HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-03, Page 34111140.0.
An Attu's! Maple Leaf In-
spired Noted Song.-,
• • , ,
• ' How ( "thee ,Maple Leaf, PoreVer
came to be,„ written by Alexepder ,Muir
• le related, in. the following iptereetieg
narrUye iiy Lieut -Col. A. E. Beleher,
firet_vice•Preeidept:Of the Ontari6Nite:
"•-atitlio,n:sonre Yeare'liefore
these inamortAl verses. • He was .a
sehpel teaeliCer, and in. those days tho
' remuneration was very Spittle I speak
,. of himfifty years aee. He tlien hired
:14 the east .part ef eitainite; .almoet
,inamediately 'opposite his, :stria.11:iiipue0,.
ar peopte-
9' a
oicti co fee
• 1 /
urines and Their Origm
, •
all's:what was *thee called Leslie's Ger
they .tnised_frult. and
. g FF
• e
ether Itrees for;sate '1-1t,-5va;§ Mete' a- . arlatIons-eloffre„-Jeffertiere',Gniffrey,:
park" as Weil.; Its; other-1rnds of t.i.Q138'' Geoffrey, slePsoui j,CA' •
grew there; , . , • • ,,..: leacial-OrigIneePrencji,.. ante Norman
We •-yeatte men eeteing, from out „French; •.: . •
eidd. places boarded at three °r lour, ' Source, -.4 given :name
•dollers,per, yveeli: at the then fa.rnieris" " . ' •
taverns eitUatgd inthevielnity of.Mer- . Yoe' Might easily draw': all gorta of
ket Square.. Instead„ of 'going io ,elfurch cartaleglea •Ithiong 'the greetnu'
on Sundae' we Would take- a nice 1 ' • '
• Ong , famous personages •who have borne
walk' down to •these gardens, • which I •• •
the name of Jeffries or one of its
Were like the' countryside. Our friend
• Alexeeder Muir, liv,ed in a small house variations,starting with Godfrey, Who
s almost opposite th,e gates .-pt the. gar- with his _crusaders' of the* ,middle'ages.
dens. ,At times he asked We tete the wre.sted Jerusaiem, from the
RacIaI Orligin,••-•Engilah.
Source -A sobrlqiiet • .
The origin,' of! this family !lame is
1iklyto prove ahitePuzzling to you
and,,then,' :when is explaieed; „Mahe
ra.t'ott, YOu,.never thought of
Say : "courteinisq, real, quick, and you
have . • . .
Courtesy in`the, Middle.Ages appar-
ently Was.a virtue none ,tao general,
else it would. have been no: distinction
to dalla Man "Veelteree: curt.eye.”' On
the: other hand it•Was by I1C, means unc
known,: or :the -name, 'WOW: not. he. BO
yirldpopie4d, tia" it is tb-day.
Ciirtifs le:one:of 'then names. which.
deve,leped.in, many Sections 'of. Eng-
land about the same tim•e, and all Cur-
are by no Means sprung from the
eatheateCk„..., ' • ,
There,,le 'tined -fen source of , the
name however; though a searcher the
old'reeprthedisclases ,that it was the
source Only. in A. minority cases : -It
Was :the. word 'Cifrehosse,"
"ehort-stocking," -the sort of sobriquet'
that :,.alninn would ,gainfor hlinselety:
reasonof peeulierity. In his dress.
AS,a_metteofIltict,...._:_the.oame., of,
from •GodfreY.,[..threUgh Ceeff.reY. Jeff7 Shorthoge",. is to be. found, to -day in
' ••heits,e," and We. enjoyed e •chat; so I had grasp eg the Meilems, and.. including
•. the geed. fortune Of knoWieg•Alexeed- alai jeffefee, itei pugilistic' game, and
er Muir 'M other dayis; , • . ,• General Jeffre, tight. down to little
On being elected We' firat .maYer ef Jeff, Mutt's Partner of national fame, -
the town of • SouthatOPtol?, hi 69.. Year;fighters Ian • ". ;
. „
1904,, I Wrote asking „him' if lie would, As a faintly narne,,Jeffries, and ite
•': ' conie. Up later In the .suntiner and de- •_. ;
variations 'came into use simultaneous-
: . liver. a sort .of ..patriotic, or inaugural c
le in France and'. England; As a gleen
addrees, Which.he kindly consented to nanie it Comes originally from. France
do: I: entertained him' during hlgetay. to the eariy :Teutonic' period., that Is,
• I had prepared A speaker'a platform in the period of the barbarian Invasions,
our towe hall.park, and at its entrance. following the,:fall of the /lomat' Em-
• I had at least 20,0Scheel children, each ..
