HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-07-03, Page 34111140.0. An Attu's! Maple Leaf In- spired Noted Song.-, • • , , • ' How ( "thee ,Maple Leaf, PoreVer came to be,„ written by Alexepder ,Muir • le related, in. the following iptereetieg • narrUye iiy Lieut -Col. A. E. Beleher, firet_vice•Preeidept:Of the Ontari6Nite: "•-atitlio,n:sonre Yeare'liefore these inamortAl verses. • He was .a sehpel teaeliCer, and in. those days tho ' remuneration was very Spittle I speak ,. of himfifty years aee. He tlien hired :14 the east .part ef eitainite; .almoet ,inamediately 'opposite his, :stria.11:iiipue0,. , •••••". ar peopte- P • 9' a oicti co fee • 1 / urines and Their Origm , • all's:what was *thee called Leslie's Ger they .tnised_frult. and . g FF • e ether Itrees for;sate '1-1t,-5va;§ Mete' a- . arlatIons-eloffre„-Jeffertiere',Gniffrey,: park" as Weil.; Its; other-1rnds of t.i.Q138'' Geoffrey, slePsoui j,CA' • grew there; , . , • • ,,..: leacial-OrigIneePrencji,.. ante Norman We •-yeatte men eeteing, from out „French; •.: . • eidd. places boarded at three °r lour, ' Source, -.4 given :name •dollers,per, yveeli: at the then fa.rnieris" " . ' • taverns eitUatgd inthevielnity of.Mer- . Yoe' Might easily draw': all gorta of ket Square.. Instead„ of 'going io ,elfurch cartaleglea •Ithiong 'the greetnu' on Sundae' we Would take- a nice 1 ' • ' • Ong , famous personages •who have borne walk' down to •these gardens, • which I •• • the name of Jeffries or one of its Were like the' countryside. Our friend • Alexeeder Muir, liv,ed in a small house variations,starting with Godfrey, Who s almost opposite th,e gates .-pt the. gar- with his _crusaders' of the* ,middle'ages. , dens. ,At times he asked We tete the wre.sted Jerusaiem, from the •varratron:-Ctotiss. RacIaI Orligin,••-•Engilah. •..•, Source -A sobrlqiiet • . The origin,' of! this family !lame is 1iklyto prove ahitePuzzling to you and,,then,' :when is explaieed; „Mahe ra.t'ott, YOu,.never thought of Say : "courteinisq, real, quick, and you have . • . . Courtesy in`the, Middle.Ages appar- ently Was.a virtue none ,tao general, else it would. have been no: distinction to dalla Man "Veelteree: curt.eye.”' On the: other hand it•Was by I1C, means unc known,: or :the -name, 'WOW: not. he. BO yirldpopie4d, tia" it is tb-day. Ciirtifs le:one:of 'then names. which. deve,leped.in, many Sections 'of. Eng- land about the same tim•e, and all Cur- tises are by no Means sprung from the eatheateCk„..., ' • , There,,le 'tined -fen source of , the name however; though a searcher the old'reeprthedisclases ,that it was the source Only. in A. minority cases : -It Was :the. word 'Cifrehosse," "ehort-stocking," -the sort of sobriquet' that :,.alninn would ,gainfor hlinselety: • reasonof peeulierity. In his dress. AS,a_metteofIltict,...._:_the.oame., of, from •GodfreY.,[..threUgh Ceeff.reY. Jeff7 Shorthoge",. is to be. found, to -day in ' ••heits,e," and We. enjoyed e •chat; so I had grasp eg the Meilems, and.. including •. the geed. fortune Of knoWieg•Alexeed- alai jeffefee, itei pugilistic' game, and er Muir 'M other dayis; , • . ,• General Jeffre, tight. down to little On being elected We' firat .maYer ef Jeff, Mutt's Partner of national fame, - the town of • SouthatOPtol?, hi 69.. Year;fighters Ian • ". ; . „ 1904,, I Wrote asking „him' if lie would, As a faintly narne,,Jeffries, and ite •': ' conie. Up later In the .suntiner and de- •_. ; variations 'came into use simultaneous- : . liver. a sort .of ..patriotic, or inaugural c le in France and'. England; As a gleen addrees, Which.he kindly consented to nanie it Comes