HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-09-04, Page 3e',"'"7-7' ,,,tv•77,.
,,, ,,,,,...........-,.-...., ................*,.....* 7
eg4414194,449.-V.T.P104*---41refill14.. A 'ftifilillelding:Statiety:,,O
lift:Iv:out. ope.. of Ilie. enclosed' quiet. ' • ' '
Winter Wheat.' '''''. :'. :. -n :00.. esson i
. ,
f 4
she held it up.foY general. admiration! ' ,
, Bt ALICE; MABGARET ASHTON.' ,, e , ..-4e-detiegte, dkoratMits. -of pink and!: :The 0.A.P. NO, 194 variety of win, ,
.,. • . ,, ..... ,• • ,,.... .. ,,, . ,
c#0,1,A101A14. „FLOUR '
• .,,. . . green with touches;• of gold. met their' tgr.'wbeat.- b.4.4:4iiFP4A..*Pd All Other VAre . SEPTEMBER 7
. . W, ig4hprwfo 41;n4 ,TrA4 An ' the She hadn't,ineant to tell a lilting aO311! rapt gaze. ''"Never,"' She :exclaimed, 401-e.P. 44 .aver.40 ',..tettt Of 8r4t0- -1,r '-- '
I '.! fxrcer$.
• . • , . . .. .
. . .
aere during thepast few yeare. pi the
• .• :eleek„: . Fighteen'y'ears Of 'unremitting: Well, She didn't care7she .w941.0-tft. with, tears of hapPiness in her eyes Jem,is Heals, *a 'No, blenin''s,: Soli/ John 4; 46-54. ' 0o14-enH'Text
'work.. mill 'train the hOods tO accent:- retract one Word.she had.said.•• ' L °nevgr did I expect to 'own eueh beau- expetiments at Guelph.. and in the coe
opproii,',exi*poients..tbrizipgh9gt.on- ',lam the. way, and.the tzLith,,and the 'life. . „ -.John 14: 6.. . ,/ ,
. pliSh. the accuptomed taeks inechitriie4 Ma wastoaweary te lig awake that tiful .cupS as these?" ' ' ''• ! ' • •
, . i, tario. • In each of six out. of ;seven . 4 ...a • • ''. ' In the' month.: of May, 1924,. Cape - •
. ,,.. : ally, but yew- mind bee te be on 'the night with diSturbing..th0Oghta OthOr 1 ` ''Ig'.11- get Yon Ow e.s.'t of thg PS Wbeo" . . • ' ' - " '"'" • • *---" 41'..• FAJT4 IN 4:k$11%. 4.0'.•50-- - ..;:..,,,i.:,:;,: ,44-to.r.V.Sukeadt,4,,,,ilt;434 -9h:::it0,t,,,,,;*'• W4.5:11„,e,;%Chtli.fi:ei...1,::,01' ran.";,:te,icp,,.:,,,uortrtit:44,..fs,Ataotuer4,,,,7epreo•edzi6edtil.y.tl.lto,seh
. i ,
!,;-:,tki'lir .140...41;•.P.'..ri:'!,°t417:,tb,,I.Cfg:,4,,-,.44.,;.c.t i:41'h'rvZy'cl'!":„qrt...';•Iigig:':'A!.rS.444a•Utgit!•et::tti7.'ttm•Sedutt''IgnrVtv' -:jieli,goai:t4-';'-).Pniaolati4tgeflirieli'vfbr-eele-IViillitY1--•iy.t'telne‘''''Y4c747:::-Iqitidtille?dhab'ffeitni4thPa::$.11tehl'elinjtari7i ''''T''':4'74"'"I'V'Ell''''"Ps'1.!4"71't":54454"''
-4,1 : :.1.41.7.„.1..wrtit4c.,,,,,.14.0..tyo...e..E.„1.:.;,,t,„7,,.,:,:h. •,.!;.".,..,*....,.w.4,k.o.,,F.,..09iti..,y.,gijlt-,..,,,.„.* ,:,,0:_,:f :0-,....,:i.-,. 4. 4 -4 ,.,' _cm% ,. ,,. , , . .,,, .. ,,aixo 1.s., ...r.:7, R4).1)..tri7C7,,IPN. "4„ ti.l.g,t-iiits,ii..Q-14!.:6.,971'rrrib••:a• ,t'-'41:altoaPtl.o.t.lh'ti, ' • I ''.- - --. • • .'. . ; i " ' ' nadi '' -- - h-ta - • -
''''' '''''iiif'11:147114-41.911e3F'itilet7.:stirilS.;itneIai:ie'teies'''''r-'9.' 1.--• •'' 1-L.k.0 -i:'Y'WP.Y•''c''''S'autail• I'..9''' 41. '1".°4411"''' ' '''''° '' ' t''af!''tI 1.::c°1117''''t''''t'4114:' '1)'''''C4'. " an''''trade' . " 47' '
'' : ' . ' ' .• • • oc. e ah's iaevae. -f;noort al'!rtitha.:rtt-oo,t, nd iovui7arecoh'4,1;exAstelivhoogrni , ::. 'is.: r.,lie.,11" -e.1.°nIro'b i?e9ni: al Qn••• in . th is"s7- .tTtollr'yail.w:alle' .' mat r' adteeci ..,1, rfoomreigl,;c7.11.anr4.-0," 441,'ialcsng}4. C--,!:.1„.-7!,011-e"atZ.,,'1,:,4, 'yft•raerfl'e:e'',r,_,,.....^ ., ;•
,-.,„--•„.„,,ecat,,.,.4..„..,„ frentetath etparase.•,Noteean: ..ttegy.„--.06--deeidetieutela'st. - "Ait.•Vve..40,,,r_yot-,,.,:m -,,, ein „--. er.te4,-nutaf-, ''.4, ., ' •-• -,..- - .. . , . ! - . ' .. -• .' -II-- ;we' - --:' .atry.,•but--inffe'or: 'fteti-ghtgdette,Y,o' fAGocl,.-ASee-leeilse„ that-. "this.."sitax4tiealinsv-etrie-a'''ho'lit''-4,'"d-..--' '' :
• .. , ..e. be any relaxing ef vigilance . if got o do naw, ls. 0 p '411. out "jos..! hOW !And 'handling it as if .it were a highes..,elee.• Pqns ang "er9§0-4. .0113WW 1" il4 Cal'ile"re'is.;111:41isTr°wIl'
Galilean unbelief *arns him that there g .20'..'ji:Iiiik - ;...e„:: : ' '' ' ' " P " "P ' a t' ""Il •111.• '49q°".t.t.q44°C44• at aaea -
1 4; Bone.16i20; 1 John ta the Manner on which the &Mr mill,
! the ehildren's lunch io..;SPreat.1 0.4 the• Vd• 1i1te 'to .h..Ave tllingS.,- Allit t• g4eSS , ekiplaSii,e N011Y: e?gerly complied.: '' 'II wtePerimental plots at the College the 'he muet net expect any great success. -• e,
•!. kitchen 'table! when tlie.y vuSh. in Pree,111 not have, tithe to be much dipaPet. • '''throng'h theSultry heat of Satuiday..4); : w..,gpt po eorsr.wero. now ennotles wh. . . -t - - • • • • • -; - ' • 3./.:..:31,29'ria.F4n4allilybthd:44e07,ciainndtla4liiiic:
„ .- de he • e .. ; .ahlrf .industry has developed 'in Canada
' • eisety three rninotes 'after.' the noea epoiated if it. don't work mit.the waY., Meriting. lYfolly andher mOthet Worked' • - .gr. - -- #.- • ! - - - - ,. ' ' •
Whistle. 1,3,,r,ith sach additienal duties .I *mit!" ' • ,„ .:. ' l'happily, The house. did look festiVe.'"ferti14400', ' • ''
.., ,._ 1 ori • itted! t" the'. 'College,. by cross- OCcOrs" an .nctleinwabil bee'cotneS the .. - ' ,- - ' . . ' ' '
owever, there
,, There W' 40 4 tendency° t9'1"egacl• di" In the month of. may Canada'aflOar ' -
; e• ,o mo , ' RIF 1 ' p -
, . withh:oin,pgr,airteiticeinagbi.4iondendhiqugoicakned;uhoe !srnReywrnh,aiii:a8f4tebrIriogieeon,'hdeerlibterriaaltvlyeri.,t4unr4e .pli41.40eeeras, eeiwt,ah's :.i::1114.7.04:iibwaountgod t oh :!.e ju,iniar'i,'. y ..7T.T..s, ,xicl...,wA,...:Ch,ybN.t..i6.,d ,,111.10p,4. :atN'iwur.:,tbye .i:s3.t.r.i. at ,Nlre
'.. nical ' dictation Of -the .14 ehen . time-
' a. ".t1;4)g..°g. c1.1114i5) .414' '4!n(1 1.q.4i't.7 in.' ' . 'b. d f '' ed 'exhiliareting 'thelsafe•Preeinet,S, of the kitchen ;.eloe.r.,
•:Scope:foteeXcuisiona beyon • •!the,,tyrao-, ,arah •flordoni :-.calleirtn thedi. d, ing. 1.,Vay Wiehre. thechild,tenallo.*,ed•to: elew,-*!lie'at''*kth .8 N;•114e:, eligf aP..4, be:"1"....,
'breidis _haW.ceuld_one's inincefind.mueh._experietige.„ .a . proy
t plans had been- cOmpleted, and -the its jara. of
a ntee, ite .spe e: .ders: , ..: :, e ';.:''' ,. , , ,..
