HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-09-04, Page 1;
; $2;00 PER rcii.it **ADVANCE; $2 50 • OTHERWISE. .
aikht or day. --ti:
Dr. MacLeod . will visitLucknow
. every Tuesday in Dr. Connell'ii Of,fice.
• Dr- McIlinea. Chiropractor. of Wing-
• ham, will visit Cain House...Luck-,
now. forenoons, -Tuesdays', and Fri-
days, commencing April '29th. also
visit the hotel at Dungannon same
• days 'early afternoon. • •
, Cain liouile; Lneknow, every Wed-
' . ne.itiay afternoon. All chronic dis-
• ..ases .successfullY'rtavakted. Osteo-
, Pauly temoies tne physical causes
Of disease. Adjustment, of the
opine is more quickly secured and
with fewer treatments by thiteo-
pathy than by any other Method.
Registered Optometrist
Graduate Department of -
ogy. MEL'ormick Medical College. Chi-
cago. 111.. • •
Headaches. Dry Itchy EYea. Granu-
lated Eyelids. Watery EYee. Pain in
Eye Balls., Inflamed Eyes. Pus or
• Watery Discharge froin Eyes and
Dizziness caused by Eye -strain re-
beved throueh properly fitted Glass-
- • • -Cross -Eyes straightened through
properly fitted Lenses_
Satisfaction Assured
At the Cain House. Lucknow, Wiry
• Wednesday Afternoon and Evening.
Wahl Paper -1 have On 'Mail the 19-
24 samples of a number of the best
• ,.Wall -paper louses, and vvill be pleas-
ed to show' them at •mY hcuse. or will:
take them to. your residence -.-B. 4.•
Cameron, Box 174, Luclmow. •
MONEY TO LEND -On farm prop-
erties at 6% -Geo A. Siddall
. •
Hard ,and Soft, Wood -soft. *odd
good for summer use -large quan-
tity. of hard ,wood. Eficorire at. Joy-'
nt.a ,oiliee, Luck.now. •
Rotting For High; School hi
lUnifatiOa at - The Saiitinel
-'--We-lave 350 bus, of geed- plump,
clean seed of the winter King' an.
Dawson 'Golden Chaff varieties foi
sale, Present year yield 45' bus: Pei
acre. Buy good seed and reap a gooc
harvest., Price $1.50 per bushel, cash
Malcolm Lane, Kinloss Lot 19,
Holyrood B. R. 2, Phone. 100 r 33.
, FOR SALE-, ,A; very: ionitiortable
° .dwelling in good condition• -Apply
to Geo. A Siddail. • 11:-9-t
FOR SALE -The Tanaery, property
at Lucknow, , also . a 'platform scales.
- APPly to S. •Itobertson, ,Lucknow.
• 4-9-p. ' ••
-Rooms for „ High School stoderotO:-,-,
:information at--'2.fhe, Sentinel . Office -
, Hard and Soft Wood -soft wood
good .for summer use -large quan-
tit y of hard wood: Enquire at J.
Wesley "Joynt's, Phone 15, Lucknow
• FOUND -In LucknOw a light driving
- robe. -Owner may have-same:,at .The
Sentinel Office'.
LOST -At, Ostrander's stable or en
the road between Lucknow and the
12th Con. Ashfield, a, girl's • coat,
fawn. Finder please leave at The
Sentinel Office. •
• GIRL WANTED- To do houpeavork
in, horac ',:with all modern-,,coiiven-
• ieriCe04initiire;ihiZiphone;Lor2-tletter,,,
. •
• Ltrz.know Sentinel'
O f. Household Effects,' at the re-
sidence of Mrs. Freeman, Lucknow,
on SaturdaY. Sept. 6th -Coin-nrignang
o'clack On. Among' other
- t- }pns,arc„,agOcid ithen.z-ane co!
or wood heaters, beIroomiutes
kitchen. 'utensils,diningroom furni-
tureall substantial and in good re-
' pair-ternia cash •
• Elliott Millet- Auc.
The Lucknow Fall Pair Prie Lists
'will be -ready -for,diatribution.on`Satx.
Urday-,afternoori of this week, arid',
may be had At the office of the se.,
tretary, J. E. Agnetv.
