HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-10, Page 6,e010hredoPltaaY-",. Mt may have rurcholte—PennY Plain _or two -Penes
'Solemn See I Iseeeere Penny:el)! •,niestee..eit's better value for
-the Montle" e' • ,
Mot and Peter stood loeltinit
Jock lifted his head from books
to Paten. ft wae‘no„new ,thing for
the boys to see Jean give away her
most. treasured Peesesseeds: she was
a born "Madam Liberality.' .
"Bet," Peter 'Reid objected, -"it is
rather a rare .13o'olt. . You value it
"Of course 1 deo" said Jean, "and
that is why 1 am giving it to you. I
know you wilt appreciate it,"
'Peterelbeidetedh:ethe.:ebooh.tIta,„--if it
Were eoMething fragile aroL/OrY '1fre'
;elms. 'Painela'•was .13tizzled:bY-the
Copyright by ',George n. Dcse troubled by the ift
ome o. 1 pression on his face. He did not seem
Imuch as am--
nietitGRE gteen, stes produced in Ve--(0011ed.), " lthe table playing at being cave -Olen. used -e -sardonically areuse5.
• • ., • Jean .*atehed with ' delight, her shading his
Pamela W. Stitching a "Thank said And
you" lie . again
• •
`11L-4' ibr lei trial Pacitalge.rather difficult guest telossom into erY'. Pet'er Reid sat eyes 17. hnk .• u•
• • " eettee from the light with his hand, , .."JeekaW111 ge) down with You t� the Sealad ", Par,
the rug' Mid, hotel," .Jean ,said; explaining, en • -
. •
ter4ev *lea
cruguillesi mouth and
teeth and aids dtgestkii,
Relieves that over•
eaten teethe and, aeld
." etles.leeteteelK2ettele efinetrole,
thtte ereek.i.411 ,f(6 -1P
Wrigley°. -Is double
• -"Velug ilaelbelkan and
Pkileure 0 Provides-
-•,, , . .•-• - - . ' ' ' - ' - lie,ivenefehoieeeeseveadekynenudeurge;st,eti, 1...011,:rar,1•..131hreee,sig.:1,.11-7oeljefatelimiltaltnhatee:rbalthadctniclwantrtlie blazing, fire:1 the viSiter clealurred, that. th • • d -
sad to be old and riell,"e Was steep and not verY well . gle •
40 *Ott • ''''. - , • • • • . . . affabihty. You..are oo g
already, .she teld hire,. If crou stay , .
food and Mhor .didn'ternake tdo. much Ole' aa.id aettlY, 44M -est ..a ' 4 elie.*arell.•;_";Pj1;',7r. h3.°;''..' eajd'tTri.97.44-ine, - a' ti. 4:
1 • • " • • • , speaking to herseie, • it es ee verY •reter. - - . • ' r - • . e-- ''..i,
leVell agaie. 4nd it .410,ufieneiscre. i,torilihrtutit ve,...ciii,carry; nohing out) .,.'7"4-74:11,ye:m..e. straight r,4.,,i, g,bt4171.ck..tqo.o.ne,
read. enineWhern.bYnt, Mr., Reid. ' I'm eo glad you, Came
' to.see The Ries, but I wish you could
I noise,e.I'm sure ;i ld .:, q
old'friend?" Pamela ask-
ed ...Whet the. cavalcade- had departed.
"I. never sew him before to -day. He
Once lived in 'this house and he -came
back to see it, and he' lodki-ill, and I
you. here", -, • e • iota man yeho,, on every hi. y,
pity to. pay. hotel bills, when we wan
Hetet . e peter.. Reid, joie& aweer,sonle of. his PoseeSSien8, so that
at the end he might not be etre-diet-0d
sharply at her.Did she. imagine, this
•' girl,' that hotel bine, were of any mo-, tip "danWeeiegehutedghtwItell'gtabzPeni3O,it,PSel.leriL,Ileld:
,, '
ment to . him? Then lie .looked down
rat his shabby clotinie and recallaee.eeeneatier
,eolonyttelltyo ewe*, te, •geee
e was ' unJustillahle• 'lends . pietuees and jeivels everything come and staY with us for a week "
from the vial's give too 'sharp a con mistak t • • - !away all the superfluous money andIthink he is Poor, se I asked
Curtains of one' color eery different theirconversation and owned that her
e.eraid (on light weighty tontain_i instinct that teaeces .peopie to' we havee and Stand„ stripPeo, as "it MY dear child, do you invite eveey RESTORING WILTED LETTUCE.
