HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-08-21, Page 8Toe I OW SE$ ;! LM a! NURgp4 .y, 'AUGUST 21st:, 1,924 r 4. w f>• yi t ie .%flowing. ,�Vlerchaants have combined•ate 'i Bargain" EVeat in the Town's History.+ ar•DsyS vfierybody Comes: e • ee ato0i0nts To .The Public a mer00,..: Murdoch - &. Co Co: Days: -Aug. G Bapl Doll r Day Hargai ns iri every. DePartMent is enr s�o al.. We`- bavt . Iiirgeiy , extended our Ladner►' - Ready-to- WearDepartment with'a splend`id • Display rof New' Goods ' In' `Latest Styles On Dollar Days 10 to 201%, will. be given off every : article` in . this Department, Ilar"' D begins a Grand Clearing Sale df Boots. shoes and: Rubbers; We have decided to sell ont our entire;, Stock .In this Department, , _ Sale"wilt be' eon .tisiaed day until Shoo Stock is sold, , AU. Shoes ,by . do .y and Rubbers are reduced, to Quick Sale Clearing Prices BOY your Fall and 'Winter Requirements in Shoes now.•• See Our Special. Shoe, Bargains, far ,Dollar Days: r eron, Murdoch _ & Cot.. ehave no old goods oods to offer. .., Our Stock is new and : up-to-date. • ..:� However, we wrill give.Youa worth th 1' 1 lines., •, �v. hrl a .discount off on a ' sufficient to al - where the profit Is to w it. �urdie ecial Attractions . At, The IIUB GROCERY F DAY 2 Dozen 5 -String: Bro,ms,_50c. each.• ' Eatra2t- 15c each, 3 for c. . 4 Doz.' Bottles 25 ' Bar of Boy's Friend, for polishing glass and Metals,' Reg. •,25c., 2 ;for -25c = • Chase aird, s . andborrrs Coffee Beans, 60c. lb. 2 :lb., far: $1,00 Ground While You Wait Special in Wash; Boards and Laundry 'supplies, 'for $1.00'' A Th ese aonly re the'' Bargains' we have to offer a few of • DOLLAR. " DAY BARGAINS 'IN': DISHES Spice does not permit .us to tell you about, the Bargains • we are offering in,Dishes '• and Flower Pots. Just drop in Just spend �a",little whae in the china Department, and we- will be pleased'to tell you all about them. • `See Our Window Display `'1'.:: Creaan and Eggs' taken as Cash. HILL , - I=lubGrocer.; isle pecial Prices O i Al . Lines WATCHES- ' Ladies' , Gbld-Filled Wrist: Watches, :.:$1R_..to ,$23.00, ` Special Prices in lien's Watches."' JEWIELR,Y • Bangle Bracol-lts,•Reg. $1;.00,.$ --Day Special. Prices in all ''Jewelry. PHONOGRAPHS • - Regular 'Price, $ Day $13.00 • . Weathered Oak, Upright Cabins* Phonograph, very: Speeial• Price, $ Day $65,00 Get a Stewart Phonograph for the `-c h i 1 d ren , $ Day• $11.010 OPTICAL DBPT:•s- Eyes` examined and .Glasses fitted ern 0.0 Ey'e Gold Filled 'Frames,. $ Day • $4.50 • Many Other Bargains Not Listed F. T. Arnstreng Jeweller' Optician' RathwelL �c , urns,'; .•Shoe Bargains "Ladies' Kid B al,: ,$ Day Price Ladies'xfords, New goods Black and Brown Calf f Q Special $3.75 Ladies' White, Slippe s,.•Leather•Sole, $ Day Price :$1,49- • Ladies' White Shoes, s%itable for house wear, 50c• al pr. . '. Boys' Sox Calf, Blucher, Rubber heel, Special ......