• An open meeting of the Union U,
„.4.V.„:„W,,v0...zelnbs.„will he held ,inKin-
- tail Hall on Friday Sept '5th, at
• o'eldek p,m. Miss Agnes MacPhail
P. will address the meeting', .•
tiggs . .0; ‘, 4� I; '4.'•'; 6 V 34e.;2066194,
• Butter,,.; • i • 4 • • ()C 1,4 34.
n re
pegs • $0 4 • •• i 6 4:4 ;6 .4.. p
The Sentinel .will net be issued
next week -our annual holiday.
Mr and Mit. T. E. Smith :firie vis-
itiag_in Titivate this ,week._..
Special prices M Men's Suits at 8
Blitistein's Dry Goods Store.
, .
Mr.Eldon Reid has taken a posi-
tion in McKim% Drug Store.
Mr. Goo. A. Siddall visited* the
past week with, his brother Thomas
H. in London. •
Miss Francis Cain left ,on Monday
for Dutton;" where she accepted a
position as rnillinez
'Miss Verna Meguillin is taking a
course in the Wingliam Business
CollegeMFjicVMrs . 4 •
E. Hudgins :and Miss
Gladys visited friends in London hist
week '' • •
Mr. Wm. Connell has Sold his re-
sidence on. 'Rims St. to *Mr. Robe.
13uclainan.- . •
Mr. Peter ,Johnstan has 'purchased
Mi. Pearlman's residence on Getigli
Stand will O'cupY it,,
'Mies '.Winnifred McQuillin is „Vis -
Mak at Hamilton' • Grimsby, . and
Niagara Falls..
Mrs. Will Fisher and schildren are
,honie . -alter spending -' a week in
Just received a • new' shipinentJ of
silks :in all shades • at 13...Blithstein's
Dry Goods Store.
The ,Septenaber nrieetiag Of Luck -
now Women's Institute will be held
on Friday' Sept, 19th .at
•al the Council Chamber.
Mr. and Mra. Harry Holnies and'
Miss Eleanor Perkins, lnd Dr. Mut-
ethr-.-of-Gorrie,-laSited at the home of
Miss E Webster on Sunday. •
With the beginning of the schen;
term the tewn of Hanover opened a
new high -school the erection --Of
which Cost *60,000.
, Mr Wilfred Murdoch has. gone to
Toronto where he has taken a POS1
Li014' with awholeSale merehantile
• • •
St. Helens *School, Fair will be held
'on Sept. 9th, and a concert by ia
high-class male quartette from Galt
will, be given in the evening. .
,Engineers James and . Flannery
of the Hydra-, Electric were in town
Last Friday inspecting the. local set-
: Misses ()live and Daisy Kennedy,
of Whitechurch •visited for ,a feu
Jays last week-- with their' cousin
Mrs. Win. D.'„MacIntrish of town
Visit Qameron Mtirc:ogh & Co.'s.
;tore oil September, 100, all . dai
Wednesday, they are holding them
Fall ,display of, Ladies &nits and
dresses. • ., „ • '
-Mr: *RV Ilifdaith- -Who- .represents
The MacKe.naie Mfg. CO. • in the
'Northern territory has gone to Kit•
chener and Galt and will devote the
balariCe' of the year in that district
Mrs. Bert Prior, ,of Port Albernie;
•Vancouver Island, formerly ' Miss
Annie Paterson, is visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mra. Dr. Paterson of
townM. and .- • ,
Mrs Frank Coleman and
'son' Ilarve, and 'Mr and Mrs Geo.
Johnston and son Gotdon oi Varna;
spent the week end at the home Of
Miss Elizabeth Webster. ,
, Miss Ella May Orr who recent1y1
completed; the • course in telegraphyl
in the office here is, 'relieving • for a
„couple, of-weeki.at the'
The 'Lucknow Women's Institute
will hold a Cora supper and Collect+
in the Town Hall, „Friday' September
12th,„ Super from 6_3_040 800 AM,
Admission 35c.
