HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-10, Page 1lwg'reiFmasiwofotovop'
'''NETER,174:413T-SPRGEON:— V
W T ICe1e ."E`,/tAtrie, "2
or iia1r•—t4.1
Dr, .P,fLc�d will visit. Lucknow
every. Tuesday in Dr. Connell'a'Office„
Dr. Melunes, ChirOpractor. of • Wing-
'noW.:'forenoons,. TuesdaYs and
•.eprinnencing April 29th, also
•' Visit . the-r.hOtel at ••Dunganrion same
'days early afternoon': • *:
DR,'PARKE11,,e,%STEOPATHi,at :the,
• `Cain". 1.1puse.; Lie!know, eeery Wed-.
eesuay afternoon. All chronic dis-
,..ases successfully treated. Osteo-
•patlik ierneves tue physical causes
., of disease. ...Adjustment of the
spine is more quickly secured and
with fewer treatments by .0sted.
pathy than by any other method,
Toronto,'pricea-paid.fer all kinds of
poultry. '
0-6-tf A. Grospopf,'Lualtheie.
Registere:d. Optometrist
Graduate Department of Ophthalmol:
.,ogY. McCormick Medical College, Chi-
cago. ,111. ,
1:i.eadaches. Dry itchy Eyes. Granu-
lated EYelids. Watery .Eyes. Pain in
Eye Balls. Inflamed Eyes, •Pus or
Watery Discharge from Eyes and
Dizziness_caused by Eye -strain re-
lieved thro.ugh 'properly fitted Grass':
• Cross Eves • straightened.' through
Properly fitted Lenses_ '
Satisfaction Assured
'At the Cain House. Lueknow, Every
• Wednesday Afternoon and Evening.
• Wall Paper—L have on hand the 19-
24 samples of a number- of the best
wall -paper houses; and will be' pleas-
ed to show them at my house. or will
take them to your residence—R.
, Cemeron, Box 174, Lucknow.
LENDOn 'farm prep-
House for Sale on ilavelcck atreat,
Lueknow. Garden planted Apply to
P. Gaynor at the Post Office.-- tf,
erties at 6%e -Geo. A. Siddall
o 0 ece-,o-e-0--eoerefee-o—oee-o
si ,V,OCA„L 1141J GEkESAL
•Get yonr "choice, , a Re,ady-to-
wear or „Made -to -Measure Suit at
, tttut •
Mr Alex Puryis of Detroit spent)
• . , • ,
the, week end, with'. his parents Mr.
andi.IVIrs James Purvis.: • '
•Mr' Neil Mundocb is back hoiie
after spending a month"' at ,1Vie1ford,
. .
Mr. and Mrs. Alex 'Fiaser aof•near
WoodStoelf), Spent- 'the week -end With
Lucknow and Kinloss friends
'Rev. and Mrs. MacCallum motored
to Southampton on Tuesday to visit
Mr. and Mrs D, R. MaeIntOsh.
Mr. and ' Mrs., Allan Turner made
a motor trip, last week which took
thein Well 'across „:Michigan State. '
. • .
„ .
Mrs.. yina Brabson, ,of Toronto, is
. ,
.spending. a short ,vacation with her
'parents,,I.V1r. and.; Mts. D. Houston..
Mrs.,-Siverns and two .soris. from
Kingsville motored_ up and , spent
the week end with Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Stanley-
Rubber -Tired. • buggies re -tired,
First .class )Ob gtiaranteed.