$2.49 ' Bal Goodyear Welt Special at ..;:$5.00 .Mens Brown .Calf , Boys' Box' Calf Bal, Goodyear welt, Special, at.,..... $5.00' 'Special ;$2.35 Shoes, Size to - Boys': School 5 , ?1 5, Men's Work Shoes_,! Sizes 6 to 11, $ Day Price..;...:.$3,50 -• Outing Shoes, in Mea's;' Wiimen's, Boys' Misses and Chil- dren's, at Cost Prise: [en's • Oxfords,' in ',Black aiid Brown Calf, $3:50 and 45.50, BIG SPECIAL:. BARGAINS FOR: DOLLAR, ; DAY 0 Yards Flannel, fort/ $1.00:,' Toweling, for', ` $1.001, Yards., Linen o g, 5 ' 3 Pair, Ladies' Cashmere Hose, $100' -.'. Parehldren s Brown-Hose$100! Children's �, , dren's'Overalls 2 Pair for $1.130': Pleated Skirts, all colors, $2.79 Ladies' Slips, $1.00 crepes, , re es all, colors, 5. yds for $1.001 voiles!. all -colors,. 4 yds. for . $1-.03 Come and See The Great Bargains at B.'. PEARLMAN'S fake '.Your. Headquarters dor Dpi _ -A elm . 1t/ K Diu r C _ • S ,g� t� e• Where Bar sins 'Will Be B OGE :,nen B TT R a E E R Tha PHONE:.:3 We nanticipate the Two Busiest Days ; w:e ever Prices on everYthing in the Store, have .:.been greatly - .I duced for.these;two. Big -DA- Come a Space will not allow us to .'details,. . but come .• o g re pared to find Bargains, Such as thiser , Store has !lever given before. 0 The Early Bird •Gets The Worm 't .Pmer's liar �D�. •A al Do PoiSO Twill,Navy'and' Black, Dollar Day $2.50 yd. 54-Inchk ...65c. a yd., ' 32 -Inch . Sport Flannel, • alt wool, . . Ali Wed Crepe' Blas, Brown Navy, Grey, Speciale $1.45 FSilk and ed Crepe, latest for dresses, at ...$1.95' 'NavyS 54 i chew wide $150 a yd. Nada Coating, � n,, � � . ... , .... • er.. e, ��:. ' Heavy -weight Navy S rg ; 54• 'inches. .sortable for�OBo a Si..ts . of Reefers,at ' .: $1 y, Fancy Racine, Reg. $1.90,,to Clear at ..$1.251' 36 -Inch . , Broadcloth, Plain colors,. . 75c. yd. 36 -Inch Stripe Broadcloth, . •$1.29 yd. 32 -inch 'Gingham • Reg. 35e., for ' .. 25c. Silk, Special i . $5c. •�a yd. 'J4 -Inch Raw p .: . , $1.75::' 36; finch Duchess Satin, Dollar:`Day $ 75 ...:. .... •.. Ne 7, Full 'and Winter Coats„ Special 16.50, 17.50; 1 , , n.50 and $25.00. Child's Middies, • Flannel;' collars, 2 to 16 yrs., .Special $1,69 Men's Silk Hose,, Firicy Stripe, 49c. pr.." ,..: . .......,...,. 40c. Ea," ,--Boys' a•. --reduced, Jerseys, a sizes, .. Mens Stilts ° and -Overcools greatly ?ed •REMNANTS, GALORE• 10% Discount ort, all Geode not ' marked Speeials. Palmer. av ison urniture Dollar Days, Aug. 22nd and 23rd. AT TME RED FRONT HARDWARE Real Value Assured. For Your $ Where, R Is •r _ Only. Lawn Mower, '14-1n. cut, Regry, $9.po .$, 2 Only. Beatty 'HayCars, Reg.: $12.25, $11.00 1, Only, Beatty, Hay Fork, Reg; $6.25, .. , .. - : $5.50.. 1'Auto Wheel ,Coaster Waggon,'Reg. $6,00, ..55.25.. 