HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-08-14, Page 1en' •••44 nonIMOinnonnen ••••• • • $2 00 PAR YAR IN APV004; 0.171A4WISE; •-'1VVERII.I.'":6T4T7n4t7p,gp. „ wAht, or 047.7-44, • LUCIENONAT, • DENTIST Dr, MacLeod Will visit IalcknOw every- Tuesday in Dr. Connelra Office -.Dr. McInnes. Chiropractor. of Wing /ham, will visit Cain House. Luck - 110W. forenoons. Tuesdays and' Frit, nlaYs.' Commencing April ' 29th. also *welt the hotel at Dungannon` same days early , afternoon. _ • • DR. PARKER, .n?STEOP-ATEI.--,:at--the 'Cain Hoppe, Lnelnioin every Wed-• ' nesnny attereena. All chronic, dis- egsen successfully- treated. Oetert- enithe netnoves- tnen. physical causes • on disease. Adjitatinent of the spine' is more quickly secured and with iewet treatments by Osteo - pinny than by any other method.. DR. MAUDE C. BRYANS ' Registered Optometrist Graduate Department of Ophthalmol- ogy. McCormick Medical College, Chi- cago. 111.' • ' ' . 'headaches. Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu- fated Eyelids. Watery Eyes. Pain in Eye Balls. Inflamed • Eyes. Pus or Watery Discharge' from Eyes and. Dizziness caused by 'Eye -strain" re' lieved through properly fitted Glass Cross Eyes ,straightened through Propene fitted Lenses,. .• • •Setisfactisin Assured - -- , At the Cain House, Lucluiow, Every, Wednesday- Afternoon and Evening. 7., • • Wall Paper -1 have on hand the 19- 24• samples of a number of the best .wall -paper houses, and will be, pleas- • • ed to show them at rny house, or will take theta to your residence-eR. .1. ' Cameron, Box .174, Lucknow. AtcoNgY TO LEND -On faille prop- erties at b% -Geo A.. Sicidaln 'WOOD polit: •SALE Hard and bolt •Wood -oft :Wood • good for .suninier rise -large • quan- • . Lay of hard. wood. 'Ennuine. at, 'Jay-. eiliee; Luenno'w. n 7 31n7 -if. Car of Gunn's Fertilizer. Expected soon, leave your, .oeder at G. S. •Robertson's. FARM FOR SALE The IVIcNaughton Farm, Lot 22, B. R. S. Gen., Stanley, 100 acres mole or less, is offered for sale. :The • 'farm is first class •ad •the location on____Bay_field_Read near Varna is most desirable. Buildings, soil; time • ber, 'water -facilities and .cultiviation are all good. Apply , to • inns. ...Vic - Naughton, •Executrix,i on premises,' on W. Brydone, Clinton, Ont. '-2178-e CARETAKER „WANTED Applications Will be received up till August 25th; 1924n by the Chairman of ° the Warden's Cominittee, Robt. McVittie,Southampton, Ont., for the position of • CARE AKER. OF :THE COUNTY BUILDINGS Walkerton, Ont. '• --Salary $750.00 per year. Free house, fuel- and light. Duties to commence •• -September- 15th -.---1,924:14 8-r 1Rooms For School irIS--In formation at The .9,titi•nel, Office. FOR SALE -r-- Corn: Binder, ,in good' n repair -John Turner 11 Con. Waw- "' anosh, 1 ,R 2, Lueknow., • • . TILE -Now ready for delivery, sizes...1, .11,, 4,, ..5n..6nand,...7-inchese Thomas Phillips, SL Helene. --0--.0._ PRIVATE pALE. • The following:- hOuseneld `.‘articles • will he Offered for ..sale, privately, at the home Of Mrs., Elliott between 2 and 4 Onloen and 6 and 8 o'clock' ,., each Wednesday, and -SetUrday. , ', • .• • ''Be,droom fdrniture, Dining -room fur- :tn. nitereenGoniennOak eflail-racinn-Manee gann. China -cabinet; Davenport, .Stie- • ,' , tellers, ?Rugs/ Carpet., sweepers, Tab- • les; Chairs, • Pictures, Mirrors, .0dd .Dishes, Fruit•-•.gen-lers•i•-•1' Creeks, and, jars, Canpenteea toolti.Gaiden'teolse • , Raspberry picking is the order of Mrs.