HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-08-28, Page 51 • , ktrvifisrpyr sErrinr; Avou$T CAS 'CAN.Cglf „ - A beek. has -hist teen, ptib: gilt:J.13y ,t,J,1(.0.1e4"...V,IL.r4rnacyetlx,) Lgrpi,w,.'anitfl. 'i4.4P62il'ua'tekdie., 'fit:ivy. It Can BePrevented." The anther, is J., Ellis Barker, and .there is, an introdnetioe •hv S;" 'V.*. A rlaith7. net Lane,' 4,.1:t -',-!-',.4.0,,Jtii,lj4,,10/R19:119;P: zar;415;.7..;,217.1,7,14ieuV,0-. -ilia ,sitoire 'ii000i4 io' be• th01:0Pg11. goix.4, 41/4 as 4uthdrit-: ative • as book may be''on Stich a' .t.,,,, 4thentea,•4.ErmIats."Aitle.:eftewlill)bey..-Seeri Made bY4.1nos Holden Tire (1k3RAtbber Vo, Limited -Kitchener 1)4 ' Ihatv r.-Alr'- -Barker '', lays'tbe7----gre-a-f, ., -17.004fietn,twitnliny other tires under.' . - - ' streie-Of -his erephasi uf ' '''C' , .. „ „ s am. pi .vett•-• __„2,,,:,....i,„ „„ ,,,,,,,, ,,•„„ ,,, .„,_„„,,,..„„....,,,,„...,..,.,4,_,,.„,...... „1..„...,„,,,qp„;_k_Aileer. -44,-d-1 ue--to4--4ehroliffeinetf "PO f4WHOTraria' -" ' ' , riterft r ‘-eAriliJare ear SOLD BY T W SMITH Lucko'8 Leading Tire Slip • IL ,ACCESSORIEW PROPERTIES FOR SALE The following,property, all Situatectin .the Village of Lueknow, being part of the Estate Of the late 'Wm. Allin,' , are for sale: -7 PARCEL: NO: 1. • • Solid 1•Brick Store', With dwelling :above; and now occupied as a thy goods store., s1tuated--on7.+the North. West, corner:: • of, Campbell end" IngliaStreeta: • , • , i • PARCEL, NO, 2. Franie 'Dwelling,' two.-..atoki4, with large lot, on West side ,of Inglis Street; cloSeHto businesS section.' PARCEL NO. 3, • Two-story Brick Mock, now: oceupied.as a general store jewellry store and farm implement Warerooms, The second floor occupied as general living zooms, dental parlors and of- , fices. This property, is, in first dais state of repair and has been 'neWly ;decorated, situated •op , south side of Canipbell Street. PARCEL NO. 4. 0n. story Frame Block of four stores, now ,O-CCUPied as a barber' shop, laundry and gents' 'tailoring. This property is situated , on north side of Campbell Street. PARCEL No,. ,5., Twe-story ,Fraine, Buil:ding of two stokes, now occupied as a shoe rePair ' and barneS4 shop; 'Situated. on 'South side of Cainpbell Street • , PARCEL Large Lot, e:ith'• froritag:e .'onnorth side of -Campbell Street:, a With two-stoi:y frame b411cling--hae.„-ben used as ',a. • dry 'goodsstore'.ancl *' P, . . PARCEL NO. A reinarkableT;report,. comes from 'Breckiille, Ont. ' Ilnrry Church,' -a farmer residing five miles north of that town, is, the owner of a Holstein eoVi which has just given birth to threy calves.. All 'are.alive and thriving. On. July 11, Her Majestythe . Queen of Spain and her two, daugh- ters visited the Canadian Pacific Railway's pavilion at , the Britiih. ,Enspire Exhibition. Her Majesty evinced deep interest in all she saw -end declared -the .. exhibit to 'be betty lovely." • Although the preeent season of ocean .traVei has reached the period , nsually associated with a falling off In :the number .of.;passengers,,steeni- ship „companies report that little •de•7 crease' apparent tthis, year, and - that the ;total volume of passetiger traffi -in' 1924 will probably he„ the. , largest Of. any year since. the 'war... • -World p,roduetieiv of silver far the first half of 1924 is 117,653,000 ounces, , as against 1.1.3;25q,coo