HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-08-21, Page 3s'r�rnEs.OF WF.I4e' 'KNOWN PEOFIX: Our YclUti9;Prince It. 09.mea With solnething of -a,•shock 42,0;--rentiMVIV,-,t72)21.1Le(4-312":Wilfilatin: now thirty, Prebably,the feet 04140 'i still 4, "bachelor makes: end, !ergot. btottflIu 9iter'eArlY4WP*1 Te ' prinee ofWelea indivicinal. his. tastes, amt.:maybe' there. 4 .senie Peter Pan'qnality in him which -re ftiseti to.grow up. FdralafcereMoilies 'do t not 'appeal o him,. the glareopr of tf." • • . , „ • , 4 gra4t ;11411.14ga does not appear ,to thrfll him, nid., it is PAW: that..,11e, _ •, 'Whaton earth 'do L.wantap1ace' thatalze for?" he demanded, , when .it :was first *ivied that.ij.e. ehould. pre,' , . gently occupy Marlbprongli-Heuee, I •snetrirget lost in the 'place,' and •the • evening' papere. Would. have...placards out: '.1VIYSter1ona.Diaapnearance of the • Prinee'of Wales!' He.holda his:bitch:0er apartments in, 'York Housein far mere regard,: but it seenis. that he diny have tO• give them up, after all, Even Prin,Deg •ean,, not 'always be theOpers. 0-0.0 ' The Value of Health in Dollars. Queen Victoria's dentist, MT Edwin Truman,' wlio, matle•-hisqortuune-by, pro:, '•• •dUeine a ',compositionthat prevented • the sea from eating away the material . of the Atlantic cable, was a healthy man -Laud" •simply • because he .was healthy be becamn increasingly rich. The • ;Gable company thought they had inadela better contract with .him than XKI0,600" down when he •preferred • ,close with their offer of an annuity -of • wone'llieusand :,psnurds,-••but•-asAktlas • proVed, 'they' were•wrorig; ; ;bong 'afterwards, writes Mr. Walter •'T: Spencer in Forty Years In,My.Book- '• shop', 'Truinan said to. me , with a , ;chuckle.: r . • • •"I'ye 'lived forty-four ,years at a. ..thodsand a year already." . • . And. ae:a matter. of ,fact he lived. for . . fifty., • , . A Circus Crowd for the General.• .. General Perahing's favorite otory, of •-himaelf•is-so we are..assared-Si fol- -,loWs: • ." .• •• In theS,uninier I.921'While paying • personal visit' to friend k in West Virginiaand being Within! a couple of hours of Charleston hy•Mciter,I accept- : ".ed an Invitation from the governor to visit that. -City. ,;,On lessothan an hour's notice Leuitored the tWentylive, Miles .and • was cordially greeted by the gov- ernor• in his office. „After a few min- Converaation heled. the :way through the. main,Corrider to the front . the finest 0,.:AOSE'ORA •••••• •,••• "Yeast" biClutilea Icluzgley; Itiepirett thet MtriVog PlOkere# fiThe„Peae4fiee, Semmes • BEVERLY, , Racial Origin -Anglo-Saxon of nan, French. ,'• • . , . Source -A- locality. • . • .• " This family, name,quite clearly be- longs in -the classification of those which'. have. been.derived trent- the names. of pieties, for it is 'traceable through the early docunients with the prefixed "de," meaning Of. • eir. Origin It is ''Perstioxleal that the smaller cointnimities ,in. all landa, have given More !Melly llames than ;the -big cen- ' tr,es of 'population, • The reasonfor this Is, In the first ,Place, that people flocked from the. ereell communities, where there was not so grata need for 'additional names, t� the blg cen- tres, where there was not only need, ..blit.i.whet, the. mention • pf a. small, 'Prate' served"' the purposetro,.