 4,ement: Was made'
recently by C. B. Foster, Passenger
Traffic Manager, after a Visit to
Ithe'ilotpli and camps in.the Rockies.'
That the farmers of Western Canada are new giving 'iriereaaing.
tention to the improvement of their.
liZrrie 'surroundings is shown' by the
fa that they 'have not only planted'
5•250•000 trees distributed:- by two.
government' forestry stations' this
year but, have also purchased large
quantities .frern private' anraeries..
• Summer fishing commenced tin
Leser Slave Lake on July 28th and
w 11 close„September .30th. Opera-
tors have been limited to a catch
_Or l',500;000 Pounds of -Whfitefi.Sh but
no limit has been placed on pickerel.
tahrlod. jack r ieties i as s ret.shteri.c,Inteadr:17,tF: 6,f,uorr
tish, corn p nies , are .operating ,this
summer and ill to Chicago via.
Donimiori Express
Imports of Canadian produce and
manufacture into Australia re-
ceived yea/. ended June
3Otli; 4924,' amounted in, value to
£5.004,283, an. expansion Of ,i1,899,-1
803.7-eVer the 'previous year. It
the largest volume of trade yet re-
corded- between Canada and Atis-
tralli, The greatest ' increase was
in inOtoe chisSia, though a. good
volume of trade .• was also done in
rtibber goods boots and shOes.
• .
VQ hat is
.clairiiedr, to .be a world's
ecord for relaying ,rails was estab-
iehed by,,a Crew of men on the•Ca-
adian pacific RailWaY, in, the New...
_Brurrawick district recently,- .In two
days,the 220 men in the gang tore
Up 29.7 miles of Old. 85-11a. rails and
replaced them with net,: All avail- ,
ble data .states that the former
anadian. record j was 11.7 milesi.
hich exceeds • that ;,established in
he United. States:
The,„ "Empress of Scotland,”' one
f the Canadian Pacific ,Ilailways-
Mest , 'dcieked at Quebec on.
iigust .8th with a passenger list
rowded :With Arnportant-
. •
truing ,thein...e.were: Lord._ Beavere_
the Canadian finaneier,
ard W Bok, editor of the Ladies'
. •
eine Journal, whose 4offer of ' a
that • the trees noleS
after; dynamiting were' ibr.
cause weakened and Clelny'ed''.iij
,growth. Tiati3 was attribtitecr,to tht
rapiddr:ying out of the soil., iinnitil•
• . -
ately» following dynaMiting.,.
delayed' the istafti•-, di• the .t • • '1
oVie,rcome this `dthicul.ty, the
inept. was cduitiatied...,witti7lhe auiii
tion • of trees, Planted to ltoie. dkiia-
iiified 'in the fall and aiio'wed t -o hu
With Water and ,Seitte/oVer
grp., Station, Vineland Swoon,
The ••Appealof the 'rive.% • '
'Travellers in ,P,ortiigat •report- that,'
in. many', Places wilcre tlbiuer
are to ti -e•
. „
and gardens---one;sees: the ,1ollo in,
inscription, 'beaded --Id. the .‘‘, a,y- a
farer• ,• , le
• • ye.' wt.i.o • pass by, and won id ra
your hand against 'urt-
yeti harm'nie, • •••:
' ani the heat _of yde. l
the cold. 1:vlitter
shade • sereening Cu lromsuin
. ,
mer•sun, ann lay tr:ulis i e li Lbi f
In d1auhtb ; quenhactg you,r
1111 A
•I am rh,s Lieatip,•thrit ,1101 -as c
• • . ,
liouse,.7the board 'tit' yoUr tctft 14
••••••bed whiLli you. itef-kial "
'' 3,
,.i•atei( the ,tiandie' hoe, th; H
at uilds - out , boat. ,
door Ot. yeur
.10,11.0SL6; 1.11,1 '1% f
of your cradle, Snull or ye, b
coffin. . • • • ••••
I a.ei the bread of kindness and the P
Eibmier .of -beantk. ' c
Ye .13;_ho in trrar--
ei..; harm me tiotl.
iftYthotiSand dollar Prize'.for the ,
eat Platt:tending to maintain world
ea ce created. : so much interest re-
ently, and 'E. W. Beatty, K.C4
. Aireethre, rovito get*
. • Very 'Careful: ,reetirds oi th iaint
fall at 2
theteelkege have bee.ri itept by. • 4,
tke, bePartinent ,uf Agricuiturai ,te
aleSan,,,each of„the Past e
haittnan and President , --Canadian--
. .
iist, concluded a most - successful
our, of Eurepe the object of»•
tracting capital and immigrants
." Canada.' He spoke :with great
ntinisiashi of :the proSpects, of ob-
In cianiparnig the-,aluthiut oi raiuriil.t
tailing: both and especially; antic-
tedan infhix of firie new Cana-, •
iazia frein Denniark.
