HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-19, Page 8[R 4417474 OW SEN1*N 1 TO403.0.4,i; D.a;Y, J[1'NE 190:,: I,924q . 411111.11 is° 1114ki ' �,.; ._ . sin therg, • will •be, ushered hda fir. season. *.lgo, are. re . , a� _ ;w ___... . tired• to "serve �ou: Y. very depar' tment. Dres''.(4.0.0d* - s:De artment� is. ,runnin ager ewSeasonable.', Goods:-.. R•atine and Lm eh ,in . ` n ., of`' ' Popular e� e, . rola y the ,,-shades,:.: at 75c'. a yard. ..T X.: E d e n, Flannel; White milt ori. Bla'ck ;Stripe;- very ,. new, 55c. per yd. Organdie, in Colors,' yide width. all at one price; 75c. a yd. •O V files • 5 4 at ° .. , 70,$5c. and $1.00; and $1.75,. in Painted ant1PrintedP, at - terns just the, thing for Summer wear. 4 ' AFTER ALL, What ,: could b .e. more p leasin and comfortab.ale than an a Cream° Flannel or Serge Skirt, with a neatCha PieSleeveless Coat over :a beautiful tailored " Blouse o Striped Broadcloth. r . 54 -Inch n Cream ch'•F !anise!,` at'$2.00.ayd. 4 ST AN.1�tD 44-I ti" cP'Crea Cream Serge, at $2:40 per ' d. DESIGNER,' EIaIB�oadcloth ATTERNyd Tows= Striped Broadcloth at $1.50 a adle r . s, Sleeveless Sweaters,at �,.d, • , , and $7.50,, gaiod` style: and ',;ye • comfortable,In : Silk and ,,r3' •Wool, also Purex Vifool ° Bli..NCIALOW KESS _7506' STANDARD, DESIGNER PATTERN '. Wuh TUB BEUIOBa A Table full. of ` Ladies' Slippers ppars a�'` � ' al a arid Oxfords in- Black or Brown while' . they last-'at'$2.65. -• er al 1 No. • 10 _ is at You e . $e11for Caa p u :• >� S rvrce 1►-r✓e SeL:Chea er.'1!'han The .Credit -Store's ci-ng•:season: Is :Here, WE: HAVE A COMPLETE 'STOCK OF. COILED WIRE,.; BARB. WIRE ANDWOVEN FENCE. OUR PRICES ARE. RIGHT ' AND THE 'QUALITY THE BEST. WE; HAVE WIRE 'TRELLIS " FOR FLOWER BED BORDER..• • ' ROSE` BUSHES AND 'OUR SN CK OF SCREEN DOORS"e'AND WINDOWS 'IS,�• CQiVIPLE.TE.,• WE -.HAVE MANY 'STYLES'.AND- ALI;- SIZE -,S T,A RT EARL• Y-' TO'SHOT ' OUT. THE :FLY -AND' .YOU WILL I1 NE COMFORT ALL SEASON • . ` NOTHING ING AD DS TOTILE APPEARANCE OF A 'HOME.MOR THAN A WELL KEPT LAWN. TO KEEP IT ,RIGHT YOU NEED A MOWER THAT IS WORKING PROPERLY.. SEE OUR STOCK—EVERY MOWER, GUARANTEED;, The Manufacturer" has made a` reduction . 1n the price „of :. which •. Cement, p_, ..brings Wxt,veryr•.near pro -war . rices :'., find p . See us -before buying, you 'will ; find our•rice right. • p urdie' r uccessors'"to-LifeknoWardware 1t .woi>,'t ' e long_ :e-ro -thh.: aniluali. spring plowing .on the 'golf , course will start. • Wonder "how ;folks `hung on; ;to?.t'his world .before : the law of gravityt was Passed. Adam life 'warn t. flawless:but he didn't ' .hear any ,talk about, •.;spring' Somehow' or other a contrary per- °'noir ,is more Satisfactory' than It •pro 44issiitg one. `• NOTICE +TO CRE.hITORS I I n the Esti e t of Alexander Estate bicRae, late of the. Township . of Kinloss in the County'` of Bruce, "'Gentleman, de= ceased ' : Notice is hereby given pursuant to ,Section 56, Chapter 121' of R S. 0., ,1914,':that all persons haying 'claim's .against' the Estate of. Alexander Mc- Rae, who died on or about the Four-. teenth day of Maroh,: A. D., 1924,'at ;the Town of 'Wingham, are regnired to send to William C. Johnston the Administrator ' or the undersigned, 'on orefor b, e the e twelfth day of July, A D. 1924, .their names and add- resses'. with ifull particulars of their claims yin• writing' and the nature c.3 the securities (if any) held by•.them. And; further take notice that after the said twelfth day' of July,:: A; D,, 1924, the assets of the said Estate. will be distributed by the said Ad- ministrator among' the paries entit- led thereto, 'having regard only to claims of which he • 'shall then have i'notice n -Estate. ,and „the s - to e . 