hstelsilg;her rt°' saY .071. th' Yoo°utethi-11:0 aas'ililinatd.1111.°In.ffge
trast: A h,and (on heavY Material) . But/ how extraordinarY it Was! The' , e • fi •
viill tie them together and rednee th to1 Paniela spoke first. ,"There ppeaks "Of course n t B t h rei7sItehttt:1:aeCe,ne
ing colors of both curtains' and wrilltlhstealeleduleclea_lecttlsita- and powerful rtoea-UairgitiewtLgtte:reW. erd h3
It 99,
th b .i sweet and twent " she said. lonel ' and 1 t
• . • - the instinct that opens, wide deor's
contrast. Extending the curtains Put-
Not only le Jesper the largest of all..
the Canadian perks, but It s.alSQ the ,
newest, in the setse that it hethe mtst 1
recently opened reserVe. Located In'
,e111::::O.siitieori:1•01;71:it;s70:11Saiwe the border
4vetserepiete.; teer40.06iOnleten
line 'separating that -province Iron).
tadtanii7and tralieesinitie*lietitteie--
yeere, ago, the new National.Transeen-
titental Railroad. was thrust Omagh
Its heart.. During the wae, Canada had
Sniall time for developingor exploiting
national .,parks,,and it was not until
11922, fellowingethe Consolidation of a
1 ninnber of Canadian rallroadti into the . •
grea.t-eCatadiane National way sys• •
teenetheteenucheattentiOa•Wii'plid to
deeeloping "Jasper as a tottriste' reiett-,-
yodges•ae A.:eke Beauvert.'
side the casing will give the effeet of
inot.,one that he -knew an th b t '
e sha by and the unsuccessful was - ey• j
y mg ou • Y, Y os somehow,* and he 'hope " Wash the woebegone vegetable
es, sai ean• "I know•tes quite doesn't seem to lave anyone beton 'rig • -
• .. a etts for Tne to speak that lordly
width and help einake room' lower and it 'was eertainly not an instinct or
more extended . A.'yalan,ce deed this,' this world es he knew it • .
top besides giving. the wanted:color Just ag they were finishing tea 11,,Irs.
that furniehei variety. ' • M'Cosk :ushered. in .Miss Pamela
" -Low'. broad ornaments, 'vases, ete., R.estom .
add, to the effect of repoie, aseiongil "Yon.did saY come in when
liked," she said a's she greeted Jean.
way of disposing of possessions, for
haven't got ony to dispose of."
"Then," said Pamela, "we are, to
take it that you are. ready to spring
across any minute'? '
"So far as goods and gear go; but
low buildings and long low rooms give i"I've had tea thank Mh I'm rich in other thing& P ,
give the feeling orstability, while the ._ee would have been "-Mhor..asstired and- Mhor.' •
'the idea of repose. Lew; wide masses, haven't been ,te see me, to -day." "heavily wetghted by David, and Jock,
you. ter, you
Then' •Peter Reid spoke, still with
'slender. lines 'as- church spires. lindber, "but. Jean said better note -Dot: ed r his eye's.
'skyscrapers, give. feelings of exalta- You invite me to.come to -morrow..
teen, action. , . ' ' - ' ."I. do," ' . * .• ' .
St.reight lines, especially • vertical ' "There, Jean," said-liihdr. -"Yet
ones, also may mean dignitY, stiffness, ean't un-vite me after that."
• .
• ' es of curved ee ' you el, eltat-• half a croyrn, and, a thru-
le . s e oo
"1 d d she can't," said Pataela.
