HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-24, Page 7N LETTERS TO A FARMER
• By Bela M. V. Kelly 0.8./3.
(ceetiened from last week):
. 4 • • you go to the...eitY, may learn niunth,'
Youth of RIOallure, .1 -lie. of DleherlastY4 ime or some other trade: •. Atter the
ainecess in anYesPhere calls for bard .usual periods spent aB,apprentice• and ,•.
'work, painstaking care and ,a willing- as jeurneymen, he will own a,but-
nes te:44e, la ner,tn1n,allaeunt:••Pf4ltalttg,z.: -inessagf.:11.1s:-..owniandslookfarl,P71...tre,..„e•ts,
'or. kadeavor' With: ry -tlebrt.i"h I y,11 there'
..,,a-re,••tkirvontr8ctfr-COlicii(g',rtfOlirrn wiIs
eatiea eaaraleeet our 'patieece. hei e member of the combine.. if ha•
• you "ever think howninall, the CRY- is, there 13. the •procedere, 40 , Is ok
bredbey thiS re-" pected- to take part, In, 'Are, yam wila
!meet? He Is not brOUght np to do- ing Abet shopld happen? But would
trying. things; Ilfe with, him Is. rather there he any alternative .unless the
a matter of.. enjoyment aoccupatieMe elteragitive ;of deciding to go 'Out of.
hat. are interesting, iet. too .heavy .nor busineas, altogether? ; • •
ne•lengi, ttre'ttlOght f0t 'a j'allie 4144 Yon'aeer:regularly" of•
........beeeme..,teo„..-rnonoteneus„ and . mae,....aaata
ete,i •heeerning!riehhav -
tcl':hP• "g9ae. tbre'ugll purely .18 a :YOU, 7gulekl,". ,,YOU, Wonder hear.' it. Can
.. Matter • Of :dtity,'. argually, however be done, ..Mete brans and hardr.'Werk
nothing geep,..YerY• wrolig*.while.11e, la. Will ntit,.:gareunt tot' all 'thoSe thou's,:
• still•a, hoy, da•y comes, hoWeVer, ands and tena!Ot, thousands of dollars
when reaPensibilittes are ,greater. • in 'a shert7time.. A. man. May
lie. needs conSiderablo. interne; he 'is be clover enough lo deviaeeremarkalile
rnarried,; his eal.P.ehaea Are iTlereaqli..K...,Schemes-' and get away. ',with them; he
Ho;.,has prohaOly cUltivotecr z23o.t.i)e MAY 'Charge exorbitant rater • and sell
peneiVa habits, tee; he, IlleSt he, as ,goeds. priees' that will, Yield exeee
, good ,as "others;.:his wife inast dress. sive. profits; but heats it'tlitef just the
and attend social functions appear shine• : .
•.ances mustheltePt Up; sPorts, had oe,h' (To be. contititied).„.„.
Cole& great deal de „his: attention • . . • '
and Continue to.'do so... Everyone .is . •
going to the race's And betting;Seme The Death .of cordon..
• are leaking tripeato , the seaside; he ' •IJanuary 26tle 1885e.,°
and his Wife meet de so, tee. : Ate auto ; Of allthe saddePt•werde:are said
• intatile meet be had whether.there, Is And fraught With bitter fete
home. mortgageor net.. For one or :Are those thatatelrof. GorciOap.death.„
, other or all �f these reaaoasi,. he Simply ' When the •succour aonie atoo late
must. have .,etioneY, and al goodaleal of it' ,Heznlght have left that .citydoomed.
all the. time. • Where 'N. it to dime . And safety sought in ,Iiight,
treat? He wasiz. not trained to • aPplY'' /3ut his duty ;a0unee11ed'him to •staya
hinaself as,he noticee„ Berne:with good ,And hopor, Ppotless bright,
meanies -are oing, , he cannot -bring •• . • .
' -him:Pelf' to it 'now,. There is his. He faced'theraging IVIosieno;.host •
his'habits•are not economical..'With mien serene And calm;
. .
