HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-03, Page 41? RING CO-; . ''' • - r readers, ,1491terart 11.*Y •Rilitaatt RI 'TS*" 110 t: aro,. • Groin aad" Bilmi"..#,` TglwAx..-- ,,TaPKIN.40 win:1=mi Nina.", : 0 Parrawa- FROST STEEL 41e. WIRE CO. te- . . \.... O. 9 'Coiled' Wire,1-Peint Dark Oaten and Won at, ence a tiff:May.14st GIzeI See our high grade Mum before buying. FeteSsite At " tetletTCKNONY'' ,xn,ier000tealg55. CANTAL°. $4,006,000 tRESERVE • - gp;oompo yEg-mt.A1!; k---1.Z-c1JES • IN CANADA IiE MOLSONS BANK To avoid possible thefts or mislaying of money 'depOsit all surplus cash in a Savings Acceunt at The !MolsonsBank.' 'raiment Of • account by cheque is by far ,the meet satisfactory way. One of the uutuy branches of The :Melsmis Bank wiI e glad to handle' your account.' Ell), MANAGER, LUCKNOW BRANCH. 1 egforth Creamery vious afternoon by Dr- Hough d Dr, Forge assisted by Mr. Arthur REAM' EUVNG STATION Learita, after which thejaranien re- turned to the where the hearing was conduCted. h h ri His teot p ces paid for Cream and Eggs. . We guarantee service and satisfaction to all oiir Patrons. •ive ua. a trial and let us prove' . • , , • you 't.hatwe area worth while 1. market. ecil Mgr. Lucknow Branch Phone 631 liVICIOROW Phone. 74 Wingliam Phone 256 Monumental Works HCKN�W and, WINGEAM Has the largest and most complete estock ,in the most beautifiil designs to choose from.'*' Marble. Scot,ch, Swedish anr Can- t • iulian Granites We mike slieelaka of Family Monuments and invite your inspee- , tion, _ Inscriptions Neatly, Carefully and - Premptly. Done. See na before placing your order. Dangles' Brose • . Rb A. SpOttan laiclaytta, Ont. reLneimow...L.,0,.."L:t No. 428..ineehe in their 'bake intim eFertr second 'Taea;, gitf of the Month at. 8 O'clock 'WM. Eft M. Parker: Ree. :4,f-7„5'.;71,`10; , ,swAlIPitSKIKir flu itt5 eilearrea-it etratriatee • e..iteuel es'aritikel", , meta•,ittletta217 • Hie,erataitatt,.. ItCtertapt twee* wheel Perobt'S'itt of the texpetteatal tittiteCtre a;I:CniattU there° came lia-;.1aii ,a • e •'''trettolt. Of driaa' a:atteetatear_ - ' We here reaaetiatte "ear: hea Ire• Ctqatata= Ertsx. (the '' Witatati eeettreeeease,s _tee compeers inera&'. ihe re-mai= • the didortrillat:eth eirerinistandes eurrocradimg the •74 the tete Robert Street. were .Such as to etausainaeattigatica ert the evert of the coroner' er, the distritt and the Cioatn Attaardey, On Moridat• • night it 8 O'clock an inquest. Was held. pr. Fisher, advised the jury • that the first .peto4dure was to view • the body and the juicers proceeded to the undertaking parlore of 31, S. . Obeli Were the bodyhatt been brou- ght frOm hie late, residence, Cor- oner remarked to' the igers that they "TS tliOte.t° lee that the post !nor. pit )40 14,44#,r4 III SO PO. The first witness called was the widow Of the deceased; Mrs. Robert Edward 'Street. She told the Cormier and :jury that her Misbelief. lett home. "Friday morning shortly, .. after. ,9 O'clock, and returned a little later , for his 'keys, He' stayed awaY, all .deta. 'andbefore night she had made ,setre' erel inquiries' for Bob, .but no' one, had seen hint; The mod: time she saw Win, was at 5.30 on'. Saturday Moen- ing 'when he • ,came into the house 'and Old her that die was , very, sick. and was' vomiting severely, r• Dr: Hough had been called at • 11' o'clock, but being absent, did not ar- rive . till .noon, Mr. Stieet died • at 2 o'clock from •alcoholic poisonin.g despite, all effotts on. the part' of, the two' dcictore to. setae his life. Chief Macaulay told of 'his earch ' for lignite, and • had 'foinale, seireral• empties on the premises. , , Ditt, Hough