otinees• in_the first six Mohtbs- Of. 923: „Canada accounted for a Pro- tietionOf"10,800;000 ounced'in 1924, • s against.10,500,096 Minces in the irst ha, lf of 1923; being . the third iechicer afte,• • •Mexieo and the ppeolssoonnr4 hm%bvehbeeVes.ea.A.urised4thinat IhnlaoOd - WaYsr-throu'rh the inertia ••ef g se " ?NAY ' 111-PL•Blar VICINITY ' • • * • Mr.,_15,0,11ald HcPhersop„ 0f /4000; • of :Barnyard Poultry A N1P11!nge Abouttho. tiandliag 3.4.4ry Sosoz). is still'. on the siek list: t pent the week -end in Ripley, , .aele.:ted as "tegeher •fOr S.S'...N13,. 7We• regret to; re,ebrt, 'that ,Nurse lsfeceseary ler Proilticrion-High. Egg -Yielding pistributien Of . • . Ifuron. out ef 4 beSt. 0,,,,up,Alleintki.„. - 4,!1:g1,1-'11-10.trrOITI,47.-.4-to'llt!st!"-.."' 'E.13X.f..eof VIfk ...ccoa-tritkated,icir7-einti 7$'41;;ArtiftVitt',6f: ii.'„,-Aiiiik-„,staffi'- Mealeirt4.1S;',";Six:ell0: ' -'."-?it:Putic.inKhaixi.'''.1r., • . . A.gricurtorti, '.47„,orent:;;',..,..' ingiiis-lio.litlaYs. 4.1. his-:.haine her . • Can you tell'which hens. are laying. ,. - , pr. and MrS, R. k". Clapp, of Walk- ,rtaithaopyutt.9thdeptu:rempipre.t.i7punees:lsi?k: •t,ir'l0711;,ios ,';•••,,I;at():11;'i:!6r.10..e;iicn..of'.'.1:,gthw'T•eil..c$9,TitiiPtr.yiiaYo-urt•Tr: •' entaly -life, the cOristmiption of ,tale oarined Arid „,, other , prepaved - foods the tyeuhle, et, .: heetweg: ea.ch. ,iiiro ' 'Me arid Mrs Andrew Genimel mct- , , 4 th4t haye Jost, ,their ,, sjtarnin,s. ark. susPected of bein r :. I • fer 'When .1 , 910' frc" SPuthariiPt9fi. to.'" RiPle'Y . , • • . • the use of flavorings; extracts, etel,..hen C°M,rn, ences to ra.Y., PPeditielia i.n 'a'S-..1..;' .W.,eek.1.° ,.: '.• " . ' ' :' ' '. . • '. made from coal tar; ..Mr, ' Barker is 'tile orgaijs.egneerned in reprodiretibn''..i • Mrs, Fraser of 'Lender' is visiting .P,SPeeially einphatie-in:' his : 'COndeini; :.• are quite 'differen't fi,:e40. corniftiorn-, • Ae...r.:.. ft,411.ghter3$1.'s-, , Mari -elm ...!Ma, the:7.: „natien 4 •of ;anything' --::prepared '.. frinn• '•,,olfris'er"Ved 'iliiiiiii'viiiie'period of idle.: ' son ,:., ' • . 4 ' f coal' tar, as "nazi,. ,lregsdyea, per. aese. ....When ' the ovary '• is dormant• gey, :pr.:Harkness has returned - • . • • • , . , , . ,. ' fumes, ' flavoring's ere, •to-day.r. are and no egge are being produced' the.' "•;i:,.,„ ; 4, 1-d ,, . • - • • lIe is :4'erk S.Pre, ,,glao,'.t hat constip. distance ;between the pelvic bani,s. is: ' -.7444 ... a o 1 ,ay, motor .trip te sever- Chatioa • ia g: vPrY Trecluent cause of Singil,.. The vent is 'dry, snialL pupil/ .11' Po•irits' i'll'''st'utilivi.eterrt thitari°-..;,. ronic' h1ct.51 • poisoning: • . The, .best :•ered, and; in.'yellow. floshect'cliick:0418,. ' The 'tW:O "train veaS held` up about. lireVentatiVe, for cancer is the nor - has 4 band of Yellow Pigment a'round fifteen; minutes :Saturday 'afternoon mal, natural life. With' exercise, and the inside: When ia3'ing• eminences awito a: defec. tive; r-'ake:. ,. wholesome fresh food: The takieg of the pelvic.; bones becmng' .ihr o e pliable and, oyer hot toed or drink ie held to be spread apart to perrnit.