HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-24, Page 1•
• s.
1200.PEE YAR IN ADVANCE; - 1250 01'4E1119SE-
• aight or daye-t.f.:
Dr MacLeod • will jsit Lucknow
' 0,1%0 Tuesday in Dr. COunell's, Office:
r. Meliinese Chiropractor. of, Wing -
am, wiij
visit- • Caiii%,'House;Luck-
-daYs;, commencing April 244, also
yam the ..hotel.?at: Dtinganrieneiaama
days early •aftermion.
. ,
'DR. PARKER,' ....STEOPATH; at the
Cain •liOuse. :Luzknow every. Wed-
• nesday lute,rnoon. All chronic' die-
. euse's Suceessfully treated. Osteo -
puny. iernovesy tne Physical eauiles
ot disease. Adjustment of the
spine, IS 'more quickly seeured and
with .tewer treatments by 'Osteo-
pathy than by any other method.
• .
Registered Optometrist •
• Graduate. Department' of'Ophthalmol-
ogY. McCormick Medical Uellege. Chicago. 111.•
Headaches, Dry Itchy EYea: Grime!-
, Iated .Eyelid. Watery Eye Fain Pain in
• Eye Indemed Eyes, Pus or
Watery Discharge from ' Eyes and
Dizziness caused by Eye -strain re-
• 'lievedliireugh properly fitted Glass -
Cress Eyes straightened "through
Dreperly fitted -Lenses: • •
. _
Satisfaction Assured
• At .the Cain Ilouse, Lilansw. Ever,
Wednesday -Afternoon and Avening.
Wall Paper -I have on hand the 19-
24 samples of a number of the, best
wall -paper houses, and will the pleas-
ed to show them at my house. or Will
•take them to your 'residence -R.
, Gameren, Box_114, lalcknow.
MONEY TO LEND -On farm ' Prop-
erties at 6Vo.i-etieo. 4. Siddall
House for Sale orieHa treat
. u• leen !named Apply to
P. Gaynor at the Post Office.-. tf.
FOR SALE -The Tannery 'PrOperty
aria the busineez in Lucknow:
tf. • n Apply to Sam Roberton.
'FOR RENT- A contfortable • frame
dwelling in ' Lucknow-L- poesessioe-
' any thee. Apply to Mrs. Mettle Pin-
ner, Gen. Delivery, Londoe, Ont
24-7400 • .
, o
FOR SALE -Fine passenger tour-.
ing, Fisher -automobile, leather -lined,
in good condition Apply to Alex
-Ross. '10-.7-tf.
Will pay up. to $30 per month for
Suitable house in Lucknow. Apply,
R. S. Wilson, The Canadian Bank of
Commerce, L,Ucknovv, Ont. -7-8-125
Phone Ripley '26-13 James Little.
31-7-13- •
,Came to the premises of the un-
'dersigned, 1st Con. 'Huron, On or
about , May 20, 1924, a heifer aP-
parently about one year old, Ovvney
may have. same oneprovihg- properly-
and Paying expenses. J. W. Stanley
The property belonging to the es.
tate of Delena E. McKay, one mil(
north of the village of I,uqknow. Ap-
ply. to A.- N. McKay, administrator
1539 Ninth Ave. E. Owen Sotind
At the request of a number of thr
citizens of of the village of Lucknow,
hereby proclaim Monday AdgusC4th
a' Civic Holiday in the village, of
Lucknow, and request all citizens tc
observe -the same , • '
31,7.-c-. Robert.'Johnstone,- Reivr
„ •
Municipality of the Township of Kin -
logs. County. of Bruce
•-Notice_is hereby given that I have
complied' with Section 10 of the Vo-
ters'.Liets Act, and that`I have post-
ed•up at my -office in Kinloss the 24th
day of July -1.924,the list of all per-
sons entitledtoVete in the saidmun-
icality for members of 'harliameni
Mrs. Ellitzetein and daughter -Tena
are spending., a few weeks in Toronto
Misti Belle MaeDonald' 01 Wash-
ington, D. Ctis visiting her !nether
• Mertes ..Meciegan, of Duluth,:
.Minn..is a guest at the'Raniie of her
uncle, Mr. T., MacDonald,
• Mrs' 'Brown Malloug.1 and ' little
son David, of Grimsby are at Mrs.