' ...It lavas _broug'hi: to, .England
with "than nag,' 44a:a large c/ne1°' thong the followers of Willittm the
lead to escort h m,, h. was tender-- . ,•. .
•uonqueror. „ ,
hearted 1 noticed he was quite af-
7 -fatted. . . ..., -•. An_France its ,development has- been
• Of caiiiise there were very Many citi-
zens • present te hear his .addresi„
:Whibh,was.sitrong; impreseive end pat-
riotic. 'After he had heished I Wok
him to mi halite. and of Course I, had
Very 'profitable: time. Among other
thing's I 'asked him how he came to
'•Write the Maple Lee.
stateci.that One day 1n Leslie's.
Gardens he was pas:sing along a, path'
When 'a Maple Leat fell u.pen.his !coat
sleeve. 1. they, have ,lIttle :sprigs or.
• pines On them, and, it stuckast-
.hebnisbed it off,.kir thoeglit: he had,
•Lpoking down it Weis there still, and
` he gave' it another brueh and' it carets
'. off,. • He -went honieanti-related to hits
'7Wife.how the lea! hadetuck to his eoat
think I -Will Write about
the ,inciPle leafi".. Pheday was ,lovely
•and 'hright; it was the' autumn ii4ten
• the Maple leaf Was beautiful in, color.
After Writing the .poent "heread it.- to
hIs Wite;, whe, sald, why, not put it to
-Music, SO they can eine it?' He Went
tea =Sic itere, but he eoitld net find
• , ,
any music that -would suitec-so he sat
down and m,posed the tune' to suit
; the words. It was ilium, and -he Wend
• it quite popular:: from that time it 613-
•,thiped fever.
When' Alexander ' Muir 410,1 lad bee
• ceine 'quite, attached to him,- and came
' :t� , his funeral. • Sitting on the bench
• ' with Judge Coettswerth ave'heard that
. there Was need of funds;: and his honor
gave quite''llberelle, _and I added 'a lit-
li.ej after which the Orange. brother-
, hoed subscribed a sum for the erec-
tion of a, tcpnbstefie, which beard a por-
trait medallion . of Muir, the woiki. 'of
'-I'.7Clark; Sculptor:, ' • ' - • -
•. I ,was also at the unveiling, which
• was conducted by Lieut. -Col., now
• Judge T. 11. Scott, of Leeds.
Britain's Biggest Dome.
Whit is the la,rgedt, dome in: Britain?
Most People.would , ,otplp for ,f4.t..
Paul's; but they woeld be wrong.
the neme, of the Reeding -room of
the British Meaettin is thirty feet
greater in diameter; It contaitte 60,-
000' aifille're't,eet Of glass, .4ed eIgbs
4,200 tons. 'Beneath it are hoesed two
and: a half Million books and mann-
scripts on fifte: miles of shelves and
in .countless pr.eSsee.
• 'He re.he'lettaft Vie •14,,r1.042 leteSOPetiou
whi60ii wrM, There
me 27-
00v1uzneSesin'Olitheee, -12,000 ii'
brew, and 13,000 it? other Orieetall
languages., The large.st book in the
world; an atlas measuring 6 ft. 10 In,
by 3 ft. 2 in., is to be foundhere, also
an ,encyclope,clitt of Chines�. literature'
which, cost the nation $7,500. It con,
teeth of 5,000 Volumes! •.•
rey; Joffory; teits: final form Of*Joirre. : England, though the v:ariation is ex -
In .. . , . , , . „ .
