HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-31, Page 6rr,rr
iiiian-"You may 'hive your choice -penny plain or twopenee
1n Smil1 Moy--/'Penny Vain, pleae bettervjfor..
Copyright by 0-49r#f ILDorms Co.
' cRAPFITR VII.--.(Cont'd.) Mandarin. 'woe must meet Mrs.
"What does Mr. 'Jewett 'do?" ' Hope. To describe °her,,la far beyond
- .• "I 'don't think he does anything mY powers."
10,:aah taps the barometer, adNiSeS the "I see. Well. go WI with the houses
gardener, .fuss with fowl, ,pattets on the ' hill. Who hype in the one at
in• the garden teaChes, th6 dog tricks" the corner with the well -kept garden?"
It.„.inakes_hiiii.„..haripy„...ta eel himself . "The Prestons._, Mr. ..Preston la...n
.iiihed, and to kiii":,Cark3"ing unopened lawyer, but he laiet ni.ieb like .4 law"
letters_ at tea -time. • They haVe. 110 yer in appearance -not ',yellow and
chnorep, mre; Jewett is a dear.:: She parchnienty,. you know, He'sa geed
collecte-servents-4isother:-pee lecol shat-lind-an-atdent-lisher--whitc-Sir
, .
lect,:prints or old ;china or .S. effield Walter would -, have called 'a •jiist.
plate.. They are her liobbY; and she leevOi' Man .fpr' a country' Writer.''
has theniost wonderful knack Of..man- There are several daughters,'Ail urns"-
eglog, them, Eyea now, .w.h.en, good -cal, and it Is it very hospitahle,..cheer-
servants Seem tO, have beconie„.e*tinct, ful house. ;• Next the Treetop* live the
and people • who need,five..rir -iiis are Wilhamsons, • Ordinary` nice peoPle,
grubbing away miserably,•with . one. There is really nothing to say about
and a Charwoman, she has four pearls therm . , ,..The'. )101.1P0 after • that, is
With:Soft voices and gentle' ways,. ex.- Woodside,: the home of the two Miss -'
ports at their, job.. She thinks'. about Speirs. • They are not ordinary. . Miss
. ' . . '. '.
them all the time,: and considers' their .Altheit, is spiritualist.' • She seea.vt: 1
coo:14,kt, and dresses them in pale grey ' shins ',,,and spends. much of her time
withthe daintiest spottednumb* With Spooks.Miss Clarice is a Budd -
aprons. and mob caps. If .ie ,4 *apt hist. Their father, when he lived,
tire to; go, to the jowetts for a Meal, was an eider in .the',U.E, Church. .1
everything • is • so perfect. , The only sometimes wonder:what he would say
drawback is if . any one makes the. to his daughters now.'When he died
slightest•nark en the cloth one of the.. 'they left the'll.F.' Church and became •
sfivor.;groy !maids; brings. ,a• ,saucer of Episcopalians, then.' Miss • -Clarice
water and Wipes it off; and it is 'apt 'found that she, couldn't believe invie-
to. make one ,nervons. ' t.shall never arious.••sacrifice and went Over to
the steaming and hot packs that once forget • going; there' to a children's Buddhism. She took Me into her bed -
were deemed' necessary. ..: Just soft 'party With. David and Jock. •„Great- room once.. There was 'a ,thick yellow
cooling creams:to nourish and protect aunt •Abionrwained us most solemnly.' carpet, and; a ' bed • with a- tapestry .. . . .... , . .
theskinfrom the effects of •wind, and,
- - before. we .'ieft home about 'marking„ ' rl.'and almostno furniture, 'except tO ,, do;, ,wes:hayeaq,,eveir,inilla. like, So
weather, plenty of pure, ice-cold Water,
the eloth,.ao"We went rather trembl-, -ia it impious to. all Buddha, fUrni-, many .OT the Tweedelde-tOwns.” • '-- •
irirlyr-There was a ' splendid ted -in tiire?,a large -fig -tire -Of Buddha with
or ice,, and one is' equipped Correctly the., dinhig,reom,,. With 'silver candle, , a mp-,.burning. before it. It all .. ."Will' people .call • on nie?" Pamela
to do battle .With Father Time '
, ... . „ • stickg ,and pink •• shades, and ' ' lovely seemed . to. mehorribli,unfresh, , );10.th asked'. ."Is Priorsford sociable'?" .
1, It is very. important, however, that china,. ., 4rid a 'glittering gloth;-.1and ladies: Provide .much • simple .iainuse, Jean- &raed. her inonth in. an. effort
the Creams ant:Its:Mice be applied cor.:, heaps .of good things.; to "Eratgrbwn- nient. to the townsfolk with • their ,th' look worldly, wise. ' "I think yoit,
rectly, ,",'The ' bemrtY specialist ' , . . . , will find Alt:sociable, but If yoU ,liad,
'studied the structure. of the face and cakes, such. as 'inte hardly ever ' saw. .1q know ,the •Speirs' has: things like.' •.-sandwiebee and !rich. eh:Alma and ' their .antics." .• . ••
tYPei".. '."-ia--- exfstence iiever•wOuld have been near
Come ,liere• ob.scure Arid Unknown' your
knows that every stroke of her fingers jOck Was 'quite .small 'arid loved his Pamela: "Fooliph Virgins,' , , ''
. • • • • . shell chiria:-.if only . they had 'LgiVen.Ispinsterstlie,' very . beat - biand,. of '.
is "Craigton. c'•f, even, if. you had taken.e.h000e.and
over its shoulder at'a.neircOnier...SOme:
food even more than he dOes. now, dear "Next to Woodside must bo fast 'right i• Cream that'iSi
- • ' . • . lamb...A maid. handed round -the egg- went on Jean, 'and .there ' live three ' • .
settled deWri., 'Prioteforcl.haidly looks
Merely' slapped .on and 'then Tubbed,.lri
. . , . . , . ,: us.. mugs ---and• is ',4she- WO .puiting spinsters, -the ..Duiteans,. IPA mati, of - the 'little' • people 'might Call and.
In ariv fashion will. not benefit the skin .