-• Glen lieliingten and dau- ghtor re spending a' few' (lairs with MTS. Glen's Oaten Mrs. • George •Richardson-of-ricareTeenwatern----- • ,A largenumber oinftiendv attende. ed the reception at Mr:: Albert Stan- 'AeyninlastnThunsdayeninght..,..411 ...report 11 *g00a.tin10,, • Mr. John Winterstein• • is working at Mtn, Walter Kaake's for a few &On. •• •,There W8 nee March service on Sunnilyoit„., accOurit of having • , a special- service in Bennie oim Sunday Moreinge *•• 'atid*-111rtn''GeongenBanneiminif anent Sunday visiting friends near , . „Ripley, • . Mr, and MrS, George Colwell, and family and Me, ',and Mrs, Will, Ab- bott spent Sunday at Mr. And Mr”. hit ' nf noar Walkerton. Ivid:At" AND, GENERAL 41T- . Mr. floe •McOlure is at his home here on a ehort vecatien. Mr. Geo. Dqughts, Jr..ie home from Stranfond on a week's vacation. ' • _ _ .1 :A :contingent of LucknowBoy Scouts are camping at Point Clark week: _ ----Igiss7-Florenee7Ma7-eGregn 'of Chicago, is visiting at her home on Rdss Street. • . ' enihion, apparently, lost• from .an automobile awaits the owner ,at The Sentinel oftc,e. , Mr. and Mrs i Tom Marks and little on of Stratford were in town for 'a few days this, week; • Mra. W. E. Gaynor, i erid)r, Mich., was a recent vis tor at Cain House for a fe ys. ' • - Miss Francis Cain and Miss Irene Bradley of Ripley are attending the Millinery opening at London. ' Mr, , and Mrs. Andy Wallace, and little sOn Pearth; visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Spindler' last week. Mr. and Mrs„ Chas. Steward and children visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Emmerson W. Waw- anosh ' Mrs. -Janobe and Mrs: t wackhamer of Detroit are gueets ,this week of Mrs, T. W. Smith and Mrs. Alex Ross:, Misses , Marion, Margaret a nd Florence MacDiarmid are -in, ton this week having come up from De- troit and Windsor. GordonMrs Johnston,. Bobbie and Betty have. returned to Toronto af- ter spending..a month with Mr, and -Mrs. RuSsell Robertson. , Dr. A. I-Itiebscherwerlen and his brother, ,Frank, motored over from Buffalo tovisit at r the Cain 'House (luring the past -week. De -Campbell ande wife, of St. Louis, 140. who had motored up to attend. the Seaforth Re-union,nneade a caIl on Mrs. Elliott last week ___, • .Miss Marjory Gaynor, •daughter of -Mr.'S. P. Gayreit, of Wheeling, West Virginia, was a guest at the. Cain House for a few days recently,. '• The value .of •the Canadian Nation - .11 Exhibition plant is placed at $11,- J00,000, made up of $6,000,000 in buildings and $5,000,000 in grounds. Miss Marin MacMillan who was a guest at the home of her uncle Mr. ,l'hillip MacMillan left on , Saturday for her home. in Grand Rapids, • Dak- ota. , -1111.1A.-Diekie, of Texas; Mrs. Cal-. ay, ,and daughter Margaret, Of La- peer, ., were 7 Mich ' visitors at the home of R. J. Cameron. the • past week. . . Mr. and Min. W, 'Elliott of New York 'City, Mrs. M. J. Johnston of Toronto,. and 'Mrs. M. Nienelson of nincnnokannviSited'nthe:;filinrannie*ith Mrs.' R. 