-Toroato.this.„..week.talung-In-.4he, Ex-
1fil3ition'i';'While in the city Mr iTtihn•
aton will interview the Hydre-Elec-
tzic Commission in connection with
local interests:
,Mrs. 131itzate1n and daughter, Tena
are home ,from 'Toronto after l being
away five weeks. •MisS- Tena under-
went5,an operation for the removal
of tonaila and adnoids 'while in the
city.' •
iteeve4ohiristori and family are in
Mr: Will Silliek of Denver. Color-
ado and his sister, tirs: Joseph' Me-
Kagne of Teeswater called'Oh Mr.
and Mrt. Albert Rivers of town" �n
Tuesday, Mr, Sahel; was a fornier
sitlenir ot TeeeWater, but Went to
en* 20 oars ago.
4 ;;•1; -1444;
I,13/41IX4-60 TO nEr2r
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Glennie had not
get' settled at Southampton when a
vacancy in the Bank of Conimerce
at Delhi occurred and Mr. .Glennie
wa notified of his aPnointinent,to
the: malleg'emenc of the branch there.
Delhi is a village in Norfolk, county,
and is about the Same size as Luck -
now with with' olliees of the Bank of Cokfi,
,meree, and lIolsona Bank.
By the death of Mi. Hugh Phillips
which occurred on Sunday last,bAsh-
field Township lost one of its, 'fevti
remaining pioneer settlers. Mr.
hp3 was in his 84th yearand, al-
theugh he had been going about un-
til recently, he had been in peer
healthfor more than a Year. •The
, . •
funeral was on Tuesday afteenoon to
Greenhill Cemetery. We • expect to
our next bane. • '
• ,-
• —0 a
Not to be -done out a trip to the
Western grain fields by the cancella-
tion of the :harvesters excursions,
Messrs 'Bert' -Reid, Rat; Web"ster
and Jim Orr, set out on Monday to
make the trip by autoinobile.
The Lucknow School presented
much, improved condition ,when tea-
chers en& classes assembled for the
opening on. Tuesday morning. , For
Various reasons nothing mere than
.a makeshift .renovation was, possib.e
this summer, but the Board saw to it
that' there was a general _cleaning
and. Making of small \repair* freni,
hasement to towerSo.that the whole
place looked 'brigh-ter and more :in-
viting than it had for years. There
Was a general scrubbing of all the
Woodworkanda_mending of all he
window; floors and deors. •Plans
and ,estimates for a general re -mod-
elling :of the, building have been se-
cured and with the approval of those
who mast -foot the bill this work Will
be carried out next year.
'Mr. D. C...Ta5•16i',' see.eta:.-y, of the
School Beard and Mr W. E. Trelea-
chairman ;of the 'Board were pre
Sent to meet the teachers and pupils
on Tuesday,' morning and Mr. 'Tie,
leaven gave an appropriate talk to
the teaching stiff , and •the high
Fichoel students, who wee invited , to
assertible in ,one of the rooMs.
The high, school work will he car-
ried on •by; Cie seine te.achers as had
chs7g'e be::ore tre acatitn:Mi s
McLean, Princiy.ol, .assisied' irr kiss
Fowler and :Mr Armstrehg. Mr.
• ,
Armstrong will not be able to under-
take his__ dutieS... for Week., baYing
recently undergone an operation On,
his throat,:. and the Boardhas en
raged Miss Mary COnaell, ,B A., to
take" his work. '
° The , Public School. classes are in
charge of Miss K. •Maci-„ionald, Mrs.
Sherriff, VI. ThonapaOn, and Miss IsL:
-abell ,,Muerdie.-,Mes:--Shereiff. has 'Lthe
room. taughtlast year by Miss
Tkompshii, and Mr:'ThomPson has,
.the • room taught the past few years
by Miss MacCallum.
•As the St. Helen's School Fair, and
concert', date. is 'Tuesday,. Sept. 9th
The Lucknow Horticultural Society
Flower Show will' be held on Friday
night "Sent. -5; -hi the Carnegie Hall
All members are urged to exhibit
and to make a .success of the first
Flower Show. '
Dr. J. 'Thompson, his wIfe and twe',
children, of th. 'Methodist Missiori
lough, returned to Toronto last Sat-
urday . after visitinz : Mrs., Thomp-
sen's'sisters, Mrs. R., T. Douglas antl,
Mrs. F. Malcolm:
9.anaactiirers' .and merchant's
day at the Canadian National ' Exhib-
' ition, Mr R D. Cameron of t6Wn.