Mallough's former home here.
" • •
The: annual Civic ' liolidaY will be
observed in in tucknow on August 4th
-the 'first Monday Of the month:
• Mr. , Harold Freeman, of Buffalo:
Ni Y. is spending a twei-WeekSN:vac-
ation With his mother here,
Miss Grace' Newton ,of ;Toronte
a guest at the home of Mt andMrs.
Wm. Smithi Stauffer SL • •
Mrs, Nichol of Port. Arthur is vis•
iting with her .brObher, Mr.A1bert
Miss Ethel King, UE.Wirigham 'Vis-
ited Miss Rena Gordon at -her -home
here this week. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Melville Hill and
'family of Chicago were guests of
Mrs. K. Macleod recently, ,
Miss Mae Davison has returned
.after spending a few .days with fri-
ends in Action, .
Mr. H. Hall of Bridgeburg has re.:
turned home after spending a weeks'
vacation in. town.
Mrs, Harris •of hicago-is--spend-
'ng .a few weeks with her' brother,
Mr. , Neil Mardoch,
Miss ,Liliian Humphrey, of Toronto
is a guest this week of Mts. A. 'D
MacKenzie, and Miss. Lees,
Mr. end Mrs. D. A. Osgoode and
daughter Doris of Detroit are visit-
ing at Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Johnston
Mr, 'Jack King-' with his wife' of,
Winnipeg renewed Termer Lucknov
• Mr. and Mrs, F. L,' Fuller and date,
.ghter, Marjorie, of London, Ont arc
visiting Mr.' arid Mre. Bett Ward.
Mr: and Mrs. Dave Faleoner mot-
ored over 'from Indianapolis and are
visiting Kinloss ,and Lucknow . fri-
' Mr., and .Mrs., J., Garnet Armstrong
and family' Were up from • Toronto to
Spend 'a few days at Clark's Point
last week.
Mrs Hugh •McLeod and daughter
. .
Mrs. *-Saunders of eWimipegear
-guests this 'week' With -yr.• and Mrs.
Hugh , McIntosh: '• "'
Mr Joe Nixon of the: Londow'nol-
ice., force took a"rgn up to Lucknow
on Wednesday to call on his, father
and. brothers here.'
Johrt Barbour
England are paying -
j visit to Mr. Barbolir'S father and
other' reletions„in Crinaile,•• being
With. 417,. Barbour this Ivek. Friend'
Wilt he Pleased ta.Rnatir th4t•in•sPit
Of theinjury to his eye(3', ATT••,1114-
'is enjoYikk innd ' health. an
Parents .who wish t� have' their
Children attend' the LucknOw Cont:n-
Vatione classes after the summer vac-
ation should Communicate at once
With the se•
arY of the Scheel
Bard, D., C. Taylor, Lucknow.
, The medical profession in Lueknoe,
was reinforced this Week when • Dr.
V'Johnstou, Ae, KB. opened
. ,
'a' practice in the Office , of the , late
Dr. Elliott. Dr, Johnston Whese Par-
ents, live neer Auburn will he rem-
embered as a student at the Lueliniav
Continuation' Classes- .He has, had a
brilliant career in ihe ,schooiseaqk
'college; and since graduating
Toronto University and Medical.
lege has ,711Etd a iTeae.S experience. in.
practice at: -Barrie. •With. the .es•
tahliehment .of ;Dr. Johnston, here'
the people Of Lucknow and vicinity
sheuld be well served in the matter
of medical' attention."
. •
Lucknow's baseball ' nine played.
.two go tl games with Goderich Pur:
week Both ..gams were .fine exhibi-
dans of ball . and were enjoyed by
players and. 'spectatora•,alike: ''The
first encounter was at Gederich
.Thursday of last *eel( .1when the
score was held diawri to 5-4 in „favor
of Purity Flour.
