HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-31, Page 8fE ' LUCK'NOW • SENTINEL, • r 1 at rid _.. ,. li diner Bar -aiii A GREAT'ASSORTMEN'T TO GHOO :E -... . .,„FROM-- tntedVBedora Voiles withPrinted Pattern, Nor- Fabrics, or Pbrics, very ine with neat patterns, Priced from c. to $'1.00perY �d. HOLIDAY DRESS , ES S GOODS at $1.50 per d Pomona Cloth, w th-Black oz Msa veSt e .,. Linene, Basket. Weave, plain colors. -Tr<cola:Broadcloths in, plain shades or -stripes.. Repp, Pique and Middy Cloths,.pu're'W hi THAT BETTER GRADE OF CLOTH - Cream Flannel, single width, at $1.00 a yard, •P or double width-at.$2. 00 a y ard. Cream Ser e,All-Wool-and.f1new eav e,, extra r, a wide, at $2.40,per d. 441 STANR4RD DESIGNER'' =PATTERN sw int'wwse: • • KN IT T ING W.O As Good s the Best,, Oa;t L Balls for 35c. ... � • TE CORSALETTE Is first C hoiC e •'t•rSummer, ',Sport or Holiday Wear. Our t 'it °h as ac ivemen a No. -, 118' the lastest he �, s e ... �. back ' a n :d " rubber. tideba .': fastening, laced , shoulder strap, -Cron• ton •s make, priced : at $2:0 0. S TU Y IAL , .RDA S SPEC A • Lin yards- Thread it lasts,8 .Whiled $1.00..I. n,Towelll<n for THiJ S1 Y; ,JULY :31st{ 1921;, R;,PLEY Al`il YIC1NI'1Y ;Mx.' Clarence 'AfoOillivray,- or Abe R oYal stair,"Toronto ie visiting, tris brother. John McGillivray;, Mr and .Mrs.. Robgrt Munn and; children ,have •retui;ned, from a trip to Cad;llac, Mich. . Yredau,glite :0'f: -r s ,.m 'lGltc, �eo:�,MCllxi<yi,e o 'Blp;..•�i ., �l?L •awarded, firsl;�-•prise for• ladies' grae- frl ;walking• at, the Caledonian Oanies:. iiia. Port' ,Stanley on July" 24th, Miss "TOa Martyn .has secelited position as a, department manager with R. K. Witliams:.& Sons. 'd'epar;t mental'': store at `Regina;, Sask.; and: 'will leave, for the:West.shortly' s N Miselliec. , ,, ' ameronTrrhamesville a • teacher with, several Years experi- ence, has been, appointed principal :of.-�Ripleyi Pablic.,.SehQn1.,,There vY�.kS.•. :about* forty ,-applicant's for the, posi• A "conStderable •number of °• Ripley citizens attended /Port Elgin's ole', t bo, s reunion and report, a hilarious'. time at the lakeside town,' Messrs. David Martyn, Rodericl , Martyn, . Angus Martyn. and Dr.' Don aid . Martyn . visited.` friends in th' vicinity,. of Goderichlast' week. Mr,. Russell' Breckenridge • is hom c m froDetroit,” Rev.' 'Mr. McDonald of • Teeswater 'occupied 'the pulpit in St. Andrew's Chu rah'' Sunday mornin'g,' in the ab sence'of •Rev: Dr.. Harkness at- Pin •,Hydrp;, service was .eat off • durinc the daytime .on 'Friday and Saturday o.f •last 'week ;while repairs -_were be, ing- made on the "transmission lines The. 'blacksnrit'n shot,$ which use hy• Aro . 'power, " the' telephone , exchange and several' ladies who were busy iron'ng were considerably. inconven fenced' Mr : W:•"U Mendleson; `, :one of Ripley' leading' dry goods, merchants' has an nounced his intention of.disposin€ of ' his' business: ' 'after•:.vhich • he i •considering locating in .Toronto, ' >' v Professor and Mrs. C Trelea L. who•; haye been visiting .the form re's . parents here • have returned'.t New 'York, `Where -Professor ,Trelea ven' .is on ,the staff of Columbia 'Una versity; , 112x, Nathan. Mendelson; of Tot onto, is visiting his parents here 'Mrs. D E. "Campbell has ,. returnee from a western trip, :Twe "rinks . 