HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-24, Page 4IT14'1oke9, HAY Taddersv 110
Corn Binder&
TribaN WIL*JNSoo-
"SrallerO and AMOWIlr
NO.9' Celled Wirt: 4 -Point , Gates and Woven
rmik. gworliTaDwpd,
our WA grade, Piinee before buying.
For Sale At "
, ,,• . ,•
THUM/3AT,, ,ATLY '24th. 1924.. ,
.• 1160gbt: nin.4h milelliefis think h;
suck wTitinge ee,Me, good is also done
as they are not wboly without in-
fen:nation. '...
• Aiming the *est" to come •to, Mei
desk were. a couple a artieles: fro,
the Cnservative Parte- 'Ogee. TheY
emerely ,gave, aefew,,extreete 4'remethe
orprempite‘erecord--..e.e eita;26Wie•:.Pre
1 eeethees;.,.„.,sente„ "eqUeetiens • Put bY
conservative members to the C-evern-
!tient regardmg the eamenditure of
poi:ie.:money.. . ,.,.
Here is A • sample; • A ,Mr, Harris
asks- "What counsel on the ' Home
Bankenquiry are paid by the •Gov-
Incorporated 1855
94,000.000 -
RESER'VE . $4,000,0100
' Nte matter Whether your acconnt ielarge, ,
,ore small". you arecertain that your hank;
• ing affairs will be handled with equal
1#*Cooldoiefla and courtesy by all employ-
'eis a,' The' Istasons Bank.
-Seaforth Creamery,1
Hight,eitt "cash prices paid, for •
.Cresun and Eggs„ We guarantee
ser*ice and satisfaction to all" Our
• patrons.
„Published every Thursday morning
• at laicknOW. Ontario. "
A. p. Mackenzie. Proprietor
and Editor
,• .' THURSDAY, JULY 24th 1024,.
Give tni a trial and let unprove
•to you that we, are a worth while .
Mgr. Lucknow Branch
one 63.
Phone 74
Phone .256.
• Has thelawgest andlaost complete
atoch in the atwit beant,ifal designs
• to choose from, in....,
Marble:, Scotik.Swedish anr Can -
•adieu Granites
We make a specialty. of FUMY
Monuments and invite your inspec-
Inneriptions Neatly, C,srefully and
Promptly Done,
• '.Se' VI before placing your
fits lEtros , SPoiroh
Lucknow, Ont.
Lueknow 1. O. r.... No. 428. meets in
their lodge room every secoad Thai-
, day Of the -month at 8 'o'clock P.m.
H. M. Parker: Rec. See'y_ Wm;
' •
.Gordon, the nine-year-old' Son of
. Mr. " Gordon Ritchie of Vallierton
was the cause of great-anxieti,to his
parenete ;and excitement to citizens
• , of '.:the",ti:'Wit - on, "ii• evening
when he left home and disappeared
• •,as if the earth had swallowed, him-
• tin. The • youngster was away, • all
eighteand-fraptidesearch'on-the - part
of his father and others failed to a're-
. veal his whereabouts. On Thursday'
Morning ,et etenee'elock.wheriehe eWas
-not "yet'' loat)iief-"Ferguson
sounded the fire Air& in order to
get assistance in the 'Search. The bell
hadscarcely stopped ringing when
to the• iiiitneement of,. mans -there: the
bey game running up tO enquire
'where the fire. was. On being told
what was the cause of the olefin,' he ,
broke the record thee .gettinge home •
Om being ,qn(itioned it turned. 'out
that he ,had gohe t� the hone of 'Mr.
• Wiermeirer in 'the West Ward early
•-%Vednesday evening and' as a storm
Caine up, through some Misunder-
standing he was allowed to remain -
all night.. It is a safe bet that Got -
don's *114light Visits will be' few and
far hatilteshi from Ow OatIllie Is .0at
During a'. reedat, xliseu.ion in. the
House Of Commons iter brought
tint that' the Canadian co1on4zation'.
Association .,- had ....daring the,- Ilse&
year 1923-7-24 receikred frOintbe.