The return game was here' ,..en
Tuesdays :When the teams wereagain
evenly, matched the game 'being prOth
notinced one of the best ever played
on the local diamond. Early in the ...,.,•
game the home team scored 2 an r
the visitors one, andat this the
score steed until , the 8th innings
when two. of the visitors ,succeeded
in crossing the plate. In the 9th two
of the Lucknow boys made the round'
of the bases making, the score 5-4
in their favor: Irwin .did the pitch-
ing for Lucknow • at, Goderich while
Hearle Hall occupied the box at
Lucknow. -
-Hay in this diatriet, is theeheaviest
-.crop in several years .- '" •
Mr. Thos. 'Alton of Lucknove is
helping' Mr. JohirBlake through haying
Miss' Frances Fitzgerald spent the
past week With her sister mrs,
, • - - , • •
' R. C Cantered, •ormete.04
Lown this wcek ,
Mr John -k4rrisief ind4i* was
an town recently.
Mr. Wilfred' Reaei •winase
„Was in town, this Week •
is ••in
Mr., Peter McLeod of•'Detroit
Yia,41a.e.his Taat119.P.hata.
leaving in a
feNii• day's, •• ti -p to Weyburri- Sask. •
” ,• •
Frank Hullaccountant in The
Royal 'Bank ' has ..pUrchased a Ford
. M•rF.s. Edna: Irwin andgchildreni of
been visiting nds
Mr Harry ' Welsh, of Dtrot visit
ed hi's. father John G: Welsh °Vet the
week -end.
.Miss •Mayme :Milne And nephew
- Albert ',Milne"of Toronto, were , visit-
ors.,In Ripley this week,
Mrs:. G 1 %Aye ha s • returned
;from thehospital in London.. and is
reported' to be, iinproying in health.
Mrs'. Se T. 'Jackson and sen Clar;,
epee, of Toronto, paid a brief .visii
to. the former's danghter, Mrs. 'John
Myna -last 9wee..k, - •
Messrs . Bert Harris and
'mail. have disposed of the .Cpremere
cial Hotel, to ..Mr; '•David LeMon
fornierlY• Of . Mitchell.. Mr. L6nion
who has „been ., inaeaging , live
to ' maintain : the " high ';etandei d of
service 'Whieh the Commereial has
alwnYa., fureislred :its patnons
, The following ',from- .Ripley • -and
vicinite are among those ••• ho ha
business hi Mitchell, 'can be. trust
an,e4otpt 4VLd .KrilOnScottiagnhd
visited on. Suriday 'et' Mr. Gee , Me-
. • •
Di'.- and ..J.- •SCrat„,t of . La
eeil; Mich and mr7,• R•Oht-,$cett-eige
eorefetild;:, visited on ,,S_upday. at Mr..
JaS: Wi14ore,s, • ". ' "
.Jas. -..Moffatt, 'of',1.4oydminSter,
Sask., is. visiting with her -paren.t's
Me., and Mrs. ;Jea McGregor."
,Nr; • and Mrs 'VA'S; DaVtd,..Seobie.' and
little - son visi•ted At the Manse. on
RisseS Flora. Boss' .and Kathleen
Terriff TOronto - are' visiting at
their home `••
_ ,
7•Mr, Staart Moore, ' of Toronto,' is
visiting With, friends in the village.'
Mr. and MrS. , Vincent and child-
ren, of Westfield visited on. Sunday
with Mrs . 1VIeBrien.•
Mr. , arid 'mr: Harry "McClenaghen
• and little daughter visited 'Ali Mr.
and Mrs; Robt. :•MCCIenaghan',. On
Sunday.. -
•• Mr. , . Frank , Cottle,. Of Calgary,: is
,..viaiting. his •grandparentS, _Mt'. and
'MrS". .GeO.,,Cottle
..°We noticed •' in the ':'Ldridon • ,Filee
Press 'of; last Saturday ; a' picture, of
.Our 'Old resident Mr. Milne Who bas
long': been farlious• as a *rower .of
flOvvers. The picthre- Was taken as Jae
. 'eteosi in front' of garden which
JUSt; 210W 100S its best,:and.is all
..ect of aclmiratiere to all ,who wise.
