HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-19, Page 6A
as on o users. Sold
lir ital. ,grocers. Buy' a package today.
koreitci Of, 'Mine. pick 4,914, me that
her' mother 'advised her, at an .early
. period, in her housekeeping Career, to
,. eleep'in her guest' room once in a
•; While;, She had found it an exeellerit
suggestion and had followed it with -
she '-Wes ;more than sure-distinet, ad-
vantage to her •guests. •
• , I *pit in mine soon after, and*as
•,,horrifiedte find that the feather pH-
• loWsi: ..ceinp,aratively, new; had an 7oily
•, end very disagreeable smell, necessi-
.:..their ' being.. sent to the „Figaneeis
- so,pace,: 7, ',--7...: ,,, . , . ,, • . ,-
I. slioalft never belie known. it *hadi
. neti....sleptlitien'theie;:-for what guest
ee'41.d ineke''.4 rilei **ft' to telt ra0
Neither would any one, 1 •supP
ever apehic`rOf the sateen* or .ohstr
erans'eprin,g, the .11UpPy mattress
• the': squeak in . 'the- bed, any one
which would. effectually pet ifieeP
rout for the seiMitive or poor sleep
' 11.1',I.Nfirat suggestion is, :therefore
repetition Of MY, friend's adviee-'-al
, in year OTin guest raciiii.veeasloxial
• -The. guest .rotini•is net et. ineirita
. an inference:An, these .days of sM
and eittiOnsiVe aPartlienta as in
times. I .. AM' surprised,
,ManY,'..iiiiiiititaent dwellers diSPen
‘,-With:it.'as-,nmatter of Course. '
Those -of ha who live in the count
: .. .
however,; and delight.' in: welcomi
011i'..fiiMily''Or city friencis. to wee
*440'Or,reet. Visite,. still feel that 't
' et.)("."40.alil3 '4'-ireik *gc.Osiaty, 0a.-
iire2of our homes. ,
---:-In"- tittiaie'4-a guest 'vie* there' is,
;iiteceseirilY; • Mack 'latitude.' .In the
- everega „hemp; its furnishings must
rieeds.13# Siinigo..: 14 *pie tilos, hew-.
t- '
.:.. f...
f ..
bleitei. A ..bc; f stamps e-
xo is a
. .PPT
eiate4 -4.4‘ aid .:c!a.erePacY;
should stand in acme cOnVenient place
-Perhaps ri combination of bookrac
and writing materials can be made.
A mall work basket,- well stocked
13Y 0, .DOUGLAP:,
Shopman- 'You taa,V 'have.' Year lee -71).000Y p)44.4, 11:etWe'Penee' "
Selarall $111a/I lt,)i,'.4,tter,' value. for
'the Money." '
. ,: - ° „' --Corntrig kt, =try qreitgaryli. Doi?. 4„..
CHAPTER IV.--(Cont'd.) • t..he a, 'thOen in her' dying *PilloEv.' I
"In' this room
stockings and crying quietly to herself. a girl sat, darning Bald. PerhaPsirodely,, that Great-aunt '
Alison - mnSt...have been a horritile old.
--Crying heeahse her brother David 'ghoul, but 'Jean deferideCher hotly;
had gone to • Oxford the day before I. inShireatsicealaii fse.rtliebrallgeedh,aredi '4a0vgre,e.41tteuegt.
and she was afraid ' he would find ii :
hard work •to live . on his scholarship"' 4he titvaed that her cleath,wes some -
with the small help she could 'give him thing °f a relief; Unfortunately, most
shabby and'feel it bitter, afraid. that 'afraid- that he-migbt-'find•-bireselif4.4;kstr1419pcti)Aajpeda.-wilt wtb4sh4terr•ix-',01y t•h'is.
! he Might not COI -he' back to her the traialag that has gfr614.3."a l*t. Par..'
