HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-08-28, Page 100.-aaa
'Dr, MacLeod will visit looelmow
even, TaeadaY•iii Dr. Connell's Office.
• Dr.McInnes, ChiroPreeter.of Wing-
- ham, Will 'visit CM House, Luck -
'no,, forenoons. Tuesdays and Fri_
• days. eoMineneink April ' 20th, als
•. volt. the .hotel, at Dung.iirineri..!,taril
-clays- earlY afternoon. •' •
• DR. PARKER, uSTEOPATH,' ;4 the
Cain AOUS6, "1.44100Wa , every . Wed--
,neiiday” stternoon.' All chrpnic:
• .aases. Suceeskifulik treated. Qstio-
,paInk winoves tue ,physical causes,
ox disease. Adjustment of the
•soine is more ,quickly secured and
ma fewer treatments by ()stea-
l:gutty than by any other method:
DR. mAupg C. BRYAN'S '
•' -It.egietered Optometrist
Graduate Department of OphthalinO4
,ogY.1.1cCormitik'Medical C011ege.
eago.-IJJ,, •
'late& Eyelids. Watery Eye, Plan in
Eke Balls. Inflamed Eyes, > Pus qin.'
Watery Discharge frona -Eyes and
Dizziness caused' by Eye -strain re-'
beved throtri11 properly fitted Glass-
. , Cross Eyes' straightened :through
DroperlY fitted 'Lenses.' • *4.
,At .the .Cain „House. ,Ioucknow. Every
Wednesday Afternoon .and Evening.
Wall Paper ---I• have on hand' the 19
' 24 ,Samples of a number of the best
wall -paper houses, and will be plea-
' ed to show them at my houSe. Or will
take them to your residence -11. J.
Cameron, Box 174, Lucknow.
. .
MONEY TO LEND -On ,farm prop-
erties at 6%. --*Geo. A. Siddail
, ,-1-5-tf
Hard and Soft Wood -soft 'weed
good for ;suminer . use -large Oen-
-111;k Of hard woocl.''Enquire ai!. Joy-
:nt's othce, Lucknow. • '• 31. -7 -if..
Rooins. For' High Scheel 'Girls-- In
farmation at The ',S,cnithiel. Office.
We have -350 bus.- of 1.good plump,
clean seed of the winter King ano
Dawson Golden -Chaff varieties for
.sale.'..Present .year yield 4.5 ,bus. per
acre. Buy good seed and reap a good
' Malcolm ,Line, 'Kinloss Lot 19, 29
IIolkrood R. It 2 -Phone 100 r 33.
FOR SALE= --"A very ' Comfortable
dwelling in good- cOndition.,-Apply
to Oeo. A. Siddall. ' • „
• •
SALE -.The Tannery 'property'
at ..Lucknow, also a ;platforrn scales.
H'Appy • to S Robertson, :Lucknow.
Rooms for High School Student-'
Information at The. Sentinel Office:
geed for summer liselarge
tity,' of hard ' Wood, Enquire . at <1.
..;•'WesleY Joynt"S; Phone -15, LucknoW
Of Horiseholiii EffetaL at ..the
aidence of • Mrs. Freernatri Lucknow,,
on Saturday 'Sept. "Oth commeneing
at 2.30 o'clock • p.m. Among .other
;things are a gond kitahen range, coal-
• or wood, ' heaters; bedroom' suites'
kitchen uterisils.,--,diningroorn furni•:.
subs,tantial. and in: good re.
• pair -Terms cash. • • ,
• '''• Elliott Miller Aue.
• Lucknow Village Council twill Meet
on Friday Sept 29, ins.tead, of , on
, , frTueSday" Sept. , 2nd which Would be
,4? v:regular,3,4ate4rPartipas,,,,having
,I•busitiesi with the Council please
govern. themselves •accerdingly:
' Robt, Johnston, Reeve ,
on T+iursday at Mr. ,.);as. Wilson's.
Mr.-JJAlc Cluhh is visitin with
Miss Maurine Mitchell Of Wing -
ham Visited for a • few days tie the
",••• •
last for St. Mary's :where he Will
spend 'a OW "months. •
.• Misa. Agnes Wilson ?SpentIast
artandprntr" 'Mf."iinct`',
Mrs. Alex Ferguson of. Culross.
