HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-08-14, Page 2,
• 13g Ilk 1Calit 0.13.13.
Ce,11041.44.-frInn iaee
, 1."VPAPPlieent give entree to what is
,• , .. hi. .
'VerqiilAtinii- BOO*, ; • " I called:.a.'gh 'aeciety';" of this: the 'fkss
Inv last leate,t.a. daaia..ioar..attatt.; , said the hetter. • ,plqt lotia ago :in a
tios theAtlegnoln..„'retigitati pirii :lar.ga oitY'a Yeting girt, baving mar- .
,s2v4.04,,,41.14 4,04, tiaIto.0.2k;'''p!,ree:-..-,year.,$-..riertilallyt-1:.47.1t*IIPPt
0,1fafine; 41,41,„ „oven -aged- " imarienari aaangaz;, yawn'
Ing. Many tried In vain ' to
' ti*.e.tliateratittent-InVe of
, pleasure and eaallamalkt,... laoatttg 13:1 tia'oa asteatalitag " perversion; mean-
woptienatif ,senie years acquaint.
every interest live.' hereafter
143,o orit af tbe world. rebeico fa anee declared the. exPlettatitili „ was
no Oomtor Gd the, heart of
quite. simple. -"fsTfitfee who gives her -
woridlYatiindedmen,ad the -. self. op to thalife of society can con -
Ing. ' actuat
' Spirit :Of progress : and ;success in, a praetical
cIt' areers Is thiaipirlt of the Werld. Where Satan Holds ‘Stv‘ay ' •
:There..10 the ,allathaorhi'hg. straggle fqr • -u • he °
„prOaperity '"and .gain.,a the „prideFor one whaslived all his Mein
' 'of '
:the acountry - hardly ' possible tand-honor the craving for a
wealth,. the anibitien Tier7diatTri,--atien• •
place the t'ir,...X9111C!g te'he'tnet with.' in every
the .read1ness. to make any sacrince 'Ten t!ee.r.pf .the,m7'noft,tand
forthe 'Sake Of a place thee,. hat 'only by jiving aniong. them
'' can you understand hew numerous,
With. the*. Ootrie subaervience' te the •
how d.uhicmitotis„ :how":aechiettie: they. ictates, ofa'fashicin, the •
txavagancewhielt •are. It, weald :he nothing, leis, than
' aapfrations
foolhardy to suppose.that • your offal
itemattate,' bringing 'up faintly.... in
I ren could be itinnurfe.. from danger
fdleiiesS, marrying for poeitiop. , 'even Long Te -
evenings, 'late hours of •
though the alliance he With the 'meat'
tiring,the street portage 'gatheringS in
observance.CaSte, a more or
irieligiOas, and irreierent, ,a studious parks and - squares,,.: the. Site/nall:6,
. of, le. Si ' -
pronaiscumis company -keeping, the bit.:
concealed contenipt- for the :poor 'Or
• Hard hall arid, a:ambling:den,: :, public
hatable,: forgetfulnesS Of their' neede
'the hard,heartedneais: hall&the CatP 'vhantiti°''''' the'
qttestionable, theatre, the.ever-Preient
,a fro*, aittek of •syniPathiaawithi and un -
picture ahow, wt.th ithe thouaand'other•
derstaadinga of; their'a sad and wretched . modern yarletiee analaseinant:
lot, and a greater ,selNiallidgenee by •
moral. and • irreligieus,. lUeratnie SoWn.
,consequence-:--eil this but faintly deal
• • (j the 'atmirsit4eire sairetinding broadcast,a'sePsatienal ' fictlen
stories .:mance, the language, the
that portion 'of a eitY papulation whose ef ro
auccesseeire aheld example, the,: aegnaintance-making' so
• a inodela for
frecioently •associated emPley.