3-7-p. ( G. Ostrander'
FOR SALE—The Tannery Property
and -Hide business, in Lucknow• .e
tf. 'Apply to Sam Robertson• :
S. S,- No. 14 East and West Wawan-
cish. duties to commence Sept. 1st;
• Roy McGee R, 1, Lucknow Sec'y. '
• The undersigned is prepared tol do
paper-hangingeL-Satisfaction guaran-
'teed, Phillip Stewart- • -
.Mr, ;and •Mrs. •B. ,Allin ,and
children spent a few days : of last
week in- Toronto combining business
with -pleasure_
rt,liCKNON„:„Sc 0,9OL
Sr. Ito Jr, 11
Total marks 450 Honours 837,
Pass .270; ••
• •Iloneprs.'— Bobbie Thompson 890;
Betty Brown 380; Ada Burns 879;
Evelyn Reed. 374; Shirley. Langfee..(1
371.e Chester, Bruce: 367; 1i1lis (Ion-
S'ins 3p? -017
Henderson 348,, •'
PasS--=.Clifford,' Meeary- 336; Cain-,
orOit Fin1ayson 334.;, 'Jackie, Fisher
3,2q;Melvin .Johnston 329;. Verna
Steward, 317-; Donald .114cDpnalil 6.
Recommended, ---;Philip -'McMiIIan
267; J. C.: "Durnin 269 : (failed. .5.
niarks in spelling) Edna Agar 258.
• ,
Jr, I to Sr. I.
Total 315, Honours 236 Pass. 180.
Honours -,Lillian Horne 287; ,(Iso-.
bel Douglas 273 'Frank MCKenzie
273), ties; 'Cecil .• Armstrong 264;
George :,Joynt, 261;„ Stewart ,,Collyer
200; Leimard McDonald 254; Chris -
•tine Finlayson 252; ;Maudie. Fisher
246;.• IsPbel Hamilton .244
Webster 241; • '-(jean, ;:i');
Fred ,Milne 239) ties; • Alex • McIn-
tosh 238; Margaret Baker 237; (13i1-
ly McKenzie .236; Howard Johnstone
Mrs Will Barber and children:Jack
Lorna, end Dorothy, , of Cranbro.ok,
13. C. • are ' Mrs.' Barber's'
mother "Mrs' N, L. Campbell,
Just arrived. a new shipment of
Silk:' Remnants,' also Fancy -Voiles.
Come in and Look Ahem oven—At
B Blitzstein's Dry Gods, Store.
. ,
'Mr, A. W. Kennedy. of .Detroit,
Mrs, Wne D. Macintosh, ,Alex and
Kathleen visited this Week with' fri-
ends at Langilde, Wingham; Auburn
FpR. :RENT— A comfortable frame
.dwelling in Lucknow— •possesSion.
, any time, Apply to Mrs., Mable Pin-.
Gen, DelNery, London; On. !.
244-100 . I
1TOR SALE--F'ine nassenger tour -
in •
g, Fisher automobile, leathee-lined,
in good condition, • APPly to Alex
• Itoss. 10-7-tf.
IJAV ,FOR SALE—. 30 *'. acres'. ',good
'tiMothy_ hay, on Lot, -5- Con, 11, Kin-
• • lessee -known as• the old liaye's Home
Apply, to John Hayes
and G'oderich,
• Mr. and. Mrs': Con: Decker: were
at Auburn on Tuesday attending thc.
funeral' of the late Mrstielvvigwho
died on Saturday last at the age .91
r OR SALE-:--.' One., Bedroom suite—
.. goad as 'neer. Ohe .sepatate bedstead,
orie,b d.h tub informatioti at 1 he
.LOSTe•-•In Lucknow, on 'Saturday
night, Julyi,..5au Checked girl's ,coat
and a red ,e,traw. hat: Findei. please
leave at Tlie „Sentinel Cake,
236) ties;
Donalda Thompson 2,24;
Jackie Wilson 233; George' Whitby
231; •Edwin Whitley, 222; Charlie,
_Palmer _221; Audrey Henderson 215;
Flora Webster 200,
Recornmended-Reieford Cet:und-
er 174; Victor Barrett 136.