. in cold water, 'shaking out all surplus
At „Jasper stittlet fronting on •,Lake.
Seauvert. the Canadian National puitt::
a 'number . Of' lodgess'sutrounding a•
main building, the whole known. as
Jasper Park .leridgeL :This rendezvohe
has been made the -a -entre of actiyitles
for Jesper, park, from Which radiate,
the hundreds of riding, motoring. and
exploration .parties which 'every sum
mer seek in. inereesipg numbers to as-. ,
similete theebeauttee oe, this Wildeatot
aceessible meuntain • Wildernesses., '
. There 'are more thin 100 mountain
to him, and I was sorry for m. 1 it in a stone peaks within the 4,400 square milea
• "And so. You gave him . that song moisture, 'and imPrison
*lk k covering it tightly. This. enclosed in Jasper Peek's boundaries.,
book you.value so ,neuch? '
e "Yes," said Joan, looking 'rather
ashamed., ;"Blit," she brightened, 44he
seemed pleased, don't e'tete think? It's
a pretty song 'Strathairlie,' but it's
"Once'nib You begin makingmoney it.
dint*. How can you' get rid of it?"
savitg it up for .a bicycle," the
Mhor 'broke- in, becoming aware that
th cOnvereaticti turned one money.
austerity; ad opposedto the buoy.ancy, „
J k i • th b k "told • ee
7,34: this model the little miss i• ' • about . 11 Please, Miss Jean don't.1 • • •
' penny- it !and feurPenCe-ha'penny , in
— , r, grace, and yieldingn s
°emcee and sleeves that 'enark this ness, and furniture with curving out I introduce Mr. Reid" when
got t aitd,irte r to clean
may ,have the same 'tare .effect in Curved ;lines better exPress riche '"We've finished," said Jean., "May iiPteneeinitesh Lahn
e3/41 feature in her gre,vire•up eisterel ones will look more "Pensive' thanl Pamela shtick halide ''arid 'et onee'l Jean stroked his.. head. "I don't
ras.SeS.• This is 41, very Pretty style; straight.line furniture that costs more. proceeded' to make herself so charm-irthieihn)cesyomu'hllore,veerldbem°aliner.b•uBrudte'llftclmweiteht
one that d,eveleP well in organdy straight line furniture in -a room that "Peter Reid .was gatvaniZed .
or voile
emends more color an ornament an into •-spirited conversation fun to be rich I love
brou ht - h 13 'd f
g her em roi ery- rame
pam. eia be tremen ous . .r t
ter comes saying _at som one has
books where suddenly awe', eer e -
The Pattern ,.is cut in 4 Sizes: 2 design 't 't ' '
, e offset s austerity.
treatment of solitary confinement will Many of these, have no ye
t nee
work yvonders with' the erstwhile hope-. nained, and only' a few eve have been
less looking lettuce. In a short time climbed.. The park naturally is a mec-
iet a pukka
old one -it's
early Vie_ win emerge as a creditables eci- Ca for advent:liters eche find their great-- '
men This same method of procedure est thrills in. the perilous ascents of
eieeise a marvel to' 'me that will keep .lettuce fresh anti crisp for uneeP ore pea cs: • e ne Club
you have anythine left belonging to eeveral• daYs• •
"Don't gall Me Miss Jean!"
"Jean, then; but you must call me
Pamela." -, '
"Oh, but wouldn't :that be rather
familiar? You 'see, you are sce-so-•:."
, "Stricken in years,". Pamela sup-,
plied,: , ' •
'No -well, You are .rether im-
yressive you know. WoOldebe like
Mies Bathgate 'Bella' to her
face.. However -Pamela" , • .•
(To continued.).,
. •
= with her, and. she sat on the,sofa and • •
qinrestl%.,yeirds'ef 32inchmaterial: curves instead of 'straight lines,- fortune" .