1 not be i able for any claim 'riot filed at .the •timeof. the, __said..distribution. ... Dated at Wingham this. Thirteenth` day of• June, A: B.. 1924. DUDLEY H Oo L MEs Solicitor for Administrator �trator SCH'OO'L •REPORTS. S. s, No. I2' Ashfieli Sr IV—Makimuin 750 Minimi 'm 450 • 'Tests. Jack MacLennan 554, Donald Boyd .489;",' Vera Robb 451, ';Alvin MacNain 336 „ : , -Jr: IV— Wilmer Robb 61, FIWar MacLean, 46, Harry Calvet 40. Sr III—Ross''' Shell's 53, Jr,_IIT—Gordon -Boyd '71;. Sr, II, -Billie 'Campbell GO Kenzie, Coal Co F:. Ist. ' Class, Isabel MacLean 57,,, Harvey Robb 5?, ' Primer " Class -Reginald Campbell Duncan : Thorburn• •; ^•.The steamer Glencairn est blisl ed a•record run to the head of the lakes and return. The steamer. *as 4: days,. 4.. hours. and:, 20 .aninutes<:-`fr�om time she lifted ier_'l nes-.till she -•tied again here, The 'time includes the nine hours loading at Fort• '. Williaiit.. .:When a " man takes 'stock "'after .coming home, he knows . why they • call-it-ospending" .the 'honeymoon,- • Actually a girl wo"uld be happier' if she married. the 'best ;than at her • weddi.fig,, Evb»s times•'wa ea41' that' otsf juot . ,Science ie able • t• prove .01414' oR bbl! „ � sound tial t�uY► ' w+e, •tbinii« . wA 004'x W$ul to . knpw; itorde - M •ter• u•ri++n.� IG' / , .. Dunca' c nm Mrae,;"teacher• • :Iteduced Price s: -OB. Baby Chicks SEyiD •.ORDER •AT. oN E FOP 1VIIITE ,iEGHORN BABY CHICKS :ND,, GET THEMM1..,WHEN Tor THEM F'RiCE ,VOR• JUNE $12.00 'PER HUNDRED. 28% Cash With Order; ' ' OUNCAN I>:ENNEDY • • '(Bruce The . June Cotlit es n; whiv1h .opened before itis 4onor' Judge: Sutherland' .of, Owen Soune,, in• the ourt Rouse here on Tuesday after.. noonk • was featured 'with a docket of , three; criminal eases,, the• defend=' . ants in two of the actions being wo ' en wh h4Ye:7haid, .some 'experience: h a � t Trae Mils baying 2ng .,,een re u rns against 'the two ladies, by the- Grand. Jury.', the ilistin@tion; of being the first to go on trial fell to Mrs, Nan-. cy. Wiley of Owen Sound, • formerly of Arran Tp, , - • . Conducts • -Her •Own .Case `' and Acquitted,' Apparently feeling competent to conduct her: own case, Mrs;` Wiley undertook without 'the aid'of',a law-. yer, '• td•; 'defend • herself ' agaipst " three Charges of theft,., forcible entry . and detaining,," whichthe,. Crown, had pre ferrel against filer• ft seems rthat,Mls "Wiley °and her husband, WmThos..Wiley sep.srated she leaving 'her husband's farm fill Arran and going 'to reside With sonre. of her children in Owen 'Sound, She stied her husband, on .different .ocea- slops 'for alimony but 'failed to get. judgment; Finally , Wiley sold his' Arran farm to his brother Sylvester' Wiley, and went to" reside to"', 'Port Iluron, Mich Thinking that shestir had, ,1..ights• on h'er husband's old f�a 'n,. ''she came; ,•down lfroin (Swan' ,Sound and, took up her :abode in the vacant house on the'place, ' and besides us- ing some of ::the hay : to feed ' her .horse,, killed some hens about' the plaeefor" food. When"her brother -in;- law S;;lvester, Wiley P retestedr she is' alleged to: have asserted herself and:resisted' resisted' ejection from the pre mises-A`s the• woman maintained it Washer.' old' home and she thought at the -time she still had sortie rights 'on the place; she 'appealed to 'the ....Jury to do what they •thought was' ri h ; 'the 'matter.' right in . CrownAttorney Dixon;" on the other hand, `.urged ' on all • three counts, , The • Jury after being. • out a. short time brought, in a ..verdict 'of "Not Guilty," ,•'and the triple 'charges'• were disinissed ' Acquitted of} Bigamy. ' A former Greenock. Twp.:woman, ,Who.',prior to her entry into matri-: •mony was known, as Nellie'Gunness, and whose 'father, the .late ' Nelson Gumless, 'resided' at one..time : i Walkerton, .was the defendant a.!, rather sensatirial bigamy. case As the woman or any apparent , pre. paiation.' for her defense, : judge Sutherland sent:;for,0. �E, Klein; and e ch 'the- latter in; deferens to the'B n , the a cone ted o appear for':. the 'accused The woman who is :about 39. -years' •of; ague,. was . first 'married to.. Wm. Mallard, now of. Purple Valley,; and, to whom -she had ,three' children„ She later:'^ left. him and'went.with the' children ';-to Owen Sound and . was said to have married .and ,lived•with another man named Selwood. ' Th!s Irian took ill and died, and before his, death, which occurred' a few years sheand agent ago, insaranc an e g named • Sprague' went .to Purple Valley to see her.first,,:husband and,; indwzced hint. to.give her a cheque: for ,about $25 to pay''•Selwood's life in- surance. premium.. On the latter's' death, , she inherited his ' insurance amounting to $1700. In Sept.,„ 1923,' 'she is,alleged-to "have marriedJ...W.•• • Wilson a. butcher and • grocer of r. r.,ed, he.- - char tha •t Wia o t. rt n -it being-. ,g. g. 'ceremony .was performed at Lion's' Head by Rev, R: W. James; Apgiican' minister '•Wilson, 'shortly, after .this alleged event, folded his• tent, as .it ,were,;and slipped out of. "his,., for. parts' •unknown. ` • , Mallard,, the -first husband, -in: -the- !meantime- took• another --•4. womanti•• to, wife :. and was ': jailed ten ',days, ,for, bioainy,' " The ,•marriage.u.certificate, from: the first Weddinggave t•Teeswater "as'. the birth=place'of the bride,c,Nellie 'Gun, nese,` while the'marriag rAcertif-icate' of • ,the. third matirmonia event in which the game' woman was claimed `.o have,• ',participated sets • out : the bride's, name ' as Selwood . her alleg- • ed"' second` Husband's •surname; • Yats; the officiating rector, could= n't swear .at court here this week ' the• accused .-Was th'e woman he had married,. •. as, it 'was dusk -and the 'Wilson wedding and he •didn;t' pay~ particular' attention to ,the features. of. the bride on that oeeSoi,o'it : the bride on that•occasion Mr..' &lain hed•'that nothing had been "produced to• prove.' that the ac-' • ,rc 4' 1 0}faa' ,4 ''pK `rdkr er unts;avor r, She 4tevin •„.fitxseedis dr ei`t a tears ?n ;the wen Oc sand, and `Walkerton jails, as sell a term ih the Mercer Reformatory;, Xidecgt4 Assault. Caee•Dismissed • slaving •lost the first. two .eases at the sou;t, Crown Attorney: Dixon did.: hie 'utmost not, to let the 'entire Series go against ..His Majesty the Kin:.: and . . 