.„. a ,,Ine, a 1 ,aa, s'ilapi , girl.' ,Her, Mennen( are delightfule-:
.14 d, •elear...eyed ,bOy he - had &one! tieular gayer': She is themeat,haPPY .. '
•oNv, y. ,, . r : " ,, , : ,, . . '7.. 7 eliar.igQ• !rem the ' Ortlinary7.;madern, i
' WI ' told ' IIabout 't Y.• not noise; but frank andgaylike a
1Cdtahi'sdeilai,e't;hasieleliciin.d.,Dtoideno'thsoOtrn, intoa.fistnrdanileteirn:isri,.icei;apooyfrs..aftsecbte,n_either falla,.into the
•E't • al•L'IniRrea000, ',h3r• the i 4 ar-handobieis:.'.,S:liag biezi .no -
toe nor the CharYbdie
:. deurededseehd•-aaPeffelar.aa,,.e, of Iri,.,Yff.'sca'!"14.19.1: 'where. and Seen yery•little4 'boehe. ere,
. friend than an, enemy. You see, T;.:!i-"She has 110•44hteat treee;A;f ac-
. that they would rather have' me for a land quotes him continually. . • cl;
things to say about people I don't like:iv—I ilave nOtieed it once Or twice be....3
_ l3ut this little girl treated me es if I i fere in Scots peoplethat makes one
had:been an older sister or a kind big*/ thiek oe winds over heathery. moor_
1>rother, and -well, I •founti it, rather' lam% and running water: In appear-
' touching,' . : ' .,..' ,' • •• , ' since she is like a weed elf, rather
"Jean Jardine 'le her 'funny, little .emall and brown, very .. light and
name.. She • looks 'is nisi* child but graceful. She is sobearitifully made
, .
.she tells me she is' twenty-three and that there Is great -satisfaction An
she has been head of the house since looking at her.. (If Eike had all the
she was nineteen. e - • virtues irithe worldi could:never take"
"It ii really the strangeit Story. any intereet in a girl whe had a large
is a true health soap. Its
A110_46 ereumr, lather's'
lt4ins a„worideriu/ health
Ingredient, vviiich goes
deep down into every pore
uiic! purifies your skin—
The wholeseme health odour
--of Lifebuoy vanishiss--g-tew
seconds after_i_isiste-e-hutthis
protection remains.
k "keoplei•I am often told„ find them- people if they were everyday 'a
her world, and she talks of boo
selves rather in ewe of me. I know • quaintances. She adores Dr. Johnso
A rally comfOrtable chair; beside
.the ordinary ones,. is necessity; a
cc:such-sometimes Possibleis e• lux
ury. A rack on wIdch a :suitcase May
be placed is a veil; great convenience
Thebureau or toilet table may be as
conveniently and ornamentally stock-
ed with.toilet articles as circumstances
will allow. but see •I pray you, that
you provide a pincushion well stocked
wIth'a variety of ,
s -think of 'such extreardinarily nasty cent 'hut ihe ha at lilt i'n her vole
See Don't forget a ,scrap basket. The father,•one Francia• Jardine, was head, or short legs, or thick ankles!)
good at his 'jet), I gather-:-ancl.these•t1 larown _fee& „3iras just •right, and
three Children; lettirand her. tWO ;bre- the . ribbon that was tied round her
cottage --,The Riga it is me of a geed deal-eRomney's 'Par-
' in the Indian Civil Service -,Pretty She knows how to dress, too. The lit -
good at
'e0151: cloths,
stand or container for towels, face
,Of It is often a very great convenience
to to an, overnight Or 'week -end gust
er. with a small quantity of-luggage;to
er.a find„a bath robe hanging in the guest
eeP room .closet. I think this might be
considered a necessity.ble • -
Be sure, also, that this closet con -
all tains plenty of hangers:
old Lastly, give your guest a chance to
_ enjoy her room -that is, don't try to
!le entertain her all, the time, or, try to
give her your society. every, single
k -
Tier. SiPtila furbishing's MaY Ado.
bearitifulr,„ • •
Aa-n.P.riniary necessity, be sur
that: your bed is comfortable. ` si
of room alloWs;•tWiit-beds arir,deki
,able. • The eld-faiiiiened double bed i
!iewidayilf,': hardly • considered. Th
attrese'411,OUld be covered, and th
cover :frequently blundered. win-
,a -.Sett, thick' bed .pad or e warm
blankett-lihould be raid between •Ma
•.tress'aridsheet;',thie for real warmth
as the hail. :VO,ttrea, although coin
ortahle' and sanitary, is not warm
Be sure to provide plenty bed
clothes -"e- a 'dawn 'Puff as an, extra i
• possible.