originally from. France do: I: entertained him' during hlgetay. to the eariy :Teutonic' period., that Is, • I had prepared A speaker'a platform in the period of the barbarian Invasions, our towe hall.park, and at its entrance. following the,:fall of the /lomat' Em- • I had at least 20,0Scheel children, each .. ' ...It lavas _broug'hi: to, .England with "than nag,' 44a:a large c/ne1°' thong the followers of Willittm the lead to escort h m,, h. was tender-- . ,•. . •uonqueror. „ , ,. hearted 1 noticed he was quite af- 7 -fatted. . . ..., -•. An_France its ,development has- been • Of caiiiise there were very Many citi- zens • present te hear his .addresi„ :Whibh,was.sitrong; impreseive end pat- riotic. 'After he had heished I Wok him to mi halite. and of Course I, had Very 'profitable: time. Among other thing's I 'asked him how he came to '•Write the Maple Lee. stateci.that One day 1n Leslie's. Gardens he was pas:sing along a, path' When 'a Maple Leat fell u.pen.his !coat sleeve. 1. they, have ,lIttle :sprigs or. • pines On them, and, it stuckast- .hebnisbed it off,.kir thoeglit: he had, •Lpoking down it Weis there still, and ` he gave' it another brueh and' it carets '. off,. • He -went honieanti-related to hits '7Wife.how the lea! hadetuck to his eoat think I -Will Write about the ,inciPle leafi".. Pheday was ,lovely •and 'hright; it was the' autumn ii4ten • the Maple leaf Was beautiful in, color. After Writing the .poent "heread it.- to hIs Wite;, whe, sald, why, not put it to -Music, SO they can eine it?' He Went tea =Sic itere, but he eoitld net find • , , any music that -would suitec-so he sat " down and m,posed the tune' to suit ; the words. It was ilium, and -he Wend • it quite popular:: from that time it 613- •,thiped fever. When' Alexander ' Muir 410,1 lad bee • ceine 'quite, attached to him,- and came ' :t� , his funeral. • Sitting on the bench • ' with Judge Coettswerth ave'heard that . there Was need of funds;: and his honor gave quite''llberelle, _and I added 'a lit- li.ej after which the Orange. brother- , hoed subscribed a sum for the erec- tion of a, tcpnbstefie, which beard a por- trait medallion . of Muir, the woiki. 'of '-I'.7Clark; Sculptor:, ' • ' - • - •. I ,was also at the unveiling, which • was conducted by Lieut. -Col., now • Judge T. 11. Scott, of Leeds. , Britain's Biggest Dome. IMS OF ANAEIAM Whit is the la,rgedt, dome in: Britain? Most People.would , ,otplp for ,f4.t.. Paul's; but they woeld be wrong. the neme, of the Reeding -room of the British Meaettin is thirty feet greater in diameter; It contaitte 60,- 000' aifille're't,eet Of glass, .4ed eIgbs 4,200 tons. 'Beneath it are hoesed two and: a half Million books and mann- scripts on fifte: miles of shelves and in .countless pr.eSsee. • 'He re.he'lettaft Vie •14,,r1.042 leteSOPetiou whi60ii wrM, There me 27- 00v1uzneSesin'Olitheee, -12,000 ii' brew, and 13,000 it? other Orieetall languages., The large.st book in the world; an atlas measuring 6 ft. 10 In, by 3 ft. 2 in., is to be foundhere, also an ,encyclope,clitt of Chines�. literature' which, cost the nation $7,500. It con, teeth of 5,000 Volumes! •.• rey; Joffory; teits: final form Of*Joirre. : England, though the v:ariation is ex - In .. . , . , , . „ . England It took on many differ, tremely tare.' ' c. mit methods' of epelling, anddevelO'ped.- : There ie a tendency among ineny , .. , . . . • ., , , in.:Many:different directions; , sortie of students of language ea explain theie them paralleling the French as far as sobriquet family •rianies ..by a:setnning Jeffrey, while in , other histaxices -theethat they ,are but corruptions,' at one origihril• form of 'Godfrey - .was,',ntaite :tained, In the, old English 'records it , is erten ofeend as Jefre, and Jefer, and even Jepher, from whieh list the variations of Jepson was -deve,lop9d. • Mushrooms Grown in. 01 Paris, underground paiSagee and ...