prettyffevreil, .0.P.IY, trent.... e. ross laetwen . the Da son's Golden
, tleSa ''.4ePIcl '404 !$. a v;g9r944 ,g,r°•;ver- proplaiintee one ,geeesa 'to the .Father- -two oh-i,,ss of inArm p‘opie? the eiele,es tee .41,,orag.o. eleont 1409490p boows of ,
•Chaff .41.r.lcit!!:".,Rnigariart.7!,_'Iti is.:ai-",virlit.
' ' ,s-evn...11141„ offvr! .iog,,,,,,,,,sp-1.r! itu.o..life! ::,...„,:oit':es‘,,°„;1',:.?n,Y".di2.clir.iii.i?;!,_,„1,eti_,1:1?1letir. It; ';314114d- '''vhilst t,..!•°...-e:°!'qw...tr.,:.1'.1..re,.d.'..;$.4.:4.,NY:f!.."2:" ,„,
.14:10:1; °I'''•'''''..ini'llg 64441' s°1-.4- tg • CcHlt the xame tintei jestis alwaYs..raeaka'ef the -.1.1n.ited iSatea .114$ 'been 'Milling Pa '
studies, eorhe fade to .face with this
aepect .of Jeses'en-iipiatry.,:-.', We have r in general:. As dernon poSsession .
ure or fliCtlfailer:' 'At :°976;509 barrels. 4)tiring. the.,'Pa,st• year ,-- -
experts Ornourite,d. 'to. 1,051,487 b,arrels,'•
fence,. had .PrOnoised, te °CaerY.
. Iii.Cciniparbon with. the PaWson s (3,cl- ,
' D e ,6-9 -I': '. - ",' 1 "''' ''"' - . -i.agg.7-the.----..import4nce ',which 'almost ,ther.beau4ful .riew cinnii,,c,ups ano ,
den Chaff it .has. been, even more hardy, see 'Jesus. aS .the healer;..bOtit ef body ••
for; JewS apd Sainaritaase 'Now we Weill' a's. the ,'pOsseSs44, .• Physicians CAnadian wheat :in bend- per month.,
•• l• c: ' ' : ''.. ' " ! ' • ' "Mar 'Mahoney of all"' plates. *eke at:ranged' 'on a spotlese,' :. - • .. . ; Might :cute.„the siek„ but Jo .eXtrorne . • . •
••.;.....i",Twe O'eltieL." sighed 1‘1.0, :resignedly , staggered her. . y
hridhs the result, the ,product of Some
- ''''' d'-.' ' h '' t ' the '71ittle Side table - ' Th '
e -
iess, susceptible le smut,. and almost ..and ef epirit A •C•OOrt official of Herod: 't Wok th ' t t•I' d t .
... laYine• . hie her dishtowel :at .the 'ye, . in this world " she muttere as s c o h on .
, . . ' - ' ' ° - " -------- •-• as stiff in the sttaw. It has,..beeil la, 'Aatipas,,whOsa eon is , darigeroaely ill' 250,0110eharrelS of•-;flotir per month hai ',••
..hement behest of 'her . youngest,: "and, Went back tO. her owd.kitchen. :, "And bread., Was ...delicateli - plited fOr'; the - : 4 ' •• • -
been eXpOtted. a5 d9111.* 0011,T of the ,.. .
bring health just aS it• took the' w r
' the wash not On the ling' yet, ! 1 won... After *hal she said, last night!" , .sand.withes.. lilelly. had 'even laid ,out Ijuied by the heSeion. 'fly 'to alges 'ex, ;at CapernminVArrives. at Cana •with,• . . . . .... ,..
- : 7: 'of.. . God ti.:i ' wrench' a ' nel;leess•
,jured by the heseian• fly to a less..7,til, urgent rggpest that Jesus •will demoniac. Out .of the- elutchee' Of., United • States, , This 'means that ex,
der why My' babies alwayS. de their " , Mrs, MahOriey looked. 'open her a'S.,: on her mother's bect upstairs the,fresh,
tent' than .the; average of forty variee . . . .. . . . : . evil one ' ... ' ' . , ' •
'come at once to Capernaum.: , Jesus" ports Qr. ileUrfrour the ,.United State:a
. . ,
.teething in :the ::bottest .part of the. eetabled , family that. 'evening '• and,: .".*rapper'' 4iid the.: white 'apron. .•.
,, . . . , . , ties under test during the last . foOr 'nieved by the intensity of the. father's •, • --., '. ' .
' in May were probably only about 730;- -
, ,,,
• 'when the noiseat•the supper table -had, Ma flushed faced and hair In cum- ' • - • . ' . " : ,aPPeal-,, and- by the eviiience •• of his- .. , • , . • aearacaTtee4. ' .
, .
!faith, anSwerg that • his VO wit l' ' ' • 000 barrels, Whereas exPoits Of limit,
, Wallinge:Baht.liennY• from :his• cradle 'accurately 'dretiPed;:: h• berola; Clearly..enee'reund the dinner -table when he ''
, . . , . • to, cmtario tarMerS, tree - of cost, I
.n I.. p.A.'rrx' ii,T. 4Estis,,,46.-.56; • . ' : ..' ,:-:•of high, ranle'and dignitY•in-the royal :300,000 barrels. , :. • - ,.' ' :' '
•, and Fuddled him- :capably. against .ber ono With :a begpiling „senile. ahe: an- husband "enteted. '.. Again. beneath ,hit,
1 p.eiazidlote to tliese Who: wish to con, . ' ' y$., 46, . 47.. • Theeofficial who . here •serviee, and perhaps ;of to.yat ..blood.
. For half a century the U.S. has hell
'deep And Meitherly• breitat : ..: "There,: -flounced, "i' ve ..irivited the:, Mother's arm waS to. be, seen - it • lar e and Sim; '
a dominating poSition' in the inter,
. , piere,-heaey, 1114,,wasiet scelding yeu...J.-lleeting here• for Saturday afternoon, :geStly.e• package' • ' . He 1 '
. .: . , . pa ,, . : , . : ,. _ .. e .: , „. : p acee .t e box
-• dUct teste with three varieties of win, '
1 ter *heat this.autiumn 'and wh6 applY '
. ,
.• cenies • t(:! , Jesus- is, • in, the ....service of • But high 7po4ion, a beautiful- home,
Herod ! Antip.a.s,', tetrarch of '.Galilee., loYeIy landscape and great Wealth canz . • , ., . . •.. ..
d.' h
. did hope yOu'd..held Off with that.toeth , , ,, ...• , . . ..; his. wife s hands, „ . • , . . I ' . • Antipas had .his •Seat'ef governinent at not boy.. ; immunity, ; from. ' ,,, homan•mational ' flour ' trade. ,.. This position
to the Field .Hu.sbandryr•Dept., 0..A.C., .Tiberia; 'on the -Lake'. et. Galilee, •and trouhlesapd urgent need,,,Emitetryflife Was .gtadUally• streagthened ,Up 'to- the
'' 'till the weather Cooled:a bit, hut: .My .• ,, The two. f`rniddle" boya pailsed.' nit : • 'Beneath-, the "cover ws.:ra. layer. of,
, ' . cloildl-en-tcre-aM-ys.,ust that 'folay,:ial ....their.,.'stiingeg:10efer)46-eidataa,.ge7-pep•,•eleanowtepapeirthrtitighevelpelelottiething
and capable!''t •; - ' •. , : ... ' • '
. , . . 'eyed, at'theit 'upfamiliar and ;serenely. bbie and .white shimmered stiftly, "Yon ; • • - i , • .