gave'. testimony as to: his attendance- On the 'deceased shortlybefore his death and ques- tioned as to what hadhappened he replying that "he had been- put' 'with the •boys" bat. gave no clue as •tie his companionstor the Party from whom: the stuff had 'been purchttSed; Ile spbmitted as evidence his report on 'the autopsy held that afternoon' by litmeelf: and Dr. Forge, the eause ,Of death being ascribed to akoholic' pitisening. • - Forge alait- • 4'.gave evidence.. nni_ ch. along the aithie line as' the 'pre-, viatis witness. • William. Ward , swore ' he had seen ,Street at the .station p11 Thursday night at the late trainewith his •car. He'wag drimk and had •driven away from the station . with Wifliam Wil- son of •'tlie Atlitigton 'Hotel, With the., tarOditetion � this ev-Iciefiee; Chief Macauley _Went out and taiont ght; Wilson in. , „ • NV:Meant' swore that • he was at the statism, aid' Street being there with his :Car, had told -him to jtunii in and Ite'„woutd. •drive him; This he had done. He lad seen, 'no signs Of' Streett,tehog-,dratikror eeen. drinking J. Pritchard Swore that&n Friday afros n he had seen* Street go by dte .apd., embarked...ter, .M.rt Stairaplt that' Mae.. Street had, been tiellepEr ernunq tha.t day for her the:samara. That A he knesv,. This the etidence submitted, areal *e• "atom' ...Cleared, 0,f Spet...a,-. aerate thai ttee tate esighe, consult _eta ete-te take eared -sae wateta ; ;thee* a fanatat.;ea- 'That; the de .7erereett,' meibis d4th ro frn • • . . --tertrarae "..eatxtsteret to evaleh toad • tee= 2560 esame :poison."' , araatw hae created eoraiderable ,aersr-4-n4 Some , nasty lb- `respect, to tit wzbter authoritie.s are gotta to dr')afl in their power to cIi arp, .1 • • ' I IHen, Janie e Murdock, Minister of Tt-TP .1,13',01NONV" ENTI,1•114 epablished every Thursday mornink at Luckhow. Ontario. ' 4, D. /Mackenzie, Prourietor and Editor It.c,1940*-$F,$.0$70,j a,TBURSDAY, (JULY 3r4.; 1024, - alltaltURDO,Cla, 'MINISTER OF -LABOR, EXONERATED BY PARIJAMENT ' Labor. in' the Kiiig cabinet, charged with hairlfig used information geiped, as: a memlietaeftthe-Governatenttet-o his piesenal advantage' has been vitt- 'ed '`not gailtya by. the House': of Cemmens,. It is a bit turioui that every eCtinservatiVe in the house at the time voted- in fevot, of '§uetaint- irig thechaitte, against Mr alurdoele, ' while every :Liberal, every Progres- sive' and members , of other groups voted t� clear the minister. All had the same evidence before them so that the arrival at opposite concliit siops must be accounted for •in some other way than by a Consideration of the evidence, , The, whole proceeding was largely teplata in the game of politics. The charge was • preferred:, with a view. discrediting' Mr. ,Murdock,, and thereby 'discrediting • the Government.• The resignation' of • Mit , Murdock which evauld have followed a ifindhig against ,hint might have. made it diff- icult for •the -Mpg • Goveentaent to _carry an, The .Progreseives aehotare Cieeperating with thee Liberals have no desire to defeat the Government and this doubtless iefluenceclathem in taking a lenient:view' of Mr. Mart dock's. action. The Con.eervatiaes • are interested in .discrediting and defeat- ing, the Governnient ; aid• this.. must have 'hardened ' theft, hearthagainst , • ,the aCcused. . •• • • What influPneed • 'Mr. Murdock to ,withdraw his merieY .frorp. the Home Bank two days before the failure of the bank must.. remain a secret With 'himself. The ;Public can hair* he Maine& for 'concluding that,. he. had • information '• from • some source , that •the bankwas, about to .close, but they will feel