-Attverne are utilized. fOrthegrOWing _ riauehroonis, there are hundreds ,og!...intishroent beds.: flourishing • hepeetli th.e cite.. Catscombs end, did, awed have been linked ,suitable ',ventilated .and 'Warmed, " ;and, laid' out as MitshroOni gal:prime' , Aegees to •this strange garden is gained be .e. peat:fitted with rungs, et- :teetied. t4 the inside of the -ventilating chlinney. From the foot of this shaft stretch out neirieroesIntseagesie, here.end there be, 841411 t'etite.',:,galle-riegisag;theY":ere•;:ealled;,Ure .• „ , made to yield their trope in rotation, ':1So that there le 'never:e. sffiettage; , Each workman takee. With hlin 4 small lamp .fitted leng" handle,. • and e huge' wicker basket" Bending 1oW. beneath the roCky. vvells efehis "tar dijn;"'-be pielp-the-mushroome•and • net :bite, to the higa atandard -of ;the ported • • all..over. Europe and. yielu. a. pieyers, not. the least popular of whom, ' Denali" • very substantiel prefit,- Mr. Kirke is riot only a favorite on A Mechanical Marvel:. • the legitimate .tite,g0 but is a screen. yeu-itrieWectitidgetiLtliat ..reauire player of ,note,, and, it Is a farther tri - the 'tire 'lighted evere. morning 7 liutirf6--tfis-loitgetntttate-acting-thet, dPeleekti.:Tis.1,,ttettre,•eat.'yo•tv,10,-A0, t;, e'Vem' •tOrtereit,., stomach ,e.e.ceye hOlight you this , alarm clock," trouble, i) v Sheii a land, other he' • .1...ridget .the..:.ttinePlece t or wlfli the jay",.(16..Y.L3nand • ,te015.t.iteiy...an4 netei,,.a. re* it-foliten.,0.,, ,eay f he: found.- relief-he:A*10' '',011eirde said: ye, min; (1. he r •Very pretty. But fancy a thing ' naAl a'in°9t 'Lane" the that being able" „to light. a' gra"' •., a, nu 1. 'osr now how I ever kept up, ; • i Ate •• t16, Nights I would, toss /. Siena. •; ,and trfril ro hours in :nervousness; • Is, it not e....thing dittite. to sick headaches made Me titif. arena Whiele none kite* hate,: lite- y, a'nd.atitlinea:On the stage , td egetoi tee , .t . was ,so 'nen/One:, wealetand trembly coinnme: drag hebind theta ?-V Teter period'or another, of already establish- ed.names sounding somewhat like the 'corruption ..But in this 'case, as it many other, actual records prove the contrary. q• • Brother Dies'for Brother: 'Carrying A lion skin and a blood- stained, spear, 'a native entered the of, flee 'of:the dietriet officer at Kota -Kota:. Central Africa. Hehad astory .te tell ceca story that, aecording to. the dire trict officer, , writing . Field . and . . Stream; celehrated: oneOf the most gallant deedis Imagineble.1, -.• . . ...It appeared that about .a 'week or ,ten deed'previously .We native's two .brethen.ei With: twe women had set:Mit trona Kota -Kota to go to Fart Aston,, a journey of'some eighty' miles. .The. • only arnieethey had were, a rmigh na tive-made knife and'th'e :small 'spear. On the evening 0/..06 Wird day the party „reached a Water , hole, "aboet. twenty milece flora 'Vert .,Alstop.•' ' • The weinee were tired and ine.apable o1. pushing on ,farther that 'evening; So one man Went a little way' into be buah to',cnt, boughs and long grass far a . rough. shelter: WhileThe Min Was hard at *Orli ,a lion attacked him, and his cries attreeted the attention 01 the others. the second man, immediately rairto-his brotheeiraisistinee-and-sticc- ceeded in driving the brute Off with his, spear: Hie beother. Was Still alive, but hid been terribly mauled and evident - le was dying. •, ; ' • In spite .of the danger the three -agreed that. the two women should go back along the road on the ,haiice of, getting :help, while the uninjured" nian „ahoeld remain with his dying brother. 