HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-24, Page 4IT14'1oke9, HAY Taddersv 110 Corn Binder& TribaN WIL*JNSoo- WiIkiaH "SrallerO and AMOWIlr *MOST STEM & -WINE CO -t6-• NO.9' Celled Wirt: 4 -Point , Gates and Woven rmik. gworliTaDwpd, PTANOS our WA grade, Piinee before buying. For Sale At " LIJPKNOW. W.� ANDRRW , NOW SINTI , ,,• . ,• THUM/3AT,, ,ATLY '24th. 1924.. , .• 1160gbt: nin.4h milelliefis think h; suck wTitinge ee,Me, good is also done as they are not wboly without in- , fen:nation. '... • Aiming the *est" to come •to, Mei • , desk were. a couple a artieles: fro, the Cnservative Parte- 'Ogee. TheY emerely ,gave, aefew,,extreete 4'remethe orprempite‘erecord--..e.e eita;26Wie•:.Pre 1 eeethees;.,.„.,sente„ "eqUeetiens • Put bY conservative members to the C-evern- !tient regardmg the eamenditure of poi:ie.:money.. . ,.,. Here is A • sample; • A ,Mr, Harris asks- "What counsel on the ' Home Bankenquiry are paid by the •Gov- miskaaassormamenparammmooliormi. Incorporated 1855 94,000.000 - RESER'VE . $4,000,0100 OVER',120 BRANCHES IN CANADA . MOLSONS BANK ' Nte matter Whether your acconnt ielarge, , ,ore small". you arecertain that your hank; • ing affairs will be handled with equal 1#*Cooldoiefla and courtesy by all employ- 'eis a,' The' Istasons Bank. T. S. REID MANAGER, LUCKNOW BRANCH. -Seaforth Creamery,1 , 4.CREAM BUYTNG, STATION Hight,eitt "cash prices paid, for • .Cresun and Eggs„ We guarantee ser*ice and satisfaction to all" Our • patrons. _ THE ,i41:T11NTONY SENTINEL „Published every Thursday morning • at laicknOW. Ontario. " A. p. Mackenzie. Proprietor and Editor ,• .' THURSDAY, JULY 24th 1024,. Give tni a trial and let unprove •to you that we, are a worth while . market. Mgr. Lucknow Branch one 63. LitchUtow Phone 74 Wingh,ont„ Phone .256. onumental—Works- LUCKNOW and WINGHAM • • Has thelawgest andlaost complete atoch in the atwit beant,ifal designs • to choose from, in...., Marble:, Scotik.Swedish anr Can - •adieu Granites We make a specialty. of FUMY Monuments and invite your inspec- Rea. Inneriptions Neatly, C,srefully and "• Promptly Done, • '.Se' VI before placing your fits lEtros , SPoiroh Lucknow, Ont. Lueknow 1. O. r.... No. 428. meets in their lodge room every secoad Thai- , day Of the -month at 8 'o'clock P.m. H. M. Parker: Rec. See'y_ Wm; ' • THOUGHTLESS BoY' -MAKES SERIOUS TROUBLE' .Gordon, the nine-year-old' Son of . Mr. " Gordon Ritchie of Vallierton was the cause of great-anxieti,to his parenete ;and excitement to citizens • , of '.:the",ti:'Wit - on, "ii• evening when he left home and disappeared • •,as if the earth had swallowed, him- • tin. The • youngster was away, • all eighteand-fraptidesearch'on-the - part of his father and others failed to a're- . veal his whereabouts. On Thursday' Morning ,et etenee'elock.wheriehe eWas -not "yet'' loat)iief-"Ferguson sounded the fire Air& in order to get assistance in the 'Search. The bell hadscarcely stopped ringing when to the• iiiitneement of,. mans -there: the bey game running up tO enquire 'where the fire. was. On being told what was the cause of the olefin,' he , broke the record thee .gettinge home • Om being ,qn(itioned it turned. 