HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-03, Page 8-. e• 24,. ` �pp(.Ityfi'Ap+,�, TxMi.,^VC.iA�ICa.1t ��.ir,,.'•xn, T.v�,n-'M'.` n.,�t�'.�. x••�," t ' ,.a,Hx'»� wa..,— +r...••�4!.'^- t PLEA!'I'ilES1DENT T(IItQNT!C BOND E3teI3iA,140E • 4 J Economy Roa'dl read to:v C erQn,M_ Murdac tor'B'. fOl . g.'the•' t4• Days 'ofahis:.Great, Barain Economy ° Sale; ° • • of Goods Boots and .: .. ;;.s ._...,,.. � , Sheres, .Clothing �, and House..:.. rnislun s ,is goingon Sale. Read' over the• e list of Bargains • on our Special Bills. Other similar Bargains , await your purchaser T, ,e offer Values -you, cannot afford to overlook Sale l St y , he Greatest Sale:. event Lucknow• has known fo � many for years. e` Prepared toget unusual Values in First .,, ... 1 Quality Goods ,ate.• our'needs •. � ' `- - • :,Make out and bring a want list, 1S- ASH �S 1�Ione �returied if oods'':nat sat f � • yg 1s actory Comee- Buy, :.have Economize em„ • • tuber the date . � ' '- . -�Remembe. r the place "ead a' 'e. 1 Ic tie Price . on all Voiles and rtes lsoodsa es %at ores, at •r;. ens, ntine Crepes, at House Dresses: 39c.' 59c. 1"9c., 79c 49c.'. etBar a urs Three's cia is ate' ,.. Pe. $1,65, assie>r oing at 39c • iJj d'erwear--Vests, Bloomers and; InduCombinationsall spring -needle - . .. _ _, . rib'' fearing Prices." > n't miss the Vests,' • at 3 for :$1.00: Extra s,: en -o Leather: Boots" in Oxfords,li :.. S P.Pers ts,Etc. all at: one ...:. ,price; $1.95Pe r 'pair.� • ubDere Sole Running Shoes' at from 95c. up Dots, ;Boots for everybody, a great " Canvas''Shoe s with Leatner or R e ubb. Sole, ref price will sell them, 95c. arid: $2.95 per pair. r Gingham Dresses, i sorted colors, Regular $2.00, Sale Price $1.49.:.• Coveall Aprons, Reg. $1.45, Sale Price 95c. Misses' and'Children's Gingham Presses, Regular , • g �. g up to .$3.00, Sale Price $1.95. Kitchen It n A ions Reg: 60c., Sale Price ric�' e 49c::. Extra Full -fitting Gingham Dresses, Regular 3.00,' Special p cal Sale ,Price '$2:19 Wonderful Values in'Men'°s Clothing:- , g Youn g ' Mens 3- • . Piece Suit,Reg. 20.00,- at $12.95..: 25. OO to: 2 .. $ 8.00 Men's' $ , � Fancy. Tweed•. Suits Sale ' Price $17.45 UP y -to, Date Boyss' Clothing. 1 , 0 Onl Bo ' a -. Y Y sBloo m r Suits in. Dark Color :Can- adiar Tweed •New St. , Style and extra •-ualil . sizes 26 q Y, to.36, Regular 8:50 to $10.50, Sale Price $6,,45 and 7.95: act Our every, department 3s running,. over with,B.argains See our Economy , .... .. Sale Bills, for more, Bdrgains, and visit our store often�,durin' : the 14 `Das Econom y _ gY. Y Sale and satisfy• yourself that our Bargaixis are REAL BARGAINS. • CKNOW'S LARGEST STO` fumumffromf 1 tl • FRED • 0:•,, JOHNSTON,rmer foly dice -President of G; 4.• Stimson Co;,. Who has. recently:: accepted the appointment as President and. Gen sra1' " Manager of the TORONTO BOND EXCHANGE Mr. Johnston entered the• ; .bond and banking business over sixteen earl ago; and •y,., has specialized in • Government, Municipal and • Cana- . dian National „Railway Bonds. .Ile' a a son of the late Judge Johnston of Salt Ste. 'Marie, Ontario; and' a 'nephew of W. B. Graham of Goder-'' heli, .Ont,;, and' received his eduction at ,Trinity College, Port ,Hole • `and" Upper Canada College, Toronto,: EIGHTH : CON KINLOSS Mr. and: Mrs. Geo; Ryan of Lucan are visitors in Our burg,; . Miss Valera • Wardell„and.: Miss -Watson are spending:a few days. with' Miss .Hazel Culbert • .Mr. Wes.• Culbert and ion Alfred. also ” Willa ,And, 'Eva . of London nio- tored up from ,London: on Sunday, to ` ,attend thefuneral af•.the late '1VIrs. Dagg of Kincardine Normali' tes and teachers are,,'ari•iv- in ; home"; again, school ' being• over until. 1 the t e fall 'term;'commc.nces.. " Don't •forget 'the: ,garden :party on Thursday `'night.• A fewof the young. people ' ool�in' .