-;6`-aiid-.8 years. A.'• 6 -year size re- " The small koom will do better with dtalked d 1 h 'left them a. • . •
"What Would you do with, a. tor-
• • • .1 sorted out silks, an an aug
eaptorlfie in silver, „ son Placing furniture carefully is an it seemed impossible that two days '
tune if you got It?" Peter Reid asked.
1Vliss Jean would at once make i o
• led as if she hrclesat there off and on
Pattern mailed to any address on over patterns instead of stripes. all her. life. To Jean. looking at her, l "Needlee" latghed 'Pamela.
you as . „
'by the Wil • • • ' • • .
blishing Co.,, 73 West Adelaide, St.,
iiifinto, Allow teieoWeelis for receipt
, ,
,.,pattern. . _ '
Se,n1e15dein for our uneto-
ate, 'Sneing. and . Sommer 1924 Beek
,.,. • •
and repose reems. In einall seemed -absurdly efiough-•-• that • the and Jock and Mhor.
Other trick that Will add speciousness ego rione onhem had beheld her. ,It Daliid.
retina the -centre must haleft empty room ',could never have locked qUite I the"y°11w'euwidel,ic'o"natafiridst'j,ebaunt% 0"hot, I course
way of. firrniture and rugs • roost creature'VviPl'her sett, gowns and her deh'sueh aelliet-of thipgsl, o
give. a feeling of, space. The: long' tight wheel • it had not this graceful -
placed the' !oik way of the room, with
ls . her rnie b
nearis . e r idery-fr riee , •and
a . w ere m ey eves most pe e an
HeORAtING TRICKS ADD , corners brightehued eillis; sitting be,..11015 it.- on the dPee,tPle' anennieus•lSG
• . i.that i'» weul. n be botheredabout
:fen,. opposing ... cries , lines or : Cress
e is't time have :yoii: ever been rit al aerobe .the..ehort eides of • the •i•oOM. •• lean heughed, ' ttliines for tired I and aboveair,-
1 co C songs , uite perfectly.' • ., i
IeSie•tteaisCoVer just what made et look '„'I, cere sing Scots' - • Pe°13 . .
. , I'd make Children. smile... There'.seno
"just right"? light'i ..-. Nothing was elaborate.
'• fact, everything was 'quite ',prate
, rjeind:eimetile, yet , the.,:. whole Teem
-'eeinVeYed an :- atraus-phere . - that was
"reStinh andsopleasing to .the eye. •
2.ThereareMfatirifttl0, tricks in der
Cerating that 'help to create this at-
..MOipheip: 'and, lehelieve tricks,. with
_eiiFt,aihS' make. delightful changes in
our re6ms',..cthat,it does ,not pay us • to
-OVerlO,nle z, -•. . ,
• . e • ,tlaanking anyone. I would creen•aboet
gMeissrumeeeaueo'reweienneedt yotl a like a benficent Puck and take worried
uperolDATENESS. Shoirld. ion
en enterink certain rooms for the furniture with its longest sides s t - agefrownse-away,.. and straighten- out
Nothing Bet theeTheught..e.
."WhateVer made Smith think. :he
could lick -bat thug?" • ,
"Ndthing but the 'thought."
Discourage . fishing, hunting, and ,
trinpinefor the mere sport 'of:killing. For Sol*. Feet--Mitartis Liniment •
Get rid of the steel trap, toy Weapons ".
and war gemese • • -' Your ',friends do net red eXplane,
of :Canada .assails the Jasper Park
mountains eirery summer, and the Ap-
..palaohian „of T_Tnited States
lies planed to .attempt several" of
niightieet of the Jeep'er rnountaine dur•
ehe season now ofteatag: ExPeri'
tions, and your eneinies. will net be-,
-Minard's Liniment Heals Cuts, jieve them.
and •of en:mother finish ite • e. , 1 about , as big as a sparrow's, If it e i
i fun . or satisfaction got from giving
D g Minis to hospitals and things-
Raiie the..ceiling by Making' it lighter sprigs in a way; but I have a voice
that's .all tight far when you're dead.