'out that he ,had gohe t� the hone of 'Mr. • Wiermeirer in 'the West Ward early •-%Vednesday evening and' as a storm Caine up, through some Misunder- standing he was allowed to remain - all night.. It is a safe bet that Got - don's *114light Visits will be' few and far hatilteshi from Ow OatIllie Is .0at , COSTLY IMMIGRANTS During a'. reedat, xliseu.ion in. the House Of Commons iter brought tint that' the Canadian co1on4zation'. Association .,- had ....daring the,- Ilse& year 1923-7-24 receikred frOintbe. Governinent of Canada $100,000.00 _ML.that.-clering---the•-•'-same'-year-this- Asiociatiori had sueceeded in .bring ing into' the. coOntri, 35 Settlers.It is not said 'whether they were• good 01 bad settlers, but it is evident thet WereCoatly. And we May . assunic that this iS' merely an example' Aa-La-Matt'er-okfactAhe-iwhole.-Col- , , • ,onizatiOn work, earried under'aiii.- erent goy:ensments -for many,. yeark. has been and. is • foolish," ,rotten. and costly. FOr years almost eyerythilk in the shape Of human beings " found' BuYiipe"7. who could -he' IndUced to leave that continent was brought' to -this country, largely -7- at public penie. And the object of it all was to make ,buSinesa 'for Steen' ship •cem: Paniee- and the Companies and ,to boost the price of land in the West, in the. inteiesta'' Of spechlatorsi and the - railway companies which held 'land received as gifts -from thc goveriiinent„.;'' • It, is assunied that' the more 'Peoph there 'are -brought 'into' the conntre the better it is for those whO 'art, here. The 1!d-holder'hoPei, that the., presence of 'mere people"Will inereas the price ,of his land, and the 11:1111111- faCilag sees an' increased' marke' for his products: , " ''• But thatall • depends Upen, the %raft of the immigrants,' and' even • very. good immigrants: may . cast' too netich. • ' Increased- .population in a country is useful only because the .greatef the .'number, Which Co-ciPerates.:01 Production -and trading •the '' better' it IS for 'all. ,Inninigrants re -he an bare- ly support themselves are Of no us( • to. their neighbors not to the count*: :as a Veliele,aiihile' those-WheVlallihe:• loW; that point .and the criminal 'are a losaand-nOthing but a losS t� the 'country..• • • WHERE spmE OF • • .101.1R MONhY oohs Throughout t h e parliamentary 1- — Setfififfrat: OtteWa.--edel'am7tiirtleT old;•line, .political parties ,(Liberal*.and Conseryative) maintained a repre seritative. at...the Capital Write nr, the .pr4ceedings, ,frow a Party View point. The Liberal evri ter 'put the Wer,st peetible. construe • • tiop, hpoa . the -actions .ot-the ,,Cemser ter' the Cpaervative party made the Government leek 'a$ foolish, Waste, ful and."..incempetent,as' The' articles' written b theee 'part: advocates'were sent broadeast throughout the country, every hews- .paper.office the country being fa- vored with -copies. •Many �f the articles were too ek". tremely 'partisan to •have inelueriee with intelligent readers,..bet with' many they dollbtleSs Would have the effect of. strengthening, party preju- !ilea hyditerediting the part' en +evils e• ernment 7". and the answer trent th • 1.,, . Government:. -in;. "Eugene: -Lafleur, x and H. J. Symington, K C. QUess .4014:What fees and ex,feenees are at 15 -Wed eaChTTeif;the:•C,Oinisel so employ, • .ed? . The inewer le Mr. Lafleur re- •ceiVed4?50.00 per: day and his. ex-, penses Mr. SymingtOres feeshave not Veen stipulated'. : ' • Later on Mr., Illa;ris asked: "What am°unt 'was paid.SYmingtor K. C. in connection withethe Great Lakes. Rates ' '.Eneuiry as (4) fees; (b) 'Expenses? The answer to • this by the goVerienent was, "Total ainT ount paid, freed- January pit to April 12, 1023 'are: Rgreuneratien, 49,450 .per day' allowance :$705.90; :expenses $411:43." '• Another 'sheet • contains the,. follow. Ing questions and answers:. 