:to teathe.,kind flittle!, people
.ai . it should' or; produce the, desired ie doWa lock's C'he 'turned:round 1,stid• Miss Janet,. and Miss Pheinie. I don't tit you
reanits: • The inoVeMente':Mitst:.lier' UP- 'clenlyandhie elbow sininlshefit out knew what .Priorsford .Would, do with: '
. . : . ., . .
ward.. , and, outward, • i coaxing ... the of. her hand, and 'sent. it , flying , across • out these good. women.' .Spinsters they Who do yell gall the little' people?".
"All the. •people .'WhO aren't' 'in • a
,wrinkles and lines away ...from the the table. :.4s it• Went it, 'epattered are, but they are else reel 'mothers in' 'large way,' a 41imear 061,1..7
smashed itself •against one •of t the one., Benign. Miss mall the house, I. i I' 1 Oliisf Otill(ri' How .'enuid• :I. tell. if his , dreams rang
mouth and .eyes. ' ,' ' ' •; ,- .' ' ' •eYerYthing with weak:. tea' arid then Israeli ''' They haVetiine to help eirerY snug :little. villail
.. .. .. , . .. .. . . • , . .
Select the powders and creams With i . . in fact." Jean got to geL " "Dear, ..", trite, ' • , , , ... , ..
. candlestieks ' ' ' ' , ' •,. k ' ' d Fr h k P • me look at the time! ..-The.loys will ••
the utinoit, ,care; • be Very,' suie that ,,
"I..wiehedat• that moment that the Janet IS the publie .one; sits',ort all the. ritf.he sat, in silence the whole game
orta Would conie to an end. 'There Committees.- Miss . Phemie.. does • the I be home from school..' 'May. I have tbe
they are flute and fine. Anastringent w. _l_._,
i book 'you' spoke of? of? 'Ptieisferd 'would '.. ' , : thrnbah''
hi' excellent, ; as it; closes the • poxes see,nied no7•oilier .way. a. clearing tip flowers. and • embroiders beautiful -: - '
-you that Olci',F4her TiMe is beginning which aii ethaee . c .1 e a h s i n g cream opens, and be enraged Hit. heard:Me calmly dis- - , . , ' • •
the. mess. , I •was so aahained, and, so things and is like a tea -cosy, .so soft Custs faults and feibles."' $he Withhia shaggy, coat: of white arid tan
• ' .
to adorn your faee. With his; telltale '‘a u° id listiaah for the. eyee.'after sorry for iny Poor 'Joelry I couldn't and. warm and comfortable. ., •Some7'•
I laughed • softly. "Lewis•• Efliet • says' '!1•Pd 'eYs t•Ilat'.10')ted''" man -t° man;
the 'beauty' treatment, Will ' leave them my. eyes, but Mr„. Swett. roie: to .the how ...they. always.: seem to be. there .
lines, you ;Will 'very -ails ly • pkepare •
, , . • • • • • • • ..• .• . , Priorefrird is .made ap- Of thre. elastes 7.' .
• to do battle for. YOur, g ' looks. .
• /i refreshed, rested , and bright. • .,•, • , . 4; .. ' Td . ' ,:, ' .. ' when, you ;want, them., You . never, .got,,
The cotton *As are Merely' folds of unending gratitude.. He pretended :to to their doer and get dusty answer: . , dull,.:the ' daft, and the. devout", Yet Pale more trite .Yoti'llnever'.s.ee ,
Pamela, looking for 'the. book ,:ehe' On the .old see -saw, than niy• dog and
hands will ••go. to, si''' reliable
The city.,woinan,,wi .. ime on, her . . . . h . • patter .beatity .'absorbent cotton. .T a ' le a • .. , .
... , .• 'find it a ,very funny episode. and, made There is the same Welcome for every_.: to , n :to .Jean „. stoppe an.. ., • me. ., • : . • . .
' , • • „ . -- • .:. squate Of Absorbent cotton placedln so -many' ,JOkee 'about. it. th;e'stiffnese one, gentle, and SiraPle; and' always tho,Ilsvtood "still iis if arreeted• by the name: ', -Georgina Stimiison.
aPecialist, *here ilie ' ;Will raceivei . a' • ' • - • • . ' ' vaniehed • frOin-the party and, we all bright.fike,undthe kind, smiling faces, ','
basin' of Cold .wateir ' and, folded . • • • ,... ' • - •
treatment that, will, bring back the... -a- • • - • . • ' ' - became . riotously happy-. And .Mrs. and tea With thick Cream .ipti Oake, of. ' '. ayes, of Laverigw..
.:,g1OV/". Of ,Youth • to .her cheeks, 'soften under tho Water', so. that. a firm: sur- D'you . kilo*:
Jewett, whose heart must havebeep, the richest .and . freshest. . .. ., • . Yotr him,' .by•any ehancer, • '
her-iicin-an&brightea-her-eyearAlegi- face 18 . obtained; when finished it ' is wrung to See: the beautiful table •rnizi.,,,, knew. how ',seine people beg _you.ta visit!
. lei' 46AS,', of •'"the beaUty, 'specialist about follr, inches 'long and two wide. ed. at the outset, BO mastered her eino-, them, 'Ito when you go they seem tel. "I used 0'1;1103V a 'Lewis Elliot 'who •
'spend an 'htnira Week in • her. comfort, Use the patter by holding, one end of tion as 'US be able 4:i smile and Say no wear, 4. surprised look, and y0n. feel but I thotiat he had 'left it. years
had. some' eonneetion with Priorsford, .•(._
_ .. . . . . . , it in the and slap the face brisk harm' • had 'been. done : .. ...YOU must unexpected and .aWkward?•'.. 'The Dun- ,agixo :.• • - •." , . .•• ••• ,:•,,, , , ;
' able Chair . Whereas .' real.;seekers , of I go with me and see Mks. Jewett:Only cane Make yea. f.eel ',so...pleased with '.• "Our Lewis Elliot inherited Laver,
titrits liettlity,:care , even, more frequent ' „pa- ly by flapping the other end against
don't' tell ,her anything -in the Very yourself., ':. They are so Unselfishly in-.„ 1
the 'Skin: JCS, is .Very'beneficiatte the law • rather unexpectedly. some years
lest ad, ,she weeps at the slightest tereeted in other peoples • concerns; ago. ,Before that he was quite poor:
• . . But .it is possible to .keeP One's,good slpn it makes. the muscles .firm. and
• ' provocation.. , . .. .„ • •-• .. , and. they are grand laughere. '. Even. perfla
' •.looks,. even if one dwellsin.the'desert, astakenethe•sluggish circUlatiOn.yee ,,,Tell me more,'" 'eaid Paziiela-"tell the dulleat . warrii, to 's.oniething...