'Nevv; Rieh'Blood to Restore .1400y and: strength. , . .,• .,It is an , unfortunate. fact that nine women out Of every tin 'are„.victiree.of bloodlessness In one form .or 'another. • Queer Freaksof Father: .41 molt' peePle: know, the tldesarb •areaueect by- tWonairaef wareewhieli travelreund the. eerth, 'the great .er :Pair produced ' by the Phil, Ofthe ntoon„ the small en by'the attraction: of the sere: 1. "••• . "SiMPle, enough, and ,if the earth's surface Was all water the tides wdulkl he perfectly '• Bet' no 'tidal wave Can travel very far before • 'The gill in her teens, the wife and it bumps against land, and the retitle; Mother, the matron of middle age,all . are exceediegly. confilicated. hudw Its 'rnis'eries*.' To •be lina°nlin • For instance, there is a strip Of the .means that you are breathless) 'after southern coast of England wh1611 has double tideS.' these occur from'South- slight exertion, You . feel 'worn out and, depressed. You tarn against food ampten to 'a little beyond Poole, and • and often cannot dige§t. what you .d° it Is to thig phenomenon that South- • eat.,• Sleep 'does not refresh you, and When you get ,up you. feel. exhausted and unfit for the .day's deties. V neg- lected anaemia. may lead to constitute impton Owes its position as' one of Britain's greatest 'ee,aports,, for at nearly all timeWere • is water to al- lew Of the b1gget3t ships tonainein. At Colombo, .in Ceylon', the 'same thine may he, seen' --four tides 'daily instead of two; but the oddest 'freak „of all is at Papeete, One Of the Society lelands, in the South pacific; where high tide occurs always betiveen day and two o'cloek.. • On British coasts the biggest tides are in the Bristol Channel, 'Where, at th•e mouth et' the Avon, the difference b'etween' ordinary high and '16w:'•i1de is. 40ft.• At Chepstow, a little farther itP the Severn; it ii:52 ft. thia,huge tide peering up • an ever-narrowieg, funnel - causes the, roaring Wave. called `the Severn Bore. •, • The biggest tide in. the -wOrld is in ,theBey:•of •irupdy, Where the extreme rise • and fall -.differS, by70 t: [Up Stoney Creek, at the head of the •bay, the tidel•Wave,rushes at 9', 01 miles an: • The smallest tide so Per observed ia ,Lake • Superior: It does- not rise , more than.,15e in. going,back couple- of iniles• the Wo- rneu.'feli in ,with party :of, natives. .The Wonien told "them what had , hip - 'paned, and We wheie party luirried. to the water bole. When they got.thera they feend the deed ,body, of thee mee Who had been first attacked; he had po doubt died ehortly• after the ,women: had left'A. little: Way off' was, cthe dead' body of the lien stabbed in Many • . - places With the Shert-spear, which.was• Wing en the • get:hind -Close , by. • A. few yards. from'ithe dead lien was the 'Corpse Of the nien :who had remained • bellied to .leolt alter hrother.. Be was terribly' ...bitten about ' the 'head and shoulders., ••1 It was,esisy to knees 'what had hap-- 09.17tEX1:: While the-Ye:Maori:Were. away the Hoe had returned end.attricked the, .man who. Was gearingthe body of his brother. • A sheet but terrible,fight had -taken place. •'•Thopgh badly bit- ten, the native' had :repeatedly stabbed the lion; striking with, such force -that he. hied • sunk the spear, blade and shaft, into the vitals of the man:eater. • I had the skip 'of