HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-19, Page 3• ,
•Tfier0 .10•'40t4inCit att.r4OtIV,S In
AO, 10.94- of ,904444iO4,.,.• • 1`TP QAP P.P.)PYS;
:heing under en ehligation,, ,p,e. one
• to POSOnie new OhligatiOPS.l. and .4 • Per,*
• !iOn WIlO'IS Jeally'. kind. and, well dig,
1;?eifetl, does not: enloy feeting that, he.
as mit .4poth.e,r Tersoa eintlee0. obligee
tIons however•nnchhe may have ee-,
• ucygolt1)cxvii,,,,ti;• t4:114,cit.g.i...41.04,4"
is tlwuy etypreelerePilese etriiiileatiaat'; '0);
fulfill thene,heene. bt the mere bettYant
0)10riences: eif llfe, end "tterhaPs..A.ve
▪ sltould be philosophical enough to wet,.
ceine :then), fer the sake ef the Bette*
:+factien welebell feel •w,beu,.we *et rid
• Certainly. ..anicing. people. *ho. dos not
pe-Weit theres'elyee te, he:Oppressed by
• the sense..of their eilligetioes
„. .
ly find those who are utoseiticcesSiul
•*; settling the 'et:Ceti:tit, •Thereenre soitte
COureewho: Itglitlieartedli or eel-
• "lotiSlY :refuse.te: meet, obligatieter that
AO 'Can legally .evetle,, but theyi-tiyay
as wefl bee4011.itied trete. Ottr eerisidete
. ',agent, Jet! 0net • reeegiiiie ?Our-
fOthat .enineany.
•• lgoet„ef us probably melte the. mistake,
, of letiae,obligetIone wolgit too lteavile
upon our ef ell
• sorts; social ,.anti, morel, larae.and trif
• ' ling; !Obligatiotie to church and etate',.
,coninninity and farnity; If 'we let onr-
selves beeoine depressed in content-
• plating Itliene,`...We .tire 'pretty pare to:
find out power of. setiefacterily meet;
Mg them impaired. Seine of them are:
• constant, to be :terminated only when
-life closes; if .we ere 'harassed by an
obligetioe -that is ours: for' life,We tire
unlikely •.to: fulfill it adequately. and to
get from the. continumis falfillinent of
It the. sails:faction that it inight
, In every 'responsible human :being
the settee et.Obligation is .He
has 's sense that he must Melte seine -
thing of the life -that as been, given.
,him,, tnaer .that sense' of •Obligation
'he peed net 'Chafe.... It .ehould be pro-
ductivenot ef -anh a -pp -Mese
; The eenSe Of . obligation
really the greatestforceen the world;
Wee Hughie.
Hes gone .to SchoeleWee:Hugbie,
Aa' hiin not 'four, ' •
Sure,' se* the fright was In him
When he leftl- the ;door:, '
• . •
:ext, time, try'. the... finest gra e,,,,,
Surnames an
Raciiat Prig ."1.
1,B*Ource-eA given: name'.
Herels aflIlynarne *Weil in
men. lestanLes .• comes from, .Ang O-
. , •
SaXPn :•soureee, ite heie•O'Ver...of tea
tr.1,Sli.deyelOPi404. Pel,Pg..'"FOrYy t110'
Anglicized form •or the Clan naine' Of
, . ,•.
But he took' a, hand o'eDenny,..
An a; hand
WI'' Joe's °Witt coat •Upon
Och, the poor e•Ig.e Man! '
'• lie bet the quarest figure,
More stout nor thin;
• An',.trottin' right an' fiteady •
1. Ny'r mi. tots turird,in...
• •
I watched hini to tie corner '
• 0' the big turf stack;
An' the 'more hiS feet went ferrite .
• Still his: head turned back.'
eir Ori in
In point of ageethis tardilyor clan
mime shires •honors with that 'Of
O'Day,: or, to use •the Gaelic form.
