HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-08-21, Page 6a a otts.,,t,. birarkl Is lige • l'avr FIKESAMPLE Off WOO in OMNI REOPEST. 4ssav• ann. 0. DOUG -AA ahriput•÷".1foti Ma* have year „eholeia•--penny pleb: or ewo4!ence. • SOlisinn Boy-upeany plaia„ please., It's bettor ;vale,* for . !t116.010"Il/N * eaangelicar RoyaRs. Anarviaa's t Is rather A fine ecanhinatIon, • • - :4'1 only wieh I could hP1P.40! maalc,e, khingaaie40er for Jae* have far, more .money tbanI want: She has aer• 4aa 'afraid she hes to Plan And worry 4 good dealhow to clothe And AO And educate those boys. 11 know. 111----eeeee.... thet ihe..ie very anxiousthat • na, ' ihould not, be too scrimped fer inopen "MUNN ME,P1TATION, batterreprinkle flour faera the 'Sifter WR1GLEYS t.a 04er., ,i1PRM-tiYANI"*.a.4.1„a raealltlatM•alautatagiacak:mla/ab.*ea'alklakcaa?xerepa't4q5P1.1n4. Most'' ofbanft en' herself. A warm coat' ue • ot h'e, he e all Tie ti/ kitow fo. waft tlierelaret• eu Inca! G It lelgulatlistels aisPeialle *lad ff•4151,4031Mtkee.- maiiikeet'YOLVOW' knell doyens more liate'Vid. deethet, hull * - -"ia• a" "--'4'. "a•i-='• i "laatar "” for Joak; 110 evenlag gown -for Jen.1,ewindow 4:nd •tooho4742.411,a,nitts y (bele, huge '1.:cracks in the flouried surfactie ,1 ' Y;./ liked rind un i e re That -van ,vysily, ,be managed' aeitys , aa -rnadeenea epPreetateaceea Tpretty '' ' a, Allow to ie Jean, and goes wittout4 new winter „days" Red the beauty 'that, it iseour SP' -MY tie et ? han hataShealtuildria:M‘Ccielvareawonders•;pteeete see -and enjoy:a-Tait/a low A -V-144..-,, 411-49..Wn. -P190u,e,1111/ Onee more, and let iiee. -this second knead.: Of economy in housekeeping, and there different, life Would be if you could is' always abundance Of 1,1aiii,,,,,well- not see a pretty day. , .. , itig is not a necessity, but I find it cooked food. makes a better:texture in the finished . 41 told you about Mrs. M'Cosh.? She 'areSnis,etelrieelleeialiwea ,i rwirihsheshhef chhil- loaf. Now Put ;nit° loaves, allow .it , is the Jardinee! ene servant -.-an elder- ;es s e mishes fiey were etigeYerneaule- to riee once. mere and :bake as you ea . would any.bread • . 1y woman,.11widow from Glasgow.. I hhe her way a h . • • - a , to walk.' when they' she was a pew...epser:Writiing•rairurseirres,i wishes they 'Were OlderresowtahTtntgheSys'de " . ori4feiAriTIVin" *4'' - knead t'l ad feels • 'tirrie; ich anay =COMA for it. know enough notto run aWaYi. wheCH n . . ,OUTPITS: -; Wh-e07you' ask it Jean ii in, she 'pats •they're older iheavisheat.11eii:eou.witegne .7"'Isi:Pdrgan 'ittalationniSitlhbefirg, rmi-Z-el-,iiiiipubil hof /her head on one Bide in a considering to sahool, ttanid ao on. .1, suppose way and saYei Tin n°' inist sure; anCl th_4're'`ge og inerried she'll crY and faer,: alndthe'shooepeteleesassaonPidartsyio:cinehgb,nprtaoch: i ambles away, leaving the visitor, quit Wish. that they, Were babies :again. and literary undecided whether she is intended remain on the der'rsteP or follow her "weAres'emonirLg"41iskome"e aflirdomMtrhse,'‘SI'sunildiasy" Pare eereneibuentaity wshereielled;Pieanuitdeleurnseleht : itan'relmateiwniZre trthseheaZeettYfneur Sac's?) Pienie with me thy • were ewn'' summer and during :the winter in the she lately tecounted teine with glee.of inenting '4'741 Mrs- "Jilifs?!.clotiOs• ne community hall, the chprch ot.M th ' 10,"t!!'"'"'