HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-17, Page 1$2.00'PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, *2.50 (ITHERV/ISE. VETERINARY SURGEON.- Dr. W. J. Keleher', Ripley, none 29 slightor day---t-f, •" • ',..,DENTIST, Dr. MacLeod will „visit, Lid&new V every Tuesday in Dr.„Connelrii Office. Dr.' McInnes. Chiropractor. of Wing - ham, will visit Cain 14euse. Luck - now,• lforenoons, TueSdays, and 'Fri- days,. commencing- April, 29th, also visit the hotel at Dungannon same days' early afternoon. : DR. PARKER, ..STEOPATII; at -the Cain Douse, ,Lseknow. every Wed • nesnay afternoon. All chronic dis ‘ases successfully , treated. Osteo- pathy temoves tne physical causes disease. Adjustment of the . • , spine is more quickly secured and with ' fewer treatments by Osteo- pathy than by • any other method. -,DR. MAUDE C. I3RYANS Registered Optometrist Graduate Departinent of Ophthalmol- ogy. McCormick Medical College: - cago. 111. . • headaches'DrY Itchy Eyes. Granu- lated Eyelids. Watery Eyes Pain in • Eye Balls. Inflamed .Eyes. Pus Or Watery Discharge from Eyes , and • Dizziness caused by .Eyezstrain re- lieved through properly fitted Glass - Cross Eyes straightened »through Properly fitted Lenses. , • Satisfaction Assured At the Cain House. Lucknow. Every Wednesday Afternoon and Evening. Wall Paper -I have on hand the 19- 24 samples of a number of the best wall -paper houses, and will be pleas- ed to show them at my houfie. or Will take them to your. resideneek J. Cameron, Box ,174, Lucknow • „ MONEY TO. LEND -On farm prop- erties at 6%. -Geo. A. Siddall House for Sale ,on ,Havekck streat, •Lueknowuaruen planted Appty to Gaynor at the Post tf. FOR SALE -The Tannery Property and hide riusiness, .Lucknow. tf„ Apply to Sam Robertson. FOR RENT- A comfortable frame . dwelling in Lucknow-- possession any time. Apply to Mrs. Mable Pin- ner, Gen, Delivery, London, Ont. . 24-7-100 FOR SALE -Fine 9assenger tour- ing, Fisher automobile, leather -lined, in good condition Apply to Alex Ross. 10-7-tf. FOR SALE -One Bedroom saite-. good as new. One separate bedstead, one bath tub. Information. at The Sentinel Office. ` 17-7-c. • HEIFER ASTRAY. Caine to the premises of .the un- dersigned, Len. 13 Ashfield, on or about May 20, 1924, a heifer ap parent/Y about one year old. Ownei .,inay have same On proVing 'properly and paying expense & J. W. Stanley 24;7-100 " WANTED TO RENT Will pay up to $30 per month for suitable ,house in Lucknow. Apply fk, S. Wilson, The Canadian Bank of Commerce, Lusknow," Opt:. -7:-.8-145' LESSONS IN VIOLINS Phone Ripley 26-13 James Little. HEIFER ASTRAY ° Came to the premises of the un- dersigned, .1,St .Con, Huron, on or about May 20; 1924, a heifer ap- parently about. one year old. OWner '."• Tn. ar•have-sarne- on 'proving .properly and „paying expenses. J. W.' Stanley 24-7-100 „AUCTION SALE. . Of Household Effects and many thulZarticles'at' The Atiction* Room . \, LucknowT on Saturday ,July 19th.. ".• Commencing at 8 o'clock ,in the ev- ening This will be the last sale as thebuilding mnst .be vacated immed: 'iately:--Elliott Miller, Auc • LOCAL MARKETS Hogs . .