,.t.hreugh:'Whitechurch ;Me, Milne
eame here froin:Ltickriow Some 8' •or.
10 yeere- ago. is, m his 86th YeaJ.'
'and' feels:'. that' it is abut tiro for.'
,• •
ia:retire e.v.eri-euth-aepleasei.
ant, occupation as ,groWing flowers',
Hee, has been, a lifelong epthfisiast
about flowers -.and Ilea grown : theni
for:,pleaSere rather,': than for p,refit
As a ' Man Mr.. Milne taiight
school -
, in Kinloss but retired•::frdni
in ncBPd'rellS.ablyeria
it.Nvlinl' be held
on •Tuesday July 29th, .4 good.prce
e gramme la:prepared:: In the evening
Mrs .'(Ii.eV:) Harlimess• Of RiPleY',
•.takel.,`Part2.;ithere-Willebe 'ea-.pageante
.."The Voices of. the Von -len:"... be..
Lecknovie talent; 'Also, .addresi..
'OStrated by lantern- 'elides,: by Mr 1
.Bruce Grey, of .bungannon. EverY,
body Weleome. TneSe, Coining in the
'efternoon • please'bi-ing-. lunch, ',After.
been eeeeessfiil• in passing the 'pro-.
legs i dnaLLZTO-rni,a-l-HiSchool,
ations .Tor teachers: -Christine „,ge.-
tenna,n.,-;Nary seott;.:Kaiherine Mut-
. . •
ray, Christine 'Murray,: Pearl ., Cop -
gram, an Lloyd McGuire at Stat-
. .
ford Norrnal; Gladys ,McCosh at
. .
London. • .•
. •
As a result „of the reaigna,tion Of
the entire Continuation ,School staff'
and the princinal.of the pablic school
he4.School 'Board is faced With'
robiem of obtaining 'four new tea
hers. , Miss Tena-..Martyhi' forme
rincipal fore
dc.ii-£1.-intiation School
:intends. th. return to University ; wcirk,'
whiie 4t, :1Viciliei has :been
appoieted:., to the ;Termite' teaChing.
staff.. The Board has aciVertised•,for
qualified teachers and has',received
about ninety- applications to date,
Apparently there is 'a •large: surphis
•of applicants for ,the., better, grade
Asu.• v.IP.Lp,:r.409:1'$••
- •
'1-11,1r.ry Tret, Grace •ducl Jack
..Of tohicago aie•visiprig...yy•bh rktV
.MeLeiinan of Chieego• 1;•)';.
,ietiiiii ere visiting ,wite.A4. anct Mrs,, .
„. .
pe,',:)Vinnepeg visitee
-we iii int..; and Mrs.. 14 -ran ..ealeking-'
. . .
elisses •,",rateitlia..aed Sophia .Kempr,
.•Wfl 01 aipley .Visited•Wita Mralio
.-b•Le.',141J4 4tp"i?litnn of
ig the week • • •
Miss -7 44.1'0 ...Kete.h' ahowr Who,
;mine fpr her holidays,.' atePerainouni
Jiitertaieed. a number: of her Wing.
danigirl -.friends, one ..night recently'Iiss..
-1.1,ughenna, Philips of Selfee,:
A S , fassisting ,Mrs, Rgbt,«Strutihers
Gi•ece Parnell of • Ripley
spent . the 'week end with Mi. and
• Ars. , Aloud' of. Paramount
.• Mi-. • Will ,Gardiner and daughtei
.e),ilyP of ' Inane. vfisited ith Mr:
and' Mrs:. !fas. Stanley Of.:` Baran:lout-it
Liuring Ui 'tiveitii. • • •
• .