that lion for A, long time ein- ranee -office. eTo-canybodyHwho did notknow its history it WWI jest e bit of tattered hair andhide: To me it Was an emblem of. e heroic fight:by. a very gallant MAh against overwheim- ing Odds. • ' ' • You Should. net _promptly., • Melte geed the fault in Your bleed by taking Dr.,Willianne Pink Pills, tlieeniost res liable blood enricher ever discovered. -These pills -purify „bed ',blood, :strength% en weak; blood, aed4hee Make geed •blood, .and ns the -eenclition ,af . your blood iippreveseott will regain proper strength, and enjoy' life telly- as every girl and wonian-should •do. .the case of ,Mra.:. Mary, Trainor; .Perth, Ont., " shows theyalue of Dr. WillieniecTink eases of.thie 'kind., She say:.. -"I hitd,".: not -been well 'lot some time' 'and had' ,been.graduelly growing weaker.; "I found. it :very hard to - do My heuseworlt;-: had:severs heed, aches and Was veil, pale: .I took, doe- tor'S inedicirie torsome tiine, but they did. me psi geed. weagreWing..weale., er -and uSeci, to; faint and take dizzy. spelle In this condition I began:the •• , . • . use dr Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and after time • foued they were. helping me. I 'eentintied .,use uritil I found the `troubles that atiflicted me had gerie and; o:. ce .more 'enjey, ing. good health' and 'Streegth." ' Yon,Can get Pr. ?ink Pills . through any dealer in intelieine;• or by :Mall at ehe a hot from, The Dr.,;.Wile • Hared', Medicine Cd., Brockville;, Ont. . A...Good Story, Big Abe Told' it TOO Well. One of: the largest foresthlii` the world; . sheeted between 'the ,'Ural Mountains' and the Okhotsk •Seri, in -By ,great,deal of good fortune, after Tra.§LY.'litl;e1111-g'-ehldee.- - 7- " ONALD KIRKE CI TANLAC • POIMIarAdor SaYis Medicine. verc e Stomach Trouble and Ner- vousness.. • That Montreal play -goers /are liter- ally packing their Orpheum Theatre at every.performance hi at once a tri - will send up arfrauch-ae A ton of muse. tertainment offered, and to -the finished rooms in a single dey. These Ard dx., artistry „of the famous Duffy stock, p�wer enormous ehaliewhich All the living in could -hardly remember my nue,. . ' . "1 would have given a thousand doll Builds:Nes/ ..t1 Bee Hive: me for. less than five dollars. MY aP- The ruddy kingienlier, 71 le native t,etlte was never better, I eat everyof Borneo, makes its nest in the hive 4 victoria kind •..4.))00,_ !ars to get the relief Tanlac has given thing and have gained 12 pound's.' I'ra neVer a bit weak or 13,0117,0US, never CREDIT ,• ' • , . • , "Out in the .ferming. district where 1, used to lire," said the -village store- keeper .after Iliad,asked.him to,,weighi severe pieces ::of, pork froni, the hog :that We. had juet, butchered,. 'Were was a shiftless: sort. of . fellow, by.. the name of "Abe Winters. His family al- ways :put Off:butchering Untie he'd hoe roWed•froMeall. the neighbors. Senie, Wiles he Wonlict even get through' the winter :on , borrOwsd .porh;'. • Sell his hogs. and. then be, teady, • to borrow: again de?it• fall. •:.."But...aenea,y4r.„ thleclifference_ot :Some 'ef_hire ,neighbors .caused him to; bat:Cher •a, little earlier; than Miura; ead: .he',aeiked,. a neighbor witcr.Wap..almeet as shiftless as himself to .All through the work .Of 'Scalding.. and screpieg. hekept cOMPlalaieg that by the. time he had veld off. his borrow - 'Inge for the year there would belittle left .fer .hintseit •:: ' . 