- differen- tiatien Otte accurately... In the sec- ona place, , the' .hig corninunities gave 'rise to; 'Cc:imperatively, few 'family names... because it ;constituted little (147 ,feretatiation AO speak of. -"Roger de: Lenclon," whercthere were thousands: vof "Rogers from tendon" to be found all oVer the country.. Authorities- differ as to the ,origin . of the place•nanie in Yorkshire. . Seine deriVe it frotn "belvoir" (beautiful view) and ',"leje", a. meadovv or field.; It is -mere prob- a.blelloweVer, that the place already had been named by the Anglo-Saxoqs as'Beverlac," or beaver -lake. •• of the building, where much to my ea:- , tertishment a crowd of some, five then- . sand 'people had asSembled.', A table had been proViaed 'as •a rostrum froin which 'I was to Make a speech. • • Later that afternoon' at an informal :gathering of • sthne ,tWerity; Or" thirtY citizens t meritioned my astonishment at.finkling suc,h a largeeumber of peo- ple assembled on Such an exceedingly short notice.. But the explanation :quickly „cathe frona, number Of the cOmpaeY' who had; not- previeesly. taken. part in the .conversation: . "Well; rnebbe you didn't know .,it, gerral, but Charleston is enne-er the •., States !: • ' The Coming Of the Birds. • • ••• Ott that far' clay when time itself Wag . And 'all' the' world, was rainhOW7starred, • with'de.W.,. • • ! ..The birds' were • fashioned With 'ilia' • -tende-121-Statre.,:..-- ,.• ,, • then kiesed to fiy upon' •the,sunlit air." • Arid 'Serifewore` goidek Plurnatooiti; eneve-Whit,e,;'; •• •', : , ; Others' ilaahed past on Pinions silver . . • ' hrigh,t, , -BrOWn-hueci were, seMe,,there•eped 'a ruby ereet, • , „ And ue,arer,' One.With ,•heatien on its High -and 'More high -the 'hapPy• ' • " 8ozg beating upon &ong in trn ac UP •to .the "WAlle of Paradise ,they 'went, • where afigeie • creWded,•. Mute with • Wonderment, ' • ',"To''W.atch the ,shining- heats go- dire- - .hy, . -"Then;. Sudden, " through the ..ittusic rang And on the moment eVerY.sound was • 'stilled; . ,' • • :MaCGORKILL-,., Varlation,felacCorkle. RaciaI,Orlo In---0.eottlish, • Source.,A-gtvee naMe. , --Here Ise fa.tnilY.naine which though purely Scottiali GaeIleIn it sorigin, as loch,. traces hapit eittimatelyi to Norse sourcesand 11 you, bear • this. Mune. there' le A goPd Chance that yPil.-haVe a litie'•Of anCeStri" reaching' bank ,to. the, Vilciage through Scotland. . The .name , macporioll or lgac- Oorkle: • was borne, by•tine, of the, liranehea Or septe.-of , the Clan ,Genn, which `Wee decidedly one, o1 the .fight- ing clans 01 the Highlands, .it history • • . , vying With that of the .MacGregons in records...of • desperate fighting. But the ogiven'-name from which •gacCorkill IS derived is Thorketil,a relic Of, the. ald. .tit;an.• Norse religion, -atteltlitrinteanitiVofizwlitel14 is44,Mliortsti kettle," The kettle or cauldron was 4 .utenait •which Played a' large 'part, 'fig- nratively, , in the. worehtp.,of ;the Ve , kings., and 'IS ;Mind ta-day as an ele- ment in a Jot f faMily names, and even Still is given names in the Scan, dinavian ount4es • ; , .7 There; ia a great•diai of Norse bleed In Scotland; Principally.; Along the 'north: aidwestqasth.t one period • c.oneiderahlY.Part of ;the toast was in:the•' hands 'of Norwegian settlers .. • • • . who 'retained itheir'allgiance to the Noise kings; and who later took their places *bong the •Celts' of the High- lands in ffilli•Gaelle chin Organization., Wkikrer;!' The Vereee'run* ,R9a„4**Nvi49*..