711o*, long, has the 'Honorable William Pug- sley oecUpted the position of I Invest, igator of .War 'Paiins the •answer by ,the Goyernment ".APPomied .March , 13, .1923, Questioni2,---"Hoil niucli, has he drawn .of pub1ic noneis during .the perliod he, has °'ben So • employed?" and the answer is 415,- 020.72; and the: further informatibn is .given that •of, this sume $10,009.58 'was- salary and 0,81109 expenses." ••This eentales real information Which Will. be Of use' ici the.public if. rightlyetakee along Niitli; other in formation-. • Tie . the average , • hard- working man who has a 'serious.time 4t .;onfaking. 'both ends .nieet," the information is verye'clarnagine. to the •'Government,fOrit is readily recoge nized that, remuneration Paid , by the., povernni* tO the; enteleYeese men tiened. is quite • mit. of propertion, ‚to whet:. the, average bushiess•nian ie ble Le, eiakee-Howevereit--naye-not_be_ eat �f,proportion 'to, What counsel ere, gaged by' 'big buseneese concerns in important : caset .get AISO We Must • remerriber ;that` 'Charges ofapparent wastefulness. wee, over paying, Of 'fri-, enele', is.regularly 'charged against ..every......goyernment,-.4sderalLand pro Vincial. They all do it: But Rs *er that the public who hare to leepply the Money,,should know thia,; It seenia,that -great _.witate .of pub, lic money . cannot be avoided, ane Will not. 'be avoided no matter whe: thee the GOverninentbe Liberal, Con-. seteratiVe or. Fernier, . We who have to pay, must'put up :wit,ee it on the assumption that even such wasteful g,civernment 'is better than no govern inent, .of course, it is • • AMERICAN -JUSTICE , • _.,...2_,....„(L9ndon, :Free_ Press) Americans are beginning to .realize that there is soinething wrong with their social life qr their judiCiai system, or ,ceime- Of 'ea-kinds-eve:mkt not be so rampant and Murders so common. .,-,Conditions are fare from ideal 'in Canadie . but this is a para- 'di'se; ceMpared with the Republie. The, American Bar Association has been. in • session at Philadelphia and has had the miestion tinder . consid- eration, but it remained for ,e, layman to pat his finger on the weak spot, Casper H. Yost„, editor el -The St, Globe-Dern&crat t�id the 4eg- urninaries ,- at the -1. gathering , that edefe,etive •ljeetice, is the shame Of America. In the Ignited Statee life andepropeareeeleesteeeetereelrorn, crizeina violetfce -than, ane v. here els( , on ' the globe that- is riot, in a state ore - -pareetly the Whole 'Systemneeds sinePlifiringe One vital weakness in the. American system is the election Of ,juges. A Judge -runs as a Party cend.idate and on a • party ticket and goes out with his party. Carte04'S judicial ,Systein is not free from thc 'charge of PartleanshiP, but atm eileneareeonceAnnointed to 'the 'ben' el) , ,-theereaAeleidependeiit-:.andltola oflk "fiii life; - ;One judges; ireeenee.tivs of political „allIliatione, have always aimed laeld up the. high traditions of British- juetice. Once let the puh- lie believe that the bench pdoes not dispense justice fairly and impart - hilly and the 'whole foundations Of our eiYilleation are in danger of be- ing swelik awayee -e- - WHEN YOU TAKE"ERI .ENDS 'TORIN$G6.,0ITO;,1,11DAAIrmAboOSsT YOU . „Inviting