HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-08-14, Page 4Cora."' Ilind,cra. -1)-4"*.,..4141 " NV/14II418011..COV-e. Woonatna Maw., &WHOM:and Barrows FROST STEEL WIRE ' Wire. 4.110,hlititrb, 'Gates:and Woven 1 1it, anit SUZANN., all OalVanized,' ,s• • re -4,112, OSA-, efete'hhYillte.- DREW'S LUCKNOVV- "eddera,'': Incorporated 1855- " • V,E ` -$5;oo�;oD, OYER 420_13R4NCIIES -IN-LCANADA DIOLSO S Pay .B9 -Checitte Payments of household' accounts are erten' , •hard to keep. track of, but' when paid by eheclile there is an acurrite record end re- ceipt for each transaction. There -is a' conveniently 'heated, branch of • The • Molenne Bank where you or your wife- • ' "could trans.aet this business and be assured of efficient service. . , S. REID, MANAGER, LOCKNOW BRANCH!. , . eaforth Creamery, • .CREAM BUYIN'a STATION • HOW ACCIDENTS Accidents' are being reported to the Workmen's: Compensation Board -thia Provinee. at the rate of ,two hundred foreach verkingdayManYfigltest -cashprices paid ffr beople- have the finpression that Cream, .ant„Eggs, We guarantee, ' . • service_and satisfaction V) all •onr.' patrons. • Give_ ue a trial and Id us prove to you that we are a Worth while Market. Cecil' Mullin; • [gr o LUcknow Branch Phone 63. .Witighom• . Phone ,14 Phone 256',: . . accidents in industry involve contact with maehhaery •but, the • statiatics along this line do not bear out this ; One of the • organizations Of the Province interested in the • question of . accident prevention has ,made purvey .of compensated ' accidents • covering a twelve 'month ,period and their information .shows the follpw‘ ing, gses of accidehts: 1. Handling, objects, 2. Enna of persons, 3.- Fall,- ing---objectS, 4: Hand tools, 5, Mech- anical, 6., , Dangerous substances, 7.. Stenpin•g on bi striking against ob- jects,- 8 Flying objects, 9. Physical' failures, 10: MoVing, vehidles and 11. All others.' These causes are listed • In their :Order of precedence. It will be Seen, therefore; thee the meehap-' ical taccidents are greatly ,ohtnurn, bereeby-the various other types,: .handling materia! .being the. out- standing cause of moat, 'accidents: " , These 'facts naturally suggest the thought that ,a little more care- :ori the, part of ' those engaged in indus- „try wauld -Mean that each,‘Year we • should have a smaller ;crop of acci- er make a ellecialW." FinillY, dents. This wthild surely be a gnod. onumental Works . • . LUCKNOW ;int WiNGHA,M , Has the largest Ind meet Complete -atock in the most beilutifulldesigns • , , , to • choose frotnw, • Marble. 'Sietth; Bwediali 'ant' Can- ' , Granitee •, . Monuments and invite your insPee- thing for the people of Ontario. • • „ , tion, Inscriptions Neatly. Careful') and • BramPtlY Done. See.ue before placing your order. _ Douglas Bros. R A. Spotton _ Ont. Lucknow L. O. L.. No. 428. meets In, their lodge room every second 'Tues.., day'of' the month at 8' o'clock p.m. W.M.. 11.1f. Parker; Rec. See'e. Wm. McQUillia • ' FALL FAIR 1).ATES • So live, the.: you "'never need to aSk .,thefeeliterto,leirve.out the story, The followini..ia'a list of fall fairs. and to lield*.in, this •geetJpg: 'Brussels,. October 2nd and 3rd. • " Chesley,*-Septemker- '25th and Dungannon,,. October 2nd • and 3rd: Gederich,„September: 3rd,:- 4th • and .-5th Hanover, •September 17th, to '19th. Hepworth, 'September .16th -and Kincardine, September 18th and 19th Lion's Head, October 1st And, 2nd. 1:Aiclinow;'•Septeniber • 25th -and Owen Sound,: September '9th to,' 12th. Pinkerton, . September 17tli, Port Elgin, October 3rd and, 4th. ; September 23rd and '24th. Tara, Sept. 30th.. October '1st. • Teeewater; September 30, Oct, 1st. TiVertori, October 7th. Wiarton, - September 23 , and 24th. Wingham, September 29th - end :3,9th. ' • , • THI 1.411,,MONV SENTPIALI• r11l.R$P444", AVOIT4T 1404 1914 TE PLIC.K$OW SET•IVINEL ..