' . I. MUrdi
Jr.' II to .Sr. II
Honours" ---Roy Collyer, Clark Fin
Jayson, Mae MclVighon, Harold Greer,
Dorothy Nixon:
Pass— Donalda '; Mingles, 'Ernie
Baker .111arjerie Henderson", •Marion
,Cousins Tinder, Agar (Clare John
.stone, Kathleen Ferris) ties, (Leon-
atd, Irwin, • ',DaVice Horne) ties, •El -
weed* Solomon, Kenneth: Cemerpn,
.RecoininendedEal,d; -
Stewart Cameron. '
.' Remaining in -Jr.- 'Sten-
..leY,....Harold Button,: Torn , MacDeriald.
NOTICE,-Pelmer, has nice DreSes
in Voile, „ Ratine, •Siilc and Canton
Crepe this week. Get Your choice
While they last. Also 20%' 'off in all
Ratine by the ycr.
We undeistand that 'Mr. • Vqm.
MOise who spent•a few days recently
With his mother here has gone to
Rochester, •Minn. . to , take- treatment
at Mayo Bros. HosPital. -
My. and Mrs., Alf J. Armstrong
and family,' and Mr, Metcalf- and
Miss Jean_ Armst,rong motored up
from London and spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs., Win, Arm-
stron.g Sr. --•• •
We have this wek to thank , the
Canadian National Exhibition Board'
for a very pretty ever sharp led pen-
cil,' reminds us that the great Ex.
Will be held at Toronto this year
August 23 to Sept. 6.
Mr. Alex Kerinedy, of Windsor,
accompanied by,JVIrs. Win. McIntosh
and two children also Misses ',Ruby
Evereett and ,Miss Olive Kennedy, of
Lucknow visited at Mr. and Mrs. Ja,
Purvis `oe elay last. week.
Lucknow • on .-Saturday ,
July 5, a-Aadies' gold- -pendant with
amethyst stone F'inder' please leave
at The Sentiiiei Oilice..
. .„
, Came to. the -preinises of the u1
dei -signed, Con.. Ashfield,. on. Or .
'about •May --20,--1.924,' : ajieffer 'an-=
parently about one 'year old. .0Tvrier
, may have. sadie on. proving properly,
- :and. payingt,-expenses-z,, ,W . -Stanley,
-2214400-• . •• .
' • . • . ' • • . ^
ti Jr, III'
Tettil 550; Honours .412,, Pass • 330.
iionotirs--GladyS ;MaeDeneld 460,Al'ex ,McKenzie 458; Mary .1Vicintosh.
457, Winnifred Ariristrong. 433, ROY
Finlayson 426, Frances ,.Thernpsen
Pass—Fred ,Steivard. 407, Pnialine
Reed • 389; Isobel Maegillan 387,
Donald: Hender'sbn Margaret
MacDerial(f 374; • Ivy Whitby 365;
Tem MacKenzie 344; Helen; MaeLeod
342 -Laura Webster' 341, Arrestrone.
Wilson -330.
' -Remaining fl—WilsonSr.'Arm-
strong,: Rpszella Mulhii
• .
Omitte(L!froin Llaet week .promotecl
' froth Jr. Ili to S. III—I-Tan:al John:
stan 66e/c, Stella .Stewart 61%..
• The Bottle Diamond
LecknoW .&arr:e out yictorio1-14'111
two very ,good league' games -of 'nese-
ball played- here ' within thepast
week. On Friday Teeswate't was the
visiting learn; and. victeryover'
these 'cliampiOns of 1923 and -• the
'leading • team s,o far this seasc..m
seemed almost loo, inuch.14...,expect::
lIoWever the trick *As..,, done .in a
in which, Luck -
now piled, up., their, score • from ,4 to,
'10...Up to the sitli• innings it looked
:like an easy victory' for Teeswater
:the ,score being 7-7-2, their favor. At
this point fortune 'turned in favor of
the home team .the 8th and Oth.beip
Very exciting and 'highly satisfact:
'pry to 'local fans1::' ."..,•„.
