HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-31, Page 377 SY X T 9NG A TO'. Tb, to e r6pir po ''G NED �A K S ritpry ANAve L 01VFfR 014o. Yl*op, Tr for the pilenfl4r. es Tired Feel. nKLES TA. The Steadily inpreapIpg, t OT sary -POQP MAN TE; aterii, palpitation of-thp heart. Atill:'shortlilpilo vek 4nd,chaitirIg: f, that ireat, qu;artzi Xining, railtg,, is d "Gr 3 pf, the,- ',Pink -,PI W-Ith, every' gob the, Nat, ore, ",shipped I'Pqt, dLOqtor, :I'm I'm,' 'He tal;:es, a lqt,pt� iqtace -o to boats, employed ma4eq., It', iiqqf)ssary 004e POY 4nitirit, q The to a bio that the, at tQ.. pavigati blood and this new 0 means in t & su e boon, ritruii�qd �o the, Topographical instrull her eventual in,- inkl a, ing Or T pas -thjae ears 4. pro i'suritayi of these pills., SPLYS:— Was�. SO, 14 -p 044 of W i yeln ii,u-merptis new .9 unpoyered7 tin 6 badly run down in healih,tfiA was, T�e '.d c ;5, -distfldt ba, would Idavi3i me Dreathless. I ppffered Lake where interested ".Wh�h 1, was yo r a he saj& slow- 'He'ruis :a, I" tion. a from 4eadaql, and backaches and p%. rtlos'boinbifidd In diver arge: "I waa"abbilit lea nd development. "bigger, owerntho,' From the Surveys mad of the tract. hall. nd,-thppqtIte. I. could only, I h' 'Ii i4ha 1` T t i,k amr�d—nior to al 'and more awk ae4j� qtjgatfotl,­wh1dh'c6rnpriies -'even overburden 'was, washed 8 re ilild about the house and found yvafil. it wa.,; al tors Nations' directly after tle. war, t delith tbift 'for, me, t6 'in 250 OQQ oquprQ rill es, accept'ed a trust, an eet,p itu area of' over liqpsework almost in d' Place Y febt, ex. ture. Cle good Then a friend' .0 pie; edpecl�ljj 0 parti ries Cmaps has- been. prepared she, lntends,� ear,"wjth posing v6ins of silver a r ni. which' women and glkls'. NO mattez.b. wy fatC he may g!o or, SlUT -Since, 1917 Ass,ays liave-been obtained 'sufficient to �i as.' I was going qWntow navigat Great, Britain CF dowarrant the. i Owners arranging fOr7 the barefoot F saw comfng�'towards.. me He 'holds his hoad, still Oil, of tho m. st Interestirig arry Oil addliforlai.exploratory Work. erew6ll dressed. and jolly. I tho Th4 Keno Co pany f skipping dpwil down. hel[)*� -they wist a sury 6'bafieen thak feel that they ere helping. me. BY In hut I Put Jplst of Gre4t -,Slave four. boxes more c*eedfid only 14 setting up a more or Mining' side sbrbet nd thO time I had taken -e of a long block and :LAke; pgh I was a wall wornin and y sympia, less- fallible monarchy, presided over, t to, the bad to fe them.' Sudd n ever along the western traxiSferred: its -noii an' an le. Sir Henry imbeft F ,kienzie valley passes e ly f cod Like*..'a terrified 'crowd. �r 9 riendship Group adjoining.'the, Trea& 4 cow n one of, th6'side yards. Par- *1017m. nd 1992 'O'ecial attention as Itivould not be possible for.me to say u Or- &replied, w e eav ilg Bii�kingham, well Y property, on the IJild. sb6m.to rg. 1921 a w ukon Company htii�s if'I c, be driving her, —Alfred Kreumbo I!, I I I to Internal anal 'it. here. uth. This company -has bjillt -a pef-..m.Y big hands Idn't show,.' ,'pinch, In eign uidance, in Palace too favor of this, medicine, following., CLn' investiture- of, ,omm6nd, qri eat Britin hag long since, redl'IzQd emb�rs of the -Order of §t John", ma 'carrie�a-� out a con.