'of : ,:Ripley" bowler journeyed to Cargill on July' 25th; A heavy rainstorm • : interrupted • th tournament • and left three . rink (Ripley; Cargill and Mount Forest tied for first 'prize Ripley an 'Mount Forest flipped, a coin .result nig in Ripley'" moving up to secon place ,: hutthey stibsequently los their' chance'' for 'first in the toss -u rhetaveen' them and Cargill; The suc cessful Ripley. rink 'was 'Made up: o T A. 'Jackson, skip,;,:Roderi!ch Mart yn, Dr. D. R•` Finlayson and Angu Martyn; They were each presented RDOC PhoneNo. 10 is at Your Service ice � We 'e11, lac Cash -We . Sell) Cheaper Than The Credit Stores ODDS, YOU WILL• REQUIRE 'SAMSON. HAY FORKS -They are the Beet Forkswe can buy 'and: they will appeal to, ynu. They : are correct in shape and ,.the ' wadies: are -all- Selected Second -Growth- White Ash : HAY FORK ROPE -We 'have, Iilrantford Pure Manilla Rope-.,' VVe rihave--'been selling this rope ,for .years and k:sow where our, cdstotners have .had, over fifteen years *service from one rope;' FORK -PULLEYS—We have them ;in all sizes. : HAY ROPE FOR '-HAY' LOADEIRS--We have the right rope for this Purpose. It, is 'tarred ;and will keep out the wet MACHINE OIL -We havethe finest ,quaityM bCY.i_, that- .'weusm car,pr Procure.. Don't- wear- you machinery out. alow grade cheap Machine''Oil; EEN, AND ARB•.ENATE OF LEAD— BERGER S PURE PARIS'GR To kill- the bugs: ,a.. ra •�.' DRY BORDEAUX MIXTURE -To, prevent the blight; SCREEN . DOORS',AND SCREED' WINDOWS—In' many styles and e , all stz s, • SCREEN,4WIRE.:TO=':REPAIR ,,DO.ORS-We have, it to all widths. PRESERVING KETTLES,=We.can fill your requrreme:its for the •• ha••. and Aluminum prese'i•vien vk a'good stock of both. Enamelled; preserving se • : g kettles. Plaster alwaysw on`: d. ement Lime andhand. u-rdie Hard l�ccesso>a•sto:�u�ckna�Y:=_._. _w.a>�e�.& Coal Co, Ci'AUTACJQU'Ai==''Avgusty-8th to 13th4.. at "Wi igham;.' •..Two 3 plendid .g -o raninr`es eaih day, 'afternoon 'and. •+r evenings. Special. children's • enter- tainments =', three .mornings.-• 'Season tickets -for $2.50, , admit 'to all enter- taininents and 'tray be used by any meriiber of family, ' Single admissions for alt _evenings alone 'total - $3.50,. • �oir!t turas ..this -treat Proceeds in aid of 'VVingh,ani Genet""iirl'iospftal.' • , I't is fine to get back'to nature if you can have one- ' hand• free to 'scratch bite's the 'neitt flay,, A bachelor is a man who Oen,' buy * suit without• feeling.t at t de- 0004 e- � p body -PL-RP GRO'4 E: „'rheic is a heaiy hay ere!) in'"the Vicinity end farmers are securing, ex tra men` to-isstst ttiern . • • Glad' .,to hear that • Miss Collin':` who .has not been well Of late is able -to be ;around' again: Miss Congranr is visiting with her -cousin Miss 'Matva1le..Scott1«.. ;.-;,»A ,.:,. ,. ,Miss•• Mathew's of-Wiarton ts• vi's- iting relatives here., Mr,,: and '•Mrs. • Spaner, of B-elvilfe is visiting the tatter's brother iV1r. (Sick 'Richard, 2 , Donald McFarlane is' ,r ending 10v WCotcs ii?, 0oderi411; WESTFORD'' Mi is I:enoiLogan of _ Ripley ss -f• ,, p. , • spendingg" •a week visiting friends andrelatives in our' burg. g A: number from . here took in •the dance in Riversdale, on Monday"- ev -ening last and' allreport an .'excel lent time.. ,: Mr. Frank Le.nahanr and two sons - of. Toronto have•,, returned :home 'af ter spending a few weeks visiting at --the--.