=,,,,,,,......., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14th., 1924. 11.101tk) WONDERFUL'. THAN • ' RADIO • ' . _ . ,. .' Radio haa ,vdreeiii l'tinie•,. and i Yoieo..tand other .t0ounda+ .04, „cOars.49 .4 lMi io PPIIPe n, traOtting the Jmniane :0334:'40:n(r.Phintl.*:,iheA.haiitillsakilliice tir an -Other," :Or -'4t4er - 'to "ail' 'lie,,ii.: 4-----7-• 1,--=-WOritiable-,' iictilres-' or *inen' . „ . have , boon tranainitted hundreds of . . ... , . . . , inilea , by ,means ef this Wonderfal • agene,3!:' Itadio, hOweVeri7 min "be ex- plained ,and ' compreherided in ,the . same •way that Other deOces fer tilit-• lag, advantage•of the forces, of Nn-: ture, are explained and understood. ... •` •Llt- there has,' long- heen-before-Ahe :--world, 44-----hlitneir'aliieVenient,':3,41-Cli-• Peenliligi3T 'cannot be explained . by our Ordinary intellectual 'processes. ' ,We'" refer to "Mother , Shiite:We' Propliecies'.:, which 'though .., I ong souted ' as :mere humbug; •oz' 7the sensel,ess •.dream ..of A more Or 'less crazy persoiti seems really •• to have, had'a contiderable `plement of- truth in it. . That .ia provided the "pro- phecy"' has not 'been changed M. "doctored" to fit ,e;rents, . which it seems to have 'fartold;:. As the apro- phecy" .apparently has' been- presety7 ed • in written or printed farm, and has been', given, puhlicit3r.',froM time to time for several cen•turies. the: 'suggestion that it. has been changed May be • di's in issed,- It 'does 'not,' appear to beopen to tha:t. aCcusation. • Mother • Shipton, we are told, was born In Yorkshire; England, in, July, 1488, .and ,died there about :1559, -She hasbeen deseribed as a "half irlYth; ical •English poraphetess," . - ' ' We recently Came by seine • extra- cts' . from, her f4rnouS propheey, said. to. have been taken heath. a 'scrap book compiled more: than, forty years ,ago .'• These eXtracts;read, 'ip Pat as .folloWs:' ' , •... .. "A house ,of . glaSS' shall • came to , . , .. , .. , , . peas : 4,In.. merry England, but alas! .,••War. Will. follow,: with •the . Work ',If the land of. the. Turk"., ' This '"may fairly: he •taken'• As pridictio'n -..of •the, erection . at th Crystal Palace at §ydenha.in; nea •14Oncton,•:..iti'18527-.54,", and Consisting entirely Of • glass:. and, iron; • ned of the Crimean. W,at ' of. 1854-7-55,- deve- hieing " Opt Of •:a quarrel between TiirkeY .and„, Russia. ThOugh a small affair COmpared to the recent , Great `iltriir, it :as ,big in its tinie, and '(:ai-• SiOned much :distress: ,in Britain nd: throughout Europe.. . , • 'In. the early,. part of ,the S.i.,?.c.teenth entury ,vvhee D4otheee Shipton Coin, sed :..; her rhyming prePhecy' the ouse• of glass" 'must . have, lo,ked like a senseless dreanc. •• • ' • Pit: Oere was more which has, ap.- plioation to,. Mir. dNvn . time. We quote rtlieri •,, "Carriages' '•*ithotit' horses shall e - ea .4 fu And aceidents fill the world with ••• , woe.," How is that for a reference- to tlie day of -railway` and automobile tra- ffic, with its accompaning endless string Of 'distressing accidents? Thert_further:" . a "In London Prinibse „Hill shall And -the-c-ei-itizi -of Bishop's see." That must, have, seemed about as ridiculous and. ' impossible as any stateinent in the, "prophecy," for, in • Mother Shepton'S day,, PriMoSe Bili - was two miles from London, and -although' =',-London---rnmy- tken=have" been a. big "town" no one 'would im- agine the city extending that the would be near the centre as, it' now is. It is OVitiVA. th;A:t 'the ca- rdietess..;• didn't. arrive' at prediction froni any calculation she may have made rem.her, . knowledge •of... the growth of Other cities. ' • ' Another statement reads: "Around ' the: world, thought. , En , the 'twinkling Of • , • • -E • TO WINN1P'PIu . half a cent A Mile beond11 oints` in Manitoba. Sas- . ketchewitn:- Alberta/ Eclaiontonv-.. -.