• iltren0P41.0?- • .**101%1Y Ag!g40.P.SOI.I:r rattca" 04401-0- aetiatteria _teettie. • ,re we en • breath and It'ethe actudY that . another caller, 'I'd went awa' up,the stair to see if Miss Jean 'wis in, an' 'COPYrfifie Gelfflo & Aso* " whit d'yethink? Whep I lukit roond -CHAPTER Ia.C.• ; • '.you Would like ' The countryside is ther day Wteknien were in the house the wumman wis at ma heels.' The 1ov/ire and after a week or. two we mg soinct mg', and whell Mr& M4 - The Chatnpertouns have as e me h ld ' 9' 1 in it I to ' in tgehrerye o‘ inaurrdealit.s of :hienis•c.merni ignogt-'.ayfrar tation would' %etude you: TheYaaro hette'r'na0we'thTd-6:6- • Cable laving:you were back be•fOre I. second or third cousins, . and we ve never, seen thein, 'hut theaa are our knew', cOntemPlated, Ming, 'sO I neetheero people, and 'I have al#4e iieVer had to -werrY. I think the' War wanted to.aiee waere she was brought '" hag -Oaken .niy nervee• in a waY up-. • oweVer, enn settle'; all tha:t hadn't realized. I never used to warn' later on. ., • 7' • , abOut, you • very anuah; knewing your facultyof falling on your feet, --but . f.ea 'sett quite .old resident ' • , Pnorsfo;c1 now,' and have become noW I tremble: • • " • • jilted with setae 'of the peOplee-,- "Siltkint beast be Maivelcine "And tc7 a a • brother: .. " A letter frene'Paglela Ralston to her • eamewaere fee :talk draetraatos, poyeshse:OePtehneedniteliess wdooe,rretoin.riteDayli:.tshailtik, " . Ti WitS a tremendous treat iliageateatheme_eacee roursee_thear ye s come . deav, g., Irto-de, hospitiible,.net at all inter - try. 'en Utterly Mittiedr,mite WAS, thiJI- ing, ,1Witat ,OnCOMfOrtithle three menidO.,:giae..theMeebieet. t. To lie :in .0.• ahirtentlif the, ..trOakingiain With, your •a..bedding eeaWling With leeches,' "greet Old; ..„•Welanotinshed fellows.'..: , And .•yet .eciunted. the ' ,diseciintheteaaanothing when • YOU -gtire, .ed :."Eitereirt. While '• yet the.. daw,n. "Walked: tiptoe ..on, -the: tierOuritainta. it eierbedimbed,T, I.Wonderla; ead, ,• even:pore. WOridikefiii, ata you deseribe it, must bave been the vision Yearn,. • WOW, the :-Altiltthang • 'glacier,: when the lace Of eating ,(with a, few, exceptions), but ' "The Jardines remain my' great in- terest Whit • a blessing it, is when people improve, by .knowing -so. .few do. • I seethe Jardines once'eVery•day, sioinetimes, oftener, and I like. them more every tine I see them. • "I've been thinking, 'Biddy, you And I haven't had a ,vast number of people to be fond of. There was Aunt Elea- nor, but.I defy anyone to be fond of het. Respect her one might -fear her we did, but love her -it would have roust spend. a iot of .money for them, home 'of, some club me.nabera , Often. they both agreed -she always- :leeks sayer became mixed ,or, Iogt and some so nice. Now I know that. Mrs. 