like 'exciiSirig 'a than. la moderate _eieeemstances. for trying. to saye what t� him vas'a consider:. able -slim,. even if he get, the inforria etien at a Cabinet meeting: , To the average man the whole in- cident is interesting mainly. as •illus &rating the -veetis. of '' politicians tit this yeat Of grace, 1924. - , • • , THE MONTREAL .MURDERERS • , . Among those in this country who Want to live ,in peace and ake an honest living there •vvili be gendiar satisfaction With the outcome of the trial at .Mcintreal of thetsix men who a few. weeks ,ago„ held up and rob- bed a .niimber of bank erpployeese who were transferring a large sem • of money from one bankto another, killing the maa who was eltiving the 'cat which carried the money. e The -crane conamitted, in daylightaand it was evident that the robbers-- were - utterly reckless of the lives of those, whom they attacked. They 'appear to. have' been a band of Italians 'ac- customed' to the criminal life 'Which prevails in the cities of their home e coentry to an extent even greater than in the cities° of: this 'continent. The . , gang, apparently belotigedato quite an exfensiire organization of criminals Who' subscribe :to a fund to be used in" getting its members, out of erouble ,When they get in. to the hands :of the police, They furnish bail, engage lawyers, corrupt juntas, give aid in jail -breaking and attack the' folice whenatraneferring prieent era when a favorable , 'opportunity Offers, ' • ...The. 'country had .been .shocised•, by %se .many, .crirnes of violanee within -recent years, and so oftereedisgaeted .ity. the ' apparent inefacieney 'of the police and . the elacknese Of, the ,eourth that it Was ",inpO mead witnees another failure of the law ip of 'the Public. mina againtt these eio-• •larit .doubtless had much tie with the- promptness, ,with 'which the Motitival gang .was cap - 'tared and cd.rivieted: ..Conirades of :the condemned will neW heeitate be , "tterituriag -atiapteii taffatifeatt**.aircit undertaking • „ The greetet the nentlegr ehgaeecl .eritite ahe :greater i's the .'danger tothe ' the criminalt• Amongst - a consul THE PORTELGITUXIS eAmpt erable number 'there is 'almost cer- • JULY 146 -21st. •tain to 'be one or . more who .wilt. • ateaken and turn against his come , . Ora ,duly. 14th, begint the Taxis rades teeite .themeelveat, Camp at Port 'Elgin, It will r be big danger of conviction, This is 'What get and ' better than evert. :Plea to happened Mentreal. „ One Of the Meet tyour''Conferenee friends ethere• .eang Who • was caPtUred toiled and 'speed the best hOlidayyea ever ,king's eaidence, thus greatly, aiding had. Rev, Kellerman will again be Camp Director and that itl$Oreg good time., The rates are $1.00 or registration and $7.00 for cane week's board, Further particulars, and pro - grime May be bad from, G. Ross, Chairinan 01 .the PraMOtiOn Core wittoo, gloolovi • /TrUltEIPAY* 31tItA' 3rde. 19,24, he PaliOe and ,ggyo the Plot attatir Innning the'le,atiar who bad shot him --once a •preminent politipal ,01tots" in the City of Chicago. 'A crime wave, like a wave Of POI*" ruption in palate life., rtend§ brina about it own remedy. The Public will:stead a .great 'deal .0 abuse, tOt "the iworm will turn" ' o • NATt- kitID• TIIE "C.° .