HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-31, Page 5R'. osxtivelytho bes ;ices . at any pric afilde R :.. ,,r3v'1Nl,t+C�£ liUblJ�i'it�.p.alu'1>ELI�i;� lc'1tC`13eA Zi"'11 •.�._ f est them with anyother tires under any .b .,. condition and N COMPare MOW/ear • SOLD BY T. W.S MITH Lucknow s Le i� • ad n Tire Shop g� ACCESS_QRWS „ 4TL RICIN TIES� WHO0 • Top—The old stage coach added a little calor to the MacLeod, celebration. Left.--Theoe two old.'.squsws remembered their I first' night of a Miouuted Policeman. Right --Rosie; whoI;lost a 'lice and did not survive ' The photographs •above were'` taken, not e This was the only event which .in any way tende ,.a century ago, as may be. supposed,' -bet early' in July of—this', year when the town ofe ,ac eod, Al- berth,. celebrated its Jubilee With stampede and other goings -en reminiscent of. the days Of horee- thieves and Indieneeeids, and the advent of the Royal ; • There is a very pretty little story told in connec- tion with this celebration. Roxie, a beautiful epee- . hoese owned by "'Old Three Sons," a Black -foot Indian, - • althoughefetateen years old, was. entered lagain to race: -This horse was side to 'have never lost a race. Sleek- and beautiful, she was the pride Of the prairies, and as proud ae ehe was beautiful. But her age -was , beginning to tell.. Though she sereined eyery muscle "e' on hereback, having elost the lead she could pot • regain? it, and ter the first tima in her racing life Roxie finished secoride \-No more will ,she set the prairie turf klYing under her feet. Having trotted back to the judgesestands, Roeie sank to the ground dead. .She died, it is said, of a broken heart.. to' mar the Jubilee. A eodeo was held .some., eve teen thousand, visitors.. from..:. all o.ver_._the__continen{ helping•.the cowboys and cow -girls, and the Black feet, Blood : and Peigan , Indians, :to. `.`vvhogp 'er up." Three : thousand automobiles parked in Main street and out on the open prairie, and for three nights the old-time dance halls remained openfor the benefit of, these who could not find accommodation -DEATH OF ANDREW DYATT., etitiffren until :1906e when it' 'was re- Acquaintarieeel of the Deatt inembees. of ,Which resided eboue.kin,,e Idea...village and'. at Kincarclitedevill 'he Mr: AndreW Deett (lied at hiS home markeble career: At the age .9f 18 he eitealteeeeteeeness'ee ;,; • -3.14.' 9,11i* for a' time -was .inteeegted, in minee". Piece§ Mid the boys we're. •thrown into of the' best Mines' (of, 'the Leedville -old ,wes,droWried, but his eon-man:ion: district:- In 1898 he Came to • Alineria..1-Vernon •-elark eucceede'd p getting Kangas, de deerganizedethe 1MeechenteeTeut. 'The bode "cifeethe drowned- boy State Bank and, •Waa•lietel of that Ine-1, was, 'recoVered an houtelater. organized as the First National Bank As'a. resident -Of Almeea lie Was held lerge' .getheripg at the 'funeral- ser vice 'apd 'the, ;voluntatv Closing 'ef al :the eel -vide. He leaves to reopen beothers. fune41.Was under Ma scelie atiepices, the service, being con= ducted by the Rev, j. L. JoireS of the OIA) .BOY$ ANT!' OTRI S • (Continued• from: page 1) • • unci. ,the oapaeit;; of Of* ,"seron'. n school +was opn outrun A• small building apart from the larger one„ was then: erected and,• this; for ;a tune relieved; . the, cengest:on. It Was "not. long 'however; until the 'two," houses,' w•,erewove eetowde ane; ^an ;addition , . , d - nd. :tli .,t l<e. sea g x iiia 1tc . r a Tc ii •tt -three xootti. ,school=� = �4 ss •.Murray;:• 'now Mese•?Welsh of neai Kincardine, was the first •teacher in' the • third room.. Soiree idea of the• ta �'• is �sk before. these teachers. su- gested .by the feet that in; the year- ' 1872 the numberof .pupils: •. on ,the rein ^ 214 malting ol ' era of 7 for- eac. --of-the_ three-thee:he e sem Phase •b'uildings served; the'; ptii poise, pf. the 4,,eetion,. until' 1911, present well-equipped and :iroderti school, *as erected' tweee