• Tuesday's. game:when. Chesleywas'
the visiting team was ,More onc-side-;
,ed, the score being in favor of
.Lu&know. This waS the, first time for
Chesley and .Luckne.w to meet. this
Eteasot:. and front start the game'
went in faYor of the:locals; Chesley•
tried ,a couple of"Pitehers- but were
unable to "stop Lucknow heavy hit -
The regular meeting ,of: ' the Wo-
, . ,
,..,mon!s • . Institute . Lucknow t branch,
,will be,held on the lawm'at,the.home
, of •Mrs..J., F.'Agnew On Friday, July
be :„:served..=„Sec!y:.
. $7.5641.75
3O 32e
'Muilin—In fondest 1100'161.y of our
dear (laughter Mazie "Viola who pas-
sed away 8 years ago, aq'ed years.
God has taken home our ,darling
Placed our .bud among the flowers
Taken back the child lent Os, •
To a better home' than ours
Faim her loving Mother, Father,
§ister 4ncl ArothorN
Word,,ihas been. reeelVed„.in "tOwn
,the death. Of Mrs. , Rebecca Finlay,'
One Of' :the early:residents' of • Luck -
now. Mrs: Finlay: died at the home -of
her son at Vanguard, .Saa,k .an June
- Miss Marion MicMillan, dahter
. •
of. Mr, and eMrs. Archie ,MacMillan,
of 'Grand Forks, North ,Dakota, a
guest at the .home of Mr. ,tha Mrs,:
Phillip MacMillan. Mies..MacMillah
hue ., just. „,returned ' ,fteim Boston;
'froM, the '.University of NOrth Dak-
eta.:„to:the•: Oinega„ Nation.
. '
ters '
. •
The monthly, meeting of ,the W,
sj. Was held at the 'home of Mrs;
L. c, metveT on July :2nd... Meeting
. opened with singing and repeating
the Lord's Prayer, MiSs Marion, Mac-
Dougallread the ' . Scripture ' Study,
prepared by Mrs, W.* r: MacDonald,
Mise D. MacLeod led in Prayer, Mrs.
Merdoch 'and :Miss : Kathleen Hill of
Lucknow contributed e duet... Miss
Dean MacLeod of ,the 'Mealy Bible
Institute :gave a Very interesting ac -
•count of ‘lhe:'"4°'-MiSsforratrYt Spirit -10f
the lnstitute" this was fol1wed by
a report, of the American . Student
Volunteer Movement 1144 ,at Indian-
apolis, by Miss Anna Nichol.sere
The, meeting closed' with singing and
Miss • t:MONain,O
is visiting at her home in LaUrief.
Mi. John of the Sod,. is
yisiting his grandinetlier, Mrs :Mc-
Leod at Kintail '• -
Miss 1.rene McDonald„ of Detroit,
is, spending:: her , vacation 'under the
bareutaV roof •at. Kintail.•
,Misk Anniei1ftic.env.3--e-of7-,Goderieh-
is spending: a 'few ,days :,With.fhiends
• '
Miss ,Margaret McLeod Of Le?lial-
sh.. is- visiting vith friends
„I `Mr:, and-, Gerdon,,, Jainiesen
and Isabel' of Paramount spew:, the
wecis. eid , with •friehds at Lafigside.
, Mr. Jack;Ress Of Detroit is .risi.tr
Mr.; with his parents" -Mr: and Mrs.
Rod', Ross;" -.Of • Lochalsh,
" Everything points to a, big crowd,
and a big _day about St, Helens
School on July 24; the date fixed on
for a- ie union of these' wlio . as: boys
and girls studied and .played teie
The conimittees ' .1ellarge ',are
• . ,
sparing , no effort to entertam the
croWli Watch for posters which. will
— •
be out Sem; announcing the .:day'.s•
prograin., -T:he. gathering OH be at
the Schoolhouse, and fi ld sport
Will cOrninence At one ,o'slock.. There
will be band' music, daaf:ing and a
liste.of field competitions. A game of
baseball. has .;been arranged between
a team picked. by Mr Kenneth Cam-,
eron from among his apple .pieliers
And •te 'tearn selectedin the school
, .