•the pasSag't Mk. Albert Blaekwell.of.the'Huron dangerous ,The bleathin of food " and, Erie Mortgage COrporation, Loadon, is visiting. his:parents here; Mrs, G. H. Mooney, MISS Adeline' Mooney and • Cecil , Mooney feturnecl 'Tuesday •from a -trip to St. Thomas. • Miss. Ell "n-and-Miss-,4ea ,...tenhenson ;Who have been..., visiting ,frierids-land. relatives here returned :to their hoines'in Listowel this week. Two or three rinks froth Ripley puntitts,e atteading the howling , 7 ame,nti to be 'held in. Wingham On „ of the. egg. , The vent becomes Jar te" stuffs is eendemned as destrnetiveOf and moist and the ring of yellow pig' .! Vitamioes and is. likely toilltrOduot: merit diSappears. A visit to the pout-, irritating polaons. • The book throu try house on an early winter'evenini' ghouti stresses theneed of an Intel]. and a half' hour spent in going eve' igent and persistent .carupaign ag the hens will be profitable.. ainst a scourage that alreadYha Conditions Necess r to. Peoduetien„-- reache fragid_propertiens-ancl-isTurt-' The experience 'Of the Ontario doubtedlY on the ir.crease. Agricultural College Poultry depart,. rnent has been -that nen will not THE PIONEERS if not in good condition. She should, - ' be healthy, . free from any dieease, - The , spinning Wheel is -silent and show, plenty of vigor and.acfivity.' Throughout 'ou'r native la‘nd, ; The first pallets to lay'' in the fall The hur,-glason the tabl^ . . . have been the early niattirilig ones.: „O.s e The pullets that have developed sh;lv.1 • Stands emptied of its sand, ly in body and, feat!) ek' hare been juet , The- water-wheeli ,are -Totting' . ab-,E3low in starting -4:e lay".'-fThe .,:s . In Many 'a stageant •Stream.:. • agiorlotds cpa:frii'avea liberal -fieiNe.4(11,gb.en aenti.r.,!fleeeceire.a For the old dais and the eld.way ,:.•:. . . , • • • 'in 'the pull•et flock, and a full, Hav, vanished as a dream., basket- during the period of earl). Winter 'high prices. ' ••• High Egg Production: •• The recoirereente ,fer, high, egg pre- thicifen are clean; dry, ,coinfOriabfe houses, that are free,-‘frozir direct' .draughts over the birds, and that ar, „well lighted. The, feeding Consists 'tn.: . variety ..of gains; 'green .teed, ane. Mil feed, grit and . shell; which clean SWeet and.' whOlesonie and'•i's • given; tothebirds regul arfa In„ alr„ •iplyarlea 'Strathdee had, • tlie such quantities that :ob. !lave, all niefortune, te! lose' two inner • 'tUbes, they Want to eat before, goitig to ro6S., at night; that the supPly. of. dr'?” Itie4 ..material is clean and,altundantit that, •the attendant is regirlar in 'hi's. or work, and' IS interested in 'the same.: that the ',birds 'are 'bred froin 000 laying ancestors; and: that they .ar, • hatched at th:dproPer season ari.dwe,- reared and _are• -•,free :from diseaSe•'• • Distriblition of Egg.. - **. etudy Of' tire dis,tribution Of The tirelesS' flailS,•so• gaily ' Swung thro' the, busy day,• With rusty scythes and sickles:* Ilave'long been- laid. away, And they who „mowed the nreadOw's And brought :the 'harvest :• 11,1e, seasons' thre! are resting teo Among ,their kith and kin. Thelittle...,,wooderi cabins -Uponthe,lerid. they tilled Are gene ,and unregretting, ' Another Way •We ,And Maybe We al.e • 'And maybe' we 'have' gained,! • ,..Two-stary Fradie Builciiny of :two storeS; ort '•south ide Of nited States,' 'ictlfof Which show•-Iadec1jne. (T . IA• The homeinun of ourfathers . And honeured all sustained*. Seale daya "call will echo ,. . - . „. Thre? all those 'heares. that roam * nd tired like little children , . Siskatehewan's aUtPut of cream Campbell -Street and no .v• occupied as ,e cafe and n . • ket.' ' meat mar er butter in Itine_amounted. to 1 --- PARCEL, NO. ' • . Residence . on Ifaveleck'Street;'-next to. the .Methodist Church, • fuUy equippcd, hathroon, -electric ; lights, hot air. -furnace, Sleepin,-. perch' hard- an 1 soft water, large front verandah with:lawn '• at front and both .sides of houee, (141/mays:and ,large garage -for three _qarS,' furnace. and 'fruit cellars are seilate .In additioq'th?1•6 are two frame bains on stone ..foundations that make.,i ieal stables. and drive .sheds:, garden ;It _rear., This, ,preperty. is . one Of the:beat in, I;ticknoW, both as regards Location ,arik.gerierale, repair, . „ . • . 'These properties can., be inspected by interested.' Parties and fOr price:and: tern -s, write, . J. Allin Chatham YOUNG a'URNBEIZRY FARM -ER . KILLED IN ,RUNAWAY • ...Thonias MaeDeligtilli a smi- of 'Mr: - Peter 'MacDougall, a 'farmer ",living about Seven miles 'out • of • Winglia,M , on' the Morris7Turnberry road; wits , fatally: injured. ,on Saturday :while haWling n wheat.- The younger 'gat,: Diugall •w'gs',on the 'IMO • end :while - Crossing 't•lifY Maitliind River a , part , of 'the load,. slimiedoff, the '!,young Piflitheiig The, team taking, • :ran away and, the driver was 'sebadly bruised 10 King Street Ontario , that he "was :at , once:rushed to • the gliciaLII ,'evv'houre' later. AN()TIIER COAL OIL GAME A slick game was, played on -the, eneral store et • ,Sunnidale Corners one day ;lately, A, -stranger drove tip in a,, car, prObably stolen, and t'ot Seven gallons 'of gasoline, a sup- ply of biscuits, tobacco and matches a'nd then asked if they had any coal oil,!'and handed out an old ca' to can--was;.being' filled he jumped. into his tar and bolted withoet paying ler his pur- chases BE omit:ea* *hal wintertOines. We want • „ 1.116 show you Why Happy,' ThoughtTurnaces are the finest heating systeritat any price.. They, burn, all fuels equally well. . Every-Hapi3y—Happy a(ion, guaranteed by, the - .,makers of, the •farnou- Happyttibu4ion atininimunfuel cost Decide -• .;...417.botight.Rattgestogveideallieat die -6 now to be COmfortable next Winter, .8end direct to factorY:.for inter.esting:. 'free booldet "Live Air Heating.' " have res 70 years of satisfachon u e „ta the purchase of more ‘han 300,000 ildfipy Thought Ranges. • ' ,RAE POR'ITOUS Luelcnow At ton e ' Again they'll turn 'them *home, " Where music floods, the valley And breezes sweep the 'hill,' .• ncl; waking,' 'find that , God is kine, And earth' lovely sttill: ; • • / •- it. noiv 'the Spinner spinnetli No more thimigbout. the land,. he hour glass on the table Stands emp.tiecl of • its sand, whose heart is. brimming With thoughts of other years,', ith and Pain- I ilreamagain Of ye, 0 Piceieeis! H I G1143:1:21° -"X -E--- Ilenrr-FOrd-said„. recently -tlfat m irnaterial-to himself whether ) .787,056 .pounds, as compered with' A'. I i 1,746,000 pounds in June, 1923, an • increase of 41,056 pounds or 2.4 per cent. From January to June, Bi ,.. . 1924, the province has produced • 1 .. . 5,109,090 pounds of butter, as T against 4,423,016 pounds in -the , sgme period in 1923, an increite of A 686,074 pounds, cr.: 15.5 per cent. W ' Among the tributes to the late Sir '•• Edmund Osier,' a the Canadian Pa - edit Railway's directorate,- was one ifrarn C. R. Flosmer, for many year a fellow -director., It.....teasLaddressed- • Ai tVa taxes absorbed,' ene- Per cent or. to VicerPresident. 