. . . riS tat is -what Makes himso
' sil)- understanding., . 'He is •d.• sett of dis- .
for every. • one of • the beauty „speeial, it after the massage . and Ion' will the, about all the ,people who live in proaching wit when 'surrounded by , - . ... . ..
" '
tint' couain, 'of • ours-.'. • Great-aunt Alit' • .• • ' - :
It 'Burns as It Goes Down
, ist's methode inaybe followed at home -need no. rouge, . . those houses on on ' the 'hill. ' It's , like that appreciative audience Of three. . .
if- one Will devote just -a few moments reading a nice 'Crafforiiii book." ! ' They don't talk:much theinSelves; but "There's !a., wonderful. flow of water
. .. . son was his aunt too -at least ' he .
. ... • ,.• ,, . - , : .•the least like people: ir. .hoek.:I Often
'STOVE. • "But,"Jean objected, "we're not in
. 'night and morning to. goodleoks • and RONDEAU OF A• HOT ..
. a very satisfactory, little .home ,cOiirse
"When winter Cemeil'' says his, ."Ili wonder -Why Priorsford is .Se iirililien
of beanty.treattnents ,may be evolved, . ..•,- .• :„.6 ' . c'. • story,heek . little , town.',. .We're , riot
• All„.that Will., be necessary . in the •!lr ' 'the .-.overflow nearly interested enough in each other'
,. ; . o where.e summer's , . , . , . , .
„.zeiay of aquipinent will be two •iit'thr,ee . for Opething. We don't gossip to ex -
Of all the things our garden grow;
: poi . of absorbent cotton, a . good , ' cess.. Everyone. goes, :his or her Own
Our berry:patch; our toe;
..pleaneinr Create; 'a akin tonic, -which way.. In in books da thinks. or are
. , . . • - .,.,,.. Stand waiting 'in ..e.:ahining row. - , . . .. . . , . . ,
.,'.nriay ;be.. nothing, •inore-•' than witch .". . - . • • ' .. : • . - suspected of doing things, and are.
; bezel, a skin, food, 'perhaps also . a "Atop ,
. . , • . , , , . , . • immediately •cut by 0 feverish.y!inter,
p my ' pantry- shelves. You :know, cated -- neighborhood... I. can't intagine
:vanishirig • cream ..tind.the':patter,•,. Of They're pretty, even as they grow,
Which. mere,„ sliertly.:.:. '' • ..• ..'..:.--.....-- •`"713:tit-'4frettier; I'M telling ., you, ,' • '
'At night, just before. going to bed, ' • i• . - When Winter comes' .
:the face Should be cleansed carefully " ' . ,
"But stoveS' ate het in siininier,'•.sO '
.: with a Pad of eaten dipped in diltited
...There's Many hunts the. pottice, . :
'..:ereann,:folloWiriethe?,•motions•adoPfed : -
, . .
by-,41te -;beauty specialist • ., '"----r . '
(I understand their feelings, too) 1
Thia.. treatment should be be ' followed ''..
,± he earne stove's.; A ' blessing,
,. by a brisk. ,patting with the 'patter though . . '. • . .
Moistened in. iCe-cold .water. This will Whert Winter 'tones!".
: awaken thetited,and sagging muscles.
Then, if, her pores are Aerie ,and
spicuous:.our..wornaii may apply,a ape:
• :dal pore dreanithat will in. time Make .W.hen • sandwiches haiie. been 'left
. them less noticeable, or perhaps eradi- '
(wet and;'.haVe become slightly dry, -.
'. Cate ...them, ..er •she,,nray-eitaplr',.Usea. lala(!e:,.therrvin,:.•thetoaSter 0.:and i toast •:,
skiii.feod, leaving 'enough on her lace I, lightly on , both sides.' Serve at once.
;,:ti;Tleed ,the ., hungry ,cells while he The cat ..will..fretherr,Oipthe, sand-
. . t •
SieePs, '',' .- , ' . • • . ' ' melt as good as new and wia'make A
' : 'In 'the. Morning she Will cleanse her titbit, t iten more appetlzing thanthe
fade with ,the cream and skin t'Onie, sandwich ' was in the first place.
,plade. ,..
' Putting on a little vanishing cream,. ' "oile leii-it tcrobserve,ii to 'SerVe-the
. SandsViches.ln a' very an d'attra C.; ,- 7.
tiVe manner, perhaps ,,cutting ' therri
into', triangles.. - If,-•there,-,haS been ' lett
WR GL 4,tuee- iit-tiO-SalicliViclieertiffelahould- he
rem,oved, •stlq if .it ' is at all Wilted,
replace ,with' fresh lettuce 'before the
teas, e.d. sa.ndwich is . served. ,
e eicrulsite flavor Indicates "th.e
perfect of choice teas:
As* -for ei• sosaftage..toda7.
• •
Mother s prescription.
oi-mily is taking a prescription. gis careful mother
-the 'family health doctor -ordered it. Her daily',
(Tice of prevention-Webu9y :§aap-works wonders
in combating disease. •
E4'ery_.._day your children touch dirty objects and cover
themselves with germ -laden 'dirt. :Give them Lifebuoy 1
-the health "soap. '
Lifebuoy protects
*The rich creamy lather of Lifebuoy carries a wonderful health
clement deep- down into everrpore. The skin is completely
purified, and cleansed -delightfully stimulated.
After all, fi *out/ilea iiwit sincere
friend and.. renioresless critic - is her
, mirror'. When it tellSher that she is
looking well, that her back hair is.