GUelph,_Ont „ler seed tor, this pump!) •
,‘, . ,
, . .
considerablenuniber or .4thrkinistrativ0 anti.,,,,to' free and praetical .exptesliop
' ould_lia_ve_in his ereplaymen ' • . r ' d 'm '.c' ' ; er
con ' ' ! eLia-W-Itic....earetlieeReptiblic
I:„... -ora.
tributed.72. tier cent, of the 'Werltrs. •
officers, .of Whore therptesent.'"p9ble-• of. neighbOrlY.,. help; Se, oll artificial
ffiiiiir: experts. Since: 1904,, With the! .
' Having;gained his deSire, after per: •-smiling mother.: e pretty Melly *ta, used to"*ear one like that,"....Paeptatie ., ' ''' . wows, , .. mith'!' is ope. , Whatever:was thooght 'hitt '
lira .are breken down. as•the fran,
exceptionof the, war. years, the United '•
.,:;•eisteet ,efforte,lienny."elung 'tesolutely expreSSed her astonishment.;- "Mercy:, :itg9d te. saY. awkWardlY. as she'lifted :, the Crop produeing Capacity 'Of of Jegus • at! Antipas' court, • tifis par-' tie father leaves • the •Aitic •soa, • in thel-Q. . . •• '. • . ' - .' • ' ‘.. .,
' • ;'- open, windM:V a •perfect "drying" ,4-hi,y
, ,. . to: hii. i.rnl *Viking refutre. ThroUgh the Ma, how' could.yeni, the. way the house. Out such. a dress 4!•••$}ie"..ertainly •had , Many an. acre in Ontario 'has during ,ticula,r coprtier. is led to,seek the Ales- home et luxury, where, leye and &vile. ' • •.
P • ,
lOgli'sr' '' ' ,:.' ' : .' '. , 4. ', • . not • poeseseed.' in the: memory of her the pot. season • heen • redueed• 'by:, ter'e aid:by SerhouSillnee,S. in his lionie:' Pon :and 'skill ,haye done their OtMest .
. . . , iiitorhtsharibmeaeinTietdegadeoh•iiiitiTntt„.51:eseifausai le.h3ult.'.' ,
, . • .. . : .
' mocked at . her. tabs 4f: half -washed .,.Pa MahoneY, . slower of ,peteeptiop astonlihed-and admizing.children. • . tveenty,fiVe per cent. , This. is too Hieeboy i.s ,at..the- .point„of.• death' in pa; vain, and hastens. ever hill and dale .
clothes. • . And the. relentless. hand§ of than his offspring; 'dropped ,bis knifed' • It a true., she exclaimed in an awed heavt a charge against •The• land an - . • • • • • . . . .
• , . • .
d Capernaum. , ' • ,• ., . - ' 'to. distant :Cana, to' fall. at" the feet head of the...list oVexporters: '', Now: .•
. . ; - - ' - • . V.,, 48. Before, aeeeding te his te- of. the :Galilean 'teacher:, Jesus' 'has the develOnment Of the Canadian tnill-e ,.
•:the chick Moved .forward. • .,. .: .., . ,.
, • . , ... . . while , a . stern .frOwp. , darkened .los „whisper, •"as'ttue as. fhte itself!" ,':.] only the rieli. fellows. can' Stand the
. quest, Jesus• reminds the• officer' that, beep :kind to others, the neighbors. ing industry.'40.4.ggtegoyeues§•.,i4;the'
' • •!. "My gii'et..:ATig-Mok0o4-, aren't. YOU eatinten,atice:,"}le was 'emphatic-bie dee ',• °"Whara, truer,rpiestioned•TO,;',Who•l'ioSSei Occasioned by'•weeds. , , ,,,i ; the:Galilean. ptibliels alivayS diniatede spealehighly of bina,...and • haVe• great -
• • • • •
Past'in develoPing foreign Markete •
: :.'..•:•ready..to conte, with' MO te. that Moth-
- ,.: •er'S...Meeting?"., The' sharp:- Voice , of -,,00nticiag the gadding ways of women, was. looking for moreef' a ' demonstra,- , . Keep iweeds, off•the frm by plOw•• in.g, 4.i...si-5.
was jiin Mahoney: ,.Ccitild it be 'that tion.' • ' ' ,!.• i . ... • ''.• .' ' , ..e. "' ing fill the. "land. that.. yon intead te thin •of .faitli. They. will. not accept a 'last arid Only,hope. . • . .. • . ..- Ti 77-
• . • • • g. -u and w,oriders",:•as.the• coudi-• faith ;in. him, .1 -le Was the nobleman's ..bikp„
• •• ., •. . .
• . s gmficainnt cry ebi oi npar i It i:nnt s• , NuVni tdhe 1 .7 \ lwaaryro u'as:
• . •
" serah pordOn callinefrent: the- little IVIA.'inoet elisible.and decile of- crea, '., '`WhY,"- eaid °Ma; COMing to,•berselt :plow:immediately:after harvest. .Ciilti'41MesSiah *he does,'not.pertorin nuraca-.. g. This is ths .nrat §tep '.toward a
i the preaent :time, iyould seem to. re.-,,
',,:i.•frent. entry 'startled- the . mother from tates .:Woeld•date to defy lila author-. •"that 1 .haye...the,:iciadest husband and: Vete a$°.• fietalently . as ''Peasible with I Ions deede.. , They' .will.„ not, belieYe ..in hi_gli'er faith; tIt Operates ii,i the •rettAto .,•
, . , . . . sage a supplanting of the 'Republic''by
.. her efforts !.gt •pacifyiag her . glingipg ,ity?„ , •, • .,. - - , ,. ',, • ', -• , , the best ehildren in:all the woild17- • ' .1 the springtOOtk Up to ' the end of 0e4 God:except when. they see extraordin. of .he intenec . ' Except ye see signs . . . . .. . ,:. . ,.
' infante . ; .., - •. , • : ' - e..Like. a:born: cliplornat'lga hastened . At the appointed nhetir•for the meet: tOber.• In early 'November rib' O the - • • . . • • • a • • . ,. .•
all.lhanifeStatiOn8 .. This. is in. ac-ord- And wonders • ye Will not believe." the ,'Donlimen„. and :a 4.apreinagY for .'•
ance with the'whole JgWish belief that What . are 'the ...fitcte? What ie the Canada' in thia •regard: in the not . far
„ ""Witberny Clothes 'still in' thetubS?" 'ta pr.sei4 hor '41,0e4ce.. 'PThe.Speaket mg the 'women. poured in: . . If :the land, that . the weed.'roets ',may. be ex,
Godis outWatel,. And that. he is. •otrt, troth? ' What ,princiPle is, .involved? -distant future: . .. ' •••• ' '' ' '
• she aniwered with :her ::ready .smile,. • wanted a ..plate,tO hOld het Meeting in 'speaker. for the- aftetnoen .ilad, lacked' fioied to the Weather; ' Aibbing attach-
. " : ••• . •,--;:.
wardly ° revealed. It".•WOuid'eatiPeati..What laW explainS 'the plierionienon;? :::'• .,•:'41. '.r0S1','-wAR. .OEVELOPidENT '‘•-•
r "Not but, W.hat• l'il like to:go; Satali,". oar', ileighberhoOd. ... It is' a. fine atten- inapiratiOn,, she, certainly :could 'have; nienta.care be placed oii 'the' epting, .
• . ,
, .
therefote, " that. opt '-,Letil SaW''.'in :Vie •These Ate.. the questions our stientific, • . .