'Grant Halland read as fellowe', "He was the last' living of the great men who organ- per t. would supply cared t nd on hiniself. On' the ()the) d if he were taxed but one pe; • ized our great. railway." • ,cen The late, Sir' Edmund became a • spe director , of' the Canadian F'acific •han „*cent., of rtifitS... The, Railway in 1885, ate yeaf oft. e bent:, :the .differetice gd tr uetrial developinept..AL that 4,eint, the general. interest 7'comes , in Ex: 'prises means ernployment, ,earn • • „ ,. „pension of Ford' enterPriies ,or aii; • conifer and zo car for thoo, s• men *amen. ObvioUsl: efore the less ,money that , men„in'PoiseSSimi, Of cap,. -Speaking, q t.e broadly se -the More Will •:be .aVailabk, he form of • -wages ',High tax'ef • 'the: effect of", ciitting supplie theWeg,e, „•.'-earnert" on 'the"' ether,, increastrig, of living Cenada .•suffering now "from. lack of •norrnal eXpaitsign Pe ate . , _ . . Completion ofe the transcontinental ind 4' Most interesting and attractive elite volume entitled Here and There ins in Montreal" has just been , publish- and ed by the Musson 'Book Co: of To: the; ronto. ' The book is well'illustrated ken with maps and pieteres in color and .ital brings out Many :noteworthy facts, coat' eneh as that •the city's total pepula- t tion is 900,000, that two-thirds of have this , number •,,araz,,Fierich,Canacliaus tor‘ and that Montreal is the seeinid port and of imPoriance.. in, Nerd! America. cost The author is Charles Ntr, Stokes,„ jtist Ask. Gen. Pablitity Agent of the dusti eXalladian 'Pacific -ItailwaY• irignched at all in a Consicicrabh. • . . The first annual Pew.„:WeWLef... the , , , .. • . `,-Trairrtidira of. the 'dinadian R�ij Over 200 inte,rnationally known writers, artiSts, 'etc.,. rode in to gather, round the :sacred: fire in the Sun Dance 'Lodge. Charles D. ..,,Waltott,.-teeretary-of ,the Smitle•- sonian Institute of Washington, D.C., honorary President ,of' .the- Trail..,Riders; ,acldiessed .theAgather- .pOem. -written-4pecialli for the oecasion by Miss 'Carmen, Was read and chiefs Walk--tlie-Road and Buffalo„ Child. Long Lance formed an Indian' dance:' ' , NO vuist 61. ii9n,0 A lad a WeStern town hP4' ttlntkais Mania for throwniitone S through' , witlabws, he landed iti. the ve'°°° jorenile Co,urt.; The '.jocigo sentenced' nattire him tO throw 2,600 stOnes, 1.1n4er the 11"e 1? degree due ...to..high...taxat,ion-•en .._part-Lof-46deralrp!revincial-.-aritd-nrutri people are the ,greatest sufferers be:. 'cause the Oka* austenanee :11'66.tha' part of the • • ecOnonlit• 'fabric answers firSi to "the' colistric,tliv 'force• of conditions, For' that reasst_ 7tris , they :Mould :clearl..; un'clesStand the cense of • their troll • .ble. Let -no' oite'suy they:are helpless, This it:7,a, matter that have `try "featili ' l'e* a - 'het, the ballot box 'Politicani ' listen: to voices from that'quarter to,np Other: It 'mak' take a little; , More pinclring and privation beft.'ire every body realizes ti.lat"t_li,ere OrilY- one "WaY • and ft Wide' ePen, WhOn'mtli ,is *diverted baX efliee; iiithiStrY Ia itiduetry. lags ?ewer tat ien= gd but, 'Fax reterill Of the, preached by co.tnnfoniath, can. ut one*effect. That elfect iste ,prechietiVe itiveittfienta, . 