4"Atlas.teiiaertlrerhting-the -dressed hog lip between the ;poles to ceol,. the eeigh.bo-r. said; 'Why don't you get early toenerreW Morning; Abe,: take yetir. perk and :pretend. • ie. Was sealen.: Thee these, People you ewe . pork to will eitctise-you andfeelsorre for yen.into the 'bargain.' '" " 'Oh, but they'foeldn't helieire said Abe.. • ' •• 'Yee, they.Weuld,replied, the ti0igh, .91 you'd c,S tick, to •It:' •, • , , • " :hiring the night the neighbor; Wh'o wad in need �f Meat lrithelf Stele -the • eemg Through the Skul7 know.' thathilMLpeehle bon- geledein eonee eieessire for: the lose,: Of their aiglit'hy,:the greater 'alertnega of, theirl'othereenees,ie • , 334t, a „Statement, reeagili heee .mae•e'thet the•biltidenighteetnallYsee, ,thete: eee.S, het: witlie, the Skin Of the and cheat. • •APperentle liDeh 4-100:0 eonenion to ale -hut -In theaverageeierson: the sight- seeing power . of the eyes' Over,Cemes the *aleer sight .of , , either ergs:tide If we all had this 'PoWer 0'y:sloped, it is, ,Stated .that would poisible. for us to See in a surreal:101K from various aegles of the 'body through "myriad' eyee."': • . M. '1114asies'mll:d4letitIntisi.li'd'isFrcoevnerachscieit- ,. His book; "EyeleeSsight," which has just beep tranaleted into t,ngliSh; .describes his method and his deduetiOns; The', first essential for , the • man or woman who wieheifto develop this gift ls.'teehring about e complete colleen- • tration of all his attention. 'Consider, able time Must,elapte: before We re, quit of , this quiet'eencentration become apparent. ,„Sittinga of • abOut • an • hotir's duration', " :pereisted in alieuld• eventually :enable. the ,patient to perceiie-right; thteriett.aiize- ,shapeii And, slees ob- jects. ...'After' that swift progrese sae- .surea, and in time .M.:Ronialn'cialMe' that it is pbeeible to read type, almost as :rapidly and accurately•as •oiie•wiruld „. • have a., headache, And'I feel fine and dandy.X will, gladly confirm. these Mete by phone or letter." ' tanlac ia .for sale by all gooddrug- gists. Accept no substitute. Over 40 Million bottles sold. ' • Tanla.c Vegetable Pills For Constipation, Made andcommended by the IVIantifactUrere of Tenlac,„ V , • CHILDHOOD CONSTIPATION .Conetipated children, can fled prompt ..relief through. the .use of Babe's Own Thblete. 'The tablets .are a mild but thorough laxatire which 'lever. to regulate the bowels and stomach, thug driving °etc constipation and ,indiges-. lion; colds and-shnple ,fevers. • Conc.:, cerning. Wein Mrs: Gaspard Daigle,' Deo:lain,. gee.; write:- "Baby's Own Tablets have been...of great ,benefit tQ My little boy,. who was suffering ,.froin constipation and '.1.ndigestion. They quickly relieved:him and now he is in the. best. of health.", The Tablets • are eold by medicine,dealers or •Wmeii at 25c a hoic 'from. The Dr. ,Wililares' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.• '.'"At the first ray OfedaW11.Atie Win- ters', burst •into his neighbor's housle;.. eaying, 'Seine, one haf.3 stolen my hog!! 'Good,' remarked" the. neighbor. You did that Well:. Now, the ',main thing ig be _stick to it.' - , " "13nt, Protested Ahe, 'seine one really has stolen it!' • " 'Pine, fine! .You say thatin a way. 162 bah -Vince an yone,,,-but ti cle46_,_ 4 t,!:, "1 tell You,' shouted.. Abe, 'I'm not fooling!. , The hOg is gone • , " 'W'hy -Abe you can do it even bet. ter tIff-en .i th ht' Nilre#il1dflbt bliss be if,•you,ine5striiport ftliateVae,': -,e':,•:::',F.,hat`• not °n° hour' of: her. you • wasted, " .yelied Abe, beside himself, • NOidea ungiven, iio joy antaSted ' • ,(1 aiii,reinenibering :my ownsidaes),-,'- . Tell your boy 'ts his hour, Only. once 1he gOlden and.. twentY, (I, am remembering my . own thiye).. Bid him build,since beyend recOver Fleet the days ef.the loVecl and lover • (1 in remembering my own days.