.thotie who'-wOuld.;a• strive ter. ''make
,tamatia, large factories, 'sociallat meet
sonaethiag. Of theniSelvias"..a.'In this
and oreatdariticiaa.AnCineetitigs
Wont. '-•And 'because people of '1;atatit.''alPSas " 7
Of 0t.11Tr'MO1t,e1:11ente kntnded On
' are rietuated by this 'spirit, its
fluence extends to every rink and _:_ft a false philosophy .and false Ideasof
- '' 11 religion,. the: ,degenerady of
a-ing: In, the, homes and .familiea'Cif th • '
tnots,a the iintneatioaable • readresa:. of
ntrugglirig:laiorpts there is a 'Constant'
spaid deb.aicliory, the. 'street ,acL.
• .teinptation to linitaatei".• its, presence In
quaintances , Who lute 'the, young In
a • ca not be altogether:excluded'• '
the minds or children in our primary ":17>se dlrectlons tel:".)tatic,18'.4'"1: the
schools.Nevertheless, thi'
-. 1. •
. -i'exainple. elders -every city. 'ia pro.
' •^ s is the,.
vided.with, 'theta. deadi
Can 'anyarte sup
Menace to.: rieliglidi •Ntli e h seems" to • • , " • ' 7
. • .• -` ,Pose • Or a , Moment • that sucha-•
' give , least alarm " Everywhere' -goad
Ocala, ,are/a.vialthout -effect, :, en the re:
old. habits 'of; yigorent'fanai-
, ligicua ,of our canailiiin,.yming.
.'ly traditions•'lenginge•- 'ter An eternat '• Cana any .,!Ohrparent
istian' '
reward are :gradually dlsappearjng be-
think a Of. it without a .'airtidder'a of :her-.
fore this tinstaspected,, per*.
vering aetteray of Faith: Faber 'finds 'taw? .. The father.andmOther who sive,
0einnocence :of 'S.;''Ceuntry :home
still another terna Weridlittess the up
moat : dangerous' of ell:: It is; the
• dis-
poaitlon the habit Of :seeking Lone's
own coinfort.. H� Seldom we feel
acalled.uPen, to ..varp•th.s'ino)40-n.saker
of .the,:"denger of surrounding himself
..:and .his- family: with 'every ,nossible . • .. .
moan :haunts.. of 'degrit-
coinfertathat.Wealth Can .procure;VerY datinn- •
Often: increasing 'Wealth and eoeial"ad.:.. • er4.be,Centihnedli,
In questof greater gain, or easier oc-
cupation,:" ;or opportunities of enjoy=
ment, perhaps never •realize the drea,d-
'ful responslhility 'they are . asentaing
In bringing their .children SO near
!St • 91' •
-7-Tire-ail a -men u r. a
challenge. ..Those Who. hear the word '
applied %Are aroused to ask, "What,
has ;he done?" It is uaelesS , for any
man to "insist on 'his own'pre-epaineace;,
his quality must be determined gad,
his plaee aSSigraed by. others Whe haire,
seen- and appraised his- Work.
1The "big" man is riot •.the noisitat.
His • are often the "schemes accent--
plished in. repos." He has' great
,pa -
tierce ' and:cart wait. 'It ticies not fret .
himto'find other men .arriving' e ore
him; as he is hot puffed up ov,er' any
of his oivri, se, in the beficf
101' •
.4 a
A NisaitictittOV
al sit Vfaialers(
did Ii11111111111111M1111:111111111111111i1114
Many Mine Records Are
Held in Canada.
Canada' has .maay prodtiCtion re-
cords to her: credit, 'and. thiS is espe-
cially o in themineral field. The
World's largest_amber.mica; plumbago,
nickel, asbesto's ;and other, mines are
situated -in Canada while during the
war, .many .other minerals were. in
,such . great 'demand that individual
mines, overcame all handicaps and
met the actite needs virith, a' prompt,
.nese that, was of, Very materiel help
in providing war Jriaterials.- . One: of
these latter minerals •Was malybden'
ite,:the sulphite of molybdernam. The
unetal, molybdenum, finds itg-greateat
'use ,a an alloy for steel, , which it
strengthens' and consequeritly 'reduces
the weight -reqUired. In electrica
work molybdenum .replaces platingth
to a. large ectentatamuch reduced
chat itiextensiyeiyused in radio;
work.- ' .