A c,eiling almost as dark as sides,: would arause ettiu I'lletry." , ' . ,
and of rough surface, brought down So Jean •sat down, to the Piano and. 1 watt to mike happiness' while I'm
on side.'Wells; seems lower t014 it sang ,,Proud Maisie," and "Celirl'el:alieree I don't think a million:pounds
Th i in Cattle," . and . ride . . or ,Wre other Old i
. 1Would be` tiee .rnuch for 2all .1 want to
* ..'
e m nd wants to see likeness
1, ,
dimension but not sainerrese. Thiel . "I wonder." said Peter Reid, "If you
PYinelPle Malma the'srinare room or know a 'song my niether used to Sing
the•toolong room unpleasing. In the_est th i• tr.'
-one-we see sameness • in the otherewe, "Indeed I ele. . It's one I like very
l '
fail to geeen likeneeties., By these ; much. .1 heye, it here in this little
tricks we change . apparent ' dimeetelbeek." She struck a few simple,
. . •
cords and began to singe it was a lilt-
ing, haunting %tune, and the words
"Aw, Jean," said Mhor; "if you had
'a reilliOn .pounds would you buy me
a bicycle?" ,
• "A bicycle," said Jean, ,i'and a mo-
tor arid an aeroplane and, a Shetland
'pony and a Newfoundland pup. . I'll
'Make a story for. You -in bed to -night
all .about what you would have if I
Being assured that Jock woud .not
be overlooked; Mhor grabbed 'Pet 1
round the neck and proceeded to bah -1.
bin to him about bicycles and acre-
'plenes,., motors •anii Newfoundland
pups. • .
lean looked apologetically at her
" •
....___Wereold and plain" • • '
• '
the lift is high- and
And the new mune glints through
On the bonnie eorn;fields o' .Strath-
Ma ship's in Largo Bay.
-And I ken weel ;the way ,
1.Ip the steep, steep banks o' Sereth-
wash -day meth°
iNSO is ideal 'for any wash -day'
method you Ilse. You do not
ate to change any orSrour auar
turkso •,wnereyou.
used to gee ordinary soap:
if you like to boiLyOur white cot-
tons, Rinso will kite you just the
: Safe cleansing suds. you need in,;
. •the boiler. if you use a washin
inachine,follow the advice of the big.
Washing machine manufatture;g—
use Ringo.
juii" Ike -king with this new, kind of
soap loosens "ali tile dirt until a
single rinsing leaves the clothes
eletinand spotless.
However you do your wash, make
h easy by using
Ratio is sold by all groccri
and department stores
If you Lis-e-c-iTriarr—tg'
Machine. o4--3tour
clothes in the Rini&
morning add more
Rinso solution and
vorte ihc in'achine;
• Then rinse and dry --
you will have a
smcct snon,
Iv ash:.
."1 IN .1"q13
nr4ONTO '
•. :
• It's not just custone 'thee inettes peoplel
• take mustard- with ,their. Meets, Must,1
ard aids digestion' and helps. to assiinVc--
tete theeese ie ,a 'good habit to. .
aequire. -Mix it freshly, for every Meal.
WhenJ sailed ower the ,pe,ki "When' you're poor you've , got to
A laddie bold and free -dreaeter eheesaid. -"Ole-must you -go,
The , corn sprang green on S tre 11 Mr. Reid? But you'll come back to--
airliel iorroW-W0n't you 'Vire ,would , hon -
When I ,Come back agai. , estly like you to come and stay with
It's an auld man walks his lane us." _ ' '
Slow and sad ower the fields o'Stratie "Thank ydu," said Peter Reid, "but
airlie..--- [1 am going back to 'London in a day
, I or two. I am obliged to you -dor your
• 0' the shearers that I -see i hospitality. especially for singing me
No' a body kens me; 1.`Strathairlie.' I never thought to hear '
Though I kent them a' in Strathairlie; it Again. I wonder if I might trouble
An' the fisher -wife I. pas, you, .to write me out the words."
Canshebe, the brew. "But takethe hook" said Jeafi run-.