-algaryg -"Ateteckl„tridst... - 'SPECIAL LOW FARES RETI,TRINING_,...-- 22nd --Toronto. Caled0h &1St. Beeten,, Mea ford: ColliniiisiotAl. 4 O .Pettetang. Miclian4. Parry Sound; Sudbury. 'Canreov i and east thereOf. in , ..,A4gstat 16th-4orottto.,- .ingjeutoCiii and. -al ;.stations ,sOuth ,and„....avest LONDON' 4 : Spetial • Trains" Le.ave-sStandard Time) AUG. 26th -9.00 A.4, 10.45' AM, PALMERSTON,- A AUG. 26th- 00- • "FASTEST ROUTE TO WINNIPEG': tiwough, Trains .:vritliv Lunch 'COnntie arid. Refreshments at 'Reasena".bra Cans forWpcnan and COlonist Cats Ail. Latest Design, rrcn , ySo Ice* tin ainainna" Cannclinn Natio'in;1 Railiia*a eniater %.11eiliet ';xtat Anal tkatir;ittion lie point the tania:43:tgatisiiit'ar aar.- Tra4rI Ina that' Lori* Lac Cut -oft --fast 'nine to WItinipeg. oe CANADIAN.NATIONAL -RAILWAYS 2 .., Thhi MEW fairly be held to be A' "*"--"‘ iredietielt. Of the chilling of the 1 1 (thgraPh1411v-n Irontov.aadwPaait - - er , at a time when there .wan. thf' %10,041 alineSt no knowledge of (gee- triety or, its centrolo and' by a PerSeri Who mast have, ben,, aWeintelY ig- norant1 of. Mich fliatters. We now quote several statements' • together; „ , W.4IPInteugli%ghe'lliNey inent;Viall414 iithelors tior."ass be • „ • trader water men ellen walk;• , '• Shall ride shall sleep shall talk Iron in water shall .finat As WY es a wooden hbet./' Here there" is more than a sugges- tion of raikway trains papsing under tunnelled mountains; and this 300 • Years.-7-,befere-thet-tirst-•succe,ss,44140.._ "OnietiVe engineers thought of '''cutting ioad- ways 'through. mountains and aride' rivers': There' 'is -alse.'a suggestion 'el the 'modern diving bell ,br sribmarine boats, and, the building of iron 0' steel ships, neither. one of'. which had in the years 1488 to 1659 entered, in- to human caleulatioe. • Here is something more whief suggests things of to -day: • "And when. the last, great fight is England and France shall be, as And new a word in uncouth rhyme Of what shall be in later time;, hi these wonderful far-off days Women shall get a strange, od• t To Lreaszse., lilte. 'men' and brecCil•P': wear ' •-And ,elit-offs their benntift4.,19c1C:".... • And ride astride With brazen hive • As. witchek.", do on `broomsticki Arid here is "a couplet which pie2 diets „the recent conquest` of the air., 'In the air `men shall be seen, white, in black, in green. , Where 'did the,• old lady, •. get .thi? visiOn Of the air -planes and ,air ship' three hundred years , before theii coming.? More wonderful than t -dig, • 'MANY. ,DROWNINGS These •who read the newsPa are,shocked by. the nein,ber, of dro ingS reported., Every day: has its inconsiderable list until boating an bathing' fatatitiei rival 'in number, . almost; the deaths caused by'auto111; obile accidents. •-• ' No sooneris the water cleared the winter ice than thedrowningS a begin nd they keep .right 'on un cold-weather-puts--a-Stop-tenqua enjoyments: We -haven't heard •ziluoh in recent years, about rocking' the ' ')oat,:•that type of. fool- being for. the present extinet or subdued; but folk go . bathing at thnea- . when they iliorild not, rind take cramps el, heart failure, or in placed :they tire, not ac: 'Linainted With, they step, intoa deer hole arid being unable to swim:are drowned.. Heroic, 'attempts at resc though often succes..-Zul, sometinies result in. a dcinble tragedy: - ;The only remedy for this is ',great- er cautienthe exercise of ordinary common ' sense. But 'young folk wili • take 'chances; and they are the_niost •freqiient victunc Here are a few "Don'ts" ;for bath ers add . banters which if heeded. .w(?