- G4thbring. ii, 'handful of - pebbles hnd- the lig4l'its- esitabifshed at th6 entrance down people, and hvo., seen It.'prove. siderable,amo rit 0 9 r, �h boss'! OugIlly, bad:, and, tithe pound 0 - :u.y iliy, to He: IfryoU a In. li�', Devn Giii-den. to date.. It,, -employs an' average of started her off. y RiverAiarbor a )Ys tip as,, satisfactory ijilothei; cases," aeons pl�tc� are weak and You 000,000) wl and d 'at! the, dange ru'a' :thirty-three men. 'IT e girls came 't6 'wher6 I was appr9ach6s to Slave and Mi&anzie can begin r getting . new gtrimgth to- Coiiipaiiy em, r�fvfng'the animal fro of n ter. put, to use else�here. She,has- Th6'flow rs 'were v , ery- 'ahy,' The, Tr.eodwell p.loys an vigorously' d in -Here is,,a, lau Of great assistance"dayby t aver go� of eig ty-one men- for, its, wo r vers have proved a'. Pink -Pills. h rk her chosen pasture Then a l sent-wind6d' man—no, Sold by' alf druggists,or Sol power to mould this When In my De*on,g4rden­,faf4r ::,tr 1, .. . . it -by mail done all In her ear, ribt a Coll ad' ___ is- a_"box 'by _sw.eet1,We9t'WJn'd. this work,is �hown id camp. It ci on extensively dur. Ouse: by -one incileni o yoa�rs. ag& 'a,' -a t frig the pagt! year and erected a largb 'Yoti, boy, what are You doing'wit'll. been in'TiteA to a lea the Iraki, at least. at it 1 party, aud�pourageous youth!—had' Ily from sihore.. A period,of, ca in we4�tlier several ten -ton'. caterpillars' hauling on daii Jinairib. the .,reSt. had', e litil` '. better than -on the`wqll.jiponic1a 'i6'eptoU. The Yount 1ii4y w o "was' to", :ore o at theap- _b.e_�hiS__escDrt. called for III f, the .1e.stgrice,61! ion n addition, to the, number, __IW_iihY,co lus, on tep ed ted jl�lc "arVifig � �.f ate,4 r� ��Holid�ys' by Chaace'.sand an ''water'. ''And since friaddit'' incrifiison.%spra do a ri,diculbu to this there: :as be Pointed",limr and was informed that 'this rbef,. of which the, exact ldcaW T -h occaS�Otied more int6re9t than that, of amount of Irritation .6aused folding YS -known, wasia cause or. a I nxiety 6y'tlr4, pet-` The vlolo��' he ''d, n' both qu�'rfz and' -placer mirle�i,jh�re pain made me wince; Ii lost -my, bal. as ot retired American brewor now visit- tlne�s, 'of sbme: It )fficia"I, tli'e B.ri- ' Were startled -into bloorill aboUVl5'0'pr6,s i and' Work- �P nd. ell -into, a. muddy'' --on his wayto; 'enjan& led 't pectin Aitchi I did 6t �t.o uavl& III uLtuccesq- 1119 n on re. .9. some time, but the young n�ap n: ful, search Was for this ie6f. by h Ing tll6ir.bw' ground,. �. 'There have ce-n 8tilf-hear those appear. n girls laugh" golden broom the Survey, blit,,eqorto But ,they beeni 7nd s!e�rious,:acI61dentsj. no 'labor led to its n troubles ve'ry, If Sr to, t ink: It-�oer. When 'I came 19�3' d45covery: and io, Its be- pf)ti68.tI tile 'Sipknos4. day ir annual' oliday, IS -Odue he takes. h'hat. unsitaliFe condition'.'; ftiwoWd be a,very' Th6, ougi:th6 sofV red: earth room' to Illifiry. hImI7 and iracio . a She the 7bacii,,V a4 .19*ed by'. )b� a apin� new., placer strike,'Was ''mad� at toid.my other that I.had'boen found him i'n,.bed!'