England It took on many differ, tremely tare.' ' c.
mit methods' of epelling, anddevelO'ped.- : There ie a tendency among ineny
, .. , . . . • ., , ,
in.:Many:different directions; , sortie of students of language ea explain theie
them paralleling the French as far as sobriquet family •rianies ..by a:setnning
Jeffrey, while in , other histaxices -theethat they ,are but corruptions,' at one
origihril• form of 'Godfrey - .was,',ntaite
:tained, In the, old English 'records it
is erten ofeend as Jefre, and Jefer, and
even Jepher, from whieh list the
variations of Jepson was -deve,lop9d.
• Mushrooms Grown in.
01 Paris, underground paiSagee and
...-Attverne are utilized. fOrthegrOWing _
riauehroonis, there are hundreds
,og!...intishroent beds.: flourishing
• hepeetli th.e cite.. Catscombs end, did,
awed have been linked
,suitable ',ventilated .and 'Warmed,
" ;and, laid' out as MitshroOni gal:prime'
, Aegees to •this strange garden is
gained be .e. peat:fitted with rungs, et-
:teetied. t4 the inside of the -ventilating
chlinney. From the foot of this shaft
stretch out neirieroesIntseagesie,
here.end there be, 841411
.• „ ,
made to yield their trope in rotation,
':1So that there le 'never:e. sffiettage; ,
Each workman takee. With hlin 4
small lamp .fitted leng" handle,.
• and e huge' wicker basket" Bending
1oW. beneath the roCky. vvells efehis
"tar dijn;"'-be pielp-the-mushroome•and
• net :bite, to the higa atandard -of ;the
ported • • all..over. Europe and. yielu. a. pieyers, not. the least popular of whom,
' Denali"
• very substantiel prefit,-
Mr. Kirke is riot only a favorite on
A Mechanical Marvel:. •
the legitimate .tite,g0 but is a screen.
yeu-itrieWectitidgetiLtliat ..reauire player of ,note,, and, it Is a farther tri -
the 'tire 'lighted evere. morning 7 liutirf6--tfis-loitgetntttate-acting-thet,
dPeleekti.:Tis.1,,ttettre,•eat.'yo•tv,10,-A0, t;, e'Vem' •tOrtereit,., stomach
,e.e.ceye hOlight you this , alarm clock," trouble, i) v Sheii a land, other he'
• .1...ridget .the..:.ttinePlece t or wlfli the jay",.(16..Y.L3nand
• ,te015.t.iteiy...an4 netei,,.a. re* it-foliten.,0.,, ,eay f he: found.- relief-he:A*10'
'',011eirde said: ye, min; (1. he r
•Very pretty. But fancy a thing ' naAl a'in°9t 'Lane" the
that being able" „to light. a' gra"' •., a, nu 1. 'osr now how I ever kept up,
; • i Ate •• t16, Nights I would, toss
/. Siena. •; ,and trfril ro hours in :nervousness;
• Is, it not e....thing dittite. to sick headaches made Me titif.
arena Whiele none kite* hate,: lite- y, a'nd.atitlinea:On the stage
td egetoi tee , .t . was ,so 'nen/One:, wealetand trembly
coinnme: drag hebind theta ?-V Teter
period'or another, of already establish-
ed.names sounding somewhat like the
'corruption ..But in this 'case, as it
many other, actual records prove the
contrary. q•
• Brother Dies'for Brother:
'Carrying A lion skin and a blood-
stained, spear, 'a native entered the of,
flee 'of:the dietriet officer at Kota -Kota:.
Central Africa. Hehad astory .te tell
ceca story that, aecording to. the dire
trict officer, , writing . Field . and
. .
Stream; celehrated: oneOf the most
gallant deedis Imagineble.1, -.• . .
...It appeared that about .a 'week or
,ten deed'previously .We native's two
.brethen.ei With: twe women had set:Mit
trona Kota -Kota to go to Fart Aston,,
a journey of'some eighty' miles. .The.
• only arnieethey had were, a rmigh na
tive-made knife and'th'e :small 'spear.
On the evening 0/..06 Wird day the
party „reached a Water , hole, "aboet.
twenty milece flora 'Vert .,Alstop.•' ' • The
weinee were tired and ine.apable o1.
pushing on ,farther that 'evening; So
one man Went a little way' into be
buah to',cnt, boughs and long grass far
a . rough. shelter: WhileThe Min Was
hard at *Orli ,a lion attacked him, and
his cries attreeted the attention 01 the
others. the second man, immediately
rairto-his brotheeiraisistinee-and-sticc-
ceeded in driving the brute Off with his,
spear: Hie beother. Was Still alive, but
hid been terribly mauled and evident -
le was dying. •, ; '
In spite .of the danger the three
-agreed that. the two women should go
back along the road on the ,haiice of,
getting :help, while the uninjured" nian
„ahoeld remain with his dying brother.