; On Wednesday tlic lOth a. very
good 'meeting' "VVS.• hela-
• •at: 'the home of Mr. 1 A.MaLeaia
.Laurier. Theie were :about thi:rty
acn0s present, :th6Ug'ir, the: Weathej.
at firSt did not .seein very
Mrs. Jne; AlcROe„, the .-,President.
oceePied:. the chaii".;,in. her usual
able mariner. In response to the, roli
call - many •helpfuL ,stiggestien'a' Wen
ivcr-a--S77 ,ta".-how.we may inipieve'aiir
methods ,of 'working and iiVing. Also
• .
several 'readings., and musical selec-
tions were :rendered,quite acceptably:
Mrs; McLean's class in music giving
erodible evidence: of
W#3r..; Next:, month °a ':. joint
meetirig. is to be held °with, the ,Rara•
Mount club, at. the •hoine - of mit; Jas.
,IVIcDonald. •The meeting 'closed with.
the •Nationar;Anthem• after Which re-
freshnaent wsr served'
MiSS Isabel McDonald of Chicago
is.. spending her vacation under. .•tlie
parentalroof at •
M,rs. Alex McLennan„ ,of Chicago
is visiting. friends : on the take Shore
' Mrs Robb: of Lothiae', is /visiting
with friends :in :Toronto,
Mr. end Mrs. Frank' Griffin of be-
troit are visiting with Mrs. Griffin's
parents Mr. and 'Mrs.' John, Johnston
,of Lothian , -
Mise Julia Jensen Of Chicago
the guest of Miss Margaret Hardie
Rev. Mr. .Me. Hardie, _:Miss Margare
Hardie,' Miss :Jenson, . -Mr. and ,MrsD- McLeniaan :
of.__Loc_balsiLtuttofip ri.
to Oliphant . where -ha -y t"-. will
. for some 'time;
Mrse."Lintibeii Of Toronto is 'Visit -
g with her Metl,ier• Mrs, 'Bueglasa
Mrs. :Coil h NI ea refeor of, Detroit ,i5
• n,..i...,p,arents. • .Mr. . and
'Mr. D. A' Mackenzie of Windsor : s
brother of *Mrs. Allan and Mrs. K.
MacLeod of town left this, week on -
an extended trip to Europe
, • •
. Miss Mabel Money of Strafford at e
'one time principal of Lucknow 'M
School is spending the week with her
Lucknow friends.
Miss Mary Cook' of Holyrood i
pending this week at her heni
Mis Olive Treleaven who spen
he peat year at Montreal And othe
astern points is now visiting a
r. S. J.:Kilpatriek's. '
Corigratuletione are due Margalei
inlay, Leo, Clare and • Elmer John-
_ stone, who successfully Reseed ,the
1 Entrance examinations:
' Mr. Jno.• Murdoch and two dau-
ghters ,Zelandra, Sask„-called on
Mr Thos Anderson and k.rs, Wm.'
Stothers, Monday evening.
Mr. and Geo. Andrew and
Mrse ROL .Webatet of_LnEknovire_and
Mrs. W Webster of Toronto' called'
on friends' here Monday. evening'
Mr Alekt Treleaven of ' Ripley arid Th•e
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford: Treleaven , of :suit
New. Yo'rk with. theit tWo thildren tax
The Old Boy and 014 Girls Re -up
'kin at .St. Helens"'Schnnr.•Ii in fill
swing this efternoeti-'-concert in the
; •
M. Arthur Young. and s'on;• o
Montreal, and Miss Maud Manchee
of Toronto. are guests of Mrs., E
Holtman this week.
. Mr. John. Murdoch and two dau-
ghters,. :-Zelandra, Sask...who have
been -visiting at - Auburn visited
Lucknow 'friends a few -days • this
. •
All kinds Of ReinnantS, in* silks,
Vbiles, ratines, Suitable' for. blouses
skirts and children's dresses'. 'Also
Gladiator ,Overallwesellinge"fer -$1,;69!
at B. - ]3litsstein's Dry -' -6066 Store.
at .f.Milliidllai_Ologliw_istt..aad_tha- .vveek
such list remains there for inspec-
tiOh. And T. hereby call upon vot•
ere to take immediate proceedings 'to
have any errors or .omissions correct-
ed according to law. The last day for
IM..v-"" •
• Geo, G. Moffat, Clerk
, I I
' • • • •
MALLOUGH-e-Inlovieg -Menu:4'y of
nay dela? husband, David 'Mallotigh
Who . died,' Dec. 26, .1021., _
More and ,mora edach:day 1 miss him
Friends may think :the ;wound it
.bealed • .••
But they little knolw, Ole sorrow,
ties within myheart tondealect.