1 ''Only; Auto' Wheel Coaster Waggon,Reg. 7.2p,: New Century, Hand Washer, Reg $21.00, . $19,00', All Screen • Doors and: Windows must' go at 10%. off. Electric Bulbs,' 25 W, 40 W, 60 W, for $1.00 Aluminum and, Graniteware:,: 10%, 'off. All Leather -faced Horse Collars, �lt`Will Pay Yon To'lVlalre Our.'Store''Your=`Headguarters• : On Dollar Day,s, Aug, 22nd and' 230 RAE & PORTEOUS. ollarlTDays' Sale Announcement We lave a number of good values M staple linen, ` As ,.in our business `very little or Inc dead stook .accumulates, we ,have nothing'but goods as. staple. as bread and.butter. On previocfs: $ Days we had lists prepared for -ready reference,, showing at a glance our Special Values for this , Annual Sale. We.Q2e , toYdo'.:.tlie_.same : on :,the .22nd amd, , .23`d • of Augustand if you pay us a visit we will ' try and„ • not, "disappoint ytlu -Yours Trulyi A. R. "FINLAYSON STANLEY'S VARIETY STORE, You will miss a Golden Opportunity' if gou-pawhy this Store 441134Y: ,.•-S ace.does not permit mentioning the 'numerous articles • we ai'e.offeri.ng.' See Windows and also come in and walk around the Store,; See th.e-Special_Va.lues_ . Offering in Motor ' and Carriage Rugs' for ,----Dollar-Day Johnstone ' Bros': extend to you a cordial invitation' to inspect their stock;` of furniture on Dollar Day and see for yourself':the; liberal discounts we ..are offering. Space, will not perrnit.;us to list our' S•pecials'. ' ` OLaR.._-Y.k;RY SPECIAL v -10".111attresses,. made of,Pure Telt", 'built: iri layers, -with best grade ticking, well Made ,with roll edge, Regular .Price ' $1:00, Whila. they. 'last, _$9.90.:•' ,...` ,.. .:JO HNSTO•NE , 3RO Sw , . • FURNITURE DEALERS AND, FUNERAL DIRECTORS Special Prices for Dollar Day 1VIERCHANT TAl L•0 .. ,. Bt yYoiir Suit Onn DOLLAR D Temple Clark some . .y Earl .and••S.ta.:� Late NSpecial : Day Lunches , and Meals Served • ed It • .at "Star Cafe' ce�G>�e�m.,a Spe�ia y Ko Hoy -?gains- in S1mon; Soap`; 'raisins_ and many other lines 'eial:13isplay'Of-Choice Cakes and Pastries BIG SAVINGS O1V`1 DAY.-. Men's Gladiator, Overalls; Selling on $ Day at -Men's Work Shirts, Selling at . . t'.. • a.•... , .., , ..:5 pr. for *1.00 Mens'Soar; Selli'r►g a " Ladies' Cotten Hose, Selling at .6 pr. .for $1,00 Ginghanns.,, Selling 6n $- Day. at , • } ds. for' $1.00 Pure Linen Toweling,. ., . . yds,, for $1,00 .. • Any, pi rchaser.•buyin $10.00 worth of woods ,will be goods -pe it given $1.00,worth of go s FREE. , Spate will,•not' • tm me to state tar the Bargains..' , You, will, save money by • calling ' nt • , B. •B itzs x' tein's.`Dry Goods Store' VerYthing=-W11113e0 ,At A Bargain On Dollar a Da �A t� Thorn son's Econo n P y, More Make your Dollar>•s. go further'by, taking Advantage of your lower::prices.;o �. OLLAIt i.,DAYS, AriIJGUST-22'¢ ndJl'22.• !you Gab. be assured w'len:.buy in h . , , . -:, __ . 7 . buying ere'.. of recervrn nog .. _ -.,. g ho , worn groceries,• as my stock is -fresh, . Make niy 'afore your stopping place' ce when in town. Everything will be,, done to. give .you prompt service ,' `THE • E. 0701411tgroat, R H.: Thompson Phone ;. A •SLif�Fr .j3 1 ;rtN'r;W�N