'Nevv; Rieh'Blood to Restore
.1400y and: strength. ,
. .,•
.,It is an , unfortunate. fact that nine
women out Of every tin 'are„.victiree.of
bloodlessness In one form .or 'another.
Queer Freaksof Father:
.41 molt' peePle: know, the tldesarb
•areaueect by- tWonairaef wareewhieli
travelreund the. eerth, 'the great
.er :Pair produced ' by the Phil, Ofthe
ntoon„ the small en by'the attraction: of
the sere: 1. "••• .
"SiMPle, enough, and ,if the
earth's surface Was all water the tides
wdulkl he perfectly '• Bet' no
'tidal wave Can travel very far before
'The gill in her teens, the wife and it bumps against land, and the retitle;
Mother, the matron of middle age,all
. are exceediegly. confilicated.
hudw Its 'rnis'eries*.' To •be lina°nlin • For instance, there is a strip Of the
.means that you are breathless) 'after
southern coast of England wh1611 has
double tideS.' these occur from'South-
slight exertion, You . feel 'worn out
and, depressed. You tarn against food ampten to 'a little beyond Poole, and
• and often cannot dige§t. what you .d° it Is to thig phenomenon that South-
• eat.,• Sleep 'does not refresh you, and
When you get ,up you. feel. exhausted
and unfit for the .day's deties. V neg-
lected anaemia. may lead to constitute
impton Owes its position as' one of
Britain's greatest 'ee,aports,, for at
nearly all timeWere • is water to al-
lew Of the b1gget3t ships tonainein.
At Colombo, .in Ceylon', the 'same
thine may he, seen' --four tides 'daily
instead of two; but the oddest 'freak
„of all is at Papeete, One Of the Society
lelands, in the South pacific; where
high tide occurs always betiveen
day and two o'cloek..
• On British coasts the biggest tides
are in the Bristol Channel, 'Where, at
th•e mouth et' the Avon, the difference
b'etween' ordinary high and '16w:'•i1de is.
40ft.• At Chepstow, a little farther itP
the Severn; it ii:52 ft. thia,huge tide
peering up • an ever-narrowieg, funnel -
causes the, roaring Wave. called `the
Severn Bore. •, •
The biggest tide in. the -wOrld is in
,theBey:•of •irupdy, Where the extreme
rise • and fall -.differS, by70 t: [Up
Stoney Creek, at the head of the •bay,
the tidel•Wave,rushes at 9', 01 miles an:
The smallest tide so Per observed ia
,Lake • Superior: It does- not rise
, more than.,15e in.
going,back couple- of iniles• the Wo-
rneu.'feli in ,with party :of, natives.
.The Wonien told "them what had , hip -
'paned, and We wheie party luirried. to
the water bole. When they got.thera
they feend the deed ,body, of thee mee
Who had been first attacked; he had
po doubt died ehortly• after the ,women:
had left'A. little: Way off' was, cthe
dead' body of the lien stabbed in Many
• . -
places With the Shert-spear, which.was•
Wing en the • get:hind -Close , by. • A. few
yards. from'ithe dead lien was the
'Corpse Of the nien :who had remained
• bellied to .leolt alter hrother.. Be
was terribly' ...bitten about ' the 'head
and shoulders., ••1
It was,esisy to knees 'what had hap--
09.17tEX1:: While the-Ye:Maori:Were. away
the Hoe had returned end.attricked the,
.man who. Was gearingthe body of
his brother. • A sheet but terrible,fight
had -taken place. •'•Thopgh badly
ten, the native' had :repeatedly stabbed
the lion; striking with, such force -that
he. hied • sunk the spear, blade and
shaft, into the vitals of the man:eater.