an extent as to warrant the re -opening
•recently of the Quyon mine. Enqu ir
are -.being: received from -the-Un-
ited States and Europe for supplies:'
The concentrate's from the above mine
range froin 9Q to 96 per Cent.
denite while what is recognized as
, , ,
Standard and the grade upon -,,witiCh
the . market price is •based. in. New
• 741•orlccert-.', 85 ,Per cent., The increasiag
number • of commercial, a uses -being
found for .molybdenum as a result a of
research And • investigation • may be
expected to create. a greater demand
for the metal and a More general min-
• ing of; maybdealte throaghout Can-
ada to meet the demand. •
1Stary. of
at Wei1Iy,
Th Empire pageant aa the crowning SeiahlceNoafthrf letge
DIteesp:rtitlicneeantioltig. Inc!
!J • ,
glory in Wembley's world of wonders. terior at Ottavra ays:
Th., sea herring is a comparative -
AS a spectacle alone, it would be in-
comparable. bet it bi mere than a sPec- imY i:rtaall nts0f, yet f0dfies a; Can
eh, t03' °,"eshom68
tacle, it is a recreation of real events
'1 . ,
onk of whicha came the EmPire of to- ada' On both the east and Wes
day.: Bound about the vast stadium coasts large catches are seCtired. 0
atireahaildinaat ypicakof ..the,landa theYithe Oat' ''eeltat Veva "Szatizi
are pt&yed New Bruuslh.k 2,
naiatrrekeai4.1_3elititaetw.ed_pre4neieitta4 166 tons, Prince' EdWar d 18119,4;t554
tens, end Quebee-78,246' tone:. Britis
Itistrathig diversified rescnirces of the I
"Coltunbia produ::ed 65;600 tons, -
Dominions and dependencies'. 'MI of
• The Britiati C.Atimbia coastal water
these depict the str,egth an extent'
•• '• •
remeent,,...491- taata
h Large' and Varied
esot!rceo.• ,
s Are Protected Against • . '
of the edifice, that has bean reared, but'. however, (..`,Anacia's greatest her
tr.!, „ •
.-.• • •.-
In, the stadium, itself are seen men who .arilmngoslitathhe,er3,re'..• ntiTreheie.yngtilrho' offeetehdea, coast inaee all this -possible,: the ,greet..dis- '
but partictilarlY ' •around Vancauve
eciverers and conquerors Who planted
Pte a CI' rea gra. . nifn. t 411"re .t. and cr e' , farifb.9.6 t th e lands.ii' t4e',Ii)I sa.- 14, fai tn • Idaapi .t:fee'eyrP waaerbkeai tnviesr industry knownplentiful.destrYas ha, ss': ehe;' beet 1
aite,Iloacewn_tionliteearpte,ii:sazliuZILIWeiroaeo,,,etheatigr: 01.ierzlili,n,: e.,14,rirtiprig; ,a3pildialipoawinognstishoe,:.il,soi
nifieent 'achievement ' 'Of *hick- the in. barrels._ ,,six._tbeasand ,wirrels., 0
eachibitioa-aPeaks,-,,-- -,- ---- "'''' •'
Fiere the ataateel.tfie•tinvir lenaa ,this Pack were put.uP.in British 'Col
down' uPerf its splendid aedheroic his, Pnibia,:last. year. ; . .
tory. There is .4 great theatre 0! land . The Orient ti the chief Market .i.er
• and sea, er phoaand nia,nnaon, and on herring„ 'which,. to meet this demand
to Ws vast Stage coins men and wo-. 'are .dry sated only. • Last year fifty
men of old time, kings, queens., cnur-; th°P.sand ,tons iv!2're Pllt up In this
4tideyrsei, tusoreldrsiersT, hsetact4ealimothens
el..n.fdortr rutp-ir 517,01101107 rtoniCs7reCphriellsaenateridd a jpapprea'xnim'aTtehliys
on ta,or quest and p.nd. Reifonndiond.. 'T,1.0.10,:00,t00aQthfitshe..siutpipy
iacques Cartier sane un the SL Law, 11nh
• r eine, and real -a a cross at .Stadacona :a nmPlb'e'nd that there is no likeliheod
• Champlain aillowe and Laval. and ,I4ew of sjdfte2
France comes into being. ,There is• a
••parade of honor when the ”two great canned, 22½
'2se; dfnrswere
,s5coalcseeds, w3e7r,e.
