HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-17, Page 54
LIICKNOW sENTENEV; i7th„. 1924,
urnmer Resorts Of ,Ontario
Nutshell for the Motorist.
, •
• , e Dunlop Tra,i1" is the "new -idea" tOtiring book, which rep-
• resents
the first attempt tO lay, Ontario before the holiday -seeker
in 8uch a'WaY that hecan motor over the Province systematically.
The whole story of Ontario, is told in sequence—Ontario. from
Winnipeg to Cochrane, to Windsor, to Montreal—yet the book
only comprises forty pages, and is pocket size.,
•Not a reference page fronl cover to cover—in Other words, You
get the whole 'story of a district when you are at thetwopages
• covering that particular district. 'No advertising of any kind in
.,"The Dunlop Trill." • •
All maps and illustrations specially drawn; allmaterial specially
• compiled: Think of this feature: All your mileage figured out for
you over the entire Province—the first time this has been ,
tempted in the history of motoring. .
In "The Dunlop Trail" you find every River \and Lake trip- in .,
Ontario thathasa schedule; also special Train trips; combination
Auto, Boat and Train trips; the first complete list ever published
of places in Ontario where SummerHotels,- are located; every
Golf Club and Camp' Site in the Province, andreal information,
where you want it about steamer and ferry services for taking
autos aboard. .
In order to keep the circulation of "The Dunlop Trairin the
proper channel a nominal price offifty cents has been put on it.
Any Garage or Tire Dealer in Ontario will take your order for
• "I -he -Dunlop Trail" 'or:you can procure it direct from this Com-
pany at any of the Ontario Offices mentioned, below.
1 -
HAMILTON BRANCH: 18-24 Park Street South.
LONDON BRANCH: 571 Richmond Street.
OTTAWA BRANCH: Dunlop Building, 306-312 Sparks St.
Dunlop—Tire Makers to Canada for Thirty Years.
ess Air, More Comfort
. Townships andinunicitial
'cils,•bOarda Of trade and chamber's. cif
conimeree of. .Western Ontario, ;will
probably be asked "•to. send, represehtw:,
•latives to a meetinr which • will be
.1held 'Somewhere in the,,peninsul& this.
Fall to discuss WaYs, and means to,
'I counteract .a Clearly defined tendency
iwhich it:Unchecked' will, ' it, is .believ-
ett, :threaten":" the: :•„,prosperity,of;t1.-ii§
part of the Dominion., :,' .•
• Prosperity ;in the fourteen comities.
• ,of Ilastern, Ontario,: • elseWhere, . in:
• Canada, is dependent largely ' upon
•:tzirieulture and it will ,be adtnitted
, that no greater:calamity' could befell
an area dependent ^•for its••prospert_ty._
, upon agriculturists.- ,•:Yel, this, it. is
•• elaitned is what is happening throu-
, Igh. the .process - of -tithe in Western
Ontario. ' The regrettable fait that
the younger. generation' are flocking
• to the•..cities and towns, and the „leek
•of adequa•te, means, ,to;--replat,:e,„.the,
;shrinkage In: the nu hi bers'..7of thick
• !farmers caused by m )2; tat ken. ,t,e
.atal, death have brought about
condition, : the results: of wliicli are
already aufficientlY obvious to -de-
.imand attention .and action. *
For. Scene years" the WSfeiln, Ont-"
hrio' United, Baardgvo‘'Prsidei.anafww
7fihation of Many of the Boards ' • of
• ,iTrade, and .Chainbe ' Commerce Of
Biont.., Huron, Waterioe, Rent
Oxford Middlesex' Briide, and
Norfolk• hive givenattention to cer-
tainy broad' aspects'-^76177:agitooxtre:
With - the aid of Township ,Clerks of '
,•the 'fourteen Counties above named -
over' two-thirds of the 'total: of 157.
,township clerks having cO4perateda.--
- •elaiined;,•:,-,not"..Wi thou (,...741110011e!",_
a tient .indicste marked"tendency to-"
• ..
:wards reduetion • in the number . of.