• 'Thatuseless andeapensiye organ- ization known as the Canadian Sen- ate is adding. to its unpOpularity by its p'eraistant opPosition te the ;pea icy of the Canadian National.. Rail, way's. managemeat, !ies "eii4eaveiedtto7d-efeat • the7 *Ago tof a nuinberaof bills, Pitovidini :for the, handing ;of a. number. of branch lines e—bilis' which ' the • House of .cbm, me/is which.represents the people passed ' without undue • " haggelline In thet anerse ' Of the :debate in the Sente Mere. thaar: a "eualiletea • was aroused that thetwealthy old gentle- men of the Upper Chet/alter were more considerate of the interests of the ' Canadian Pacific Railway than of the Natienals. Perhaps some of them have large interests in. the C. RT While their r interest in the C. N. R. are but those of a Citizen of the country,. • , r The circunestance suggests the great difficulty which, ,any govern.: trent in this country Will have. in successfully -managing the National Railways' in ' competition .With so great a riVal at 'the providing 'for extensions and r. new lines for the privet* owned road, have no. difficulty in getting though parliament; but when it 'conies, to extending the t governmeat. roads every' sort of abjection- is raised.. Two. 'sets of private intetest. ap- pear to be opposedto the success of the National Railataysthe C, P.. R. • interestsnaturally. detsiring. to hold 'beak a strong 'conatietitot and:a sit of tinancial •wolves; said , to have headquarters an Montreal, Who Wish to discredit goVernment Management so- that the railways may be thrown upon the ,.market for private pure chase As. a business widch hid 'fail-. ed it would present a fair prospect for :speculation to the financiers" re- .ferreel to, .. • 'Another difficulty with the Netion= al „Railways .will be that the Oppos- ition PartY in parliament' (no matter which party) will always,- be inter- ested in .causing mismanagement of k. the railways. with a view to bringing diseredit. upon the party' in peWer. It all aniOunts t� ahis:: That the people have • not 'yet developed " that: measure of petriotism, ,and honesty. • in •public affairs that permits of:, pub- slia'. business ..beitig. carried :On with anything , like the.: eCononly. and effie- ieney of a private basineste ' * ••• -- , t-..-0".070- • III.TRON. COUNTY' SOCIAL 'UNION °STRONG VOlt PROHIBtTION • . • ‘' r• • • . „ At a Meetijig. Cf. the: Huron, County Social. Service Unioni held •'in Cliaton on June 18th, an eanihatic. :protest was Made by. the moral reform lead- ers county L against: ht.jhbe_ Ont •Government interfetinge in way Withthe cause 'of e aio. The large delegation in was unaninious, in declaring hat the 0..T. A; -was doingwhat it was intended to do,. vie Make eon- cinual progress _tn. the onward rnarch • toevards the. final' overthrow . of the iiqu�r ataffic. tta ,aet rhe addresses of the president and field secretary, J. A. Irwin and A:, T. Cooper, were. optimistic and enthits- iistie about • the ' benefits secured from prohibition, ,and • from the facts ,?resented the arganitatton will- have it' the hearty; 'support,' of all .co-operating churc es ,, or„ any cam- peigo.' that rimy ,be 'launched- by, the 'advecatee • of any "substituted" leg- . :relation. : • , GoVernMent, control as they have t in Britith Columbia:was explained ay Rea. aft k,;, Livingstone, of Elim who, up. to a year 'ago, lived, in Coltnabia, as bringing 'abbut' oriditiona that *ere ,Much worse h a ri Ite stated' that the Moderation. 