Misses Ethel and Marion' Simpson'
ef Witigham Spent a few days at Mr,
'12„obt. 8inipson'S„:
Mrs.,, Murray And Miss Annie ,Arin-
strong, returned 'net Week from Par-
• is
where- they :have been Visiting
With friends.
Mi. And Mrs: BOA. Mowbray and
Children, Miss Ida .Mequoict and Mr„.
• Geo.•McQuoid spent Sunday With
friends In Ashfield..-.--,
Mrs, Fox and Miss Greta Vox Sre
Spending, a 'feW days jn.Vironto.
Mins Merle Wilson la yisiting with
frionikELD liook;Oree
, .
; surpass alt
t e'T
("6-74-1.-11.""41•• -uio1
nt.tialr'ailn.te.S743etti'a'ndliasa. estiliv7tYll
Mr, Jitri orris home frem”"Detreitl. neetion' with the finial display, and
, •
Mrs. (ReY.). Eccleston Glanworth the fruit and vegetable grnwera
is visiting 'withri Lucknw frlends unusually interested in Makin', t
. , . department enteter14 at 'the cern
' and Mr Mrs' Jae, A. Olennle me1r- 'exhibition.
. • ., . „
,ed this, Week ,to Sinithamptoni,,' .-
,,, .., ..,•., , • , , -,„
. Toe: Big Event of the Season -
Miss Margaret Riverg. is aPending Gsderich Industrial Exhibit
a few days with frienciti, in 9.9,dcrich• Wednesday; Thursdak, Fi'idak, S
. . , ,
Mr. Haiold. Newton, : motored Uri' ten.ribOr . 3,. 4, ,...Pigger. and better
from TOronto 'and. IS spending a few than ever. F°u1.. bii''spe'd contests,
days .wita hisfatherDr. Newton. 0nraes ' . $000', ' Thursday- farmers'
• . '' • '"'.. ' - . ' • trot '•or ' pace, 2.26..tret or pace, Fri.:
Lucknow Fall Fair Sept. 25th and. day -2.30 'trot or •pace,, 2.12 trot or
26th, Hortin,
cultural FlOwer , Show pace.' James E. Hardy, World's fa
Sept. 9th. ... • ' ' ' one seital artist, will perform before
, • .
Mr. Jack AitchesOn of Sarnia is the grandstand afternoon and even -
visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .i.it- ing. Many Other attraetioni. '' •
cheson: •
•Cards of Thanks -Mr. Levi Boyle -
The .following Middle School St
dents . of , Lucknoww Continuati
School have obtained standing
kivea below in f the' DeP.artment
aminatiene• . '
1;1...1irst class honours •75.%:-:100
11,-Seeend class honours 66 7.,
.111 -Third 'clase-hotiOttra
• redit
m..:.c.: ,A;Itee-rig; cpComp
,eP - Liter. (C). .
M. Altell'--Eng. :Comp; tit
. , • .
,Elsie ;Andel:eel-IT-Liter. (C) ; "Alg. 111
'Phys. '(C). .
Grate B. B1ake7-.,Liter III; Br Hist
Ane. ' Hist. Alg. II
'Phys. ,(C)'; Chcm. III.. .."' '
Elliott E. Burns-Eng...Conip I
• . French Cenap, (C),
Annetta M • Colwell-Anc., Hist. . III
Alg. (0); Geom. (C); dhow II;
Marjorie Douglas -Eng. 'Comp. • (C);
.; Lai., 'Coffin, il; Fr, ,au. 1; Fr.
, Comp.
Jean E'..Durnin=Br 'Hist ' (6). A].
1; Geom. (C); Cheni. r; • Lat du:
..I'; Fr. Au 1.•
,Margaret K. Geddes -Eng. Comp,'111
A. j...„716,,t6.1laantr'' : (C
-114 .L '
Comp. •(C), •
Lena ' I. Hackett -L. -Eng:, Genin. Tr, ..