M•Q Wino!, and ' not 'get • down to Death for hini .no Sorrews, had,
•,' steady„ PerSeverin,g hard Work. What -.Ile 'feared no earthly .hpirei; •
• ikt6 be 'done? He looksyareund for , 'Heknew the God on high 'located down,
oppertunliies .offertng a large return" a His fate ou1d not fraftless be
'for:little effort. He .plans and schemes And,.)ike, the blood that mert.I.Yrs shed,
takes more kindli' to Working. out, ,„ Would yield peace and liberty,
, • scheines than' to close application in . . • '
the•detallii of •eflice or businelase , The At ,Qnidhrman, in after Years,. ,
scheines. 'Eneceed;,:: thebig .' inoneY , The.Mahdi'stPO\VO was Crushed;
comes in.. But it I not the, .frult of J. Ilemer the fate for Gorden Planned ,
liarieeta toile a.It, elongs' to .sameorie Wheu hig,itrong defence Wasrusried:
else • or to se'Veral.. °theta.' Like .101, \ucl Khartouin saw the flags half-mast
•..'profiteers, he has what he .clicanot earn, ' 'And heard'the. "Last Post sound
and what is, net his., ' He ',need's'. the., MI 114 the , ttoOos Stood. firm' at the
. 1,
On that foaled' historie green&
. „. ,
• •aelleery A. ASt mead,' I.S.M.,
. money, howeveraand decide "t. follow'
•, this course of precedUre for thefu
'-i_neua' dishonestin-Lbust---
.. , • , , , .,
aess and even atnong ' prgfessiona1. .
" D. .
. .
•men, .. Do -not •suppose, these pNoveliet
. warealways SO. The force ,of circurn- Seine Meals Fri books .stand oiit in
. ., , . • .
' 'Stances. has grathially drawn theta In oiaate Memory, particularly when one
to It . Had .they been. broughf'.up .to is-•fiuziery. . , ',' . • .
_had ,their expense 'account' been as' .delectations- '. Itens.' hooks; That
work, -,-as every f,arin boy limo: work, inI)ic
Wile., will ever forget some of the
,,,;.•iinilted -had;they ,s pantaas4,feivasatinal,s1 ice e i.. 1! eaf 'aild,•tankard of ale ::eoung
day'. • afternoons atteedfne baseball. Did (:'"oop'erlielcl ,had .befcrre getting 1`,1e Inagqirri'htph,eal.,. of , every 'grain' and
matches, there wbuld have Iteen 'ne, out MY his long -journey' to..Pryinouthe
------aeeed'of• reatirting I to Such -means. of,1 the Sti.CCulezit :luzich on the 'CtAtiell-box
.. aor . s • , ' '
Ti' the Useatermnirtiiiii-the Garden of
•' . • .
: getting sufficient to keep, thing:a-going. , wall ele laanejesaDetlites, thexarth
.'glorious .'
: • Yoinegrandchildreneeheitld they 'gr"ow fea.,•s,t pt es ley- Mf:aa Pipelfin• for
- . • • .
. , . , . . .. .
p , . le c a, .isnaa Itale these teMP- lierselfaaf. inuffine, hot and battered,' Then lest the soul should Rot lift, he
atations to face., . - ' • - ..• er "DoinheY.8a S'on.' and so on? Every
'' Conscience to the Wind. • ' ..
•' ' • -'' aaaa ef ahacens',..hoolc'e.te;ems 'With
phatograPhed in England With 'a model of one of. the .11081Mois to be'exhibite
at WembleY,' where Dr. Grenfell will lectiire on the 4erif of the Internationa
• Grenfell Aslociation. ,•
The •AtitomObile
• Most'Peel* who are looking fo
trouble have. no difficulty in fincipig
An outstanding exception to this gen,
eral rule is seen in the moterist wh
:undertakes: to .,,locate endetrauble 4ha
ratty have developed in -his -engine.
hidein a tinY..Preee'Of
earbqn lodged 'under P.- Yttilre• Pr be-
tween" spark plug points er,in a wir
that has jarred loose; or 'in aninter
rupter point, a piston ring, a gas pip
or what not. , _The •motorist !earn
early in the game that the most insig
nificant things are tremendously iln
✓ valve it might be in the inlet valve.