„9!„(1 te_Jf drownings: • • • ' Don't swim ,on a full sternach . • • Dont • 'Swim, if , overheated., Don't continue , swimming When ex• haustecl. •,`,- • Dm If Don't awi' you •have heart ,trou- ble • Don't dive. without aceurate know- ledge of the depth ef water. • Don't struggle if caught in a ,swif 1,7ijith Radio stetions are to .be estabIished .near Maitreal and. rancOnter ea ▪ 1.•,• .iinks in the Empire irirelesa• atotioe• 'program as the result of arrange- )•• nts •ceinpleted' between .the British Government, the Departntent- o. Marble and- Fisheties. ef ,q4.iiadSk -and' Ake valfiliated.kMarceni 'names. , , 7"The-'iti,nitroll-s' ?PIP PaPer Company will, it understOod, ahortly establish a.plant at St, Boat - face, near Winnipeg, *Man. ' The company plans to expend s3,64g000 of; its so,000p000 capital on imme- diate operations, and to build a .20Q - ton newsprint mill, ernPloYing ahont 700 'nen, „ a, •__Canada's trade is :growing ati`a 'faster -ratio: than ever rbefore;-;31 ' 'spite the war. She :noW„Sella to 400 and buys from 77; countries :Ilex 'total foreign trade,in. The calendar Year 1023, reachd $1,918,264,789 an increase of 16 per cent in one year, and her inprchange of com- merce increased , 7D per cent. between 1913-14 and the .hast year, John B. Thompion; noted sporta. Men and,Writer on the eut-of-doors, widely and popularly known by his ' pen name 'of, "Ozark Istipley,", is, ;visiting the Canadian Pacific. bun- galow camps. in Ontario,be, giving demonstrations of his skill as a fly . and bait caster, as well as free casting lessons to guests and infor- mal talks on fishing and other out. ' door subjects. Creating a new, recbrd for the 15 • years. it has been in business the Saskatchewan Co-operative business, tor Company will have -handled 50,- 000;000 bushels, of grain through its commission department* in the 1923- 4 season, it' is announced. • The es- ;thriate -of --grain handled '-throligh - terminal elevators -dor the 1923-4 season is 58,000,000 ' • The steel superstructure of the ,new Ste, Anne de Beaupte Basilica, • which . is to, replace the destroyed edifice at the famous shrine, has now been completed and it is ex- pected that by *next July the ex- terior of the church- Will be nearly finished. It is' not antibipated, how- ever; that ,the building *ill be 'en- tirely ready 'until July, 19,25. 'In the meantime, „ thousands of •pil- grinis co,ntinue visit tIle shrine. and several miracles., hkve been •re- cently reported., '-'Figures issued by, the bezpartment Per?, ' of Agriculutre , for ti e Province, of wn- 9uebee show tat ' tl,ere has been not r.narked improvement„ in the con- ' • d . Os of the province over last year, dueto good crops, to such an extent that., inste.iid 'of dis-' tribliting grain sieds to • the valuo•'-• :of over $125000 as tva' the ease last' „y„ear, only $50,0Q(1 worth. Was reces- Pf .sary rnei this years 'require- ments... Hon. j.,,E. Caron. Minister ' Ltti olksi.nArhleislialt,autrte!i 40 Vein CefL. L" crop prospects, expects. a still fur= tiler unproireinent in the "near , 'Weyer has the eppertunity for Canadian' business id :the Orient been'so geed. as it is today;" said '• 'Allan Cameron, Oriental Manager ' of the.; Canadian Paeific Railway; in Montreal recently. "It: is true that the -general ,volume of business in China and Japan ia gomewh t b ue. Jaw normal owing to both local and world !conditions but if Canadia manufacturers and producers •nOw .fiiil to make an effort to seeure the largealiare of Oriental trade that .' wouldNnaturally come 'tothem, the opportunity, will pass and someone.. else will get: the business." Following its success at the. Brit.'