• .
section., . •
• In the evening a" content, by city
talent will be given, in, the open, if
weather pe,rmits, For this „the best
awailable- talent has. been • scented,
The . Purpose will be to entertain
rather than to make money, so the
admission -has. teen put at fil.e . Iow
figure of 25c aed.school-children free
Don't forget the date— Thursday
July 24th.
0- 0- —
The Presbyterian ASsociation of.
Canada, give assiirance that there"
will .,Still be a Presbyterian Church
but at. present funds are, needed.,..to
'carry. on. Women evishing"ta aid this
'cause will please leave, their eontri-
bdtion With MrsJas, Irving$ '
'Mrs. Whitfield" of Toronto, is vis-
• •• •
Mis Ma Y `Webster of Seaforth
is visiting with her, cousin Miss
Pearl Raynard of Paramount.
• Mr. and Mrs. Max Raynard of
Paramount' visited with friends at
Ethel 'during the weele.
• Mr. and ,Mrs. Jas. Sttntl-ters of
Paramount visited with friends at.
Goderich' reeently.
, airs. 'W. R. NV,a11(er of Huron,
ter<las' Struthers, of • Para-
„ • - • .
spent the week -end with her daugh
Mr.'' Frank Ketchebaw of Kintore
.MiSs Janie Keicheba,V,... .of Wingharn,
Hospital spent, Sundayuner_. the
parental roof at Paramount '
, .Miss FranceS McDonald Of Kin.
'cardine is viSitipg at the ,hoine. of
her aunt IVIrs,..1John N. McKenzie, at
Mrs...'Elizabefli." Ferguson; ••of Tor-
onto is S'p'eriding her yaCation •the
iting at john McLeod's on the, sixth.
Mr Martin McInnis of Detroit,
motored -over -to speilhis_sister,_
who his been inthe,liospitelein Lon°
don, We hope to --hear of her recov•-,
ery soon.
A number froin 'around •here tOok
• in the Garden Party at Ilolyrood
which was a great success.
' k very 'large croW(r gathered'at
,Mr. Ackert's,. barn -raising., The
• day was fine, and, every thing ,went:
'together without • thiShav.--,,,
, Theclosing, of the school . term ' in
S, No. 12 ,Huron Township vt-as
made' the, occaSion of a' pleasant af-
fair when the pupils _presented their:
t,eacher, Miss Sadie dee with,•an ad-
• . • .
guestof her friend Miss Bessie
I3arnby, of Lothian.
. Mr. arid. Mrs, George' MeNamarra
and two boys, of the Soo, are visit-
ing for a month or so with Mr Mc-
Namara's,: brother, qi, of Loth;an.
Mr and Mrs, Toni Moore ,and Miss
. •
'• dress and 'a Cut -glass Water set.. Miss
Gee2haS resigned her • pos'tion ns
teacher and weunderstand is ref
. ir
, , .
ing from the
•ttelwhieli •:.reade.„ an appre-
Pilate '-and feeling:reply
To ,lVies Sadie Geo, ". '
,* beer Teacher:—
` •
• We, the pupils of S;
On; ?hiving heard that yeu,,intml.....,te
leave ils,cannot alloW this oPPertun-
ity•---„to-pags without jn'
Sonic :way our affection, aild rea•iitql-
for yon, 22• °
,During'• your., stay :live... you
done' all in Yenr power., to w adva;icas
the ...interests of your' 'pupils.
morally and intellectnallY, iiil IS 1ai11,.;
„ •
'the:" De
merit of Agriculture wifl giVe a de-
mOnStration of cullinpotiltry at St.
fleleng .on July "15.• Anybody interest,
ed will be aveleeme,
• Mr. and Mrs: John'. MeGee' Pk Bel-
, .
rnye,, and • Mr, Harry.. -McGee ,
ArtIlur -/":1ert- 'of 'Habiiitorr is
-a Holiday visitor with hi S aunt Mrs.