In, some types (4 engines the valve
head may break off' and get into the
cylinder and. When the piston tomes
!up Tuna.- sAhoIe-inetbelpiatprihead.
lar °Pen 'stiffielently:to eirect.the com-
pression and: ea Cause the cylinder to
miss fire. 'These troubles are usually
- confined to one cylinder and not to the
e Whole engine. •
s The gasoline should be innPecteci
next. Is there any gasoline in the
bowl. Of the earbureter? Is there gaso-
line in the tank?, jei.:theahat.,-off.valie
I-ire-tlie.Iine leading to' the 'carburetor
portant ait times, . • •
e open?' Does manifold leak? ,
ating a car inay really be located quit
quieklY if:the driver goesafter them
t 'the engine- has been rtInninr.. itis
.4.,%8Y§teniati.c', fashion • instead
Do not adjust the.ca.rburetor. If
wandering aimlessly: about the engin
„ ,
' and ether•parts„as is often .the custom
.of the amateur owner., ,The harcies
thing a driver has to do, vihea the en
• gine stops or cuts u j ,to eliminate
the Idea that he kneM'S Positively what
• the trouble is. :Often he 18 sure he can
fix the troahle, in ,just kbout .one min-
tito and he putters around a long time
before he makes up his minelthatpop
sibly after all his eciciC-sureness Is net
e practically certain that the carburetor
is not out a adjustment, InsPeet the
t intake pipe or manifold. , Then put a
- tablespoonful of gasoline in each cyl-
inder •and crank over the engine. If
this runs the engine for a few revolu-
tions the trouble is probably in the
gasoline systemand leaves but the
spray nozzle, 'which may have dirt
•:' ledges in it, or the auxiliary air valve
- stuck, as the remaining cause of
treintele.ignition sh. ouid
be inspected
next. Test fora spark by -taking the
wire off ,any plug and„holding its ter-
-mina' within -•%-inch, Of „ any metal
Part "of • the engine, •crank the engine
J with 'the switch' on. The epark should
um • e gap. • Are batteries run
cdoewann?? . Are any wires_loose,.br(,)ken,
, .
'force the rebels to currencler without
make good contact? ..Is the distributor
or short-circuited? • Are sp,a.rk 'plugs
-an inch atliartr-Are -interrupter 'Paints
clean and, adjusted right Po brua es
clean and are points one7fiftleth of
pistlyarcl With the- Orient
PrC8. 67' .
A carioug, colorful, fascinating ijde
Is that:from Paris to Belgrade or ton- '
stantinople oa,the Orient xpress, As t
you' pass eastward you .see Western
Earope,,slipping,away both'ivithin'and ,
. , „ , . • .
withont the, railway carriages. Mr.
,tatis•Peabody-S*Ift, writing in Travel, a
I we : • •
ROW TO cONDUpT.seancet.
.The "'test .wey' to, proceed in hunting
a :trouble„ ia to start .withOut any pre-
conceived ideasjas to What•the trouble
1 • • ' -
may be and ,follovira System whiela is
• in realityaa process• ,of elimination.
Rememberthat to start.a gasoline en-
gine three thine'sxe;lecessarY-4aho-
line, compression and a spark at the
f• ht, time Remember •alSo 'that, 'to
4tee.rit •eteriningi teiwarecessary• to have
water for .cooling Unless.it be arr air-
Trees. ,
In the' Garden of Eden, planted by
T'here were goodly tree, in ille spring-
,•irig sod-- • . • 11 '
Trees of beauty and, height and grace,
To stand in splendor -before ais, face.
' •
. .
Apple and hickory, ash 'and peo,r •
Cala-arid beech and, the tulip' rare; •
., • •
Thetrembling aspen, the noble pine,
The sweeping elm by the river line;
• o
:Trees for the birds te build and sing;
And the lilac tree for a joysin spring;
Trees to turn at the fiosty call
And carpet the grOund fdr the Lord's
' • football; •
Trees for fruitage, and- fire shade,
• . .
Trees for the eunsning builder's trade;
• ,
Wood for the bpw,. the spear and the
The keel and the. mast 'of. the
• sail; •
• Arga will admit, of course, dear farm- , Then there O., Hie, seitea Becky.