*:•eit0iilei 013 stde. Pt. the wIite 04.4tfli.aR14 N.V.4.ere' t.M4e.r t1i g.OglIq'ft!"7,1394-f• • Q.4e., epet In theti7• throve 'She iwatehed a. lag Itift ot.P19Yerk here never. reer -1 OrliziP.U1R.U.700111r.UUIPrarenri>47:,0t1..... The: !APO,' Of a Murdered ;Mani VhAlYet;.!.:i" seen 1)Y.; .004.1c9:. 1.14-4#44 - f canvas "Fersepolis"; "They say the Lion. and, the 1.4;a$ The,.,:cOurts where Jereshydgloried, and drank -deep."' • ° The Morning- and. the. Tb. ,wings of the . '• and pearl, *id' • gushes :,of joae .where the plunies.half necuri. • ; • ' They're burniShed • With 'azure • „.and. , • dusted with gold," And, preened' till they 'gltsten with ; lustre, untold,. " They „Poise at the..senith and send ',soft breath •• „ . . '.0f, quickening hope to the chant:her of .death. ,• . .0; winnowing .WingS how the. fog • wraiths retreat • . Before, thy Widefanning and rhyt.h.-•, . • mieelabat,-.• •` • : . Children Of Chance: '"How did' he ever think of tliat?"• •We *often hear thLs or some similar, , remark ak'the ,Royal Academy or anY other Picture exhibition, • Very Often, the trtieanswer would be,"chanee," is frequently, a •piirelY accidental cir- cumstance that suggests a 'picture to. a• knight of the palette'. . • . . Everyone* who ''hus been',St. • Paul's cathedral has seen Hto olman •Hunt's beautiful picture, "The Light •45f the 'World." -Concerning this ,the painter -says:. ',. •. • - •• had been 're -reading ',the -Testa- ment, 'and had Tead.au far, as Reveia- t-1�ns- Whenati-Nious-to4In1sh. the book .cine evening, I.rtoolt•my Bible up to my' bedroom„ and. suddenly' caine linen. a passage Which, as by ilash,,tranress, ed the 1.)Icture'on•My brain." ' Two of Sir I...eke „F'ildes' pictures, were • inspired accidental' circum- stances.- These are "The Itetern of • thePenitent". and ."The Widower." , . The idea" fpr: the first -named . Paint7 ing came one day when the artist was . . passing down a village street and, saw a• miserable-lopking „Woman walk by him, with .downcast eyes, aznidst the sneers of the inhabitants. TheAcene so itaer,essed him that he made -In- quiries concerning the wont-arc-1-667ra her history -the had been imprlsened 'for •.child-murder-ard painted his tragic picture.' , The Widower' owes its Conce "ptkm -to an equally Pathetic incident. ••Sir Luke had hired' a broken man off' the street3to-Sit,' nursing a baby, for his Pietere, Casual Ward."- During a reet peried Sir Luke 'caught his ' model looking at and petting the baby as tenderly -nany womanand._soirm..• presied,was he with th,e unrehearsed scene that he put it. on canvas.' . Secular as' Well'irs sacred literature has inspired pictures : Marcus Stone vve-s so impressed by Dickens' desert), t on of M•r,.. D,mbeys. Joy, at the birth `of :Paul, and hLs consequent neglect, of FlOrence, that -he paintedthe scene. • Similarly, tWo tragie stanzas from > • •'' ' "LOok, look, my brelthers, oh! what • beauteous thltigs * Are these dear thought of ,God that • • „ --Imegen Clark. 