' ' .
'.Borri—: In West,'• Wavyaneshi. on
.,,Tuesday, .41y IStt0:,Mrt, and, Mrs.
Joh Pattei'on •o•;datighter---ete.in-:
Mi., and Mrs, ,Geo. , Webb" and Miss
Gladys Webb • spent :the 'week -end
with, friends at Kiricardin,e Beach,
Come With the crowd ,to Sty ,Helens
schoo crq...Boy'i Re -union On July.
Miss., W.:D, Rutherford went ..tet
l'oronto on Monday where he Will
examine , Upper School' ExaminatiPir
papers for\ the'..,next feW„ weeks.
',Mre: Alex ,McLennan Of .Chicage,
and Miss Colina Clar.k, of 'Napie,r are
pendin their. vacation 'with their
parents, Mr.' and. Mrs. P. Clark.
Mr, Tornee AndersPn, his 'conSin,
Mies, Grace Storey, end Miss
McDjarmid motored from De-
troit and spent alf,ei,v'days" With :-Mit;
.ond•Mrs. 1, D. Andei•SOn:
• Messrs Callum :Carneron; Ale
Purvis tand To Radcliffe .were over
from', Detroit .over July 4th.; •
and . Mrs, Will.. .:Se,bben of -
."Stratford, Miss .Robinson and Miss
• Britten of Mitchell , 'called on •, Mr.
and Mrs. Wallace Milier daring the
Millie McGregor of Whitechurch,
were visitors With Mr. and,,Mrs, Jack'
Henderson of "Paraniount during the
. Mr. and Mrs. McMurray ,and: Mr.
and Mrs. -.Scott of Belgrave- were
visitors with Mi and Mrs, Abe Ket:,
chebaw of ". „Paraniount during the
Weel:. .
A-nrtiversarY: services will be held .
in Ashiield. Presbyterian Chtireli on
the 13thi .insit, When the Bev.;,...B.`
MeDiarniid, of •Goderielr,- Will .preach
both. toortieg, an( eNenmg. „
• 'Dr,. John MeCean and boYS
Grant • and Frazer, and Sara
Melte:an of • 'Chicage;;...are spending .
their' vacatsiont: yisitiner `..at '..MeLean's
Lothian; • : ' , • '
Five' new: bride -es 'and culverts
, . • •
have been -; completed , an the. -Lake
.Shore Road between • Amberley-! and
-"Gb-detkle--.7.-The;:e-tbridges are,' built_
of concrefe-W10 'steel •remfercenient-:
-They are neat in, design finish.
The monthly rnPeting of tire W. AL
S. of the e Presbyterian Church was
held ,IulY 2nd. Mrs. H. Mullin read
the Scripture, prayer was offered by
Mrs, McCalluni,, 'A'''plendid reading
was given.by 'Mrs: J. S. Smith, Mrs.
Tj„. Clark,- rendered nn, appropriate
Mrs 4 McCallum, 'gam 'a •-very
:interesting- and •-•"iftill.1..!.reporte,OV:%ithO-
"General Council". held' in. Montreal..
Mrs. JarnieSon and Mrs, Struthers
conducted the prayer exercise, It was
decided to hold a "Horne
meeting July 30th. After the roll call
the meeting closed by , repeating the
• 'pouRS .•
The presbyterian Church Sunday
School' 'and .Bihie classes, beginning
and add much to the appearance of
• . „ . .
the road: This'"V•to'rl-, as, well as 'two
other culverts'have been :completed
, . • .
since the first Week in June by Percy
'Finigan and his men of Dung,ormon
under. 1,1r1ron -Comity Engineer .. Pat-
terson s• syStem of lay WOli-dc.:, :
, •
Mr Will Leach of Detroit is a
itoi with his uncle Mr. ,I\led Thonis
Puff Pastries, ,• .Bon BouOlp..