---home -of Mr„- and- Mrs. P; "Lenahan. ' , 'Miss Kate Thompson has returned to ,Toronto having spent her holidays at 'her home. here; • 'We, are sorry' to report the illness of 'Miss Grace Haldenby who is con' - ;fined `le -her '"berm for `a ;'few -weeks. Wei-hope-•--to-.see_her",'around-agaiI1 - soon: .' 1iss Gla ya TIbd iris"'.of •Lucknow has returned home after spending :a few- .•weeks at the home of Miss Mable ' Hodgins i`" a rn M"'ss 'E'tliel" WaII` -Toronto =raving spent a :Week'. or two at, her ,home here. • • Lorne ,and Preston , Ha•ide;iliy, ' Of Toronto are" :visiting at' the' home of their.:•uncleAr. ;Aar., E_..lialdenby„- dere Miss Len.- Bell 'visited her friend bliss Dorothy?' Iialdenby, ;fast :week l: • CREWE .. 'Mr, and Vr Finnigan, • � Mrs. r Win. r.• of Nile`Nisi'ted-friends here On Monday; ldi_= Ziac rG bs n', of S:ttatfoxd, 4 spending the ;holidays , with. friend; here. Iwf'r: an•d iiVlrs,t•'Fred',;'i'releaven shin, family, of Toronto,are the, guests of Mir andrMxs„F$ott Treleaven Mr., and' Mrs 'Wilfred, Plunkett, or ,A.,ub'ur.n,.:.,.even t.:,:11.onday' • at ,,Wilfred Drennan's' ' M. n Mts. Vnl '. Cros ier and Chit ddren' were Sunday visitors 'at -(Joh!, Carstipbell's,.of:•`Ves.tfield : :M'r. and Mrs.;James• Little spent rt day, 'recently with friends here, Mr„ and Mrs. Patsy Sherwood, ,o'' Belfast, spent' Sunday with their, soil,' Sari, • • /We -are •,sorry,to,-'report' that Lloyd Finnigan had the misfortune to havc his leg broken by a kick 'from a .horse', We. hope to see; hint ground again soon. ' 1\fr', and Mrs; Arthur Culbert ane children "visited with George•'Rivett!< Ott Sunday, , ` :ST iTRL>SNS' . Mr, Gcorge Crk of ji nion ' motored up:' Yo; tlahe Re -union •ilt Miss •Verna McLaughlin of ;Eree iton' hasbeen a visitor'With' :Miss Mary Pgrnin •A- Mrs. Hugh Rutherfgrd. •as' spending. some tithe width hex5 daughter Mrs, Q1ivei n Xers Aoli f elgrave: X `n Mr; •and ,•Mrs. •Coulter of Hai iiitpn. visited their brother; Mr.. •Beni. Coul- ter' during the, e ec, Mr. and. Mrs.; Will Rutherford at; tended* the funeral of the : little'' spn of Mr, and' . Oliver ndersrsn at Belgrave on Mrsh'riday A Mrs McPherson ;Morriston and Mies, "McAllister or Guelph' and, ,•11,1 t ; Dan Cameron are visiting Mr. and Mrs. D. C. McDonald Mrs. ,Alex McLennan who h` i bee i holidaying" kith' her parents M;r, and Mrs. Clark returned: to' Chicago on, Saturday, Miss Ethel'. and Mr..'•Torn ra' e • e • An- derson have returned. to 'Detroit 'Af- ter "a two -weeks vacation of their home' here Mr and , Mrs Henry ' Barnby , of Detroit and ' Mr • and Mr3. Herb. Barnby. of Leamington 'were Visitors at 'Mts. R. K... Miller's over ,the Re= -rill a handsome 'smoker's set, inclri- ding stand, cigar holder and, , ash. tray,' The School Board have engaged a complete new staff for: the Contin- iiation School; such action being -nec•. essary, owing to the former staff, having 'tesigned__to_Lreturn to.-univer- sity coarses or assume more res• ponsible positions. Mrs. J R. 