­ While. he -was m ek of yisiting, and, she -wisely. professed. to 1 n 'f.923 which over iwen ty tlain!6. wei6, stak6 atter bf i n t illus bebeveit., Ag- a in 'I -h wande�'ed for s6me Other I mat I ' d here a ewqr,go6s! that,' tt departure Of' 'some. sort, - Wind- and�, directed to the. northern artd::%wtern' t Le -,visited myself. 1, feaosd4ied that in and - habit had donethe rest. .40 fake. and'to th4i 'territory,. t r fears "othor people w6rp groundless' our' ash in :Ind i, ..whither colitributor who sends us the Tenoe,of theFTreatX.i: '/h t, if the lady.who". eydrid. The_north arm, of !,the' and foolish, and that I ad:been'iilly* lying be .0 SUMMER. "Aff '�'his -own, particular 1;lke is. surrounded by'a,di�trict rl' . brewer mad The, result was the eg6tlatfi n bf,a, to. imagine thit'tIle Whole. world was Ch year, he found himself., obliged, to-wisit. n -in, fu Su ty ith t in on' tb�+iv:e 1, watching me. - The roids,ali,& -all !the young lady," hemight not ------a -Tn r an, while.,. the, year before th following in Its wak . 6i, The . I see her'd'if one, an a towil.;n6c fif ty'-`miles�,.fiom, is home HUD NJAByr il , re ftee-i gotten all her.,' Perhaps.not.. A 'Was, the -holidAy resort thuer chosen. It was per a re cautt.0 'I grof In this Stipulations the 'future To draft that kilow-not j fit of wufs He has visited way places as �qo gieas�p ofthe yehr "I's - go danger- A -lid lear wh ch w 11 give the �Im t 'the 'sells that'are got n that people� are, nOt. to 0119-A0 t life of litt e ones a eap-year. party. far apart�;_ast Chrli-tianti and,' Mel- the :be r f �i d or a [wa a I Lee, soniat.- 20 .,mil" In. Iiiiigimi Joss 'of' a failure ccom�lecbed aspect, To�an-.is)e in'thO,*at,ersbelow, I' -as is e e, voided but to 'be loved ttu'de_ and the, finding,' of a: c vifilc th4 B�itiph- car. And. goii6en the'paddles towing a in ws 'arid: enjy�d.:,, I'm not loneso �bnnec'ted 's'tockholm- anit'Cairo. Whe'n the, pin. -and gian. ts to -me any. me calls into, the ocean -,ih,6'orIglnatr of it.., Wh, Great Slave n' e k u eSS -prompt 'aii -is at do6 and how '&11 61ijo The eastern, -.of will. allowAllorn , to! carry on I th 4uic. ly, that: Ill. w Y y not:, thls,decidedly, novel. plan allow$, him- TEL -THEIR "30 miles: long. tain financial and military- rfgbts--tht� in the ­calm of the stream's still fiOw the.�Iittle'stomach out. 4 6rder so body pf water over' mqre; you see that everyone' lak' was., urveyed In' 1922. Explora, country for angthOr fbu�'years,aO 6s, A harbQi;.,tbi In the,rushes thp baby may. be, beyond' a liver as'you g;D alol;99" THEY L:, that Broadr�wting Pin -f d",tfijt the' whn diarrhoea,,, " cholera Infan um, I'm different from evie'ryonia else. I'm north The worli extended from . the But ome Iraki * edijiten ool�toa rippli itirel BE is east end,,of -the, lakd,to,the Straits of trea :N a ysentry and.coile are nl�st provai6lit. -not 'firlenda'as evere; that it wres,ts'ir6ru