7 , • MI. '-«- --neW •caVairy recruit, was • •given no ./f the wort horses, in the ,trop ' 4 , " 1, 1 • ," said 'the itibtructor, "no, 01, „ allowed to dismount With- ' c..ders," • tnph was an sooner in the 'saddle r:ean . the horse bucked' and.Murphy went 0-ifOrli1§. Marphy' yelled . the instructor, "yug diM%nntedf.J; , "Dia you hive orde.e?".• • "I did." '• • . "Front. ,headquarters ?", "NO; freer hindquarteri," • Don't refuse the Mustard when it is . passed to you. Cultivate 'the' habit' Of • taking it with meat, e.specially 'fat meat. It stimulates the digestion and aids, in asaralatingyonr.foed. • . iie ings 01 -the- evening. • and gray, • , • . Though barred by the sunset and streaked by the day, Yet they are spread at the bidding•of • night, " A veiling of 'sapphire diffuses •the light, Invests allthe twilight with glareour afresh •- A.nd 'prisons a star 'in -its` billoviing mesh. 0, s , heltering 'wings let no trouble in , trade • . As over "my valley you hover and br,00d! ' --Alice Mr. Shepard. !T'w. are Sable 233 tilloillar . Bolir in $ minute., 8 nolassfite,r The illuStration shows an interesting test 'yoU ...„,:„„should, try in your own- kitchen It, proves ,the„, superiority of goca't-inailieleilietre-Woldit-e—L--- purposes. Take an SMP Enameled Ware Sauce ' „Pan, and a sauce pan of equal size nmde,of alum- • inum, tin or other metal." Into each,pour a quart v of °eel& yvater: Set-botlr'sauce -pans over • The water water in the SMP Enameled Ware Since 1Pan -will be-boiling:meray irt,about-five,minutes,,while-:. the -water in, the- all-inetal sauce wit tome' to n-thebOil- in --about '7eight'nfinutethree,;,minuten.- longer. Save fuel in cooking. • Use WARE tode 'of PaicElain and et Moak of SteeP , tfitce 'Ware, tw� c�at ot nearly -grey Vnitinel inside' said' Mit. Diennend Vete, ifiree' • blue and White, doiteide, *hi*UnIng CystalWar, three Ogre whto Menlo:end. tad,' with, ito1al Sine, edging,. , Sktrt MtTAL PAC/pit-CU WiNitRiAL 'fOI:tON'tei; • ' • • t0MONIti4 VANOUVO4 .dALOARS4' 6ar,- •tt• LcoI tOt.thik Trade Mark 161 • ,FP;Oktii40.!. When 'father's whietling 'round the 444. ePticteg. AO' AtTo 444 greetlele Pete #er.'kPitti.P.K 'd9wn , 40! aa;owpOir,PdTe:.nfiu4lc 1474pnreguitpeouo:t1,.;4thamtic. IX4 01 Pal 14qrun 8onie,,errand 4 lets, of thingg. s, ' tgl• ' 't041,O," qtatPs''' 'X -1E47 ^P,,r4.1401(4 X§4' When. eel-ther'e 'PaC4:0.W ba:ske f4"' '!Z+13,r heft '14n4f4lr.OPP. :Beek a , • .. •HeYetY St., T4Pit9. Ont. • , Mak AtN,WerkiljF44,11.1:„car.Pna Ore r Itteete4a0117O," oeft.14ttli sith r041)1§4.1 w44 innikestiO4 SiIO4an. 404,1polre, the fishing: teeitle eau'extent. that I -felt Unfit. ter anything. 4'0.4 ,Pct Uue 41Y MerVes"heemee Okee4Pileand MT 4643, W. semi* "the ".n1ffS1 iworhl, nie was un8t1nd 10-#40,44Y. had 1.!ef, Cnxt it's lifre'eut:t14)747 g",aia. t pesce,aa Ptor.10,, T44110,0HI have a. wfm: Thorn- earful appetite and, in st9utif3,oh neVer • • ..". GI LARD BABY h UAW II IN. THE U 1111E R • . -. The Sunimer montiiii are -the Most dangerons•- to . Children. "The•..coni, plalnts,of • that seatioe;,- which. ,Are Cholera infantittn,'-colie diarrhoea; and dysentery, Come on.So quickly. that of- ten 'a little one is beyond aid before' the mether ke The mother mast.' be On her guard tn'Pre- vent ;these troubles, or If they 'do•conte •' on suddenly to bAnish them; -0/NTo other :Medicine is of such aid