'eye: of a. policeman. 'When la,ht heaid curtail froznythe boy wouldn't throw a iltone the se for 1. „, eqtb.ing .Augest 27th: .„ fMr. Lorenzo Reid left this week, Toronto. with about. lourteee head" Of cattle which' 'at ,the Canadian' National, EXhibiticia there. :Mr. Reid, has,. been •very auc- c.ea'sf , with exhibits in the -past, ;having taken -J' prizes :at Toronto and Sy:remise, ,1‘,L, 'Ree. Logan,' Of flamilton, is; tin himether.,here and. will Con - !tit the ti:" aaniversary services din -'lark la Church 'next Sunday: ' Mr. r.egan ilea just returned fibril a mot- i.tour, "iiirongh ,New , York ' State. egg production:As interesting and Int ".• Portant front' the point :ef the annual •ret u rns fret& bfrds Eg-gr-ti-eit rise and .fall with -the 'seasons,' an.c., uetially: the gra-a.test,• prefit. is mad *where produserq tggs-at seaSen, .)1 ,Steasene of die year'' -When; prfees-Prt • /high, , Pullets:are the ;Chief son re of' egg supply. As staf.„.o.d previeus'y they , require -nistts.11y, fro-nr six t; • seven niontlis.in which ,t� filature.... 1 I is, therefore; „possible :to regulat their :production in the fall enetl, at least to' some' exten.t .by regu lathe. the time .they will , hath in • th• spring.---bept. -of , k.7,xteesiOn,. , A: C011ege; Guelph • • • • , More Kiiltr; I'aintevs. , '. Crows ' are likely, to st ea • tile.' ear: from the late fiirkey:nests.if Vie are niade at so Me 'CListanci‘e:talo-ni-,t-h-L. buildings, ' ' • , , • Be -sure that • 'the eh icks,az.-e well fed .19 p trt e r5e..t I and that tlie3'•-are "given liberal Pane' where there is ,abilficlanef: ,feed.and also animal letel,y4 the fop) or.Joseets, wotoke, ete, ' , ,It is. poor ecoponiy 10 koop".,men. eocke're1s. than wiri bi....!.needed .4ear-ts•-•Lbrepdill'1,17 tfirtn'Afte-lig7:77.fr fi 0.7 -- are, sold as eoon. as tliti• are.of,,,breite, or „fryer, size.,a': steopoc,. and :thepullets will do be,tier out them. • • Cold, damp, Poorly.. lir,hteci ventilated poultry qiihrters favor spread of each diseases as 'otip.; :contagjous,,djse7j5 as•thesterte,,v d cult and sometimes impossible to•cop• trol unless , giv6i) att,ention in tle early' eta ' WhereVer, . prevent iv( measures fail. .eeparate • sick: hii•d• from the lleelt as scion, ris.;.(bere • Alien °hum „ expert advice to effect a Cur& . ' If. tile chickens Mustbe onfin1 ,on, aecbunt of bad' 'weather, provide fl good 'straw-1.1trer to -which •tlre I "I" eed rutty scitttered:, .Th f s PSted, and ...hphithy. • • NA:hvii. ichou.' • •,•• —, • , .„ leVeral wrenches • and' -other teals when hi* • autom obild!_was_visited, It?37 thieves Saturday, night, :Mr. Strath, dee had...left his auto at the top Of the:hill a'. Bruce Beach.: and the nit .'- 'knownmarauders ,inad a clean 'get- Aboat r'Seventy sacks • enritaining Eaten's, catalogues .for. distr•ibation .in •the vicinity of 'LUCkrioiv; HOlyrood , :and RipleY arrived herd Saturday night. • .The.- trade of t e • a ge Pa'rtinental Stores anpears,•to be exL :pending gint:c proportions. • Doubtless persistent - and Wide- spread ,publicity -campaign is in a . large ineaSure • responsible for the. „.. huge. v.olurne„ of sales, A.fter .a Well:attended and highly suceessful Sale in which he ,cliSpOsed. of the. balk of his household furni7 ture• arid inani. personal- effects; • Mr. Samuel •Seiden• for Many years a ,,Vell-known ''busineee „man, left te; take residence in Tor - to. mt. Harold, Jeater and ,,•Frank dre'Ve• the Ford truek from Inpley AO the provincial capital-. . . ee Ripley. , rinks • Skipped'. 