Wilfiid Hogan-H*Liter: (C)';,; Ana.
• Hist (C)..• ,
Carillon Hamiltori--Anc.
Isabel' M. ,Johnston -,-:13r.' hist. (C);'
• Hist Gown ("C);.
•,Chern. (C).1, • ' .
'Comp. (C)
• Liter. •,(C);
A11.-11.- Fr,.
Eliz A. Lane -Eng. • Corrip :IT;'
'II; Br; Hist: .(C),;::Anc...Hif.: ((,).
Alg. (c); .• Lat., COMP. 'II;
Conip. Jr, .
Jean. Lane ---Liter, I;' Br. Hist., (d
. Lat. 'Comp.:. (C)..
Annie L. 'MadDOndld.l.iter; III; 'tr.
Hist. (c)l ARC.. Hist. (C);
: . .
M. Isabelle MacDonald -Eng. COmo•
• (C):
. „ ,
See "The Girls in the:Limousine" and other menihers of ' the family
Six Reels tif, comedy. '", - neighbors for. their Idadness art the
%Miss- Kathleen AM/ has returned , tirrie of . theirrecent bereavement,
home to Chatham after visiting heralso members of Aasension Church,, .,
Kinlough,' and the •Y -
grandfather Mr. Angus McKinnon. Holrood Wo
men's Institrite. for beautiful. il,er-
'•• Monday next . Will. be Labor Day, al -contributions '
and a public holiditY. Places of biii,
, .
iness in towns will be closed
• Mr. W.' J. Allin from Chatham re-
turned' home - on Monday after yisit- • r
ing friends in Lucknew.
Our bargains are still On for
Voiles, ratines, All-tyme-erepe. - Also
Remnants in silks at''B. Blitzstein's
Dry Goods Store.
Miss Jessie Osgbode Is over from
'Detroit spending a few days with
Mrs. jas. Nixon and other Lucknow
Dr. G. W., .MacGregor `-with his
wife and daughter and Dr; W. C.
MacGregor. of Chicago are visiting
Mr, and Miss MacGregor 'Ross St
. .
Dr. Coulter and wife of Philadel-
phia..who are enjoying a motor trip
through- this part spent a few -days
of the week with Lucknow friends.
Miss •Joan MacCallum . and . .Mr.
Harry Alton are taking in the annual
-tea'ier's trip through NewTOntario.
On her return Miss MacCalluni will
teach in Toronto. •
Mrs'. Johnston and 'daughter, Mar-
jory who have been visiting Mr. and
Mrs, R. Carrick the past month,
haire. returned to their home at Vir-
ginia, ' •
' ,The 'Annual:eeting of The 'Luck-.
now .'Elevattir. Company" Limited. will
be held in. the Council room of the
:Carnegie Hall Lucknow, on 'Saturday
._ .
'afternoon; SePtembei.:. 6th at. :three
o'clock.' ' • T--. F. Cain, .. Pres*.dent.
. . . . .
• • -
The following students.Of Lucknow
Ceritirmatien SehOol • have obtainCd
Standing in the; subjects ,named. '"•
Class honours 75% oz
11--Seeond. Class. honours' 6-% 6to
11P -Third,' Class lunieurs • • 60% to
C. Ore ,
Mona Mi'h11- Composition II;
Liter. II. , •• •
N..r. Finlay Shackleton -Literature C.
Ena R. Switzer- ,Cenip..III; Liter.
flaiold W: Treleaven- Comp
Liter. C.
evening. MNOTEST
E. E. McLean
• Miss' Isabel 11/hirdie and her ilieee ASHFI, „
Miss. ••BesSie haVe returned from
Ottawa Where r they :sPent .a couple Mrs; Barger of Lothian,-,w.ent„ to
-•Weeks visiting Misa. Murdie's' sis- Taronto on ueadak to attend 'the
ter 'Mps. E' A - Cruikshank. funeral of her,-ejster, Mrs., Madgett.