Then meadows. there ar preading . . ! Pin to llAie- r and Clin-4 ad- certain Inviolate rights, imposeg Women Tell 'A Offier-Row 'to dreas at the dedicati th ee- 1, : * r� 'deadly, if n:.ot promptly treated. Dar A Id IIii-Colden lakds.,, which are. situited. on, of, e n e'*. upon, them restrictioxii which "willArn, And:a,'donyoy'-head-ing; heading - d with chin andr a all n ng, some. 200 miles. within. the. siowealled butidink of the'lladoiiali A.cademy of pair growth and retard"them In -their HOr of - yellow, and sn-6w! the boy; started olf to. ieek the j�reat' Help'ed by �ydia.E. P" - Sciences and" the National' y's Owil Tablets. Th dv' n tu" OfL'r.frie dshl "Barren' Landd.." '. The. survey showed struggle for ffidepp -Leal eater a e re n —7 Youth a that it it�ddftiou to mineral possibill,- them `r1gid:firia, dial Aoinands: and obw mpa ion. That pin -fall was perhaps, the most ligations—in rihftL IS In ch 'and keep b4by ll*6��Ithy., The Isignificant and, widely heard�of, any whi Tablets - are -sold. by medicine dealers Woodligid 01it:­_11'I took ties 'the country a suited I to the musk- Fathir's, R.espofiiibilitk. Lydilk E, ox slid -caribou,, W't"-r SU c ent grass, ch.will preclude,.Yealizatl'on.16"f.tli;eir Origin, of Mistk Swaistika" -mosses -and other vegetation. to n history. tdealIn, their stignitat am -and.; youth troubles. I would hive headachesF, port the.great,hpird of the latter re -j. lefice, every pers.6n In - the they are not ?a r th-eis, to main r tat ., n I , childr'en Dr 'MMicine CO." Baffleii Research. male at-a;war6 I born out'. Brock - bet. 2y shoul� domed, wlde:&wlng6dha1 rd th pin the' treaty, l �yedlock 06,sum of ;67 000- *a Every now -and -then.', the oriiiii of m6 witil dorsal er my nhoulder�blades grid! ual ty'dilknown to iowirdlheWe' e 't fail of, I Ah6 *o6#work. Thousands: cash, and additio-n- the swastika, crops up � In' conrlection th, and of wireless listen'ehs-,hundvills: of milk's would bring the sum with the. huge -black hooked - cross gign, I ;;Z` ioiTfietimes . unable ,to do my, the warmer waters''t1o'the"sicti the,4prbtCU1 ay at the'v - ery edge of the ifthtli I tn6, in -also heard. P, to',, Well over $100j000. Steps are dis'pl , d,on tbO'bAnners,1of­D tional- -work and felt very badily. mothpr7. 's,,spruce and tamer . IL eils 'h '6' .organizatle as -6i- more-tha able walls made :the sound cIeitr,'d1stfilct,- a' 'to this' -reach to, commercial w6ifilre -of.. fwg� nIli end,ad-: ly adanian en ency, Says ''a Berlin Covipound and w tb�sq;hollovr echoes;which. ance, is 'given to o eath,,to :Jews" is. the it his' done me more'gpod. than %4fi other, me&�inp I ever took 'and. I rec- fli�,,i Khjki 'cliaractorfie' d' (,high -v el -s. -This Act willo it ts..exiIi Dire- signification in rman party poljti .01 aillited biltild- are. That -pin-fall; ikounded an..en-. 'the efforts 1h have''l) ep vell. I . e t a grgatAeal. of neglect and &I circles'. " The Danish expedition -In General an gtriumph, In the I' e highly favored' with donmen'r nfants an pio"v 1p­.