a friend' to go metorin • in one's automobile sometimes pro* es to be the most costly form of hos in the world. The Petsb who looks upon a:trip in. the Counti as an inexpensive way- to pay a s cial "debt mayfind ',himself . face later with a daniege claim of $504/0 FeW people,eeem to realize that guest whe ha- paid no money ft hieeride ha e just as' niuch_ :eight t sue the host in case of an ecciden as, 'he would a railroad or a com • Pany operating omelet-colored:taxi A leotscirs and road-wearY vegran 'whom the driver picked up out.' kindness of heert; can file' an actin against, his benefactor if a natsha •c4isulsocatean 4:ihi -'7athankle. d . . The recent suit of the once beauti ful • Helene' Jesmer • against Phili Morgan '-'1ant. 'Calls, general, atteh tiOn te. the .resPonsibility, that a Per- son asSitineS ,when :he inVites friend:, to, skip over the, hint with him in merry meter car. : When a Victory, fOr the plaintiff, seemed practically ceetaie the Youne millionaire's attorneys.° settled tie •matter.ent of court The sumpeid in poiniensation to' the former Fol• lies girl for' the .disfigniet'nent of •he, 'face In a motor. sina.sh was said .t( have been '$75,000. inforfnal •pc;r Of the " jury disclosed' that ,...every :Men have :voted for a verdict of least $150,000, and that one wee wit hng to .olif*Sis?t5Qt;h9,600f. hefghtHelene to the dizz On the 'trip. elene -knelt 'besyk the ,drive and led those,on thk seat: behincl her, in singing, "Snap Fingers at Care,'5 , ..Judgements,Las a ruleyearieenuel' higher for cases cit mutilatiep "thae, for death:: To put it brutally, it is cheaper for a motorist to kill bir friphils than to main or . disfigure thein. Death ',judgements. rarelk`..."ge higher '`,than ..$5,000, whereas :mutila- tion. verdicts naay elienb' as high as. the $150,000 which it is said ''.the'jur, ere were ready • to award in .the Js - 'mer case. 're •,• l3ut. the Mae who brings' a "guest suit" against friend is .alWaYs more likely, to loee. his ease 'than' tr win it. An authority On' au 91 -Irbil( instirance ''...deciares • that- '...net' mote then.ere per cent; of suchecases -re. 7ulffee the.Paying Of daniages If thee v.- 0- 0 ler' 'owner is -insured; there is alwaye the' suspicion of. collusion. Even if '-here • isn't, most jurymen feel the the -man who would 'sus -his- host when an ordinary accident occurs is smalr, enough, to fit ,iritO a peanul shell.' • o o GETTING. DAMAGES' FROM • A RAILWAY COMPAN1" 'He' was , a SWedish • farmer, ir. North ,Dakota, and his . tow had been run over by a railroad train. So he t„oir his- best Sunday' Clothes • and Went• to the railroad 'company's Office, After waiting •three hours he 'was ereught ihta the presence of the ethir4assistant ittonieyedor ,the rba , o whom he statee, les, case. ., "I' hne t'ank 4 'got- Sortie danur- h said. ,... .e. bar1..earisine1ee-- • e•------ee-----ee--- - then Mr. Yost went on to Sayl ' '"Approximately '10;000 „ .munders we:re comtnitted, in this , country'' last- yea?, 5Q times, es, many as the United Kingdom, while'„in such 1. "tie7§7-i,'Age,•-=-NOW.7.A.Ork;.