• , -Ketharine, Tynan• - Tut,- Tull, -Turtlee-e-1 hear your soh ie. quite proficient in arithmetic.".„ Snake -"Yes, he's .a good little. ad- der!" with the eyes: .• Not Worth Having. • ' dear," . remarked Mrs. Smith one. evenie.g, 'en, her husbands return from business. • 7"1 t1iin you •waste a terrible lotTof money," "I,••da'rling?" replied, the devoted hills - bend "Why; 'I have - never :,Spent -e penny unnecessarily in 'My . • "Oh,' yes, you have! That e'ncycle- pedia you batight " the. instalment •pien last`inoeth is no good at all." • „: wee,cusaromxtrim Eafer.y Men te Hie' _ Work 1i.$ay :When' it is -,the work.. ,Mr.H. A. Vrieliell, An his •hook ofe,memeirs,.. Fellow • 'rravelerd, snakes the ;Mist in this little :store: ••' ." refeeMber a re$„04.hol:ip. Cali-'' fornia,n, piOncer Wila had Prossed-the, • elains in a prairie 'schooner. I found„..' him digging post 11.016; ander a blazing • sari. And he was a, rich man. • "Why d�YOU do this?" asked. He looked ,at Me., with twinkling eyes. "'Why. do you drive: tandem?" , he demanded. , "Because • it's such' fun," 1 replied. • "And that," he observed solenanfy, "is. why I. dig post holes." •• M freed's' Liniment for Distemper. • Grown in Sweden 'Perhaps. •The old lady in thiis colloquy from Punch • ,is hot, the first to assaime ,a' knowledge that she did net have; "Have you ever tried Swedish'masse. age, Mrs. :Brown?' the squire's (laugh- ter inquiered of the gardeeer's wife; who ,staffers with chronic rheumatism.. ...„01 -have -heard say It -he Were, good. for rheumatism, miss," was the reply, "but we don'tgrow it in these parts." • -etioys :end-girlwadays ;ar.e_betc.*:' ter in health, . intelligence, ' and physic , cal ' strength than in , any previous.; generation • :Clasaifieti Advertisements WANTED -- CAR OWNERS' TO ' send for our Big Free Catalogue showing 101: bargains In .Aeta • plies' It Will eatre 'you monay. • Send fer it to -day.. Canadian Auto Shops,• ., 1;44 154, leiaga.ra. Faille Ontario.. IN NIGHT te' MORNING fe :J(EEp: YOUR EYES "Why ° Wha.tever's wrong with it?' •r&si •inquired.'timothe. , .. ''.1Theenacirilltig I wanted W find out ' 'Why,' and I didn't even 'find the word' there at all!" '• •"Aisci couide't' You find' it. in: the ett' Cyclopedia?. Vheredid you look for why swallowe 'migrate in the :winter." • A• Necessary Meal• .' A'•scho0Iniaate1 had just finished a lea,aon bn TOod,"' when a, little" bey' .0ut•up his hand. Onbeing "asked what he wanted, he replied: • "Please, sir, Jones said lie knew:• a, baby that was broUght ,ap en milk, and it gained ten. peunde `every dile.", "Jones •Ottglit not `to tell you each ;rubbish," said -the master. , Then-, ad- dressing -Japes, he eddedf "tell me. whose -baby •:Was: brought - upon elephantfs•inillt?" , ' ". • • "Please, sir; it -was the 'elephent'S baby." • ' , Sculpture in Concrete. , ..Sciilpture le -now done in, eenerete, -B ITER- GREEN TEA •IMPORTED. . • Many think that thoge who 'drink Green Tea are mord critleal judges Of anality" tl. tan --thee* e • drinli.; _cause somey_ears•ago•great quantities Such would s.emn be, ,the case, be-, af poor' quality Japan and China Green Teets, were brought into: Canada. ,The' demand for this type of tea Soon fell off: Now, however, the much finer . • . quality of ..