innthers during hot weather as -As Baby's Own Tahret-sprei-reguiate-:the-stania-eh7 and boWels and are absolutely .pale. Sold by niedicinedealets. or by 'mail at 25 cents a'•heits: from The Dr; Wil•• name', Medicine - Co, BrOckville,"•Ont., :.STOMACJI IRO PRIQL,THIk:PQ,„ it Usually Disappears When the Blood is- Made Rich' and lted. Thin blood is one ,of the most- com-; men Causes of stomach 'trouble.. It affects the digestion very quickly:The glands that furnish thedigestive,fluids are 'diminished in 'their activity,: the 'stomach muscles are weakened and thereis a loss ot nerve force. In this State of, health nothing will more quickly restore the appetite, 'digestion and normal- nutrition than good, rich, red blood. ' ' Dr.. Williarns„ Pink pins act direCtly on the....hipecl,;. makingritrricht;anarred.„.. and this enriched blood strengthens weak nerres, stimulates tired -Muscles and awakens, to norinal activity the glands thatpipply the digestive putt's. This is -shown by an improved appe-, tite, a.nd Soon the effeat cif theseblood enriching pills is evident throughput the whole system. You find that what, you eat does not"distress you, and that you' areigorcats""iiiteair of irrita.ble and listless'. If your appetite is fickle, if you have any of the . dietressing pains and Symptenris of indigestion, you should at once take Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills andprefit by the better con- dition ; in, which they will put your ••• Vain mi Cosel. She is Very foolish if she loves a sailor. - • In •the night' a little wind can blow • her lids apart, . • Or if 'a norther-, rattles . like A. crazy Man at,the shutters • r The hoUra of his anger drive straight' . upon her heart. ' • troubles me Ay more. MY, sleep 10. • ' seuud. reatfti1 nd 1 get up ing4, l'fft4 rePeWO'd energy' and really 'feel•like aetiVe work for the first 'titian lapt_strong for Tanlae.!* Jetoae.,:'43:0E-Ozig;kk,,Vialf: gists', Accept np substitute,,. OVer-46, ,410ttLee- • '"`Taiihiritegettifite-Vtile'r ' tion, are recommended by the mane-, frtu,rers,And distriaators of TanI4C- On Niagara's Brink. .Only two Dien, • vi far, .p.f4 'we knew' have, eVer Patieea.A.. night ',virtually, on of-:;they4Ior8eSh0e-Fall--,Of- 'Niagara. "Th4s0 men:, ,tittys a'rwrifei;• in 'Wide World Niattsine, arGeetaVe F..'LLofberg•ati.d.James L Harris„ who Were .eraPIOYetiaa': dredgers.. '-On •an afternoon August, 1.023;. their :13co,w. brokeeable;arid .theywere at tile mercy of., the J3wift current above the falls. -•There aeented to be no hope for them.. 'Down, they :Swept, .and,' then su.ddeely•the,heavy.SCow ran agr.oun.cl ahnest on the hrinki mindof •the watchers on shore. Says' the Writer; worked like lightning. -They decidedon a, line, and a breeches ,buoy as a method Of. resew!. The. Coast duard station !at the -mouth Of 'the Niagara River; fifteen miles or 7in!', &Stant, WaS,„ the:telephone; and Capt. 4.11: /Nelson blood. . ' • ' ' Tliese pills.are sold -by all deniers in medicine, or You can get them by mail at 50 cents'A box from The Dr. Hams' Medicine Co., Breckville Ont. ; Afkertising Laughs. • Amusing specimens. of national hu- . .'' • , • • ,, and his.,creW were asked to eeme to the rescue: ; •• • It was abourthree ''lock when the scow broke adrift; 'at..a quarter 'past four ,Captain