and/ victorious armies. Of Wolfe and d,
montnainv. : march together. " ' 'The 131!t01ilsb:s.cni,eweretis7eiht), pickled,
United Einpire Loyalists -ceme,272
, and
there are suocessive scenes cif the barrels -Were. use ,dea bait, and 7-2,465
Making •up, the gory of Canada: Atte-
inalltleal, and industrial develePtnent, be The
rheel S h we retrien f Iti al se db uta as obi iaei to, fa nt hd67th2 ,a4n6y5
tralla arid. Ne* Zealand histories are coMmercial fishes for which the ' fish-,
ea e . s mi arlyi and. thanks to the • eties of Canada are .famous, and in
, . . . •
• Daingerons , Depletion.
g• , . ".. •
r, tliat tyhei)cys4ginoon.triertti.3(11,‘,IIrto.lcil;All.60.st:d(,1.(4,1tina..(104x!4drtse:'.,%.?...16• •
,conflneid .to the hcaivIly timbered pro, . ' • •
i. v.lnees et the Eastern l)nielalae, which a.•7- •
i is :a loug .way • frem,_hoilig the uotu.al
f. affraglatatiS ,
PrOvincei, to' hui4ers and .sportainen• ,• i;
f•eat-so-awe:lc becatiae ,the,. a, • -.---
ii.bserVielit, phase. a diet 'territory • •
,.; are,.largely a overshadowed by ,tlie• re- .
• trowii .it :has .achiey,el in agricultural •', „.. ..1
Productioh" atla. l'ais 'area 'i3 -
not 10 .a:nythiliF, like 'as 'large an• ;
; tent •visit•ed .e,Port sin en from' Other • • .
:countries. As Matter of fact: few,' . • „. ••
area •q havo gri\aterer :mere varied at-
.traetiou foto the,: sportsint4, certainly ,
ho, agricalturally 'produeirig 'area. Very '
inany.'; conteinidating .settlers.
aoglect tliis . phase of NVestern life, , • .
which net o,u1).7.,effere them "ongrOsaing •
. • ,
si.sort whea .qpportuaity offers hut, is . •
to the fariner •aa' valurible saPplement
his larder: a • %. ' • : a:
%That ,the game resources- et: the . ,
„Prairie Provinces, Whilst :found.th •-• '• '
agricultaral." area 'and he2onSing. in-; a • • • ,a
'peculiar. manner ;to the 'farmer, 'are .• ,.. •
.sefficientiy attractive to:Aure sports-,
uteri from elsethere.is' evident. in,the ,• - • •
annagj record 0t:92e representative • :" •. •.
"ProvinCe ,in this regard, In. -Alanitoba: • . .
. , .
last Year'10458 gainebird licenaes and '
1,891. big; game permits. •Avere :is.sued
hy'..game waildens, returni, • „'
from'. these' licenses 'show thst."52.7 . •
deer, 389:, moose, .48;232 Prairie aachick-
ens; 28,028 partridge, .1,350'...grouse,,:75.
,wild ,geesa, and a188,9.69,...brarit
ducks were ,shot' • T.h.e: °averment
revenue ficfaa 'these •licenses amounted
. .
enpairsiahni of a huge ;army:: ot 'yolun- ,Point, Of Value, when freshly catight,
-teer .Perfortnera, It isall done With brought a revenue to the • fishermen
.a' wonderful appearance 'of ' 9f $1„62.0.,449, or a little under one
• But perhaps the most, striking of Pent. per,pound.