Dundee calces ,
Raisin Bread
Born& Made Bread
Whole :Wheat Bread
Phone 30,,
1 man's
Ager.ls -Wanted
The careful. 'attention to. Our-
custonier's orders and the splen-
did stocit supplied for years
past warrants pa in having a
representative or two in this
county. Liberal Commissions:'
Free Outfit,' Write at once for
Exclusive Territory; •• •'''
. . '
,.. • • . ,
Beforeo-.- Co0.113u.S...-
and his -aunt Mrs G,1111es‘. ' '
Metcalfe of London ''slient a,
few days pecently with gr. and MTS.
Robipson Woods. .
Hetrick of • .Port Elgin is a :
vis,iter" with her sister Mrs.
• Mr• and Mrs. :• Robert Snell and
,bay -Westfield, - spent. Sunday.f
:With her parents Mr: and Mrs' Neil
C_ Mrs: Currie of • •G..od•erich " is
her :daughter Mrs D.
• An enthusiastic Meeting Was held
at the ,schOOP on Mondey evening.
when reports of the various. cemmit-
tees 'in .charge' of the Re -union were
heard. Evidently • J-nlY 24th is going
to lie a. big 'dn'f, at St. Helens. There
will he something doing -•every
Shorp. at 1 o'clock , splendid
_program. consisting. of music ,by the
LucknOvi, Pipe .Band,... inuse and,
siieeches by nian - of St,. Helens:Old
13,OVS will begin.' There. will, also be-
all sorts of, sports including. a base -
hall Mateli tietWeen Mr • Kenneth
Cameron's- Apple .rnen arid team
from West wawgitosh and A
ar,---bet* La,2_-Ltackno3v pl f:1:1
Elliott :Miller as ,, captain and one
with., Med. Iiamplirey - as• eaptaie
Then there, *ill he a'big. open ...air
concert af night ,All ',reads . lead, to
St. Helen's on July 24th. Come and
bring; yopr friends: arid: your baskets.
-T '50C A -17,,,P4 T.!
Sunday July 13th will nieet at ten
lot -1i
and children.
•,We ask yoU to t0001* tlii gift as
•orY of the .pleasant . times spell:Cl/
•to together, , • ,
Signed 'Ity; ,Xtelialf of the, scheel,
Laura Wetson, Florence
The °Right ReVerendTiavid Wil- '
Hams 120, D Bishopof i-tuicm •
bold COnfirmatiOn Service. in,
Peter's Chulth, Lucknow,. on Tues. -
clay, July 15th .at 8 o'clock .- At .the
same service 'the Bishop will eolis0"
crate the neW furnishingS consisting
, WardCater
A. 'quiet, Wedding ;was ioleniiimzadat
-the, Re,,'•,tor3,-,, .LuCknow, at,",ten
•Tuesdat;.. morning of this' '-Week when
•-the : .13;ev: L. Langford spoke,,,the
, ,
wOrd • whicli, made ..Mr Bert .Ward
nil lIws Miion-' Ca t er; botWiortowir,-
'and' Miss Wirotifred
sent, but; the hapy• ',couple had no
:sc..iorier left ,`‘the ,neettarY on their 'way
to 'Mrs. Elliott's. than they •were met,
`Iiy 0 litincli-'-of-tbeir' friends (-mostly
young ladies)wild showered, th.ein
,•irc • ,
C.0:rif OA
t, the, evening the 13and, largely
a ti gMen ted b v olu n te'er. bbys',Sett-
enaded' Mr', and -11.'s..-W"tird ,;at ,their,
'.1161)10.... Mr: •Vatel' in a' short speech •
'10 his Visitors eXpressed:his surprisemid pleasure -at the kind itecOgnitiort,•
.and 11"Mided.