‘,.. ,..... $7.76 Egg 7 26c4•21047e-14C Butter .....,. 30c 32 A ,SCHOQL-"'HOME;''CDMING --7--The-P ante- iirSE-HelialliAtildt-tfe- . 'looking forward to a"big day" On Juy 24th, of tho former pupils of 5 No 4' -WeSt-WeWanesh.. A 'field day • Will be had ,on the 'School Grounds in the afternoonp. and,. an concert. :given' in the evening., , The ftilk at home anerkWay have developed a great deal of enthOsiasm, • over the e,vent and 'a Splendid success is, el -A assured: .For ,particidars,,otthe day's Program See the big 'posters. ' Sometimes We, wiSh the stenogra- pher would shift geara leas On he; '$hewing Stnn, isoon•os• sio•si Ag. AND. WillaniA14. • 'Repinant DAY Saturday, julk, 19th 13rewies. ' Miss: Bell Roberton, is.. Spending n' few Weeks!tat Pen Lake, Muskoka. .Mrs. Geo,. Burgess;' Toronto visited her Mother, Mrs. A.. T, Davi- son last week ' . . Visit -Brown's - on --Saturday_ -.TtilY , 19th and share In the Many Reran- , , , ant Bargains. Mrs,... Orchard of Saginaw. Mich:, is visiting her sister Tena and Jean - et Smith of town. Mr. Hugh' Anderson, Toronto, spent a few days of last week, with his Lucknow friendsMis . Rena Gordon is over from Detroit to spend a two week's Va- cation at her home here. Mia Ethel Cameron is spending her vacation with her parents 'Mr. and Mrs R. D. Cameron. ,Mr. and Mrs. W. Maynard, of Tor- onto have returned to the city after a visit with Mrs. ,Davison. Miss Glena Murchison, of Toronto s -spending-a few weeks with her sister Mrs. F. T. Armstrong. - A big range of silk samples at B. Pearlmam's store Come in , and see them, Orders filled at any time. Visit Brown's on Saturday July 1.9th and share in the many Remn- ant Bargains, The Rev. and Mrs. Lillico and children of Virginia Minnesota, are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. John Joynt. Mr. :and Mrs. Charles Steward and children visited., at Mr. and Mrs. a S. Naylor s, :West Wawanosh, last Sunday- _ Miss Mina Graham left last meek for Chellicotbe, Ohio motoring- as far as Detroit_ .with her brother, Mr. 'Allan 'Turner his purchased the Anderson residence in the south part • of Lucknow, and will take pos-,- 'Session in • September. Mrs, Walter Horne and daughter Mildrid motored up from Kingsville and are spending the week with Mr:. and Mrs: Leroy Horne:, - Mrs. J. Stierriff and Mrs. Will Douglas who are in the Wingham Hospital are making favorable pro - °Tess towards recovery Mrs. K. M. Steaphen and her dau-.. ghter, Grace of Guelph, are guests of Mr. and Mrs: W., J. Little, Mrs, Steaphen is a niece of Mr. Little. Mr. W J. Irwin B A •- Sc., who is with the United Steel Cerpor- ation, Pittsborough, Pa., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ir- win of town. Mrs. John Howe and Miss Mar- graet Button of town and Mrs. Wal- ter Howe of Teeswater left here on Wednesday morning for . Windsor where they will spend a month. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Graham and little daughter Donaldii, left for their home by way of Thessalon. where they will spend a few days with Mrs. Graham's friends before going toIVIarquettei, .Mr • Duncan ,'Grahani with his dau- ghter Mrs,. L: C Rifer, of Canton .Ohio, and son "Ina and his wife and »a friend motored froin Detroit orl'FridaY',Airo;retiirtied Sunday ac- cohipanied Mrs. Graham ,who has pretty well recovered from the ab- cident, Of three, weeks ag,o, Mrs. Lance Morrison and little son, Charles Edisvard spent a few days re- cently With her friends Mrs. Todd and grs. Johnston also With:her aunt Mrs. Edwin Purves' on the boundary ' past of , Lucknow. Mrs,: Purves returned with her niece for a brief visit at; St,:litarYS-Nwhere:-Mrs. Morrison resides." Remnant, Day Stiturday,',Juli 19th at Brown's, , 'itevr.,-t,-Wesle.yz.',.CoSeniand: 'Rev. C W De Wtt Cosens," M, A & attended the funeral. of the late; Rev.:James E. Hunter,,sier, of London Conference,. Who, died And- denly at Granttin on Monday. 'The Rev. Mr, Hunter was "assistant to Rev. T. W: COSezis for two years during hip:'„prpbation for .the mines - try The funeral service was held at Granton on We:Inesday ,and was largely» attended: by minister of the Conference; Interme.lt was made at 7.4000a, ' CHURCH NOTES, LUCKiTOW, ONT., THURSDAY.. JULY 17,01., 1924. ti,ZYThe("Rev4r.,M,r,,t (H. EBedgewlelq1):3),, \of ce,Oral, LHamilton • -wiL occupy the. pulpit of the 'Presbyter- • lan",.••Chtirch :acid "Sabbath The 'Sab- bath School and •• Bible Classes will meet in the Morning at ten o'clock: The -Church Union-. Bill Which has been the subjeet, Of much controver- sy, both in and out of, parliament for SOme time, has been finally passed hy;the--Senater:and -may now--be-re- garded as IoW.The bill went through practieally,.as first • proposed by, the Church tinion,,eammittee represent- ing the three churches uniting, the method of voting- bY, congregations Which may not wish to go into the United Church being slightly:mei:1i- fied by the Senate. • CHICAGO MARRIED.T C Friends of Miss Sadie BeTd; 'sister of Mr. Albert H. Boyd, of tOwn, wili be interested to know that she as •married at Chicago, on ,July 3rd to Lieutenant,' Cannel, WilliaM Rey Nellegar. ' a *CLAN GRAHAM The annual gathering of The Gra- ham Clan will be 'held at ,Springbarik Park. London Thursday July 24: All descendants Of the Clan are cordially invited. -Com 'tee. BAND CONCERT AND SOCIAL .A.• Free Band Cencert will be giv- On the Parsonage lawn, Lueknow, Friday July 18th from 7.30 to p.m. Refreshments will be served cream, cake, tea; sandwiches and S. of good . things- just pay ' for. at : you get. Also sale of home de baking. Everybody Welcome. WILL HOLD BOWLING TOURNAMENT on 10 Ice lot wh ma The local •Bowling Club are plan- ning the holding of a bowling tauntment on August 21. This will be on the new •"green" in Memorial Park, which', it iS expected will. be in con- dition by that date. The Grounds _committee is greatly _pleased with the progress made in preparing the green. There are in all eleyen greens or courts, ,so that a very con- siderable number of bowlers can be accommodated on a tournament day, When completed the green will be one of the best in Western Ontario. Officers and committees of the club this year are: Hon. president, John Joynt, M.P.P.; President, Et N. Hodgins; Vice 'president, J. H. Cantelon; Sec'y, F T. Armstrong-, Tournament Committee: T. S - Reid, G. H Smith, J. E Agnew, Light Comniittee: It. Johnston,- D. Archer, R. *Rae. Grounds Committee: A Ritchie, W Kearney, J.. McQuaig, D M Johnstone, A. Hamilton. .• Refreshments Cornmittee A. E. McKim J A Cantelon A Turner TUESDAY'S BALL - AME » , We are not going to 'say Very much about the league game of oasebali - plard here on Tuesday, when Kincardine was the visiting 'tearn. We shall cleaye the rnilin writeupto our • co-tems in the • Lake -Side. Town.- We don't know- whether, the. local 'bOyS' 'fell down" or'went up in the air" judging by the score, 17:, -2 in favor of Kincardine, they wereneither able get get runs nor prevent the visitors from getting .them:i*cll=there='was:-*Aet.:01:che.ai- ing anyway, lo all must have enjoy- ed 1,he,gaine; ' Miss /Florence ,Cook is. visiting in London, for a few days.. . • Mrs. Saunders; a sister of the lat- er,Dr. 'Gordon is isiting -Mrs: Gerd -- on of town. ' Miss Bertha Alibi'. is home from Toronto for a few, weeks vacation. ,Mr J S-Newtoni„ teacher, at- Port: 'Credit is in town for a few weeks. -BORN :Wightman--In the TownShin ofloss, on Ju1., .8",'.'19244.to,114rAidid,Mtk: _Earl Wightman of near AtibuFri, 'i daughter( ' ,Mrd. 'Wightmari was forinerly Miss Aleda Mathera)["':' Gaynor- In the Township of West Wawanosh; on July 2nd, 1924, to Mr. and Mrs, Mat, Gaynor, a daughter, ghter. Reid-- In the » Township of -West ,Wawanosh on July 5th 1924, to Mr. and MrS, Lawrence Reid, a datighter. Black- rn the Township of, West Wawanosh, on July 13, 1924 to Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Blikek got,. ,LUCKNOW SCHOOL TIIE LATE MRS: (REV.), IIARDJE .ASIIFIELD• L'he,f911,0)xiing' -is .fihO'resnfit" q the Lueknew "kntrance. claSst Tw,eieg • "virrote all passed 'and ten took hon., • lionours---E. Collyer;' MacIn- nes; N.' Wilon; M, Palmer; G. Fish- ,. err G. MacInnes; L. Webster; L. Menary; H Webster; E. MacDonald: Pass --C, Blit4stein; F Machines. * ENTANCE TO. H1611 iCirlOOL EXAMINATION 11E'ULTS , , Below' is ,given the reiilts• of the High School Entrance xamination canducted at Lucknow . , • Honours -Edmund -Collyer • Dear McInnes, Annie Moore; Nornian Wilson - M>ritle Pallner,PONIOn, ,FIStler; Blanche, iittRiiIttin, George McInnes,' .aLreyri,o ''Ha a rWve6by'sItNe'rebsteLri,YiEriglisztareeth11:1,7: Donald,. 'Evelyn „ MeLean; George , Graben -1. . .• , Blitisteint,' Rena »Car- ruthers; Mary Campbell, 1-6i.91a Collins, Wallace Conn och4n;:).aSwelnsoie John r Craig. Annette Fisher,. Margaret . S. crahain, Verrieica Gamble, Russell GaUnt, „Jean HalclenbY, Dict 13; lIenderson,•-,Orland Jqhnston James Ketchehaw, Nellie • Lott; „ 'nes, .F. Corenee McInnes; Mar,:t-aret MacKinnonEdna Mdiri ion; Jess ie : P.urVis, Alvin Percy, Robert PUrViS EdWai•d MacKenzie Scott Paterson, Grace: Richardson, . Eldon . Stanley, EVa Sells,Jean Scohle,, Edward dell.,» yighest Honour .Standing 1 -Mi §S k4rY.' Mendelson of RiPleY Public School, Miss BaX, teae:her ob- tained 692 markseutof» a • pos:sibl'O': 2-MaSter Ralston. AfeLeod of Kin- cardin'e Public School,' Mr. Tovell, tea- cher ,obtained' 667' • 3 -.