.Was ii„guest at ., theAlreictere'_dtitn_-.
'Cheoriatritt gave nn address 071 "The
Value of he Merchant to •the Comt
inunity and the Country,” '
The Rev J Reid; fornierly„ of S„,
Kinloss, now of ,Essex, with his wife
and daughters, itnsatind and Floe.'
enee, Called ontrieitdI\ hi tticknOW
and Vitinity recentlY.. They; were
guests ot4Mr and' Mrs 1ohn Sherfilt
W. WeWanosii. •
McNritt and family hav
oved from S. E, obertson's louse
on. Chiming SL to W. ',I, Spindler's
liomse on Campbell St„ Mr, lOhn
MacKenzie of 1Cinlese has taken the
Reheittion•reaidente 'has nriovect iht�
."" ' • 7*4
4th -• 1924
Logan,' clerk of the village
of Teeswateri was in Ripley Monday.
P'ilr• L., 44eks0h, of Seafoith is
spending a few days at Bruce •Beath.:
, Mrs. Mary Bei?. is PaYie0.• a
to -.friends. in-. -
• „
Mrs John' Al iteaVie of Detroit
Was a. visitor in'toWn last week.
Mrs M. McKay iS,visiting friends
Listowel.. • :•' •.'
Mr. Donald McIver • has left'. for
Toronto where he is engaged; on the
pubhc school' Staff of that cit'Y„.
Miss' Catherine McLaY ha's aceePt-
ed tbe position of teacher In Spry
•schotil, on the north Bruce PeninSula.
Rev, Dr. and Mrs Harkness, were
among- the visitorto Toronto Exhih-
Miss Jane Yemen Was a 'Visitor tb6
-,thea;GanadiaNertiOnal,.7-Exhr. iCion
,Toroato. •
Mr. Laiehley Martyr)
lock Maityn, of Toronto, spent
reek -end in Ripley and at Br
Beach. I •
Mr. Harry Jackson, an ,old Rip
boy, has ,been transferred from
Royal Bank; .Cargill to the staff
The Royal Bank, Midland. :•
Mr, Harold Jeater left on Tuesday:
for Chicago,. where he, will' take a
Coarse which will qualify- him as an
expert • eletrician.'
, . •• •
Mr. Lovell• ,lge:rtyn.• is attendiag
Kincardine •Higli. School,'• where he is ,
taking' the upper 'school ° cours,e .for
honour 'inatrimilatiOn; and first•_class
entrance to .noririaL •
, . .
. Mr, And Mrs, W..E'rOwse and 'child-
ren, who have been spending their
.holidays.: at the horns of,Mr. .J; 13.
Martyn, have returned to Charlotte
town, P.EJ . ' • . •
Two Ripley, rinks; :skipped by A.
Aikens and T, A.' Jackson attended
the bowlers tournament in Wingnni
on August 27th! The Ick:at: teams re -
Port a "splendid outing but were not
elating rthe ,,prize-wirmera.. a .rink
from Mount ..Fcireit -capturing.' th,e
::Several Men. in andaround
Ripley were disappointed at the can-
eellation of harvesters' . excursions
by both the QP.R. and C.N.R. They
had counted: on spending' a few .busy
months in the 'grarlarkof. the empi,e.
but the cost Of tra,nspcirtatien is now
Mr. Themes l3ell is ,confined to
heti these days as a' rest of injUr-
iesreceived in an automobile coili,
mon near Whitechurch on Monday
morning. • Mr. Bell *as tnetoiing
from 'Detroit to' Ripley accornpanied
by, 'Mr.- and Mrs: W. Bell ;and Miss
Bessie •Bell).:. -when the car he was
driving c011ided. With-..anothef"-anto.'
*Both cars were 'badly damaged
About theScnithern, boundary Of
Ripley aliing; the fifteenth • ',Sideline'
wasa scene of considerable excite-
ment between eleVen and twelve
, .
:o'clock'Satorday' night , When, a, Nash.