„HiS1�ing face ne'er forget,
Theugl,t years xnay pass away,
The, logo of him 1 saaly, feel ."
Aa keen as that fitet day, ,
?loomed by, woe and eons. •
_ ,
.., ames Ingles and daughter,
-M,earYe,leho-reecently, tame test
'Alberta ' kiteSts '11Iii:ff'70)4.,)
-7hTlirtelYr—.. Gordon,
Mr, and Mrs: Did O'Neil, ,and
Mrs. O'Neil'a mother, who have mo-
tored °est, from Winnipeg are. guests
this week of Mr, and Mrs., ',.W, at.
Mrs. O'Neil, is a cousin 'of
Mrs, , •
Gordon In• Wini, ' D.. Yokinston
and x: 'Heti p1aye4owith ,the;„Tehs,
Water ball tealn, in a patch With
Owen Santidi at •fie Port Elgin Re -
Union, on 1VIonday.:-Teeswettei Win-
ning 00 *antic
' Miss A. M.% Bax has -tendered 'her
'resignation' as principal' ,of Ripley
Public School, which position she has
occupied. for the past six' years. It
was with much regret , that her re-
signation -was, accepted as Miss Bax
has been an outstanding success both
as . a' principal, and • as teacher
Her • entrance . class for t h e
term j s t closed ' Consisted of
44even, pupils all of whom passed, five
taking honours and one taking' the
highest marks in the inspectorate
• , .
Miss Bax is to be rrarried shortb
and will take up her residence in St.,
Marys. ;
Definite word ,has finally been
received regarding, the decision hand-
ed down by His Honour judge Klein
in, the case between " the Tolynsliip of
Heron and the Village of Ripley tri-
• ed ,at •a, special court, some tiene ago
If Abe, village: 'expends • IllOreoniits
streets and sidewalk in 'any year
ihan,the ..amount . paid by. it • as 'com-
mutation of statute -labour, -then this
excess of expenditure ,sball be deduc
ted from, the amount of the.townshir
rate payable by, the village:. With'
this axeoPtion, Ripley ratePaYers will
have to pay the full township ,rate
operation of this- sYstem, will re,
;in a heavy increase in Rifilt.:y
noon Session at 2.30; evening sessior.
at 7 o'clock. There will the 1Vlissior
Band Literature on sale.. Also -home
made 'candy,.
-L--0 0 43-•-•
.MiSseOlive Robb,is
days in Ilenfryn, •'.
Miss., McLean' of Toronto visited
with 1Virs. Wm; Robb iaSi. Nveek.
Mrs. 'Carnochan 'Seaforth is' Vis!.
iOtig with lier son ,Mr. Sr
. ',Canodliarr.
Miss ' Bowman'. and Miss Butk
ineham spent an afternoon' at' -R..
iMiddleton last., week
M ;
iss B'essie ,Graharn, public health •
• . . • • .
pron4n.oa the. Lake„ ShOre
Mr. e John Murdoch And
nurse.; ,of ..Tpronto is 'visiting her .. Tof„. '2-61anara; :Pas•I`,
sistei• Mrs, W. T. MacDonald here.' at the'Carneron laothe ii
eXtend a hearty : weiCorne. to 14°P..I'als,h'' •
MI% ' a.nel •11Irsz AlcRae and, !family:-
who 011ie to this. ireighlierhood
lathly,; „;'„
Gerber and: grancidau•
,ghter. Miss .;illargneet.„,,tc.cu.i.lcs..d4,.'es.,:.