-Miss Helen Gilhes of Teeswater Public School, 'kiss Mitchell teacher obtained 651. • 2 SurninarY of Results. Teeswater No of Candidate 71; .1-lon- ours 20; Passed 56; Failed 15; per- . cen,tage passed 79. Lucknow No. of candidate 54; Hon- ours" •I6; Passed 46; Failed 8 percent- age Passed 85. • " • '- Ripley No. .of Candidates 38; Hon- ours '15; Passed 37; Failed 1; er- centpge passed 99„ Kincardine No. of 'candidates 61; .Honours 13; Passed 52; Failed • Percentage passed 85 ' Totals No, of candidate 224; ''Hon-. ours 64; 'Passed. 191; Failed 33; Av- erage Passed, 84 Appeals ,.. Candidates Who have been ,reject- ed by the Entranee, Board, may Wave their answer. papers re -read on lod- ging ,an appeal. with its 'secretary W. F. Ball I.P.S. Port -Elgin at least :two weeks before' the re -opening -Of school in September and, On payiv., 'a fee of two dollars ($2) 'NV /1;.Ch Wilk . bereturned if the appeal be sustain - ZION - Mr, Boden Ritchie'and Mr. Robeit• Wilson; of Detroit, spent the Week: ond-ikit. friends at \ Zion. Mr. C. E. McDonagh made, a 'bus- inesS trip to London last week,/ The MiSseS Ritehie'S- of ''',Tbroiito who are home on their vacations ent. tertaihed a few of the..'ygung ladies of Zion last ;Thyrsclaki afternoon;; Mr. Walter Ritchie of •Walkervillp :is ,spentiing,t,his •sirminer •,,-vacation: with his 'cousins the Ritchie BpDs• „, Mr., and, Mrs: Jack Gardner' rnd baby ' Kathlene Visited Mr. Sanr hil- Patrick's at IVIafel,-,ing .one day last and Mrs, Champion „of, Fo:"d- `yee ',spent Thursday last_ with,. Zion ' " Mr.- and Mrs. Chester R•}k of Detroit' Called on Zion 'friends a, few days last week. .• Mig,.-;36Seph--1Helm- and Thomas of Detrbit returned' home. last Week, We are_glad.--to- see -,Tom Abie to he around again after his attack of ,pnetnnonia - 4 Mr, Edmand,...O.n.rdne,o-Aif,,tWituis6r ,:.heme„ for his summer •vacation.:,' Mr. john Champion,' of Fordyce, and Mrs, M. Gardner of Zion, visited friends at Ripley, Bervie and Kincar- dine 4last Thursday‘, ' Maple Grove L.0,L., 1044, Celebra- ted the .12th July in .Goderich and report '),a, 'very: ,large •crowd and, a large body Of Orangemen in the Parade 'which was over a mile and a half long, , Mr: and Mrs. Abb Ritchie, MisS Francis Ritchie and kiss Cross Of Guelph visited Zion friends On 404 „ ' "FefiewIrg' 111!•c'..e. ,MOriths, Of illness, • 1frig"." 'Hardie, ;wife of the 'Rev.. J.. S. pastor of ,the- Ashfield •Pres-' byterian cornStregation.,. died,' at The 'Mans e 'earl Sundayrn • Y • last'Q .1Y1g• A ,funeral' servie.e was held' in, the . church. on 'Tuesday' afternoon ,t011ow- ing which the remains"Were•Convey edGoderich' to hr. • • • ----- , •ntb)enAt!