"O'Deedhalchid," tracing directly back
to the period wh.efi Brian 13oru reign-
ed as High King over Ireland and es-,
-tablighedby 'ediet the system of clan
and family names.
The O'Guneing clan Was probable'
founded • a•,few year after that of.
O'Day,'for its founder, -unlike that of
the CI'Dayst; was not of thesame WM'
eration as Brian Boru, being,. in fact(
his grand -nephew. ••
. . •
The given • name, in' this case, hap-
pens to have the same spelling•lethe
nominative as -in 'the genitive case,
It is from this latter that the clan
'name's formed by the prefixing of the
70'," •which has the same significance
as theaAngla,Sax_On_er_idine."son" and
the: Norman-Freneh prefix 'ffitz."
Ki4ing •PIzac‘it 'Under Ban:
by Tokio
. vxam4g. 10.4n illiel.04A .44:bM
trodnetion enderieliartigelnf Pt of
which le. ,not, desirable by tittil!441)1t;
the- 01)10 4 ti
e INIetrepolitan
Pollee efeTOkle.e.feiti eleY
'int; ;why a:bamboe, screen was ereoted:
• arotted.e.brenize.reprodection ,Of Rode
'In's "The ,Kleti.° 'T,Worit was: eiiof
"Wligit"••01.' 4.0-!t•'*41111ilt; to
Varietione-fVlarrie ••
• -.
.Raaial• Origin' -4* Nermatefrench and
Iodality - Alen a given
Japan hy.' the. i'rent.h. Acatl env -of-Art,
i opened yestertlay.those aftepaiii".1vere.' ,
astonished, to fitiyl:,Itodin's!,"The
..13A".1r*de.PrlePee. ntetive ofbe
bassY calel at''•.the ,Verelen.,Offige tO
learn the reason . for -1.1ie -Fan on •
..-bronzeireandecanvasiesewiliele. teereeth
,.13tIrte14:300'lle'Fe71:'4$ '''gjlaYew-'4fitherettfheOrVIr ej;(3':
PO-natio:in; • ••
HereIs a arnlly natfie:.:Whleh, may
be..geeeteited tor in several ways• ' •
The' sifitpleSt eiplanatipn'ltes- ln
development from a given name, which
'man French that of ,"IVIariess.''.
was fairly .popular among the .Nor -
,But While this Undoubtedly accounts
or the 'name In a great many in-
stanceS, it does not suffice for' all, It.
Is also traceable to the name of a' lee.
deity in 'Normandy, • known as' ."1!?:
,Iir the firet.instatice,the early form
Of the name iff found as FitzthariesS"
or "Fitzmarish ; (Which undoubtedly
also has developed. in, some `instances
• 'nee Fiezmerris), the "fitz" •being. the
Norman developme'nt f, the Lettu
"filing," ',meaning "son." •'
• In the latter. the early form is foUnd
as "de le Maraie.". •. e
• But it IS als�. a matter Of record
that, in ,eeme instances; , the family
name was broug1it41ntO England '.after,
it had already becenie a family name in
France, in the form of ',"%iiires."
is'',:a%ountitut Supp ly- of Rich
, Health-GIN/rig Bl�od.
Sufferers from what • medical men
speak of as nervous debility find them-
selves tired, mores.e, low-spirited and
unable to keeptheir minds on any.:
thing. Any sudden noise hurts like' a
blow. They are full .of groandleas
fearsand cannot sleep at night. Their,
hands tremble, the legs feel as if they,
will • glee -away foirowing a Walk or
any exertion, anci•the mind is greatly
dieturbed by the.most trivial incidents.