three and four years Cf ege son, of:. John. Stephenee, who „ resides.: between eliylsyth: and Tara, is at. ehe Hospital with both feet severed. ae the result ef having been caught by Lhe .blade .of mowing machine op • O'clock on' July' 21st. „ the. little chap was 'with an older child Wandered , aWay trom. the other boy and got 'into the standing hay; 'The driver of the 'inowirtg machine did .not .eee,,him until he heard Mtn: Seeeam. f tee late -then, 'as beth feet had been at cleanly below. the. ankle, First-aid was- rendered 'and 'the Arteries 'tied, and •as quickly ' as poesible, the, child was brought to the afternoon eves; Considered very' seri- Auoi Toronto 4-- SEPT. -More •ccenipteltensieee -More anibitititut than nod tyPical life Of Ce.nadtt "and other lands:. tenience and„grandetir of the British Empire :knoWn to, the ingenuity of, nut`a, otv's.itvsonb. ' 40004 11141t7' ' 000•11t *put agouti for Bioopeed Owen,- Sound On. SatUrday night ;tine that, they 'Woulde sell •for 'le cents e gallerne In a: short 'thee, the stfeete the vicinity of 'the-, gee- -Atatiotti: VOI! leinlOes, „and Mrs, Dorothy- DeUglee Of Lucicnow . who as girls attended. the original' school eoon, after it wee, , opened were at ehe re-:unit:me feeling .An interesting , seoey is: told s6t, the •big willow tree Which shaded :the ,,speaker'S, pletforrn at 'the reae' of the 'play ' groend.:it Appears that W, , Gaynor, a. hrother -Meesrs, Are wee. as , a boy 'Was' 'fond :of • fishing ' One' :day he catried his fish: home on 'a,' , 'willow switch?, end 'on ,the day follOw. .ing toofc the s.:;e itch to school with hirie .Heving turthei 'Pee for it he' :pushed the end 9f ;the, switch, into: there!, • Ite is known fhat blanch. Of e'SOlui'elYerefineeltetereiSton. 'e -e• -- this, variety of, wino* if. sttiek in, tie .11"ehene'3e.Peee•YeqA1111;;.e.weeeirleegAliae11.1,1a... :•• ' ground' win take root and. deecielje Mrs.: Gatharine ,MicDoriald,. Iteeh- into a • tree., • 'And s9 this fiShe'ad 'eater N. Y 'Proceeded' • to- grow until ',now • Waiter. Lott,' Whiteeleirc •h • fancy ,Mr. Gaynor ..woelel • met eecege Bernard, O'Laughlin', Kingsbeidge,' ''nize it; for. it has 'grown' to. be three yere; meesee. xeDowell, ''Belgreyee feet 'in .:diarneter and has branches Margarete Cleefc. MacLennan, Chic- E; Joy Ruth„rf'orcl, F1inte Zilch.- Mrs E , t Joy, teithiiffeed,, Mich. 4•' • • George Joy Retherferd .Ji. . Flint, 7;1 ch4 Edith ;Jeanne Rutherford utherford • • Flint, Yli , Mies Matthey (Cnristella u tt J • 1Cln ardlne � h J, S� To.phanl, l!'lint,.I4ich, Tbp}izni (Annie Ruttier, Porti) Flint, Mich, •' • John Rutherford t Flint, "Mich. George Retherford, Ngrth •)3ranch. iVllrli; ' . ' ' • Mrs, Geoitge 'Ruther£ord , North r;in - •B h. 1tholl I✓ir} °I\Toi tYi Brangh Mrs,Ghee, . H -i 3, Miltereee.-- ,°.•V Dan denieron, Mrs. Geo. Durnin (Ernina Camp:. hull,}, ' Fle}Hing,' "Sack. . Mary 'A`' McPh'erson,' -Kansas; Heibestr;-Barnby,angn"" • Mrs Herbert Barmmto y, Leamington; Mrs. Henry F3arnbY, Detroit, Mi::h' 'Henry' Barnby-, Detroit,' Mich Mee; . James Walsh: Bel; ave. Miss Bessie C.' Walsh, 13elgrave • D, R. Webster, Varna, :Mrs. Jno. P. SlcPbertlei. (Maggi Mrs J H Hollinger (Jessie Mc: Allister) Niagara' Falls, eel. Y. „ Greet McAllister, Pieslin,cle , 'Mrs, F. Ilingleman, Morriston, Annie DC Clerk Saskatoon, Seek • Standing , , beoad • jump: • ' M Heim, e'hrist'ina Ellis,. '''llainilton.: . ., • Putting light ..eheit:W, . E.'. Hendee:. . ,,Edmenele:Waleh, Belgrave,-.,.. . Putting light -ehot' (Ex -pupils' • on... • Misse,Mae.,'Simieeen• ,' Ilensall, , lyr Art Gaynor 2$' fee 10,inee•C• Foie- ', 'Wesley Sherrill', 'Oetren Sound - . Tug -of -War:: Between :theme sel- Marie . ' • '" ' ' eeted in West Wawanosh, ,Med Herne . .Atietin. L.' Bridge Hainilton ,- ' phrey,.''Captain arid', Lucknow, S. E. ..