1):., John Areher and T. A., JaCkson attended the bowling. tenni- ,. dment held ig.Luck.now' eh' Thursda' Areher'S' rink, :coiisisting. ,or diniself •W: Jackson, A, Aikezi and . A., -wa.4h6:- loeal- t'lnk ib come into the.' prize-winning' 1 is ThcS" WO* the .gg OChati;OI1 pic a, Walnut library:table fo4..aeli* mein.; ber. • raters in the vijinity are' expel. - ericine. considerable ". diflicultyq.in se- .suniCient help ,to take earoi operations. 'Nearly ' all 'male t'eaL'i.herS' on ..,hese parts are now in the harvest . and -the': dematul,'• for.; ,....warlie.rs till g'reatly eXeeed's* the supply:• Sev-' furthers are endeavoring tOob Lain adchtlenal help' through the goy.; '...rinnent immigration; service. , ' tliein exereiee 'arid: 'keep the'in idter .' • BO -Y" TOOK. VOIONG.S'l'El.', that litiVe• 'been accustqlned tca1"VeLr......'..Williani:-Stitherland.,,--.1"--,-.464year-• 7,kaiia'-e7.are-c-icSo)y...-creitlined, t'1', :fro. , old lit'd' of ,l'aleley•:baq 4, J.es,',..,,Llit4.11 Alion.ti..,,,,he.okt-r.it,rht'ti...51,1,0-11A011.41-11.q7,37..,- '.:i-711-W•L'tb-iiii--crrLt±11-A-'6f:iFT--7$Ilr------1-7-17,..V:1-4t: the thud twine: ,n 11 1110: are intid, .0111ittre,- and, -entering ,•the*:: Iii",',.ch)is.e,'.., contented, In their new ((*7 1(1 rs...r.rn- .,,u" t,, Sunday" kilterti9011 .11•Ile Cooper vide green 'feed for' t low. 'a ilia, , "- ' "ii.;,d his :kali' ily; ., wore' absent , in • st,, , :tiidian.itiinli,rd(leisf..:,8tYtd. to' ha‘, ' • ,vizir.y.s„' the VI chin helped hintself te• 'gone out of fashion, which is, a. Dily. ' ii•Ljt,),, Ill.!, ca'811 'front', the till:, . „ ,as ,, thek . are - exot,Ilet4a•y.s,, a Nei. -4,04l-1-1-1,11t, fl;4 jt•ek.:k wife,- -,,tanti a ,the'iteatl hs talite.16"vls, -01(4. Aild .ii iock, ,rina. hid the balance ,.of disagreeable ' "lei:al": that utli,e'v .tlur.; ks • ;•t�• the, • Ai,rhii, And• Ott' eitleStibiliV: tilt: ?' litre ,ert •ily'.:Kalsed',. do 'unt. makvr the 'Lila tin,... 'file...vilh,tge:' ' eel) 'OtW18(' do; and eat lessthan..any.,:e.tlier, bree4; lad ,sectived ''a . rotttrii 0.f. -the." -'111.011C 'in!Od..'titleice......, Tli.e„v4h4ep,,;kill *o u. '.,:'..a11,1-,,•tils76 ,s,tw:,•ecided ill getting a re•- :11-,'," 'a:lid' ,eah. he. rAsiA.0(1 clr vil ply 4ifil ftlitd 'from ' the 'parti.es...who 'sold: bin safely, , as, a •citielt 211!ittelleti, li•iiii:4,Ity the goods, : On Contiti.g. before '\I 712 means' !brie .kiiieed to ntaturily, . , !Striae Mt &t on 'Thursday, last ,tht. ...,,. tvitop,,,W,6.:.ma. Ili a.1,.i.ea. , ,.. :ro0y,, ., Who liad a:- *Previously 'goo. rOpUtatibi); ‘`its 'kt ' off on ..sustidialt.0 What ci.O.Wd.Plant when we -plant the ,sentpr,.ce s.,..011 • hi k father furniiihin,,, te,' viltaotlejt."14 •1100,0' g• ,c,,o,;,,;..:ti,1 to•Itt; •,4,1,•!,, boticle ' fel: his. 'god . helinYier, 1'61' We . plant the .rafters„,.. the, althigtee.,... •enot6tfillYtit,114iiii'661'indivililnagYtt'LS't1616.0H4C,.()sts '6f' °I'l - the -floors, . ' , ' ' ' •• • • We :platit'the litiidding,.110 ta,tits'; the • .,. •...............0 0 4!).......-.4 , dOot8, ' ' • . . ,... Tbe.bertrusafritt iiiitiltig; all parts that 41yrong• 'otit'or,, .things the% eobr.C.