.arranged, and. that she is
really ery good to .look at, '3110.,'InaY
go upon her way, '• confident and 'Well
poised, serene in .the knov,f.ledge .that
although beauty may .he only skin'
deep, it is a very cosifo;tipg•posseS-
Ontheother hand, when friend raw -
ter declares that •14r face is showing
'faint lines, that her skin is losing the
'Orin cOnteur. and tirits. of youth, and
that she is rapidly assuming some-
thing suspiciously reeenitiling a 'double
chin, kife*ri she must proceed at
, once to take the .necessary stens; to
checktheravages of Vine..
Good looks are So great on asset to
a woman that the time which she
-.spends on their preservation simulate
more be regarded is wasted than the
time devoted to the care of her teeth
or .rbodily. health.
- smOntb.healtilY skint clear' com•
pleition, shining hair and *ell -kept
hands bestow upon their possessor a
certain confidence and ease and moat
certainly add add Much 'to.ber happiness
and contentment. • '
These. attributes tot) beauty are
within the reach of every ',wetly* who
, is willing to work a hit to secure
them; therefore, if your mirror tells
After Every Meg.,
Ws eleintett4tri g
conl,e,ctisn you 'carrbay
gestion and .a' 'cleanser
-11V,rigley's • means
benefit as well '
pleasure. -
Thieforras a .protection for the tender
tissues and if the day in' spent in the
open, drying Winds will not harm her
skin, nor will it be possible for the
duet raised by household tasks: to 'deg
the pores. •
Any superfluous cream hi gently
blotted .off with a soft cloth and the
icy .patter flopped over the face .to-
stiMulate, circulation. , A dusting of
powder will remove any shine left by
the, Cream. ,' • •
It's all very easy, you see -none of
• „
Moiettangoap-:a Health Habit
:the odour vanishes after use,
but the protection remains.
Diviid and. Jonathan in
One cold
fsir d4Y, "Puele J4e4"
Miner, who delight s in feeding the,
great Ilohs canutia gesser that
hoitte grounds„saw a wounded, gander'
come each 'spring. and auttunn..to his .
wing, an▪ d it would never -HY,
save the gender's life''''Oncle Jack"'
amputated its wing.. The. bird stood
rthe operation well and soon.,,was ahlp:
to 'enjoy its fool and swini round with •
the others
But winter was..geming. The geese
Must, reAulne theirl0Pg Journey the
south Itseemed that the inlured,bird
`swt.oraupldgc,s'oeoininl,ige,hiaelptp.alpoende, 0A4no.d•gt al ii.e4 qax.: •
Stayed round, unwilling LC leave his:
:evidently- friends ,and --the lir'lve bird.
Would 'not desert his chum, though in-
stinct told hint it was time' tego, and
though ere
filling . fttthh'etlutasiaprn:10:18.11,94...,1,1thiseifr6,1c1,91a:Ans.iewr
To, stay. Meant '.that .• the • gander
would sacrifice the freedom' BO dear to
ahl,Wild creatures., Probably never
again Would he join *the long wedges
of his eonirades on their Journeys.:
Never W0U10 ihe, find aMong them
chosen mate. No; lie would live. like a
tanie goose,, and .in the cold weithei•
he Would be shut up :la a barn with the
poultry. • `•
The two Wild geese were .not e.. pair,
reinember. ' The, _Canada goose 'mates.
for for the male to stay with
his injured, partner ' would , not haVe.''
heen'strange. But those two , were
On the Old See -Saw, ganders, lust;friends!". •
The rprnarkaole ..friepdship. Was -the
The old see -saw swung to and fro- "
With ifs, inetry load, in the •long agO;, talk 'of the, country side: PThe neigh'
bors!ealled the wounded' bird' David,
One mind so filled' with fancies sweet awnildhelr. (.1Deitvvoitdedic,ciloednd.„): Jonathan. Nk 09
. , . • .
AS skyward bent or the earth. to meet.; ,..,k9nder thhy :were, aiway5•,,
close (0-
gether. s the -nights grew longer and `
Now as. bird, that Sailed the 'air the days colder till all the 'ponds Were.
..Witli its happy Selig so.free froin'eare;. frozen:,
Andthen, as a 'rider so brave ;And bold.
. • •.Soniething yery • practical..resUlted. . •
Whose. fiery eteedlhe scarce conlkhold,. Because' 'Of' the -interest aroused by,.
one -Winged •Davidand loyal,".Jonathan:
. . , ,
•the residents of. the. district petitioned,'
What of the orie that Shared the sport; the government to :have. the land for ,
Hiding the air as a ship TrOmport?-'1', two ,square miles 'round reserved as a. •
„ .
' ibird'sanCtuark". '111" WhfCh no hiniter
sheuld he allowed to :Shoot.. The goy'
eminent agreed,'. nnd. th,anks to , •
Jon athan, each •year many ithousands
of his species enjoy Protection,' there,
reor:4ontithan I He. had , yet to. pay,
the full price of his. friendthip:
dusk one evening a .great: carne
swooping . down to, 'prey Upon ''the .
feneeleks:Paltid., It was Jonathan that.,
rushed ta the reeene, Jonathan that ,
with flapping wings and, angry hiss. put
hitnaelf in the forefront of -the hattle.'
•ect 'ef pure. self-Saerifice! :Escape..
was,. easy for lihn; foft,„no,:.ovvl.Twetild
pursUe.', 'm far the. air; -Hitt
ta v. and fight for David's
lite.... The 94-I Was' bold and..fiarce.
grip xi Jcniathan's head with '1,ts cniel
able to Teach easy victim, it got a
talons and -drove. them, inte the •gaii.
Who WS,43 too late ''t.co Avert
feathers' of. Jonathan's Poor, torn body; :
, • . . •
the tragedy, ••' set a trap among. tbe.
and . when the Owl returned ',ta .
,Ivast it'. Was caught and killed..
.. Next ' day the telephone 'bell rang ,
frequently as neighbere called- 'up ..to'•
Unwire, about•the 'death 44 Jonathan'
and to express, their symPithy. :hist
'a wild geese! One 0.1 the' millions ,that,
Ily to- and ire betweenthe fsr, .
and the sunny „south ! • • •flut whit: it •
the, have Made of listening a fine called' her aunt. It will be fun if he along -the Canadian border." ", •
turns. out to be the man you used. to "Fire -water, i suppose •yon 'Mean?"
art."Jean," said Pamela, " do you actu-
ally ineamte tell me that everybody hi "Yes," said Pamela. :"Hefeis the For Sore Feet-,-minard's uniment. '
being charitable?' I don't know any- you this afternoon. No, dear, 1.won't " - ° h
book, Jean. It's been so nice having — A Top Game.