•BeloW%are givA tHe nanieof the
P91)i1's .in tile' ,Nortli Ifoine. •
Garden,. Contest,. cOnducted :this „sea-
son bs the Department- of "Ag•ricul-'
1(110, dild the cdie inade by. each:
'Edna; Wallace., :
..ctuonit the :iii041.4e o1. JU1y4uut .•
and .6ePtbal,l)ey wich tthe ,aittdrint • of, A
tue.iii..tite-pdtat0;erriP-,in Zeten, di the... "
past ' sixteen years some .,1 te rest i
-iniormatibu has *lieeu pOtalued.:" :144
ttatitiat attiOunV ra.fhtai1::tor ttce
tikzee,c,ino nth's. ieterredatilot the, -eight
years in. Wnich there Was 110 rot was,
7.1 inches„ for., the' four, W1ie4
'there Wa$ a: moderate iintotint of rot
• .9.8 inblieS.,,• and tar ,:ttni letIr years
,Whieh,' the `rot• Was sibiludatt 11.
inchea., ,-„The ,"• 8.1110111.1i 01
tilerefore, appuar tol have a!
marked, influence in. Making Condi.,
liens fravora.bie or unfavoratne,tOr irie.
tdeVelepnierit,of ka.ten-
.sien, 0. A. C., Unelaii. ,.•
11,1 1923- op.Ls m010
extensively hi untitt,ioi..1.(4111
g1'51ns.49iiiIiinen. it is o'uoayiy
to say •tldit tili 110-tlL1Lr1c.rs y I tile ya.LS
W,11.111art:.! 116W 10 011 111 Luis PluV.
are 01 Ind U. L.: 'arid Inc
exper ill; en 113 ti 1104. 11111 U1l5,tuij
records: at the U.ollee itt 6.11V11)11 11.11O
1,11L Li r ti
Ontario, the Nu. 12 pas Sur- •
passed. the Haulier', lit norm qinflify
'of gra'iii"and yiaid ot,grain Per acre,
differences, betweLn iliese
-varieties, it applied to the eat landa
'et Untaria; would riteau 1111111011$ 01
dollars annuitily ,,,iri Ist•*'.er
C. No. 172.--,;.Dep,t, Of'Ekteneree„
0'A, 0,, Guelph,
TheGo3saM .Line-.
Of Beauty
• The figure of Youth for Youth is
always in style. This Fall a ,ettle
more of the feminine, a bitof
waist, a' suggestion of that charm-
ing natural Ji ne Of womanhood's
identity—The • crosSARD Lhae of
, Beauty.
To look 'slender, to become slen-
der, to stay.•slenderto have that
grateful poise of light -lined youth
For this the Canadian girl ,goes to
her Corsetierre.
This store has a, competent Gos-
sard. trained Corsetiere 'to fit youth
and all ages perfectly, .also a full
stock of Gossard Corsets and Bras-
sieres to fit all figure typea.
Try this',skiice and be tenvinc-
ed of the superiority of Gossard
Fit and Comfort.
Donald Snelt
, 90:
Frank 1(irh;T:`,.
. ,
The ultimate success of „tidy ...ta .
; operative 'marketing euert 'depend's'.
f on the Will Of the•rfarnier to...co-olio,
' ate; on,s, spirit of mutual. confidence.
, And on trtiSt in . One. ah 0 ther,e :• ;
, . UnCle' Ab .SaYall QCO .0,f, 1.lie best
wity,* to .get web to !ii,ork, builicrint
la to 4011 lut'l!'it5r iliAlt i14e14: .C.i.,'.
A '1••
„. ie
.Loye':tta, Nlyers
Eati 'Yarns *,
7esle Andre* •
N.o.tval `.1'oc6ck
1 1111 (fl pztlti.qc
Ward 41eell. '
.Hibben8 '
. Rath •
Oettrode • O'Connor
• Eiva 11,tictifiy
Duhtaa 111'eta3t".
. 'Thelma Mcrntyre
t.gercise domt .awys
the size' e,f the moecle look
9 3 I
.881.6P3:11 ,:a
', '
85 iLi:i
62 :
'. i') " . •
.;•-•", ...
. And do you renieniber the Old. '
---.' .. ' ' Phraeds-tporegses;aOgn°r:bt$:_41aisS' otv'n11, ,el'il'ilt latri ?rnti,i'.11'''''''
netease What intiSt a .spe6der't1,4i( when
et the ho knewhew.sl?Wly! the, heore' tnil
i. voili. ': '.. ». ,
Your rapidly
' -The number of telephones
you can reach to do busi-
ness with in Ontario and
Quebec has more than -
-doubted inAlio..past.9 y,ears.
r_,ach year fOr,•9, :years
• telephones in 'service have
increased over 11.
the value of telephone Ser-
•,..,viee may, therefore be ij% ,
more each year.to those Who'
'diligently' profit by the
portunities it offers for
saving`tnne and.e?cp,e11,tSV:•,,
1f,'CalceS11•1 years for
4 capital
to double itself at 6% iu-
te_1:9,L9.9..„10t oundtdannuallY.
How much can yot,i make the •
' telephone worth Le you today?
. • •
Bach neo Miserfber dad.; tollia—