,car frorn_1;;!etroit_fittivenky..:_MrZ,L,
Price,.and .hav'Ing ' eight .Passengeri,
• collided With a.huggy in Wilitit,i-Thos.-
Welsh, third concession, vas driving
'home aacornpanied •by a newlY ar-
rived ernigrarit from trollancl
had '.been engaged to 'help on . the
:farni and whom. ,Mr. ;Welsh had lust
metatthe ten train; The auto 'turn-
ed ,upside 'downin deep..' ditch, iiy
the roadside,the depth. of •the.iliteh
.probablY.. saying' the ,occupants
,some<extentd-T-he• onlY,one-i n •••the car•
to sustain serious, injuries 'n'as, Sandy
McGregor who had .,'several broken ,
ribS, and .other injuris to his chest.
He .was hastily cOnvey-ed:td Dr: F!;n-
lay,on's effiee and in the ' absence Of
both Ripley doctors, Dr. Balfour of
. . • •
Mrs, Cordon Was a 'Vlsitor with,
GederiCh friendlast week: .
• Miss Doris 'Spencer of Detroit, was
the giiear of 'Vass Margaret Thoms
over the holiday, , •
on:ffileaday, 'With
Miss Bessie .1111.1rdie and 4lis5 Xessie.
Buckingham' again. in,charge.
Mx Robert MeQ14illin of .the 'Stet1 ng Bank, ebr2ngvi]1e-
r was hprne,
Thr 'Labor'
Miss Annie. Clark 'started on her
return trip to Saskatoon orf Satur-
Mrs; Ten) Phillips :Old Mrs; Dura-
n), Phillips were visitor's in, Toronto
for a few days last week.
. The regular meeting Of the Mis-
sion 'Band will be ,held on. Saturday
Sept. 6t1-1. •• • ,
arday for Tiraiiiins,' '/NieW..;• Ontario
where ,she vvili be on the staff- of the
New High -School there •
Mr: and Mrs. H. A. Tho'rnpsen and
daughter Verna Of Winghain„ spent
he ,week -end with Mr.' and Mrs. Ed.
Mr, J„ D AnderSon. iS.spending a
,few • days .in Detroit, having retuined
with. Mr.. TOn) R:idelifie who, motor-,'
,ed oyer for. the holiday.,
:Mr. and Mrs AJbeit Wallace ,and
,sori, Dutton of Barrie and. IVINS Ethel.
'Wallace' of, Port. Arthur ...called on,
Mr. and. Mrs'.• E, J ,ThoinS•.and - Mr.
and Mrs. 'Wallace' On Monday'.
MiSs Kathleen Hill of Lticknow is
$4P1-11.Ying in the Guelph•COnsoliclated
:School, fbi *two. iijonths, for • Miss
Gladys Webb, Who: has not 'been, en_
jiayirrg the .best Of 'health; ' •
Mr an1,Mrs. Chas.: MeAree.-and
:three .orts.. wh0. it'are• spent the 'past
two ; months , with. Mrs, McAree'i
'rnether. Mrs. W. Careeren' 'leave" fOi
their' home • at •Me.Atiley, ' Man. or
• Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. BOWden and Mr
. , .
and, Mils, -Albert Pollock of Detroit'
were weekend, visitors With Mr., and,
.Mrs.' E J. Thorns.
Miss Lockhart .of Lilcknow i again
the 'teacher of Fordyce while, Miss
McMillan of `Port Albert will teach
. , . •
The int 1`irig•' have gone to High
, .