-,-,Chitago„-and Louts more more eriniee • of violence are coMmitted, *arinuallee than in tee ' whole �f England. And this diegrace, ' ful ethecliticer is ,not, .due ece,a,. greatei...' degree 'of criminality; but ,,t.'O: the • cornparative immunity frorireihmish• ' ment dr. Correction' that the 'criminal : enjeys iii this country. , ' .: ":"" ' .' • "The ' Unifier -1i eit. i 1' el' "Iiis'.ii",;.."6:;•-iii`e'" of law --enforcernent throughout, Ari-',' erica ate' .riianacted:: by a prePosten. ous syetem, of '. CriminalAitriediction .. that gives crime „ every advantage' over justice and creates the' • dii- ' eracefel paradox .that la* Often Can -4 i not -be enforeed because'..the... law will'i net permi .its enforCernent: Crime ,.1S diegfacefully 'prevalent in. Amer- ica heeause • the, administration of'. 'Itietice is net :sound, bec-auee •in feet, ; it not only perreits but ,encourages ' That; is a frightful indictment, of 1 ' . Oa ' Anierion, jtdieilia System. Aii- f • The lawyer ',consulted a „big .bOok "Me •frieed," he said, ."I eyrepa- • . thiie with pee. 'Vont, cow, far as I have, been able to ineestlgete, war a perfectly ; respectable tow. But' ij�h �'i' ate peoperty' Ane you, as own- er; were particeps criminals,' Now, I Can show yeti. „here, , in 'Standard' Oil Con -teeny verses International ine Corehrietiere' ex rerlhe gliarte-61 Texas, thesnpreme court 'of the Un- ited States clearly. upholds Our soh- tettlete.;[ef we pushed this '-matte?to The. ' uttermost there ts no teflThir what penalty the highest court might inflict upon 'You: Put we, are dispos: eel, to deal genetouely with- you. Have, you any propesitioreto make?" The SWede's" eyesblinked, a' great many. timee. Then: • ' ' . 'I bane only .pedr,farniele" he said but I gi‘e you two oilers. -Ch c - ago Herald and Examiner. • at er,u r 0 • .11 ' h did you pick ,a . quarrel and ight with this• man -,1 total stranger?" Bar- ney,-eSure, Yer Reverence, „all me- rende *or away, EXHIBITION BUT Preparing Butter for Showing at Fall Fairs -7,----t.„, eest . -Owe', cows, Stables MITUtensils, , • „ • _ .. . " • ' '17,4tiSc9.iv Card .eleeam -Cool,. . . ,. • • .' -..e-eetbiatit: , CO/twinge-- ilave„ *eat, ••••-•:- •P,a.(4,-tigee-Lvaitele ,Of-einittp -.S'eWee'• -••, tee n tri ttbutgercik,e4v4.P4reo.l t4 ri,e0 rto pone ea.r)tn:en43 .t t . .', , Pnring-the next fe▪ w weeks the fell 'faire 'Will be ori' ail over the Pres/lace. Thie'enieitiis that rria.ny of the --people on 0417 .fal'al4 WM be very iilly pre-. paling .their exhibits • • „Better., la pee of the Many thing's, , -Iliat7Wi1J -Feiliiitt entree; -.hbeakse I eeere bettermake,e wants to ' Mahe al „Creditable showing,..' ' - .•-). . 'Clean 'Cows, ..tables 'and tl,teaS0S: Have thR . stables,- cows and ail • c4et\eelles tIeSn3.?tihe trite' atil'ilda.t,41onl.flEgttt. fl-t.:-.?-eYd'1.141!", .uneeeirahleeeever to the butter...111e ,ettlee Will pay earticuler attentientee the !levee, and itis elven 40 oiateaf the 10:ii ,points onthe seore eard. . ' Churnt be cream sweet, 'cr. with ' low acidity, ae that is what is wanted by Most. judges.' • ; ; ' s ' •. Keep tee-ereain cOol.and churn at . a teetperathee leve enotegh7tO brine thebutter, in nice, :firm -granules. in from 'twenty to twenty-five 'minutes. • • elot Of butter shown:at oue rural' • fairs is Made from eireetn insufficient- ly cooled, and IS churned at' too high a te,mPeratUre. • Rebeese .Ot•Ihis the body is weak and the cotter. pale,: Or. ' Itthe salt is unevenly distributed the tenter will . be .streaky. • Points • on the 'Spore Card., ' All of ,these. things 'are considered . , by, the judge, as , ls'. shown, . by the eseceee,card:Arhic,h tead.as- fel 101.vs:_ .- , ,. .1riavor. .'::. . ;. .. -.:., . '... . ..:....45 ,Texturp..