" Doctoring ,the nerves' withP ()broil
ous sedatives • Is a terrihle mistake.
e best
The only real nerve tette is a .good
willing to: talk, 'Thear will tell you
.1 'SPLENDID 'LAXATIVE , that the,Basque totintry is the moat
beautiful corner of all France; that
FOI' TEE Bil,'i life
is easy for everyone there', that
there is po poverty at all, and -that the
ouli•kman lives as ' comfortably the
Mothers:.' hd. constantly e .on • n • - as
• g
bribe's b
eisure., that the Basques have uard to keepbowels :Wuj-1"415 large. families, • and their sees
. •
of 1
supply of rich, red blood." To secure
• thid neNe -rich biped 'use -Dr: Williams!
1?irlit Pills whieh have a direct action.
ad :the bleed and through it • stimulate
eVery ,nerve and-orgn in the; body.
Mrs. Alpheus' Meritt, Fenwick,' Ont.„
gives' her 'experieeee.with this medi-
cine had ' a nervous
:breakdown, and ;Was le the Welland
'County Hospitel for sometlni.. As I
Was not .infpreying huahand 'took
me otit ,and took me up „to .rdar. Moth-
er's.e r doct9red there but it did riot
Then I returned,hothe, and
-was. Again under:a .doctor's care, but
with no better results, I :would iron,
,'EVeu,Therr-a-Soldier. „
Self-Pit,,r. hew' .cattie you' ieSid,e 'MY. eAn Italian..offieed who won'..distied-
':- 'cleiii?' .• tiele.,in the Great Wer Wee 1&,.tlis 'WY*.
'irk g.tvell .Y9a..tne- gate ofttimes be.. 1190d 'the hero' of an anatSiag In.'cidf3.n.t'
. . , ferei. ',, ', ,. 7" ,..; ,,'. ' ' : Ilitechief faultiten was that he,'Weulti.
Who leftNeor ',ajar, and let, yen lu Interrupt any one If he had •anything:
,with. :erinii, ,. mien, and SYeeeheP9o, he wanted tteeey hinteelf: Our mother
grin? •••.•• ...,• • 1.. ,. '. '..; . :Writes' Mise'Lise• Cipriani lie.* -TuSean.
,fteheeteemptiens 'I admit at timee. - .0hildheed,•repeatedly staid to bird: ... ..
Aukcouni•thein rallier" honored guests • '".RitChie, 'Yeti must -never interrupt
BUt yoefool toadatool in my mush-. conienience, mama, I have something
' • 't•hi..708-Proom bed-
, .
. „ ; me when I am talking. Watill I
it '
have 'finished, and then. say„'At yoUr
to .tell you? Take time; learn to be
Are even worse than all your foes have polite " • : , ' ' •
e said. •. e • .-• . :i• ,, 'One day toward the end. Of the Sea*
• 'While you .are here My virtues count Son, my mother' heel. taken Ritchie and
• • .'for :naught. ' ‘', •' • : lee to the baths- at Leghorn. :The
freely ., and. his stomach sweet, for,
_ daughters emigrate, . though -1)14Y to ble and get numb all :ver,Ind' the
nine -tenths of the ' ailments :from earn money and bring it back totheir' least: noise Would affect me e . r'. Was
which little eares.stiffer.are caused by -oVie village, where they spend It on quite unable to de my housework and
derangernents . ef •the -stomach and the land they love. When the people was •in a terrible condition.' Finally I
,bowels. - Baby's Own Tablets are e are tired. of talking. they sing 'old was aevisedto try Dr.,'Williants': Pink
Splendid laxative for, the ,bithy. .They _Baseee•follegs with..a lively „lilt in :Pills and. am ,tliankkel. that .i' did so,
ild but though: contain neith:
He,was loekin', would I •call
• hini-
Och, myheart wee woe -
Sure Res loet,1 ant without hire;
' e.:But he be to gee....
• I followed to the terniie:
When .they.PasSed it by;
. God .help him he .vvae'cryin',0
•. maybe;So• was L • '
Elizabeth ,Shane, In '.'13y Bog • and.
' Sea in Deeegal:".
• • .
er opietes 'for narcotics, and are ab-
.SOlutely guaranteed to be safe and
°efficient for either -the • newhorn babe
, •
The NiCk in the Axe• ..