• ",`
• If onecannot.spare e down puff an
• excellent hoineinade'aubstitute maybe
• inufacttired from a; pair Of 'worn
but woolly blankets tacked and tied in
e.Pretty:cover Of ,silksiline' or eheese-
eleth, the edge -finished-With ribbon
bin hie or hittonlieled ,with worsted:
Many . PeciPle depend upon a .few
• minutes "read" before • going' to bleep
Corifese, this indulgence myself:
Arrange n,simple reading lamp on a
litaaii by the bed, if more cimeen-
, •lent, a hanging burner oVer.its,top.
• The Stand, with. an attractive cover,
;.ehould• contain a cracker jar,' well
stocked, to afford first aid to.the Peer
Sleeper,. a tumbler -covered carafe of
• 'fresh :water .and an interesting book
, ' •
or two.
A' writing 'desk a. -.1>tion•to the
guest making a real visit. provide one
and 'Jock, were brought hate. I'll tell you what she reminded
up in this called -by an old aunt of the father's; knee Daughter'. . .• ., t •
Greet -aunt 'Alison. The inotb_er died.:,-„Mhat-a-find-4army,first-''.day-,ist
when Jock We, a hatik; and after some Triortiford I
years' the father ' married again, sisd- gi went to tea . with the • Jardines
14? -446,'
denly and unPeemeditatedly, a •beauti- and I never wasnt a nicer tea-party rise and, he
ful and al• m f
ost r endlese girl whom We said poeMs,to•etieh other, most of, in his rooms With• The Seoteman. for
be met in London When home on leave. the time. 'Mhor's rendering of Ches.: Sole' companion. • "•_ •• •
Jean Offered ne comment on the wis- terton s inc Pleasant Town of Round- The landlord, a -cheery,. little man,
dom or the unwisdern of the match about'. was vei fine but k
y ,Joe loves found, thrie Once or• twice tO talk for a
dine had Sent for her (Jean w lik
but she told me the young 'Mee. -Jar- beet 'Don Johnof AuStria." You would fevi minutes but•he had only b n
as en e Jock. • He has a very gruff voice years in Prijorsford and could tell his
y been te
•a . schoolgirl of ' fourteen') and had and, such .surprised blue eyes, and is guest nothing ,Of the people he had
given her a good tnee in LondoribeL
minute ;of •the day.. Often a 'Chance fore sha.sailedl•With-her husband for
to. take a "nap, Write e letter or two,' India. Rather unusual when •Tyou
read.'a new book or., Pimply 'Spend a come to think' of itl—Itr-iiin't7*-Very
half hour in quiet,. undist rbed-by-the-Yoirrig-viife-'Whe ,has thought' on the
_neeessity-of-talking, is appreciated by honeymoon for _Schoolgirl stepdangh,
• tees and Jean' had,:seen that •Was
Year guest -
ki • and:Unselfish, and was •grateful.
. .
, were hardly *landed when ,Mr. Jar-
dine died of cholera. , 'The •youn
T&•Jardines' sailed for India, , and
fond of weird interjectiOns like 'Go h 0 e
e nc known. • - •
Maggie?' and 'Earls ih_-the streets;44 "D'yliffinintir "e -bowie. called The 'Minard'e Liniment -for Aches and Pains
Cork!!..„-He.-is7te'detirniine,d foe 'to kir?". he asked him. . . • ' - ,. „
, ,
.sentiment. He won't read. a book that The laridloz.d knew it well -a 'quaint N.,,.! Fiallway in Sudan.
contains' lave -making or 'death -beds. .cottage •with a pretty "garden. Old -• .
'Dabs anybody marry?' 'Does anybody Miss .Alison 'Jardine was living In it 'panning through a potential:, ce.tmed
die?' are his first questions about a when he can* first' to ',Priorsford;', gr°w'ng area -9' '°°'°°° acresP- a new i
book,;so naturally his reading is:'riiiich ilead now, but the young,folk were railway, 216 Miles .long Was ;fox:Malty
restricted. ',. • ,- , till In it. ' 1: .. . ' :; '- 'opened In the. Sudan ',recentiy, Corinect.;'
, "The Jardines have , the lovable ' : wrOing folk?'" said Peter Reid. Ing ICaseala with 1114,11nel to Port. Su-
1:14iit 'of beeeniihg suddenly, overpow... "Yes;" said. the landlord,•"Miss Jean "dam ••• .• ' ' • ...'"•1
I'm 'told. Father an „ Anglo-Ihdian. • kjob that is a i"grfoCI' is often the
,. More Effective,
'why' don't you hold V.te busy bee
suggested Parson Hadeshammer.
to your hired man' as an. example?"