„India and eleylen Greens, inekrted mostly 'by the ,Salacla Tea Company, has sharply revived' the dee mand by those_Who a:1.16y the distinc• tiv.e haver of Green' Tea. • ' Wisdom. Say to your girl the sands are running, Tell,her this of 'eld •wistiom and cun . fling , • remeMbertng ny oivn days), , cmentaiatetitereeto take,itein.,,a.a.you told' the, tindift was gonee--cleati geeel: ,There Wasn't any b4 there.' • " "That's 'right, stick to it,stick to ite•seici the neighbor. • • "Aed so," conCluded the, eterekeeP, er; 'Abe went about. telling his true' story.He' stuck -fa 1(411, right„,bat no ,one belie'ved .him, perhaps because be, insisted too hard." ' Money by the Carload.- • Foarreilteed carloads of•new Polish banknotes arriited iti Warsaw recent- ly. The paper for the; ntitet•Was pre- pared. In England, and, they were en- , ereVed! •France. ' Liniment for 'Sprains. the figerea being originally . Molded in clay; ,and fromtheseforms, are taken. reo 1 de -,,for,.--malfitie-dasts--4a4lii'?'-coti-L grete. The "Syrithetic 'granite" is com- posed -of-the beat po esible; ingtedi en te, finely. -powdered' and carefully: mixed; The result I a. yore: hard,near1e *bite .Stone• of sniopth texture, •pleasing :to 'the' eye; •• • •„Iterait 'hy. Dominion Express. Meney Orden 11, 16t or stolen 1,011-get7our Money back., . ,• . There is about 86 per cent. o Water in usi k. • t‘t'' 'Ambitious. • , "My hired, mare gets up at four ceeloekeeeery niorning.withoet,Waitiligs to 'be celled,!' Said' Farmer ',Fumble. soGre.tgovernor Ha ,must wantto, get to work early!" ' "No, he wants to get ea loafing ear- ly."' , • , ' , France registered more births than deaths' in 1923. ' '• 11M., esesees The Old Reliable ELJ Stron Nerves Pure orgs:Uie •phOsnhate. known flo 'Med dritggiSts aS Ditro•Photpilia.te; 'What nerVetekhapsted,' tired -Out peOnle lutiSt have to regain :norYe f,...roo and :energy, That's why its guaratiteed, Pride' , per ultge. Arrow _Cheer1o...11 Cite,15. Watt St lijast; PuNi,Ito, Ont 1011% /RIR WY, CA141 poop, CO.CIIIICASW1114. • , Cuticura- For Skins That Itch And Burn Bathe the affected part With Cuticura Soap and hot water. Dry gently and anoint with Cuticura Oint:meut: This treatment not Only • soothes but in . most cases heals.. , :mos lash Vrse,by Mail. Address Canadian Depot: " Oatioara, 11.,0: Bes.111116, Iliaidrsal." 1 Prks:13ciap2fic:-OlntraantZ and 50er Talenistrie. SWF" Try our new Shaving, Stick.- , g is • Mother jells- linuellei Suffered and Was Made Well by ,,Lydia„.E.,P4kluun'.$ Vegetable Compound Vancouver, BC. -'My daughter is a yOung,girl- who has-beenhaeing severe pains and Weak. and dizzy feelings for • Jenne ;time and had lost her appetite: ' Through an older daughter who had heard of a. wpfnen who was takirig. it , fdr the same trouble,; we of Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable' Com- pound. My daughter has beentaking it :for several Months and its quite all right ,new. It has done all it was, represented to do and we have told a number of friends about it. .1 am never Without a bottle of it in the bouseo.,:fer I,myself tflhitfbr'tliat'WeaTivtirdiVworn,eut fee1i4.whieh'sonietiinee'eotneslo-nsalt. 1 fihd it is Wilding me up; and "strongly., recommend it to women who are stiffer- •inw•a-z-esindenyeaughter4alie:'.!--1-Mrs. • J. „MCDONALD, 2947 26th -Ave.- East, Vancouver, E. C... Prom' the age Of twelVe a girl needs all the care a thoughtful mother can give. Many a Woman has suffened yeats of pain aridmiseryeLthe victim of thotight- Iessness or ignorance of the mother who 'Should haVe guitied'her (hiring this , if she-complainsof headacees, • -netied-a-Slownees or thought; nervous- ness or irritability on the part of your daughtcrohalce life easier for her. Lydia E., Ptrilthaea Vegetable., Cora.' pound is ,especially adapted for slid: ,conditions.• '• c ' NO: 26-.24 ” irellel back and lower limbs, or if you