One boy spins his top in a t ree-
Priorsford, is nice? Or are you Merely
sthoxiingy,',hdoulaleirwathyasn;aYynsurihaehakiiintdabtlheinPgar-'.4. • g CI write e letters. twteirths.'°Gueet°d:-theit. . • I'MmYg°1;?inveg--, to sticks a, peg in the ground andrunsye. foot ying, rims as far- as. he dares,
afraid the Priorsford PeOPle are ill But 'Pamela *rote .rio letters. that
the boys" ' - ' '
back to pick lip the top before.it stops,
Jean laughed. - "I'M sorry, ' but I'm
more. or less nice. At least they seearr,-..evening: She eat' with a book on her spinnipg. Then in turn each. of the
ever does. anything Very striking, but criininating. Y011 will tell me ' what knee and .looked into the fire; some, Other boys spins his, top, 'races td,,the
that happening in Priorsford. No one o me, u perhaps I'm not not. very dis- times' slie, sighed. ' . peg, lifts it and plants It a little far -
if they. did. I'm sure they wouldn't be you, think of. them when ^you meet , (.,--T° -be-6-"cw°n----ued:)•
ther away', and then tries to get back
Nobody would care much them.. All these people. I ve been tell- in time to catch his top before it
THE MAGNET M.91,TP. falls. If ,the top ifails before' the. spin -
except perhaps Mrs. Hope,- and she ing you about are rich people, 'in„ a
would-be-umused.7,- -- - -' , large -way,' as-Priorsford.calls-it,:th037- ' .
' "Mrs. Hope?"- - : , have all large motor cars - and hot For-Ithe:-boy whohasoutgrown ner ge back, the peals. returned" to
, -
. , blocksorfor. „the 'convalescent, there its last- position_ - Each hay-. ham- three
"Have you, noticed -•a- whitewashed houses and rich- things like that, Mrs. is probably nothing-which"will-futfnish trials .
house sndingiatriong trees about half NCosh says Priorsford is : a 'real more entertainment than a large twOw-
a rnile down Tweed from the bridge? tonery wee. place,' and we. do , . Let some one else play the fool; it
That is Hopetoun, and Mrs. Hope and ourselves,a good deal. 'It's a' conunu
fancy erful horseshoe- magnet and a box of
her daughter live there.", , : • ity largely made up' of women and , is- too easy a part to be worth your
• middle-aged retired men.; You see, sorted nails-r-preferal0 ' of the
Jean nodded dded her head like *a wise there" is. nothing for. the young 'men
. . eller sizes. , effort.
When hams,. shoulders, or • other
pieLes aM tdkeTr--o-ut-nf--tbe-lnin&atnt --
dried;.seW eac,hpiece ita.,•.,taut cover.'
'ink f ebeeseelOth,,, and hrush it all'
„alter •tilifii-inelted paraffin. „
When taken- out of th covei'ing
the meat emerges can and 'there •is;
no loss of meat or time in getting the'
, _
^paraffin outof the crevices. ,
-The little old-fashioned pap er light-,
ern' are onvenirnt when usi ig a gas,
'or oil stove, where y9u, cab-, light onei
flame from another, and they save -
I striking s match every titne. \Cut rd.
R22i 1 newspaper( into stript•V la\widl,
I --Aiffark.\t 7$.- hi 1, corner, to /*On diagonally. Turn over, I and about a foot le'lg' et d•tart at one,
' 411ICY: PPUIT ' the ter) *hen d'ou. TIVI Mt* be:
/1 :4-S,..14J W114....„G,GUNI "/ i, rolled tightly, ; We a,lwayP.lotp- a lot"
• ,, .4.,, ' !...rr,„...,. ,,07.4.4.K.51.4.Wrrt 7 1.0f them' handy,: ' ." "
IMinard's LtniMpnt Healt Cuts. '
ith thenails may be bullt swings'
tadk children swinging . in them,
and trapezes for the most exacting
,acrobats:-,,OM•the.top may bp.lapilt:air
t Indian wigivart 'with weather, vane
`atOp 'and a horizontal bar with its
crew of aerobatio:.actors.
Even cats And ,dogs maY be made
With tack legs and ears, a nail body
and a shoe -tack . tail.
pue.ip. h, 0 ' I B SPRAYERS; DIGGERS,
or repairs.' 'Air. ;ods sehtpl!edmItrOnt.' f','wn".nre!hmoaetusehine-nst
REPAIRS, • Onnnediato
. . ..
turn , tni.c.COte Art,il'erd;17t1.0"0 . :a11:,n'TP•edi:ii';k7itil:2' l'hn::!
,Ai.7,1. ..p_tiriC
vinom. ;FI.a.,...,rn2019,gz.„„k' ,atIzuAvei.4p,r,Giceusciipohn;
Ont " 'Ontario , and Marirluis ob,tributor.'
Keep, -41;oir of cleap,,..,Sharn • shears
hanging on a convenient hook inthe
'kitchen.YciU nfl fiuid thOii-:th6:"gretie, TANDEM.
est possible. convenience •for, many : Doutitz ,4c*/,46
expected: purpbses. They are much PUNtlrirtd of hadcin. They are espe Pimp
diany, desirable when When snipping PP', mbre efficiently:than th6wipg type
Marshmallows fOr 'a •Salad, and . Often:1' model which if, hasdermitely teploced.
,save"-gettingtout.4-clicoping-linife-and..;- -Repairs easily_roade_rtigtlicsiseholdjecl,5„
whenr. t15.:
pepper o
sinall Pieces. The shearS' JAMES .SMART P1 NT
ShOUld'always. viiped •atid liung ,B.P,OCKVILLE,Otil„,
where.steam v.:ill not strike them to
cause, rust • "
It always worries 'Ma to see' the
corners v, of - tabicelotlisTr'' :sliects-' or
blanketc flapping on the linein a
strong Wind, ,lor I know it Means that
thee same corner's 111 hr fj1'ed
„worn. On a really "wnidy .day, I al•
ways'.dOuble' these large 1/10CUN ngto.
wise and pin the four torners'•to
lloney eti Ettlittls ifi .e.tch hive1i torbe iho The, 0,t.,(qf tele, ;
grIly ton •the pliotogrilax abcve Nolly'ts shorn the, fell.lky, wTrio•,,. travels Witha ftin
t 1.vork with bis.,litL4Y1iitI rienfla,
head of steam, ,-; istipt No, 30-24,
Real 'Education.