• I had the skip 'of that lion for A, long
time ein- ranee -office. eTo-canybodyHwho
did notknow its history it WWI jest e
bit of tattered hair andhide: To me
it Was an emblem of. e heroic fight:by.
a very gallant MAh against overwheim-
ing Odds. • ' '
• You Should. net _promptly., • Melte
geed the fault in Your bleed by taking
Dr.,Willianne Pink Pills, tlieeniost res
liable blood enricher ever discovered.
-These pills -purify „bed ',blood, :strength%
en weak; blood, aed4hee Make geed
•blood, .and ns the -eenclition ,af . your
blood iippreveseott will regain proper
strength, and enjoy' life telly- as every
girl and wonian-should •do. .the case
of ,Mra.:. Mary, Trainor; .Perth, Ont.,
shows theyalue of Dr. WillieniecTink
eases of.thie 'kind., She say:..
-"I hitd,".: not -been well 'lot
some time' 'and had' ,been.graduelly
growing weaker.; "I found. it :very hard
to - do My heuseworlt;-: had:severs heed,
aches and Was veil, pale: .I took, doe-
tor'S inedicirie torsome tiine, but they
did. me psi geed. weagreWing..weale.,
er -and uSeci, to; faint and take dizzy.
spelle In this condition I began:the
•• , . • .
use dr Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
after time • foued they were. helping
me. I 'eentintied .,use uritil I
found the `troubles that atiflicted me
had gerie and; o:. ce .more 'enjey,
ing. good health' and 'Streegth." '
Yon,Can get Pr. ?ink Pills
. through any dealer in intelieine;• or by
:Mall at ehe a hot from, The Dr.,;.Wile
• Hared', Medicine Cd., Brockville;, Ont.
. A...Good Story, Big Abe
Told' it TOO Well.
One of: the largest foresthlii` the
world; . sheeted between 'the ,'Ural
Mountains' and the Okhotsk •Seri, in
-By ,great,deal of good fortune, after Tra.§LY.'litl;e1111-g'-ehldee.- - 7- "
POIMIarAdor SaYis Medicine.
verc e
Stomach Trouble and Ner-
• That Montreal play -goers /are liter-
ally packing their Orpheum Theatre
at every.performance hi at once a tri -
will send up arfrauch-ae A ton of muse. tertainment offered, and to -the finished
rooms in a single dey. These Ard dx., artistry „of the famous Duffy stock,
p�wer enormous ehaliewhich All the living in could -hardly remember my
nue,. . ' . "1 would have given a thousand doll
Builds:Nes/ ..t1 Bee Hive: me for. less than five dollars. MY aP-
The ruddy kingienlier, 71 le native t,etlte was never better, I eat everyof Borneo, makes its nest in the hive
4 victoria kind •..4.))00,_
!ars to get the relief Tanlac has given
thing and have gained 12 pound's.' I'ra
neVer a bit weak or 13,0117,0US, never
' • , . • ,
"Out in the .ferming. district where
1, used to lire," said the -village store-
keeper .after Iliad,asked.him to,,weighi
severe pieces ::of, pork froni, the hog
:that We. had juet, butchered,. 'Were
was a shiftless: sort. of . fellow, by.. the
name of "Abe Winters. His family al-
ways :put Off:butchering Untie he'd hoe
roWed•froMeall. the neighbors. Senie,
Wiles he Wonlict even get through' the
winter :on , borrOwsd .porh;'. • Sell his
hogs. and. then be, teady, • to borrow:
again de?it• fall.
•:.."But...aenea,y4r.„ thleclifference_ot
:Some 'ef_hire ,neighbors .caused him to;
bat:Cher •a, little earlier; than Miura; ead:
.he',aeiked,. a neighbor witcr.Wap..almeet
as shiftless as himself to
.All through the work .Of 'Scalding.. and
screpieg. hekept cOMPlalaieg that by
the. time he had veld off. his borrow -
'Inge for the year there would belittle
left .fer .hintseit •:: ' .
4"Atlas.teiiaertlrerhting-the -dressed
hog lip between the ;poles to ceol,. the
eeigh.bo-r. said; 'Why don't you get
early toenerreW Morning; Abe,: take
yetir. perk and :pretend. • ie. Was
sealen.: Thee these, People you ewe
. pork to will eitctise-you andfeelsorre
for yen.into the 'bargain.' '"
" 'Oh, but they'foeldn't helieire
said Abe.. • ' ••
'Yee, they.Weuld,replied, the ti0igh,
.91 you'd c,S tick, to •It:' •, • , , • "
:hiring the night the neighbor; Wh'o
wad in need �f Meat lrithelf Stele -the
• eemg Through the Skul7
know.' thathilMLpeehle bon-
geledein eonee eieessire for: the lose,: Of
their aiglit'hy,:the greater 'alertnega of,
, 334t, a „Statement, reeagili heee
.mae•e'thet the•biltidenighteetnallYsee,
,thete: eee.S, het: witlie, the
Skin Of the and cheat. •
•APperentle liDeh 4-100:0 eonenion to
ale -hut -In theaverageeierson: the sight-
seeing power . of the eyes' Over,Cemes
the *aleer sight .of , , either ergs:tide
If we all had this 'PoWer 0'y:sloped, it
is, ,Stated .that would poisible. for
us to See in a surreal:101K from
various aegles of the 'body through
"myriad' eyee."': • .
M. '1114asies'mll:d4letitIntisi.li'd'isFrcoevnerachscieit-
book; "EyeleeSsight," which has just
beep tranaleted into t,ngliSh; .describes
his method and his deduetiOns;
The', first essential for , the • man or
woman who wieheifto develop this gift
ls.'teehring about e complete colleen-
• tration of all his attention. 'Consider,
able time Must,elapte: before We re,
quit of , this quiet'eencentration
become apparent. ,„Sittinga of • abOut
• an • hotir's duration', " :pereisted in
alieuld• eventually :enable. the ,patient
to perceiie-right; thteriett.aiize-
,shapeii And, slees ob-
jects. ...'After' that swift progrese sae-
.surea, and in time .M.:Ronialn'cialMe'
that it is pbeeible to read type, almost
as :rapidly and accurately•as •oiie•wiruld
„. •
have a., headache, And'I feel fine and
dandy.X will, gladly confirm. these
Mete by phone or letter."
tanlac ia .for sale by all gooddrug-
gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40
Million bottles sold.
• Tanla.c Vegetable Pills
For Constipation,
Made andcommended by the
IVIantifactUrere of Tenlac,„
.Conetipated children, can fled prompt
..relief through. the .use of Babe's Own
Thblete. 'The tablets .are a mild but
thorough laxatire which 'lever. to
regulate the bowels and stomach, thug
driving °etc constipation and ,indiges-.
lion; colds and-shnple ,fevers. • Conc.:,
cerning. Wein Mrs: Gaspard Daigle,'
Deo:lain,. gee.; write:- "Baby's Own
Tablets have been...of great ,benefit tQ
My little boy,. who was suffering ,.froin
constipation and '.1.ndigestion. They
quickly relieved:him and now he is in
the. best. of health.", The Tablets • are
eold by medicine,dealers or •Wmeii at
25c a hoic 'from. The Dr. ,Wililares'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.•
'.'"At the first ray OfedaW11.Atie Win-
ters', burst •into his neighbor's housle;..
eaying, 'Seine, one haf.3 stolen my hog!!
'Good,' remarked" the. neighbor.
You did that Well:. Now, the ',main
thing ig be _stick to it.' -
, " "13nt, Protested Ahe, 'seine one
really has stolen it!' •
" 'Pine, fine! .You say thatin a way.
162 bah -Vince an yone,,,-but ti cle46_,_ 4 t,!:,
"1 tell You,' shouted.. Abe, 'I'm not
fooling!. , The hOg is gone •
, " 'W'hy -Abe you can do it even bet.
ter tIff-en .i th ht' Nilre#il1dflbt bliss be
if,•you,ine5striiport ftliateVae,': -,e':,•:::',F.,hat`• not °n° hour' of: her.
you • wasted,
" .yelied Abe, beside himself, •
NOidea ungiven, iio joy antaSted '
• ,(1 aiii,reinenibering :my ownsidaes),-,'-
Tell your boy 'ts his hour,
Only. once 1he gOlden and.. twentY,
(I, am remembering my . own thiye)..