Walter Smith went to the woodpile
to de his parteih keeping Up the' sup.:
,reeetily of wood for the klichee sto•ve. -It
was a clear,- frostY morning; the snow,
Was;,glisteeing; the , ice on the pend
• was sinooth .And inylting, and Walter's
•, skate S' had ben recently :sharpened.
• iIe picked' tip the axe and Sivung it
aniekly • and impatiently down Su a
• fitoet beech bloek. Out from the edge
the steel' flew aina11 fraginerit
• Vealter looked at ,the nick in dismay.
• Ile lied negite:ted to warni-the•axe and
or the growing child: By their action
en the bowel e and Sibmach they drive
oat constipation and indigestien;
break up Colds and siinple feVers.:and
make: the dreaded . teething period:
easy; The tablets are sold by medi-
cine' dealers or by Mail at 25'cents a
bee from The ,Dr.
Co., Brockville; Ont., •'
• A. Basque Heart and 'Soul.
From the little town near the Span-
ish frontier to the mouttain village is
not more than thirty kilometers; but
the motor diligence that runs.between
them takes a whole deg for the
which ,ie not astonishing,,lf: you con -
eider what an' accommodating :fellow
the driver is Toplease a' passenger,
SaSi the 'London Times; he will pull. Heart -whole and soul -free,
'rhe augtis•t father
,..everaeeir. The mountains are folded
in ; a purple robe; the evenieg,Iiitar
conies out, • And from :the sheire, •n,s ;the
„diligence nears tile town; -conies the
long :Ssvieh .of the Atlantic, •breakers.
The 'mien appears: •
My Wife.
Trusty,.. deskae;_1.4eidet
aW-ith--eyeeT-OT gold and 1ga-ruble:dew,
Steel -true and 'blade -straight,
The great artificer ' •
Made my mate,
While yea are here .'useleea. the• good bathe -are builtPier*" and rotundas
0 I'. ve wrought ' , •into the Sea, and bridges connect the
While you are my Striving is in eters. Before the ,S.uturan..etoems be-
'• -fain.. -• gin the beards are taken away, so that
only teve long woOden •hestma and
To raise the courage that can smile
through 'pain;
While you are here ,contempt must' be
• my mead
Even from- friends 'If -they: should
, shrewdly heed •• • '
Until your lolatheome Presence es-
, chew '
Lam. in...sore disgrace-e-outeide with
• -Stickland Gillitan in "Succese.",
. _
•. Statistics from Ottawa show that in
1923, 553,977 pounds More Greeni Tea
were. broughte fate Canada; ' thluk in
1921,, and 906;728 pounds, more than in
1922. • The: reesonegivea le thatetlie
flee (Plantar Green, Teas of .India and
Ceylon .haYe disPlaced the. Inferior'
Japan. end Chlea•Greene Which; due to
theirlow price, were imported heavily,.
,some years ago.. 'Salada Tea Company
,as after. taking.•-abo.ut a doze,n, bexeser -Is-the-tart esteimporter ,of. India and
Was 'again aehealthae.wciman. I have. Ceylon Green Teas. . • •
used the pills since While nursing my• '
baby, with. equally...geed results, 'and,
Strongly , advise.- Other ailing ' women
• •
to try.theml" ' .
You '-flieseget-lra-Iffrough
. a er In inedicine:' Or by; mail ;at 50
•ceets. A , box .frord The Dr. Williams'
• Medicine' Co., BrockvilleeOnt. •
Heiler, 'Anger, valor," fire';' •
A :lovethat life could never, tire,
Deat...quench or evil stir, ".
The tnighty master
Gave. to her. .