. • .• r
Western' Ontario's • skilled agricul-
turists• actively engaged in produc-
tive work: The :farmers of the pre-
genetatibn ere, of course grow-
ing °older•. and' in many instances
farms are grOwing larger • and the
most likelypurchaser of farm pro:-
perty, is 'the' neighboring „farmer and,
the figeres. which follow/ show that
there, is an obvious tendency towards
• in:rease •of cleared but idle larid.:
The figures secured muSt`, be, •ac-.
•Cepted at face value_ 'They are ob7,
14i lilt)(t'' 'f.t.0111 over •' hundred ,
penderit sources ' and compiled merely.
• With a 'View to ascertaining actual
eonditions. They s,hOw that Of the •
Jarms--7,--ef-,^the- fourteen, '-counties-,Of "
Western Ontario, .212,607, acieS 'are•
knewn. to be for ,sale; farnis actually •
vacant,' not itielfidnig., those- Abend- -
,pped as. useless •fde agricultural pur-
poses, '.have together 7.15,000 'acres
• and there is "reported also '100,600. Of
ter requiring consideration:
However, the area ,reported to be
1.Or 'sale, or in 'vacant 'farms, or in
unproductive p as t ur e -with- one-
third of 'Western, Ontario' yet to
hear fromL-approiimatin 400,000
' acres- ,or, ,about one -sixteenth Of the
total, cleared land of the fourteen
counties of Western ,Ontario -indic-
ates 'a well • defined tendency to-
ward, reduction the number of,
Western Ontario's skilled • agricul-
turists and this, if admitted, is, it is
claimed, a basic condition striking at
the, roots of 'prosperity which cannot
be•disiegardeci. without risk -
• 1Viernbers Of. the United Boards are
asking Where skilled agriculturists
are to be found to buy and cultivate
the farms ---now : offered for sale and
these of other fariners who, may in
the 'natural course of events .be ex-
pec,fed to retire: If ,there is a- tend-
eney. detrimental to the interests of
Western Ontario; i it is Considered
'folly- to ignore it and Western Ont..'
ltrionswsbefild; it,is,^subrnitted,,get,tot1+
gether and see 'what can be dime to
check it '
- --
Recently when a L Carrick Township:
farmer Yitited. his mail bey he ohser-
yed What appeared- to be .quito
large' parcel attached' to the bdr." As
he was not a' ,patron of .^^the Mail or-
der hoUses,. and not expecting ii,par-
'eel from anyyother 'scairee' he was
nuch puzzled until he „drewnear en-
ough to discover' that the "halter'
consisted of i warm of bees. ;which
had settledon-the box; --:He- didn't
collect his .mail that day, ,
• '
It isn't_an orthodox apartment, if
you have room 'for two guests at on-.
'et-without.:plitting2.7,-.the'-eat- out
,clearedw, land i n?,7s Pasture-PoVer^^^rieeeS2-''
sary „requirements, • 'According. to
Statisties secured • from 1,the Provin-
a I •: DePatitment
Cron. Reports • (142): 100,000 acres,
generaifield wcrop :;Tieltis $2,000,-
000 •annually. • of ' course it can' quite
•justA,y., be. said • that, an, increase. in..the,
demand tor ' 'beef. cattle, wotild,
(IU,O 'the Unproduetive land in. pas-.
tare ;7that farms offered for sale may,
_the _present iowners
for mallY years and that increased
production, if the land were' fully
the already:^w.inadecm-•te remuner-
ation of agriculture at present pri-
es for produce of all kinds; These
are, of course, circumsta- - which
-s,hifuld,:.,not.,,bew_lost sight of, anzlither.
:are' nossiltik'other:pliaseg.7.6f-ilie.^.rrilit7,..
• Made by Ame6 Holden Tire 8c Rubber Co: Limited
t" will give you more miles for each
'dollar of cost—prove it—test them
with anyother tire and
vetimpate ihec:ire
7 •
F P-Oth
tuckfi( Lekting Tire hop
••••', 4
Here and There
• . It ie 'announced that. vigorOuS
efforts will be, Made by the Gov-
ernment of Manitoba, to - effect the
actual settlement of 224,000' acres
of 'meant Provincial: land noW nncie;
:ithe-vadministration,:ot,-thes,.crown.; '
,.• • _ .