, , , _
P etographing un Spots.
'Large groups of'she gots, setae ,of
stifiltleht .size %to
'Without: overcrewtling,' which :hay re,
,itpitrared,.,.. indicate , that. new •,•
0)ar .:111r4gun
V:01, ‘k.fitl a, ,
arog t1the .
;COY.Ored, With s'pots,'. while 1; etween
tlieSe nierm4,"as Vas tho -c4se .1014
sumrier"week,i.tit time. May elapse
Wi th ou :Me melthig Its 'appeitritee0-
spot that haye been i-eentIy
Itbe Pirretee • 'fact:
.or the. hesy" period rether. then, hank.
()vets frorn",the period- quit'has.receat;;;;
ly ended. ' At -the or ,thet:
".eyele.a few.' appear'toward the poles'
Of4 bun then go they irtLreise.1iz
narr en.tt, ?ere r the soler,leginater,,
Which, Since:the Sue 4 i'ot4tij.)i)?..ody.'
•.-em•reSpond,s. to ' 'the " -:entialor the
earth, About 1917 the .iniets., Were:
:most,nuinerous. fter that their num-
berdeareased,' Nati], • in .1922 all that
cpuld he seen were (Jose to, the .ecelet•
Thes the sun afforilS a'stronemers
portunity of studying star at ,rela-
tiVely 'close range, only ocio 000
Miles away., • This seems near alien,
werecall that the nearest other star is
about six trillion miles etijay and that
Its light tekes. more than four years -
to reach ns„ While that of the sun
taker 'only 'aboet.eight.mlnutes.
• The ,sots are the , most ,noticeablis'•
'feaOies. Of the sun whenIthey are .pre- • .
sent'and large ones may be teen with ,
relatively Slight eptiCal aid. At pre;
Sent the spots are Probably too smelt -
to be seer; without a...Small telescope; "' •
but When they become 'more numerous
.a -•,,7 -good of_hineculars-,Phoeld : re-'
Veal them '". Of course one shoeld
,iierer look, at the sue withent• some
protection• for, the eyes.; - This ' mighj.
consis•t of a :piece of old, densely •
fagged potographic,filne whith
held in .front of the bitiecularit.':.,
.".!I'drether bald one.0 to Min Ian
"ethiging,rehultel"%retorted Silas Great*:
row, e..•
. ,
widow stayed on -1 suppose she liked. with laughter, crumpled up, and
the life and had little to bring her helpless:, You.have it, too $ 1 have it;
back to Engitind,Land.whee, the first all nice people have it. .1 have been
year of her widowhood was over she refreshing myself. With ''.feish' Men/Or.:
merried Ji. young soldier,..GerVase lee "since dinner.. Do you. remember
l'aunton. Pm' almoSt sure I 'reinem What it, said about Martin Rosa.? ',The
ber Meeting him about--goOd-looking, large,canveetienal jest had but small
perfect dancer; prick polo • Player.: Power over her; it was the trivial
They seem, in • spite of lack Of rrioney;labeurditY, the inversion Of the expect -
to have. been supremely happy for ed, the sublimity getting a little alxive
abOut'three years, when young Tann- j itself and failing. to realize that :lit
' rl b k '
ton 'wee killed •playing polo. The poor ' had taken • that fatal' Oteri oir th
_ cart and slipped out border --those were the; things that' . Of the 366 varieties of birds found
of life, leaving behind one. little boy...felled her, and laid her, wherever.she' ,in Great Britain, only 140 •are resi-
She had no -relations,and Captain.,might be, in ruins.-. ."." dents all the year round.