'aline' of the beet ph broken; so I finally doesn't have anything nicer than decided to get a complete outfit to be either of them -she jnst. takes better used for this purpose; , I care of her clothes. But I den't quite At the ten -cent Store, plates; cups, like to tell them htat. knives, ferias and spoons were bought Grandma Jones was crying the for each memberaof the ,familY; also- OtheradeyavilienaldiadiPedainatoseewsoia, akaailaaraa he is. always serene,. alWaYe smil- It seems that when she heti, last -visit- ing. .The ,great' love of her tife is ed. at her serfs she noticed . that the Peter; the fox -terrier, One of the wick- large photograph of his father, had edest and nicest of dogs. Ileais always been taken down from the wall of the front room and relegated to the attic. "They aren't keeping pictuees likethat airoand any more Mother," her daughe ter-ip-law Jahe told her, a • 11, maybe they area t, , said •Grandma, "But I eotice you're Mighty :glad to hold, onto the farm Grandpa left )ou and john.".• NoW, wotildn't it have been nice if Jape and John hadhad a 'small picture of cearidpa made :and appropriately framed' and rehimg. in the. living - room? This way they have inflicted a hfelong , hurt on , Grandma-athere are :some • things more important 'ahan "tyle" in A house. ' . ' Young Diek,. who wOrks for: us, laughed when he heard his father tell in,trouble, and she is sorely.put to it semetiined to find. earceies for him. ''He's a great wee. case;•is Peter,' she generally finishee • up. 'He aneans -.no ill'.(this .After it -has been proved' that he has crhaeed sheep; killed hens; end bitten message-bOYs) ; juist,a'wee thing playful.' ' ' ' " • "Peter. attends • every "function bi Prioreford-funeeels, marriages, cir- cuses. He Aneets all .the trains and escorts carapgere to the objectisref in- terest in the neighborhood. •Hea sees people; ,off and :.wiiga his tail in fare- well as . the train moves.: Out of the etation.• • • ' "He and Mhor are 'feet fiends, and it is, an iatpiring. sight to see them- of. a• morning, standing together In the 'Middle of the: road with the 1 whole wide *Mid before them, wondering an. insurance .agent -that Dick wasn't Pandubetothe moon. . been as,. discouragiag :as petting, • a e vherth t ainsurancelor "And I. shall soon hear of it all by 'steam road -roller. a,Weladn't even a which would be the best way to taktaking.oun for .adventures. ' Mhor has had much I've noticed he's been blue andhasn't word of Month. , It is the best.Of news motherly Old nurse; for 'Aunt Eleanor liberty lately,' as helms been infections that, you are caiiiiing home, I don't liked machine -made people like herself acted the same toWard him ever 'since to serve her. I ,don't think it did you after whooping -cough, hut tiovir he has y ;Iron, peop e a. e .more core: gone back to the little school "lie at - much harmayou were such a sunny- t,hink you must go ,awar again with: :Out mea' I have missed.' you,dlieadfully • athese last six months. "ilegicleil; you ' ought.'. to • settle at home for a -bit -how, 'doiet:, you -think? .Fiavt„. your long exploring expedition anct-thetiathe Wei: hayen't. you been• ••• across the werld awaY 704g -enough to make you'avaitt to Stay.at heme?,You are one Of the .very worst specimens of 'An -absentee' landlord. After . profound calculations I have-sonse to • • 'Re etheec.oncluipoia_thatayouawill- t-tatoreversagoing-toebreeden-Jeanaeecashow-ed.e-tlinigaa-mh w ich Heaven foi5. 'Here is the recipe.- .ParethThaalarge h h t rr l'ttl P h . • • • other children. fu1 in what they say?-. K. Clark. tempered, ectionate little boy, but ',tends with some twentY I'm afraid: lie is Very upwilling a. , ' ' • ' • . it rinade• me •rather. inhuman. • ' • - - "Aswe grew up we acquired crowds • • • Neill begled to hear the ',Belie ' . • . - . a. , • of friende andAcquaintances, bat they ep ea were 'neverlike teal lionie-people• to a'a.'"ga-e ' t (I'm taking a. liberty With So Many people use 'liquid start- - hee, name I don't dare. take in:speak-A eror yeast, or what is kneVeitaati pee whom 'Yon she.