'White M. A.; 'Queens University .:_has -beer appointed principal, Mrs. White . is Specialist in 'Science`i„ and: has .;had several, ,years dxperience;' The assis• •':tants: are Miss Kathleen Margrett+of _ London and Miss: IIelen"' •Burgess of Cbningwood+ : Q o • A race for: the crossing: often re- sults in a tie. Trhth .never hurts until we grow older,• Agents Wanted. The -careful attention' -to our customer's' orders'and tt e"'splen-' stock supplied for years past warrants us ,in ' having, a a' .representative, or two . in this county. Liberal, ,Commissions;.. Free Outfit; Write at once for EXelusive""Territory, • THOS. W. BOWMAN &' SON �COMP�NYy �~c�vv RIDGEVILLE ONT .:, STAR' I�JtTRSERIES' LIl A Wonderful . Assortment' of China. Cream Pitchers,; • , , priced from 12 tp 45'c; '.Miss'• 'Margaret Miller • ', who ' ; has been 'attending • Summer School ` at '•ssaaons guin�.tapun";ailtarjogttaur'. Sharhot-:Lake underwent a, success fur o'peration: for appendicitis : 'at Kingston, on Friday last. • Mf." sand` Mrs. W'; H. Boles and •th'r-e'e ',:'d'aughtera,, ;of St., Catharines, were visitors . with Mrs:' Boles' bio ler, Mr; :Med Humphrey and other friends Blast • week. Mrs. Jas Boles'of %.'•den Mills, Mays. Hume 'of Toronto, Mr. Dave Wilson and Mr. 'Jhn o,arid: . i Nor-' 'ish Wilson of Eden Mills were "visit: 'firs • with ,Mr :and `Mrs.•Arch Ander,.n over, the io a , Reun o-. i ' e n ' At' a meeting o "f :the rrls at ,. the' g Manse on" Monday: ..afternoon ':a band df the C.`G.`I, T. (Christian GirlsgIn- Trainin) was formed w•h eit th' .fol- lowing officers: .Pres; -Miss ,Mabel. Woods' ~' Vice: -Pres. -Vera. Woods; Secy, = Lilla: Gaunt; ,, Treas,—Irene : Lynch • Pianist -Muriel: Miller: Mr. 'Jas. Neely of Pigeon, M4ch.;_ ^,hn-hns,. been 'visiting his' sister, 'Mrs.. D. Toddfor °some time ret rned home on Monday- accompanied ''by Mrs Todd who'''. .wilb spend some weeks with her brothers • and 'sister in 'Mich; " Mr and Mrs. Arnold, Barbour and - Dorothy were visitors with.. `. • Mrs;' Barbonr's': mother"; Mrs. R. 'J `Wood Mr. and '•• Mrs' -Bernett and • Mr. Frank and David Bernett of Detroit wore visitors with ;Mrs,. Bernett's, sister, Mrs. M'cFarlere. for the :week=; end• • _d. The . The :out -door dance.' ' for, d pla .d leaf. Thursday night but post oned ,Y g p p. on account of 'rain, 'was held on Fr•'i-; 'was night; • There 'a big i:' crowd na Salad. Forks and Spoons', French Wood... .,. for Marmalade. Glass Jars, suitable - , , Pickles 9r Sugar Basin,; only 25c. ss ,Glass a Butter. , fishes,, *ith' Cover,'25c ;' --Fuerythlnk you need fnr Preserving—Glass � g- G1 a�s T.�..o�.s _f.or� , Sealexs,'Rubber and Zinc Rings, Aluminum • and , Granite • Kettles. ; ' �� St o r • an.le• s.�. Var�et e � , in fact all the, platform could accom• modate, 'and: there 'appeared to be a good' time •all round; , The McQuillan Bros,.and , their', sister furnished 'the inLisrc. Mrs, 'Chas.: Durniti is home after a three weeks' visit With the mem- bers of her• family,. Mrs; Durnin: had as herguests fon the .re -union a11 her. damtl Mr. "i ohn • : Durnin; -or. • Morriston, Mr ' ''Robert Durgin; ': of Wingham, Mrs.. Mowbray of Holstein, Mr.: McAllister of Alma,' Mrs. Deyell. of Wingham and.. Mr.,Corin McDon- ald of •St Helens Mr.' and Mrs J. D Andersnn •and ,Mr;•'and Mrs. Arch.. Anderson ,had as,. ;their guests for the Reunion, Mr, Anderson, -five sisters, Mr. win. .El lis and :Mrs: 'R B:'.Ellis, Mrs; Chas, Hill •iind Mrs. 