'Mullin., • " -!.111r. and •111rp. Siddall, Mrs. E. J. Smith, Mrs, , Rooklid,ge and ' Mien :Prances' Siddall motored to Ridge - town • last week, Mrs. Rooklidge and Mist Siddall going on from there to - Chicago, Ill. •. • Mne", motoretl• to Kitchener nin, Monday' and will be ..away., /444. theween... Mr; 'Munlien4i6 will Spend most ,of , his on city business for the balance of the year.' • ItniSereported. that Mr D De•Gil- lies, well ,known here, recently un- derwent Seriont-...„Operatioa for _s_lonynsh trouhle,_44 London. - Gillies has not been, wellfor a year or more. . nnlVlargerinet-nTia aline daug'htem- of Mr ancl Mrs. Robert Button who, a week ago refuzned homo from a visit at Windsor suffering from an attack of paralysisis making vory, lanorable,•nrogress,'nhavin almost reedvered control of, her limb's again. •• n_nn.--endetno-n-... ...BORN.---- TORRANCEn-. At • Oneen Victoria Hospital • North BO (let Friday August 8, ,tee, .Mr e and -Mr. .j Torrance, a .ditneihten (4410 -Betty') coNNELL-Ai on August 10, 1924,, to tor. -and Mis M Connli of Lucknow, , a daughtbr, ,There are fid 'pelitilanent buildings and aver BOO •temxoAry. structures r r Mr, wolttr Knako 14sollued, P4ir timo in Exhi.titlori, City, Tor' ' ontn7 The; hnine7ta1en nelteenn grj in the Tonne, Hall Tuesday eVening di w a "fall house," eveny 'available seat being. .eceunied; As is usual With a hoine-talent cm -inert the growd'Wan 111 a Sent' of " iree-and-eaty humor," so _ there was more than the usiref -4nOunte-efezaiiPlaaseenandniumber----of: ,encheret; The ,program wasn't entu e- ef honie predaction; Mr, Hann Mer nGee, ofAb1ing wiTii ber of humorous songs and sketches; in Seqteh, .Irish and "rubei' costunien The 'chain -lien PrOnonneed' Mr.,,MeGne. a. very good Harry Lauder inntatoi• • He mane' lots of 'fun and was called back at each appearance. Miss Hou- ston, of Auburn made a very clever aceompanist. ' .•• •• • made a very clever accompanist. , - Mr. John' Jonni, Hon; President of the. Bowling Club was chairman and entertained the 'audience with a chair- man's adnresa and 'a number of heinn °reps. stories, LucknoW.'Melodn On- ehentra gave the opening, nuniner, nnel several selections ' later. Othe:. local contributors were: Messrs.. Wilfre.d and ,LoVel. Mairdeeh, instrumental du= ete'(trombone and , cornet); Me. Can - rick Douglas, solo; a quartette, ceran 'nosed of E. •Henclerapn, H. Aitches,on, T: S.? Reid, M. Johnstone, Mies Mahle AIIm, telo;' Master 136bIne. Thompson, •recitation; Miss Martla MacCallum, a p d MaLle • keC1,...ire (been; 'Mrs NOWt(ill.' awn MrS Plane., due•tin .Mies Ma-, era, reeita.--ion;. Mrs., J. nkresley joyat solo; Meners."Wn3.• St•indier a -ad Jtie Hassel, nton'sh-oegan duet n G, H, Sznitin•Mra. T. S.. Reid, Mene•-nTen- ton and Mits. Maly Denelas- noelinthe Piano in different =inhere. , The Bowling .Club under v,nhcse management , the coneert was, Leiner'. haiLmede all necessary, preparation to have the „program given_ on 'tile Bow- ling Green, hut rain corning on tie the evening,this plan hed to be giv- en up, so there was a, good dear of labor in vain on the part of the club members who did the Work. How- ever, as a business undertaking the affair; no doubt turned out all right. ----o o o SOUTH KINLOSS ThenVV, NI. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Allister. Hughes" .on August 6th 1Vliss' N. Nichqlson. pre- sided. Mrs. A. Sutherland took the Scripture Study several' of the lad: ies offered Prayer and the roll call was answered by a• verse of Scrip- ' ture, The supply' Sec. asked .that all articles for :the bale be in by _August 25th. A duet' Was , given by Misses Marion • MacDougal and Mary Camp- bell. The topic which was given in the-forin\e-of -a-contest- was --read by Misses*H. Sutherland, 'M. MacLeod and A. Hughes after singing a hymn the meting closed with Prayer.; 1 ' THE WET WEATHER ' The rains which have come on so npersi sten tlynall-nover -Wet tenne-Gittarn io or the nett month, is thneatening, the fall ' wheat .with = considerable' damage. The wheat drop it One, of the hest ever cut in the province', but 'with heavy rain' coming every, other day thene. is liltelynto be damage' by sprouting • •• . s'ErGHTOT't014.'101q1iSS:' •''••;11in's';Gedie'Veedhain and ,nonnbnle, and, Keyes, spent Sunday at Mr.! John Cillbeit'enn', - Miss Hazen Culbert spent last:week the guest, of Miss Valeta, Werdellnin Kincardine. • ' ' The "Misses:Noble, who were Visit- ntni•Tn'a,n7J-is.Ross'inhave refirn- ed ,to'heirherne.,in Guelph: ' Mrs. Brock, of Byron, who wa vis- iting relatives in our burg, -' motored- „ home .On Sunday. • . ' • ,•-• Mr, end Mrs; Abe 'Culbert spent a --day-rthirweelt•at.Mtf-Wtm-Cengrairt's:/ = .-"Walter';GUlbert.'"spefitthe,parst Week with his cousin, . Spence. McFarlane, MisiTAda. Baker IS at PresenCunder 'the'Wnithen,„ • nn 'Mr.:. andeNtes....,George ',Banner -Man,' , . Ehnen,' Harold. and tva Spen,t an an. teniooa this. Week ,at, Mr. John Cul- berts A Connie of 'our; -boye make regular trips toward the lake: tnitlOt8Uriti they have Particulat liking for the cool lake •breezet, thee days.. Many farniers are getting Very. anxious about the Whnat the eontintted rein ;and heat '04'18111g lio104,0, it to 'estArt t000ti4 14t4a MaoMao.t.a0rie y.isited, At 'her par, entRo bonlo. llonfst , 41,41.1.1••• 7 ft .14:44/ THURSDAY, AUGLJST i4th, 1924. bowoB Out of 193 Papers written iny*51,' Lower Scheei -Students of the Luck . . . new Selloon, ,1,74 obtained•pais mark.; eittinr an the papers set by the tea- chers throlighout the' year, 'on on the nn'Pern. net by the ''Pennntrnent in nine; a Pefeelifi"e'-of successful ,'.nanexsnof "• .. At the DepertinentaLnEnantinan Jaen, 47 papenanwerewritiJ • fen 30 obtamed Pass marks leavin 17 nailtarep altogether. This 'indieetes that, the standard. setby the teacher, :has; been',somewhat highnr than tl:Int Of the •DePartmeit, bit nevertheiens fair; as 'students ,i,rindoubteilin had •, the Yeains testhad to write on the Dpatncn& s- aien Students'. may • obtain 'neentleates , by , applying to ' Mr, D. C. ninylor. • ,Secretare of the .Sehoni noard,..- • 'R41(711-154 • are. the, names of ;tile students,... writing. . at Idlcknow wi the subjects .on lmicheacl wee Sue- cessfut . , Eliz. M. C. :AltorfLnEnn'..ineaniniar; • •Pleysionnanhn. Arithinetict ' •'Oliyen'Alt-einnenneenGnarnrnar; InhySi qa-raphyn' Zonle'ner• • Anne 'lloWlesn-Art; deorg•ranhn, Burris- Eng.' -„Graniniare .„"..PhYsiogrannyn Aritnynetic; 7,00ln Grace (Miner -nun-, Geography.; ' Cane History. • • " Bessie.J.Cheenint-n.GeographY:; "ZOol :. Eng. Grammari Phytionra- ,• . •g • . ,a • Winona ch'esinit-Geognaphy;• • Art: " Can. Ilitern. 