:Dr. and Mrs. 1 George- "..''McGregOi.
aiid•their-datighter,Misi Donna,''and
•Dr. Via, McGregor Of Chicage', mot-
ored over and are visiting' friends in
Luckno*, and Ashfield. •
•Mis;•Jack,'Mtircloch and son, of iie-
trOit, ale visiting with her sister and
brcithers .at the Cameron home at
Lochalsh. • ..
Tom and Miss-Tabitha, Kempton
of Ripley'. and Miss Tena. Kemptoin
..• , . •
01 Clutthani spent--; Stiaday.7Y-iSiting•
with: their •brothei- at Laurier.' ,
. Mr, and Mrs. Tayler McAuley, ' Of
Chicago', are' Visiting with friends.. in
Lochalsh and ,Goderieh.
Mrs, Raythour ::of Fergus -who has
visiting with her sister Mrs.
Rose,1 of .IlemloCis: • city, /or •aome
time contraeted'aseriens' ilineSs'•arid
is -not, her
•..T6 Ashfield"SehOol Fair e
held at "COurey's 'Corner ,on 'Sept. 8th
, • Mr. and Mrs: !Steire'. Stothers of
Clinton spentz4u.iday .-with Mr. and
Mrs; P,rank .,MeCharles,.• 'of .Lochalsh.
• visitcd with Mr. Jas. • BarkWell • of.
Lochalsh during. the •week:
Master Clark McGrogoi of -
1,,-1.1i-mv-Tr-;Mtine. with ' Lloyd ' and
, .
. Repaid Henderson of Paramount., '
Mr., Tom. Irwin : of, near .Luc,know
:isitd_inIoronto.during.thc -week.
, Mies ,2Jennie Griffin Of Lucknow„
spent the week -end, with her. cousin.
MSS Verna..:Ilamiltons;of.,.Paraniount,
L., .4Kr,,...,.,,,l;Wat„..,;,,Mar,tuxand.:4,eliildren:-',,of.
Faranieunt spent ';'Sniiday. • With
W ..' • '
'Mias itinzfreck Douglas, of, Luck -
now Visited With • iss, Annie McDon-
ald 'Of Pararnount during the Week.'
s. Miss Bessie Grant of limplock
. . „ .
City visited with her 'friend Was Ada
Pickering -of •-..Patinriotint' the
vonk,' • ; ••• :• ;
Mlea, Amanda 11%le-Doriald Of Para-
mount, visited with her slater Mrs,
sAim OF FURNITURE • kenipton Laurier during
last'week .
Pthrlite Stile Of letitn•iture at W.
- • • krand Mrs. Archie Campbell Of
dennell's residence. p0i1s St- On Sat- FianliltOn ,:oieited with and'•Mrs
octi Atf 'at aotA.afternonn an .Neil McKenzie Of Lanrlet
ng. itohom ,Diningroont the
clroom tiArilltptO
• Mr. and Mrs J. •Cameron of
,London-;--Mr:---and Mrs. Apps , and
farnilY' of Paris and, Mirs-. Weig,ley of
*Galt were*Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
• a t
Mr: Alex Purvis . has. been euffei-
ingjer4,9krit, time ,from trouble in
offe' of his eyes the. cause, of which
doctors have. not been able te.ascer
..and- sons,'
John and Easton • have returned to
:their honie in Toronto after spending
a few weeks • with their .cousin, 1VIrs.
Edwin :Ptirvisi: Boundary east
Mr. and Mrs.. Harry. Whiteley„%vith
their son Robt, .Whiteley, of Chicago'
Tent.the Past Week' with Mr. ,and
Mrs. W J. Little"TTR7y, 'made the
Lrip by auto, ''.;,,Teturning
-Wednesday. " •
•.• Mr: Charles .Johnston, an old Luck -
now sehoel...boy accompanied by his
wife and Soli tooOreir over froni
;Ohio State add spent it few days of
last Week' with vfr '.firid Mrs.
Littler, just' to-Lsee_theLortiLtown_again-
, Mrs, WTill Barber, ,who spent the
turned to her 'hoille•ht•Cranbrook, 13,
6. She Was accompanied to the West
by her sister, Miss Lerna Camnbelk,
Mr., Harry , Macey 'left on Monday
for his boyhood bonne in Wiltshire,
Erigland..7:„Mr...,Macey....caine.,..to$ Canada'
,the time since With farmers in Hur-
on' County.