'in the ' aJ aisles; 1 and 4dt bon's ,1•lead charg- ed with. indecently assaulting a„ young girl,,Jane Bestward,•'Mr, on strove strenuoysly for a convie-' tion, but Lawyer . I3irnie;':of” Owen Soundput tip°.a whale of a, fight for the.y defence: and• the luiy i, after'. bE;- inge'Qut a�shoxt t me;�br..ought�in: a - Verdict :.of . "Not' 'c uilty.,",. and: the: court' closed..., S LF=POISONING TO- AY' DA v Hurried and improper eating, ner- vous worry and lack, of abdomingl exercise clogs .up ' your, syctein: and overloads your liver. The result is self poisoning! No longer can your liver 'do its work .properly; and: the result is you wake'up• dull and tired• coated tongue, bad .taste,. and :often, sive breath. Often. •you : suffer from 'oss of appetite, bad •digestion' gas on a., sour,, weak 'Stomach, improper: movement' of the :bowels and a run- down condition of your Whole :sys 'tem Cleanse i .a'nd ' tone vour.nliver. Put ou i „your. system• in .condition.. . Feeh your very best again ''Pry just a spoonful of Dr. Thacher's ` Liver• and Blood Syrup after the. next few meals and notice the quick improvement' fill tHe.. way you eat, sleep and feel—the re '-• turn of d strength, Vigor gor anenergy; �. .You will • be ' completly" `satisfied; otherwise there will be ''no; cost 'Dr: Thacher's Liver •&' Blood ' . S u i z s sold and recommended. by A'..E: Mc Kiln, Lucknow, WHITECHURCH Miss' Frances `Foslter and ` Mrs. rr,,ing and 'Mr. • Kenneth Walker of Hamilton are • visiting at Mr. Fox's l Mrs. ,McGavin of Wingham ,visited' over'' Sunday at 'Mr, Gibson ' Gilles- pie's. Mr,' and:Mrs Wm: Martin and. -Bruce visited on ; Sunday `•at • 'Mr., n Jacques • Mrs, Thos. Wilson and .:Miss Fran- ces Wilson of Wingharn • visited 'at, Mr. Jas. Wilson's- on' Monday.„ :. Mr.' and Mrs - Wes Leggatt.. Bluevale 'visited',with',friends in the :villa `" e'e on Surma . v Miss Gladys , Garton f ' o LuckroN visited ' with. ' r friend. en '• M' d is sN stile Lott, min .Monday, cused was the bride at the Wilson,. weddmg,.,nor.:that she had ever lived 'with. Wilson, and he tlierefore asked the Jury to find the 'woman ."Not Guilty,' ,which The/ .did ' after, being Oirt`-only it few "nioments;' Judge Sutherland,. in commenting,• on the verdict, said it Was entirely, .lifferent from his "'view on the maty war, and. hecouldn't • seeby What • 121' r' Wbitechu rcb, lin ,•�i e' :ef'. •reasoning they could • arrive ; 1$04111, a 00401460M } Milly--��Qh .Lilly, ! • I_ don't know' what: •to d,o, , I'm invited • to the rece,p • tion, .i:n fact all the .tA. ; re a �nd other. f llow i' ht' choose. • e ,rng ..-,...•y why that's,eas ., ust,'all •L• t together :.and oto; ,Statile Variety ,Store. You. calt lck: on, one of the Open Stock.; Din ler Sets, and if ou •�av�e ` h. , _ clot enou h to ' et a Full , Set they wlll be_ able : to 41440t u "them selves. I am: ;sure th . e would:-rath tha,t'than°,most things." Mr. and d Mrs •David, Scobie "and. little 'son were 'visiting at Rev:' , Mr.• Scobie's • for a few days this week.,, Miss Agnes' Kennedy of Goderich Hospital is "spending her holidays at her home -here; • Ann :yersary services held' in the. Presbyterian church':here orr Sunday, were 'in celebration of • the 60th an-, niversary: of the organization of ,a: Presbyterian -.church at. Whitechurch. The- Rev.Mr. Sinclair of. Tiverton' preached very appropriate sermons and,. the whole undertakingwas Mos; successful There was, just one mem barres e n e t ' R hit was .on they roll ,when, the church •wasopened; . The. tea meeting' on .' Monday evg. was also ,well'•atte'nded. Proceeds of the' ',annivers°ary, amounted to' $67,5,00 •. • WESTFORD NEWS A. ":E'. H ,ld a stili 'Y,"•is:gat `resent n visiting_, frinds: and relatives in. Al gonia; - • • Miss E. Shelton.' spent„ the weep"- .end at her home. • • A number froth -here tools in...the dance at 'Riversdale a: week. ago last Monday :;evening. They, had the usual good time ' We`.:are'• very' sorry .to t. or :the. re p.. illness'' of Miss: Nancy Brown.. who' had the m sfortune to ,be kicked :by a . horse, which resulted . in her jaw'. bone , being -broken. We, .hope ; for a• speedy. recovery;' . Mr. and Mrs;°Goydon• Brundritand sons, accompanied - by Mrs. Francis I-Iodgins, all of Winnipeg and . Mr. and Mrs. William Dickson and 'son of Toronto' motored ,here on ,Satur- day to visit relatives.'; Messrs Dick ison and 13rundrit returning .on ,Sun-' day.•afternoon.:':to Toronto.. • • Misses' ` Je s an•Hal den hvHelen and :Murray called on Miss Nany .,Blown, on 'Saturday last A, number frorh here took ,in the. Catholic. picnic in Teeswater Park • on Thursday last and had a real nice A large number of relatives gath- ered at the home of Mr.• apd Mrs. James Hodgins on Saturday evening last to 'welcoine the Toronto folk and had :a most delightful ,evening. A Targe crowd from .here attended �. the District Convention 'a the ^ Wo • ' men's Institute at 'Holyrood on Wed- nesday last.: Mi:. . and Mrs. i J. :ii Anderson' and •Ev an' -spent -Su'nday in •our burg. o-o.o •• WEST. WAW=(:NOSH'' The' Wert Wtvi'anosh Mgnic spa' +C.ounedl met on May 27,' with all 'the" 7. n1'en'i} ars present and the Reeve pre- siding. A. requisition for;"' ;the To 7.71 - The . sh Engineer •PbyMr., Turner arid. , Mr- Rinfoul-wa's passed and, the clerk was inst 'ueted to notify the•,' .engines. A By -Law . confirming the appoint=: • . Ment of AIL, John (Con'. 9) as weed inspector' 'was read' three times .and • Y passed. sassed. • .: The, Board': decided to refundthe 1'e money received from • the •CountSr for. outlet benefit on the ;.Turner Drain,: The : cross-roads : of the municipal- ity - are to be numbered 1, 2, 6, 8. 10 12., beginning. at the South Boundary. The`. Ratepayers and othArs would do well to bear in mind that,.last'year ,a. 'by-law' prohibiting live -stock from • running at large on roads within. the ',nisi m alit A was pasted Y p The council • adjourned to meet June 23rd at 1 p.m- . Durnin Phillips, Clerk • • I :Thee New Triola Broadcloths,for••' ts Mannish • to - .uses,' ,� Ships, Men's: Shirts, etc. • Wide, � White,, Mauve,Cream �. . also Black, � 36 inches .wide ,at;, a', • � $1.00yd. See the lovel* ormandy Voiles we are ,showing ard. Printed a Voiles, • at 75 and Sc. a 8 yard. � • � , _ SweatersThose-:Sleeveless.••:x= .; :.• ..., • , .•.. , are popular� � nurr>rhers. k,� S.everxl.�.. ne atterns w p arrived � ...:: All -Wool, this: .� • .. ... _....... week.., -A11- , �$2.50„_,..a:. Silk and Wool,: at 3. 4 • Wool, at • e Children's Socks, • in Silk. Lisle and Lisle .at35' 4 60c.'• Children's` White Silk Hose, Roll To ` • , •P ..Sizes 6 sed a 75c. t;o P� to ,$1.00 eam -Lace so mut h• in Vogue for. trimming Vo pretty a Voile Dresses, p y Filet. patterns, at 10 and ..,15c., and ' neat Val. patterns, at 7 and 10c. a yd. loolnommeonommEme man's Measure ior Men Phone " 99 Li.nole ums' and L n of eum� Rug's g • • •