, , , . .. , •• : • -,
. :•site. added,' With a• longing rietein het lion th''pat. our .coixtriiiiiiity,' but the •found.' it in the ,:radfaot .fae,oe.,.arto,re'..toatii cultiyhtpi.. which: makes • it poS, healing"'Of. 'the • eicic, a , poseiato!! hind,. age specializes in: .The heart Of this : canada's development . as'' a • cOnntry
. . , . . .
*Omen': Seemed AO; .shi to itiyite •het. •'Mahoney,, •.' ''' • •,, ' • I:sibleete"etiver alarge area• in :a day. twice to -his Spitittial work,' ' ' a th 't lesson is ' a t 6 :healilig of • the boy - Of 'Wheat 'eXPorts belongs 'etrietly to „
:•ttliprovingly.. complained Sarah ..with
. '"Ites always the- saMe story", di's-
• liihed. tainifiee ° in 'Tint° etteetedon't talte tea and .sandwiches, filled her mother's.' threshing Machine 'before it toineS to
Said. I to.niYeelf:"If Some Of the ,ost,..it'i., . • Pretty' M011y;° demurely Serving tbei ' 'Insist' an'' careful . cleaning . Of ,the he nonl,y healed "as •neeessity' arose: "He bOt the • MSPirmg :of Pi.e. .bey'v. father • the post,wat era, belangiag; "in 'tact, .., .
-wished to. reid hien' 'to eee that .God'is with' a:true' faith, -. -' - i .• ••••• . - , '' ,to 'the • mOst recent- years of this era:::
inWardly 'and :.Spieltually .revealed.. ',In : 3. From.. believing the' stotieS abont •
•.! the ,freedom -.of o f eiead, • "1i Would7do oP.Sueh things folkl. x..': natutallygO„: .heart with pride., The children bOyer•LI your farzn.."" See. that alt farm maL
the Wilderness„••. he had reneUnced the Jesue,•the nobleman, passes: tp. i:. higher:: 9 „ , 9 a a In . L. '.
E'xierts'of flont :te in Can d' ' :1919 ' •
. yoa good, Mary Mahoney' Yon' fast ing' to :think os !.a• Poet loCality..., .They . ifig.,iii the., baCkgroand • were„, orderly, ehinery, iafree frem the roots of.pereti- ariiMieted; .to . • only '4;83„,183 .harrels., •
deeire to. make his:own ''' '0 ns c imi sn ess.• •Stage of belief,°4,that of truetirig in'. the ',,
. stayhome and elaVe year in And Year, wen't 'Want tO he moving.' their families end .cleaO to an • unheard, of :,clegree-,1 niiii Weeds 10ifoi:e. going' to Another .
, . • valued - at :.$20,581,079,, ...Of which :the :
Of.% divine !-Sonship',,dependent'•on ' out, word,"of ',resin... ',Testis would • be 'loved%
oat."!, • . ' .'" - iii here,. ,'We,OWn.OUr°place;-•whieli pot Betint. ,BeY. ',Was: eenepieuottSi' hy hii".•field. . ' • ' ' °: . ' ' ' boneets eat :„ foie; tiii*eit .1IniteceKingdem•tOOk2;194,0'57..bartelS '
Ward' Or :mit:acolous' clianeeS, and henee : adt 'far Iiii•
.. "But , 1 . can't:,,leave., a crying: bhby Many. folks do.in tbe street; andit'e to • Silence. • ., - , , .,. , ,. . .. , •• . : ,,, .
. alonenot :My 'wash': .in , :. the; tubi: • our y...oWn..... adyantage. to be ' 'public. - " .t has. done me good` to• be. here,".`::: ile,eee4cs tO create in the bearts Of men;
tozt JeStis, had spoken."' ;' '•• . •• ,•.: ..:.• :: ..,'.; • .i9430'hatiels• werth .$85;145„: and 'the '.
"And 'the Man 'believedthe •wor4:tiiroi wOrth.;i1;984„842,.... the • United...States' -
1 RoUgh tlandlini .Detreasei .. eVerywhere the' Same :,, spiritual • '
'''Sehonl wilt' be out in ancither Week snitited.;• " -- e, ' • - "•• ' dee red .: the ' ' .w'etty. speaker; al. she, ..... • : w i
-Ma'S •hand. in ' parting . "It. is 'the' irtog ValUes.".; •• . .. . , Nr, .99, Ili: the- PreSeat .case,,howevet; • ... ,... . . , . . . . -„ . • n . e • as sca • -
, 4hat WIlich'tneves the.'veill :to. detisive Werth.! $'.)1. 039- - I th ' 1 I fi 1 ''
centiona' of GA.'''. • ••.! •.- ..,, '. ... -'• ..!. . ' .. 4. , The , bigheat. and 'final faith is :British West :Indies '585,655 . barrels ',
••:.,.,,Maybe then•I Can get aWay,". she pre, ,..i I.: The, threatening :frown • on Jun • MA:: . e. •
y ,..: . ,ho. work with their!: ' action: He believed full alto ether.
' ' ' theis like Ou *. • A: fehirepage leaflet has been issited Jeauals: faced not by • a' , demaad •for y,. • g' • , • year. the ennerts 'of flour froth Can da' ' ..
.. ! pliesied hopefully:* ' ,.`fAny*O.Y, 'you honey'S faee , gradually ,relaied : dining ..rn°
heads, and', hearts. and_ hands .Who. ate. 7 : • . • . • • in Jesus, not siMply in his WOrd.° but .,' ' '. • . • • . : '4). ' '
cOniel.ovet_,to,niglit -and _tell! me eYery, 7this''asteaishing recital. `.711wt,;s0,.I.:
doing the real/things, Mre,,Mahoney. I b the Dominion• De t. of A . ictiltute "Si s'"•lont-1.) i 't father's a ori • land .
,eie(Live :Steck Branch) guicied.ht'whieh, ..e.F9nseats to„theirequeat.., •'I'here iS . i.p., roil' ;,,sTit),q.--, 783;118,••hat'inge increiSed. la ' thiQ 'Vo:-
• . . ,••• • • I • • • I • • • • • • , • • • • • . •
il. c16,, '6 . 1 . totalled/11,71.9,92g batrels Worthetfizie I*.
' thing. thAt'e Said.and dene."; .• ' ., ,..guess,"ixe.,adMitted; feeling as if' some' '
"Bat' Couldn't have done. itit they 13- ' ' gr ' 1 a-rr '' ' ' ''' ' '' ' '' ' "in hint 'himself."' Th'' ' ' - '
h a cs„seno.eliitclow:Ofdeatot that', f ;Ph ..
shi ' "In' lad d•,"Ii'' :
c e . is ty o e!, pose... .ita ., ,
hadril ' AIL:helped," 'renianstrated. ma), .PaAni •
tho .- farmer,„ and :breeder ', niaY siiVe '.4 sW..
44. his Father wills' the, •result andlelus.
' Ma's :resolUte •smilelasted' unill'''the h'. A - -• ' l'Al ' tt d' h' ' - °'
, . ..:. . . , , . , . . one, ,a • ,one,xpec.e , y- pa, e ,• , on on • . • .. . . , ume rem. i, ,-., , arre s.wer„ •• •e••• ,-
f ... ' 919982, b •• 4 . l' th $-3 °
clonal's. , it po. intS Out 'that ,..e sa. • • ,••• -.....• .. ‘‘..-- ' , ,.., . • • , •
ad is contagious, and infinttely more i'
' door had •Closed behind' her, neighbor. t.he ! back: ' '.° :. ' , • .- - ' " , . '... : . ,. - ' . ys. to, tne..otnce.r, , tie, lour ..s , , . . . ... , . . , - • . .• • .. - . ., • .. .. . - •
: „Olvliet .*ay bac
. . .,. . ., . • .
k' to 'the 'kitchen she ,.. "But • the• hOnse; Mit,": ',protegted-
' ' ' thinking only :of -„her, initial 'flight' int.O.r1 hog is, easily 'subject "th. bruipee; Which ,liNies:". It • il net ev.en necesgtirY pessimism. •, Faith in !Testis •is thee at :Canadian flour at 'the ,present tinie '••
h 1 ' ' th .' 'cl' '' ' ' t '.- ."...178.1r() i .1922' ' ' .'• ' ' . '
on v, o:esome. - an iscouragemen ! or , 4 • n • • • • • ' ' '
' light.'e fp.II•never tell,: WhY I 'Can't go , fqcrell• i have ',eVetithingH. spie. ,and :Ancl, :all, ethiei chhildren: lidaye, been ••sti."'