�'Gf a on vou e fact in no waj checks t e"' men:,.who*are"gullty` ot 'this J�ai -Well.'Doni Gunnar -Sommer "suff r anecdote concerning 'the a clence,of6cous-tieg.' It' bltt,�,,ijes, ned's 0 w, But. ..feld, has discovered in 'poor e er'. EDGAR S14MONS, was thelf Orman South-West greit wrong.: to, 'you ' w' en, in. �pi 1�aper�aum, In t e'Synai6jue of have - an accused dthaviri-9- j."'Per a - V.` Kelso is the G*v6rnment adminiso; 4vor thoSe* ecorati. ng In netrly every t was..in; 11lel-, early,- stages_oi: Wnlard!i, U*mdhr ra Huni, 'a',handsome- frieze d �neighbr6'�d ml every to e war---* 19ti designs In their'potiqies"coacern-,.trator,, atsisted. y' t e varidu 'tile W41' 'lin this",. country r', C. made, up mostly of young soldiers so! editori: e.ii6f6ieA,_.i7ieji . that Great Brltain�� poli6le� ire dtai I I I . X PinkharaosNege mpourid in roth one of t e',iSouthern.shJires� ft.ild tion slip,, �­when returning diontribu­ tormitiod. not 'd, I - , .4 . I—— ' 1-1 the treatment of"ai-linerits peculiar,.to, trb, , I . . I Doniin irs. , their sex, and they .1 take -pleasure, in S61!bre. I extend' credit:tO R'll1an r ea M6ney 04rd -the -1 idi, 1resitz from 'their drwil:4reeh tjoIus,-,;;W`hlch read as follows: ."W6 lated'coun�trfes bu I Y Vor d-wide'Jil- sai iis'fied e is iriade, beautiful As a,counterianc flei us Y nd.6,cape` eye 6 teress and It is undets-tood t'h'at th'- -he will make ho' -use Of by the soul's shining through efore, if y6d'are troiabled viewed the -i Tber I 'so women. Ther, It IsapproViij,; re. have We: f that riseth' ate must tr all day the -�forld -is. bea by th h' "If notgiVe-Lydii'E 'Pink-, '*it ,manifest. d I , I ill". 4 1 1 occupancy. of Irak byj*th'B.Atfs4, has Iwo fellei:s: t be He ut e s iping in thi y pro . 8.ently'a',swari.n of lo . custs hap;, revelled I ' a masterpiece. If we. been'an 6jCopfj6n r t& thi's omohey-down Y and -.shall -,earce Overtake his wo, ;at through'it of, a God�TVriedri6h: Hei'll. CoMpoupd. fair,tri I rjule' 'and, on the n plan if th( -� One. th -printed it, thbHtles Would take'lt that by llitr 6onhb tib pan d; along; thdre:upo del t night. J 'Phi I ingredients of whiell are derived, froriv: Injurpf I Or more bbys­ xe t iL. nio and, henceforth would. h �e .1 rests, lt oo stimOrly to eVbrywhero'beak wi Ing tet �fg,,*6 are, co;nli. n es Their' the wor turn you U bam,!s V -7 Rdclal origiq— orm,h". E D 'Oticks a Ili the ground runs" Sou e­A'loc. fit JERRITATill) BY he Britisth'W(Il.'stand by. -them or an- SotAr6e-. It. would like, You -a go many gli 4di: 'name -which Op you Leep.a�toq se niemberallip In fhe Lea e of National , 11 far.' "their oburitty ilig peg ng ._'its last pos, % Ition, -E ad h b6y has - . t , Ilroo, d aqsure�lly- "Aver meant dbdi r n(!6;, M4 otho are bqt flililt allR,�figure I Ar6 'not age canwdHoi ast year wa8. 'gettilig Ule tioper' cefit. CIA ABYCaticrir,i'l Per c in airift gAgland'a 2.9' and Bay6r' Aspirin %proved' safe b ��'j t 11 ',��ycot 011, qoot.11iil toT IS fileplo ho or ton yeara lave a-teir,little'-(I file Viall,*hirh coMilfis prbv6n dirdetions ftre I , 11 1­� 6, 0,f, thiltv its" moro 'inviallt Hilo of (Ile (I i : .to or cality, Bilt41zt­