, In the first days Pf„eninnier .tt ,sreat.
mapy young people are, trying, ;:t0,
td the World" the training they reeelVed''.
sh� ad
They , have , been forewarned that '
they cifinet -elpeet'77a- deer ajar'
'manient „ they . knOCk.. And they have,
been forewarnekas Well With all that.,
books and pedagogues • can impart.
But now now they .niust learn for .theni-,','•
selves , that fire burns . and • water
dro,Wrislind they nidst, depend on their .
own -Wit
thin is beginning:, • , • •
are .told of certain, great ,men •
at,theylacked.,'.fOririal .sehoOling. :Yet.
is Clear -fre-iii,,.,What; they dld that
theY,.wete forever learning. Pain and .
adversity may have taught them mote
than ease .and ' pleasure, . though in:
strUCtIon need not, always be a. bitter'
Lgif Is t1e great'.sc.ht•ini for,•
11,fe.i; Thal, harsh ',taskmaster, .,experi- •
v,•110,7e• rod. .1s ever lifted,
;to fall, has%Mtpils of all, age's and every •
2on1ition. , Those Wlicjrumple,
• intl:giLve:up,ls'eneatli, the pu
whci accept the dii,cipling asitt.taintarY
ehaSI:e.nilt$' and ?.1.ppiy' the lessen are
"i:• a.fi.:.:M'or,.?; -With :and .(11S.';
1.1)11 ,
tiful YOU ha1u L10 ili tflueetibn ',that
1' iticro,1)11 , tart ,bit* fact
olecht,nio (..letnf.nt. of •
Tri'6 a ecil Iv u 1 at ed data Matter
. by an hidtiUii'.7e *proc,ma,'
.tidtting Is ntdo of then:. , As long'
, .44h
aild,ufe not 11 Sed tr Mold a. eltaraetor:..
and 861)0 a "(1051111:y, thi.; tead'iler'et
Is ! 11 o.yilpIeto a.nd the -object 'of
I the, upil'S (dileation remainFl,,utircal.
I There were eight Crueridos don -
&toted lnto the Holy Land.
,...,....., ,., . •.„,...,.
Mother s prescription.
oi-mily is taking a prescription. gis careful mother
-the 'family health doctor -ordered it. Her daily',
(Tice of prevention-Webu9y :§aap-works wonders
in combating disease. •
E4'ery_.._day your children touch dirty objects and cover
themselves with germ -laden 'dirt. :Give them Lifebuoy 1
-the health "soap. '
Lifebuoy protects
*The rich creamy lather of Lifebuoy carries a wonderful health
clement deep- down into everrpore. The skin is completely
purified, and cleansed -delightfully stimulated.
After all, fi *out/ilea iiwit sincere
friend and.. renioresless critic - is her
, mirror'. When it tellSher that she is
looking well, that her back hair is.
.arranged, and. that she is
really ery good to .look at, '3110.,'InaY
go upon her way, '• confident and 'Well
poised, serene in .the knov,f.ledge .that
although beauty may .he only skin'
deep, it is a very cosifo;tipg•posseS-
Ontheother hand, when friend raw -
ter declares that •14r face is showing
'faint lines, that her skin is losing the
'Orin cOnteur. and tirits. of youth, and
that she is rapidly assuming some-
thing suspiciously reeenitiling a 'double
chin, kife*ri she must proceed at
, once to take the .necessary stens; to
checktheravages of Vine..
Good looks are So great on asset to
a woman that the time which she
-.spends on their preservation simulate
more be regarded is wasted than the
time devoted to the care of her teeth
or .rbodily. health.
- smOntb.healtilY skint clear' com•
pleition, shining hair and *ell -kept
hands bestow upon their possessor a
certain confidence and ease and moat
certainly add add Much 'to.ber happiness
and contentment. • '
These. attributes tot) beauty are
within the reach of every ',wetly* who
, is willing to work a hit to secure
them; therefore, if your mirror tells
After Every Meg.,
Ws eleintett4tri g
conl,e,ctisn you 'carrbay
gestion and .a' 'cleanser
-11V,rigley's • means
benefit as well '
pleasure. -
Thieforras a .protection for the tender
tissues and if the day in' spent in the
open, drying Winds will not harm her
skin, nor will it be possible for the
duet raised by household tasks: to 'deg
the pores. •
Any superfluous cream hi gently
blotted .off with a soft cloth and the
icy .patter flopped over the face .to-
stiMulate, circulation. , A dusting of
powder will remove any shine left by
the, Cream. ,' • •
It's all very easy, you see -none of
• „
Moiettangoap-:a Health Habit
:the odour vanishes after use,
but the protection remains.
Diviid and. Jonathan in
One cold
fsir d4Y, "Puele J4e4"
Miner, who delight s in feeding the,
great Ilohs canutia gesser that
hoitte grounds„saw a wounded, gander'
come each 'spring. and auttunn..to his .
wing, an▪ d it would never -HY,
save the gender's life''''Oncle Jack"'
amputated its wing.. The. bird stood
rthe operation well and soon.,,was ahlp:
to 'enjoy its fool and swini round with •
the others
But winter was..geming. The geese
Must, reAulne theirl0Pg Journey the
south Itseemed that the inlured,bird
`swt.oraupldgc,s'oeoininl,ige,hiaelptp.alpoende, 0A4no.d•gt al ii.e4 qax.: •
Stayed round, unwilling LC leave his:
:evidently- friends ,and --the lir'lve bird.