.;Miss Margaret: McClure has re-
turned to Lake 'Lenore, Sask. It is
reported ,that Mies McClure is to be
=married in the near future, • and in
view of this, she was before .1e.ay,ing.„
treated: to a "miscellaneous :shower"
13y her lady fiend e in Liicknovi.
•Myra J. ine-D-OTIald-BF7Hrit.
Ane. Hist. (C); Alg- I', • Georn.
(0); Phys. ,(C); Chem. (c).
Lela. .(C); Br.
Hist. .(C)*;" Anc. Hist. (C); Phy
...*'(C). .." „-' •
Malecilm Maclniiis-Br. Hist (C);
• An.. , Hist. '(C); Geenr; ,(C);
P. Stuart MaCKenzie-Er r. Comp..
11•;: Liter. III; Br. Hist. (C); Ane;
Alg., .(C).; Geon 11;'
Phys.; II; Chem. (C); :Lat. Con.;
, Fr. Fr. Collin. (c.)
.rtnby E.,-,MeQuoid-.LEng'. Comp. 10;
Liter. (C); Anc.. (Q);:Phys
-John C. 1VIcNab,--Elig..-..' ,ComP. (C);
Mona C. Mitehell--Anc, . Hist: (c);
(C); Chem Lat. AO. I
John Lovell Murdoch--=‘• Eng. Colmn.:-
'III; Liter. (C)„,
Wilfrid G. Murdoch -Eng Conip 0.
COM!). (C)
Liter. Liter. Alg. .11I;• 111;,
, -Phys. 1 Tr; •Le.t: Au 11,;;
.• Lat cenfp:..Tr. •
Eldon S. Reid -13r. Hist: (C).` Ane.
hist:, (C.); Geom. 1,1,; aherh.-JC);
„. .
Lat.. Au. '4C); Fr. au L .
Margaret': E. Comp., 11
Alice L..'ShackletenHEng; Comp. 11,
W. Finlay..., ...Shackleton-r-,-Chem„,„.;,I,I.,;,,
Lat Comp. 111;
Ati' II- Fr. Conip (C). '
Jean. I, -.BieWart,-Etig. • Corrip. ti; .Fr,
Fria B. '8,witzen-L-Ane.-„Hist, .(.0).;;Lat;
,Andrew...,,,,,M.,:"..-Thoni pa Gon-to
•Irr••••• . • .
L "ThoMpsoii-L-Eng, COM p.-
Vera . 0 g. ofo • (
Chep (c). • `
Harold W. Treleaven -43r, Hist, (();
Lat. Comp; III; A. 'I'r.
(C). .
Alvin WoodsH-Lat..an,14,..tat-601404-;
Vera WOoils.;-Eng, Coinp. ,II; Liter;
III; Br: , Hist. ' s(g); Alg. (p);
Geon), ,(0),t Lat. 'Comp. (C),
221 papers Were written, 153, re-
ceived a pass tnark: Tho percentage
of successful !' papers was therefore
Meetings of the Presbyterian duild
will be ,t:estttiled Onlhe 'evening of
SePteMber Stli- the Meeting to ,aOm-
mene,e at 8 o'clock. PrOgrarni Enter;
tattling High School Students. the
Soolal and titteray)o.h0clowitted will
luto ,glat444
•A• • Fine.' Day And 'a Vine .'lriryd';.•
Trophy 'Gees To Clinton • !'
• The, bowliror tournament on Thur
day Of last, Week Wa$[ :one Of thos
rare.. oecasions N.!lien every 'factor.e
tering-,,--iiito-th'e 'c'effSpS'4't
• make. an .ideal success.. The da
and; the :even:ng: Were • delitful
,herias a 'Splendid '•,'erevicif--=:15:0,vi
itig low,Viert•.and, 40 local t.levotes
• the game -all' in the bet of 'spirits
a spacious and ,well-lighted•green
tile Pink Of coriditien.:,. 'What mor
could be •desired „huneh of bus
iness 'men off for an afternoon.' .