Nelsen and, a" squad Of men started for Niagara Falls in a 'big 'army: reciter truck.: <They carried with, them the life -line cannon 4nd, ether necessary. apparatus. Theq than :that „agitated, every 'mind 'Was whether -the 'fierce current would' lick the scow, away ' before the Mery before be saved? It was a reae :between the 'river and the. rescuer.' • ' When Captain NelSon and his men arrived they quickly, .set up the Rfe-. line c,annon ,on the shore east of the power house. The captain sighted it and fired. High, out over the river the projectile hurtled. It made a*remark- able -flight and then settled directly • • over the scow. : . • , , Lof,berg . and Harris: grabbed mor .in advertisernente :have . been col- sniall line- as it, fell and '13.'t si,,' signal lecteti -• by the ":Cailatilan . Digest," began drawing it in.,, Attached to the which says Of them, that "some are ,'shgre ei4,-ivaa.a heavier rope, but the conseiens; . some, .unCoesclone, • and two inert had A hard time hauling. it seine merelr,steecl ,nn. ' c. -,::•- : adrOse the 'swift current, :Though 1 Some of the example. are :7-- , \ .. "those.on.shore,hellied all -the? cbuld, it • Irtsh.-"Hay, etre*, tran-,.oats; 'and. toOk tWo.hours to.' get the rope' oyer. dripping sold here, '. and the fiddle taught after'six o'clock." •" . , . . ' F,reach.-Inscription (or epitaph) 'ciii -...tire_of_ imported_ SardieesTie,oii: is guarantee.- 'The :fish •she .is 'very . . . small." , , •' • .•- ' 'South .Anierica.---Alongside a huge restaurant was .a"little Chinese:Chop- suey, restaurant, • The hig. place- put Out a gigantic'ele,ctric,eign, "We never elese." .., The, Chleaman. hung out 4, 'Card,' "Me. Wekee„ too.:' , - . • • . • Aberdeem-="To let,. a gocid. shop in thelewish quarter.".. ., %.; .,• -. ' tbstea (Mass),H"Keep dff the grase• Ir Yon .warit to roam, join the Navy." Then those on shore carried the .end tip on top Of the power hose • and made it secure.'• • , %_.....A.s..thet_p_rogressed 'tight came 'on, and big searchlights Were brought into play. • For .a time the rescuer's kept 'at their task. but after a while. .theYtheir •reluctantry agreed that et en, forts Must cease daYlight, • • Out on the scow Lofberg and Harris .were. seen to lie down "to rest, If rest _veerepossible Tormen aboard a 'strand- ed s4,ow. that at any minute might be picked up dn a rising hood and tumb- led ever the brink of Niagara. It was a night of awful susperfse, 'net only for ••••••1111.011M, roof of. the,' p.OWer honie. Again. the . • ,buoy was sent. ou.t...oVer the rePidsi'. • When. it reached the. 'Scow 1,1ofberg .0nly a few tninutefl.,... • • Were, regnirett-tio-ilatnthintion"...the'reot and 'then ,a•grWat cheer we4t, up•frotn• the watching erowdp, • '• • Japan. -'My Marvellous paper is as the poorfellow an the scow and the solid as the hide of an elephant. My men, engaged in their rescue but for ••• .• goods are forwarded with. .the speed the thousands of then, women an mere- Peace10-r-i•Jefr------elle' has .given thesea a hostage, . Perhaps shesees a.petal one brook- . - • let in the park ° Tossing _jeopardy: shehear ,wtthr • outa reek:De The bOrror of at.s13,1P'S, bell. clatterel in the dark. • • . . r . ; r • 811e fa very, foolish.::. Alen there are *alYaell'rry,r7'their'Umb'rel:las%.. Who,and- like' --". cezy life: • ' Why should, :lies' lieart ••crY seaward, , • like e petrel, sliear,water? • So. she never can, beconte. ,ealm., ..