. all the pageant Is thatof the Empire's -----=a•---
heroeS.a It is the final...Into the theatre
:ride andwalit great captains who have
fought in all Britain's' Wars for Cen-
turfed ab sea and land. pis Leon is
. .
there with his Crusaders, Cromwell
L?uwhorongli,„ V'teillfe,,Y•Pilie,ui r°"Drakee8,. •'Graenr
vine; ,Blake, Hawke, and the ...Iron'
Duke With "the eagle nose and 'Short
side whiskers. • They;are 'all there
riding and marching. out history in-
', Salving Sunken
• •• I super -hero, Nelamr. the captaiii.of cap -
Between 8,000 and 10,00041 -pa; of talus: - eotn'es, but not in iffe..„ The
'which • nearly.. 6,000 are, it IS.; body a The greatest' sailer": I's borne
estimated are :tying. on the'ocean • bed. upon a state'. barge. and placed •on. a
hes'sunliteti ships,' are reckoned to' fnnerar ear „with • statelY ceremeny.
. • • • : • . . •
a. new 'daY% all save one: Britain's
• Before the war there was practa-
cally' no' prodaetiqa of molybdenite ;in
Canada; with the exception a of a .feW
tone aof ore taken out on pessib)y two
ocCasions, A 'few proMising dep.CSits
: account- for:•abeut 15,0.53.786 ' gross High. officers 'carry Nelson's banner
, • .. . .
tons. and'their.'estima:ted, Value Is $34,- ',. and trappings and a `Military :eicOrt
, . .
033.,9,00.t,pre,war,.shipbui1ding rates .' follow -a .the:•car,',„while* great company • '' .
:With their Caigees,' the aliii.s 'lielOw of herpes are Marshalled .roand sheaf.
the sea are 'worth 'afa,buione: banetint.. A bell; tolls. and at intervalS' a gun IS• • ,
. . . . . . .
--7-eaPerts Put the figures at $6,001,01.4,.. fir.ed..., The hatiYa,is borne to. St, Patil's,
and. numerous ciceurten. ces of thettlifiL
74114-ronglaly. ' . a • at.:1 he • ceremeny ehanges lute
aa•thel cargoes_to he raised, an., tinforget cable . epic, superbly
and' thfre Is sIrall doubt.thAt. theaal- ...Staged,And profoundly •impressive„
vage engineer will :be kept. budy for • , • ,
eral were already kriown,-arid the war
demand led te'tlie active development
of' the better kriown of these arid the
systernatfe. p.rbspeOtirig , of miraerous
occurrences of the, mineral:, The close
of the war quickly cut' off; ths marke.t
. There IS need for the ships tia well thanksgiving for the gibricla, dead. It
, ye'ars hence: • „; „. , py-,Locust Post:
that had been' developed and left large
supplies Of the mineral on the' hands
of ..mineral brokers and consumers ih
Eng•lartcl. F"rices at once deClineden4
Canadian oPerations ceased., , a•• •
In 'the perk year of 1918, Canada
became'the second la,rgest produper Of
rrielybdenite. Most of the output. came
from , a deposit- 'near Quyon; on the
"that all workis inore imPortant than
t e Workman, he is giad that a worthy Miles' west of ,Ottilvf-a. •This mine for
undertaking_ goes forward, avlideter is -senie was the werld's largest
honored and reavarded for it. a- the war, many.'"
It is the little •rtian who elaniors for perinienti have bee ni d i the.
Ottawa a river in b b t
Ships, of lets than 2000,tons at •••: While the diatrict mOtinted.:patrol Of
'lls.likllY he raised bodily b' means .Cf , the : Kiiig-ersdorp • • (Transvaal) i'lelie-
,i::lintom:f.s; P1VP$' ti:b6v, ..sucli.: a Mark re' Wai. at ..weik cle.-itrti'Ying large. --Ss w.arrns
. . .
quire. often reerP,',Ingeatil'Ous handling.. of: leMists 'On the north western Venn:-
, .