* 'both your "liestaandiingate h) is thawing to me slightly at : seems teat ?art of the reasbn fOr • • a ; tato beer, that I ani venturing tolielect yew worst side, And. whe Icare you • • - her tuataste. ta ,me was diat. i.k, , the ieciPe. !So many times one's ,start - supply' because you are . you. a The • Jardinee 'gle•e me that homey ,feeling. or runs Mit and there is' no savor for dinner.' If• I d'd ' k h / thought 'I. WoulO prnbably deenanas-a! er lest one. near wile uses ' this method. . a "The-Yu/any thing ific .I thought • ld Probably-• send me in a 'huge, er four .snuill, old. potatoes; bei unpl is, bound:in t.he Old Testament' thrall. a her..great-aunt Alison, but not a bitipudding dish of anaearom and 'cheese! done, Mash Arie through A strainer ,uto. Her cooking is. not the best of pella; I aVoidiumps, 'add one cupful of gran , of it She le very reeeptive delighted She and Meavion have become feet .lated sugar,. half a cupful of salt, two to. be told about people and clothee, cities, thetres; panne, but on what 'friends. : MeWson•• has asked Bella to! Cakes of good dry ,yeast,, previously She calls' 'serious things' she ie an ab- eau bei. Winifred,: and;she'calls Miss! a-'isiolved.iii a little hikewarm water. Solute •rock;*--Itis-like-fuidirig a Round- 13IttmhgilaiteE'Beller.' . othgote s.pend a' ay" .eieure' t, Stir. all ' together therolighly -ia- an head deliglitipg,in Royalist sports and '• oments she hag in doing tong atiepe, earthen crock and add two, quarts of - • POTATO STARTER FOR, BREA.D.' letters from me from Prwsford before You leave India. 'I am sending this to • Port Said to make sure of not missing you.' , You will have lots of time to read it on board ship if it is rather "long; "ShalLI meet you in London? .Send me- a wife when you get this. What I should like to do would be to conduct • you• personally to Pnorsford. I think plays, ora Royalist.. chanting, Round- . • of creak,: which eventaally beeome a! lukewarm water,' De thiS at ewe, bedspread, and considers it a waste of cover ancl let stand overnight. :Next "dine to' read anything but the Bible morning stir 'well take Out a generous or-sida acr•iiiiiratotaitiodeadeVerala rolls of., waxed Paper' for wrapping sandwiches plain.white , paper nap- hins, a box of • gummedalabels with which to mark the dishes, and paper cups and a ball of twine. , , For thirty-five cents I got a large • roll of white paper at the newspaper office. This ones* yard wide .. end costs but 'ten cents pound. It is used here for tablecloths at thresh- ing time and at informal affaies, and a table can be made •to look er t - 4 R25 • . Good-WM. • Goodaaill .Is: the greatest power in the world. - . ,_ (hied -Will fa, the respect and con0- deuce' of other, peceple. ' GOod-will Is more than gold -any banker will tell you that. Only about one-seventh of the business of the worldaleadrinikOrr. caslt SiXseventles; Is done on credit, which. M,aris good, will.