-Teacher, tender, 'ctuntade, wife, e
A. fellowLfarer true through life.
npat what he thinks is.thefinesepeint
view,l'eo thaa photograph may, •be
taken,' end he Is flattered when •the
camera is turned on him ,and his dill-
, • , . •
Heis a Basque heart and ..sroil and
. .
grows eloquent about the, scenery,' se
wild,' so eolemn on the i,nountain
heightS, � smiling-, and tatimate in
the valleys.- The gardens are full of
_fiewere,;,„frnit and 'vegetables; 'the
meadoWs yield Uire rojis rrhay;:in
thus tacte mitt the teost; .zero weather eke
• hi ake .steel 'brittle.. „Walter knew-thatt'"!3e4S9i1'.-eL•
Jlsft1her weuld not tolerate a-11101ml .You. May', learn if iiOn.W1l1wh0liVee
In the 'bleamizt white hones with the
„ axe" Wind' the pled° beieg an, hen,'
. I ,
'browri beams and. old Stelae nanue
sist boa- took to him at once.
.."That is too bad, : Waller," .said Mr.
•Smitlit1t1OWly, turn the•grited,.
feet tei004111 held theerettee2eene:..,,;'•e-e
, Hen r after hoer:Welter' turned' away
oj theeiterfe; .alletheentorning he and .•
;his lather workedand again after dine
on their.way to the pond, but Walter
had' te grind On. Tito ,.eteel. was bard.
,.ind atfilight, ettio nide Ofilt ahowed.
nett morning, 64inch his
arnie . and'eheeldere akhedi bo had to
!.• tern • The , grindeterie .tiguie.'„.Finaily
',ablaut •noon the iNti,Was in -geed _shape.
"There,that's done,". amid .60. father,
0-.''IMpat1ehee.-doe5n't peae.46ps:i.t., Wd-
We should • ,
•..•do lght
"it • in •any other , way, 'something, and
,-BetrietiinesSeiliteetre -gets Mut.. That
bloWelieS. delayed you 18°
• t18 liaid 'Welk h d 'es', Without 'Coif-
. •eidering dine:it has spoiled and
'11111:11f.efor mr, ,NA weeder tife7APostie.
&ii1b titet.00litege *"
. lett, tee boy, Yoe are hiCky
• Yint opeht grind mg the result.of yOur
,inmationl: not,: •A •raeli 'Weld Or deed
Pno(k a nick ..out of; YOUr teaOh-
,. or'a resuea for yon or out bI e valued
•triendehip ii.tont Of. Seine ether 'ilohle
, „
was •a ! leaebir that 1Stalttr'lleVe.ir
• forgot. In irtee Yeefe, when hie 'ene:",
.patient Spirit ;0(illi0tl. lik.elYetei gain
Ceara eVer WM, Lb, rOntemb6red.Ahat
Woaity a , /Wit 'open t grilIding
• 0111 '01•(••i•...i.t4"1;•:111 al 0 flP .
• . ,
A 00 veitmoliimi :patios. a heiteell
, . ,
Out Of
plates, for driVer •'ild fishwives • are
Gaye to me. „ 0,
Rbt 1.0als SteVenson
' • . ,. • '
•'Large 'Forests Stands on Ice.
of the largest 'forests in the
World, hetween th,e Ural Mountains
and. the Okhotsk Sea in Riissie., starel
on-ree. •
" '0 •
"Yesterday is dead -forget it; to-
morrow, doesn't •exist ---don t --worry;
the day' is here -1 ---use it!" ".
•Weide of wealth is seinetinies re•
trieved:waste of health seldom, waste
of time never..
SMP Enameled:Warehas
(he smooth surface and polish of
fine crockery -without the break-
Pgc And it is so very easy to clean
4 -just like china, and therefore
• pakes light work of pot washing.
Try Allis test„- M P
• d ..,
Enamele are sauce ani
pan -an.
all -metal slce pan of equal size.
Irito-,-.eacir ,p ur - a- quart of -cold-,
--water: -Put-on, the -fire at the same__
time. The SMP sauce pan will be
boiling merrifir when the water in
'the ,other -is just -beginning to
sioiner.• .
• •
''AF'aek of Porcelain and a tisa.it'of Steer'
Three iihishee. Pearl Wake,' tiro 'coats of peakIY: -
arty enamel 'aside .iirict Oat. Diamond Ware, three
ettate, light bluel,and evlitte eataide,. white Milne.
Crtal.'..Ware.,threo cOatai. Pare White inside laid
out •Ith•ltaearnitie edginie • •
rob," 410 •
• . • ies
railings remain_ . •
'1 hacl crossed one of the bridges at
a pensiderable distance from where
my mother and some friends Were sit-
ting 'In a• groan and was watching' a
man who . was , fishing. •Just as I 'left
him' and was abnut,to cress the bridge
on,the beam he balled to me that he
liatLellooked a fish. I • waited .till the
fish was _piety landed andethen start-
• edeto cross. But so interested. was I.
that I forgot that the board.s' had been
'taken away and, walking .on as usual,.
fell, into the see.. '
... •• •
-.Ritchie who .had. been standing 'by
:Soineorieto..,-_Care-_,.. •
Our daily task bend and fittigiles top
There'e flOpaBOlOn to de or to dare,
AlltennetiCaily WerkIng andewerkinges
it.thatO,PciliodY Oonigwhereet0 Pare- :
'And. teen lif oad doee Swan fur.
W0.100101 If ',Pete ha* phiyed•fair-e•
Alit "the, hreatile of love..eleara alllimr • ,
• -
If there'e only someone to, care.
, ,
If there's 'anyone reatlY. to listen
With eyee sYinpat.hetie and mild, •
If there's 'someone' who •really needs
, ,
• •
Though that 'someone be only a.ettild.
' • •,le Ba11et:10nel.
elleard's -Liniment for DlotsrOPei'•
Biscay Waters,for ZOce.,
„ • The new aquarium at the, lbondoit •
Zoo ia.:supplied. with Sea water from
the 'Bay of 'Meaty.' , ' •
Correct. e- • •
"Where do most of Our, traffic diffl-
culties origliette, anyh "
• "Detroit, .1 think.'
•Seeine in, the Dark.
o -"How ,can you. ,see .any1)eality in
that fellOw's .fiiee?" „ •
„ , eWliy••tiot?" '
- • , •
"Wleve-ertelie:s.,ste. dark'
r•_ When ordering geods by, ntall .send
me, rapidly elcrossed the bridge and
ran te mylnether. ,Taking off his Pap; ,11017ANTED:--CAR OWNERS TO
a showing 101 •bargains in Auto ,sup.
• fiend for Our Big Free Catalogue
litient:i,o°Wdairinig14.etilY116:hieidS'hadhetfitnoirsh6Odemle "
rather long story that she ,as in,st. for
, - lies It will eave You money. Send
Auto Shope
tellieg., Then he said: • -, - B ' ' 1 • .'
_ . . .
,. Ox 154, Niagara Fat s, Ontario.
it ' today. Canadian
"Alaina, at yOur :convenience, I have •
. .
W1*,or. MIS nil CAM 604:414, )44711011 CO. CIUCA•ONA, ,.
,A. true friend will multiply pout -
joys and divide your sorrovra.
• " Classified Adliertisements
Barns, Garages, Faco:;:.
toriee•etc. $3.75 gallon; 5 -gallon cane
*15.00. 'Red, Black, 'lloxide" Paint:
for Barnii,, Roofs, Iron, Concrete, etc.
5-gellem .cans; *8000. Charges Prepaid',
& Co., Paint Manufaeture%
231 Corriere St., Montreal. '
some•thing to' tell '
• "What is; it?" inquired' my -mother
apProvingly. • . • , •'
Mama,, at a our convenience, , Lisi
has fallen -into the water." .
• "What!" cried nly mother, jumping
up.. • "Has anyone pulled her out?"