'League ',.ied claimed' that, Government Cohtrot bootlegging , • and command greater oeepect for leWt whereas ,neine of ,things. ,hadt beene accomplished charige i. beinr:Tierunuded:-tu,1- Any, by the 13usine0! interests, ;as ;ten as the moral reform , forces, Of thetProyincee : • , • • :Rea, J.' Bilay,•• cif' ahe Ontario' trohibition !Uniort, wafr present and 'nepired the workers with cleat, sane erguinents why we should • insist on -"heading-What w 'have'aaand -work-a 'rig hard through organization :tee: wards the Suppretaicin of the !aim- - aacture and expOrtation,,of ..alt, liquors' neceesery atileiliaties to the pro - the Police and the nroseeutiote ht:otitiOnktof the Ontario Temperance : ; About po persons atten ead a ban - amet euvolted by the W: C. T., V..; and after-dinner speeches were .en- joyed, ,undetthe direetioh 0! Rev Dr, Leliciri, f. Seaertl. The Same thing has happened at Chicago where a considerable gang' robbed a mail train of ,'between two and -three milliah ,dollars'. One Of the robbeaswas: shot by ths leader for dIsabeying an order, rortunately be Vial notklfled,+ 40 "14# OaPture4 bY The . 109wi2g rtiolutiool erg • •••• carried: , ,coaspictioue• place. in all our, churches. and having. said poster's placed in a , . and Sunday, school • teems ;arida public places, . a • "That we :cantiet• too strongly ex - Dress our disapproval ef the aiodeth dance of which a public man said recently: "Ipteeery day, .in every way it's getting' wothe .and, Averse,' We requett the parents the :hone, the teaehers in our schools, the members of ber mupicipal councils 'arid. those - controlling, public dancing ;hails. to euard' the youth of :our -land. :froni this preroiScuatis forita of :emusethent'. For as the. youth of to -day so twill be the men -and women t� -morrow. "We -recommend tha11j oute,homee. elate and Suede). ticheole'' and, church._ -es; more teaching be given to the danger of the' liquor traffic, the ,tig- arette and tobiece'habit' ,auel good • Clean morale; believing thatmany young .people of ,to -day pee not fully seized of these, vital', truths in all their realities. That this . item be : read ina alle thee t cintialres efet. the, county. "That the 'president and, secretary of the Huron County Social Service 'Cennieil • appoint 'at .committee . every municipality, Which shall have charge of -the 'workaiatthat :locality. and look; atter the finances. That said cornanittee , be subject to the county officers." Officers ;elected for.. the coming e.earewete as follettars t-Honorarytpre- - sident J A. Irwin Clinton. presid- • eat, tG; taleddt .Ettetere secretary. A. T. Cooper, Clinton; ttreasurree, A. M. Robertson: •Goderich; vice-peesid- ents, G. M. Elliott (Goilerieh)', James Can .(Seaforth);, e.Tt. B ' •MeLean • (Kippen.) , Atic.Gere 7Brus- sels), Mrs.' A. T., Cooper' (Clinton), Mr.. A, B., Carr ..(Blyth); represent- ativese Notthalltieorel• tBenneta Winghaia Centee Huron, W. Latin, Lendeaboro; South Heron, C. Her- vey, Exeter. • • r: • • The .Village Council of Blyth has made .a contract' with the Brennan Company of .Hamiltori, for the pav- ing of, a part of the 'atreeta CT the' village. Parties opposed to, the irn- provernent are endeatoring, to get an appeal to. the Railway and Municipal Boatel And a cOurt injimetion to pre- vent the work going on: As the Proceedings have been in ,evary way regUlailliare jsltto Oapte Of their 0100040, . , ----:kr-ro,prrkrkekr Irrrr-kr, , "Vetatitte membere:Of °the Social ServiceCoancia, of. eltaroa Countter' assembled in reonventien at Clinton, 'Ont., this '17th day, el June; 1924; take this opportunity. et yOletag, our protest against' any cbane;e tie- ing made in the 0. T. A. that arould in the:smallest degree •, bring telteut the weakeningtet 'the law ItS.,4 iie stan4s OlVtlie;statoto.,bolo.kg...