Governinent of Canada $100,000.00
Asiociatiori had sueceeded in .bring
ing into' the. coOntri, 35 Settlers.It is
not said 'whether they were• good 01
bad settlers, but it is evident thet
WereCoatly. And we May . assunic
that this iS' merely an example'
, , •
,onizatiOn work, earried under'aiii.-
erent goy:ensments -for many,. yeark.
has been and. is • foolish," ,rotten. and
costly. FOr years almost eyerythilk
in the shape Of human beings " found'
BuYiipe"7. who could -he' IndUced to
leave that continent was brought' to
-this country, largely -7- at public
penie. And the object of it all was to
make ,buSinesa 'for Steen' ship •cem:
Paniee- and the Companies
and ,to boost the price of land in the
West, in the. inteiesta'' Of spechlatorsi
and the - railway companies which
held 'land received as gifts -from thc
goveriiinent„.;'' •
It, is assunied that' the more 'Peoph
there 'are -brought 'into' the conntre
the better it is for those whO 'art,
here. The 1!d-holder'hoPei, that the.,
presence of 'mere people"Will inereas
the price ,of his land, and the 11:1111111-
faCilag sees an' increased' marke'
for his products: , " ''•
But thatall • depends Upen, the
%raft of the immigrants,' and' even
very. good immigrants: may . cast' too
netich. • '
Increased- .population in a country
is useful only because the .greatef
the .'number, Which Co-ciPerates.:01
Production -and trading •the '' better' it
IS for 'all. ,Inninigrants re -he an bare-
ly support themselves are Of no us(
• to. their neighbors not to the count*:
:as a Veliele,aiihile' those-WheVlallihe:•
loW; that point .and the criminal 'are
a losaand-nOthing but a losS t� the
'country..• •
• • .101.1R MONhY oohs
Throughout t h e parliamentary
Setfififfrat: OtteWa.--edel'am7tiirtleT
old;•line, .political parties ,(Liberal*.and
Conseryative) maintained a repre
seritative. at...the Capital Write nr,
the .pr4ceedings, ,frow
a Party View point. The Liberal evri
ter 'put the Wer,st peetible. construe
• •
tiop, hpoa . the -actions .ot-the ,,Cemser
ter' the Cpaervative party made the
Government leek 'a$ foolish, Waste,
ful and."..incempetent,as'
The' articles' written b theee 'part:
advocates'were sent broadeast
throughout the country, every hews-
.paper.office the country being fa-
vored with -copies.
•Many �f the articles were too ek".
tremely 'partisan to •have inelueriee
with intelligent readers,..bet with'
many they dollbtleSs Would have the
effect of. strengthening, party preju-
!ilea hyditerediting the part'
en +evils
ernment 7". and the answer trent th
• 1.,,
. Government:. -in;. "Eugene: -Lafleur, x
and H. J. Symington, K C. QUess
.4014:What fees and ex,feenees are at
15 -Wed eaChTTeif;the:•C,Oinisel so employ,
• .ed? . The inewer le Mr. Lafleur re-
•ceiVed4?50.00 per: day and his. ex-,
penses Mr. SymingtOres feeshave
not Veen stipulated'. : ' •
Later on Mr., Illa;ris asked: "What
am°unt 'was paid.SYmingtor
K. C. in connection withethe Great
Lakes. Rates ' '.Eneuiry as (4) fees;
(b) 'Expenses? The answer to • this
by the goVerienent was, "Total ainT
ount paid, freed- January pit to April
12, 1023 'are: Rgreuneratien, 49,450
.per day' allowance :$705.90; :expenses
$411:43." '•
Another 'sheet • contains the,. follow.
Ing questions and answers:. 711o*,
long, has the 'Honorable William Pug-
sley oecUpted the position of I Invest,
igator of .War 'Paiins the •answer
by ,the Goyernment ".APPomied
.March , 13, .1923, Questioni2,---"Hoil
niucli, has he drawn .of pub1ic noneis
during .the perliod he, has °'ben So
• employed?" and the answer is 415,-
020.72; and the: further informatibn
is .given that •of, this sume $10,009.58
'was- salary and 0,81109 expenses."