• , • Every .woriter who is ambitious must aski'llOw much. respect have earned ,well as my wages? How Much good-ivill have I stored up9" v y a tractive with, the' Addition Of a few 'vases and baskets of Then it• saves the housewife laundering linen cloths. . • 4. strong roomy basket iwas bought as A house -furnishing 'store and Ali these things put into it, the -Whole g� - Ship ,riur 'Cream to us a'zid ob- tain the' best results with hitrh- Oafprice,for number one quality. Daily returns, canssupplied, and •eXPress charireg PEtid: Write for - ns now. , . BqWES CO, Ltd. - itntoi•irro ing inte. a convenient cornet of the TT store room.. • On the pantry shelf; reedit fer. in- stant use, are a bottle of salad dress- ing,' jars of potted meats .and 'cheese, cans • of pimentos peanut butter', picklesaank relishes, so there ds- no frantic rush when we are called *veil ft) pack a lunch it short notice: • • Minard's Linlinent Heats Cuts. ' • a , : . • ' • ., „ .. . - TAIL•. FOR . PicKrfsra , FRUIT: ' A :aillootteti"",paii Will Make the • Picking Of . cherries • and •• other email fruit easier and safer. " Any. boa Oi- ,gira-ain--ria feW aminutee---Cana-bende-w. 'stropg wire into a small, hoolCat one end and a large ,hoelcr- at: the -other. The small hook fastens to the handle 1, of pail' or: basket. The 'laeger hook a slips oeer a branch if the tree.' This. leaves both the Picker's hands free, ' _andas it may hang where 'the fruit is thick the pail is scion filled without ' beuieitig the fruit. ..a, ,' ' ' -Self-confidence is only soinetimes The Scotsman, and The Missionary l pint of the li 'd d t • 1 the resultf actual performanc s, ..f, o ' e - . • qui an puass Magazine (she is very keen on For-; jar' with cover 'adjusted :loosely and mere usually it's basedon o hat .we • cl" tilv ,•• eign Missions), but she doesn't' object , think we could do : if we get the set in your, cellar or a cool, Piece to ' , to listening to alawson'e garbled ac- e counts a the books she reads.,Il some- serve as your next:„starter. n$chance. . . o KELSEY Healthy HEAT Kelsey •••, IMPORTANT FEATLME ECONOMIC LIFE. 'ea:- • ,v• W.904 War .Sery. O' . 71Min-0-61Vlt114 • From alinetlie•Intlareemiriecaeepeaafa. per around the shores, of !Ake Super1- or • endhapamered h in •e crude way for arrow ape, to 'Cie Present day 13;, hlg 41,114iPg enterprises with merkete, in all countries .of the world, mininik. hue' played an important,: part . in tiata . econoinic .lifeacd 'Okada. With. ,the, • gradual settletnent of the land 'along • tho-ha017‘the-Sf.,,-Liovrence4tiver- 7 .and•the.:dolealzipg ;Or the West,....miner,. al discoveries' Of inimense.,Valtie, were . constantly being Made. ' aonie of: the report e of prospectorswere written in such -glowing terms' that the . was of, the: opinion tbat they:. were grossly exaggerated anthariir .a long • time little, money was ayailable fr.-- development. : development. ,•1,1, Owever, :time :wen( on 'mineral • development' was nnclez, taken . a few' cOurageous 'investors. , who had faith in the prOspeeters„,and , the 'haatiSome: returns retelyed on their: investment have resulted.