The' -.ideal anagernerit had 'left
. . •
nothing Undone that Weald insure
the Success of :tile d,ent, and they
PlementS 7 upon the• arrangements
and equipment.. %The, spacibus :green
surrounded- by ;beautiful.. Maples 'the
' large' festooned flags „slowly waving
.. gentle breeze, • the scores Of
players in ,,,yaried 'garb, the crOWci.:' of
'speclator.s7=--)iien, NVoilwn'. and child -
en in slimmer attire ; bright, .-col4
ors presented,' a beati.tiful • pictUre .in
the afternoon, stin-:•lfilat;., and. still
.1i -tore beautiffil the eyen.imi.,whdti
icore - of • great 'electric lamps sUS-
pended 20. 'feet above' the;green: made
all as. bright'
feet...enhanced • by the surrour,iding
-Shadows'. -" Veterans of • a 'hundred
-tournaments. had- no ,. hesitatien
pronouncing • •the 'greep, one of -the.
best ithy had tr.),
shrpas lt. -10 .Wcster;i Qiitarid," ,was
The local Wother's tit.nt. eto'n-
dticted ,•zi booth at the south endof
the park where .b.etvteen: gaMeS. the
players found ample refreSfirnent.:It
was: ; supplied, • well •conduetcd
and well paironiZed; . •••• •
•• -John; JoYnt,. Hon, 'presid-
ent. ef -the 'BoWling Club, put up,, a
beautiful silver elip as a -,tr&phy, 'and
the, ...Club
:prizes, conSiging • 'writing tables,
table' electric-laMps,- .platters
cream and sugar sets." The
Joyrit • trophy and fCS-t"ini4e were
,Won by: a .Clintori rink, Mr: Robert:
on;',,skiP; the ...incl. Went' to
Mr...MecDonnell'-skiP First"' AssOci-•
woa. by Mr:-Arche,r's
-Ripley; 2nd ,lAsseciation; Ten-
nant's .London. , The :special Was
won 'by Reid of Goclerich. !.
Rinks Were •present as follows.
Seaforth, 3 rinks; Wingharn, 3; Lon-
don, 1'; Hen.Sall, '2; • Mt. Forest, -14
Wia-rten 1 '; 0CSL0;Vr1;Galtf; --Wal-.
*Iceiton, 2;' Gocierith;, 4; Kincardine 4;
Hanover, Brussels, 1;. Clinton 1; •
eesw. • t; 'Carkill, 1; Ilanover,
3;• Southainfltob, " Paisley,
1; 13lyt 1.
• . •
.• That • a few fe11PW's• ,Wild are .;iiet•
:qt.* to be 'oe..Iarge roamed the' 'streets
.of I:me-knew late SunclaY iight or
eni.ly Monday „morning eviclenei:d
by the 'wAy: in which 'flo.,.i•ering., :Plants
' •
-h a v WindoW: boxes frontti residoiwc, of
.1b1116:'1:711 r's
just' 'svest :off the garage au.°
tossed it ' u'nenthe flower hetIS. •i„f
was intended to f)rotoet)..The braves
evidently 'Seleete'd kt•
time WhOn :01.6re S\'-zt— 1-10 hddi hh(Y.1t,
, 'there' is 'un' iiiformatien as •t�
wit 4
thdniop,t 'ignorant vandals
' find' pleasure. in 'llestructio.1:
any horseof;.. raw c�uld d6 the like
if iUlWcd nt large • on the streets
at night,' Thil5, of. work' together
and ih niany Places has: :rai'sed • ;the,
• question of keeninga night w,
nd be -
(411.1, eS.143' oPVt'en..4..4-3 elnt 7ninit4iii7N'7e,ft'i;
all over the, toWn. at 0110, tinia;
sett, of Oreatnre, which °Pet -uteri „here'
In Sunday' ' night evidently finds der --
light :in- tile 'ebnstable • unci
th otirth, The 'duly icndy b, fe'r
pvery 'rOod citizen to regard Min Or
. .