••This eentales real information
Which Will. be Of use' ici the.public if.
rightlyetakee along Niitli; other in
formation-. • Tie . the average , • hard-
working man who has a 'serious.time
4t .;onfaking. 'both ends .nieet," the
information is verye'clarnagine. to the
•'Government,fOrit is readily recoge
nized that, remuneration Paid , by the.,
povernni* tO the; enteleYeese men
tiened. is quite • mit. of propertion, ‚to
whet:. the, average bushiess•nian ie
ble Le, eiakee-Howevereit--naye-not_be_
eat �f,proportion 'to, What counsel ere,
gaged by' 'big buseneese concerns in
important : caset .get AISO We Must
• remerriber ;that` 'Charges ofapparent
wastefulness. wee, over paying, Of 'fri-,
enele', is.regularly 'charged against
..every......goyernment,-.4sderalLand pro
Vincial. They all do it: But Rs *er
that the public who hare to leepply
the Money,,should know thia,;
It seenia,that -great _.witate .of pub,
lic money . cannot be avoided, ane
Will not. 'be avoided no matter whe:
thee the GOverninentbe Liberal, Con-.
seteratiVe or. Fernier, . We who have
to pay, must'put up :wit,ee it on the
assumption that even such wasteful
g,civernment 'is better than no govern
inent, .of course, it is
, •
_.,...2_,....„(L9ndon, :Free_ Press)
Americans are beginning to .realize
that there is soinething wrong
with their social life qr their judiCiai
system, or ,ceime- Of 'ea-kinds-eve:mkt
not be so rampant and Murders so
common. .,-,Conditions are fare from
ideal 'in Canadie . but this is a para-
'di'se; ceMpared with the Republie.
The, American Bar Association has
been. in • session at Philadelphia and
has had the miestion tinder . consid-
eration, but it remained for ,e, layman
to pat his finger on the weak spot,
Casper H. Yost„, editor el -The St,
Globe-Dern&crat t�id the 4eg-
urninaries ,-
at the -1. gathering , that
edefe,etive •ljeetice, is the shame Of
America. In the Ignited Statee life
crizeina violetfce -than, ane v. here els(
on ' the globe that- is riot, in a state ore -
-pareetly the Whole 'Systemneeds
sinePlifiringe One vital weakness in
the. American system is the election
Of ,juges. A Judge -runs as a Party
cend.idate and on a • party ticket and
goes out with his party. Carte04'S
judicial ,Systein is not free from thc
'charge of PartleanshiP, but atm
eileneareeonceAnnointed to 'the 'ben' el)
,-theereaAeleidependeiit-:.andltola oflk
"fiii life; - ;One judges; ireeenee.tivs
of political „allIliatione, have always
aimed laeld up the. high traditions
of British- juetice. Once let the puh-
lie believe that the bench pdoes not
dispense justice fairly and impart -
hilly and the 'whole foundations Of
our eiYilleation are in danger of be-
ing swelik awayee -e- -
'TORIN$G6.,0ITO;,1,11DAAIrmAboOSsT YOU .
„Inviting a friend' to go metorin
• in one's automobile sometimes pro*
es to be the most costly form of hos
in the world. The Petsb
who looks upon a:trip in. the Counti
as an inexpensive way- to pay a s
cial "debt mayfind ',himself . face
later with a daniege claim of $504/0
FeW people,eeem to realize that
guest whe ha- paid no money ft
hieeride ha e just as' niuch_ :eight t
sue the host in case of an ecciden
as, 'he would a railroad or a com
• Pany operating omelet-colored:taxi
A leotscirs and road-wearY vegran
'whom the driver picked up out.'
kindness of heert; can file' an actin
against, his benefactor if a natsha
4:ihi -'7athankle.
. .
The recent suit of the once beauti
ful • Helene' Jesmer • against Phili
Morgan '-'1ant. 'Calls, general, atteh
tiOn te. the .resPonsibility, that a Per-
son asSitineS ,when :he inVites friend:,
to, skip over the, hint with him in
merry meter car. :
When a Victory, fOr the plaintiff,
seemed practically ceetaie the Youne
millionaire's attorneys.° settled tie
•matter.ent of court The sumpeid
in poiniensation to' the former Fol•
lies girl for' the .disfigniet'nent of •he,
'face In a motor. sina.sh was said .t(
have been '$75,000. inforfnal •pc;r
Of the " jury disclosed' that ,...every :Men
have :voted for a verdict of
least $150,000, and that one wee wit
hng to .olif*Sis?t5Qt;h9,600f.
to the dizz
On the 'trip. elene -knelt 'besyk
the ,drive and led those,on thk seat:
behincl her, in singing, "Snap
Fingers at Care,'5
..Judgements,Las a ruleyearieenuel'
higher for cases cit mutilatiep "thae,
for death:: To put it brutally, it is
cheaper for a motorist to kill bir
friphils than to main or . disfigure
thein. Death ',judgements. rarelk`..."ge
higher '`,than ..$5,000, whereas :mutila-
tion. verdicts naay elienb' as high as.
the $150,000 which it is said ''.the'jur,
ere were ready • to award in .the
Js -
'mer case. 're •,• l3ut. the Mae who brings' a "guest
suit" against friend is .alWaYs
more likely, to loee. his ease 'than' tr
win it. An authority On' au 91 -Irbil(
instirance ''...deciares • that- '...net' mote
then.ere per cent; of suchecases -re.