'Botany 'n • - Mary • 'Douglas-- Geography; Art.,, Csn. Ilistory; Winnifeed ,Doliglas-nCeography; Art -Can.. History; Botany, ' • 'Ruby; Everett'-Gepgraphyn Art.' • Ruby' Pelce-Eng. Geaninnar;n,-Arith- ' niefic; Zoology Can flistery; • Duncan J. Finlayson_.Can.nliistony; , PhySioetraphy . • •' . • •Margaret K. Geddes -Eng., Grammar '• Arithnietic•-• ZonionY.: •Phi, era', • . . phy David,. Grantn-GeognaPliY.; :Can, lli.is;: tory ;' Art; BOtanif.' . Isabelle Grnut-TPP:. Grannu,0-.;: 'Bo- tnv„Phys ionnaphy ; 'A rithinetic •ZPolonY. Lena' Hac:kett-..n. Eng.' Grainnitart • , , , ..,Phytionraeny; .Arithinetic; BiLly henders.cni-eGetigraphy;-can: History.; Art il BotanY. • • , Morgan Inenderton-Ge•eg'i'•a.phy:. • • Cen. Rittory; Ant; Botenen. Noritin Hodgins- Geograpa'A y; . rt; Willie. lIonatnn-Entr. Graminar; Phy- . • . . ‘snography; Botany. • -. Dennis, J: .11oganArithmetie;' noel- : o» -y, Physiography; -notany. , •• • • . • Marion ‘. Jamieson --Can. tor:y , . ttordon Jonzisten --. Cain : !listen, Ai • n Geography; Art; Botany, • , Geography; An. Bo,tanyn, Olive . R • Ken n edyn,--E,ngen-;. nrina:r; Arithmetic, PhYsiegraphy; Zpol. 'Annie. V. KetchabaW-L- Arahmetic; ' ZoologyEng •GraminarnPh i .ography.: Jeaw.L..-LancA-Ttithnletie. ” IsAbelle .MacDonalnin..,Granimar:' ZoologyPhys i ogre phy, ;. . • Ain tln metidt Can. History„,- , • " Selena •G: MacDonaldenArithinetid. Rena ,MacD.onaldGeognaphy; At, . • • Can, History, Botany,. . Max i•o a ; • MacDougall- GeographlY;• .Art; Can,-Ifiet.pry;. BotaiaY,.- • Sarah, ..Macliver-e GeographY;'' Art; CanIliptor.y; potanY;. Gnarl r1VI eK brie e enG nogna Ph Y.; Can, .Histery, • BotanY:', Many: D, MacKenzie-Enge • Granunny Zoology , Phytiograplinn. Arith- m• etic. . „. • ' M y 'MacKinnon,- Can. •IliStory; 'Geogrephy. • ' ' „ Mnairen'Merean-L= Geog. ' ,ean. History; Botany: . MurdochArithrrretip., • Winnifred *I'ereyenGeop;raphy; Art; jenneRitehieenGedgeaplinenArten,,,Cenn . History; ,BotanY. _nen, , Marga•ret. E. Rivert-,Feig. Grm amaen Ft ;PhInSlOteitenllY3.•",•Anitinitneen 2.,"",Znni; Al ice PhysiograpWt, Aritinnetie; Zool, Lottie Stnith-Can;:::. °KY; Eng. Graminar; Physiogra- * ' • • F. Aoyd."SteinGeographY;, Amt.' Teati L SteWart-nEng. -Grammar; ZoOlog.;.-,Pilysiographiy;.”-Arithtmetic,. iesste Stewart-L.Can.' 1.11Storyl. Geography; • Art; •Rotany,,' Marion - Stewart -Can; illetern; Geo- graphy; 'Att.; Botany, : rene.'Strathilee,-=•Crin,,-.1iistOqf Geo- graphy; BotaUY.. Andre* M. TheinnionenEngn Otani; Wit"; P1lintIneft141 Atithtilettni. • ActOgit,1,,I„nnenoannt.... aneieri • •nennen, e•ntle, #i • SINGIX-COPIES, CE,NTS, ,Z4D.13-N laren Mint' Girl L'OSS .1.4re Ann „"ArbeiNlith , •-Thet.Mis Annie Pickering bad, !oat her lite by. droWning in 'a small lake near Ann nrber,:on Oak was- thsacLnewn-whiell• ;Shenk -n(1' _thin cpmananitin Die -.NIOndaY,':--,-MiVie Pnekering's home Ives at ,Paralainuetn •a fe'iin thireSwea 'gad- eshir„..ivas ‘:and most favorahln theenghnift the diatniCt, and In , nueltnew.• nliss ,Theiterang ennupien p position, in '..,Detroit: for - anfeW 'yearn pant; •arel- reecntly spent 'two n nekS with her moth,ernarin ,sintern at hein honice, She, Was then 'the', .pleture. of: health and' in the „ hignes't geed spirits, so that in Was 'difficult for :noinlibont nn believe! that the bright young •lifc had':' been so suddenly ended. •• '• It .110Pa-in ,,that Inekering With a numberof friendi. had gone ever td % Ann Arbor 'where tnere is ,what is considered: good bathing grounds. in, 4 nember of sialllanes., ,A number. of: the party had been. in, ,the 'Water wihinth was , .1Q pr. 12 feet •eleep' for -:ecepe time and, all 'had :to go out. Near .the •thotennliSs •Piekerinn skald she. would go beCk -ter • en o Cher • dine, A .neting ,m n -who . wet:. 