Would 'not desert his chum, though in-
stinct told hint it was time' tego, and
though ere
filling . fttthh'etlutasiaprn:10:18.11,94...,1,1thiseifr6,1c1,91a:Ans.iewr
To, stay. Meant '.that .• the • gander
would sacrifice the freedom' BO dear to
ahl,Wild creatures., Probably never
again Would he join *the long wedges
of his eonirades on their Journeys.:
Never W0U10 ihe, find aMong them
chosen mate. No; lie would live. like a
tanie goose,, and .in the cold weithei•
he Would be shut up :la a barn with the
poultry. • `•
The two Wild geese were .not e.. pair,
reinember. ' The, _Canada goose 'mates.
for for the male to stay with
his injured, partner ' would , not haVe.''
heen'strange. But those two , were
On the Old See -Saw, ganders, lust;friends!". •
The rprnarkaole ..friepdship. Was -the
The old see -saw swung to and fro- "
With ifs, inetry load, in the •long agO;, talk 'of the, country side: PThe neigh'
bors!ealled the wounded' bird' David,
One mind so filled' with fancies sweet awnildhelr. (.1Deitvvoitdedic,ciloednd.„): Jonathan. Nk 09
. , . • .
AS skyward bent or the earth. to meet.; ,..,k9nder thhy :were, aiway5•,,
close (0-
gether. s the -nights grew longer and `
Now as. bird, that Sailed the 'air the days colder till all the 'ponds Were.
..Witli its happy Selig so.free froin'eare;. frozen:,
Andthen, as a 'rider so brave ;And bold.
. • •.Soniething yery • practical..resUlted. . •
Whose. fiery eteedlhe scarce conlkhold,. Because' 'Of' the -interest aroused by,.
one -Winged •Davidand loyal,".Jonathan:
. . , ,
•the residents of. the. district petitioned,'
What of the orie that Shared the sport; the government to :have. the land for ,
Hiding the air as a ship TrOmport?-'1', two ,square miles 'round reserved as a. •
„ .
' ibird'sanCtuark". '111" WhfCh no hiniter
sheuld he allowed to :Shoot.. The goy'
eminent agreed,'. nnd. th,anks to , •
Jon athan, each •year many ithousands
of his species enjoy Protection,' there,
reor:4ontithan I He. had , yet to. pay,
the full price of his. friendthip:
dusk one evening a .great: carne
swooping . down to, 'prey Upon ''the .
feneeleks:Paltid., It was Jonathan that.,
rushed ta the reeene, Jonathan that ,
with flapping wings and, angry hiss. put
hitnaelf in the forefront of -the hattle.'
•ect 'ef pure. self-Saerifice! :Escape..
was,. easy for lihn; foft,„no,:.ovvl.Twetild
pursUe.', 'm far the. air; -Hitt
ta v. and fight for David's
lite.... The 94-I Was' bold and..fiarce.
grip xi Jcniathan's head with '1,ts cniel
able to Teach easy victim, it got a
talons and -drove. them, inte the •gaii.
Who WS,43 too late ''t.co Avert
feathers' of. Jonathan's Poor, torn body; :
, • . . •
the tragedy, ••' set a trap among. tbe.
and . when the Owl returned ',ta .
,Ivast it'. Was caught and killed..
.. Next ' day the telephone 'bell rang ,
frequently as neighbere called- 'up ..to'•
Unwire, about•the 'death 44 Jonathan'
and to express, their symPithy. :hist
'a wild geese! One 0.1 the' millions ,that,
Ily to- and ire betweenthe fsr, .
and the sunny „south ! • • •flut whit: it •
the, have Made of listening a fine called' her aunt. It will be fun if he along -the Canadian border." ", •
turns. out to be the man you used. to "Fire -water, i suppose •yon 'Mean?"
art."Jean," said Pamela, " do you actu-
ally ineamte tell me that everybody hi "Yes," said Pamela. :"Hefeis the For Sore Feet-,-minard's uniment. '
being charitable?' I don't know any- you this afternoon. No, dear, 1.won't " - ° h
book, Jean. It's been so nice having — A Top Game.
One boy spins his top in a t ree-
Priorsford, is nice? Or are you Merely
sthoxiingy,',hdoulaleirwathyasn;aYynsurihaehakiiintdabtlheinPgar-'.4. • g CI write e letters. twteirths.'°Gueet°d:-theit. . • I'MmYg°1;?inveg--, to sticks a, peg in the ground andrunsye. foot ying, rims as far- as. he dares,
afraid the Priorsford PeOPle are ill But 'Pamela *rote .rio letters. that
the boys" ' - ' '
back to pick lip the top before.it stops,
Jean laughed. - "I'M sorry, ' but I'm
more. or less nice. At least they seearr,-..evening: She eat' with a book on her spinnipg. Then in turn each. of the
ever does. anything Very striking, but criininating. Y011 will tell me ' what knee and .looked into the fire; some, Other boys spins his, top, 'races td,,the
that happening in Priorsford. No one o me, u perhaps I'm not not. very dis- times' slie, sighed. ' . peg, lifts it and plants It a little far -
if they. did. I'm sure they wouldn't be you, think of. them when ^you meet , (.,--T° -be-6-"cw°n----ued:)•
ther away', and then tries to get back
Nobody would care much them.. All these people. I ve been tell- in time to catch his top before it
THE MAGNET M.91,TP. falls. If ,the top ifails before' the. spin -
except perhaps Mrs. Hope,- and she ing you about are rich people, 'in„ a
would-be-umused.7,- -- - -' , large -way,' as-Priorsford.calls-it,:th037- ' .
' "Mrs. Hope?"- - : , have all large motor cars - and hot For-Ithe:-boy whohasoutgrown ner ge back, the peals. returned" to
, -
. , blocksorfor. „the 'convalescent, there its last- position_ - Each hay-. ham- three
"Have you, noticed -•a- whitewashed houses and rich- things like that, Mrs. is probably nothing-which"will-futfnish trials .
house sndingiatriong trees about half NCosh says Priorsford is : a 'real more entertainment than a large twOw-
a rnile down Tweed from the bridge? tonery wee. place,' and we. do , . Let some one else play the fool; it
That is Hopetoun, and Mrs. Hope and ourselves,a good deal. 'It's a' conunu
fancy erful horseshoe- magnet and a box of
her daughter live there.", , : • ity largely made up' of women and , is- too easy a part to be worth your
• middle-aged retired men.; You see, sorted nails-r-preferal0 ' of the
Jean nodded dded her head like *a wise there" is. nothing for. the young 'men
. . eller sizes. , effort.