-. Mei.' Albert, G Vincent Belgrave, limited .td five „minetes. ' '.The i •ieselt Thorne§ Doyle, • ;Aubtien ' • Was a. draw,. neither teaM bein.,able -.Mr. George 'Clark, • Hamilton. - to pull -the. other the. requered three, West Wawanoshie ROhinscin 'Weods ''' 'e:WANTED "FOR .THE -WEST Allietere ' jack.. Millere--- Arnold ' Bar -i AI eeast 40,009 :harvesters ',:veilee.h_e • ..Luektioev: 'W.'. Ee Hendehen ea/1'e geneeal headquarters " 9f., the .Cana- "chor),Mel.... Reid, ,, :Jas.. Miller, ' Rus'..,, :'121....dooia,00e73,;0,N,:::?..iiielt:inl,hiatal..:,,.,,-eR..1,1a,Itlioil..b‘:e'har:.:sesie),Te;ttu.10-1:xes4n,iaialltt,oee.:1::3:-... Rit,chie„ Chaee Milne,. Cliff 'Aitchison,' Wm, MacInteshe Albert Boyd,. Aecle., names of those whd 'at one, tittle, re-' a , eonference .11e1,,d eat ,Wineipoe. today lidr84)11:;..:24t165tbthhee,e:x",waPhaeCietiteC4A. ttfogi.iSC• ,.e°1'12,1101r111.1Pa6leli?;Mg.2ki: wine...-`- into •,eirect. This date' Wilt be govee`n-' eMee__,A.,,ele Wileon _Jena Camel,. are :prepared: to -accept harveetere• ,011 see). Chieago. , , ,ernineht 011icials to state 'how' Well • • An-gus—A-:-.Leani e peg., hey, zstere Pronared te. :handle this ;Mee -'Tet H. eraelot .,(Mary ; Vellum ?el,. .,1 qtet 7:1-.37,11e Of ceelori iet equ i mire Tit counter all of tit, largee arid kitscoty, Alta, Liteie ' 'Mrs. Peter Torrance How long the war is .going.to D, Wilson, .C,anipbellville. • no ond vfiil predict. A few of the Mrs; T. 13olee. dealers kept' oui of fight cuid are Mrzi 'T,' TIttine, l'(• selling at the original Price, It is said that -tete of .ihe .aro behiltd4"their cuatotheri in this rate vat, anti have informed them John, 111..riu •11 Lott, • ho.•ntatt. ,t` one Who leaVes 'borne I wike that' sho can't boss him; ' • Agriculture! will. progress as. 'fast' • It is et Itord World and the daitAy �ei'e an l lYP..i The value of " Ontario's mineeaI! production for :the first quartet .of' the presentyear, as• shown. by a report ;oi the-Deparvehent -of ::?Sines, 'has, increased $2,333,000 over 06 coreeePeneling qupnarter't _Of �Jaet year, the total . ei 4 LI P3'5l!:y anIC�, 9 2 k1:. 35.3• :es eeti t.ly. ,$11/er ;v:go.,;. :-t1ie*• •atilt'-� znet�l•-tl'f-�.;zr.�po�tan4ew tsa:. record •.decreased, prod'iction during the period wilder review. • - - Among the:.'passengers sailing .or ,. }?ac' in ont- the Canadian ific 1 ex :. M . leerier." for Engleend. on July Sth, was : E. W. • Beatty,. —Chairman— and President;' of the ,Canadian Pacifio Railway., While in England, Mr. B e`tetty: is scheduto�ad le ed'i e -ss 'the , s oiate : , ellverti n Clehs ` f A svc. d �_ g thee World on July 17th one the sub_ 'j'ect ' of "Building an. Empire with Advertising." •a Excellent reports as to the hint- ing in 'the' Caribou • district of Brit sh Celuxrtbie are being 'received. F. W. Pridham, and Fred: Shaver re- ` Gently returned ' from a month's ,eport :in that district withan- excel=- lent';specimen of 'grizzly bear weigh," ,ing about: 1,400 pounds.,' They saw • moose, oaribou, deer, black bear, pheasants "and grouse, and consider the 'district, e hunter's, paradise: Addressing the annual ' meeting. Of the' Bond .Dealers', Association of ,(;an.ada' at . Toronto recently, the President declared that during the 12 months ending May 1st, $507;-. "17,000•' worth of Canadian bonds had', been distributed, this‘ '• leing. by .'fam the largest total ,issued in the., Dominion in, 'any, post-war year. •`The most "striking feature ire .this connection .is 'that' about 89 :per cent. was absorbed'Within-the -borders 'of Canada.. • -Oi June. 18th ' Winnipeg,'Man.,: celebrated""' the fiftieth • armiversary •. • of its :incorporation...: Frain„ a strug filing frontier village: of the 70s, :Winnipeg- has forged into the posi- • tion 'of 'third largest city, in the Derniiiion; with: continental repute , esa railroad centre.- It isthe-Gate-, way. •of; the, West • ''and '100.,000,000• "bushels' .of ; prairie' • grain pass through' it to the head of the lakes,- whence it -goes•.?to -the markets_ of the,, world. 