'near her -deq'idod. to foliew. ,Fo'r a moment he lost sight, of .n,ern 'and hdn 'tibticed her, hand up as thoush, in ,.tlistreis. j1en't•Wic.;e2got 'hold of her but was, unable to gQt fo ".shallow ter: A 'half . deem A:nod n, ni ers Werenriow •in,;the wetsr,biet•.the drow- in rig ,giri h an gene ,nonen.:aihircl thine, 'and over nhen• brink of a. deep; hole :where., the niettorn .dropt,' to rrearn- fbetY feet. All &rents' after thnt 'fail-. 'ed to., loea,te 'the' body ....and at time of writing it was net. receYered, Much .snnipathy is n'''feltn for • .the • . bereaVed , mother,. •:and • sisters who fhTi-share' ' of Suffering through Picknese, - . Mips Ada :Pickering a`sstny of the -cieneneed"e17.0. also was in • Detreit eame.. home' o'n,-Tnestlay. A Married sister'Nfri: Alexander resides in bo- ll -oft. ' Miss -Pickei•ine, wan 'fin .yearS. 6f age -andnaelerrghtneheerfain Y On rignew e - taan. n-rno . ST. HELENS ' Mr.' Robert nkleGuire of 'London is a visitor with Mr Ede .Tlioin's. . , • "Mies Margaret Miller zind •Mmss nlary McQuill n ame spending. thenre,- • , . niainder of, their vacatibin at their home here, Mr Haeydy Webb and Gliidys . Webb Were holidaying at Kincardine ,Beach ',for, a• few daysthis. week. . • A .,nurnbeen ef the' -youag ' nee nle on- e-nine:4'a Picnic; at- Kincardine on '.Sat..= .urday,1: An .,..enjoyabit.! and profifahln.,-time wee' anent nt the Caifflmmnity Hall -.on -FiTday evenng When .Rev; . ,Cumininn gave the audience •the ben- efit of the course fon Rutel Leader- ship that he atteaded at the recently. , The 'Meeting was tinder the ' ' tnt t :ausincen-enfent en: meat --en a a e- , • 'and besides the niddres. Were vidlin .8eFtiOnS hy,-:Aleininntillernnnunin on. • the Victrola aid, . Mrs, Alex -Leaelr and son, Willie„ ,Detroit are. with n ,Mrs. Leaen's..brotner arid sister' Mr E. , ,Tham's ;and . Minn Gillies. , 'Miss .,tggani: of •Ripley Lwas Abe. "-guest': of!. isg,i'4%1 roli n Webb 'this Nneekn .'• • Mrs;. 4os. Gana, spent a few; days' last week With her daughter '...ntes•-. , , •• •JOhn Scott, L41ie.S. • The ganle. of, , .baseball between kerinetin•Oarn6i0filz:,. , Applcnn.pinkeen arid S. S, No. !,4 Whieh wmts to, hav,d PlaceAlie day' bf, tho PlaS'a lent- Thins -don roe , , suiting - i n'Tki -Victory for tIme• 'Appt, Pickers. • .' . tine„,,Onnki Ode niel rentturinzinVhp- 005, • ' •.` ami• Mrs, Robert Reid:ftnd Pn os_nnnitalearnandellins,Mij Reid Rid'.s' Sister, Mrs,,, R; -.T., „Woods dur, ,the, week, • • • " honle Sree ; • nnE-InD M. Geonge' NjeNamara spent ,a few day a •visiting her enanin in Tore: 0749. ••' Mss •Annin Clark, of Saskatoon; SaSk.,. yisited•with frientis.an,Kintail •at week. •• , C.Px „' spetiding a 'few days with• friends ,at ellc.heraye' enneenneene nee, 4-, ,•;,••••-...-.‘• Al1,e8lie'7..13:ri-StUn 'Of Dg1.148 *were the guente:of Mies for The week -end ' Miss Bessie J?amnb of Lothian . ennted with. 'finends at ,Cationr fon a rem- last week. 'Mies . Grace I3aird• of `'nararnOunt spent the 'Week end with Miss Mary nICLean of Inicknowe • •, Minn Mary.. and Dorothy tcrepsti• stfebit;tnlite. weele'end .with 'iends in tancti 111r's, George, Stockholm of Detroit s visiting with, Mr. and MKS.' Neil McKenzie of Lochalsh. 