-cOntented Wife. of a bullet!' ' • - - citildrcn -mtho had lingered .on the .., . -.,--- '.' • - • ----,----- •:-„, ,..„": - - -4----acene,-- - " ,, `' ": - • : ...- A.sthniadOr tivaranteed to :: .baylight. on the morning of Aughst - , • . 7 saW everypne alert:, ,The scow still Relieve Asthma, - • . .. • . . lay where it' had run aground, though `..,.".1,.have arranged with. all •druggists ",.-i•mig it move at a moment. .eickly -here', as well -as in all other towns 01 all•the linee Were 'cleared,. a'ad after a . Ca.mada,..-that •every. sufferer' 1-r9n1 little delaV the breeches"buoy'• was AsthrtmHay F'ever, Brodhial, Asthmasenout •Pr'difficult'breathing. in 1W tlocality can helped ltoAbe castaway. • Lofberg iis 'companiony lath. the buoy t - 'S•,, . r . ;. . i try thyAreattnent entirely aLl„nly risk Ihnd, iTef1-d1rgli rord-o-d-8-go on th-d- ,Dr. R. Schiffnian annminees. He ,says:- ., - '-'113ity: it package -ot -my .;4sth,ritador, try, it, and if it doe s not afford yog immede , ate relief, or it.you do not: find it the bestremedy }tee have eVer used, take it hatk' te your druggist ana•-heWill . 1 - . • 811euherds, cbarcOarhurners, • talfieers and sailors• All, have, watched the sun eteange sights . , return your money, • cheerfully and .21'0,1111. without ttnY eeestion whatever. ',AfJ., : -ter Seeing' the ,.grateful -relief.. it, has I. affordea in hundreds` Of cas_es wlifch 50 • had: been • eotisidered; •incurable; . arid I • hid- beengiteiiupin desPal; I ,...,•,,ic-ecle.,,,AV,hir,t..it,.4111'.do:.;.',1" are ,sou .,,sre 1•••".• „ that it )..%1 do he .same. for otters , 1‘, that 1 ain not afraid fn. guarantee • relieve , iristaettitieOtiSly. Dreg- 1,1 ' 'gists; anywhere,- handlieCAsthMadorl .will rdtiin yotirmoneyif you "say so 1 Shei .;fooif.:Sitdr • • she loves •- ' . , Bet she saYs-shenever meant to; hapeened'unbeltriewn. -Marian Storm " • • Neu are to be the eolejudge.and, tinnere., • •.guittentee absolutely' g.1L, fel-ring to i.ry it before baying will be I „sent tt,free,sample, ' -Would ,Scrap $crapping..Wiyes. Frieua-"What._ do you think, of Sctrapit- ng WIVes ?" • - ' Meekton4"I'M ,for it! When"e it:going ,tebegin?" • ' , • Certaindiseases are show rt ntarks in the eye; acordink a PrenCli wientiSt. Minerd's Liniment Relieves Pa -;--7kfl4FeWlIFIS'ffffiffrri-i-fifitetitst 1734 N..1iTale, Lee AfigeleS", Calif:":*„ QUIte True. • Sa a er Irisistr For Pain •' kleadadie euralgia.). Rheumatisni Accept only a whidicontains Proven directions' • • Open Ocean. W e, ttwo vale found"the haven* sniik and. The riding faultless, Shelterdd,Pl6as., • , ant, •warm! Learn now at last how -any rope Inusi. chafe, Arid put to sea again and feee the Knowing no separate -ports at which. we touch ' •.