er friend, that if you move yoer family
Sharp shared with' in aid -time adznirer
to the city, .your children aria grand- ;'in he,r garret whezi • her fine eay life
business undertakiags caeried on.l • ' •
there, Now, *there are many lines of . . • •';‘'
children, will engage in the trades and '7 was fele beaind "her, , One can neyer
iotget the p•Ithos et' thet solttery
husiness altogether . legitimate."' in
llarris.on ins -Werth tells. "Of YaWn-
thenigelVegabari•iea on byainetheds fng gainea pies tee! ••barensaof beef in
• • •
men with a, cenescience can take part I eaae. l'a-we•r•-of London while Sheila
• r• s Jae th., in' cilia...nailer:an' v els.; ace
In following fronatlie Toronto' n e s :
s -•=records. the •Public' staaaa-Tferti -Or the Nally theaes ono feei 0110 15 eating the
' drown. attorney?, "Mr. s explatned •(.1.1sp oeinco and sliceseaelearlanise-
the proCedure ,when a man called for
eleada,re 71h -those -daa5 to 11g -real -he 'her characieri'enfoys.- • '
pluinbing done in a house. The teed:- • ikee ziei;:e•eupe et tea in ( ranford.
4f I II
ers had to go: ,before the Plumbars'eN1'hsawenitIn't I ireveaor one now!'
ASSOela„tiOLI. If' a .dealc,i. could slioW'
'for thet rnan, lie was instructed to pat -visible ftan the:street.•
• that he -bad aormeely, dope. the work :•••• . Na Wiataies' a3a4aan .lionSee few
God Tlanted.a. scarlet maple.•tree,
' .-131iss Carman.
"There' no outer libertY apart
feom•inner liberty; control ,Of•affairs
ie 'first aontrol of Self, and ungovern-
ea nasaons must forever mean 'shija
- .
I wreck of life destruction, and death.
I- Whbever starts off in life with, the
idea, "I shall succeed," always •does,
succeed beeirtfee he doee' What is n'eces-
• sery .bring about this 'result. If only,
oneopportunity presents itself to him,
I' andatf :this ,6pporturiity has, as. it 'were,
only one:heir on its head, he seizes it
by that one hair, k'urtber, he often
brings about, • unconsciously or not,
propitioes circurnstances.--Emlle'Coue.
From:the gift to ..the Giver of Paradise.
• On the croven,.of a hill, forall to see,
-,ftathe!lOWdat tender: ether ,)ilutub
:eye pet in bide _e higher. • after
the board ' of'. the Aasocla tion "had de-•
aermined 'What the price of the loWela
tender' shOuld percentage was.
, added! wes .far the:association.
After, this " percentage W•as' fixed,' ii
certein aliment Was lidded for each of
, the other mei? 'who made higher teha-
• era.. ie one inetance. it werltea •011t
' theresevezi otherephattlyersewhaaniteirnaae
iendera, were Crich,allewed $�, iii the .
• .The..Plembelsi 'AS:44(4:10mi .wits
ated 'witty the plizzabers'• iiIeepla as-
eacietion: timathe hitter would noaeupe
• olyany plumber whaewzas not e mein-
• •bee of tae firateizeneterted • bade -a Theaaa
,Phimbers; Stip,ala ',A8-aa'1111i°11 "'ae
• lined $5.600, ttfl(F,B1110101',1i110:.i 01' (1'01Thl
• ,
' other% connected therev..itli.
• Coffee Ship's Long 'Range.
Th.? pld Dutch sailing Vessels o
days pne by were noterionsly slow;
blunt -of. how and clurnsy.• Their 'slew
„nese. Was considered an advantaae, by
importers of green eoffee •aftent the
Netherlande Emit. Indies; • td America
' since, the effecteof- the confinement of
the eoffee beneath closed hatches was
heid• •greatlY' to improve its ,flavor.
• Such , "sweated" coffee', •brou,ght top
. •
prices in stile 'market. •,
ECuring. the. World war 'one 'shipfnerit,
of Thrior.ceffi3e is said •ta heye taken
'three. and .6 half years coining. froin
Java to .Nevir'•York.. ItWas aboard the
German steamehip Brisbane, • which
cleared fronal3ataV1a, July 4, 1914; and,
•fearing, capture, took refuge iwa hat.:
bor In Portuguese India, where It lay
• until' Portugal joined the allies.' Then
Portugirese seized -31113 vessel , and-
, turned it over CO the British', who
moved itap. Bombay. aHereatie cargo
was finally transhipped to the City 'ot
.Adelaide, reaching New York in Jaen-
rary,:1a18, three .and a half years after
, the coffee leftallatavja,•
Ruiity..ea That Point.