herself': rcon1n1itt00" ,qnc acting,
the inter0Sts „of taw and order;
'and , have , 110 11 0 ,SitAti'etri
111 givink information al)put,
doily e,hasactors„ •It is true tbe
,ourti , tire alteget.her toe leni.erit
with this , sort' of law braker They
ought to be put fot good Where 'they,
Can 'do habit te none but thenigdives;'
or ill *tow of the slackness' of the
eotirts,wou'idn't it hit, a good id de to
2encth11 e
*iss, 44114 Flane is $pPPcli
• WO.ejc.in Retreit. •
-• McDonald :and Pnrnin baYe start
filchseason's threShing; • •;
,Rer, ni4ij has ben
ng -
9114: t,e,,ii;itter: last' week,: '
• • Air.- anti ,JOhn Mills of ,
jc'1irfew. gays with, their
• .•
01. 'Aitchison.
.4r.' and Mrs. 'flgert of %II-1ax-11,4ton
are ,visitors With irs. •Lgert's,aister•
.tlis:• ueorge Webb ' ...• "
Messrs. 'Torrance '.Anderson . ano
Laltuni Cameron , were -„ ,home • from
uetroit for the week -end.
RobinsonWeeds. ,and *Miss
ti'ene ,W000S are visiting 'friends ,in
• •
.Don't forget the date of the Se,hpoi•
• r'a.r-Sepiember. tith. 'there- will be
-4 high 'class" concert at night by .the
.art ...qaPie:,Leaf Quartette.
Mr. • and, 'Mrs. C. Rathwell, • Mrs:. W.
•,.',.-zath-W.01.- anti %1r J. W -Reid of;
:StkOi1e-1 Township visited uith Mis,
J.‘Voticis 'during the week,
▪ Itobei.t• Murray ofr.Lucan is
a, Ni$Ifo).'„, With her: sisters, MrP.
,ual.t and Mrs. Cameron . and her
• • . • ..
Miss Mary Murfay;,
Mr. •and MrS'i 'A, rchie Pollock and
Jas.' Hyde �funderwood ''and
-Eyed hyde of lhoshUry, 'Alta
. were .vislairs with '2Ir,',•and,11-1rs'.:, Jas.
McGregor,: Dr, ...George-
M,rs; 1M Greger and daughter
and. MISS. I.:lore/Ice; McGregor
diiezigo have been visiting Mr.;
and \1is GeorgeStUaA. •
' Mr!: „and,' Mrs.. Wm; Mcquillin,
MiSses. Mary and 'Beatrice and , Mr.
.Geerge McQuillin,N'vere in Stratford.
:on •Wednesday -attending the Censer-
ative PartY.,.Picnie.
'Mrs11 Davis and- ..children . and
°Miss - Mary,Blain and. '..Miss Ada,'
iianies of-ilainiltoniandiss---Mai-
garet Haines' of „ly,inglfani, ,and Wal
'ter ,l-lairieS. of Thrimins,spent a couple'
f -days .reee.ntly-. with,.their cousins
'Ali. and Mrs George . McRoberts. '
Miss Sadie Bowles of Detroit is
visiting her couSin Mrs,. has. Mira -
_ • • _
- and Mrs. ;Arthur 'Haines and.
of Winghani; -Mr. and • 1V1i...S..
Edward • 'Haines •Mrs..,''Robt Haines
5Ir. t J Haines and Miss. Winnie,
Haines,: of,.;Fordyce, Mis Hugh Davis
and family and Miss ;Nary Blain of
and Mr Will McQuil-
lin and :farnily,'Mr. and Mr.S. Ed.' Mc
Q11111111 and, family, visited filionds in
• Ctoderi,?h on Mende -Y. •
. •
It. was" with deep, regret :that 8t
eiens friends- and .oldPupils- ...of
liss, Beatrice E •Andelion .B.
card- 'of 'her deatk.
rcumstances in Toronto on -Thurs-
a Miss• A:ndeis.o.n.:-.1-tatight-in .- the
:hoolrhere. kir three years eoinmene-
g nineteen' years 'ago ' Oijs:•••, fall
905; , Later .6yite ' a ;iruinber, of St.
eleirs Young folk had the • pleasure
.being, her •pupils in 'the .W.inghain
igh Shool Mary. freM „St.. Helena
tentle.'d the funeral'. •dn 'Suliday of
r who was s0 well. liked 1 1 ho.