School this year:
issIrene Woods Alfss• Irene 'Lynch
and 'Miss Elizabeth Inglis . to Luck -
now; Miss Mary i'vlartin; MiSA.,Aebina
Martin •and Miss Zilda• Wel:Oter. to
Don't , forget , the Scheel Fair next
Teesdav, Sept. 9th. ' The Women's
Institute, will 'open. 4beir bdothfOr
the sale ,of :refreshment at 4 o'clock
In the evening/the Galt Maple Leaf
Quartetre-will-give,74 'cenceSehotir
children admitted free
The folloWing teachers ; have •.re
Write& to 'r,e•Surne' their- duties after/
spending the vacation at ,theit homes
berg: Miss Colina Clark to Alvinstan
Nliss Mary McQuillin to Tweed"; Miss
Beatrice McQuillih to'llolyrood- Miss'
Jean McQaallin to Orono; Miss Clara
'Woods ,to Guelph.; Miss'. Wi.n.nifred,
;Woods to:: Galt; Miss Margaret Mille
to Centre ,,ptuninei.7. is Mary pur,L
rad'. to Dungannon;. Miss May Cain-
e,ron t'o• near TOrontci; ,Miss 'Dorothy
Webster . goes ,near Dungannon;
At „present :the Huron •COurity jail
has, a bent J/$' lone „named
%Ho -litter"; sh i.rives. Stratford' ashis
.honie addre§s, Tat had arranged to
,meet another , fe.end by.the 'same
naine ilear .Clinton, • but they • failed
to Connect a -rid liamilton drove en to
Cl.:hion and made inquiry as to whe.i•ii
liveCand iii dbing, so areused
spleions and County-- Coin:table
s Pnti nnI a_r_rest!al.,
Lucknow...was ealled-to-cender.....flyst.]
ed , by Mrs. Maleoint Matheson., a
qualified nurse,dressed the wounds
'after. Odell lcGregor was sOctlily
conveyed to 'Kinardine
where he is receiving ;everyatteiton
boggy waS a total.,Vreck
Although .he escaped Unharmed h im;
self, his ' hired Man received.', deen
-cuts •iabout-the'i'lieact, *hid) r2eCessit4..
'atect- to
pital also. The car, Which was 7171ek-
penSiVe ..niOdel, iS badly battered as
a .result of the. sniath-up.
. •
'the Sentinel will riot published
the week of SepteMber 1.1th, It will
be Our annual week. off, and WO' are
going • to see' the gteat Annual
World's 'Fair at 'Toronto. So don't
be disappointed if there is not Sentin-
el in your 'mail box /On September
11th, The. offlee will be •operi and nee,
essary job printing will bq attended
•-• , 'Ft
4 dij//;110.1111Yal '44
new sedan, amo took charge. et t„le.,
24 betties of G„ \V whisky,
In ;Nlagate R'cid'sr ,,ourt Itani:1-
ton' „pleaded guilty and was fin:d
-.e)0, under the Ontario' Teniperan
Act and his car confiscated hut being
,Linishic: to raige_the tends n!a„,) takni
Lo jail, Inspector VchIo progeeut(!d.
FA 1' a. I It 1)Att'ES
is. a list of -fa i•es
and dates, to be held in .tbi eche
Brussels, 0ciober"2nd and " d,
ChcaleY, Sentealber ,2tith and. 26
Durigannon, cieteber t, and rd
Gederieh, Septembel ird,. 4th a h
FlanoVer, September 17th'to Oth.
iippworth,, September 1Gth incl. lit 1.
Kinzarditio, September 1St d •.th
Lion's Head, October ist earl -
Lucknow, Septeinber "2tith ahd '26th.„
:Vlildinay, September 15h and 10th.
Owen Sound., Septeniber Oth to 12.th.,
PiakertOn„ September Ilth,
Pot •Octobrr, :1rd,
Septenther 23rd and 24th,
Tara, Sept. 30th, October 1.tt.
Teetwater, 4enteirlier 80, Oct, it
Tivertotti; „October 7th4
IrnderwOod, Septernbe'r nOth%
Wiarton, September 23rd and 24tb4
whioittN ,soptetthot, 29tj MA.aot4.
Bfr,. Dor141 kg.Lentia, of the "•Soo,
•-tj'ziting friends in Lochalsh.
• Dr : Voronto, was
up few days last 'week.
.Mr. Elmer Farrish is' engaged as
-poultry.-jridge.at-..the-•••7.Ifileea .CountySchoI `
Fairs. „ •
'• Mr. and Mrs Eldon• " 'ffendarsen,
ow4r•0:,4g; e s 'las weeMaeLerillan
314. Freak Griffni; ef Detroit, is
visiting with Mr. and Airs.. Dune, Mc-
Intyre of. near Kintail
with her
• 4r
ofLochalsh .
itdcCharlet of Lireit-novr.: . •
. • ,
Mr:' and Mrs. Eldon Hendersonof-
Pararrienat spent, Sunday with:. MrS.
i.'io,ter McDonald, of 2nd. Con- .