I kiseed at the back, 9' Strathaitlie? Meg to get1t and pressing it inth
hands .e tPerhapeeerou'll 1ke °thee-
' songs in it you teed tO know and likr
Take it to keep." •
in Pamela droPped her embroidere
frame and watched the scene.
• 0', the lanais fine,.. fine,.
I could buy it a' for mine '„
,For- ma- , gowd's as the stooks
' . Stra.thairlie; .. .
'But .1, fain the -lad Would be
,• Whasailed ower the sant. sea
When'Ahe,:dawri rose grey on Strath-
:-(;' 21t131.-.` ,. '
, ,
Jean' rose from the piano, Jock had
, •
got out, his, books and had begun his
lessens-. Mhor and. -Peter were under
,1. ,.._.,,.._,. ying__
sloes;. we, make. Our rooms satisfying.
Inhe ttoo large room the Mind can -
4 ,
:not grasp 'T.thet",dideri'Slorie' �rtheir.
eotrinerisbns: , A too large rowel will,
Ir .k in. thee iiiialityedi rintimacye Fure 1 r•
-: areureAsealitethelooketooesmalLin, pro-
portion'. .. Pitt in 'More ,ftiteiture" and
nlace it in groups. Break up lot*
6, aces, reduce the light, ,use ,nontrast,
' , .1-beavY'..fueriitiqe and hangings; deep
e . 1 ad/ending colors and rough tex- i
atee. ,The size of room § is.,apparente
ty 1.e'ened by, ,having all furniture;
pictures, Onaraents, etc., large., and.
heavy., • ' 7, e '
-"Thereitre-,tettaln- eithere-require-
meats in decoratiori for emetienal Sat -1
is faction or feelings. Defitiite laws or
ptinciples bring abut tequired re-'
ault,s' that the mind' accepts as:beati-
tiful. . •
.",When. eon bny 'rldi,v fumit,ure or,
Charx- the fixed &vita:tuns you can
mak' yoer Ilene, ,.c.vhat;you Avant it. In
the mestAimr,, try.some: of the tiielts
�f the, dei•grator'it',,tra& .
awn •
411i -r•-: -Jewell?
out Ir.iTer,
_ 4- .
4.s,4/7t, easy working and clam.
hie pump that definitely repleces.
the wing ty,oe mode/ _
Pumps ail kinds or" liquids, caw
be drained to prevent' beezing
Easy to prime and to repair
• With household tools
.,JAMO Stow POW'
ISSUE No, 37-24.
Folder and Time Table showing list of
Resorts,_ Boating, Fisping, Camping, etc::
• When planning your '1924 YaeittiOri -
write Box 862, Midland, Ont.
beet snenf, amon'g the '.Alps of- pc& •
patiire land, have teen bratglet. cen• ;
ada to . help in the, ConqUest.ofethe•se..
Moste Of -the JesPer. niatintaine., are .
gleeierbeng and Seine erteekinkly, .heme
tifuti phenomena '• are -to be „found .
ainerig.thee.e aelde 'ot. tretured ice and. .,
show. Travelers, -who are especially:,
interested , in .these fOrmationse efind -
the •1:ilionbie . tee -field, the Meet t.(3.:
merkable..Outside ae within eriey,. •
'reeph"of.tbe Park, .alth.. be-
yond b line, •
',A. 'VOW Li • Sanet Me•
. Chief pf the: peaks Jespere
1:"nitic 'ie. Motet. Edith. Cavel the ,e1: -
.0e0 feet Preeinitoue and enenetoeered,.
mountain' named le Meiners-. ef: Eng. -
.land's reartyretrwat. ntitse. ,There are
.1 more than i.;000. traies end- roads, .hav-
ing a total .lengthide several hundred •
mileee. which lead .clinibees, riders tied
Meroripte thrtnightlie perk,' and Maley:,
of them., were blazed: before the whitee',
map dame by Indiamie for traders and
White "dtacoVerere. 9(04.1.
adte.e.vbee paiSed.thrmighthe Athabas-:
ka VelleY 'oh their. erey- •to. the. Pacifle.