Me' in .e.ouch With her. •
The -case :ileyeloping, out •a',charge
of .i,:int!-Strpnort ,ef Wne , fold:children
li.i.Plight",--against Reginald 7371-i?r ea,
and whieir -CaMe.v before-- :Magistrate
McNab -here last. Frislayitv
'pone:V. aft-ert-h-` ev1d0-arlir5iie wit
fleas. was taken. .Mr. A1f. Arinstreng,.
of tonden. 'a brother -of , Mrs. Barrett
laid 'was the Only witness exa:ined.
Magistrate ,MeNab Will 13•0 ;. hare.
.agitin:on Sentember 3rd, to. complete
, Barrett. who fer;.it n inn her Of
l'00q0dfO:I.A.1C1004 and later MOST&
:UV 11e0de11, is charged with • taino
to lhe tIn to an nkreern Opt, of' sePaf-a-
tion by. whielr.he engaged to pay
o Valt4I p t af
.and their ehildren. Mrs,
',Barrett "."ferimerly. •Annie ..ArMattoile
of Luelq.ow . continued to
tOnden atter the separation, and the
daily( IS that ho failed td Ifve up to
the torma of the tireerueut.. -Action
WA s' iaken by the Rev, 11, Perdue, of
Walkerton, inspeotor thic:'Children,
Aird. Soeletyv Barrett had been living
nar Peitagela Prairie was
broughtSSt7Aby li 'a Pro:Annelid �ftr-
l m Q41,0 in ou'l 4 htt WOnt frOWalkertOni,
Victoria Sandwich
• Rote Tarts. Nut Tarts
•Dundee Cakes .
Raisin Bread ,
• Home Made; Bread
•Whore 'Wheat Bread
All Stores Closed
Monday, Labor Pay .
Butter and B.ggs at Best Prices
Hollyman s
Phone Lucknew
AUGUST 49th 'and
he Girl In. The
'Better' Than "Grandma's
Six Reels
voisspupv, ,
- Agents Wanted
The ca'reful, 'attention to our
customer's orders and the splen- ,
did stock supplied for years.
pastwarrants mi in having n
• a representatie or two in this
county. Liberal Commissions.
Free' Outfit: Write at once for .
Exclusive. Territory.
, THOS. W. BicavivtAN & soN ,
PL -al Work ,and Cut Mowers De-
livered To Any Part of Canada
United' States and Europe 1
In Short Notice.
Just -Phone Your Orders In.
, -
ThOne 109,, . Goderich, Ont.
At 3 O'clock
:7-Lucknow Town .Hall
Pastor Holliday
will 'preach On
Privaie Snip of Furniture at ' W.
nno 1 j..s....xesid ence.,:7-Rosi---St.'',On
• .
edhesday, Sept.' 3rd.
- .
The' chief feetureS of the day will,
be as. folloW,s: A great baseball, tour:,
Dungannon vs • GoderiCh .
."•rowns:hip -At '1,0480 4:011.; •Auburri,•vs.,'
teanis" at '5 '0'elock. • -;
,ChAdren's races; Open races; ,Ath,-
letid, sports; Tugt-o.f-War ete.'. in the,
.afternooli, „Meals serVed' , the Agri,
cillturar',Eall. • .
A 'splendid. entertaininent in 'the
..e.venim.-.0 at 8 o'cloCk, in the, Reil
"May, Time; Maple -Leaf Revue,"
'Codeli h. FO1,16Wing the •entertain..
Ment a,: dance- Will be givep--+Ripl:ek;
!,)rehostra. Adini$,SiOn: to ,lield, atrotts;,•
Mot nifig 15e Children .10e... Afternoon
25e„ Children Meals 85e, Admis,.
Sion to; , reserved ;seats 40;
0:0. .4 -4 -4,4, 4 :I Stid‘4U041Dit
t 'I' .4- • , 104
11(4S', *14,4; 4,444% 4444 71'0', 00;