• , Aristah Kratt-"I understand
your husbendat. father made his • money,
Out of old •Iron.,.Mrs.'Rielr.".'
'Mrs.. Lowdoun Ilich-"V;th 'I
-really' can't • say -my inempriade a llt:
tlerns•ty„on that point."
' Explained a
• .. , • ,
After an hour* impatie•nt 'wait
the theatre he hurried..to a telephone
and, Calle•d his. wife. "You're acit.
here aet.and.it was fully an.tours ago'
you, phoned- irie-'you-were' just sttirt!(
. ,
rIng! " •
"The telephone girl" shut me Off• be -
fare' I could, finish 'the sentence, dome";
she calmly 'explained. "What' In -leant '
then was That a was just starting ,tiq 'the garage.' •. „••Ilemnanlan fl;O•z/i Btichafeyt".-.7-'7„ Wand. mot -king ago ,coninia:nd-..
I .
cooled ,engine 'and' it must have oil
for lubOcation.,
: If the engine stops on the road and
• pressing.. the starter pedal: fails ter
.start i1 or if one -or two. cylinders miss
'fire, ,thp first thing to do.'is to get the
crank*out of the tool kit and crank
Over the engine. If; •with,the 'gears in
iieutral;:the engine erariks over. hard,
•it indicates a lack of lubrleating oil,
or a lack of water: Such a lack'has
allowed the .engirieta reach a te,mper-
attire: where the lubricant fails.to per -
• .
Carried by Friend
• ft Waa Arne :Fteehntia*Ar0-exPerf-, •
finCe .ars supidv-appoo, ,teRgor., • In -a
'Opeo't it as #4,f04,;,prOArtt.oinew
she had, bee444,a,1.40flfta,":44010131..eveli'•
414. 'alaa'40-17fut.grovfa all that/.
--eha had miaared her girl friends,. .She
hadbeen through deep watersani had
• jest herlaitli:,•,43.ut•*lien.l?oraine, her •
,best friendt had;heen • called•te:hee Siek'
Sunday-selicol -.Oise Anne, obeying a,''
geaPrOaa ImpuIe. that she raqd a' Me;
1.thent later, 110...promited to eare for
surronn.ded' by theAtnif 'dozen'
ten -year -Old. ,girls,,' she let them . take
their time abeut 'settling down. She,
• watched' 'While the little, secretary
-marked the -attendance and f�bk up
the offoring,.. But at last there seemed
to ,he,no. longer an.y,.• excuse fer apt he- •
;gifinieg :the lesSmi. They were leek-
ing up a. her eapectantly: How should
. . .
.she begin? A happy thought 'carne
her, •, •
. . .
-"What was your•lesson about. last'
• Sunday.?" she. agked.._ ""Who can tell
me the"efory?" " ' •
,Half a clomm hands were.reieed,
"All tight, you' 'tell' us," ''Said Anna
to One blue-eyedlittle, g41 • : •
"'rhere..Was a sick ,naaii:-too sick to
Walk,'. the little girl began, "He had .
been siek. 'fro Jong, and he *anted to
be mired.. But the hoate was crowded
fall,. ana anyway he, was .teo, Sick to
vealle!oe', try, to get ln But he had
some friends, and they. carried., him,.
right •up 'ea the ton of the house. And
they. took .off eo.ind of 'the. roof and let
.•. . .
"the. sick man down. with Some pleeeS
of ropei-They :let hln deWri right in •
front of the big 'crowd.: .Ancl-a•there..
Was .Jesus!" . •
• • That, ' was fella, The .little; girl sat
back, ,rtintl tor 'cheeks .:were a- deep' '
ink.• • .•s
• °Anne Wafted 'for the rest of, ••of ',the
story, '•if. not,,aroin the'earae girt then . ,
from another. ;faint, they all seemed to
think the etary' was finished. "There •
was .lesue What:mere:need. be 'said I
To them it instant all, that could be
wishkrfor' or Iniaginedaelealing, help;
Conefort, .whatever the seeker allieded.
' She opened het lepolatnd talked to
hem about the' lesson of the da, but
always ,,:there recurred' the • Nerds, •
'There 'was...leans!"
-Leraiiie came back hithree Weeks,
nd as. soon is possible she ,sought out,
. .