When hams,. shoulders, or • other
pieLes aM tdkeTr--o-ut-nf--tbe-lnin&atnt --
dried;.seW eac,hpiece ita.,•.,taut cover.'
'ink f ebeeseelOth,,, and hrush it all'
„alter •tilifii-inelted paraffin. „
When taken- out of th covei'ing
the meat emerges can and 'there •is;
no loss of meat or time in getting the'
, _
^paraffin outof the crevices. ,
-The little old-fashioned pap er light-,
ern' are onvenirnt when usi ig a gas,
'or oil stove, where y9u, cab-, light onei
flame from another, and they save -
I striking s match every titne. \Cut rd.
R22i 1 newspaper( into stript•V la\widl,
I --Aiffark.\t 7$.- hi 1, corner, to /*On diagonally. Turn over, I and about a foot le'lg' et d•tart at one,
' 411ICY: PPUIT ' the ter) *hen d'ou. TIVI Mt* be:
/1 :4-S,..14J W114....„G,GUNI "/ i, rolled tightly, ; We a,lwayP.lotp- a lot"
• ,, .4.,, ' !...rr,„...,. ,,07.4.4.K.51.4.Wrrt 7 1.0f them' handy,: ' ." "
IMinard's LtniMpnt Healt Cuts. '
ith thenails may be bullt swings'
tadk children swinging . in them,
and trapezes for the most exacting
,acrobats:-,,OM•the.top may bp.lapilt:air
t Indian wigivart 'with weather, vane
`atOp 'and a horizontal bar with its
crew of aerobatio:.actors.
Even cats And ,dogs maY be made
With tack legs and ears, a nail body
and a shoe -tack . tail.
pue.ip. h, 0 ' I B SPRAYERS; DIGGERS,
or repairs.' 'Air. ;ods sehtpl!edmItrOnt.' f','wn".nre!hmoaetusehine-nst
REPAIRS, • Onnnediato
. . ..
turn , tni.c.COte Art,il'erd;17t1.0"0 . :a11:,n'TP•edi:ii';k7itil:2' l'hn::!
,Ai.7,1. ..p_tiriC
vinom. ;FI.a.,...,rn2019,gz.„„k' ,atIzuAvei.4p,r,Giceusciipohn;
Ont " 'Ontario , and Marirluis ob,tributor.'
Keep, -41;oir of cleap,,..,Sharn • shears
hanging on a convenient hook inthe
'kitchen.YciU nfl fiuid thOii-:th6:"gretie, TANDEM.
est possible. convenience •for, many : Doutitz ,4c*/,46
expected: purpbses. They are much PUNtlrirtd of hadcin. They are espe Pimp
diany, desirable when When snipping PP', mbre efficiently:than th6wipg type
Marshmallows fOr 'a •Salad, and . Often:1' model which if, hasdermitely teploced.
,save"-gettingtout.4-clicoping-linife-and..;- -Repairs easily_roade_rtigtlicsiseholdjecl,5„
whenr. t15.:
pepper o
sinall Pieces. The shearS' JAMES .SMART P1 NT
ShOUld'always. viiped •atid liung ,B.P,OCKVILLE,Otil„,
where.steam v.:ill not strike them to
cause, rust • "
It always worries 'Ma to see' the
corners v, of - tabicelotlisTr'' :sliects-' or
blanketc flapping on the linein a
strong Wind, ,lor I know it Means that
thee same corner's 111 hr fj1'ed
„worn. On a really "wnidy .day, I al•
ways'.dOuble' these large 1/10CUN ngto.
wise and pin the four torners'•to
lloney eti Ettlittls ifi .e.tch hive1i torbe iho The, 0,t.,(qf tele, ;
grIly ton •the pliotogrilax abcve Nolly'ts shorn the, fell.lky, wTrio•,,. travels Witha ftin
t 1.vork with bis.,litL4Y1iitI rienfla,
head of steam, ,-; istipt No, 30-24,
Real 'Education.
, In the first days Pf„eninnier .tt ,sreat.
mapy young people are, trying, ;:t0,
td the World" the training they reeelVed''.
sh� ad
They , have , been forewarned that '
they cifinet -elpeet'77a- deer ajar'
'manient „ they . knOCk.. And they have,
been forewarnekas Well With all that.,
books and pedagogues • can impart.
But now now they .niust learn for .theni-,','•
selves , that fire burns . and • water
dro,Wrislind they nidst, depend on their .
own -Wit
thin is beginning:, • , • •
are .told of certain, great ,men •
at,theylacked.,'.fOririal .sehoOling. :Yet.
is Clear -fre-iii,,.,What; they dld that
theY,.wete forever learning. Pain and .
adversity may have taught them mote
than ease .and ' pleasure, . though in:
strUCtIon need not, always be a. bitter'
Lgif Is t1e great'.sc.ht•ini for,•
11,fe.i; Thal, harsh ',taskmaster, .,experi- •
v,•110,7e• rod. .1s ever lifted,
;to fall, has%Mtpils of all, age's and every •
2on1ition. , Those Wlicjrumple,
• intl:giLve:up,ls'eneatli, the pu
whci accept the dii,cipling asitt.taintarY
ehaSI:e.nilt$' and ?.1.ppiy' the lessen are
"i:• a.fi.:.:M'or,.?; -With :and .(11S.';
1.1)11 ,
tiful YOU ha1u L10 ili tflueetibn ',that
1' iticro,1)11 , tart ,bit* fact
olecht,nio (..letnf.nt. of •
Tri'6 a ecil Iv u 1 at ed data Matter
. by an hidtiUii'.7e *proc,ma,'
.tidtting Is ntdo of then:. , As long'
, .44h
aild,ufe not 11 Sed tr Mold a. eltaraetor:..
and 861)0 a "(1051111:y, thi.; tead'iler'et
Is ! 11 o.yilpIeto a.nd the -object 'of
I the, upil'S (dileation remainFl,,utircal.
I There were eight Crueridos don -
&toted lnto the Holy Land.