7.P9ntOOLling is eiliPlaPYed- :whenever:,-clarY of the Wo3.t. Randiat'Ididdelvlal:
PeMible for salving „Sunken ,shiPs ; the 'a,' 'constable ..riDticed one. loc*t- Which
second Methodist:1r ships to' be PurnP- .senieave .
ed and floa.ted7 which . Means.. that • . tie. gave. chase, and,on Capturing it
diverts Must go &own,. locAte,holeand,"'feele.d tied: 7fAnntl its 'body' a. pieee Of
mend ' theni 'with Plates.. ''before• Alie Paper beariag: the'foiloWing ' pencilled
11 • * ' '' ' '' " ' ' • •
s an . oe
.d.e.enjulle, bes.t.e1-.T. thi Toit."' "("1"Parm.,
.p ,ee roin ater nd
raised again.. • ,
. In a third.-inethed-.:comn'ressed air IS
used to fence the water out Ce the strip
'at the bottom of the .ocean.
a mess ge: 0205.24.Chri ti ia re
ieust. be., advertised na
•r• "the fignre supreree imPctrtance eh:
-the-landicafe' Wherevee".:he':apanears.
Petty .claimants ...for applause and
'praise: inVite, the' arritised tblerance, of
'.the"truly. great, Who ,waader why lin-
•, • mien beings ..ehould Se anerturia) thni
-Charles-. E:-Buthell" ist14iirtit
„ •.
• the farthest north, College sphoO of rankt.aUthority and sovial preeedence.
mines at Farebanks„.Alaska Thn col , What is any, honor that man can he
lege,.. which ie. aitgaten,' In the Arctic stow' On than Jeoinpared ritlt, the need
hasan experimental 'mine . in. ofgetting the, worldis. work. done?
operation at the feet Of the school The little man: :Calls 'halt' the
' • . • ". • ; , 'middle of ,b,usiriesS, to affirm his , own
„ .
'• A Poem You Ought to KnOW.. consequence, *heti the realiinportance
, ,
attachea..hot...to,hini,„,r,or ,any.other.
" ;The Solitary Reaper:4,
WerdSivortli,'. the poet pf N.:attire, person, to!..the-afrhii"-in'hand. In
weat far a holiday into the flighlandi;' eve:r3t'. cf occuptilion the ..Personal
and this id.. one.of 'several nnfergpt., ''.eqUation cannot obe • ignared; there, ie
,n11e poems he ktonght, of sympathy
• ' ' ' ' ' .-.'faCtorS77"there:•iS .foeirti ;Toe the-ainen,
and. Celleagiles, to ,Pe
.ftiends. But :the thirt'gto he • done is
:impersonal, and it , haft . • tirrie
,WaSte-'en. the: itliosynorasies'i of .thode
'enftaged 'in, doing it. „Ifr, every task
, that '.engages hUmart, collabOraters,
• the men wheals tecf,denlve t.9r his
'oWn: "rights.": it,t;la too! tp,
, r,70,4'tp.,1":C7r, •is. n, +1..rittlent,' and
„aere..WcOnte-neteif wearY; bands ”
, Of . travelleifs in some shady haunt, ' lot
Or•i'.'"1-t-"Tin and are lov-
• AttiOng „.• ...61V..3 or 'their 1<ind`. They a.r0 ;,,ociabIe
.A-v-Oice. so t,hrilling neer, was hea.rd aind 'ff e cur-': to wr,att.
, ,..P.TIng,Etime„fretritire4trekop..b.iir.,:!.-,....!...-4,7,......-er:se-:''.e';'..!,..
Breaking the*Sfience of tire seas e...` and MA tligu•r,s,^tv7t•- •cAs•.ibIe.. But
Among.. the farthest Hebrides; ' • aro tab eie.erig
• — '•'life to tin,:fe:l.''‘y h73:". „itt t'retfric
WiIl 'no:one ,tell„.roe What stie ings • '-•-t -thav their • -0wri
..".PerhapS the itlafatirrinifidbera' (loW ,Ae'-hic.vern . }-," • aa' ehie.
• For old, UnhaPPY, fai-4-off thing:X. ,man. e. te:1 yott
And :battles. lpng ago; ' '
Is 4t, hupil)I6
Itintillar matter ,ot Lo -day?• . • . Say,a7,tya.aca 1.11a• -,,Sky';''•
:Seine natural sorrow, loss, or pain; • The fable ret.fortnente Of the old
That has'been, 4.n,d May he.•,agafp7 ,Iyoman Of the ni,trserY thyme. s!,:rho
' • •"sv•ept..". 001)V -01)S Wu; t;.t. 'the aka.