•.:.,...-----------15-. • incorporatidit (it•moisiire. : TO ., Color -•-• ,. ' 10 . , •SEilt ... . . .. : . ..,"::: . ....,..' .10 • . . . roeP the Cream .cool.: , 'the ' .warm,;-Ahe lee 'stipply exhausted,, and tll,e . water: not coid,:enough to lower the' eream to, the required teninerature, it would, • be' Well to get a piece -of ice to OW' ,'the "exhibition" 'Cream and the water, • used for washing the la -Utter. - This ,buttei • will • be 'arm 'enough to _et:in-& sufficient. Working. arid Revile • have better leedy • and 'texture , proved color and' Mere. eVen distri- bution of the atilt.. • • lbout Ctiloring. If it should be -necessary to.- addea few dro s oficelorin• ,to ,the cream , be' •parefut not to add:: too .: much. Better ' have the butter pale than -to have it highly colored.. , , Do net .walt until the Merning of the•fair t� churn the Cream. The but- ter Will be in better condition 'and. "wHe score higherlfItIs. made twie 'or three daeCtiefoia_will time te beeorae "set," and the flitVoer :of the butter and :salt Will' be.blended. 'Have- eat, Packages... 'The..',packageis must 'be as neat and tidy asit is peeelble• to .r.nake. them:. Use box or, crock', that looks new. A chijnied. or' cracked Crock will .re,, • dime the score under ,the heading' of "packie g," • - , • When a person has. Made an effort make a good.., product -be has a: 'feeling' of satisfaction eyen thongh:he. •eoee, not. win a ,prize., There -.ale ways this feet tO: bear: in, mind --the 'prizes' are, few in -itemiser, lent the eOnapetiters are • Often MIIlar,12, A. CoNege..Guelph. • " .-CatiSe of Luinp Jaw.• LUMP .1.W" is not a. hereditarY dis- 'ease, oii it dinectly "centagious or "eatchine" It is cansed .by' theAn- Vasion.cif .:pUnetured. wennit. leo:era: tion or,abrasion 'Of the skin oe, roa: opas_nienthrane lijiing .the. Mouth by, ,the "reyfuegus." .(ietinomyceS)".- The' ' diseatietechnically:Is' termed 'actin o - Mycosis from the -fungus mentioned. , In :probably a niajeiritY of •eases .the disease is 'Caused, by ttie beards or awns, ot barley, rye, ,wheat -Or *ild graesee,,•or• he hulls of straw oi :grains, and possibly the:stalk:S. of fo(12 dere carrYiog the infective sPereeof the, fungus Intothe tissues,. • • When Pus' flows from' an ,•affeeted tunuir .or abseeSsjatised .bY.the ftiegits, it con-, tains ,CanarYzyellow, gritty epartielee which contain spores, and these •get - Wig, onto grais, grain,, etc. 1zi •tiine reinfect animals When wounds occur, For that reason an anintal that 'h elechareitigeactinemycotte.esore ..ete abeieee • ebeele•not .graze With soiled .cattle, and ,had better kept Isolat- ed . At eeme orthe ,ptis„ may also get into inilk and coeiathinete ltacotv affected, With a discharging disease. centre should net be usea tor production, may the Meat of an affecte-d aninial-is tit -for nee. if slaughtering is done befere emaciation is.caused or pits forms and t3Yeballtti*and atainenigi'41111-i:A'ree stinatintelals. true ernilik. But if the lump has become an 'open ,bore,- neither flesh nor milk �t ,the affected a1iiiiiI. fit- for'hnmanuman .food.."