„ilt- change .of public Opinion. • • .A. Retimateiworatheeminerelawearlthatifea..... Coeds, have been made from Vane -to time, but abase' vary much, --and as little -eognietieee has,. been taken Of the paprospected regions Of' the. North, . • little faltb can be put •in them,: and '4 triariy.. Canadians; have Come 6. believe • that the milieral.,resotircee.of tae coun- try are -"unlirnited.7' .course, this . is not so, -but estimateS, as :been made more than. ,Prove•• that the report of tho pioneer,:progpectors 'were. not exaggerated: and in many cases ' were Unduly conservative. • = • • • • • • • . • The .Doreinlores Production. • At .the, present. time mining opera. tions arecarried on an all parts oUthe Dominion,. end. recent.figuj'es show that Canada with `only .5 of the world's population produces approxi. • mately 90 per Cent. Of its cobalt, 75 • per cent 'of its laabestoS, 85- per cent of its. nickel, 12 per mit- of ita silver, .•1 • pei cent. of 'its gold, and 3.2 per. cent. of Its copper. According to the 'Bureau of' Stati.sties, The mineral 'aro. , duction .1:4 Canada, dining the period 1910 to 19a3, emountect, to .$2,309,446a' 694; or. approximately. $265 per eapita.• -Ontario,led'all other provincei with.,a total of $928,416;32I, followed in order ' of' iniportance •-by 111ritish Columbia with $446,915,322; Nov Scotia', $309,- .985;457; Alberta, 1,263,070,383; Qtlehec- , ,t220,362,300;•Yukon; 854,177,i54;,Man1: toba, 432,312,823; New Brunswick, $O,317,429'and Saskatchewan, 825,505 ' • jttgifyht Iteatin The Kelsey warin air gen. erator will heat everY room in your hOusealt is„, easy be operate and,costs • lessafer fuel than any other heating method: Heats both small end large houses with equal satisfaction WRITE FOR PARTICULARS' CANA* F:08iVRI(FORGINGS FOR THE FAMILY WASHING - IDINSO is ideal for any wash -day " -',-:LXI:airnetho&I.Ouk.use:472.Yon.do.. nOtf.n, have !re chenge 'any of your 'usual , steps.= -just use Rinso 'where you used to use ordinary soap. , ike - to .-bo il-yo ti tons, Rinso ,will give yO,u‘just the, safe cleansing, suds yeti need' in , Ake, boiler:,.,lf . washing, •"rneehine, theadyiet,a .t1;1' big • washing mechitie rna„riufaCtutere-- use Rineca , just soaking with this new kinii qf "Soap iciosens all the' clirt until a • ',single rinsing- leaves the Clothes clean and spotless,, tiowearet -you-do ,yotie..-waSh, make it easty by using Rinso. • Rinse is sold bp all grciers 'cold departinent. stores •av < If You yse aWasiting: Machine, soak ' your clothes :in thRtnw ,.0ds as usual:. in the rnoimni add more , Rinso solution and Work, !hi., mac/jive. "Then rin.sc ry— 'Ian/ hai"-e'il dead sti:eet snow - vhile • eearst. ' • ' An i.c• Aox, -11 s :aea • - timesaciverheatatheireeorivereationeeas'-:Rnt they -sit -together by the kitchen -afire . • the:Icing evenings. '..1 To .the remainder Of your starter in • r, 'says- • Mawsen, describing; the creek Add. one pint of lukewarm - some lurid work -'of .fiction, 'EVange-.; water, .Ohe :lever -tablespoonful- of, salt ling was left shut 'up in the picture -and Rea tWa , ,tablespoenfuls,. of sugara--; gallery of the .'ouse."` • , • •al these depend on your Peteonalataete, " 'D'ye mean to rap hooses picturegalleries?' says Bella. • heir! hoWever, and 'after : one. •baking - you "'Course they 'ave -all, big 'ouses! eati , this is too nnich or 'toe little "Juiet like the, CaMpbell•Inetitution of Other t° y'°n1 61°41. i.d62.8'2-„ sift a -bother Fe-IO-ittieree --eandestheirefloareenbtighateferm-Aaeoft- . „ "'Well,' Mawsoe gees on,. `Eyarige-: dough A 'little .heavier. than . paneake line •finds ii"eyes itteeeted-e.:.•-a;''• ' • " " "Again. interrupts. 