)al1 to ..prot,tola treat,a11 round:
Friends are ....6-xtending` "Congrat:ula,-,-
'lions and groofi
, . ' •
rAsToits cii.‘N(lyt
The,Rev: J. We.".,,16y COsens ana
wife rarived in -town,' fo•rom Ottalva,
last Friday; and 1\ -Tr, Cosens o'ccup••
i e... -1;•• -the ist }lur-
ch here for the firSt...time en 'Stn -td -ay.
. The Rev.
il set out for „ 011 i\\ on • tc,
afternoon, ti /)\ by atitemehile,
and going AS CAI' Ilamilton Fri ny
\ '0 ning, The Osterliout familY, Made
many friends • •i•%•1-ille in' Lncicnow
' noon. Parents are reguestea to make 0/ Altar Crederice Table, Altar '``.11°se g°°d '‘vibes f°11° them to
on July' 1924 to Mr and Mrs
-Airs Will -Douglas, Mrs." J. Sher-
% - . .
rill' of town and Xi% Gordon Stard-ey, :
.. „ .
son:. of', Mr. and ,MrS. Gern'er ;Stanley,
west of •LneknoW•,'-' iv•ere---:.-tel:en • :to'
, . .. .
come in and talICto us.
The value of a dia-
mond depends not only
on its carat weight but
on the quality pf the
stone and the visiy it is
cut.- -
highly important
L 1. YOU have expert
advice when choosing a ,
stone, and the name of t
a reputable house back
of this advice as a guar-
antee of its honesty.
We have been buy-
ing and selling dia- '
•mends in this commu- , -
'nity for yeafs. • We
know values and we are ,
here Permanently to
back , up - any sale we
Come in - and talk
with "us: '
F. *: TIRO
-Mr. Frank' -Patersen , of Detroit
. •. .
visited last week' at his .home here.
Miss Millie McGregor of. Toronto •
is isiting- at her home here. ,
aneairs. Middleton of Harriii-c.
'ton are visiting with friends here. .1
Miss` Edythe Peddle is visiting '
with her sister J. G. Gillespie.
Winehein Hospital „last" week whet ,
Otp. Sunday ,at bangside • with their.
OeCli . underwent' a major surgical . Mr: and ,Mrs2Jas, Falconer visited
opbtrafion for internal trettble,,..Mrs.
flon 8110 'NT rS^.. aee
e• .eui te SAN' b1,0,.: progites's,. .
St:in:ley, r of - 'dal
mine; :to his ,heart being • Somewhat
„ —
T--''-- T.. the ,TOWnaliire of etelo'di tot., ifiste4d of 'lb the iift6e.,.
. , •
auflt-Miss Faleorier, '
Mrs. Norinan 1,„awart
and. alp., and 'Mrs. Jno.7Clubb-visite
.ed ,in prucefield. on Sunday
IIiiI1 Ili lili 1111 111111 ll lili 1111,1111'.. 110 11111.!1111K,111111!.1101V;11111.11P11111111111011111TINIIIIPIIIIiiilltr
th 'r new field of labor in the Dom..'
EwArt Tttylor.;- dauqhter t th ' 61, 114ei
no 0 c angeg AegiA , ,17.00 P9.114 „„ domit41 Itt tr,Lit,
or Ladies ancl Gents
will be At
Sole r'nakers.of'the, DO'r-
enwend Sanitary Patent. Toil --
and- Wigs-.. Now , styles' for the. year-
lesh Cohir,-Sight-P-roof Parting.
Mr. Knight. will demonstrate, and gire free ad-
rzio.e on all Scajb Diseases,
The W. T. Pember Stores, Limited',
120 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont.
',al onsouniumunci.mirari simomouricoonws,