., • • Grit for Bens,. • • Remember that- theegrit In the fowi's gizzard,„filifilla .same, „func- tion that teeth do for_ 4eithale.and heinge, teeth; Issue ever, sand soon Wears .smooth with constant friction and Jiecoinee un- rviceable. Conseqiientlthe fowl's crop must be- repleiliSlie'd-frequently ;with fresh grit. in *Arm th er fowls secure a, suffitient auPIJ1Y, of grinding material' frani the Ordhlari 'range lot. For this reasen , we are -apt to b 11 ' g i,eht in pro- viding he necessa.ry grit under froz- en conditions wiled it Is 'MOst needed. It Is essential that' real oiegrevebe l fureeshed, oYater shells and like suietances" are • -riplencild sOtirces Of athe, becesipary for egg production and the betiding' (if bone, do not serve ,the,' pUrpose :oz ,arilidiSiO the feV1 111‘ 11.,a •MP4 RED FRONT ..HARpwAR.g'. • POR THE !LAYING SON WE NAVE "PLYMOUTH" 'PURE, MANILLA ROPE, THE, lora YOU CAN TRUST -SU- - . *PPR) WEARING, AND ANDLING QUALITIES,. 'you WILL - FIND -UR PRICE IS Riotrr:. PlSLLEYS-4RON, '" Wpm) AND, STEEL ON HAND. - -BEAME.--HAYL-FORK Seek-ND:CARS: • ,••APLE, LEAF" BRAND 3-PROKO PITCHFORKS, 4, 5't.!FT".11,ANDLEk'ElrgRioNE -o-tiARANO:E0` 'REAL STRAPPED; OR FERRULED. • ' ROPE ---1/4 -INCH' FOR HAY •LOADERS, ,5 -16 -INCH -FOR 7'RIP ROPE, -IA -INCH PLYMOUTH. PURE _MANILA ''F 0 R 'SLINGS.•••' • - " • , . , • . , • • • ,•" .• , PLYMOUTH .• "GOLD MEDAL" BINDER -TWINE. SPRINKLERS --GALVANIZED AND ,JAPANNED, -8, 10, • ' .14 AND ,16 -QT, SIZE, , • • • , BERGER'S ' 'GUARAN TEED • PURE PARIS GREEN.. , , , ''ARSENATE OF LEAD - • CEMENT, . LIME- AND •PARISTONE ,ALWAYS' ON ,HAND. WE ARE-PLNASED TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE MANUFAc- • TURBR HAS •LOWERED THE PRICE ON PARIST 0•N , THAT' • GOOD 'HARD I'VAL L 'PLASTER • • " - • . . , , . Place Your Order for Coal Now You Will Find Our Price Right RAE & PORTEOU • Hardware Coal Plumbing , Phone 66. Luckno, WHEN FORD 'MEETS ,FORD • e(Chesley'Enterprise), , miestimeeaeetoejug what would happen if two Feed cars driwee by twee 1-lareys weeeeto run .into • each Otter was Settled, to theicOmPlete sat- isfaction ets local motorists on 'Friday. , , ,Morning when two Lizzies staged...a •onelround bout' on Main Streetejuste opposite the.' ro.gt. ()Ace. The, result , • „Of ,,the •eneotteter was votei; ;a ,cfraW, as be*• car's received. 'a enockeut, e\hich. weuld lead: one to cOrilude. that Henry plaYs no favorite when 'manufacturing • his : "vest's., pocket. Packards." • •• Harry 'Pickard' Who :was driving Lustig -'s • Meat . south was rarnmed" by Harry, Stevens who' had „ , turned'aiiTa 'was.',steering:k.'coarse for the post efecee', But; unfortunately for :Harry he was thinking- more of likely insurance prospecte ' .than of eirieing a ear and the ;Crash of Ford' ro..A _ruilelY awakened 'hint -front . his ceeeeebuilding. Examine- -. •• •• • • tion of the two, hesies foul* leistig's car ' with • .a ba 1 wisted ,left .front • wheel deranged., a radius rdd 'brokArt and a radiator which oUght • to, come in handy in' future as a ieve Both care; have•erested quietly -in the hos- •pital ,uedergoinge, treatment, ane have, completely recovered., ; The question new uppermost' overty,one"s "Did' ' Stevens have his car inured , FINE- BARN :BURNED , • • • • • eames:?..,•;:rhoratison'i-harnteMil: Mile east of Ringed wa(lesteoyed hy fire 'about enidnight Sundae the" ..14t h This ,rwaa' one ',et the '•b,eet,'.. eefiiipt barnseire the' township -80 feet lone, withea Wing,ea• ed 'cement foundation with •'cement; )ors, coninlete, water" System all eirough • the ,steble; litter carrier and lierse •ferke It Was insured in the :Culross co. $2000.0O- on building and pn _contents._ It will been, WeretisWit1.7ffeeeTleilifiiSititas the Tnsurance• will