'Wha was, Eyangeline? • I finget .aboot her.' a Warm are: ide • •apd kihdly „periple "'Oh, don't you, remember?l Tke . „. golderi-atired, 'end& with, eyes' l "To live; y•mi and I ha. e , dope • all . ," mind. hea,:noii.• The yin 'ari" the heel in aousee where, all diffi- black hair .was the:bad. .lculties of life ere kept in oblivion, :tri • '" 'Yee, 'she. wee. Called' 'Eemione.' ei.cistenc.2 i•inis, on well-oiled wheels , , 'Well; • EVAegalipe' fitide • 'er h'eyes •at-vz•ry pleasant, I intbtless,. but One mi, tracted :ea the Picture Of a man dress -!c' a. lot. I 'love the nedrnols• ' ed like .g cavalier:" I view; tehear ,Maweme aref11.--6 , "'What's that?'• ' • I.•'eerse in. the kitchen,' to smell a (this is:: "Vzdorit--rtightly;.1.krietti;1...41:ii;iothe...amost...aceinfottablea.„,,aect..ahernelYelesea:. confesees..'• g fancy dress, smell) trie ireeing,of Clean caebes; and believeabut anyWay 'er h'eyes...Were at-. to 'know also by the sense of smell) tracted tette picturpearid as she fixed what I 'am -;.ng to have tea diener., titre ' j. , ."Of eOurse you Will say, al'al prole 'er,•h'eaes4on it, the .11'"Oyes 'ill: the :2r;ie-1 luars before. it ....nrnes, ' . murder!' says Bella,1 ' h ably With t .uth • that what I enj•e • thrilled.. • .• the ,newness. of it, that if I knew' that . 'Neu ;May . say., it, Murder it was my 'life would • he, spent --s.iicia-sur- haittempted weirdo.; 'T say, for tentedings .1. weeld prefoundly- et „cc:fel:se it:Weiiid,peyeyaiceto intirder' ------..........' -therVilet4i'eeed"-Zeroirteaa'AFIKPaieraa:12-a'aTednreeatitalicatliaaTiiiii&aiiiaaaa-a- ed . And so on. - ' ; • am happy -happy, in A .dentelited,.' ' "One �f the three 'menthe gone! Per- quiet way that, I never knew -before.' •• hap's tit the beginning of. the Yeat I. "It is sttange that our Old 'friend shall haVe had more than7-enough 1;tWis*tllibtlirItving-near-PrratSfOrd; it, and go gladly back ;teethe fieshpot's .4 ...place 'called, Levet-Taw; aaout five , Of -restraltrairpotateto,......--,rtriiies-up-TWeed4rom,:.bere,,--116‘.4-oul...a..... "rt dear thing a little town, 'a temember-what good times We trO•rd to lOvesanre thing, Co.d. wet' and 'Priors- he with him When he. Came to;staY teed ieethe pickeof aittleateems, --t--with -the -Greyal,..That,nitiSt Mete- levet& 'shape and alit 'kind, iiitereeted than • ,tWeilty..-16-At,g AgO,--yeu ,were .a - • 'way the ashatikeepeee. Seiele 'efie.al have littleboy,aed.T. -wee '-a• Wild ..cola-a‘taa - Shoppedie Meat European citiesi, but girl., 1' don't think you haVe ever Seen I never realized the Inn delight a much ofhim since, betel saw, a lot ot • shopping :tin. catrie, to Peicirsicied, him • in Lendon when I first ame .out. You,ean't thirdewhat fun it is to ordet, Then he vanish,ed.. Seme yeare ago his in all yoei• own meals, to decide:whetle. Uncle died and he inhetited.,Laeerlaw.• .you..will have a "finite:I-beadle' cable to .seeitie the ether day, no a. 'kipper' for br.eakfast-inuch 'mete Tdabit 'changed, theaSarne dreatria, un.• exciting thati:oedering' a ball g6ivnv arnbitiOuS,.creattiretather an atittee , "1 lose the. tater, And. Abe aaide I seniatimcs wondlr if little .1e -an. *;1.1 !bridge; and the bld caetie keepinaa 'ote dav gb to, Leverni*.