•iyil811-ibe7i/elalneess'idn't'IC. :7hAeyn-r.' Cern- eterY..' " Those who. had the Privelege.' of . knowing the, late' Mrs;Hardie dUring, the fourteen yeors that thefamily . have been in Ashfield speak of her inthe highet terms as a.worrian of excellen't good sense of moSt , , , cheerful and benevolent 'natiire . . „ Airs. Hardie was born, 67 years ago Phaneyille; 'Ontario, her ancestors a ,hasing,. been 1.5. E. Loyalists of Pen- nsylvania who 'earile. to . Canada' foll- owing the Aineric'an .war indep- •endence,..: She and :Mr, Hardie Were- - married 38 ear .ago .when lie was' - minister at AYr. Atte': -• being. '12 years, at Ayr 'the family :moved Listowel.where Hardie 1311 pas- .401;0°071,211Y,arAI..sdpe;',(,a-',-irrargoe:.:tAhenidx!rvs4oenatioof , hwo' Mis5 Mary » Hall - of Brantford is wee s. and Mrs,' gar. johnsibi-i',. of Blueyaie 'ere guests:1°)X1fda.:;1%;!':;?•• 'an' (1'1 • t • .1‘,1„9"Iti.:',:everybOdy and •thei wives » weehGaile,rieir,:,Sarturtlay. ' 410. Mrs. • danghter "of,;:el,irltoevrere 'bblie• dur- ing the week. , t • : • „ '•• 10.s •JeSsie Stothers left fer Saskatchewan 'Monday. She plans pending the holiday's With ,her .bro- ther Mr. I; StOthers'Woolsley" S• ask., afterWardS teaching for a Year., Her nany friend's here wish hex' h• appy ind _profitable trip through the 'dan-. dian , . • 'Ilie":,131ake's Sunday- School Pinic 1.1iich was 'WO on the Cook, liro's. rOgrids .July 5th,..Was well ;attended nd: an, enjoyable,. tithe 'spent'while » Company` were ,•Agirro..hnTehdostOgBelte.er or., refieshinents.- upt,' CalIed ier. attention' while the °Bowing address WAS read ,hy Miss live :Anderson,- Mr. •Geo.. TWamleY, resenting" -Miss 'Jessie St -others. N.yitIL toir. ,for eleven years before,. coming ••) to Ashfield »nearly .fifteen 'Years ago., Besides' her hugband . Mrs. 'Hardie is survived by to Sons and one dau- fr ghtei Di DiidHardie?", of Galena; M, Ill.; Mr. Stanley Hardie, of 'Londen. Ont, and "A.Targaret :Who for some , tinie has been nursin in. ChiCago. •tu but who was ,with hej mother' OfQ,11; t;:„ ghout hey: last' illness., ASH-FIELD.:NOTES , 1 • I •.Mis5 Elleda Irwin, of Toronto, -4s .dvisiting with » her parents Mr. and Mrs, Toni. 'Irwin of near' Lueknow • Bradleyof »Toronto., is spending to weeks holiday, with his parents Mr and Mrs Jas Brad- ley of Laurier. ' Miss 'Dorothy. 'Pickering of .„Para- mount spent ,the week-end:With Miss 'Annie Grant' of Hemlock pity. Mr. It J INIcKerizie, of Goderich visited witir friend's': .at Laurier •dur: ing, the :week; ,Perl Raynard of. F'aramount . • spent ',the: week end. With 'her siSter Mr. Walter 'Alton of ,Laries.'• and Mrs John Ross. of • .p9,- troit 'visited With -Mr.rand Mrs Rory Ross of Lochalslr duriii,e; the weekMiss - .' • Annie -McDonald » ,Of Para- mount • left this week for "Detroit'" . .• Where. she will visit her sister :Mrs.. . . • A. L. McLennan. ' • Mr. and •"Mrs. Will Alexandria of Detroit are visiting with; Mrs. J. S. Pickering ,of 'IlaramOunt-IMrs. Alp Andra's mother, Mr. and Mrs. Dave MacLean - Chicago '"Mr. and Mrs 'Joseph...Oste Lag, of . Detroit.; and 111r.s „Annie He dersOn' of CarlOW,:,.'are guests th reek'. at MacLean's, Lothian. • Mrs . Jo'seph Hughes •-• and ' bah 'rid Miss. Ida Hamilton"ot. Rain River are viiting, with 'their lirOthe Vernon Hamilton of the 12th Con. .. The LI.F.W.0...Inet at the' "home o frs•-••A,-Ketchabaw on: "July' 8Th. Th a struniental• nuMbers. 'Were given' the Mises" and Annie- -Ketcha- •,hav,,' solo .by, MarY 'Cook and"a • read ing by Annie MacDonald., :A . paper. on. 