"Ond one that :leads to thousands -Of ,•
lio • b.ein placed • 'Oh ! 'the market' e. . • ••• • • le ,,, • for '
cisions„- uplifting influence and noble - • . - • .
e ,. ing .accounte ',int e past yeiir .foe. a,- : ,
4Molly i....of:.giytiF.s. Mean depreciation in,.yalue. ; jesus te 'go in. person to the,.house.:. • ••• '
•. , ,..
threefold- proCesSint, growth, based 'op; ••ii going to' practically every: .Couritry I !,
. • .. ,
the realins•Of social .etriiiientS: ;
. „ .
., paused .to ley the. baby, ivlie had.drep, ::MOIIY, who' •ptided. herSerf '.. that She '
took, care of, Beany, Bey!and; made the Roughltandling ie One ,Of the. caoSeS, If_ ., .;
;nig: . rOWEIt. OF ,, FAITH, f464,'-lAgplred. by pqrscinat ti4u*, ,'41.1Ct. Of the World. The United Kingdoni is ! - 7.
.51-54. ' ..I '
.: pediaSlecP..in-.1ier arnis, on the Sitting-, 'Could:. see. : farther into 'Most things
te r d th s "(I ' ' If ' ' dd t d ..._ .;• •••• coming to. its,;:fOlfilthent in . right • de-. the moet vein ' • "-I' ' ' ' ' ' ---- '
minous parchaser, hay- ...,
' •!rootn 'lounge hway. from. the 'heat and than either' of her..parenti.- .• •• . . : . .,
. , . . . . . ,, . • ' a, sp ea e hn wic es hn us e . Vs: 51-.53. the'eventsp.reyes hs Jesus
• , • • . ... • good . orea .y aven't ha anything to • . .
infliCted With brtiiies. . Since saYs..the ,aad,,s
ba°s'et1Tahnetsii°wbhein•r'ienoi,s.t.Met. 'oon;(1)17.! .d.e. eds., .., ,•,,---.....,..: .• : '-'• • • ,
. •, g34;,9g4 - barrels.. of ' the total , expotts' ..• -
, . ..,.
•• .: to 'these .meetings!"•she reSelYed grirm 'span and it wilt...look Well • enough "
' • ly, , as : she. picked .iip• her: dish -towel , Aestited- het . inethet• cheerfully: ' -4. No . •
. . . do e • • ' y"
=opt enjoy , myself . . , • ' ' -
I. leaflet., .2,500,000, hoga 'are slaughtered. tidinge . that Lthe .. bey hase passed 1 the
• , 7 . . Mr 3r, 3' . P - the J y • ..• • :
.Whilst• •?21,0:1Iliarrels•Went tnth,2 I..l.n.,',.
, once more,. then .fotgot... eVetything One. eXpects fine furniture,' 'iii. a house . -
• The Speaker sinned. on'. Molly .Who in .the packtng !.plants, anttUally,,,'of .ctiSie,..And :is recovering. On enquire ' ited States, or ..only abentqone,thita 'Ai'. ..'
. else in• her attempt to finilh her work
before SUPper . thrive. .., . ,•,,,, ,.. •• .• • •
• • • • . . • ftill.of growing ichildren."'e .. •• ' '
"That'S"se,".egteed Pa with inereas,' -Pretty timidity and stood inthe little! 4.re, found te .have 'been kruised..or that it'. deem:red.:at One -o'clock, (11:ie
,. .#rne and. gitye .thelady:her, hand with''`..v!*h.. often .1.5':p.er coat, ; or p7s;oos, ing..When the ehinige set in, be. finds
• outstanding., featiltes of • the ' yeat'i,.";
. inueh• !: as.' in etlie preVicais'..Yea * 'The' "
ftont. porch witly•Mit, while:the gueSta scarred, ..a. lOsS is, ' entailed - of' • Ovet iseventli•hoUr‘ reckoned froth ,6 a.m. of
trade,' which':continueto have. signifi••
, •J:1) the Sultry,,-dask;of ,eyeni age -Mr s: ..ed :geniality.... "You", Can' • trust -,•MA'S I
passed doWn 'the Atreet. • , '. • . '• • ,r the previiais day the tiMe when jestls
the. trade With,,:Gernieny....e :
- . Mahoney Sought the ° conifotte of . her judgment MOI1Y."' ' ! ' e ' ' ' ' - - - ' ' ' ' l'.1900,900,. .
, Ia , A ' fORT,n,R;101'4,/1 'PeliOdi ,.,Ii. d • -d • (.,..iy , ii.:(), . i• ' . • ,,, a,: . • •
a sal , , ,00r .n , ives,...,..,Ait heond: • cance; ,Were
back ..porch . ;when ...she •hearei S rah , "What ,s,hall.,you • wear?" M 11 --''' ' ' ' - ' ' . dtiting' avhich 3! ;00.0..:boga'we'reeetain-! has latuily •becotho conVincedbellevers ' ''.:' • '
arecreveith-the" eountriea'of-theVi iteete' . .,.•
_ . : . . , . : . .. „. ._.a. , . . . „ . -. • • ,,. ' • • • ' •Pit 'cantle' 'in front the:: lahck- 'yard.
where' he had sr,,.nt ,•,:. the • afteineoa .,ine, , it was as, ertained that ip genie ,i s s .. ..„
.° IlBeitdon's.seteen:dOor ..elain.. !''Pa• -''Ma-. '
• • . " : •
Germany'S ..iiiMotta of* Canadian flow' '. '
. playing•witb Benny Boy:and SurrePti- Ir;cases. . the . chrcasses. V.re. . depreciated 1 ii:1 Web lait...apPeara As ano.ther' t.ra.ditien - •
''' d ' b't ' : 'I' r ' • P. ' d'd -
' ,:hOney had •Saunteredeclown street; .the. •
. • . . , • .
net often;take, sides • with. Ma. against , FKIEND 'DANDELION TELLS•THE7'.
last .year•ainountedJ9:10,31.3.,,28e bare e .•
- - tiously listening. tO the talk thiciugh''
'as ninth .ae .five, °dollars :in value, and of 'the,Saine incident is given. in Matt:. • •-- . • • • - ' - • • • • •
. Older oodroo . had! 'disappeared,' their ':',-2-
mais pretty.' Clatightet, and the present the o en • d ' ." ' '''k .: . '' • ' iN., ,..,e-ty,ttleitye a. 3s ion8.5thde preA:4- ireru': „yea r..dtly,,,',.
mother had tot hadtimete, inquire •as .:
• . . , . . • ,
exception. Was':uniqa6,'' ; :. ".. ' •: • ; '' • P • • •
I tega,..,1)9a,.. And we'll : go doWn ta .-the-77.-
.win. ows ., You eep on your . - ' ..,. : . : • . • . • . , . .... , • .• ... ,., .. . . .. • .. • • • . . • . ,. . .„ , ...._, __.,. 09' 1.) e_s,'' an . ir
' ° S. -
that the aVerage. less amounted ':te' 8:8,-13 and .Luke 7:1,10. •But in,•Mate. ! . • . - :••• ; :- r• , . .
7.sroep.ere.head.,..: ,Ipecattle„-theeposses- , •
eheare.and. Luke,-thp--tnimete-saidetoebe I- •WAS"Iit-the Meadow ,tetterdity,„ . '' : 1992., : 3:.1.9.,232_Lba.rzcis.-Chin'a-whieli------•
--to...their :destination. -The tviro .yeung, ••,
.." est had been Ptit! tbed..e.----.---.--- ---, -'"The hosteSS isn't:SU' Osed-to dre ' park to-mght. and hAten. .to the band" sion, 6f,..,orns i.s. often. the eause-. of , . . - Y„. ... ti : .: e.. oesno . e,: 'Where thebirde: and .the. beei ',..Vere a this...vear .haS jumpd.„,te.. the . see' on d• op '
' - --7-like the othei-ST- 1 haVea. light 'Caliee7 :
nlay,"",:he • suggested :rather ehyl fot 'much enjury and consecment loss.. , • , I •
; long to the Jewish people.. . All .the . , ..