//line •421rsr
^traffic earnings of the Canadian
Pacific Railway =bunted to, $3,-
301,000, as compered With $3,159,-
000 for the, corresponding period' of -
1923. This IS an inereaSe of $1.428-
000, or 4.4 per cent.
. •
• Reports from the ROn'Yn gold
• fields .of Quebec-, continue to. indi-
' tory. ,Development IS proceeding.
apace and the ^ English ' capital -now.,
flowing into Canada:in, search of,.
• geed, investments • is • inIeresting it-
self in this area.. ' ^
'.Three .carloads of seed grain are
being shipped weekly from the
provincial seed cleaning‘and mar-
keting plant at Edmonton, Alta.
About 50,000 bushels' of seed grain
• have been handled by the plant since
last '.fall and 20,000 bushels more
will , be handled. before the year's
seeding is completed. '
The International Paper Company
intends to add twe ,new machines
td their plant in Three Rivers, quer,'
so, as • to increase their production,
7 from 300 to 450 tons daily. Another
, project is also under consideration;
viz., to build a. plant. in. Batiscan
instead of enlarging the -Three
• Rivers one:.
Out of every dollar the Company
. earns, the sun() of 81 cents i# spent
by .the Canadian Pacific ,Railw'AY in
the home markets of ',Canada for
wages, materials, &applies, . taxeS "
and insurance, figures recently is
show. In 1023 the total earn-
ings of lthisgreat corporation were
$195,837,089, and every, community
in Canada directly benefitted by the
expendithre, of 81 ;er cent of this
huge amount in the home market.
. The ,1924 cut of the East KoOte-f.:
nay (B;C,) ;forestry district ' gives
..iiroinise of running • to a grand total
cif 150,000;000, feet There is. .
-particularly briSk business in -poles
of longer lengths and in railway .
ties; and a• cut of, "senile ..1,000,000
sawn ties and the usual quantity of
the hewn variety is' looked for. 'Six-
teen sawmills , are now in operation
and indications are that there ,,will•
probably be thirty going before the
• season Joses. . , •
Canada now, takes third place,
and second place among British pos-
sessions, of•the.gold-producing areas -
of -the-world.-t-The-total--gold --pro--
duction of the •world - for 1922 -the
latest year for which returns are
available "--• was ' 15,440,000 find
ounces, of which the Transvaal Pro-
duced 7,020,110, or ,45.5 per. cent.
The United States came second,
with 2,363,075 ounces, �r 15;3 per
cent., and Canada followed, with 3,-
263,364 ounces, or 8.2 per cent.
, June 18th was the anniversary. Of
• the running of the first , Imperial
Limited, the Canadian Pacific Rail-
way's famous transcontinental. This
was not the Company's first' trans-
continental, as trains began regular
service. between ,Montreal and Van-
couver as far' back as 1886, but for
several years it was the Crack Cana-
dian Pacific express. To -day the
premier place is held by the Trans-
Canada Limited, the fastest long-
distance express in the world, which
reurinilin_tjan90 or 10
hours less than the time of the
• •
,( An' "old •hqy',' of East:: Wawaiiesh •
• • .• •
has sent us the'..verses printed..below,"
having 'retereride. to 'S. S. No 13,
Wawanoali.• and the , rejunion'.to,.,be
held there on July • 23...The s'en,timent
Nk 4, W WaWanciali whcie a re7.•
union will be held On July .24.)
W.awanosh! Qh..hear iti.
Ctilfingus 1O -day)
Namb..With, magic in. it
. • , ,
' To these far aWaY;
"Thirteen" is ;the watch..ord,'
School -house famed -afar '-----
EVery heart is well stnred,,
And the-;ja4-,:7,L7
a •
Holy ground, forever.,
Is that stretch , Of road,
Shun it none can ever, ,
Who:^^_onew there ,aborfe.r.!,;.,
' "rtit 11E13
Back' againto childhood!, •
Log :,sehool-house and creek;
Playing, in Ithe„:„vvild-,Wood;
Fighting- like a dreek,2"
Line, tin' in 'the school -house,
As we did at nine;
Boya in heckerect red-blotise;
Girls in •liorna'spun,- fine.-
ro the Agricultural College. and
the Farmer
Seed' Selection 'Helps in • Eren..040.•
••Year, -,Large seea,
tglesting , ft esti) ts4-77 IFeedipa
,7 7 7
(Qoritrituitect.tby Oath rip ti,i'porttneat
' Agriculture Toronto.)