'Pioneer ...and Life 1).3', '1"ac1)onald \vas ,ably • dealt With,' Arrangements ,are ,heingmade fdt'a! jOint meeting.- of the •Laurier andParamount'llubs to be 'held' at Mrs, Jas:)14CDOnald'S rni Aug'. 12th. • . At the of. the ,,meetitig hostest.'served creinn • and. cake,. 'Mrs, Jag: :1".61)..ster :and •IVirmitre4: of, nc'ilr • LLIC1010V,' loft, ' ,inornihg,Ter:,•Dett-pit.,.wH;c:- they visit ' friends: rwir,a'; Ny,eek • " o-d,o - •, • , Mr M. ShAckleton is visiting -fri- ends in Go,deriA, ' .)111 'fei-1;;'and tArS71.1.1; Finnigan • ' Mr. and Wilfred; Drennan )1sitc4.....:, With Lncknow ,friends - Sunday,,, • Brown. ;Is; his niece; Mrs. Sam Sherwood.' » • Mr- and.. Mrs. 1Ct Johnston, of BlneYale. -Were, the, guests Of Mr, and Vert Treleaven on 'Monday. , 'Mr. and Mrs: •Bert Tre1eaen» and faniuly, spent Sunday With „Mrs, Rohe. ',Treleaven » DUngahnon. Mr and - "tionry.'vlsited' With Me. and Geofge linry -Mr. 'and. Mrs': Herb Stothers Palled on friends here on Siindity A large 'number frem: here' atten- dedh.'thoe4 OsraIrr4ea;:e, erio • • beautiful bar pin 'set -withpearls onr the Church arid Sunday, school. issgJessie. Stothe'rs: Dai Friend We feel would be Very Ungrate-• I, if On learning that.you are soon • leaVe us, for an indefinite period, did` not in some t•hngable Way how you, how very» lunch we, have .appreciated • your help SO P'eely • giv., in the Church ,' the Cheiras. or- ganist and An, .the Sunday 'School. Phe SOcial lite of the community has' laitely 'depended: on; y,ou for ,inspi.r7' • „ ation in planning social 'evenings,' , concert programs, etc. and, we 'cannot imagine a play •witheut, yott in it 411 this 'ha's Meant Work ..for,yeu, and While. it ;17,;• -•as given cheerfully, • . without. thought =of rewara, v -ant yon• to feel We have appreciated your services,' and hope your • absence,. will not be of Verk long ;duration. Your many ;friend's he e ishyou' A pleas: .,, • „ ,atit jimirnev in Saskatchewan.: '-, Will you accept , this, gift as -a token of our .es..teem ' and to keep you in rein- einbrance of 'yonr friends in 'Blake's ,Chtireh and S. S who i11 always be glad to' hear from yeti: , • ' Signed on behalf of Blake's.church and Qlive'Anderson, • ,,, . George Twain ey. Miss' StOthersexPressed her ap•- preciationr and thanks ,brief1, assur- ing .her friends -that she hoped to re-, turn before 'very long .,to the • home neighboithood. ' - Mi Eldon Twa•mley of Chatharn is'ispendirig, this :Week at his hohie Frances Gdlightly: of Monk-, ten„ pnt:, ,the.-inesi of Mr., and. Mrs. Gee.; Twantley oVer the .Week:, entl. • WHITECHURCH • AlifsJda . ,7cQu:oid ',Lue "fri-ends" in :''knO end W7Overthe-- aeek - 3Ir. and Mrs. 'Shaw and children .)olfe.b,,Tio:0ci9nrt,cis,a ••••re'..1,-isiting at Mr: Jail , 'Airs .1.%TcP-A.-vin of inrliim :. st' • .itim.t• at Mr„ Gibs.on Gillespie's. Mr and Mrs. Wes. Leggatt 'and f-hildreti0 B,Ine-vaie visited. with friends in the, village' On Sunday. , Mi eitt9leY '43tt°Faex-;:lii9:.ntenrciXiseAaed:ti;•terit.lt:n00 Sunda\'Ili Pii Scott and •Velina isited 1'017 a/few withfriends' in Tees-- Mr. ' ,and Mrs.,' Richard' ,. Terrift. • • , • ,and childreNDorothy anti'Donald.!of • . , Mrs. Chnries, nr-O 41 ?en:- Or --WKiXe er visited' tit Mr. Ma Ross on '.Sund:\,Y, , Miss Ernscliffe , :Musgroveo New York_ -.visited. :for 'a-; • feW". days Frard; Henre's• .