Taunton had. no •one 'veri 'near, :arid ! ' "Bella Batfigate, I • inust tell., you", •
Jardine and her brothers.. Orphans, • j, ,
peop,e Oh, very. Quiet end In_ Job thee will sharpen- your under-
• •
"offensive. They don't own, the house standing. • ,
though., ". I hear ';' the landlord is - a ,•
.Nreey wealthy man in.I.ondori. By the
way, same name as yourself, sir.",
(Te be continued.) • • •
' Good temper is like"a &tinny day; it
sheds its brightness upon everything:•
- •
when she was dying she had left,in; remains unthawed. She hinted to nue
structiOns, 'Send my boy to. Scotland. tonight_ that she thought the , Hydro- '
, ,
Ask Jean to bring him up. She will,Pathic was the. place for me --surely
understand.' I • suppose she had de- the unkindest cut of all: People dress'.
tected 'even in. the schoolgirl of four- for dinner every night there, she tell -
teen Jean's most outstanding quality, 'me, , and, most of them .are Eng: .
steadfastness, and entrusted the child and a heed plays. •', Evidently &he
to her without a 'qualm. thinks I Would be at'home in such
"So the baby of two was sent to the companY: ' • - • ,
child oteighteen, and Jean glows ,with 1 "Some day. I think you must vit.i,,
, gratitude and, tells you how good it PHOrsford • and getto 'know Miss •
•was of. her at -one-time stepmother to, Bathgate.Yours. "Pam. ---t- '
thiuk of her! That is how she seems! "I forgot to tell you that for seine
to take life: no suspecting of motives; ;dark reason the"Jardines call their
-looking for; therefore perhaps findinge, cat Sir J. M. Barrie. • • , • •
kindnelis on every side. It is tether , • "I asked why but got no satisfac-
absurd in this wicked world, but I tion. . , • ' ,. '..
• shouldn't wonder if it 'thaa for hap-..: " 'VVell, you see, there's Peter,'
4748. 'Ills is nice for d Pine88. • "
crepe e
'chine or batiste, with' trimming of lace
Jock poked at the cat and obderv-
t4Tbe' Taunton has, of course,. ed not. 4i. sentimental, •
na EtadOw ("If ciaint-On- the' Jar ' beast either'e-while•••,Teae aaked-
ttle I.-1-.... 4m1.
1VIhor,' 'as theY call
or ernbrOideri. The new printed'Voilei, b
oIgandy, and 'linen may also be- used 11
for this Pretty' freeic.
The , Pattern.. is Cht iii 4 Sizea 14;
ut e is to them,a,-rnest treasured
would--inieelileferrecl it called Sill.
delight. He is quite absurdly good -1 CHAPTE.R v.
Rabindranath Tagore!"
him, is their great_ amusernat and,-
with -1.8, 18 anci 20 •years . A 16- 1°
year size g, great grave gre e '
`Write The width at the foot is about his shoulders. He has a small. in" a, few minutes•loOking about hint in al
en eY s When Peter iteid arrived at P i s'
if possible. A prettily enameled -by q res 41/4 YardS** of 82 -inch Ma- and a head nioet Wohderfulli set on, ford Station from Lendn-he stoord7o1:1
home talent -pine tal>le of'coneenient
height . is . a satisfactory " !Substitute. ,•4^
‘•B*k it With good pens ' inkstand well
Iled and 'a pad Or peArfolio..coritaiii;.- eiezipth,ionf ./n15,. a b
raYttern. d t•O
73" Ni7;4""LrleiiiYelle is old h*t.*
g • '•tion Where to 'go,: he had not Written '-
int som.e°,0t,the house "paper'' and a 18
• Tororito. gAllo;,twe Ny' eeks 'fem. .receipt tbe Jarchnesa*M-aillent havewlio ' beenu-an Ufl saplythobeie%)he;
cenne of his own, 'which Jean keegs last way, almost as, if after thirty;
ter every meet
'A pleasant
• andagreeable
•'tweet and a
•benefit as
Good tor
teeth. _breath
and digestion.
Makes the
xt Jelgar
taste better.