. • ish Empire Exhibition, the .:Cana..,- "dian Pacific Railway is -arranging unusually fine • displa,ys for fall ex- hibitiens in. Canada. . At Toronto', • the exhibits Will include a%Northern Ontario„ hunting scene, :laving a Painted backgeoupd sixty by siit , teen feet' a feature ofwhich will be inciase and .cleir moving ,through the-fOreit--and an attendant guide • to give information to enentirers: A full-sized ' model cf the front of a Canadian Pacific engine and other displays illustrative of the Coin- pany's Many • activities will also ,be ' s in Toronto. Wonderful. elec. • • trical , models • denicting. CanTadjan, .` winter • , sports,. round -the - world ,•cruises& etc., are-siated.fdr-Quebec,t3 ,Sherbreeke„,Lcliiiion and North Bay; o o KINLOSS current or. undertow." , • , Don't,,,wade int.O-th'el,„water the •arms ;above ,the head- '• Don't lean backward when, wading into the -water. •. D011 fp,i1,,,to<Jearn:Red,Croas,lile saving and: restiscitation inethods. Don't crY for help in fun.; • , Don't. go • in swimining alone,' fin- leSs you are.. an expert. Don't try canoeing without some instruction in Paddling; •-• . DOn't 'Stand 'up 'or change 'seateln *-1 • -xtiati'Efry-± sAYeyour compan- ' 'ens by.: -rocking the canoe. . • AN IMPROVED:. WASHER rlyof 7,11derslie :township, • Bruce •CotintY., I, now in Detroit has •taken. out natent fear...an electric.. we TheIneehanistii' 6f, the .1hine . is, entirely diffierent to, any . other inake, and la conibined *Atli • , ta8 ,Which Underneath • the tab and keeps the Water heated ' the • washing is being', done„ Theris'..a secend hot-ten-y.1u Oletub clothes 'bp 46' if10'4011 .•of tlle ttiter , to; .faciiii.Ate •tha.riginc„4. , efore putting ..,theni-through ' the •1rnger• It is tlainied: . there is n�th- isr :like, this Inachme in • the Inarke , the patent. authorities at ,WaSh... ine State that it diffetfitt 'to •; • • ; Lake 'Park -was the •• scene Of a: very merry gathering„.when the faniily of Mr: and U1'8; George v.:elf gathered rt6 'celebrate the' fifty; . " ' 'Coli 4eCend• 'wedding,,anniversary, ,of their •gtather-edat---theH-hili Parents:, The, inerrY . 'makers •• firat '"•.7'1111.1eitf;br';tMir,-i.--7i0tOlu'ell.. Jr, 'After , A hearty 'that in whieli • everi.' one ..todk:' ; pro'. ceeded• to the ake., The.• entiie wag : present. with the exception of Sn1, Jirn and, ggir,„*Izty.: its* eitidyabte--afterheon,,7es., spent; in bOa.t".rig,fishing and. -bathing. At. flite e'elOCka da:nty.' nideriihe.•teverhnnn'ing the !; ;Mapl' Wfter- tUneffaPtirse pf gnd other • gifts were presented. to the, bride and :groom of fi,fty-two years aoci NOth t'Ae•ey,:pfs.A"ieli of the hOPes, that" theY: '1r aY 6e Spared to celebrate:their' . The • Partbrok ti y VsInging. ' • ,thot theerftil. oldHsongo. ,;!Torr,,...they • re. •• Age Pei HODWAR: _ }OR -IHR HAYING SEASON WE' HAVE "PLYMOUTH"' .PURE MANILLA ROM' THE ROPE ` Ilk- CAN TRUST-S11,1- EIOR• WEARING. AND- 11 AN puNG -QUALITIES:NOV. WILL, 'FIND OUR PRICE IS RIG'IlT; • , WOOD AND STEEL ON HAND.. • BEATTY. HAYroutes ND _CARS. _ - "MAPLE .1.EA ` BRA'N D`,3-PRON,G*-PITVHFORKS.:4;;`4 IL _ 1r75'1FVIIANDEE$7,.:'EFERTONE: -0.-ITARAN'T.REP. REAL STRAPeED .OR 'FERRULED. • FOR 11Al; LOADERS, -5-16-1NOI POR: , • TRIP ROPE, PLY.ilatTH PURE MANILA ,F ci 1,t , SLINGS. • PLYMOUTH "GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE." < , e•it" •• spiuNKLERs AND:.'JAPANNED, .,8,, 10, .14 'AND;1641T, •SIZE, • ee'RogirS ot.T41(t.A.N'Tteo..iiime,,pAgis Mmisik4 , ARSENATE OF.•LEAD . • • . • -,cgi+rmNT.,•• LIME ,AND PARISTONE ALWAYS ON HAND. ' WE ARE PLEASED TO A*NOUNCE THAT TIIE:' MANI.JFAC=' TURER 1IAS LOWERED THE PRICE ON P A R IS .T ON E- - THAT • GOOD 'HARD. WALL PLASTER. ' Place Your Order for Coal Now You Will Fing Our Price -Right Hardware E & PORTEOU Coal Plumbing insinithing ' PhOne 6 ucknow. PROPERTIES FOR SALE The following property, all Situated in the Village of LucknoW, being part of the Estate of the late'Wm.