•• "I don't know," Ritchie retied"calm-
ly and polite1y,'0"but' l• did aet Inter -
rept your .story --and she,can swim!' •
• NastY.Nicknerpes, •
"I hope they,.dOn't give mylittle boy'
-tiny nasty nicknames in school?"
' "Yes, mother; theY 'call me Coins."
• "How dreadful! . And why do they
call you that .•
" 'Cause. I'm, always at thefoot of
the class.''• • ,•
The .Star 'Oen.. a • men's 'Cloak is threadbare,
. 'There is 'a' bit, of tragedeas' well' asit is easy to pick .0 -tele• in it •
eeinedyid the story that•in the .1.'apes-
'try-of Life' Mr. Rayniona 131at1aYteUs
Of ,a :young man ',,whe.,afte,r .years,..of, '
poverty and latseryfinally emerged as
a poet ,Of.the, highest order: ."A Certain
literary deehess whh
faSeintited. by the. chain:, and . etvirta*
;of his'verse.eave atteaftrrrocin tea In '
bis', honor. ' , • 0 • • •:` '
'Poor fellow, •Ile :sat • in speechless"
'agony, siirr,,Outitted • by his • admirers,.
reatir,ingthat ins.' the. suo•' Of the • ..
occasion he was ekpected.le'leilekle
at'leaSeenceditring.•the afternoon. At ,•''
last an iiteniration..ciim
a -I4Oni n ares 'Merl ey Order. e 'to:. hine.ITe
. /tercels a Stori. or:the...1..6(1On 'et • .1t4
joiithe reme„ whet lie • said :
A Facer!
told in the Tatter. 'A.pertain Man who{ " • ••
lVId riever :considei•O; himself as, itahd.-. •
-Soni( lilied.:te think nevertheless that
:thenlefty,e):ipression....,.ofeliis. fade 81010
than i.oin pereett ted.' foe' gni'
in 1) • eAceordingly, going hOme Th
the„one-even:1.0g, Jte. Wee nitieli
geati deft 4.6 sc.e' a Man on seat;
propiree a '.1.1pte1fO0kati.t1,
start' siteteltine hiseface. , • -
leaned, aRoss..,•te, ihe., Sketcher
and said bn1it11y "I• See ..yeti 'aril an
;",i'lie•Other "011", ii hatable
;sort of, , roalied, design'
'these: grots(1ttb door .ktioeiters.,,•
'Said 'Boggs . it t takingly , "
.yeeremeefeeeVentSlefileng-:-. a gtei-tig•••
If they happened but Ye.0erda:,;lic`l1ett
. think' of .ieY beYliood 'Ity •
ecandesel.soboni•-•-of • many '.fett;
36 ti thrill- on 6 -Tate • a C. thine; it !•TCI hotr
1, g.'it:'--Irtart tette-I-eve reteeirelne leg'.
50(1 thinking .liow many foblish. tirie,gs
I'Ve done:" • •.
•• • •Al)d,illogge-,Wateleted _Why ljlA wtfo
•reeted 411,11i • lalolly•.0,,atter ..8,1it1tars.
Liteful Inventleit •
ke te.her...ef' teem were- en ge gedeitiett,• ,
diselekeibe ati 'to who •VVa.5''. the greitteSt
ineteitteit:. Solite said spine,
• sitid Marcell end„"eenie • sti INIer.e
Vinalle;a enitel •Jeee eget In:new ord.:
!nfldtskt Vol1 11dnt10InonsdOJ3p
giteit people% hitt. I. tell yea, de mii
1,.6t 1111 P1051. yn5 nO 'fooLPI
"rtnppinwl! is geat leve "and intielt
• rving,."
Nlinerd'S LiniMtnt' for
Mystery in Chinese Donee'',
The inabufaetureby tier!: eecierit
Chineee,,ef gongs "apd tent-teme;. With:
their perfeet tones; still•I''rentainie. nee,
mystery 1.1) the putside werid, althbegit
• „ ,
their, ,elennictil ceinpoeitien, hoe: 1)eee
det0r111I1Id 0-
Say 'Bayer. Aspirin"
-Unless' -you --see. -the
"Bayer Cro5s" on tablets ,:you
ar,e not getting the genuine,
ABa3erplrrn ptoved safe by
• '11' d'p e c 'bed b
nu Ions a n r s y ph y-
• .