* Can ever, equal this, or offer more, We kAolvieetaS, vll, at las, t,,th.aties...Sele As -We were not intended for the shore.. The.dAnger is not small-we'.councthe. Of climbing tide and wave, of. seeing', • sail •. Across, the water,' vanishing and lest, The other -74o he swallowed in the But we Are Millt of too imperious stuff To rank this harbor -happiness enough. , • . --Robert•L. Wolf. , Mlnard's Liniment tor Rheumatism. While good eYes were a requisite :to the safety of primitive man; to -ay, with all our artificial aids and pro. tectors, geed - vision is even more a part of safety .than in these centuries long ago. YouR EYEs -Refreshes-Tire Eyes Write Murine Co.,chicago.forEyoCaresook RASH ON: HANDS , Itched and Burned. Cuticura Healed. " Eczenia broke out on my ha:nds in a rash of red pimplei. Witched and burned causing rne to .scratch: I could not put rny hands in water, and I could not do My work' very Well. The trouble lasted about two months. I read, an aslvertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample. After using if I -got relief so purchased more, which completely healed me." (Signed) Miss Sarah Shulman, 255 Manning Ave.,' Toronto,Ontario: 'Cuticuret ' Soap. Ointment land Talcum promote and maintain skin purity, skin comfort and, ,skin health. .The Soap- to cleanse, the Ointment to heal and the Talcum to powder. i ' • tiampleJtaelt_Yrecliytall-:-Addriteia-Canadien Depot Calcium, P. 0. Box. 2616, Montreal." ,ice Soap 25e. Ointment 25 anti.50e. Talcum 24e. WV' Try our new Shaving Stick..,, ";•i• t••• MRS. DAVIS • NERVOUS WRECK TelLsWonienlloviShe Restoret "'..1tOVerfect Heil* -bfe'Lidin E. , Pinkhads Vegetable Compouni Winnipeg, Man.—'1 I cannot speak. too highly of what.Lydia E. Pinkham's • 'Vegetable Com - •pound has done fon.' me. I vvas a nervous _wnreeliand.I.justhad. • 'to force myself -to do - - thy work. Even the sound of nix own.cadhil- 41rerrApla ying•i,ni:ctrz me feel Els if I.must sereitire if theynot ri away froin nue. cotild not even jet.ayeylt -13/yeal trght 6-107-7-7 "niedieine" to a .1•111al%audience. 1,0.en • is :the trade mark (registered in ' husband.,The doctor ' ' • — ' ..ticencucldesteror. Salicylicaeld "Yes; ladteS• and , ge"ntleinen," he • 01,1;ad,o'.of taro 'Manufacture Of Mune- sa'd he could 'clo nothing for me. IV, .£014,.",,, i'....• tl.Y..,2,..S.O. E .)as. „p......b...,.0r,„ _ , A; .. !..t'W,0-411Teln4r..% 01111 :titVer have I• heard', tt •Oe-WOrtt- nt'etiorpirrint- .l'ilitl'Ilt:"'" lb ,..11"1;'• ' 'VliO t flees that preVe? , ; '1,*rom ahe '-velee ie 'tcroi,va eanie tliiS. '' l'Oply-:---4Bead-ineti-Jell4rie-41eScl-,, --1- .. PayMent"to?-articles adVertised in.. this Coltenti should. he Made with. Dod minion EXpress Money Orders--Ia kite; Wav 'of'Senng- diinotiey 6y, itholi, ... . 1 , . Worneit's instinctive. dread of rata' arnd hike is said tobe due to the. fact that they knew thaierat fieee Were the chief.pt,rriers of plague 'TcacjiiIng parrot8 to tell:. provid. a NeW york woman with a ASTHMA t . . .Take half,- a-tea.spooe--ef-M ard's' AISO 'Splendid .fai'• internal . t. band s;mother advise ,•to , ta e:the 1.-Megetable.Conipounthandi,atartetlatat - once, I-was,able-todo• my -work, 'once - - more and it was apleasure, not a bur- den. Now I, haVe a fine bouncing baby , and'arn able to nurse her and enjqy do, :4,Mg-,:my.,,workr-X-cannOt mending stch. a Medicine, and, anY one seeing tne before 1 took it, and seeing me now, can see What it does forine. am only too pleased. for you • tu Use ny tosimonial,.."-Mrs, EMILY DAVIS, 7 • .-111eGee Street,-WinnipegrMan. text - Book ' npon. "Arirnertts 1k,e'tf,1.1t, to , >, . ,Wora,en will be o 11;m • reduest, .V,Vrite , 1‘,.tedieo (') 1. contaimt:, aluabin .• ••'f'13.• ISSUE No , •