7ulffee the.Paying Of daniages If thee
ler' 'owner is -insured; there is alwaye
the' suspicion of. collusion. Even if
'-here • isn't, most jurymen feel the
the -man who would 'sus -his- host
when an ordinary accident occurs is
smalr, enough, to fit ,iritO a peanul
shell.' •
o o
'He' was , a SWedish • farmer, ir.
North ,Dakota, and his . tow had been
run over by a railroad train. So he
t„oir his- best Sunday' Clothes • and
Went• to the railroad 'company's Office,
After waiting •three hours he 'was
ereught ihta the presence of the
ethir4assistant ittonieyedor ,the
rba , o whom he statee, les, case. .,
"I' hne t'ank 4 'got- Sortie danur-
h said.
,... .e.
bar1..earisine1ee-- • e•------ee-----ee--- -
then Mr. Yost went on to Sayl '
'"Approximately '10;000 „ .munders
we:re comtnitted, in this , country''
last- yea?, 5Q times, es, many as
the United Kingdom, while'„in such 1.
"tie7§7-i,'Age,•-=-NOW.7.A.Ork;.-,-,Chitago„-and Louts more more eriniee • of violence are
coMmitted, *arinuallee than in tee '
whole �f England. And this diegrace, '
ful ethecliticer is ,not, .due ece,a,. greatei...'
degree 'of criminality; but ,,t.'O: the
• cornparative immunity frorireihmish• '
ment dr. Correction' that the 'criminal :
enjeys iii this country. , ' .: ":"" ' .'
• "The ' Unifier -1i eit. i 1' el' "Iiis'.ii",;.."6:;•-iii`e'"
of law --enforcernent throughout, Ari-','
erica ate' .riianacted:: by a prePosten.
ous syetem, of '. CriminalAitriediction ..
that gives crime „ every advantage'
over justice and creates the' • dii- '
eracefel paradox .that la* Often Can -4 i
not -be enforeed because'..the... law will'i
net permi .its enforCernent: Crime
,.1S diegfacefully 'prevalent in. Amer-
ica heeause • the, administration of'.
'Itietice is net :sound, bec-auee •in feet, ;
it not only perreits but ,encourages '
That; is a frightful indictment, of 1
' .
Oa ' Anierion, jtdieilia System. Aii- f
• The lawyer ',consulted a „big .bOok
"Me •frieed," he said, ."I eyrepa-
• .
thiie with pee. 'Vont, cow, far as
I have, been able to ineestlgete, war
a perfectly ; respectable tow. But'
ij�h �'i'
ate peoperty' Ane you, as own-
er; were particeps criminals,' Now, I
Can show yeti. „here, , in 'Standard' Oil
Con -teeny verses International
ine Corehrietiere' ex rerlhe gliarte-61
Texas, thesnpreme court 'of the Un-
ited States clearly. upholds Our soh-
tettlete.;[ef we pushed this '-matte?to
The. ' uttermost there ts no teflThir
what penalty the highest court might
inflict upon 'You: Put we, are dispos:
eel, to deal genetouely with- you.
Have, you any propesitioreto make?"
The SWede's" eyesblinked, a' great
many. timee. Then: • ' '
. 'I bane only .pedr,farniele" he said
but I gi‘e you two oilers. -Ch c -
ago Herald and Examiner. •
at er,u r
0 • .11 ' h did
you pick ,a . quarrel and ight with
this• man -,1 total stranger?" Bar-
ney,-eSure, Yer Reverence, „all me-
rende *or away,
Preparing Butter for Showing
at Fall Fairs
-7,----t.„, eest .
-Owe', cows, Stables MITUtensils,
, • „ • _ .. . " •
' '17,4tiSc9.iv Card .eleeam -Cool,.