• sicians, for 24. years,.
ACcept, only a
-Bayer aciEle
whiclicontains proven dIrectionS
'Bandy '"Bayer" boies- oi 12 Itibletti "
• Also bottles of 24 and 100-DruggIste
•Aspirin 1. tbe trade mark (registered in
Canada) of Bayer Manlifacture of Mg110*
acetleacideater of Ballerlicatid
Lift 0 f=
• Deeen't hurt ona.bitit. Drop 'a 11E115
on an. netting. 'oft.In
Itatitirvnit atetithititittg, 060'
thOrt4' tea lift it right Ott with liagert.
• Your drtiggistjellt a Un bottle Of
-"Freeterie" for a tetidonts, SuAlcient
to rtniotto ,Ottery• hard 4Orui soft ebrn,'
;Or ootn bOtweeti the Ong, and the Not
.ctilaStai withouL soreatts or ir1it4tiort.
A ..;...taleeseeeare
of htolasseS ixect -with - t lie -bran
will .glye quipic relief.. •
•NI talt„ thin neee ous,
'let' Your dreggist. st1P,PlY you With
tee -Ph Ospliate.' it IS gasrani't4d 10
`IncreaSe Weight aid Strougth and re,
• store "etiere„viget neid nerve *.toroe
Price *I,. per j;$1tgti....' .J.Itoratcrif
.co,,...26 Front et it t,
.„ ,
Have You Tried The New
Cuticura Shaving Stick?
This delicately Medicatedantiseptic
Soap produces a rich creamy lasting
lather, enab1ing, you to shave with -
mit the slightest irritation. India-
peneable for those who shave twice
daily, Propetly ued1 it.will prevent
ingrowing hairs. - • .
Price 25o. Sold everywhere or mailed post.
paid,apon receipt of price,by canedianDe;
pot: Dudoura.P.O.Box 261 6.Montreal.'
Tells How Lydia "E. Pinkham's Veg-
etable Compound Relieved Her of
'Inflammation and Great Weakness
West St.. John; N. 73.-- "I was iii a
• getierel run-down condition following ,
t.he birth of my twin boye 1 had a great
deal Of inflammation, With pains and
Weakness. Finally my ddator recon-
• inended.I.;Ydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable , -•
,^Compteind. -Ile Said. that .your ineclicints
-woniclbe-the only-thing,to_build_me up, •
:iinirh better' and atritainingin weight,-
• having gone doWn to, ninety-three' -
potinds. 1 was' in bed forover a filen tle• ,.. • '
but arilup agaiatow, ,. I have recotri•-•
` e de dr. thee ge table.Cohipotin '.•
friends• end give.yon perthission t0i1
_invjetter:"1-Mrs. ELMER A. kilt 14
. Rodney lit.-rWe8t'St7ohir,7117-13•:
There are many WoMen'whd find their '
• household:duties almost unhe arable
t� addle Wealtneet Or derAbgement.
Th tra,ahle: May be slight, yet d'ailso
• suth 'anfioV.ing' eymptotriS .ita "dragging
•pains, vilakness and a rundOwn feeling:
• Lydia, E; Pinl'iliam's Vegetable
• pound is a splendid. Medicine for such4i
tonditiOns.It has in many cakes relieved
those symptoms by removing the cause
of thett. Mrs. Ritchie's eXperience lo
but oneoi •
Yoti imght interete • ••reading
, sx'rivateTeNt7BoOklipon
• the" Aliments .0? Women." You pan
• got a 'Uopy free by- ;writing the Lydia .
, Pinkhani Medicine pd„ Coboirtgy
:r).; 247-t14,, CI 4
, • •