41M i s s 'Margaret , nicDianinid of .,i • • i .ninlsor.., visted with friends r 'arawount dimring the- :week.' Mrs. Brown Jinn her ,claughten, Miss' Viiss Ar.nie, of Detroit, are visiting ..t the Cameron honienan.Lenhalsh. , Mr..Rae MaeDianmid -of Chicago . • visited Witli nIr. and Mrs: Grant Mc- ninrinid of 'Paraineunt last week. • Miss..Myra.`„McDonaid ,of tneknow wea the enie‘n't Of Miss :Dorothy Pien- erine•. of Paraindunt during the, week: Air. and .1VIes.: Jack, Henderson arti Chinlren. of: naranionnt visited - with: • friends at •Kirittein.cluninn.. thenweek, Miss '1,01:Ilse Murray df • Stratford is snendjag her vacati-on n With her Mis ,Mary Ross of Lochalsh n-MrS• Beckie tindsay,who i§: in ...Lunknow, 'spent •,• Sunday , the •Mi 4-4 neetn„ . Lizzie Stewart, of Loch- alsh; • • • Mrs: Peter MeDepald...nr 2nd_. Con: 'spending a feW,days„ with, her dela- ghtet-111,ra. Eldon Henderson of 'Pare- MOont. Miss Louise McDonald: of Toronto,. in spending hernnacation,..the 'guest Of heraunt, Mrs. D. MaeLennain of ' : ..• , Mr:- Ken,. Murray arid ritoth,ein of eStmatfordn -vi sitedn nen tin 7 their friend Mits .Mary Ross ofntochalsh during. tbe week.' . • , Mr . and Mrs. C. Raynand and Mr. _ . and •.Mrs,', Harvey' DobScin of - Ethel Were visiting . Max Raynard during: • the • Week. , . Mr, and Mrs. Geo; Moore, -Mr. John MacKenzie and Jack ,Ross' of DetrOit are :visiting. at Me. Red, Ross of Lochalsh. ”. , Miss Flerericen MeGrenor, „R.N.. of Week at the *McGregor home'. on the , • Chicago, yinited for a few days last Lake ' Shere, ' Mr. ..Grahani ,•MeNey who has et7 'tended , Toionto Inniversitn ..• for the .iast,tWo 'months is-back...to , his Jicme_jn-711111711.-attlib'ilWilt7eb's.t.erand Miss. Alton of •Lucknonn Wenn ••the nueSts'. of Miss .Ellede, Stanlen. Lof Paean -lona for :a .'few days.' and, .Mrs. , of, , tk(1-31-r7--Ei-n-deentennIniten--Men, Donald -of' Panamenre.)-notored nown. Mr.' and Mrs. R ri; -.NieRori'4i.e• and their daughter; Miss, Ruth, of Strat f:ord; Motored up and spent „ few ,dane'vfnitinn.friendt .at Lothian./ .1 •,,M1-7; • And •: • 'Mrs. Peter pahniern of. near' kinCardine .Mrs.:,Morrison Itn,d4Tharlie,t`rOtKiii1ossvsited with Mr -and Mrs. Wm. .of payaolooat... : held ---the'Ke'Atir- meeting: nt,;.the Herne .of 'Minn Robert McDonald's a . good, attend -ante- presetri,r-,,,rol, call,' Was 'ans'werecl by ary,d, recipe. ..A.-discu8$kiu .dn -etartn iee 'Clailn6T4-'Making.,(1.91), took' up.: -rhentineettn=q.:-..:'Ther.,balance ;if Prograin ,0 • AA'ttS• ' finished .up ,hy; instrtdiMei%,41piecting is to JJ 00014b%and : good, ecadtrigS... Th eptnm To moot this. doal,atd special irlat. at.-thenlidinneni-ZMItenDieltn...:Weinena"517,-; votors4. Eceutifori5. Aviit„,,fia.,,opetated • thn fienr. Snek. •tn Winnipeg ,without ehange ;ewe- .• The pienfe. hold on the Paramount 'sisting of. !Convertible (berth) ho6l'':gtodg , T.hursciak afte11n i cars of ...latest • 'design; .Lunclie o'f "inSt 'week, •WaS mifl'h. itas gottcn up by,Mm. J.trains • serving fOt4 1.,nckn ow,. in honor of •nittKAt..'reasonable. prices,' Purchase of. ±iket' via 'Cnnatlia National 8atilt , WhO- .nailwaYa ..td t,Wititiiiieg ito Matter' j, it; the ...g:cenes. of her girlhood days, wl:,,elher tout imia1 destination is a VCd•Aogiiii)Tiht;11.0-1, point nn the ndkmi Nationai or Thcsd ,itobttmOnllitsiony.itayll'16.,,s'in412., '$13..04 to, Autm', 26thv6,1.1111134 ttnd the far is plus 166, watt tat. terneen'tO ,41,-e1ese, Former' reaiclenta Vbt blither info atOrt and tleke et. the !Oeitlit!'t Wh,O. 'wee 'PteSdAt• no0y, to 4; t7. Tinne Wenet Mr, Vnito 4qtint, 0.11.111, tmOktiOiVt. Qfit, 4AVel 1,14i 440,1*Pierin(dt 0.11g0$0; 'Parente. • - • Provincial Constatilte Oliver, fins been 'appointed to . Constable 'Rlood's place., Although 11,1;;, 'Rlood' reported to haye ;taken' a turn for the better -recently it m tionbitn.l if -he' will ever be Mite- to -:drni tile' ,uni- forrn of the police agaih, _. ,,, . Kenneth' ThanipsOnCail., 1118tbrY Art; Geography.; 'Botany, E. Carlipheli ThenipsOri-Eng, Gniun- nlarl IllyniOntaphy; Arithreetre; ZOOlann, ••• ' 4 TO; t 414104.1iL: .Saturday Specials Star Cakes Madiera Cakes Cream S.1.ieS. Rose Tarts • Raisin .Bread. ' Whole Wheat tread.-! attei:jand-Egia-atl,Beat-leiricegi,- • Phone 36; Lacknt vi Good Signs Painte ALSO AUTOS; BUGGIES AND WAGGONS ° An) thing Yeu Want In That Line " Get Our Prices,: Satisfactien Guaranteed , ERNEST SCOTT - LANGS/DE ,••I•••••• Mrs'. Stockharn, Detroit. Mx. Angus eameron, Winnipeg Miss Margaret MacD:arrnid, Windsor, Mrs. Clarkson and daughters Lizzie,' Annie and Bertha,• of Windsor and Detroite Mr. and Mrs Pratt, Mrs W G. Murdoch and son Andrew, Sault Ste. 1Vlarie; Mr. and .Mrs. Robt. Hamilton, De- - 0 one-. 1VIAFEKING :•14 Isaac 'Cranston eommenned thresh- ing -operations Monday at AIr.' Stepli- ' en S n ens 1,7ery". little wheat has ' , • , . • neen :battled:, in yet '-owing to the frequent. showers... . ...Me. 'Carmen Stothers of Toronto holidaying at his .former____home imere Mrs. Stothers is • visiting her parents. Mr; and Mrs. Wm. ,Stanley, • - 1Cineandine this week... ' Miss. Pauline, Reed of LucknoW is , Mrs.' Thos. •Anderson .spent part' , • • , her cousin Jean Anderson. of late week with her Mother,. Mrs. • Paul'Reed • of Lucknoev.' ....My. and „Mrs....John; Smeltzer of Detroit Visited -their neice Mrs. Mil- ton 'Kilpatrick neat Thursday.' n Mrs. Will. Gardner and . of Cochrane Stuart McKenzie of ..• Lucknow .and•-ll'ev. I. W. and Mrs.• Kilpatrick: arid .Margaret of ••••Bruce paa,611 iisited-,at- • Mrn-Saar Kflpat- r:t]'s . during the. week. : , .Of ..Goderieh motored out Sunday to see Mr, :Hugh Phillips,' who is quite ill. ' Miss Beryl Johnston returned last • ,week. from Kington where she has bden attending Sumnier school. 4 • 111n. Jackson;; , Dr. M. Blake and hildreri-ofTV-fiiiii-p-e-Fe-iTtrisitinn at. , the ..:Dr,s1. former. holne and , :with • other relatives here, n Did ,we 'hear anyone ing "Oh it.. Ain't a' goint rain n,itiore?" Alvin and Lome: Hasty spent, the:. week end with Mr. 'ann Mrs. John Make. n Min .„, n, 0, .npenneene eine teeennoine nen Inreacnedein the 'Blake's and: • ett's , Churches Sariday..kr. S. Sher- . • ••,ittii:ege.d.nn,dPentbellee,46,;.due±:Ztvinnin-.,nbnp,q.nnrevC...eevrseedne,. ; Aun, 24t1i• 'Thern•will` be. no .preach - 11)1411.y:1 itnrin the. circuit ' Rev.. and Mrs. C. W. Devitt Cos - ons are npending • their nacaiien at .Pcdnt Clark. and Mrs. .1, H Richardson nnetored 'down, from 'Proton; and 1,8..000 NiEN 117Z...1;InTED' To liAR • -SES.T.n.WESTERN, ,NADAnCIZOPn, .# a 14,