Mrs. „Herb Ensign and ,Miss 'Mary
Aringhaili '..C.161ring the week. .
•Misi Annie. McDonald of ;Ham' II -
.on is• visiting, with her ..motbei Mrs.
itiuy McDon'ald 'Of Lochalsh.
..'grs. Beattie Gibson of Windsor is
;isiting•at Eui MeNarnara"s.. of I -Tem -
Mrs. Alex, ,Long and litiv Maria
Nile 'hairs spent the last two nionth,i
British 'Columbia have returnedto
heir home , in Lochalsh; '
• .Miss Bessie Bide of Amberley vis7
ed with „Mr. and Mrs.:. Grant Me-
' Dial -raid of Paramount during the
Louisa ,MacDonald has re -
Lamed :to •. Toronto after:' Spending
her 'Vacation With Mrs. Duncan Mak-
•Misses . Anna, Bessie and Belle
:McKenzie, of, Kintail; left .for Toto
ato on Monday where they have se-
• cured, school. • , - •
• •
, • •
•1VIr- :Jolla Matheson' of.:.Detreit,
viSited. with his ,`,brother -in -Jaw, Mr.
Jena K., McDonald; of. Lochalsh, for
a few daya,---I. ' •
, Mr, and Mrs': DecOn of Detroit,
are visiting for g -couple Of weeks.
wilh Mrs. ,Decon's parents Mr. and
John, Johnston of Lethian. ,
1.11 and Mes. George Wilson and
chi1d4p, BliSs. Thompson and Mrs.
flousey; of Alliston, - were. .visiting
with friends in . 'Paramount during
the week.'
•'Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie' and
3,1r. and Mrs.' Jarnet McKenzie, of
Detroit ,and Peter McKenzie, of
Mount Clemens, Mich,
, •motored up
and spent Sunday ailktheir old home
ta Lochalsh,, • •
The conreys ,Corner U.F:O. and TY:
P.AV.O. have secured .the • MeGee---:.
Redmond troupe of :Auburn for a
concert to he held on the evening of
the School Fair, the 8th inst.:. This
will be f011owqd. by a, dance., 'Splendid
prospects for a .very enjoyable even -
•• • •
° 'Mrs. .R ,:Johnston and Mrs. •Wm.'
Blake of Mafeking, spent_ lgoriday„af-
Te-rn-Zn ' '
„Aitiva Rowell, of ..•Godericb,
,spent a few daYs with her cousin
FrAnees 'Crozier.'
Miss. Ge'rtie Finnigan., is spending:
a few' days ,with her grandinother at
MisS, G,,raoe, ,beother.
,LIarOld of „Seaforth'• spent ' the past •
week; with friends 'here ? • •
Messrs, „Will ,Reid, Robert and''Bert
and ',hsLliabej„.:are mitmng friends
in, Toronto,
Miss, Anna . May". T.releaven sPent
theWeek-end with friends rn .Dun-
garipon,' • • '
MisS. •Gertie..,Oledhill of Benniiller
'tvas the guest -of iss Vtolct Kilp t -
for Thindas and Mist Altiby to Mus-
_koka Wlic:r0 they are engaged •,a's,
,teachert for the Coming year.. ,
•On a receat afternoon while• loc-
, Were away ,from home
their house was erifere'd; eddimtlt
hy;small-larys an pretty -w011-
sacked a ,few ifnall articles and a
.Sum of nioney ,steleri; The
doors'. or the liCtiie We're leeked„ and.
the boys evidently got in 'through •a
window whictli: 'they opened. The
boys who did this art on the road to
the reform a t rie. s or spe ni ten ti a riea,
It is hoped they will stop short
these places, btxt tlia is Wliere theh.
preaene e0Uria lead. PareatS v;ai'uld
clo well 'to keen h ,watehful eyeon.
the young lads and see that they are
able to,r•give a reasonable_ aceaunt
of their dOings.; The boys referred to
didn't steal very niuth, but it was a
• sINOLE4o014.11es.'s.c714g
Bon 13otiche JellY.R909:
Dundee Cakes '
Faisin Bread
Whole Wheat ..rtregd.,
gutter and Eggs at Best Prices
• HollYmati's
Phone 56, •Luclinew
st '
Agents ,Wartted
The careful attention to ,our..