. . ,
1. Evidently : indignatiOn' had ,T101.',. . dee *tappet . that hasn't " been - Washed..- ! ' :. - e. • - • . ... , • Y. ,. i • : !.. -. • .
.Parted ,fron-i the' heart ,f-: Sarah Bor- many tiines,. mid ;witit:iity . niee. white -,
' ' • '
• • .
' • - • . . , a •man• given 'to the arbitrary ruling of i .
his , hoUsehold. ° a.'Molly Will .,get Sup-: • , • Storing Apples. evokel:frOM Jesus the surpaseing fri- " , aY
bate,!••"Soleherily I. say. to,yoi.i,! I have ' -
, And 1'e sa.ti'n-,.ysetar1,! ',..i8iii2.pco‘'.},r'4•tedba;:'r21,,:::1 !,.0ii61 '' ' '
'3':.:tili')!:..:;'pr:t?'.'! ' nt,.
•••, ' . • : per' and look aftet the yoUng Ones' toj : • .eetsinkg;171g
cincaltph;eitires,e:tlool-ilsoskhipast-tfl.ho the list. , ot bay ers of Canadiaa .flour„.•
• • more . reinarkable ' iS his "faith which! t 1 ._ ' P . y! '• !' . -. .. - ." ..
° doh; , • :, - !. , • . ' , •, , °, • . ,. .. aproneI •will., be all riOlt,.....: ,, . •, . ,
beilia 'with 'the •storin ..- of ,a; lei 'net •found • even.- le . Israel :so' great a --, ,, „ • h7.,... ,.' '
' ' 4`it's a barniag.ehame yOtt•couldiet. , "Will, 'they• eat?" qiceitioned' .the, ;nightie' ,gue....es..,, • . ". : ,, . , .-, : .•
have" beefy there,"1. she: began AS Seen `iniiddle" boys .In chorus-, . .., ,, • , • I
, .. .. . . • •
1 '."Sure, I Will," Eigteed Molly "tou ! ' ' • ' ' - ' • ' •
- I ''' ' ''F'' ' 7 0 • :o. 4rif; *. pp '' '
ays 'that if the trait :is ndit.•faith as this..". we, mak prefitahlk..add:: -1 *. . - - . . ..,
to: Out : study!.of 'the•present Intrdent :It 'was •lovely:..:e •d: Stay- ,there for al,: •
. .. : ! ..ivnirooe'lrfilleezi:,:7e:iit: .and 'GS
, , , '99?nainin:1112.o62u2.;20,:;iiinji.iii.!a!ra41s::.!!!,!.
• •
' • as 'they` Were. aeated.• ",T.hat°,talk Waa ' , "Just a :cup ' of tea-a.nd, a'•bit Ofi:.
7 go on '.iiii arid get.PA's 'other. clethes'" th'e lessons .whicb May lie ClraWk'froni •'• '. ' ; ' WaYs'a1.4 all:. ' ' in 1903. ". Hong 'Keil& iii ilie seree per ,
11 9t,-.1)-a'CrZeillas°ii . '
dispeeed of At onee,• it. should as soon .the th ' 't.s. Th: h' . , , . ,
''• jiist intended tot you,' MaryeMithotey. •btead..and :hottee• to. inake:it :".11i.:,.§°- I teddy:" le, ' :".,„• . ",,,i....,.,...e_e_eee,„:„.„ , : • I And' pay 'no !attention-...should-anyorie-,iod-increoseditclinportT-frorn-,.515;1K . ..,1
.."/,'„as..itiel.pickedorpacked,--beput.Where-What a great :value jesul placed on • ..; : •' e
'I had as emtich as .1' Could' de ,not to. ,eiable Satiiit. . Borclon.,„will ;be .-gro.ud' - I -Ai- - -.- ---,
..' . barrelar'tei ..3-71,842 •harrels. ...: ''' '
:toine back, ,here And take •yeu-e•WaSlie to ,Ican.ine 'the 'cups and .p.ates to .hey este•hed._. tel..; the Pla'ti.!o-r'ed...,:p.4.praaraYsi,..the temperature can be contiolled,•arid faith., Jelps,,:wislied , men: to 'see Td. ..„,._„ . eall;: • .• - '
. , ..:1Agi.:1).4.115: . antl,,..all_,Ju. that „meeting!' neW_China." , 7: .. . .:-..----:. -:;::- 777"- 7 ter snpper going. on bele*. '0;
--gnt.S9P-.;. answets .t4e 'Optpose , :ef a': store :'ee,M,-
.. on the ! frnit• keptTeitiOL, • A' .cellar Often. •••iright,;,.:ancl-..to 'heleve. in his perfec l
h' 1 a d loving' 'will. ' He wish.ed.themy-
Still, :I thought,: pa better. be sate -e-• -'
There ate."...abbut ..1,250° mille in..aane. • •.-.
Shesaid we innsift:tie, OurlelVea'dowit : . ,Pa • Mahoney,.•opened his, .• !ma, „h
7 -14 atat,e' Ones' before hhd she rernalned ',.: titld . TOck./..• • '.'• . . . ' a .,t
toolL1Lve that all. thingS are POSsible • ' '
da at the presenttime engaged'in.the:.• ,:
-,tO'Oer...kiteheie table's, althOugh Sheba- 'eloSed,thera.again..wi., thout.words hov, . bUt' for mott.varieties,a Well ventilated,
lieveS in sgeod housekeeping All,: right, ,ing come to his as.sistance. : . •• , • , : • in this roinn listening., to the,hoOselield;'rOO*.abeve.gretind,WithltornpaTtivelyi
for Ced, and that 'rid •Iiiniti .cati be set iici'' there close by, i*aa. pie .0iildreR'
manufaCtUre of 'flout, With an' es' tiniat:' , '
air, the teMperatute of vviiigh•°ean :to thepowet Of belieVing 'prayer •Witenie ,•;:•.:•,-,,•• • ,Clock-. .: ; ,., , ,. ,, • • , • : .. ,, • ••
machinery' Which always creaked aud,:, dee::
' She Wants, uS to' hold Meetings. in:our : nieri.,a.re, a'sking 1•14,. fer `..signs," but ;Dear oldi Friend. pandeliOn -gone to ed' dapaeiti Of 4000;000 :barrels -0i' . '
"The:others were••an aftAid. 0 oLyite..ibly. Withotit, her' punetyising, guidance!, be. kept low, is the .best,.. Applensuch ,
, :OWnhOuse-S; but we Were allattaid. to, ,hee.,i .:
Ghee lannehed; seed;, . . ., . , , ' , ' ..• . '
- flour' Per• annum. ' the demoitcc •evii:
Ma" Se9ined° to, Bid this time 'elle wag not.fielpiess. and ' as. Russets, that,. shrivel .eatily,..keep,, Equally neceslary. :iS :it. to temetnher
for grace and help„,,in time of neecl„, . - . •
, ., -gethrir and 'get : acquainted ,.'•witli each ,
. ihvi e 6.. e SaYS We ..MUS ' ge ...0- ,,delight ini,dilating upon'. tha-slibject: weary:. With. a warM • neW, little: bundle' better: lie.:a • moist : atmosphere. : In the-, that Jesus Was: eohseious of heing.hita-. - ,:
"And i'.krioie it is . weed? : ''.' . ' tele Pper '•ann une, Which •leaVes an ex. ',
Whip dares 'to call • it.' a 'troublesome sum tion,.is l'eS. than 10 000 000 bar- ' .'
.Other, and. With out 'own front .topms! e hatd for ',some ', of Oe ainn•anityPresSed to. her bort, This, autilMit the.- teniperatUte.: should be , self:the -special agent of God's redeem: . ,. , . , . ' portable"stirphis with , the millsetune"
° •Yea.i 'neelei.rtdr4t whichever :Way. the ti.:, , • t ;":'," h ' . 40-d ;' , . 1,..• ..tiine•s e Wai,:standlng befOre her mire, kept :as COO 11.$ pOSsible, but in the wie,,ing -power in Isreel !lied timon,g ; man.
I pluelied the , beantifue. sli%:eiy fluff; ..