• , „
...P.u1;44e'7,1714. '4tr1714iIsh;nYbe41.he04
tart° *
Ago,oiottirai...99114e "t1
2,000 farmers aAr. tit
tull infayreation.`fer Teen, dtetineiesta
on ir..
'7"'One 'hundred
,tfnet,,,• experintentS. were .cpnclAi'et,Awl;
-during ; the -season
bantlry area. , •
Selection of Seed Important.
71)ifferent selection's, of 'seed Of 'yari-
. .
otis classes, of grain have 'been bare,
fullytested at the •Ontario Agricul-
tural collegefor from six to :Mile
years, The average resultsshoW..t t,
even • one 'year's selection Of seed
grain has •a.inar.ked influerice., on, the
resulting crop. eVery 'instance,
the large .plump seod gave a greater
'yield of grain per acre. than medium, •
fiized, small pljmp, •,shruil,ken,or
broken : seed: In tbo average of the •
•six -classes % of • grain the large "Pima
surpassed " the smell Pluirip in 7yield
Of grain per acre by :19 per cent., . and, •
1117 the average of , the three 'classes
of grain the Plaint) seed, gave.',a4yield",-
over. the shrunken teed ref 20 per
cent. It should be understood ' that
equal numbers of seed were used .in
experimentothuitsshowthat large
produce a larger, more vigorous and
^more, productive .plant than Is pro-
duced from.. a Smelt:lilt:map or train a.
shrunken ; seed. -Department of Ex-
tension, O.A. College;:Guelph:,
• II
Folioirint Up the Soil Survey --,-Lime
Phosphate With. Wheat-ww-lEx-,* •
• . , •
perirnents, Wii,h Potatoes.
The three 'd.eniemstr4tion'Phits that
have been-startedas folloW ,en Work
in connection w with the soil survey are
now, giving :interesting' ifestiffs. The
outstanding , feature go, far IS .• the
proved beneficial effect of lime and
phosphoric acid. On the .fight sahdr
soil of the Norfolk County plotr•the ••
increaaing. amount Of ,decaying or-
ganiclitatter is beginning tomakeit-
self felt in the improved texture
the sedl..and:inereased -crop. Yields: On,
all three of these eXperimental6ejots
certain raixturea o fertilizers are
giving Paying 'restatt;'• while • Other
milt -Urea, are not.. • •
•. •
, • •
Lime :Phosphate Experimenta With,
:Wheat. • "
. The lime •-phosphate,',.eXperinients
planned to discoverthe effect of . hal
'lime' and:acid phosphate aiid Mixed
'fertilizer, On .wheat and the succeed -
Ing ,crop of Clover,' have
esting reaUlta. Each experiment .con-
sisted ot four. half -acre Plots; a,nd
these 'w,ere-taid doWn, on :three differ- *
ent farms' In eight differentcountieS;
twenty-four 'experiments in all. ....As
these eineriittents were started in the
fall of 1922, only the wheat crop has
beeri:,harvesteds The clover, however,
shows Marke'd 'difference. in •deVelop,
Ment in the various plots and inter-
esting results. Maybe expected next,
season.' ,The outstanding restilts, so
far obtained -ix- that •- acid- ph -Om -Ai -ate •
increased the Yield :Of wheat in e•very•
'experinientr The average , fortli,e
Check" plot was bUshela"per
and the acid phosphate -)lot 34.34
bushels per • acre, an Increase 'of ,',a
little direr; 50 per,een.i.:.._:„Assaining.
that the addition .of the • acid • phos-
phate atth.e rate appli•edon.theS6',.exH.:,
periments .would • have giVenthe. sawe
resulton the 711,4,07 .acres of _fait
wheat harVested in Ontario in 1923,.4
the 'yaine of the ' crop ' •Nypu'ld have
been inerea.S'ext• by nearly eight Hill-
liOrt,dollars, at^a profit'overd•the entire
cost oT the acid phosphate ,ok ;ever
four raillion„dollars. • " '
• • ..• , • •
Experiments With Potatoes.