Anne; LOraiiie found . her
before the fire reading her .Bible. "GeV:
leastin fer 'leaf Sunday," •she'
, • • •
,form its work., 4f, the eligine turria .tells how the change.teines about as
over :fairly. easy;ltis not necesiiary to tho'-train leneitalY and•PasS4 Int°
Croatia: •
. " '' t
But-as:_f_Write.„._.4he' train---has-Aeft
Zagreb .and riziffs:ot aecross that'great
Wilde Plain: '''Europe seem's:ray away -
ages and; age.s aivaY. Is it,. Weeks Or
years since we. left the tumult' of
.paria, the .siiper,civiliiation er...SW,Isp
,hotels? :Even here in the, dining car'
- everything has changed,: Those. :tweed- b
Clad Ainerican 'and 'Engliali:-tOi.friate a
i.'.1..fsappeared., ' They dropped .off,
CompreSsion .occurs.: Only on the tine
.reYeltition in . . the '.-cenmaPtilhe,tg.:if ttuf)hrf::e., .'.:1:401;._°:Ipt th_0:11.ast,_ot _th:em 7 at;avenic.e. i
at Mo ;[ andhf...ux...daggiere. and 1V1ilari.- it
stroke of the 'piston' in the4onr-four We, miss theiri.itititi collars; th:eir 1,rio a
cycle. Each cylinder. should be .tested
in a aimilar. manner"; Opening. all
. l'et. ••11.sla Worthe . • - ' ' : '''•'•- - • • ft.
Maculate' baggage, 'the Pouted of .Eak- :;ju
tested. „See. if the , compression cocks exeepta on the cylinder being •• ,
. , . . • . The ,PeePle :vette now . hll' the .dining e
. , _,,
la 'ear are :s, .dark,skinied; swarth crew A
p.ractieally.equel in all cylinders,' I, f • . • . ,, .. ,
1 . . ,
there •• ot I, k • '
look for •ail or , water troubles: :
, • • _
-711'he next. lest should' be: tor cofff.7
,pressi:** :If the driver is not experi-
enced, arid is unable to, tell pimply bY
the •resistance s'of the :starting. crank
'wh.ether',eaeh •cylinder. hria.domPres'-
tion,'•he "..shotild open all. the petcocks
except ;on • One cylinder and 'ttirn•tlia
When the. greetings were over rlsor;
aneasked; "And how did You. like
eaciiing "my email girls?" •
A 'tender senile deepened -on 'Anne's
taught them ,much, though I 'ria nly
eacefua face. "I'm afraid I haven% ,
eat. e You see, A know so little ,of all -
Sundity-sehool, teacher •eugh t to
nowebut-they taught Me a great deal.
was As if •I had 'been sick, too sick
o walk and eurrotincled with „crowcIs
f bitter thoughts and doubt and pre -
dices. And the girls were mY
lends and carried rne to where.they
ould let me down into the inner redth•
nd-there was..lesus!"
• • :
The, men 'have not shaved to-daY, for •safegvarding Flowers That
p par
,plugs.will need to be removed instead:
. If one cylinder has very weak or and comment upon them. The •Bul-
wild- arid guttural tengues.)
'Americans or _Englishmen 'to notice'
there are •. 'no • d IsgustIngly critical . Cost Fortunes.
no cempressierf, Oa trouble is apt to garian diplemet Who iv••
e .in e exhaust valve.. xarnine ancl,conyentional 3resterdey' when • in
was so, • proper
the push• rod to ,see if thereisclear- broken French he tli• ktifised re'
There,is more romeinee in garden-
ing than even, the keenest enthusiast
realties. • Plant an ounce of sunflower
•L44() and yeti will reap enough eed,tc.
anca between it -arid the f Itl th '11Sh ' ' sowa-Whole acre of groued an oni *e
. • . . •
va ve ,ev lee ees w ea rig , . , • .
the Valve 48 supposed to be 'closed. `If ger lias taken off his .'oat and collar of temato „peed . will: .yield on_eegeneaeaaa
there the_salve_ mese_ ha, aue-ana-taezittipgein pink -striped silk-shi Telb11-1,10-0, .ounces of seed, or drieugh:.•
an e Va ve an seat ..inspected fpr s.eevea• rolling eigerettes anci eating to -.Produce '1,000000 laps Of tomatoes!