;.. , ' '' .ning all. year at full capacity of neat Le. '
"Satak has a Ane oar:oi• And her tte*',ret, Well,radiatit, ber.,hair WaVed back. tere.it Should not be allowed to: .g9,•beel,.
•Wipd '11:ows,'';she ealcle...:`,Yoe •can• cen- dishes,.. bat ,she.,..haan'tie,ae.4.grawnetipeboeseinieglseetho„bilio,„aeoese4tn.inge i'ade.gteeSTahrenlieit''"17..1,':
tklild ' • He is :conscious of his ' divine •
17a&,.',-theI!„-Son„,,-;ef,„',God,,,,And;,..`eite.:',:the,••!tNew,ACIUMee-,::Olddeate*hen•it"-S tinie '
-tlitee.- times 'What: WaleactualIV .ekpott-' :
.. i,. 7,4,,fti,k.1.,WArial:..paii r..,ON.40.1.:,,lite.i.if.,,yoreallyewatit : 'ed eiSt yea"; ,. The• 'entry '6f riTew• inter-; ••
daughterVVIneknO*ShoW•thingS:Ohight low .her bloe 'eyeS . And she:_apd.•pa -tOolet, hPlAeS .are. hept without; free?. Strength': of ;that Callitig, 'and in'.,the . ' ' enengb! , ' -.. •:, '.. • , • ' -
to .and-• go 'abeaii it tight.' 7 ,• • ' , 'th be, to help ilor:7.....,' .; ' . .. - ' ., wete going out. tOgethet. ,• .' .! ; ,.. • • ' '', i knoWledge of his own perfect guidanee iShOnld 1: start for: honier lebleve. the, -est; inte the field; netablY in Western':
..._.,, "How does ehe sa we. can 'do it?" 1 ing-thebettet,'e If kept, in :a, ,priya.q eby
eeed iblk ' - • ', .. Canada, is' 'caieulated.' to Yet further .'
This tithe prett.Y MollY. eXpetienced, .. "Only. to think "-Murmured Ma API- '11 ' " • h . ld b • ' ' • • the wlit 'Of' 0611., he ,'retilizeS that • ."
.;Mrs. • ,lahoney's ' MI 'd looked , back, 'Iry company WIth her. sire; a eenSittion harie,twith a• sort of reVerent.'wonder;. tbe room!. is'cOol there. is ne•dhliger.of ,Fathet, will asSuredly fulfill. In a pre. • • • •'•. - , , • . • , . ...., • etnrIlnig industrv,•wnith, wIth the gee, ,
, . , • • , . whatever .he wills for. man's: good; the.
• . • . , . , . , Oriel TWa And three'''. 'Tis :flie-ehil, ._...e•-•-.• .e. • , ,' 4.. • . ! • • .... -
....• enhance.the importance of the 'flour-
: ea. , . ' . wearily . Mier' the. day 1 . SPent and eof 'being 'patted u.pon.-. • her straight, "that I've hrought all thie AeOut juet. frOsee iAlso. there Will' belesS •thinger' vieus. lessen ,,We t'ead 'that he, Said. tO ' ' , :,...- ... , . , : • ....,. , , . • .,
over. a countless procession ' f 'sinileir . etal:filver .Canadiaii ,flotit lies_ foine,1_,..
yeung back ahd '.the. Sensatiori • WaSi. with tay mind!: , And ,4'.. ,heen,•,.that:Of,„rtiLSO:readingiit,the. fink, is: wrap- his 'diseipleS; 1"Y•on ;Shall ;,see_ii.eay.tri„..
, , ,1
They -all ,ile.W--i•W'ainizi 1 iiiiii;he;Ir'd '
all over 'the Werld:CiMpled with. lin. Itg, •
, 41/qt: It WaS clear Alitit..She' : d had deeply gratifYinge ' 4.1.0a.e.leave.,fiXiiig, eaSil IThereliThe no telling,''..she..,ada,.:,pot,iii:ti$gte,..eirenewe taper.. ... e. ''-OamIXand-•the Angels :flf Ced •itSeetallag .,.„ . . .. •__.'„_,
• '7,,•ety little to eay abbuthee-oWnlifet., ••.; - .`,_-___"..„__. ..1:1_•-.--_:„,,. ' • . gressive-trade-penetratrom-r.slion.tryei :'7
the teuee fat Saterday-inernein and! .'il,e__•••th, ',,,t1, .:... ': '.' ,•-.A ••afr-a ' InJ,7,7. , .•.:: • ''.• .:„ . ••, • ' ..7,--•t7, • • ndAeStetrding-t1Porrtlie,--SOn O plaM"-e-A---efaity-spa.king ...with ,IQNVt'. SWeet ,;
further. swell 'the voluine of Canadian .
• ',..-4•.‘,Yatiejusteclo-it--Witheyont-itne-V"--ek=1"I'Tntelo,. 107.Tihe,'Veltinteered: With: a kfamily.nia_yi.A0CortipliStt.„noiv .riii4iii.t414.•„,,.10116L.GrAs•-Wi ,ThiA,,,intiapts„thall,c,AS,,t1.1..e:_Al.,c4SAbi,,,r,,,,,..i..,,,.,,,V.I.!.(1.1„,,,,,,,,-:.,,,,,,,,,iii.,,,ii,,,,xi..-.7tttdriltql:Fw,..-6,,i,. - ,,,,,-, ;----,-:rI•xv„,--47,,,,,;;;
,,,,,-,-,,,, ,-.,,_,2•-,70t,i11.01.4!..„%041.t4i4iiiiifitenet:!•Your-risAiMI:--,--ilIrfrefe`i's-rtfitTiiing-insi•;:iniiiiil fb itl" , . • : , : - .. ,,. , ..• •••: i.kgi VirS.110.6'd WilrifeTrefutiertgle'etbienieniiihyrWhielii '," --TT ' 7 7 =77' '7, ' . , . ' ... .. .• i'r ..,,,.._.7 le
' think °tit juet what you'd •Iil.4 to. do .voieE,.. , ., , . • • , . , • . . . , . . . i , . , tdover,... ' obd's' :Unseen ' agenCies , of. grace and'. "Sho'S4•CaMnir,' ChIling yo,a, calliiig - . e
and hoWyou'd like. to, have things. Acd ...'Iron may• Make the tea : And' the healin om into Coninitin ..i: ' n •-• ' 1.• •-: ; - ;• • , ,... •
you, dear, • - , ,„ • • ,
&Mallet" Conies and,',aWaY.goeS the hint., If .Fi,ifo ic, tio 1.1,1th , . .
I . . . ' . . .• .
BY 'hini ,..otir ' ,n a s
' . then •you go :right Oti,adting !as "if it. sandwicheS.," agroed , her :Mother With '
things Will be &ailing Mit that way. '
was so. And , first! thing you 'knew
. , a proud sinile,' "and, terye 'then' when EVery whiter' .ceinee..a floed of c , '
the, time eonies." - , ' ' ' : • ..- plamta .abtait bean .weevils7the little.
. .
, . om . 'hlueigraSs paiture. ' ShallOw,rooted . . ..‘" , . 4. ' , . . , .'1'17Y.T...:7 ' TICthe 8.tveetest nitleie 'vote. ever •Itall!
crep ttiat•it is, it cannot withstand:a there descend to uspardon,,light•' heal, . • !
ascen .to the t atner, ana tiirouei him. ! • . • • ; '
lieen,lotherg-t.'is211-4--is • I.4.? b "'do
, ' Being 4With Bugs in. - '
odroughe very long, '. .... ing end-ipeace.,--elle-is-ae-Weereade,-iirien•-•01 . .,. .
'. ''Phht......atitindS...-like.-!inade-believe' e'-taany-eeneeed! ns!. meeeoe•-•-* -,:.-A-,..i.----A•e*/C1
A "$Z. 8 ‘1.- o U la C k ' bugs. foUnd ettatedein beans': '1 Vhd ' act Of' the •matter iS that...no another plac•?; "The 'way„, t1. -p t - tl 1 '''' . to l'IY• ' . . • • ' :
vheri., .We': Were. ebildeen,", nitinnured Magid., and though igary lithheney Still ,• 'Of ,COUrse.; after the' bugs appear it '
.. , . bhp '•gra,...s•pasture shOuld be permitted raild the life."' • , .• ! • „ • , , • • i Per a Mother's hive i$ :qo .doei and"so '
. .