,Sealed in
its Purity
ISSUE No, 24-'24.
of pattern. . • common ,old' woman. "died (Perthat -
He iittreseends a'„,huerit,child-To 43s
;Send, 15c in silver for our up -to- hePS jtreknY) .jUnisteaosnetItlie 1.6etif Ger-
- It is seid that an old horse n
'date Spring -and Summer -1924 Book' Taunton.""ia!?,,c°
he el a •se deressed death ,turns towards the pastures;
ear to
of • Fashions, II. see in where he was foaled. It is true of ,
rustling black silk, satuPrig .on .hurnen bei.ngs. "Man b -
m s
• the.edge of chairs for her figure took 'to.ithe fields vhi h I him " '11` i
TO 1VIAKE-1A. PIR.,TtE cejwee;R. the greatest care' of her hands
and •Aftat. a tz.,.42,iti)lrerft •
First get a -large wooden tub orl complexion, and. was a
great box. Put six inches of sawdust in I had;
in the Highgate -a cornfortable,_eitfiet
g aec• she he found. rooms in a temperance hOtel
helpful porter
Jean said; 'come out et the T)ia-',
-the bottom ang, place In le tin. bueket; ruP.t.jor.i." .`Y,e.71 Ive.!.5 se fliPrvv?1"9tT - • - -
__/vrapped asbe.,a_tas74t„._the centre:it, tnat mail% Ilk _to__asic a The next da3:,..he was, too .tired
'meant.' f/o' you suppose she teed her •
of this and Pack the space between debut then?
bucket and, box- with -.Sawdust. •••Thel "Perhaps 'the Diseuptien' IS a sort
bucket requires a cover. , of religious /
Pour 'plaster of Paris on the top
of the sawdust to hide it and hold it
in, place. • Paint the box white end
fasten a top on it.with hinge& •
prsharied shalciw
shOuld'be.filled vvith wool felt; corru-
gated, board or, if perfectly tight,
sawdust.. ' •
The -vessel .ceetaining ,the ,food is
put on a heated eoapstone-in , the
bottom of the tin hucket. • Both tops
should he fastened 'securely and it
heeds no more attention until the time
comes -to- remove' the' food.
A new glasa has been invented
which will not break If a steel ball 'is
dropped or it from a height of eight
feet. • •
Minard's•Linitrent kW Headache. ,
anta,s Anyway, she
Was frightfully religioes-£1 strict
Calvinist. -Land tatight Jean to regard
eVcrything frora, the point, of view of
. .
ownr. -
the' c'hild Wino ask liers'elf,...`Ifew
this 'Action look when t on my
deathbed?' E'V'ety cross word, tvery
small disolidience, she ..•, t. week!.
Auto Starter and Generator Repair
' Company. •
5,59A. Yotie St. • - Teironto
Municipal •
Let is, send you 'circular
7 Per Cent. Plus • Safetyplaces
• .
you .tinder ,no obligation what.
ever. Write for: it. to day
01111nlon%Brokerage Co
. -
Composed of Pure para Rub-
ber, Ifidhly Porous.
Rides Easy as Air Doubles
Mileage of CasInge.
Aero Cushion Inner Tire &
Rubber Co., Ltd• .
NowondOr tonarthlklowerfatiALL:i
• so popular! They,- ,
and with such .
isforferridoerd WorAirorrshiparotan/elier
AT eyelet! HAPIDWARI,Cotona
„ . .
..,.ylten-vaewed...w.ith. sufficient ,reegnifei.....----
ing.p.OWee-tite-etYpIrsuil spat Isiieen
o Consist of, ir dark centre, called the .'•
umbreand a ligterhorder,, the "pee,
unibra AcifliaIIy however the ap'
,Parently dark Umbra Is brighter Oa
hetter-!th'on an ,electric arc light hut
It seetuS • dark . on Ni.th the„
rest ofl, the stip.. •
. , • •., .
'4 -photograph ;of a sun Spot through
ari intitrunierit called the ''''"sOectro-
•hpliOgraph,"'„, an invention Of Dr.,'Ilate,
enables. ,the •OltServei- to tune 111 on
One Wave length' of the sun s light, to"
use a.. radio, 'analegy.'Such pictures .•
Shaw the distribution • of an ',one cle-;••••
Meet,. shCb.:: es coleintrier liydrdeen..
oxi the sun alici • :reveal a. definitely
Spirel.trilettire• of the. spot. It :is. ta."7,
Way that their natihas.!lieen;'
Ipa4bsee4cine6..ii.oaf .s.opeft,ii1S,04.sriein.liaeiln:st't'Qtaos .eoLhtielt,:.,,.
determined; • and :theY• 'are. nowAtTifovifn.; '
• to. -be .krele...cYciloties'•ot tornadoes " iii
. the•OS ter gaseous' layer. of tile, sun. •.",..