Bid him build,since beyend recOver
Fleet the days ef.the loVecl and lover •
(1 in remembering my own days.• ,
-Ketharine, Tynan•
- Tut,- Tull,
-Turtlee-e-1 hear your soh ie. quite
proficient in arithmetic.".„
Snake -"Yes, he's .a good little.
with the eyes: .•
Not Worth Having.
• ' dear," . remarked Mrs.
Smith one. evenie.g, 'en, her husbands
return from business. • 7"1 t1iin you
•waste a terrible lotTof money,"
"I,••da'rling?" replied, the devoted hills -
bend "Why; 'I have - never :,Spent -e
penny unnecessarily in 'My . •
"Oh,' yes, you have! That e'ncycle-
pedia you batight " the. instalment
•pien last`inoeth is no good at all." • „:
Eafer.y Men te Hie'
Work 1i.$ay :When' it is -,the work..
A. Vrieliell, An his •hook ofe,memeirs,..
Fellow • 'rravelerd, snakes the ;Mist in
this little :store: ••' ."
refeeMber a re$„04.hol:ip. Cali-''
fornia,n, piOncer Wila had Prossed-the, •
elains in a prairie 'schooner. I found„..'
him digging post 11.016; ander a blazing •
sari. And he was a, rich man. •
"Why d�YOU do this?" asked.
He looked ,at Me., with twinkling
eyes. "'Why. do you drive: tandem?" ,
he demanded. ,
"Because • it's such' fun," 1 replied.
• "And that," he observed solenanfy,
"is. why I. dig post holes." ••
M freed's' Liniment for Distemper.
• Grown in Sweden 'Perhaps.
•The old lady in thiis colloquy from
Punch • ,is hot, the first to assaime ,a'
knowledge that she did net have;
"Have you ever tried Swedish'masse.
age, Mrs. :Brown?' the squire's (laugh-
ter inquiered of the gardeeer's wife;
who ,staffers with chronic rheumatism..
...„01 -have -heard say It -he Were, good.
for rheumatism, miss," was the reply,
"but we don'tgrow it in these parts." •
-etioys :end-girlwadays ;ar.e_betc.*:'
ter in health, . intelligence, ' and physic ,
cal ' strength than in , any previous.;
• :Clasaifieti Advertisements
' send for our Big Free Catalogue
showing 101: bargains In .Aeta
• plies' It Will eatre 'you monay. • Send
fer it to -day.. Canadian Auto Shops,• .,
1;44 154, leiaga.ra. Faille Ontario..
"Why ° Wha.tever's wrong with it?' •r&si
•inquired.'timothe. , ..
''.1Theenacirilltig I wanted W find out
' 'Why,' and I didn't
even 'find the word' there at all!"
'• •"Aisci couide't' You find' it. in: the ett'
Cyclopedia?. Vheredid you look for
why swallowe 'migrate in the :winter."
A• Necessary Meal• .'
A'•scho0Iniaate1 had just finished a
lea,aon bn TOod,"' when a, little" bey'
.0ut•up his hand. Onbeing "asked what
he wanted, he replied:
• "Please, sir, Jones said lie knew:• a,
baby that was broUght ,ap en milk, and
it gained ten. peunde `every dile.",
"Jones •Ottglit not `to tell you each
;rubbish," said -the master. , Then-, ad-
dressing -Japes, he eddedf
"tell me. whose -baby •:Was: brought -
upon elephantfs•inillt?" , '
". •
• "Please, sir; it -was the 'elephent'S
baby." • '
, Sculpture in Concrete.
..Sciilpture le -now done in, eenerete,
Many think that thoge who 'drink
Green Tea are mord critleal judges Of
anality" tl. tan --thee* e • drinli.;
_cause somey_ears•ago•great quantities
Such would s.emn be, ,the case, be-,
af poor' quality Japan and China Green
Teets, were brought into: Canada. ,The'
demand for this type of tea Soon fell
off: Now, however, the much finer
. • .
quality of ..„India and eleylen Greens,
inekrted mostly 'by the ,Salacla Tea
Company, has sharply revived' the dee
mand by those_Who a:1.16y the distinc•
tiv.e haver of Green' Tea. • '
Say to your girl the sands are running,
Tell,her this of 'eld •wistiom and cun
. fling , •
remeMbertng ny oivn days), ,
cmentaiatetitereeto take,itein.,,a.a.you
told' the, tindift was gonee--cleati geeel:
,There Wasn't any b4 there.'