-1,t wey'PAI b6: jwatch aral weed, and the pep,./4 1"k2 And ' through which 'eou cath SudtP,n, • ' • • (To :ea continued.) glilarS(.'ac a the ,:-..olemn ronnd.h..Yd(e.c.1 'hills; Anti LICa.ar (Jf a!I Intel tee light; For Sore .aeet•-•M:norea 1 that tWirttZ:t! la thp early del...toe:a. ea- eyere leart- .:lanning a little l,oinc, Mid ISSUE No, 33 -a -a24, „ 'LEVER SROTHE11.5 'LIMITED TORONtrO R-4127 dmirmiwassadmaanialmsommisan • TED JAMES SMART PLANT esoawnac ONT. lir connection'Wh 'Canada., output „ of.geld and' shyer,' it is of Iritere'St to ••• ,note .that Canada isAlie third' largest 1j.is'eisg.,ssisrY... •.stheperloidiron1910 to1922 is.. a. fairly comprehensive one ,ef the. inin- , . ing CridustrY, a 'review' of the annual. production --values sliaw.s A steely. and-. a • •gretifyieg increase frcan year to year: • In 1910. the „value of .the:' output' was , placed at -$106,823;623. . Tam • years,•;,, later production had increased to,$1,35,. 048,,296.- Af.the outbreak of the War-:-.; '1914 --the Value' of the output ,had de- - ' erc•asecl to $128-;8e3,075, :caving to; the .. econernic, depressieip prevailing . at 'that" time However; -the war b'reLgi. hi • a greatly increased_demaud for various minerals, and .p.ro.dtiction . in. - • : the .following years: showed' a steady. InCrease, wail in 1918, when- it amount- , ed to $2:1.1a301,897 -a new high :re- cord. The, following year recorded a' • , sharp' drop to $176,686,390, but In 192,0- ' the value -of output rose. to a227,859;; 665, the, highest:Marit ever reeehed in • • theahistory-ef-akeeminingeinchistraeotaa Canada. Slump tolloWed ,the" booth year -Of 1920,,And' prodUction •was only' valued', at $171,92,342. A glass or a bottle •of Coca!Cola— Ice-col "with ibeited winking at the • brim," i-nvites ou to ht ythiot sg Yol4rse Sold everywhere .at .fourareibaaenclaaleboWa' ilea. Theliticeisoialy :9 few peauteri. -Delicious Refreshing The Coca-Cola Company of Canada, tea. Mad Officc: Teronto ar.,..iefaa-aa• • 'Pr,:ocicti in' in 1923. • With .the• gradual' rehabilitation of 'the 'European countries and the:return . normalcy 101- the United. States; and dOrneetic Markets!, the.' mineral, indUe, try tot* on a'brighter outiciolatand the. ealee of .praeluction , last year 'Wes. . a$214.,019,832,.. which is very ' setiefae- -tereaie•ariew oof .,ebeaboilt-arale.feeling Of Unrest an -is indicative of the pro- gre.ss inade by the Cenadiali ;mining_ ineustry inthe last d.eeade, a An .analysis. of the ininerals going . to Melte • Up thie tetal , shOW that. gold, . and ,coli Wer,e.-thetwO;nicitit tnipOttatit -,,•TheSe twominerals were largely •areapenelble.......fereatheeeplepdid • shoaing of Ontario:British .C.eluiebia, ,Asbestos, lead, zinc, silver, nickel, c per ,und, various non-metallic 'minerals .. weie tee , . ' '• aiso,,Imetrtantaaenteibiteere, tO , One remelt. et the v,:t";:r..:Aci-keen. Fetritirolirtle".porith—W—i, of the . set:err:16es petentialitieS ;of .the Mineral,' • 9nwriee,' three.. -ears -have. Witnessed - * Large • stims .of .money have been in- vested in mining enterprises not only,' by Canadians. but by, .1jritiShers anil ArnericanS. Much pf thisnew cepliel emploe.ed -in the gold mining Aterie of gilts:rib. and Quebee, 'The, other erevitices • have also been receiving, their shareofiiew cepliai, And In •all likelilibed the neat deeade Will Wit- tie::sait untuMaradVtiatte. in the Mini-. (Ilan niininginditstryi The sun raises 164 cubic miles of Watcr frorn the vverlcl's oceans daily.