. . ,. • •
.' -..e-eetbiatit: , CO/twinge-- ilave„ *eat,
••••-•:- •P,a.(4,-tigee-Lvaitele ,Of-einittp -.S'eWee'• -••,
tee n tri ttbutgercik,e4v4.P4reo.l
t4 ri,e0 rto
pone ea.r)tn:en43
.t t
. .',
, Pnring-the next fe▪ w weeks the fell
'faire 'Will be ori' ail over the Pres/lace.
Thie'enieitiis that rria.ny of the --people
on 0417 .fal'al4 WM be very iilly pre-.
paling .their exhibits •
• „Better., la pee of the Many thing's, ,
-Iliat7Wi1J -Feiliiitt entree; -.hbeakse I
eeere bettermake,e wants to ' Mahe al
„Creditable showing,..' ' - .•-). .
'Clean 'Cows, ..tables 'and tl,teaS0S:
Have thR . stables,- cows and ail •
c4et\eelles tIeSn3.?tihe trite' atil'ilda.t,41onl.flEgttt. fl-t.:-.?-eYd'1.141!",
.uneeeirahleeeever to the butter...111e
,ettlee Will pay earticuler attentientee
the !levee, and itis elven 40 oiateaf
the 10:ii ,points onthe seore eard. .
' Churnt be cream sweet, 'cr. with
' low acidity, ae that is what is wanted
by Most. judges.' • ; ; ' s '
•. Keep tee-ereain cOol.and churn at
. a teetperathee leve enotegh7tO brine
thebutter, in nice, :firm -granules. in
from 'twenty to twenty-five 'minutes.
• • elot Of butter shown:at oue rural'
• fairs is Made from eireetn insufficient-
ly cooled, and IS churned at' too high
a te,mPeratUre. • Rebeese .Ot•Ihis the
body is weak and the cotter. pale,: Or.
' Itthe salt is unevenly distributed
the tenter will . be .streaky. •
Points • on the 'Spore Card.,
' All of ,these. things 'are considered
. ,
by, the judge, as , ls'. shown, . by the
eseceee,card:Arhic,h tead.as- fel 101.vs:_ .-
, ,. .1riavor. .'::. . ;. .. -.:., . '... . ..:....45
• incorporatidit (it•moisiire. : TO .,
Color -•-• ,. ' 10 .
, •SEilt ... . . .. : . ..,"::: . ....,..' .10
• . .
. roeP the Cream .cool.:
, 'the ' .warm,;-Ahe lee
'stipply exhausted,, and tll,e . water: not
coid,:enough to lower the' eream to,
the required teninerature, it would,
• be' Well to get a piece -of ice to OW'
,'the "exhibition" 'Cream and the water,
• used for washing the la -Utter.
- This ,buttei • will • be 'arm 'enough
to _et:in-& sufficient. Working. arid Revile
• have better leedy • and 'texture
proved color and' Mere. eVen distri-
bution of the atilt.. •
• lbout Ctiloring.
If it should be -necessary to.- addea
few dro s oficelorin• ,to ,the cream
, be' •parefut not to add:: too .: much.
Better ' have the butter pale than -to
have it highly colored..
, Do net .walt until the Merning of
the•fair t� churn the Cream. The but-
ter Will be in better condition 'and.
"wHe score higherlfItIs. made twie 'or
three daeCtiefoia_will
time te beeorae "set," and the flitVoer
:of the butter and :salt Will' be.blended.
'Have- eat, Packages...
'The..',packageis must 'be as neat and
tidy asit is peeelble• to .r.nake. them:.
Use box or, crock', that looks new.
A chijnied. or' cracked Crock will .re,,
• dime the score under ,the heading' of
"packie g," • -
, • When a person has. Made an effort
make a good.., product -be has a:
'feeling' of satisfaction eyen thongh:he.
•eoee, not. win a ,prize., There -.ale
ways this feet tO: bear: in, mind --the
'prizes' are, few in -itemiser, lent the
eOnapetiters are • Often
MIIlar,12, A. CoNege..Guelph. • "
.-CatiSe of Luinp Jaw.•
LUMP .1.W" is not a. hereditarY dis-
'ease, oii it dinectly "centagious or
"eatchine" It is cansed .by' theAn-
Vasion.cif .:pUnetured. wennit. leo:era:
tion or,abrasion 'Of the skin oe, roa:
opas_nienthrane lijiing .the. Mouth by,
,the "reyfuegus." .(ietinomyceS)".- The'
' diseatietechnically:Is' termed 'actin o -
Mycosis from the -fungus mentioned.