• " "That's 'right, stick to it,stick to
ite•seici the neighbor. •
• "Aed so," conCluded the, eterekeeP,
er; 'Abe went about. telling his true'
story.He' stuck -fa 1(411, right„,bat no
,one belie'ved .him, perhaps because be,
insisted too hard." '
Money by the Carload.- •
Foarreilteed carloads of•new Polish
banknotes arriited iti Warsaw recent-
ly. The paper for the; ntitet•Was pre-
pared. In England, and, they were en- ,
ereVed! •France. ' Liniment for 'Sprains.
the figerea being originally . Molded in
clay; ,and fromtheseforms, are taken.
reo 1 de -,,for,.--malfitie-dasts--4a4lii'?'-coti-L
grete. The "Syrithetic 'granite" is com-
posed -of-the beat po esible; ingtedi en te,
finely. -powdered' and carefully: mixed;
The result I a. yore: hard,near1e *bite
.Stone• of sniopth texture, •pleasing :to
'the' eye; •• •
•„Iterait 'hy. Dominion Express. Meney
Orden 11, 16t or stolen 1,011-get7our
Money back., . ,•
. There is about 86 per cent. o Water
in usi k. •
'Ambitious. •
, "My hired, mare gets up at four
ceeloekeeeery niorning.withoet,Waitiligs
to 'be celled,!' Said' Farmer ',Fumble.
soGre.tgovernor Ha ,must wantto,
get to work early!"
' "No, he wants to get ea loafing ear-
ly."' , • , '
, France registered more births than
deaths' in 1923. ' '•
The Old Reliable
Stron Nerves
Pure orgs:Uie •phOsnhate. known flo
'Med dritggiSts aS Ditro•Photpilia.te;
'What nerVetekhapsted,' tired -Out peOnle
lutiSt have to regain :norYe f,...roo and
:energy, That's why its guaratiteed,
Pride' , per ultge. Arrow _Cheer1o...11
Cite,15. Watt St lijast; PuNi,Ito, Ont
1011% /RIR WY, CA141 poop, CO.CIIIICASW1114.
• ,
Cuticura- For Skins
That Itch And Burn
Bathe the affected part With Cuticura
Soap and hot water. Dry gently and
anoint with Cuticura Oint:meut: This
treatment not Only • soothes but in
most cases heals.. ,
:mos lash Vrse,by Mail. Address Canadian
Depot: " Oatioara, 11.,0: Bes.111116, Iliaidrsal."
Prks:13ciap2fic:-OlntraantZ and 50er Talenistrie.
SWF" Try our new Shaving, Stick.-
g is •
Mother jells- linuellei
Suffered and Was Made Well by
,,Lydia„.E.,P4kluun'.$ Vegetable
Vancouver, BC. -'My daughter is a
yOung,girl- who has-beenhaeing severe
pains and Weak. and dizzy feelings for •
Jenne ;time and had lost her appetite: '
Through an older daughter who had
heard of a. wpfnen who was takirig. it ,
fdr the same trouble,; we of
Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable' Com-
pound. My daughter has beentaking it
:for several Months and its quite all right
,new. It has done all it was, represented
to do and we have told a number of
friends about it. .1 am never Without
a bottle of it in the bouseo.,:fer I,myself
1 fihd it is Wilding me up; and "strongly.,
recommend it to women who are stiffer-
•inw•a-z-esindenyeaughter4alie:'.!--1-Mrs. •
J. „MCDONALD, 2947 26th -Ave.- East,
Vancouver, E. C...
Prom' the age Of twelVe a girl needs all
the care a thoughtful mother can give.
Many a Woman has suffened yeats of
pain aridmiseryeLthe victim of thotight-
Iessness or ignorance of the mother who
'Should haVe guitied'her (hiring this
, if she-complainsof headacees, •
-netied-a-Slownees or thought; nervous-
ness or irritability on the part of your
daughtcrohalce life easier for her.
Lydia E., Ptrilthaea Vegetable., Cora.'
pound is ,especially adapted for slid:
,conditions.• '• c
' NO: 26-.24 ”
irellel back and lower limbs, or if you