.are friehaS.`on'' ourIine'
' • '
- WeZ are 'sortY • to • renbrt.'flmt-sirr
Rob Cox .en the 'Sixth :Con. got his
arin badly" shattered by' h Idek froih!
a heree.'
ter' Atervih:L.&. •-
1'iliith*:0 tarin;ib•--
is ni) apend Ins •vaeation.wi.tb' hi
. • , . . •
visited Mr, and Mrs: S, J. Kilpatrick TIIE ENTRANCE CLASS
during the week,
Haying IS; in fill' swing and' well
Mr. and •1VITS:-.1c.11:,-Ander".sori of
Liieknow spent 'Sunday in oar -burg:
A kriiinbei 'from' fiere-iii4.-atteifErig`
e re- mon in ort Elgin this week;
Miss jean Hablenby is spending a,
'Week visiting her brother in kin -art
Mr,. and " rMrS"'
of ,Nihghrit rhIJ8 visited itt the lienie
:et Mr,„ana".gre.• 4.4se
cently. .
• MISS. Kate, • Theiti.pSon: And Mai
tthel Wall, both Of Toronto ; Are
spending.,their.,,heliday'h at the home
Of their natenth”
•'Miss K. MacDonald ,wbo_tatiglillbe
eEti trance las in
•SchooLU ontitfedete.,'eemigrattirlltiOTM
• because of the splendid success of
••the class, of. the ,12.,,who twalote,,,alt
,passed and no, leSs..:than',10',took
ors Thi5 branch ; of. the - work in
h„....LitekhOw, ;School elias-of-lateeesthblf=:
seven years it has been a 0, of all
• passed .'and quite a large pereentege
'taking honors. 'Thehighest marks. in
he ,courity' were 'won; by Mary Mcn-
delon a Ripley •student, 'She Made
692 out of n 'possible .750; The',next
•highest wa5 irvan Weider of 8outh.
oatnalnet,oniiein the North Bruce InSpeet-
made, 640, '
Lockhart j
sons, of Burllngton accoinpanfed by • •
, Butter , „ • „ „ „.„ TI.ert Treleaven Metered to! ttemet.
•Mlldred and Blanche Hilderibit
3140t04 bOing to • spond th • 'kW* PAO • , • • • l's$, 'vf.116 'artc4,0eht 8Undt4r with ltot. And
04 4 14 4,i .1. 4 'it. '
• y,Irs W, K cooitoo
Grandparents Mr, and iiirs A Mc. -
o P"-",-
. •
let -ere LH r e(Ir Litn(
M. 611110,r;r." )031. cif'. Be:IftiS was,
gust , or" 1.ereee' Shackleton on
• friends -at London. * , • , 4
•• Miss Ruby McQuold is visiting he?
lkliss Ruby'. i I r"eic s visiting
Hu, - And' Rayinetid.
Mi, • env is ,spendirar
heli.leyfriends Alex
4.••.•.,,, • •
ID • McWhinnev spent'
• • • •
'With .thoir ;daughter .
illal„e fflOfl
• ''Sfr' 'Ai Mr, ( mord Trelelven
and fainity of ' New York called on
friends here en
and Mi, W WTreiesven
-nd• dhu'gliten" jean of Toronto; Mrs,,
/Wht.' Treleilven Dungannon, and Mr
• (Intende(1 for last- week).
Xri'..knnes • ani,1',:Siif0 ii
113- celled on""friends.in fhiS
• A „great! many 'from 1 those -parts
ezielit the ,12th in Goderich
;port agrand celebration aiid a"
.._Aplert (I :...dayk-outing_
hetian ey6 for beauty edukt het..Iftit
, ,
:admire tile niahy splendid' landscape
that the scenery around
'•t,he outer..patt of the town' , affords'
whileth0 lake
ctTve pot indeed: The .boip4hlity of
, .
th : of the cell was of a
inost 'cordial innimer•
„.loithston,. motOred,, 47 -ridgy
ind"spend ;the 's'vee'k 'end. They Were-
..-dulbetVwho :had ':,beenr;yisiting-rela.
tits 4fti 8otrie tirne, • .