-1K6,A.,07 that every fair -Minded person will admit that the said law has and is n.oW *doing untold good, both inaterthIla arui morally, We have not yet heard, of any orgardeation that promotes, the ,welfare .of.' the :county asking 'fora change. • ra"Mbreever, evefeel that the liquor, habit . havieg• been :ingrained in the Verfibre of society- far"..ceatitries many'. ,years Must . elapse before a 'th- • tal prohibition law ; will, Wive time to Make' its full tbenefits leriewtetaTliet necetaaty time hes 't been • givento test the, wOrkin'g :of it thoroughly;•' "If,. however, ,the • ,:Getretriniept; having been empowered., by , anen- abling bill tosubinit the question' tO a Vote of the electorate, should de- cide tit bring on a plebiscite in the, neer future, we -will be prepared to ,meet the isdae /mowing that We are. 3upporiing a just Caueet We think it •is within our rights to . expect that the vote be taken at the Most reast =Able time, •that sufficient notice ;if the date he given; and . that . the etuestions submitted to the electors .)e el, Warded .that.. ne 'confusion or ambiguity shall arise. express ftnir approval of the. enforeemeat• of ethe 0.• T. A; Under • the present Attorney -General ' and ;pledge hint out support in his earat aletteffort, intahe' strictest • enforce- tient- of. the law," "That we place on record our tighest apprecietion. of the work be- ing-, .done •by Inspector Pellow, who, •Nithout fear or favor, "always dis- charges his duties: • • as. •faithful. Pe;die servant 'and solicit for.li m the metal' support of both the mem- bers of Parliament , in , the :various: tidings of the cOunty, as well as the people in general. .:"That ' heartily' indorse :the work of our,, field secretary; A. T. Cooper, believing 'that the high.- start - ••t1 ard of teippetance sentiment, in Heron CituntY is to be attributed to, his untiring, efforts along this line. We also hope he maycontinue his ' -secretarial duties in Ceinnettion With the teMperance Work .of - the:, County. '"We feel the great leek Of: infer - !Ireton , regarding the • aplendia re - delis accatang from the, •piohibitiort law and in view Of the "plebiscite vete recommend our people to order a jerge suppler of the posters tiaciay• .byathe secretary, also t'the same, information on post card size, :gp .F.PD:w.r.••••RARpwoz. .14 *FA4e," keep out the fly by letting us sup- , ply your needs with a Screen Door or Window Screen. All styles and sizes carried stock. e ection CiiiStoves, or -Burner, on hand always., A complete stock Of Lawn Mbw- ts 12, 14 and 16 -Inch Cut. Preserving Kettles, Granite and Al- uminum. Zinc Jar Rings and Rubbers. Reach Baseball Gloves and Bats. Barb Wire, Coiled Spring a Woven Fencing always on hand. A Fresh Car of Cethent jut arriv- ed and we are very glad to announce .a reduction in price of 35c. per bbl. ORTEOU,S Hardware Coal Plumbing. Tinsmithing, Phone 66. Lucknow. SCHOOL REPORTS U. S. S, NO, 4 Ashfield itettilts • of, Promotion Examiat tofls. 1. •To the Si, IV—Pass—J. MacDon- ald 65t C..tRobetthon 1MaeLen- hate 62; C„, Brown 61, G, Finlayson .Rec.—Geo.. Finlayson Rosa* •'T� • lite Jr. IV—Paas--C, MacDon- , ald 68 Robertson .59, To the Jr. -Pass- e o.-., Mac Charles 7ate,R: 'FinlaYsen. 67, F, Mac- Donald 64. - • ' • , Lindsayt58, H: Ross*, M MaCKendrick*. • ' - • ' -To the Sr. -1I—Pass—F, Finlayson 71. • C. MacDonald 54, • Kendrielc 47. *) absent for examination. Mac- ; • r . Finlation, ,teacher ndr No, 10 Culross. ,• Prorrietien Examinations ; • t. -Ji• 1V to aralVaNatiayaliettwiteate Sr. to die IV-L.flonoues--Helen 3furray and mr.----ret Ruth' (even),. Pass—Stewart ,Lall, John Hedgine, Edmund Green, , ' Classe-Ezra Stanley,, Wm: pet- 'rr c1Ass-4-.Mictforl . George ..B,ell, Maier tColliestaeLevi .8mitiatEta1' eeett Stanley, . : • • Sr. Pr. to Jr.. I-allondursElmer Wall; , Pearle , Bell. Past—Me,ratta Stanley', Alex Smith ' Pr. • Honours— Clifford: Johaston; Verna Wall, Margaret Murray Pees -aLeonaid Stanley, Alice • Wall; S. S. No..9, Ashfield V class—*Olitre Kilpatrick : "a8rt, WetetAg eand ttLit.) ••*tdara :gatet Finlay 84%;.' Richard kilpet- . riek, ateoe•Ciaret 70e: :Prater Ialmstitti ,70..