• " • 4 • Mr. d M. rs, Alex _,:lteKenzie.- d 'AI'S: Thos. Gaunt and •Mr,, Mire - house motored' to LOnazi.,O11:-Stintlay *tb".11 ft . , ,'Sfaster George , Ross is" sri'ohding the holidays at his g„randin.other'.• , Mi rehouse.. t Mr, Ben RObinsdn • of Toronie visiting ,at Mr, Prank treitr,t;'"s.• Miss. Mut-dean., SimpSOn'.Of is visiting:: at her' uncle's Mr. Jas. Mr, and Mrs, Brown ,of Wingham visited at Mr, Mac ROsS last weok. , . IS GOI)• Elt ICH RACES Good sport at Goderich raceWed- s ay, July 23, Three events, $1300 in purses, SING COPIES 5 CENTS..., 1 ecia s PtiffPastries Bpn 131:male Dundee Cakes - Raisin Bread llome Made Bread Whole Wheat Bread r,".titteirill"d Eggs at -Best kees% fjollyinan!S: Phone 36, ' Lucknc w Agents Wanted The careful attention to our customer's orders and the splen- did stock supplied for Years past ;warrants us in having • a a representative or two in this comity. Liberal Commissions. • Free Outfit, 'Write at once for _Exclusive Territory. ' THOS. W. BOWMAN & SON COMPANY -RIDGEVILLE, ,ONT. , STAR NURSER:23 ernporary use of Glasses NOW may, Save PERMANENT use LATER ARMSTRONG Registered Optoznetris Awasum, CHOLE CUT FLOWERS, WEDDING RIINCIIES AND FLORAL DESIG-NS. A SPECIALTY: FI. -al Work and Cut Flowers De.. livered To Any Part ,of Canada United States and Europe In Short- Notice. ' Just Phone Your Orders In. - GEO. STEWART Florist Phone 105, . . . "Gode,rich, Ont. SPECIALIST Dr.' Brown;. Eyes, Ear- Nose and Throat, will be at the Cain House, Lucknow on July 18th -'Hours one to six, o'clock.. • .8T. HELENS- , . ,, • :2Irs. Robinson Woods WaS'avisitoi ‘vith 'friend S At - BrUeefield.--last.. week; : ' HaVe,' you -,seen the • bills- for the ig S. No. 4 .Re,union riekt/ThtirS.- July 24th. Cone with th4 crowd. • Miss Gwendolyn Reid of',.Windsor is, Visiting ;her 'aunt, Vbrocd. Murray and Miss Maii"., • Muf.i.ay :are., in Toronto where Mr.,. e :)Iiirfay.., Underwent - a- vett-- success.. . • Ltd operationt -on his eye on .Saturday. We hope Soon to • see 'him ". around again, , - '• ' • \;. :C.tInS; Cunlnling was at • Locht,..„: ,a1S"ii.-,on--Tuesd,ay 1ttendiiig tac-late--Atrsr.---(R#) Hiffilrer , :Mrs. •R. J, Woods is visiting friends in Stanley Township. • ••••;••• Ethel .and.,4r.,.'„Terrance-And4 &seri- nrotorecl .froni ‘66,troit• on S•it-; tirdaY' to s pend their hoIi4ays with parents Mi' And Mrs,. J. D. Anderson. ' .1sSt.. •, t-TIMinaS this' Week ds,.'n delegate., from - the W. M. $ of Maitland •Presbyte.t- ittj .to theSummer school there. Mrs-' • (McCalhim of tuett4 now. was file ,speaker at the 'annual social ..1hceting .of, the W. M. S. last •NS'cilit.esday, ,She..gaye.ii report of the- , 1)ianiond Jubilee of the General tical in Miss' Marion 1110Pherson .df sas is a visitor With her brother; Mr. , 'MCP/lei-son. , , Don't forget the 13e -union next ThurSday, .Se the hills 'felt partienk .,ars about the biggest.day Council of ,t.4 W;41..8;„,held,,in Ion..: aell. • of'