',...Whate'er the -theme; the -Maide.n.iang, has a ..gefe..14,..iiic...pArale,1inrbThty
, . , , •
,As If her tong could, kale ho ending; '0 f attratOrs-tilliicr.'som,r, rnlyi!linn$l to
. • I sAW laer"singing at her work, , ,=a! 'bruit mall. ctraais' Out Of' the skY,by
. And o'er the eltkie , flying through them rapidly. , •• a
I liatened, inotionlesS, and • still; •' fair....4ited Summer eanit„Ins: at fair,
• ,
And, as mounted tinthe, ill, • , ••, weatner clo (1, trlaY , erri be la -
The inuSie in. my heart). here,' 'a. 'pei'a.art by about twenty', dightirthrOtigh
$.0nsfter it. was heardno Mote. - it. •
Belsoicl her, single in th,e
:Yon solitary Highland Lass!
r ,
• Reaping and 'singing by :herself'
• Stop .here;:or gently pass! • •
Alone 'she but and binds the' grain,
And sings a rnelancholY strain;
„a) listetfl for the Vale profccunfl ,
Is overflowing with the Sound.
. , •
ti a e, .n
.•, • '• 1 •
Varieties of Game and Fish.. . ' • • • ..
Even, in the More:Settled districts of
the Prairie previnces fact.,:: Mani 7 '••
game birds hacrease :with ,gettlenient),', a •:
the prairie. 'ohielteni • partridge. ; and
wild•duck are to be Sound. -.: large •
numbera.' Thongh the wild goose
:Makes .nierely a halt in- theagricultur•
al areas 'en his way: ,tcr from :the
Jig 'lakes Of .the . far north; •sportnien.
and karniters,... al:Ways...take -s.' certaiii.,.
toil in the spring.. and fall. migrations,.
In .addition :there" are
er,, woodcock; snipe", rails', and ,coats.a
All .these -are, essentially, , the pronerty•..
of. the set.tler.,_ oife-of-ass:ets. 0! the
• •
homestead, his :sport - AS' ceeasion of-,
fens, 'And' hie .provender. --' •
Tliae,. flailing -is 'sea rcely 1 e".S,
ate- and ..att'racti.ve. A; partial list' of.
what the. Prairie .Provincts ,offer in •
this line ineludes picIteral;. gold „eyes, -
pike, hitollsh, lake Itatu.C. pet;cy acl •
'`...a.-9pa'fiety•••Of trout, lake. -3; and
area' Ore- So. -
cellentlY distribated- that: no-, farmer' .
is ,at any'. diatance 'from a '• sou rce: 'of '
• , •
fish supply and thisas .a, regular article
of his diet pisting `leough- the' it ' ..• , !-t•t- '
In "the winter Jnonths. is equally pro ,• • •
titahle and ensures a seastinal " • .
•„Big Garnet in. Alberta and BritiSh
' '• ColuMbie "
-As -in-clicateirLift-flie. license figur -
there Is a variety .,qf big game 11'111'1'ff:1g' •
. , • • ,
Photograph shows mr. F. W. Field!
who was preiented to li.M. the King.
'at St. Jaines' Palace London rece tl
and anpointed:as.His Majesty's :Senior
Traile -QorittrtiSpiener in, Canada and
Eggs:As C "ns,
Mit;;;ey.. is not the:only form of cur
rency existent, theugh it is the only
Thc distance between, Christiania
" and Middelylei is more than 200'miles '
rnaking, „and testing: of commercial Atterican. has invented a. Salvage:. and :the.' locust despatch., flyer • nittEt.