• carbon. Sorrietimes a piece:of Carbon .With his fingers, He is,getting home, ' Some seeds are so vkluable that they
will lodge on the v'aive seat and, , due . back where' he can do • as h 1 ,,. have to be carefulte• guarded. One
-to.tire-hariiinering of s the -valve, will again, where he need not heed elle well-known firm keeps,fta salnilies Or
become fastened to the valve 'or seaf. abeurd conventions qf Wes'tern 'Eui•-• ..dPah.le Petilaia seed, for examPie, in" a .
. ,
• ,For tempOrary repair: it can generally oPe. safedeposit. This -seed is wo,rth near
be scraped effwith a Itnifeatand the The two wOmen In compartment 15- 1Y $2,500 a Iteaud• still mere
valve can; be ground in 'ore 16 have en ", ' • 1 e f
,reaching ged to -du). They areareseeds o a .ceetatn .kinci of
putflon. my ba,ti." If the trouble is not in' the exli some lith •
" "Another cornbine w,•iis • the .,Tack
• Ceziibina, • in One ea'Se, Where a meaaan
• pressed him' elite, be finelly. wee!. to 4
,tife wall, and •whon 110 tormal and-
• ect. if • th eaa w Dal da.le v Itituatateadfleiaaaa
. they had Praeticapy miner! hie' buee
ne:rs.„ Ire vas.• tahi tiert.'hi, could "fry:'in
• r8 n fa .
• A"e-t"eententS --, re-
,---Auire(t-d,eniott:',1,4- IOW -etittiatate.Jlea'
' ''.elaeatittee as te thca price, • at.,
-,W eitl desel let b c4a•-arael eaaalitee-
•prieee Were 'fiXed bY'tlio"Association,'
.,In One instanee, a flee of $2,06.0, Waa
Initic•Sed 'for eittine' prices, ,
The Caowa Attorney., "who rtitalcee
• thitt stalentent, ailee ..tells 118.1
thongli lase 'sufferezt perhaps the bletit
Of the Panalinieht that ‘Ois inflicted.
was( not any 'Avorse' 0148:f 88 bad, as
many of the otlieteemaltInatienia lit 1.6.-
• epeet, to whieli inVegagattette t6 11 eof,..
• aain extent te,elt plaee end Witielt Were
subsequently St'apped,''
. NoW., it is altogether in, the :course
Of i1i1ng5 that, ono of yaw' fatally, when
aust e ea tures with . heavily 0I as uch as $3750,a polled Inbeth
miamelled ;faces, henna hair, black c'ases the world's •stocke• are sp emall
beaded' .6yeltiShes, thitt they pould„easilY be carried 'in a
, 1
• .Paris frocks, the Sliirta of which dx•agoat Pocket., • , • • •••• •
about tho poJrtd toes dorfel'Itelhieeidr. INrietdhe'.b6YsteWee.i)°
heeled shoo Thes aie icier3,1)1eis agrown in rit'rlaienudg;:
a heavY ;perfume' that.hings almost
• visibly •In the smoke -laden air of the seed of ',Preach celery planted,: else.' .•
where yields poor .,erops. The, resn'Ic '••
.......• is that fresh' plents have to he'in
oloseil of e
perted ,frerri France, every year.' The
Yes,terday... they .,,ive.re, keirtN"'operr';, the 17r/g11''h- Pea ' difflettit
. •
Americans and•Engliah, .010,-Bhlet.14iitnit4.•-Plant 'Eng,
that l3ut ton_ttlheyINt
ire0 soe;h
.540' In Canada or, the Cnited
States and yeti will he% clisaimointed.
X3alltan • people as they,•arearol the Peas ,rieed years of 'acclimatizing he -
Balkan ',poop] , 'IT F...11.6,Whg thorn.: fore tliey yield' welt in a, foreign.
• • • ciuttntittes of wtite *lee:smoking c;ld, are•()ft": t°lir of se"I`ris 110
Aleo,ono womtn rfte drinking huge • '''.0111'• '
le,', dgarott
t,tni,y.nig.,L.q.lat.01"inggliiltri'Fg:,-e)feeldeetgneeli.1111:11(.1.acCepat •aelfticell; --etteerirtiteils'ib'::Itjr\i101set
Yrs., yesterday'. all these PeoPle tonlite• serve, the numlier inst,trice's,
Prenclz ' i 1 '
, a ea, aaaapaeas are, w ci ti s las aytually Imppened be.