• 1.•AssOtiatct ,Nyith tire, activity or:the ,
sen,, as', revealed by • 010.'0.4.0,1)1e :dr
• livers is the ' relatien, between' them'
and' our average.' temperaturee, • It haa-
been.,notleed that 'the' ezirth . is ay=
preciably 'cooler' at the time 'of Apot
' .maxiiiiiim 'than at the ntiniiiturei,' and
this.mak seeneSerprising„..beCanse the .
., ., , • 1
.8Dirit lila leatejliereas,:ed • 614,1.," aretiVitie •
'',.. Roweyer, it is supposed that .at "such :
• aetive.t.lnies.large._qyantitieSTOt ',.`,-dust,'' :-•,•'--.
setae particles of. Wine kind,' 'art*
thrown . out ' around' the ',min and that
this, acts at a screen to 'reduce radfLe .•
tlon to ...the earth'. SuPpertIs :''gtven • .
. thIS vIeW'hy the l' fact that the 'corona:, •
t. . Which can only be seen at the tinieef •
'a' total eclipse, , seeniS U.., .0i1S'Iti'.of
• such small particles, and is Much iiiere:....
....'-o.,x...0...11..' elve,..at :the ittne-of a -large' ifam-,---
her et .spets. .
.--": 'Magnetism . of Spots
One the most fruitful, linee'ot re,
;search • In the sun in recent ' years., fie.
ibgemenoth.itheie.ostiptoiettlao:d t:.Whiistlis‘u.ttieeL,Talpignitebot.'
cuased at length In the !alit chapterT---..r-
.1)r. Hires ssw„ book, ‘"The Depths :
..the thAlVeree..", tliti,,Study iS pos,.:,.z...,
ble-becenSeef, the so-called .1.Zee-
an efteeti" , by will Ch the:dirk lines,
IsAble• in', the .ealar •ppettrum.:Whett it •
-rIeWed In a. epectroScope, anpeer to
split into two or 'riot°, Campo nen, ts
enthe light 'is, pasted tjltbil•Ft. the
Id et 'a poWerfulmagnet,
thleSO ',Methods' ,liaVii'''Only been •&,:. .
in ' recent',-yeera,. and ' the, re.
nt inactlie Period Of the sun Illitt
ited theireompletk application.. As'•:.
limners, at the . Mont •Wilson, 'Oh
:rio.vir:-ItIt:diii::theal.:11:1-C il:'11:V:istr''..heri-.0re()ri4.11isoldt;i{:hei4awiti:Iglic:':ii();P.1":-:'
,ltlioWlecige'..ot this:important bodi •
, ve
t. • „ •. .••• "
- 1A14/1D
,N,Jess thari One nilitt: tear ter
' the cold tinter and•rcElfreeis
put into h Hotpoint Pkr:cnlator,
percolatio:lcornInettco. Shortly the
FotT60 rend*, spartcling and clear. ,
V.lieh.11:4!lt:rtrtiegilorgeits °;rtrit,t°oft.:VbFi
ari exdlusivc ttety switch should it aces..
beralowt.t1 to -ha( city." -
A gift thiit would lottg rptuembercd.
For sale by fldisters stiferYwhere Iti4A
Hotpoint Division of
Cariadlaii General Electric Co.J.td,
O o
• Si ekit)y,.IP , • •
he 'greatly hugmetitt.d.T tin
; Ve i'outti a little beectii .tr,b.,) ibat ,
. . ,
j had .a et.one i).s.'.114:Invx,As wo euhtil have •
14ifted,.a.wity up lit the- top ,of ther,tree,. _
....I The-. braneh et;.'''Iltttl- gripetl4Titait ' ii tens.
. ''l yearsbefore; when semehody had
I pieced it in the 'croteh at the, *tree,
j and cai:rieti it UPWard far eboVe our :
, : I
heads. Now the is one IS falrlivembedi:' '
. j deil : in , the WoOd. ' i-tero is Selliething ,
; worth whiler'frareY year' iiihdran'ees
on With. Yint":;-..,,-;,geep growing
..T,Ileiv,till aot hurt Ytai, thli;m
ey wiit'ke, '
:yolk ktrpngor.. • . ', ,•: . ,.
Keep Growing.'"
t A ethority can be centerreil upon
you,, but not. Wi Sd() rn. ' ft; haS' 'to bo
f earaea, • ,:' . •