• ,bd;..• ' • \,, , - • • '''' - .. 'Ieci.e j.§.."0' IaW11.. grass th.at Will ,ti,rONY .WO. Plant the ,fititise Wii011 We- ''` . , thei it,66,.. ,,, . ,, 4)1;...t .-;on:ih,,611 high atid...ihOn. quit,. • .' qiiefido of oventii it .thits off 4.` �ls.n dlslflte6ted'll IS the raise s rente'nhdi Mikes ev•#,' liUt0itl)reVellti14) Of jo1A 01 la t -it 'Why doesn't; the, criminal wiu wiehts to conceal himself 'beconie, * Seine' :19111'64 WOMati'S, htisbita47 • Gossard—Line Of Beauty NEATNESS, SLENDERNESS PERFECT FIGURE. LINES , .STRAIGHT ' ARELDE07,1;E7sN FLAT AS AN AT F.3RM.BACK The, figure of'Youth foleYinith is .always in stYie: This k Fae little more of the -feminine, 'a , of waist, a, suggestien of that charm: lug; natural r,ne of' wolnaithood's identity= -The GOSSARD Line of Beauty. ' ' , To look slender, to beconie`slen- . der, to stay slender, to have that grateful Poise of light=lined youth For this the Canadian girl.goes,to her Corsetierre. • This store has a competent Gm- . sard2trained Corsetiere to fit youth and 'all ages perfectly, also -a faill stock of Gossard _Corsets -and Bras - sir z,s to i i all figure tYPegy Try _this service and be co.nvinc- ed of • the superiority of ,Gossard' Fit and Comfort RIPLEY . . . -...TAKE. YOUR. PICK • .! °Rind.' father . had ',.beeik :wiatehing, •Iiis ciaughter-zrow up untiLac------t= la;st _there', tame a tune when. a bash- • y,otith 'knocked. 'tiniidly at .the..- dbor and._asked. if Miss Smith wits''' • home: A. little later` the , Young oUpje drifted out' cif • 'the home and :• .eent to ,the piettire 'she*, :.'where, .iierhapthey held hands in the dark.' 'next evening the father push -- ed• his; chair back front the Supper', ,able-andLaaid.,:.thaughter,.,1- netireedThting - *es • called .iike a 'regular, '110'y la t night 'It' is hard to real :that niv girl' has reached intportant/Stage .iii life. But it IS all right, to be; and I'd '1 a tiler •J Watild Caine 'hero .ntan and ',ask for .you than t� meet: . dolyn i.OWT1 at: the! .socta :fountain: ;;ut giri :Mari,.coines 4,eyet41. Colore•L-wfilfe: red, t.", black, „rowii• and ;tan; and , When •business .s he often fe'els blue He shOPS, vi ays, plays, 'lights, ,cries, ,?.„.4.0tiliglebtql.2;,ceeest..Sh„S.Ignheekaetes 0.1,4etul ea! aonwd; ytuker, „haii,ces With -a. character of this ita, taial e; call' man; but •I•eniember,_,....__ u•eakv-4.11e-..-onlyt---one *or-tic:While ' .rig, Will; be found' amongst thclise.' who 1:1, 01116: to get 40E' 'GIRLS -AND . TIM PRETTY ONES In the .Sjiirft Patronage., in pretty' omen, , .often see); io- t is .. :0011tlie Talmadge, advises• te ,cultivate graves of ' Icindnese ' and dge, 'Seems', has .failed. tea:notkce'. let pIailt-girlS---tistally have ,better ilek in matrimony .than, their 'beauti-• ul Sisters. 13eauty makeS for ,self- onationstiees: fOr. ter Sstrinptieri-taiid. thus, too ' freqUeritlY ..,f‘ifeisted petard.' :The, octet at. al!, for' it las been illuStra- „ d ton-thoussiiii ' histpty id may bo. eeeii,"•all about 118. Sym-. atity;,,tinderStanding, the iliegaets, that. Unfailingly' nnmand and maintain' • affection. • lid the rule' hoMh,good With rueil elf i'S With 'Wo,inen„! .` , „ , , P-1,dge liaS ruled that tile pedeh- tian. ,is hot iegelly, bettlid to jurnp lt the way'ot cot, but the law. 4: • fait' are datigeqUaf, • 4-4-774.