'Twenty-five Officers and 290 rnen Of the:Royal ,Navy; ft -Om the ,'epeciel lin.es white their-• ships were .ane ehoeecie et Vaneouver recently.. The 'sailors; -who made a point,' in Artie -na.ral 'style, 'Of. seeing and doing everethinge. were. enthusiastie beer ,ehe. scenery at. such show -places at Haeff, and Lake. LOuise, which the.' declared the :eriost 'beautiful they • had. seen in all their world Cruise. „ To add encouragemept 'to the raising of higheclass 'whieh is. being fostered by the govern- ments a Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta, the Canadian Pacific' Railway is.. 'awarding a champion - ,ship cup tO the Btys' and Girls' Swipe Clubs winning the club ,coni - petitions in these provinces. . The cups are for annual competition, but will beccene" the prteperty of the club if won for three years in suc- cession. Medals will be awarded individual members. This year *in- ning ' teams resident on the Com- pany's lines will also be granted a at Toronto. The ArtseScience and Letters So- ciety Of the;.Proyince Of Quebed re- cently sett a questionnaire to •the Montmorency counties, seeking in- formation es to the age and size of residing , in , those terri- tories. It was discoeered that the mained on the. eame land at Charles - ,b ourg esince 1629, that the elargest, 'family in, Montmorency was that of . Hector taliberte, of St. Jean, Island of Orleans, who has 20 children liv-e ing; and , that Sosepe Gagnon, St. Pierre, Island of Orleans, has the largest number of living descend- tyas ,pretty severe. up' on' thy r.enitisula; :Considerable lightning •ae, the reef ; leen e et doWu . into :tile room' Where .Mre: 'eloVer was silting:', eewing :beside the hot Water radiator, On the 'window . sill end. these Weee Or $;30 whieh le etmehine ie het 'Nellie. ter heeltle; that .they will etay With them right Mro. , elOse together you ..eatl't insult one Neighbot:a are 'people Who live so otristenti, ,,Teffets0A. (Tette' ehoes neva, seem to fit anything' but . glleyperv exeept In „w spore, 5't;e unzn, r Clothi:i During, this hot' spell, this is:: the time to get. -the cIot-hig n -t to kee - ou: 2egol 4., UNDERWEAR— ' For Alen, Women and Chi'- • HOSIERY— • Striking •i•eduCtions in Whitc Tan and Black Hose from ° 25c„ it pair u p that lire: worth °doable. • Childreres Sox, Ye length, • A goad variety left, at 35c. untreer, Corsets and Corralettete. from $1.25 upwards. Men's Summer Shirts, froth $1.0e Men's Work Shieth, from 75c And Heaps of Others e are open Wednesday and Saturday evenings Come to the Coolest Store in the Country A Pleasure to Shop Here MUNN IPLE FATAL MISHAP: NEAR . DURBAN . • Arthur Simpson, a farmer 28 yeers of age, was ehe victim, of a fatal ac- cident. on July e9 While returning from Durham to, his farm, which .is situated at what is known as I,atona corne're not 'far from Dornoch, death -taking place "at etheeDurham It appears that. young Simpson had . been to Durham and had secured frone ,the mill Otere a, load of chop. for 'his, hogs' and leas driving 'down McArthur's which is about a., 'mile ,north ,of Durham. _As he was abont half way down •the hill the ed to' slip, and in his efforts to keep th,em from falling between" the front pf the wagon g:nd the herses 'he lost his balance and fell in there 'himself: The result was • that ' the 'horses ilee- chme frightened; and, before he could extricate himself he, „fell 'upder the ;wheels of the wagon and was run , -.over, both ,wheels paSsing over his , .reetioe ;et' tlie; time -stopped aect• the. Occupants, ,,rendered first aid,, and the iniured man'. WaS,;removed. to the home of Mr. Angus MeArthur, where inosSage was sent tO Durham for.. .ation. he,: ordered the' young Man tte',. ant "fii,?t' his injuries were -more Otis than anticpiatecl, and.heqiied just; were no, bone§ broken, bUt ther,e Must; o'cilock. in, the afternoon, arid when: • a. Muni-a:tie of ',Vehicles -Were oneee' becupatite of the . auto eand•, he wag nneonecioupiess, and died in this' whieh 110 resided, Was,. indeetriotes • 4.