• IV— (Aritle; Spell., , Clifford Kilpatrick 75%; Nora 0' - Loughlin 66; '4',Walter Glare 51; Ala Vert -Catterghlitia36. „ •Sr.` IIIH,*Har,old :Webster 60%, Ott,tdatMt, ate: te. 'Curran 76%, Bernice Blalcea71; *Mary Hackett ,.57. *Jim Curran 57. . • , :SE ItaatAtithe ..Speitt'-tWitintfetecy Vare-39-tt;Dcsiy ,dnriattitat75t *Beatrice' Culbert 75; "'alert :Clifte Jr. *Vertia tliiipatriCk • '68%1 *Ralph O'Laughlin 61; Olife Atlake 32I(a.,,biteeenitth ia.i.orhtnttitn.), otte63% PriThertatines- Devereaux! *06... nth Curran, Clifford itlake, • Most Stars, for perfect lessons, Mare Clare. Jim 'Curran ' Perfectattendance eriatkeel'e ft) Nithiber on roll 24* Average att. 23. •''' Jessie A.. Stothers, teacher. Few girleof a', ..,_ color- • fag that comet and goes,. Generally. it's ae tlied,as' a snails on a statute. A girl In''Johannesburg recently . ran o6 mues. Tne report 0)80 say whet* tha Man got alfirgy , • GODERICH A. ,Crowd 'estimated Ca aritnet- • sed the Unveiling of ;a eyOldiers mere- orialthere on- JUltr aste whea. a ,gene4,-; al. Dominion Day celebration was: held. The .Rev,.c4nuri 1LJ. Cody, of: :Toronto. gave a Short but -''eloquent..., address unveiling ' the monument _ which as erected ° in hortot t of the . men r from ',Gocietich Town; 'Colborne; 'and Goderieli Townships who. fell in• the Gre,at War, Mr. W . H. Hobert- , , . sOri 'aS. chairman . 'of the committee and •Mr. E. 'R, Wiglei M. P, P. pre- . .sented the, atiernotitil: to Mayor Gallow, who e Eitown 0! Geocdeepr ecdh, .Ohn rhea hmalaf.s..ofgutiht,ee. .a large', turn :Emit of veterans 'wider.. Col.'Dunlop, and these fared a genera salute..•Besides' the ToWri Council • e there Were piesent tiie. reeves , and. , .touneillors ef Colborne ' and •Goderich' :Townships: '' • .menaters„ of: •the various c arch , . .choiree,'assisted by the Kiltie Band of -.Ciiiitatitt:red-iff the singing Fol relating the unveiling ,ceremony number of wreaths were placed at ; :the. Iciot of the moriuMent. 'Among " 'these Were ones from the fraternal ocie flee ef the team,: the, local veter- ans association, the Town Council, and tle woinOns.'organizations -The • xnemoria1.ig a laildsome of white granite surmeanted, by ;the bronze figureeOf ' a soldier in.: full.' marching • equitintente The following . names appear. on the nionument: , TOWn 'of Goderich—A. R, M. Arnold;:.k.Love, G. S. lgcbonald, lat Bates, A. McDougall,." W.Lee... "Bat; W:' MeInthsh, L, Burrow's, B. McLean, C., .C. Carey, G; MeNeyin; A, Cornell, C. Mew, If, Cracknell; S. H; Mor- row,: L. 'Ervin, P. Fisher, .L. J. Foster, .J1 W. Garrovat. Glazier, B Gotdon, C. Hamiltoai Handy, :it:, Hint, E.Hemp, CI - Knight,. M. Lexie, J.- Le'opard, 0. Littlechild, 'L. ,Murray, R ' Nesbitt, A G. Nisbet E.13 Noble- A Os- man, Paltrier; R. Redfeirn Vl" Redfern A Riley L 1VIa'Relieetsittia-C: 11. Robin:Son, • L. Robinson, A. E, Sales, W. Slade, F. • W. 'Stokes,. Sunbury, J. Swarth L, -Taggart, IL illey,-D. Westont -41.-4L-Yeurig, - - -- Township of Colborne—L. W. Allin, J, ,Barker, J, -Hetherington, T. Lam- •••Abea, Gtvv:dettL.l etrmicoithrugfe,. To.orwnde B. i.. combe, 11. Cantolon, A. ,Chisholni; A, '13, Fut/lira, ,Hannent, W. Hicks, -A;Ifiiirlievv, II. P. McCluskey, 3. A. McCluskey, N. G. McDougall, E, Rose 'J, White J. Yuill Many motoHsts turn turtle with- out any leanings, toards revolution- ary views 'whatever, • Teacher—"What .SupPoi4s the i4tIn In `the shy?" Bright Boy—:"IN beams, of course," ' mutt ,ftrttllutuletixtrosatesnodi '10,4001:4tair°41grhY1 out '1;0144tk1Oramla. ,