'E. Hill ,of,,Milton,'end 'Mrs. Fraser of Galt .also ;their neph- ew ' ephew' Mr Chester •Hill of Milton. • Rev. Harry and 'Mr' Lockart and children of Caledon East,, were the guests of 'Mr,. and «Mrs`D:: 'Todd'. and, over' Mr.sand Mrs..'J 13 J. . e h': .eek -end• : Mr• :'Lockar 'is the �vt who ' a former, St. Helen's boy occupied. the pulpit in 'the Presbyterian ebur ch On Sunday. Mr. .Tom' Twamley, of Winghani is spending a few weeks at his home ..,'Mrs 'William . 'Reid' of ' Goderich. :spent the week -end 'with- •her • daugh • ter -Mrs.. JapieS Alton •M'r: John Cook is visiting his par- ents My. and ,Mrs. James cook.. ._ t Mies; . rwart Taylor: and little daughter Betty; of Lucknow spent' a few, days at : her' former home here. Miss; Mary, Phillips is. visiting 'vith her sister, . Mrs.; Thomas , Ferguson ; for a few day's, Miss; Cameron •ot Toronto ;is visit- sister , Mrs. Williarn' 'ing with.` her... Twamley, ` Mr and Mrs. John: Bradley and ' son Eldon, 'of Laurier visited, et the '. home ,of'Mr. , and Mrs. `Alex 'lack-• .. ett s un`"SundaY- • • Miss Jamieson of Fordyce wr :. the guest of Miss Evelyn Bowles for a few days 'last' week. Mr 'and Mrs. Gordon' Irwin andr 5 , ' :son of �-Wawanosh visited .oneday last week at his former .home `here. Mrs. -and M Topp and children of Toronto,; v",s'ied at the home of Mr.' and Mrs. 'Janes Cook, one ,day last week_ , Mr. Jacob Huspent,`,nter rind daup:htei', Rena;' of Zion, n',day; recently:'at. Mrs, Hunter's .former home• here: ' r ,Mr and s ::herb' Stothei+s and: '' . a ,M. , daughter, Lenore, of Dungannon; ,v;s :lied° at the home of M -` M r. and Mrs;'..;` Joseph., h Hackett.:on :Sunday last; P • Mr. and MI's. ,Leslie Ritchie of Zion',_ visited `at , the home•of Mr; and - Mips ;; Sana Sherwood on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Irwin and Mr., and Mrs: Gilbert `dint" and family• spent', a; day: recently in`''Kincardine - A large number from here attend- ed the 'i'eunio i at St Helens .on Thurs-,. day .last__and-report-a-g-ood.:_time o -o -o - LOCAL• MARKETS Es gg Butter Hogs' g 27c -21c 16c'. ▪ 32c. ▪ 9.00 1 en omen ildren -T- Summer Underwear,in n the wei hts that keep you oo1ev. en on the hot- test days, < • Bathing Suits, in Cotton and Wool at the very lowest of prices: rt Hosiery, Cotton, Lisle and'Sl°k in all the' wanted color's 'and weights .Lovel e'lec'tiorrrof�'' n Y S • Gl gha.ms f'or those cool-- drosses. A few Normandy, Voiles left,• the- better. -ualit • ,Re 90c. a d Clear- ing Y Y t6 c d. � a , a y >. F ,1 L`e�•- ew` Sta e t ms .fit' Special Prices ` Heavy White Turkish -Toweling,. 23 inches wide;'at 59c. All -Linen Toweling, f . r roller - towels .' or dish towels,, 17: inches, -wide' lecial 19c. a Yd HeavyBlue• Denim , for overalls and :smocks Special t , Sp 1 a 49c a yd. t :1 36=�1�h~� 8u lire to .-1`,or, •'sl • ps, �.11rriri�s,_=eta; •:i'adcty.-Copfan,M 'Sand; alive and Black, Special 60c. a yd 0110IGEi-CIr!l F%.0WEP.S, 'WEDDING `''BUNCITES • • AND ' FLORAL , DESIGNS .' A •SPECIALTY; FL,ral' Work and Cut Flowers De- livered' To Any Part of Canada United States and ' Europe ". ,•In -Short Notice. :.Just `Phone' Your;Orders- In, >, GEO. STEVVART Florist Phone , 105, _,, . . Goderich,• Ont, Thi.Stor444 fisc Closed Thursday ' ' Afternoon burin July, Aug,g and Sept L O n 1 • Monday - Ali t st 4th= g Civic Holiday Store Closed is .4;