The Triangle experiments with p^"
tatties-,haVeg, deinonstrated.Ei1r veirw
panty,' where lield .that leghni 08 niay
be used to gather all or nearly all 'the
nitrogen required, hy
and .that phosphoric aed and potali
'pOper proportion MAY :be used to,,
-increase beth th utiniftitY and '
Ity of the dreg With. pi -fit,
• This •, Work is, being' ektended to
eight additional counties; and
• trig "carried on by the CliVinistry de-
partment Of ,the Ontario Agricuittital
,College in eti,ePeratidir With the A.gri-
•:.cultitral-Ttepresentatives-TDent; ^',7-afT-
Eitension, 0. A, College, CtielPhw,' .
Mr- Lovell ReaViet oftbe siarr of
the Continental Meters,", Detroit, is
Visiting in Ripley,
M/06 • Pliuheth pototo Wa 10
• ^Lenden, fOr'''ai few 'ilay.s tlLs .1,,vPo4,
• 4-1.01-4,a1d M Xay, of 1nvethurojj
"was ,Jn't Own ',Off;TJtay ••
• P. E. ,I,,- ia yisieng*.her parents "Mr.,"
and Mr J, MartYn.
, .
-Geo/ 11,1':•'LoYf teller .in The
Roa Bank here,' :has been trans-
, ferret! to, Drayton. •„
, of 'Listowel is,
.tst hei gzndJnother. Mrs 5.' A,.
• • • .• r, •
M. D:. 'MC.InheS, Riptgy's': TRIP,
h a, . ben
ei.NIng'• redial 4401:gilt. Toronto
for some time past,, is now onvales-'
ging in,,Kinaidine an.d is .expeeted,to
return' he're .at- an 'eayry. date. .
'.A 'nutnber ' attehded
theit'Ir,KitEcua:denilee'Milia;sYnvkl'Th,i'ar:illdaY. Han-
; eVer .
, Strawberry •picking has: engaged
the atterition, .ef.W.rnany children and
l'adu.l.ts*,iii; the fat week or. two And:
.t.he C. ,N, :R,^, .line ,. and twentieth
sid;irpad has heen dotted with people
bthil gathering the ,• delicious , fruit.
Church :7 Sunday
sohool picnic was held ,at • 1317hee-
• .
13par:h. last- Thursday Tlie eXcellqnt
- .•
weather ,ceinbineci with an erithusias7-,
Crowd to, ',make the 'outing a dis-
-tinct Succe,,. s • •
*. Mr. and. Mrs •Alran Ashley • Of
. . .
Wiltrton :are ' 34itjrig the latter'S
mother„ Mrs Mr 1VICGillivra
„ ' . • ••
-Mr. and 'Mrs, E. •-F,:Martyn artiv-
ed in Ripleiy '„freen- Detroit, en Wedw
nesclay.: They will take u -their -re=1
sidece, here,' Eugene continuing • to
,assist !nil father in the Coal 'and
grain business, On ,Mciriday, a number
•of friends gathered in the Town Hall
,aral presented the happy giatip.le with
•a' purse of "money as an indication a
.estepinand ..good,wishes.
-pis-ant eyenirig 'Was.' spent in., clac-
•.ing: 'followed by'.refresliment:
,Iloyace.,MeLaY, who'; has been
teaching at, Gooderliani;, is.' home for
,:li.•tirobr from ,Ripiosy and
the. surrounding country celebrated
the gloriont ' twelfth in: Goderich„
The 71-tfriley Orange :Lodge were pre=
sent In halt force.. .