In :probably a niajeiritY of •eases .the
disease is 'Caused, by ttie beards or
awns, ot barley, rye, ,wheat -Or *ild
graesee,,•or• he hulls of straw oi
:grains, and possibly the:stalk:S. of fo(12
dere carrYiog the infective sPereeof
the, fungus Intothe tissues,. • • When
Pus' flows from' an ,•affeeted tunuir .or
abseeSsjatised .bY.the ftiegits, it con-,
tains ,CanarYzyellow, gritty epartielee
which contain spores, and these •get -
Wig, onto grais, grain,, etc. 1zi •tiine
reinfect animals When wounds occur,
For that reason an anintal that 'h
elechareitigeactinemycotte.esore ..ete
abeieee • ebeele•not .graze With soiled
.cattle, and ,had better kept
ed . At eeme orthe ,ptis„ may also get
into inilk and coeiathinete ltacotv
affected, With a discharging disease.
centre should net be usea tor
production, may
the Meat of an affecte-d aninial-is tit
-for nee. if slaughtering is done befere
emaciation is.caused or pits forms and
t3Yeballtti*and atainenigi'41111-i:A'ree stinatintelals.
true ernilik. But if the lump has
become an 'open ,bore,- neither flesh
nor milk �t ,the affected a1iiiiiI. fit-
for'hnmanuman .food.."., • •
Grit for Bens,. •
Remember that- theegrit In the
fowi's gizzard,„filifilla .same, „func-
tion that teeth do for_ 4eithale.and
heinge, teeth; Issue
ever, sand soon Wears .smooth with
constant friction and Jiecoinee un-
rviceable. Conseqiientlthe fowl's
crop must be- repleiliSlie'd-frequently
;with fresh grit. in *Arm th
fowls secure a, suffitient auPIJ1Y, of
grinding material' frani the Ordhlari
'range lot. For this reasen , we are
-apt to b 11 ' g i,eht in pro-
viding he necessa.ry grit under froz-
en conditions wiled it Is 'MOst needed.
It Is essential that' real oiegrevebe l
fureeshed, oYater shells
and like suietances" are • -riplencild
sOtirces Of athe, becesipary for egg
production and the betiding' (if bone,
do not serve ,the,' pUrpose :oz
,arilidiSiO the feV1
111‘ 11.,a •MP4
- FIND -UR PRICE IS Riotrr:.
5't.!FT".11,ANDLEk'ElrgRioNE -o-tiARANO:E0` 'REAL
'SLINGS.•••' • - "
• , . , • . ,
• • ,•" .•
.14 AND ,16 -QT, SIZE, , • •
, , ,
. . , , .
Place Your Order for Coal Now
You Will Find Our Price Right
• Hardware Coal Plumbing
, Phone 66.
• e(Chesley'Enterprise), ,
miestimeeaeetoejug what would
happen if two Feed cars driwee by
twee 1-lareys weeeeto run .into • each
Otter was Settled, to theicOmPlete sat-
isfaction ets local motorists on 'Friday.
, ,
,Morning when two Lizzies staged...a
•onelround bout' on Main Streetejuste
opposite the.' ro.gt. ()Ace. The, result
, •
„Of ,,the •eneotteter was votei; ;a ,cfraW,
as be*• car's received. 'a enockeut,
e\hich. weuld lead: one to cOrilude.
that Henry plaYs no favorite when
'manufacturing • his : "vest's., pocket.
Packards." • ••
Harry 'Pickard' Who :was driving
Lustig -'s • Meat . south was
rarnmed" by Harry, Stevens who' had
„ ,
turned'aiiTa 'was.',steering:k.'coarse for
the post efecee', But; unfortunately
for :Harry he was thinking- more of
likely insurance prospecte ' .than of
eirieing a ear and the ;Crash of Ford'
ro..A _ruilelY awakened 'hint
-front . his ceeeeebuilding. Examine-
-. •• •• • •
tion of the two, hesies foul* leistig's
car ' with • .a ba 1 wisted ,left .front •
wheel deranged., a radius rdd 'brokArt
and a radiator which oUght • to, come
in handy in' future as a ieve Both
care; have•erested quietly -in the hos-
•pital ,uedergoinge, treatment, ane have,
completely recovered., ; The question
new uppermost' overty,one"s
"Did' ' Stevens have his car
, • •
• • •
Mile east of Ringed wa(lesteoyed
hy fire 'about enidnight Sundae the"
..14t h This ,rwaa' one ',et the '•b,eet,'..