I i I
•Sent,Who ratist lainziesetf," But. tc). it3g.• ver *s111.an,, . NQL 11.?allY eeds• te:
day they. are gotti,ng_hinne'; tan life after. _ten. or
•- ' • a. •,1 -.=a • -
-11');!•'14 e net,-
Balkan' barbarieetz is shwa' fie In nbal t 11.1,1e1t641.0 itiwo ee
,s1Tio ,
. way. two ,yea.rs old, the first ae.tr's
••; seeds:being unfit': far sowing.
Thsmallest s t '
, _ e s a e hose of 'Ole
,00inmon fern. They are raore pr or
I• ,
I-,, -
i them min be, got, iii,tei a &Taco no big "
• Iv*known as ,siltre,9i - and" thoils'ends of
Igor -than a phirs head. •.' -
.• ifi'•
-a— —
1 '
,, , • *',.. ...-- .., / j
A1tvir,shown CAiladiatill Attend-.
feethe ath International Labor Con:
:formica, which,' assenibtect in Genova
on June 1,G, and held a lengthy seesien.
there. Inearaell th (lis group aro net
wily the. delegatee Who went atiase
from Canada 4arat3$1Y for the 118'
1;01111)IY, 1111:1 aj040 the 'Canadian ofliciels
oil the sitifienr. the Internattonal Labor ,
. .,
. .
-orne, Gotteva,.o.mt two pec8ninebt df. Ottawa, (Canadian Lttbor alleriger); aelaititional Labor office;' Ma ;Manning, I
flOiale of the Canadian National, at pro, ..,Mts. M.. P. White,,, Tortnitel ittth, lt, w-, 'CritzAdfitn National Railways; Aar A.1
SCht in Switzerland on 'the raila•aY'.s. •areaa, atiaeneazenatat et ,afanitaba Riddell', chief of agriculturtil seetlea,H
i'llein°8,'. : A11'11?.° (19nadian delegate5 (OvortlInent adviser); MDS. CL 11, Itiloji.?:;ticAiVj
innii1-7. !:131(1:1n(olfr',' l'..1(i'l,N°1,71!,1;11 (‘11)1.11,.n.a.'Il
milladeeser,easervea. an ye Haus 'cent-, Thorburzi, Ottawa (gomernment dee. Steeeneell, Intelligenae ()Mem 1.1..0„ !
reittece„ alley ativ, ftcm taft fa 1.1g14, gate); Tom Matere (label, delegate); R, W'',„ Alaedonell,•Tororzto telnplo,yers!I
. . , .
g; , ' oala togto aectienahiel land is net present it 1:laa Dielifraa
'Italia reW: W, 'Ca:Nap:an, agenegeneral Mrs. tz. W. Craig, Nt, P.. White, Torun, • 8d:VigerY and C. •ll,' Thoriefre, OtaaWa, ,
O,ario 01 j',(;ndonv Ilizii,Artil, (Cana- to • .(. in andfacturees' (1616M:ie.:)..' .13aek .• 'Of , the Caned !an r6Itl
Igo ib.. 7„ A, A
diite oVerintieht ad-Viaer)WL. test, rw; p.
. , W ,. . orbee' .j•
•` "NeeeftieAs.•Faliign":091fligr‘ 1111,"
, "Bur •t yea esthe t
Fill 1)1011.
Eraenius epee snid t� Sepiclus,
Weil -known faernititi scimormaeter, "Tel;
be a eel:Mobil:a:stet le -next to beteg Ili
In. filo (4$4tiali of fools it 'is 8.1
aohIvat ot eplzplitiofi "
truniblo. tait4. hut f,aet, it is the)
The Voice.
..lon• • in childish play,.
brierA and sIcticS 81png *av.
ileo:l'ed not at all • .
My exep 001.6 Loward the lure (1head,
'When mother 'took my,hand'and said,
:p aofoil»deao', thet ram,
And !tong 'after, when t St -o-
Amid ate dengere atlitee waaa '
00, I' aeri hear, hal' 'can,
A spin,1idnd acretea 'the years,
IIee loving vole° Melees to Ma 'reera.
11/e Carefal, don't fall,"-
l'o'rt,.,z• JOhnson,
spea ting