The 'Athabaska Pans, whiCh- is
route .the
discciyerred in -101. by David Tliornpe '
.Jasper parkle a wild. l-ifesanctuary.-
sheep end itouetaiii4oet;
beer., catibbui moose, ,deer and. elk,' as• e
'weele as the smeller fur -'bearing tea; .
IMale. abeetd,:' ,tenneeleeted. The :park . ,•
eenteins bundrede. of Pellucid .lakeee
7.f:OrbY the ,glaciereelothedeendtintainsee;.,
and there .,is. pleetY 'of' sport for the, • .•
fisherman. . There Is golf and teenite
es Well; .eeeitsing one: ha. :the • beide .
thed .1.6 practice theed
elated, aniuSenietta ihe inidet 'Of • •
i such serenely. awesome surroundings.
i the 'BritislrColumbia beide.- of
irtsPr .park is Mount Robson, . 13,668'
„feet ,high, and tightly:e'en-lett the:rnent7;
etch of .the Canadian. Rockies: An, area
Ykiii-w-111. See thiseshieldashape trade mark •
in hardware stores everywhere. You won't .
see it On cheap, inferior goods. It goes
only on 'household utensils Of the highest
qUelity, yet selling at moderate Prices,
' because of the-
quantities sold .
each year. •
-Choose 'cooking ap akin uteesile that- -
carry this trade mark. • Choose. siva! ,
•EnaMeled Ware, with its entirrth-
-.-..surfacee -cleans easier, -hue,
parttime mitaltie 'laver, causes no datiget-
ous'acid re -actions: Ask for •
Three finishes: Pearl Ware, two coats of
pearly -grey enanielinsidc and out. Diathond
Ware, three coat's, light Mile and' \lilac Out--;
"-side; white lininge7Crystal Ware, three
coats', pure wiiit6 indide and out, with Royal
Blue edging.
. NADI el•
7H1. HEET METAL rRoouvrs co, LIAWCO
teoe-rieceee 'TORONTO' WINNIPEG
-Of *See ',square .miles around talc Btu.-
penclons upthrust of glacier hung rock
is reserved by the Briteeli colunibie,
invernment as a Provincial peek, and
tamed lot the mountain.. The Jasper ,
• Park- tete. tikes in *punt Robnon as'a
Metter of course, : so that the -'two
:parks ,hal're become. ffractienlly .ieeti--
fied ,ae one,: althoegh easeer' ts a' Dee .
Minion reset -Vie While itObebn ls a PriIr
yineial enelosure:‘ •
Tra e A a
GernianyA p on
the,. Qernian• flag hulked 'an easy
eono, • hi
war ; and, despite 'the,shrrerider, Of „."'
the German mercantile enatihe It has
Itlmost ;regained ..that.: -,position
.,the signing , of the petice:treatr, ac -
'cording to shipping' statistics just pub:
a Duenoii Ayrcs.despatch.---------
probably,1011,1),n- a close thing be= ,
tVeen the' Italians, and Germans as
to Wive Will occupy. Second place in
byt -it is .believed that, the Oerniand
-Will 'win. paelt Their, old. p,es !doh,- the-„,
:--reourke of two Or _three years _as btery
,newClerma -liner In
these waters,- lerariee and the United- .
States wouldannear to be, dropping
--back: hi the racer,;11..
Germans are n'iigrating,, by thoita.
lan(1sto-Argentina, which affords ilia-
'. hial :Incentives and .ethliCtions for • ,
thern. •Ciertnan steamship lines,'" hate
-been 111 „
Iretennetl setond •class • tit' rine 'Chita.
'raiissinger steatne.n'S. ' aerthan- VesSeht
to-dttY bring the groei.er proDni:tion, of'
mirth '1uI0i2teuh. pit'ssengera , to
tine. ,
4nn i thn earliest of 'still repuler
' novnie,•ii.t)on..Quixn,tn,1" is also ,ohe of
: it is esthitated to euntalit
401;,000 „Words.