eefiiipt barnseire the' township -80
feet lone, withea Wing,ea•
ed 'cement foundation with •'cement;
)ors, coninlete, water" System all
eirough • the ,steble; litter carrier and
lierse •ferke It Was insured in the
:Culross co. $2000.0O- on building and
pn _contents._ It will been,
WeretisWit1.7ffeeeTleilifiiSititas the
Tnsurance• will only gee tiesheert pay
in „replacing, the building. It, is a ,pit
to set: such fine barns as'''thisedes:e
.i.royed• becatige in •-too Many .caieees
-1 he
noation is left as. a monument
to tile departedMr, Thompsori,e be-
lieves, it was set- on fire A hid not
:through , any ill Will to lern as eet_
eityS-fie -een thee,(..ef day to e
every. Mall he, Meets, but it %On151 w
appear,. that it might cOmparly
,o,f, young num. asserabledr;there-qier.:
"hails idrinking and smoking aS there d
' The people • of the tir.va • of :chWeY:
aye se ec e so iers ineminee
Which, it is ,estimated,' will 'cost $1.1,e
500 to erect The contract .has;bein
awarded,). to' the McIntosh Granite
po:; and It is expected that the ment-
ori ' beeecheripleted_lay_july
of next year. The ',Enterprise of . last
week , had a fine' PictureAf the
orial Which it describee.' as"follows:
It is -of Gothic/. design. The bottom
step, is 16 ft. square: the base of -the
shaft 7 ft; ,6 in. , sivare; ' the shaft 7 '-
4 ft. 6 in. sqnare;' the height 30 ft, ,
lei in., the figure of -Justice' (whieh
occupies one side) 7 ft. high..
-To the owners of 'cars made by the,
Ford Motor -, Company .of Cenauae .
Limited, there will be shortly adaeu .
tne puichaser of Motor- No, p00,000. ,
'wire tnan a year was taken to pro -
dace the first '2u 000' cars comaining-
. '
the famous T model " motor, while
how„ me company's facilitte.s are, so
increased that tins , number can be
manutactered in two. rnontns. ' ..
ems • weieknowri Cana Ian- ,Instit-'•
ution inits own s re , as parallel- ,
,. ,
ed tile huge.' Detroit plant which • .
recently alla0UnC6ii the -', completion . •
of the. 10,000,000 T..motor car which. .
is. tii start --upon a ,transcontinental -
trip, visiting its., fainily • reiations ail'
along the line. '
• .
goirfe 4`Olefur.- ',petson.S. ere zilWays,
takeig the ,joy out Ot hie ode way Or
.1.1o,,,er. We have all. been rejoic-
in e„evee the suitable weather and'
tne „grand,..,prOSpects.,40,r, Asir hare
,erest.'-liutealong 'ebinee One of these "
weather fariaties •With niOurnfai •
• siiig,*ng- about, there being'•twe
hew moons -in July. The- croaker
sa:Ys that the, feet time attch, an ev,'
gnt ,happened was awaybadk in the
Yeer 'es14, and theastrous .censes
quenees were experienced.- `ceops.
„all went bad in Ally that year Lots
of dropa did not ripen, iruit was use-
es1 d titirisM
prevailed. Aceorchng eito the pessi-
mist things , will go that 'Way tiiiS
year, 1924,, all on account of two ,
new mimes in July. Let us- keep up
kcjiiii in' :e11 -.4-;----Y
,The questio f -of-way-thet-
v.ceiei;n11,,:eto and -truck; has .13,eett elecid-
d out of court --truck 'had tight of
The: Rase es.eleeperater If somebodye
oesn't Care or the, poor Germane
uiekly, lite. rich Germans may haVe
o do it..
Was no One living in the, house. The
loAs of conteiiel Was lig 'a •as only
poseession Mai:elt and -had
made very 'little use of the been as
yet: but inten,de(bedrawing in hay
on Monday.'
- Lo lo nothing ,yourself, and investi- -
'gate mrerything the other fellow
•"I.Yon't yoa wish you had an aut6-
.61O'a °bane° -80 06(1 Man 111130°, answered Mr. PinklaY, mul°
bile?" said Brastus' "0 I dun. •
can hear. money talking and 1101(5 doesn't cod hear ao Much moneYi'
himself believe it is tho call duty. and It's purty, near pa clangarougt,'