• inolybderiumi,stee".s. These have -pre- Submarine .whigh can hare its door !IA:ye 'covered 'the distance with a
e va u o mo:ybderiti`r aro liel • li
„ y r, 7., ow watera
. it out. letting..
steels; 0.''frac'tion Of One ,r_ict• water into the shlp A:Eureaean sat
:the •inettil being used for s‘tructUral•-vaga.cOnitia-n.Y. :too, haye .a.'patent-.Un;
and erigih-ce•rirre,j, purposes Vcrliete.i..;:r;cat, der -water carries several
StiresSes nad areinvolVed: • „.'',divera.,, and is .a. coMplete ratiafr-slipP
4 T110. r. --.1r011 dem nd ter rno151ertem-'ffrted.. with teleptiVnes end search,
,is_i_eportecl 10 haVe irkroye•rl to..suclt
swarm abaiit. a mile long in taweniy:
rotir hours, which included a test over-
night., • •
Ovek'• one thousand domestic serv-
, for Cda:
. .•
on the prairie.". Moose are to he found . .
- in'most of the •woodel. diatriets of tile • ".
\\Yes tern i)rovinoes f
. •
pal farming. aettlement, • 'Whilst deer , •-
,are to be found- even where agrictiV
tare is-heing'followed, and'are plenti•
'ful:1;ey,ond these areas. In the winter
:Alan tha_cay;,,g.te-huntingrireutiently .o f-.-
form iziternn'tlenaly
Way sonietimes'uses cern:for coin; th'e
Fijiarijwhales,„tteetill while clic„Co-
late, eoco-autd, 'and eggs, :are dmplOyed
in the .intertar,
There are parts of .1<e.w.'etainea. 'Where
the na Ives pay tliei bill
.1.212i11,2115f .
Delegate's iire hc Wn fbnowfhg the opeorng :5;eggion Of Ole greht allled conterenee a the •foreign office,,London In the fiont row are•', Mr, F.,'
Kellogg (American .,s,,nina.sad'or).;.M,, .(Belglan Vert*/ et (Frelinh Premier); Mr: Itani'say 11IaCtit3na1d anAtisk Signor Da •
Stefani Minister); and Baron liyashi •sJapaltesis ,Ambaesa dor).
, e roth: a
fere entertaining and profitah'e spot.
the mduntain section of ,Alheriz and "a „' .' • •
, „ . , , • . .
British . Columbia Where' the mountain•
shacas4,-apda goat and, the grizzly .hear .
• •
file gameresources of the. Prairie. , ,
l'revirigesz,arewriot.ion,lV,Ifirge-snd-Var " •
led, but nrecautions:are taken,•against . '` •
a dangercus depletion. Baga..are iiinit,
• '
,ed to, k.v,itliin re,asonah!e and •
whore it ia found •necessary •res.toelt- '
zing4taked,p!aoe. ,a A --forw,-( in CS e" e s- • •
ants,. for Jastance,: introduced years, • . „
• ago, , were :for yoam pnitecteil, until ' , ••
.to-daY they are found • in:,some num- ••
liars over a large' arca... Tho Ilungar- ' • • ,
• 'Ian • ,partridge, vas else introduced t ,•'
,tho-region, and, under years „of „pro- . . • .
4:let:Tien lies "thrl V01 end tiniltiplied to
orful, ea tent, Alan -rat made a •
fel titfir.iiii...p.Op-ta o .
-11-ritrfea t"Trlini. /() S o vti It'i .• • .
. .
. euibley"s Fiery Foputairi..
,E,lxh fel n,,,
Issuing from, a rock i a stream of
waterfloWing la it. giacoful curve on
; tO-ri.,.glass-f:Imigox,iiiiit..ifigitWe:vioisow-=:-, •
• ingArifT.1-a m 011911-1M-Ii,17-Aiillie„Sfien
il.)wer it eppeara •
to patch f r -O7 and !theilower is Blinn:.
. A s. ,you. loelt. the, color. ilia ng"ea.7
from fiery fiery whIto to fiery red, thOn trout
11:ery red to vivid 'groan, hut.tlie Water
thatflows over the:flower Is Colarlese:
•Att it fella -Len to the •bank.heidw. It .
again ,,,iltitawgi
:The eXhibil Wits, prepare'd bY the
chater College',of TechAology, 'and' a ,
geiA deal of worlt arida great numb:et' *
Ot OX•Onritilent5 Were' :rnade ti ' bring:
the deVied to perfection.
• The heart. of whale
;4tea a yard" in diameter.'
. .•
.1 4