•customees-orderi, Tandthesplen..-6--
did stock Supplied- for years
past warrants us in having a
a represaptative or tWo in this
confity. Liberal „Commisaions.
Free Outfit Write it Once for '
Exclusive. Territory.
Fl..zal Work and Cut Flowers, De-
livered To Any 'Part of Canada
United States and Europe
In Short Notice.
, Just Phone Your Orders In.
' Fiona
Phone 105, . . Goderich Ont
Quite' a 'little army of school tea -'i'..
'friini Luckriow and vicinityi
.. , . .
set o , on Saturday and Monday toe-!,,
a. hand in .the great work • ofit&
training' the, youth of the country,;..
We name ' the following: Haridcrl
Burns, to near Listowel; Grace Lock-.
hatt.;/O, Fordyce; Dean 'Geddes, ' to.
Mt.: Forest; ,. Evelyn ,.. Lockhart; •
Kinloss; ..Kathleen Hill,. , to • Guelph
Mary '..!MacLean to ,' New 'Ontariot.
Clara McQuillii, to Niagara; Ma
Rathwell to Stanford; Mabel. Ble4
Clure ..t*o Niagara. 'Irene Rathwell
to; near Oshawa, Joan M. MaeCallum.,
Torontr Jack 'Newton' to Port Cred4
it: „Margaret DilacCallum • S. S. g,,;'''
Ashfield; Alicia Mitchell; to .Bath,P.
near Kingston; • Dorothy Douglas ' to,
13.ockwood ; Harry ,..Alton to .1Wilken...;
Lon, George Douglas, to near 'Stritt="'
Freda .Aitchison,. to Weston; Francis...,
Spence.„'.33. A5-4 - it; •• Pisteott Iligli-;
Selmer; Chas. - j. , MacGregor, to;,.;',;
'Waterloo; Steel MacKenzie;. to Kitey,
thener. Mildred Snenee to. Cleirelandee
.Oho; ,Percy Akar, to New Ontario;
Ada Webster. to Zion, Ashfield; Rossi
,MacDonald, to New Ontario; Besiieiz
::iturciie: 63 St. Helens.
, :
FATAL •CAll. Acougisiir
•' •i .., • - NEAR.--'donEgiati
.; One Man .Wat killed and .other tWo?
inufred, brio Of . tO seriously'
that he may die, in an autoMobilat
. •
accident a. few miles. past Of Goder4
h iiciyse.
---c--,Ts'irijiarittirii;ere'66-Orie' • keleitiger;„•;
the drier of the car„ and Logan(
'mut, iley, Who as but slightly' hirkt4
They:‘, were 'driv;ng towards Clintpifl,,.
and at:Taylor's 'Corners, • Where therii,
Telt nstil.ctP ve6in ra e ilgei;a1.06e i'ad ;-P 'c±ali-re:itoocttof
. theditch turned oVi. and:took fire.
The three me1 ere ablQ.to.getout
1..of the 'wreckbefore thefiretenehedi
htt did in a few . tiiinntes having
glittered „$.evere internal
.ictoyes' hotncwits iii Sf„":litrirY's, bu
he bad boon Working in 'Goderieh fo
a:thort trnia
,•„SC,11,00.1, PAIR II4.1*$8;
Huron at Ripley Sept; 16th,
XinloSS, at HelYrond Spot, 17th.
Ai ;
:frost at Teeswater Sept. 18th,
augeon at Port Elgin Sept. ,18thi
Bruce at L"-nderwood sot, 22nd,
Kincard'aie at Xineardine Sept. ,25t
(rmockrzlt Sept, 29th,
Thowrai:',0, POinote Oct 2ftd.
,Ilice-Einearchne Tivertoa
Wawanotili at St, Helens
Shfield .„,at_00.10y cotoorti SepU
Very bad piece.of business to be mix- vc
ec1umln, • ' A