• Mrs, Charles -Pottier;, of ,Hainilton
and. Mrsw!',^ Fred Pierce • of Mitehell
are viSiting' their • mathei”, Mrs John
There *did at Ripley on Jhly
• • . 4 ,
at the 'age ,:of ,seventy-eight years,:
Mrs. Betsy Ayres, wid,pw of the late
Caleb, ,Aytes1.,„ The 'deceased was bern
in'England ,to the *United
States and later to Canada; abotit
• • • • •
thirty. years •,•ago.. She Passed' away
'atter a. lengthy; 'illness at the home
of her -daughter Mrs W Q. Jackson, -
'with • Whore- she resided many Years:-:
• •• .7
, Afternmin of Friday, . .
, ,
.., Once again bring batk-
Spelling inatchos, Hurrah!
Merrin^teht° no lak.
jeaeher,S1 Famed f9ievert
Call their' neines aloud,
Some Will tinSWer, !letter; ,
'Let our heads be bowed;
tidal fniV sar :S. 80 NO, 14 'Mist'
.iceeding CalveS. ,
, . . „
It is ceinSidered a good przietiCe,. In
teaching ealifett to eat grain; to begin' •
by • feeding them a little ground col ii,.,
, or Sifted ground oats: TM's, kind of ,
, ,
then they may be given either wliole
bats or whole corn, tiliXtbre of,
Equal parts by Weight of both, ,This
,whole ,graitt -.inity.-lie...fed,:td the ealVeii'•
• Until2theY.Ift:te
age and then they should , be. 1041
ground feed. 'When 'a calf reaelieS
-eight-Months of age it„does- not elteW
its grain' Consequently a iiigh
percentage o1 tlie grain
if fed. Whole, The theory of -feeding
calves whole 'grain When 4 nintitit to
'eight iiientlia "of age Is that thCy-ehoW
-Aire' grain 'Aietter•; ..ttimulates
the flbw of sallva, • 7": .
_ „.- , . • ,
lieVir wheat ; Which -AS frequently
damp, 18 thdroUghly mixed with dry
old wheat !rein the previous year aud
Pet into bulk storage Or' a few
experiments show the dry, Wheat.'"oh-
sorbs a Stiffielent tiniennt Of inolAttire.
from the dainD Wheat to .!iiiPrOVe, both.'
kinds for, milling •
Iteeidng the animals •Iniidtiri
good feed is not a itindneat, Hatd
"yiei0i7 tintiO With teed tare, le
14110,:rePre. bar..
„ •
TTig LATE' stryinFR smt.
. .
250 Yds Taffeta, 'Silk Plain or
Striped, variety of colors, Worth
up to $4:00 yd., blearing at
$L69 a yd,
30.0. Yds, Silk Crepe di -Chine,
White and ' a vastarray t.f
shades. J u 1 Y Clearing Price
$1.49 per id,"
100 Yds, smooth even'
'Weave; .36 inches wide, Regular
pollar" valee, New .69C. •
1 Piece Pink Self -striped . Satin
.• Sheen, for underwear, extra lolr,
priced ,at 40c. per yd,
, A stupendOuS • array of Dress Mug..
.hns, Voies Dinuty, _Stripes,
Swiss Dotsand others :that
were up to $2.25, Clearing at
95e. a yd.
Special Men's Workr, Shirts, a
$1.00, each.
3 Pair Grey All Wool Sms; $1.00,
Odd Lots of Summer "Underwear,
at Clearing ,Prices,
• ,
CORSETS, New , ,Comfortable
.Mode1s. for the "-HOT.
Ti3e,, funeral, waS held to •RiPley
etery oi July.
Miss Margaret • Armstrong 'And
Master -Gordon Armstrong, of
brook are .visiting-' their . granchnotheg
;Mrs, 'Margaret 7.11/1cDenald.
, The , ni.atter with.. parliament 13
thbt• too, ,Many pdliticians are sent
Fishermen will tell you that ' typpohly go to French giver, ^Rlrlf(0%;
, Yeti that this, go, becatige Ma i6 intritS, these being three the lava
or litiko,of-of ji46 fishing, Not all iot them. Wi
cif/di-loth whore One ten onjoythe Cathie:di:a of the average holiday reitnit,
the' joy of etimP lite and the glory of the woods as woll ha the fiRlest
tlahthg In North „ A1116'10417 • TAie. blits• - Asti*,
f41 '