only gee tiesheert pay in „replacing, the building. It, is a ,pit to set: such fine barns as'''thisedes:e .i.royed• becatige in •-too Many .caieees -1 he noation is left as. a monument to tile departedMr, Thompsori,e be- lieves, it was set- on fire A hid not :through , any ill Will to lern as eet_ eityS-fie -een thee,(..ef day to e every. Mall he, Meets, but it %On151 w appear,. that it might cOmparly ,o,f, young num. asserabledr;there-qier.: "hails idrinking and smoking aS there d CIIESLEY PICKS' A 'MEMORIA'L ' The people • of the tir.va • of :chWeY: aye se ec e so iers ineminee Which, it is ,estimated,' will 'cost $1.1,e 500 to erect The contract .has;bein awarded,). to' the McIntosh Granite po:; and It is expected that the ment- ori ' beeecheripleted_lay_july of next year. The ',Enterprise of . last week , had a fine' PictureAf the mem- orial Which it describee.' as"follows: It is -of Gothic/. design. The bottom step, is 16 ft. square: the base of -the shaft 7 ft; ,6 in. , sivare; ' the shaft 7 '- 4 ft. 6 in. sqnare;' the height 30 ft, , lei in., the figure of -Justice' (whieh occupies one side) 7 ft. high.. MAKING FORD FASTER ' •AND FASTER " -To the owners of 'cars made by the, Ford Motor -, Company .of Cenauae . Limited, there will be shortly adaeu . tne puichaser of Motor- No, p00,000. , 'wire tnan a year was taken to pro - dace the first '2u 000' cars comaining- . ' the famous T model " motor, while how„ me company's facilitte.s are, so increased that tins , number can be manutactered in two. rnontns. ' .. ems • weieknowri Cana Ian- ,Instit-'• pht4....iii ution inits own s re , as parallel- , ,. , ed tile huge.' Detroit plant which • . recently alla0UnC6ii the -', completion . • of the. 10,000,000 T..motor car which. . is. tii start --upon a ,transcontinental - trip, visiting its., fainily • reiations ail' along the line. ' • . 'LOOKING -FOR TROUBLE; , goirfe 4`Olefur.- ',petson.S. ere zilWays, takeig the ,joy out Ot hie ode way Or .1.1o,,,er. We have all. been rejoic- in e„evee the suitable weather and' tne „grand,..,prOSpects.,40,r, Asir hare ,erest.'-liutealong 'ebinee One of these " weather fariaties •With niOurnfai • • siiig,*ng- about, there being'•twe hew moons -in July. The- croaker sa:Ys that the, feet time attch, an ev,' gnt ,happened was awaybadk in the Yeer 'es14, and theastrous .censes quenees were experienced.- `ceops. „all went bad in Ally that year Lots of dropa did not ripen, iruit was use- es1 d titirisM prevailed. Aceorchng eito the pessi- mist things , will go that 'Way tiiiS year, 1924,, all on account of two , new mimes in July. Let us- keep up kcjiiii in' :e11 -.4-;----Y 0 ,The questio f -of-way-thet- v.ceiei;n11,,:eto and -truck; has .13,eett elecid- d out of court --truck 'had tight of „ • The: Rase es.eleeperater If somebodye oesn't Care or the, poor Germane uiekly, lite. rich Germans may haVe o do it.. Was no One living in the, house. The loAs of conteiiel Was lig 'a •as only poseession Mai:elt and -had made very 'little use of the been as yet: but inten,de(bedrawing in hay on Monday.' - Lo lo nothing ,yourself, and investi- - 'gate mrerything the other fellow •"I.Yon't yoa wish you had an aut6- .61O'a °bane° -80 06(1 Man 111130°, answered Mr. PinklaY, mul° bile?" said Brastus' "0 I dun. • can hear. money talking and 1101(5 doesn't cod hear ao Much moneYi' himself believe it is tho call duty. and It's purty, near pa clangarougt,'