-Allin, are for sale :-- . _ PARCEL:. 1. Solid Brick 'Store, with dwelling ahove, 'aednow occupiff.d_as. a dri` goods 'store, situated.. on the North West 'Corner IV, Carniihell and ;Inglis Sheets.' PARCEL NO. Frame Dwelling, two stories, with large loten West aide 'Of Inglis Street,' close to business section,. * ' ' • " PARCEL ?O., 3. • . , • • Two-story Brick' Block, now • occupied .as a 'general store: . jewellry stare and farm implement WareroOmi-. ,iThe . second floor occupied' as "general living rooms,, dental parlors and, of- fices. This property is in first class, state of repair and .lias been , newly decorated; situated on south . side of Cainpbell , Street., • PARCEL NO: Cfl t-o'r'y Frame Blockc$ four stores, now occupied as a bar - her slA op, laundry and gents' tailoring. This property is. situ:: ated c 1 north side of Campbell Street • ' , . • ' PARCEL NO. 5:f.. • • . Two-story Frame Building of two stores, now ,Occupied as a shoe repair ,•,and harness shop, situated on south side of Camp- bell- Street:, . . PARCEL NO. 6. • .., ' •,, < „ . • " ' Large Lot -with frontage on mirth %side of Campbell street, . - 4 ----,- - -.''-.;•-7,',-• -.. with two-story frame •uileing--has been used as if ''''ary goods , store -and dwelling. '.' :, ' - ••.' ,PARCEL .NO: 7. • Two Story ' Franie., Building 61 two stores,onsmith aide of Campbell 'Street .„and--hewi, occupied as a cafe and meaeliner.lcet,'''.''''''.' ' . ' PARCEL •NO. 8, , • . „ • '. Residence on Havelock Street;., next„ to ,..the .ItlethOdist Church,. • :f.iilyielerii-,nitiliIopipcehd,iyat h:,aro.r.:(7...,zitel,weepttreicr-::1,1airgghetsf;'rohnOt;earairndlauhrhwiacteh,„,: -,..,.... lawn .at 'front and both sides of. hang% driveways and large ,".. , garage -746r . three : cars,furnace and fruit cellars are separ- ate ., In addition. there, are two., fraine barns on stone, fouriclit.- tions that 'make ideal stables and drive sheds, garden at real - Thi S property is one of the a_.-rprea b -e -s -t- i -n L-ue--k-n-o--W--, b;fh arerdi'loctioand-. • ' Jolly Gdoti •. • • ' James t, Cia:r;,•• ; Who' for e'ght years, has been C. '.`,‘„ E. agent Walkerton 'has beeri.. transfe red to Preaton, ese prOperties can be inspected by interested parties and for price and'ternis, write' ' • W. G. AitAn • ' , .-"..ArES,5TERS"-$11.01I'TEST-ItCiUTE ••••••.TO THE WESTDue to ,. - • • . s y the f'det that 'the Canadian 'Pecifle is the shertest rOu.te ;le.: the AVest; „th'e• greater" inajOritY of har VesterlaSt ear travelled via' Cana; , diati Pacific: The toninany will, Main - 'Patti the high Standard. �f on.st ,tae eqtriimient,Ahis -year. With' cars 'for the excinsiVe use" of' ladies, children , and their ;e8eortg, ; lunch counter cars' in Which', `het tirealti.' refreshments, etc.+ May be,',ob.,' valued, at Most reasonable ,rates *111 also be ettedifed to Il trains. ' Veceuse the, Canadian Patifie.18 the ahorte f route toW0t Can. 1•10 to 04 *afforte 1no 9tAriniog:st: t, apiend Over -as inuch territory as possible in 4. mielmuni, Spade of ,tiine it is. ,expected freni- the T111111eFOUS hiquities received that a iiiiinbee of - time; it i..expeaed MIS inquiries, received.: that ..a num- ber of -extra , trains •wilt be nee0iiisarY this year toAransnort .the' harveratera to the Vest. Canadian Paelet agents througho11 OfltJj0 have been felly. instrue,ted in the various matters pertaining.. to 'harvesters and will , gladly. furnish ‘fidi inforinatien re garding the depktiire of toine,: • On .AUFfilfit 22nd at 12,01 A.M. i(iiii,dnigs,lit,otiA.ailt8tUti:.0,2001s,ta);11.thiso,o'il.,tr:: • SPeCiel train Will TPi'ontci 10,14 0,t4•"rotriltte4t, „,,