•, is a viaitor 'at .Mra. Mae'
Mr. Jos,. Cooper Mr. ..'‘le) yin ear,
. •
tee, 'And" Mis 1-Ienry IIetiguis ofLi
can' iliotored „up on SatUrdaSt' And'
•Vent' the week., end.:MrSr, Jthdgiri,s' 1$•
siste'r' of 11fri. hi°, Culbert, • and..
Mr, Jp.§. Cooper Was• a '
Roadie. Cooper ,of Kineardine ,s0io•is
at preeent very ill. ,
nunihor" tfoinher d alictid0 „tif6
at ; 13ruee, Beach, •", on
ThtirsdAY: teat,
Mise -AnnieMeKy fs hetet Troia
DetrOlt, rind la Vidiffighoe grand.
ntothet. Mis. '144CM:
Week -End: Specials
Puff 'Pastries •Bon,'Bouthe
ilittle:WhOt Bread
'Butter and Bgge,at Best; Prices
• ' • at •
• Hollyifiaifs
Phone 36, Liickne W
Agents Wanted
The careful attention to our •
•cnstomer's orders' and the splen-
- did stock supplied for years'
past 'Warrants' us in having a
a representative or two in this
county. Liberal Commissions.
Free Outfit. Write at once for
Exclusive Territory.
FL -al 'Work and Cut Flowera.De-
livered To Any Part of Canada'.
..United. States. and 'Europe
In Short Notice.„
-Jast Phone Your Orders In
Phone 105, . . Goderich, Ont
,..1)..4y01.-c.TA•N:....,. •
At .the office of the late Dr.
Elliott, Lucknow. ' •
Office Hours: 9 to 10 e1..M, lth
3 1:). M., 6.30' to 8 P.M.
Phone' 17
Rev. Wm. and Mrs.', Mackintosh
and •three sons • of Napier are spend-
ihg their • vacation with Mrs,, .Mac-
kintosh,'s parents, Mr .• and Mrs.
ClarkMy :
D. B. Murray is home feeling,
fine -after.'hr recerit operation at, ."
Mr. Roy Aitchison is herne 1; from
Elora where he.; spent the last few
ling and Margaret. have '
ieturned roni their ..'hoqday Miring
which MrS.,Camming attended; the
'Suipiner school at at Harriston .Park
near -Oen- Sabnd;
'Miss Annie Clark' of Saskatoon is
, ,
ThurSdVy Don't forget • forget the :oPeri•,icir•
concert: in theevening, whenthr•Ittr...,-
---p-ert-Legate.'Coneert 00. will be, the '
oltertaihers.' •
"this week attending ' the §ummer
Rev. Chas, " big i'§-,;ALGUelplf
School at the 0.A.C, •
Mrs7,-,:=Satraders:---Ott"--"cayley; 'Athena
•is. a visitor ,with. Mrs, R. J. Wood
en& With W..:E, Gordon: -.
Mi•s, Jas. Inglis, and daughter ',Miss
"Kitscaty, the • '
'Q'f'::11is7:AlVnn:i.e:'.(7.GI:r.rld::()orif,'0:net.iih. is ,vis-
..:iting-,A",tith,,lier.,-,Cotittrig: Mr., And.
-Mck'enZie Webb; and Other- friends -
Visitors are artivingdailY,..Ser...±he-........-.
: ' The July ineetirig of • the Women's
institute will be \ held in the Copt-
ty 1Ta1l on Thur,sidhi July 3lst
'at 2;36 "o cloe'k; Roll ('all ?Our
Can -
o 'Women" .subject- "Coinintni- •
tv Rei -cation," Mrs, George • Webb,
Will have elniege • Of the ineetjhzA,
tonttfonis:. extended to, ell
Mr, and 'km. 'weir Stewart of
Evanston, IlL are -the guests,. of; ,M`r,
iind ;WS, ./. 13. lutherford.--
Mr and Mri,
0Iiiittni; Called, on their cousins,' Mrs,
Miner and Ddrs. Gordon (luting thi
4 „t