Itit reniirlisceritly! Then iadigeation raced With thee:tick,. it 1;V:a8 a jhbilarit is too' kite it). do flinch,. but :if tint road:-
, , ..
. •" io grow bv itself. Why not go overall
. . . • , ." DISEASE:AND EVIL SPIIIIT8, :' • - ., 1 , ' , high, ! • . , „,,,
• . ,
• ...Ia.'. • ..‘34.
,.. . ,
Averceine her long-sufferiag. said, ' warfare: !Ilea Werking;"...shewhisperz era... wiiiikPotting..,h.eans.n.Waygiri, falL I.,
' thepastures..anddfill Ian little .';.wtet. .', '
_:••••1Vf•todyeAliat•i:-kind'-of: thin g-4111,werl5. !.ed, over: ;and; over;',",just As certain, a$ .WOUld Only AiSe tarbonbisuipliide, piey.telov.e.r?, - Thie rehOulci "be. done. in ..,t'he WAS fie: tdoiii. far .6i1: 'Spirits, ' ,66ii::fill-: ;:'.. svieet-' ' ' , . • „.' ' . '
lif the religien ot Ale prophet:sillier& ,St), wide And so: wonderfulebleesed :arid.
, , . „ Sereebo.ayel Qiet.. $tung, , • '
'for that'SfieakeV4.briiiii,"'She exeliiiiii- 'fate, • it's 'working. .WhOevet- woUld would have tie•teouble. , 8_ riylinii) egr8f.opi•rtetgitei-in-egiitii?i',::::Ii`
dach-tert tcittf-giethpo%_teti l e e_ When ' iN1v0i, .1r1g.' :010er.ie y.s2.1Y;°: .,._"..tti,i.'ii 1;11, -,o,ii" pot ' : .. , .•
; ed Scotatully,. . "lint *Weed :'..e.he dO. litiv,e believed it? And just to think of This :item tella .hOW::.. i • f 1 reetl.i.tri ed, a6esiticip6eftsVtleUrism:. OallY;:•Nfcl> thl°elteiiti:fTt-:.
• I'd' like to kieew„ if she hadn't A deeent all the years rite 1,00" ' , . ' • Weevils' can be killed in beana had
Mot have te reo#.,tbe • Ope.:1' ; ion :toy regard for dribtiris Mid .SpiritS. P,00ple . .. . .. , :, , , , . . , , ' I Of. kience'; ' 'ili going te Make. a' few
dud te her ,'beelt and eot only a groWl ,.. Instead of appeatink at etipper-tirne peai by the tiSe of •darbori bisalphido„ sev,era . , , , . •
' ' ' " . 1 yeers a'fterward lloi cover dreaded malignant spirits and sought So I tan And 'I' ran; and 'I tiew, . '.
' ' 1 h b +el I' "'7,' ' ' ''° 11-w, bleed testS.
'Whea she aaked'for 'anything?. What'd in aneWer, to a Call. of hunger, ...Molly TO treht theSe Ptit them in A jati ttili the bite gritSS le all the better .:iee. to• p liate t cm:- y ,ei tse „,e.v. .1 r „ 1 . .. , .flei, ,
She do tf she COuldn t make het Chit,
' • , . #
,, Came directlY hom from' school . te• Or Othet eessel Whieh. can be 'Covered. strenger for the -companionship .a., he • . •
‘.. . . • . , en , : 7. • ese icqineited M, lista
.. .. places, bot they v,;ere hevor far away. jr:/-ti.s: .t.hefoat.iiirciN.n..°dXuse?ci i :t..,,.tit: ,til'd:n'''t ylou. ? ! . Xii groiv.ing attera,'. root lite Suck the
ilreil Mitid, and if She had Mote Verk nialto a critical SU': ic, ' f fh ' fi Id 't t' htl ' P ' ''t ' - ' 1 • -b ' ' ' '
, . , , , „ y o • e e, ,o ig, y.. Le, In o a. g ass, a out one. ,,, .,,In lei: ' ..,:or '' Pie s. Y - 'L• ‘1( ( e , They lived hi the air find in the wildet-
'r",. i °' - 't • fit. b''. 4-11, • -I 1 d jiiieea frail ',pie roots. of Pie :piiiii., .. It
thee tWO,wornentoula do And nO..One ,hetiOn,. and: While :they laid their plane taapoontal of t rb b's l hd • t
. , a.on. iflpie or : et.• • .
I ' • • ..• ••
' nitrOe'"ii - ' • el hoeseethey torttited, inateeatierbeast,i,', -.'. ... -... ,•• ',7BeSsiteBenbright .' took 'Ind- 8eybral .seasons to learn how
,. , ..
.eeillhig 10 help her -do 'a hand's 'turn?... ehehelped prepare the..evening ineal„.„.' caeli ten gallohs of space in , the en -I JUSt hs,' sO•oh a- . the: sweet elOver Is, ChreetianitY W a 8' .66t11 into a Warld; • ' , . .° •••,•••,--,e-ea - ' • , ' i6 got the best, Of eliosee' ies,•esete, . but ,
ilow much do you SupPoSe. 'thinking . : Pe i,vh$• lAt., to'. gAPPef, coining Iii closure. and place the .glags! in. with Well. stetted . the Wile. gress liefannts, infeeted hy demons. like the Wotld the!: : "Patin prodocts cost teore" then, f116,4
Weald help theri,--tell Me that-,•-garali sheepishly. with' h bet Under hi§ artil. .the.betins.
• 4... ,
Allove theft to reniain int replied. the' fernier. snP6 1 °01'4111:tt':-soiiliaund '
Berdon." ' '• , , • ..' ues .y u doe t .ti ed t , borrow th , mes . the cat n bi ulph de
' ' "6 s a '' '' - ' ' ...e ' a ' . ' ' ' ' -6 tu ' bt • • • 'b.() ' ''''S .1 reet
Mord robilSt., It- t,iiity not :bedtime deep- Duteh °missionaries ent'ered in the East used to,,, e'vos,,,
ed, bet, beeatise of ite inteeaSed Indies (Warne4 ,s Living 0 ee• of "Whee a farnier i:', supposed •to knoW give .it a. geed Soaking -41,0,K.. .
"feet don't. kflOW," adinitted Sarah dishes train the beighbors,!' he tine' Over , higift theit• take thein etit arid nitrogen SUPPIY; it is more :resistant tlie ..Gospe1),:l. Spiritl. actt.,d singly!, bat , die botanical name of whht he's raisin'
faintly, rendered. alheiet° speechleeS byt hounded, teckletellt clearing it spaee' 'place in drY Storage.quarters.. Do not tedretigh Or tO'SeVete Witittq weathet; '
t ey,_,,we.irc..‘., also ergitii 'Zed. xe a gi:eat qii- If We 'chbo5e te', be, eci Mote Platt •
ahd the ettotholegleal.. name Of, the in: ' .
thia ,a -ma -zing , and' unprecedente:d out. beside Ma'a plate to. set the 'beat,' •••• ' take' Iiiinpa •Ot lighted .niatehes -near ,and all .the tired 'the' sWeet 'clever Cam. li's!.'',., '"'"g9?11 • ' c
blitat. • : • • ,.'. • . •: Supper was. suspended: While ith .eic, the Material,. itild. do kot bretithe the
. . . , r, tinbea -to. store, More nitregen 'While '''
out h letrio.n Was more tlitin dcliver-.".
o:,d.. vul i orceet wi., 1 ;
sect•thrt eats it, ii' th , I ' i '•': alada of day, then. we shall be ,nged-at. .
cal tame of Abe chetilical that Will kill' el°0 61. '"'Y'
i A 4 ,
for brevet feet to ;ttad.
• Mary gabouey aretiAa :foug, bteath, dited. tctoop WatOheil 'breathlessly Aii fUMee.
, , ''. each Year: the :grites linpeoves.---G ii. Mice for: the Yielinir it Ot-,is' a' blow.. it, =soliieheily'a goi tO pay„'.' *.' - ' on,-Matie r CortIli, '
:tb •