� the: garden , :party. held • at ` Clark's last ' Fr r•day night We Are pleased to Thos IIar�rs wh,,.e c nditiort been so critical as ilii roving P icely ;now'. ;We:;shall' be Ind to: hear of: further`im rovements oo P s Ji• again, ..M rs Jas. Rn '• ., cs is under tlie•,Dr's. care at present. . • II Miss i s s $ zel -Percy.' 3 is •.at �• Miss' S Ro54 [helping her :with.her i usehold da'- • ties I. Bo.r :' ',;Mr —n •to ,and, Mrs, Earl' Wilson a. son. Strawberr Picking' i • Y P gs ,the order of the day. 0 e 110: 10 is at Your Service:. re '.ilei! for Cash— We Sell'.Cheaper Than The •Crediit 'Stores l . Me son Is ITie WE �vE A COMPLETE STOCK , OF- COILED *I R.E W RE AND WOVEN FENCE.'OUR PRICES ARE. IGHT,. • B�AR.B YR AND' THE' ALITY-=THEE WE HAVE. WIRE TRELLIS • FOR ROSE BUSHES , ,ANI) FLOWER :BED` 'BORDER.' U -`AND WII'fDOWS I . .OUR--STOCK—OF :SCREEN --DOORS,. COMPLETE. WE HAVE MANY STYLES AND ,ALL SIZES,. START • EARLY TO SHUT OUT THE FLY ' AND " Y 0 U WILL HAVE COMFORT ..AL1. SEASON. NOTHING ADDS TO THE APPEARANCE OF A HOME •; , .�VI�1EE--T.PIAN-:A.:.'WEI��EI'.T'..I.9.1i'_l!i..,,.�:_..T4._KEEL' ..ITF..RIGHT,... :VARI. NEED A MOWER, THAT Is •WORKING PROPERLY., SEE o ljr,$STOCK7—EVERY;•;:MOW-.ER .( ,13ARAN-TEED • • • The Manufacturer has made a reduction in the price of Cement, which . brings it; very near pre-war , prices. See us before. buying, you Will find our price right. Murdie &••.�n Coal! Co, Succeasors to Lucknow Hardware & , • • MAFEKING 'o Blakes Snrrday- aehool� picnic =will ,be held on the ' grounds of Mesa*. John and 'Wilt Cook, Safurday after noon, -July. Mr.•, Isaac. Cranston: is sawing, :summer 'Wood -for the house wives of the 9th Con,' this .week; Miss, Beryl. Johnston left on'Tues- ' 'day for ' Kingston where • she will take a "course in Physical Cultu"re.'.at 'tlie.Summer Sehool:"tTiere ""' =Miss da ;SFleirn $ ent °tire ",,* ...'d P 'wee. k end with.,.: Mafeking'.friends; • • Grace Blake El'i Eliie Anderson, Alice e and •i"inlay'. Shackleton 'and rainier Kilpatrick: of Lucicnow High School. finished, writing their exam's •Monday' and •are .honie for vacation • 7u'sb before school d eesed • F 1 d Fi heresy Margaret .Ftplay read an :address 'oi a reciation while' 'Nona '`O'Loughlin • np en behalf ,t,Of the school. presentee Miss Jessie Stothers their 'teacher, with- a set ,of 'book ' , holders:' The• 4hxldrenx..expres9ed,-their. regret thati.. Miss 'Stotliers. had decided to re - 'hat their best;:rvishes',.foi^.:.sttc,: cess', will.::follow ,her;�to =Saskatchewai, e und_ erstancl the : vyill visit. her • 'brother Mr, I Stothers at Regina .air the near future: The Ashifiold <W. M S. 'will meet With Crewe,' Nile and , Dungannon, tOriday afternoon July. 5th at Oun- gahnon Methodist Church that 2,30• MAPLE ':GROVE .. We join, all in, ,ektending congrat- ulations to Mr; and •Mrs. `Wesley Rit- chie for a long and • happy wedded life in 'our Grove; • Alii and *roe J(5hli • g. gNoith 440 • -•-'-"-li:.._ ..._..--k_:L_.-n.-,__r rte_'` -: Mrs J.. F. Andrew, 'of ;Burlington) -spent-:n�-4ew--day.s--hast week with friends• on our,•line Mr "and ' Mrs Jim McKay and family; of Lovat, • spent, Wednesday last with Mr., and • Mrs: Ralph Nixon of Zion North.' Mrs, , Peter. Cook and Bertha visit -•I ed friends.iii Lucknow' one day last. week.., MrCharles . Leveri; of Calvin • ,.. , and Jac1c"and-"'Deke:;:Cliampiori'w of'•' F'.ord c' •iS en " - yid r y e sI5 t u ay'=with :Maple' Grove friends: ' • Maple ;:Grov • L; O. L. ` 1044 will attend Divine, Ser'vice•in; Zion church at 7 o'clock Sunday evening.July ''6; R•ev; Coaens• will'. preach •A: cordial.. nvitatien is -extended ;.to ,all . visiting ii°ethren , to ,loin. rn: worship with, '1044. , 'Mr; , '.Geo Tem.). , of Toronto is : ,,pending his summer vacation with his uncle • C. E. McDonagh c" Miss Janie"Ritchie "of Toronto is eo: . me for !ser hglidays fit Zioh`;�' `'`" Mr, Joseph Ha"ckett' of Belfast pert Monday with his` %son,.:Tent : `at •: