HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-19, Page 3• , ern:seereeseee-seess;e' -.:Theler4e:;;•f.Pbriga'tion, •Tfier0 .10•'40t4inCit att.r4OtIV,S In AO, 10.94- of ,904444iO4,.,.• • 1`TP QAP P.P.)PYS; :heing under en ehligation,, ,p,e. one • to POSOnie new OhligatiOPS.l. and .4 • Per,* • !iOn WIlO'IS Jeally'. kind. and, well dig, 1;?eifetl, does not: enloy feeting that, he. as mit .4poth.e,r Tersoa eintlee0. obligee tIons however•nnchhe may have ee-, • ucygolt1)cxvii,,,,ti;• t4:114,cit.g.i...41.04,4" is tlwuy etypreelerePilese etriiiileatiaat'; '0); fulfill thene,heene. bt the mere bettYant 0)10riences: eif llfe, end "tterhaPs..A.ve ▪ sltould be philosophical enough to wet,. ceine :then), fer the sake ef the Bette* :+factien welebell feel •w,beu,.we *et rid ' • Certainly. ..anicing. people. *ho. dos not pe-Weit theres'elyee te, he:Oppressed by • the sense..of their eilligetioes „. . ly find those who are utoseiticcesSiul •*; settling the 'et:Ceti:tit, •Thereenre soitte COureewho: Itglitlieartedli or eel- • "lotiSlY :refuse.te: meet, obligatieter that AO 'Can legally .evetle,, but theyi-tiyay as wefl bee4011.itied trete. Ottr eerisidete . ',agent, Jet! 0net • reeegiiiie ?Our- fOthat .enineany. •• lgoet„ef us probably melte the. mistake, , of letiae,obligetIone wolgit too lteavile upon our ef ell • sorts; social ,.anti, morel, larae.and trif • ' ling; !Obligatiotie to church and etate',. ,coninninity and farnity; If 'we let onr- selves beeoine depressed in content- • plating Itliene,`...We .tire 'pretty pare to: find out power of. setiefacterily meet; Mg them impaired. Seine of them are: • constant, to be :terminated only when -life closes; if .we ere 'harassed by an obligetioe -that is ours: for' life,We tire unlikely •.to: fulfill it adequately. and to get from the. continumis falfillinent of It the. sails:faction that it inight , In every 'responsible human :being the settee et.Obligation is .He has 's sense that he must Melte seine - thing of the life -that as been, given. ,him,, tnaer .that sense' of •Obligation 'he peed net 'Chafe.... It .ehould be pro- ductivenot ef -anh a -pp -Mese ; The eenSe Of . obligation really the greatestforceen the world; Wee Hughie. Hes gone .to SchoeleWee:Hugbie, Aa' hiin not 'four, ' • Sure,' se* the fright was In him When he leftl- the ;door:, ' • . • • :ext, time, try'. the... finest gra e,,,,, REP -RO$E. ORANGE PEKOE Surnames an CeGIJN,NING,e 'VariatiOn-4-0'Gunning,. Raciiat Prig ."1. 1,B*Ource-eA given: name'. • Herels aflIlynarne *Weil in men. lestanLes .• comes from, .Ang O- . , • SaXPn :•soureee, ite heie•O'Ver...of tea tr.1,Sli.deyelOPi404. Pel,Pg..'"FOrYy t110' Anglicized form •or the Clan naine' Of • , . ,•. But he took' a, hand o'eDenny,.. An a; hand WI'' Joe's °Witt coat •Upon him- Och, the poor e•Ig.e Man! ' '• lie bet the quarest figure, More stout nor thin; • An',.trottin' right an' fiteady • 1. Ny'r mi. tots turird,in... • • I watched hini to tie corner ' • 0' the big turf stack; An' the 'more hiS feet went ferrite . • Still his: head turned back.' eir Ori in In point of ageethis tardilyor clan mime shires •honors with that 'Of O'Day,: or, to use •the Gaelic form. "O'Deedhalchid," tracing directly back to the period wh.efi Brian 13oru reign- ed as High King over Ireland and es-, -tablighedby 'ediet the system of clan and family names. The O'Guneing clan Was probable' founded • a•,few year after that of. O'Day,'for its founder, -unlike that of the CI'Dayst; was not of thesame WM' eration as Brian Boru, being,. in fact( his grand -nephew. •• . . • The given • name, in' this case, hap- pens to have the same spelling•lethe nominative as -in 'the genitive case, It is from this latter that the clan 'name's formed by the prefixing of the 70'," •which has the same significance as theaAngla,Sax_On_er_idine."son" and the: Norman-Freneh prefix 'ffitz." Ki4ing •PIzac‘it 'Under Ban: by Tokio . vxam4g. 10.4n illiel.04A .44:bM trodnetion enderieliartigelnf Pt of which le. ,not, desirable by tittil!441)1t; the- 01)10 4 ti tO he e INIetrepolitan Pollee efeTOkle.e.feiti eleY 'int; ;why a:bamboe, screen was ereoted: • arotted.e.brenize.reprodection ,Of Rode 'In's "The ,Kleti.° 'T,Worit was: eiiof IxottiF,Imbilz:•00447:7thl4;11u.:14.7c-c.-:,:4404: "Wligit"••01.' 4.0-!t•'*41111ilt; to MARIB Varietione-fVlarrie •• • -. .Raaial• Origin' -4* Nermatefrench and French.. Iodality - Alen a given rat Japan hy.' the. i'rent.h. Acatl env -of-Art, i opened yestertlay.those aftepaiii".1vere.' , astonished, to fitiyl:,Itodin's!,"The ..13A".1r*de.PrlePee. ntetive ofbe bassY calel at''•.the ,Verelen.,Offige tO learn the reason . for -1.1ie -Fan on • ..-bronzeireandecanvasiesewiliele. teereeth ,.13tIrte14:300'lle'Fe71:'4$ '''gjlaYew-'4fitherettfheOrVIr ej;(3': PO-natio:in; • •• HereIs a arnlly natfie:.:Whleh, may be..geeeteited tor in several ways• ' • The' sifitpleSt eiplanatipn'ltes- ln development from a given name, which 'man French that of ,"IVIariess.''. was fairly .popular among the .Nor - ,But While this Undoubtedly accounts or the 'name In a great many in- stanceS, it does not suffice for' all, It. Is also traceable to the name of a' lee. deity in 'Normandy, • known as' ."1!?: Marais." ,Iir the firet.instatice,the early form Of the name iff found as FitzthariesS" or "Fitzmarish ; (Which undoubtedly also has developed. in, some `instances • 'nee Fiezmerris), the "fitz" •being. the Norman developme'nt f, the Lettu "filing," ',meaning "son." •' • In the latter. the early form is foUnd as "de le Maraie.". •. e • But it IS als�. a matter Of record that, in ,eeme instances; , the family name was broug1it41ntO England '.after, it had already becenie a family name in France, in the form of ',"%iiires." L NERVE TONI is'',:a%ountitut Supp ly- of Rich , Health-GIN/rig Bl�od. • Sufferers from what • medical men 1,. speak of as nervous debility find them- .. selves tired, mores.e, low-spirited and unable to keeptheir minds on any.: thing. Any sudden noise hurts like' a blow. They are full .of groandleas fearsand cannot sleep at night. Their, hands tremble, the legs feel as if they, will • glee -away foirowing a Walk or any exertion, anci•the mind is greatly dieturbed by the.most trivial incidents. " Doctoring ,the nerves' withP ()broil ous sedatives • Is a terrihle mistake. e best • The only real nerve tette is a .good • willing to: talk, 'Thear will tell you .1 'SPLENDID 'LAXATIVE , that the,Basque totintry is the moat beautiful corner of all France; that FOI' TEE Bil,'i life is easy for everyone there', that there is po poverty at all, and -that the swo ouli•kman lives as ' comfortably the Mothers:.' hd. constantly e .on • n • - as • g bribe's b eisure., that the Basques have uard to keepbowels :Wuj-1"415 large. families, • and their sees . • of 1 supply of rich, red blood." To secure • thid neNe -rich biped 'use -Dr: Williams! 1?irlit Pills whieh have a direct action. ad :the bleed and through it • stimulate eVery ,nerve and-orgn in the; body. Mrs. Alpheus' Meritt, Fenwick,' Ont.„ gives' her 'experieeee.with this medi- cine had ' a nervous :breakdown, and ;Was le the Welland 'County Hospitel for sometlni.. As I Was not .infpreying huahand 'took me otit ,and took me up „to .rdar. Moth- er's.e r doct9red there but it did riot Then I returned,hothe, and „ -was. Again under:a .doctor's care, but with no better results, I :would iron, ,'EVeu,Therr-a-Soldier. „ Self-Pit,,r. hew' .cattie you' ieSid,e 'MY. eAn Italian..offieed who won'..distied- ':- 'cleiii?' .• tiele.,in the Great Wer Wee 1&,.tlis 'WY*. 'irk g.tvell .Y9a..tne- gate ofttimes be.. 1190d 'the hero' of an anatSiag In.'cidf3.n.t' . . , ferei. ',, ', ,. 7" ,..; ,,'. ' ' : Ilitechief faultiten was that he,'Weulti. Who leftNeor ',ajar, and let, yen lu Interrupt any one If he had •anything: ,with. :erinii, ,. mien, and SYeeeheP9o, he wanted tteeey hinteelf: Our mother grin? •••.•• ...,• • 1.. ,. '. '..; . :Writes' Mise'Lise• Cipriani lie.* -TuSean. ,fteheeteemptiens 'I admit at timee. - .0hildheed,•repeatedly staid to bird: ... .. Aukcouni•thein rallier" honored guests • '".RitChie, 'Yeti must -never interrupt BUt yoefool toadatool in my mush-. conienience, mama, I have something ' • 't•hi..708-Proom bed- , . . „ ; me when I am talking. Watill I it ' have 'finished, and then. say„'At yoUr to .tell you? Take time; learn to be Are even worse than all your foes have polite " • : , ' ' • • e said. •. e • .-• . :i• ,, 'One day toward the end. Of the Sea* • 'While you .are here My virtues count Son, my mother' heel. taken Ritchie and • • .'for :naught. ' ‘', •' • : lee to the baths- at Leghorn. :The freely ., and. his stomach sweet, for, _ daughters emigrate, . though -1)14Y to ble and get numb all :ver,Ind' the nine -tenths of the ' ailments :from earn money and bring it back totheir' least: noise Would affect me e . r'. Was which little eares.stiffer.are caused by -oVie village, where they spend It on quite unable to de my housework and derangernents . ef •the -stomach and the land they love. When the people was •in a terrible condition.' Finally I ,bowels. - Baby's Own Tablets are e are tired. of talking. they sing 'old was aevisedto try Dr.,'Williants': Pink Splendid laxative for, the ,bithy. .They _Baseee•follegs with..a lively „lilt in :Pills and. am ,tliankkel. that .i' did so, ild but though: contain neith: He,was loekin', would I •call • hini- Och, myheart wee woe - Sure Res loet,1 ant without hire; ' e.:But he be to gee.... • I followed to the terniie: When .they.PasSed it by; . God .help him he .vvae'cryin',0 •. maybe;So• was L • ' Elizabeth ,Shane, In '.'13y Bog • and. ' Sea in Deeegal:". • • • . • er opietes 'for narcotics, and are ab- .SOlutely guaranteed to be safe and . °efficient for either -the • newhorn babe , • The NiCk in the Axe• .. Walter Smith went to the woodpile to de his parteih keeping Up the' sup.: ,reeetily of wood for the klichee sto•ve. -It was a clear,- frostY morning; the snow, Was;,glisteeing; the , ice on the pend • was sinooth .And inylting, and Walter's •, skate S' had ben recently :sharpened. • iIe picked' tip the axe and Sivung it aniekly • and impatiently down Su a • fitoet beech bloek. Out from the edge the steel' flew aina11 fraginerit • Vealter looked at ,the nick in dismay. • Ile lied negite:ted to warni-the•axe and or the growing child: By their action en the bowel e and Sibmach they drive oat constipation and indigestien; break up Colds and siinple feVers.:and make: the dreaded . teething period: easy; The tablets are sold by medi- cine' dealers or by Mail at 25'cents a bee from The ,Dr. Co., Brockville; Ont., •' • A. Basque Heart and 'Soul. From the little town near the Span- ish frontier to the mouttain village is not more than thirty kilometers; but the motor diligence that runs.between them takes a whole deg for the which ,ie not astonishing,,lf: you con - eider what an' accommodating :fellow the driver is Toplease a' passenger, SaSi the 'London Times; he will pull. Heart -whole and soul -free, 'rhe augtis•t father ,..everaeeir. The mountains are folded in ; a purple robe; the evenieg,Iiitar conies out, • And from :the sheire, •n,s ;the „diligence nears tile town; -conies the long :Ssvieh .of the Atlantic, •breakers. The 'mien appears: • My Wife. • Trusty,.. deskae;_1.4eidet aW-ith--eyeeT-OT gold and 1ga-ruble:dew, Steel -true and 'blade -straight, The great artificer ' • Made my mate, While yea are here .'useleea. the• good bathe -are builtPier*" and rotundas 0 I'. ve wrought ' , •into the Sea, and bridges connect the While you are my Striving is in eters. Before the ,S.uturan..etoems be- '• -fain.. -• gin the beards are taken away, so that only teve long woOden •hestma and To raise the courage that can smile through 'pain; While you are here ,contempt must' be • my mead Even from- friends 'If -they: should , shrewdly heed •• • ' Until your lolatheome Presence es- , chew ' Lam. in...sore disgrace-e-outeide with • -Stickland Gillitan in "Succese.", GREEN TEA IMPORTS• Ft LA.GER.. . _ •. Statistics from Ottawa show that in 1923, 553,977 pounds More Greeni Tea were. broughte fate Canada; ' thluk in 1921,, and 906;728 pounds, more than in 1922. • The: reesonegivea le thatetlie flee (Plantar Green, Teas of .India and Ceylon .haYe disPlaced the. Inferior' Japan. end Chlea•Greene Which; due to theirlow price, were imported heavily,. ,some years ago.. 'Salada Tea Company ,as after. taking.•-abo.ut a doze,n, bexeser -Is-the-tart esteimporter ,of. India and Was 'again aehealthae.wciman. I have. Ceylon Green Teas. . • • used the pills since While nursing my• ' baby, with. equally...geed results, 'and, Strongly , advise.- Other ailing ' women • • to try.theml" ' . You '-flieseget-lra-Iffrough . a er In inedicine:' Or by; mail ;at 50 •ceets. A , box .frord The Dr. Williams' • Medicine' Co., BrockvilleeOnt. • Heiler, 'Anger, valor," fire';' • A :lovethat life could never, tire, h Deat...quench or evil stir, ". The tnighty master Gave. to her. . -Teacher, tender, 'ctuntade, wife, e A. fellowLfarer true through life. , npat what he thinks is.thefinesepeint view,l'eo thaa photograph may, •be taken,' end he Is flattered when •the camera is turned on him ,and his dill- , • , . • Heis a Basque heart and ..sroil and . . grows eloquent about the, scenery,' se wild,' so eolemn on the i,nountain heightS, � smiling-, and tatimate in the valleys.- The gardens are full of _fiewere,;,„frnit and 'vegetables; 'the meadoWs yield Uire rojis rrhay;:in thus tacte mitt the teost; .zero weather eke , • hi ake .steel 'brittle.. „Walter knew-thatt'"!3e4S9i1'.-eL• Jlsft1her weuld not tolerate a-11101ml .You. May', learn if iiOn.W1l1wh0liVee In the 'bleamizt white hones with the „ axe" Wind' the pled° beieg an, hen,' . I , 'browri beams and. old Stelae nanue sist boa- took to him at once. .."That is too bad, : Waller," .said Mr. •Smitlit1t1OWly, turn the•grited,. feet tei004111 held theerettee2eene:..,,;'•e-e , Hen r after hoer:Welter' turned' away oj theeiterfe; .alletheentorning he and .• ;his lather workedand again after dine 136Y-61)e5eedeWithetheir-eitates on their.way to the pond, but Walter had' te grind On. Tito ,.eteel. was bard. ,.ind atfilight, ettio nide Ofilt ahowed. nett morning, 64inch his arnie . and'eheeldere akhedi bo had to !.• tern • The , grindeterie .tiguie.'„.Finaily ',ablaut •noon the iNti,Was in -geed _shape. "There,that's done,". amid .60. father, 0-.''IMpat1ehee.-doe5n't peae.46ps:i.t., Wd- We should • , •..•do lght "it • in •any other , way, 'something, and ,-BetrietiinesSeiliteetre -gets Mut.. That bloWelieS. delayed you 18° • t18 liaid 'Welk h d 'es', Without 'Coif- . •eidering dine:it has spoiled and '11111:11f.efor mr, ,NA weeder tife7APostie. entid7se1f•Ce1)tee1ealitt•Pae &ii1b titet.00litege *" . lett, tee boy, Yoe are hiCky • Yint opeht grind mg the result.of yOur ,inmationl: not,: •A •raeli 'Weld Or deed Pno(k a nick ..out of; YOUr teaOh- ,. or'a resuea for yon or out bI e valued •triendehip ii.tont Of. Seine ether 'ilohle reittiloWsittre,te-::,11.fb--that--cenitd-Ltioi-be , „ was •a ! leaebir that 1Stalttr'lleVe.ir • forgot. In irtee Yeefe, when hie 'ene:", .patient Spirit ;0(illi0tl. lik.elYetei gain Ceara eVer WM, Lb, rOntemb6red.Ahat Woaity a , /Wit 'open t grilIding • 0111 '01•(••i•...i.t4"1;•:111 al 0 flP . • . , A 00 veitmoliimi :patios. a heiteell , . , Out Of plates, for driVer •'ild fishwives • are ••• Gaye to me. „ 0, Rbt 1.0als SteVenson ' • . ,. • ' , •'Large 'Forests Stands on Ice. of the largest 'forests in the World, hetween th,e Ural Mountains and. the Okhotsk Sea in Riissie., starel on-ree. • " '0 • "Yesterday is dead -forget it; to- morrow, doesn't •exist ---don t --worry; the day' is here -1 ---use it!" ". •Weide of wealth is seinetinies re• trieved:waste of health seldom, waste of time never.. • SMP Enameled:Warehas (he smooth surface and polish of fine crockery -without the break- Pgc And it is so very easy to clean 4 -just like china, and therefore • pakes light work of pot washing. Try Allis test„- M P • d .., Enamele are sauce ani an pan -an. all -metal slce pan of equal size. Irito-,-.eacir ,p ur - a- quart of -cold-, --water: -Put-on, the -fire at the same__ time. The SMP sauce pan will be boiling merrifir when the water in 'the ,other -is just -beginning to sioiner.• . • • ''AF'aek of Porcelain and a tisa.it'of Steer' Three iihishee. Pearl Wake,' tiro 'coats of peakIY: - arty enamel 'aside .iirict Oat. Diamond Ware, three ettate, light bluel,and evlitte eataide,. white Milne. Crtal.'..Ware.,threo cOatai. Pare White inside laid out •Ith•ltaearnitie edginie • • , rob," 410 • IMIISHErr METAL PRODUCtS Cci,cCAI4A0A; umHyt6 MONIl tEAL ,TORONtO ,kAirNOIPKG. : Eomeerrote yANCOUVER • CALGARY • . • ies , railings remain_ . • „ '1 hacl crossed one of the bridges at a pensiderable distance from where my mother and some friends Were sit- ting 'In a• groan and was watching' a man who . was , fishing. •Just as I 'left him' and was abnut,to cress the bridge on,the beam he balled to me that he liatLellooked a fish. I • waited .till the fish was _piety landed andethen start- • edeto cross. But so interested. was I. that I forgot that the board.s' had been 'taken away and, walking .on as usual,. fell, into the see.. ' ... •• • -.Ritchie who .had. been standing 'by :Soineorieto..,-_Care-_,.. • Our daily task bend and fittigiles top There'e flOpaBOlOn to de or to dare, AlltennetiCaily WerkIng andewerkinges it.thatO,PciliodY Oonigwhereet0 Pare- : 'And. teen lif oad doee Swan fur. W0.100101 If ',Pete ha* phiyed•fair-e• Alit "the, hreatile of love..eleara alllimr • , • - If there'e only someone to, care. , , If there's 'anyone reatlY. to listen With eyee sYinpat.hetie and mild, • If there's 'someone' who •really needs , , • • Though that 'someone be only a.ettild. ' • •,le Ba11et:10nel. elleard's -Liniment for DlotsrOPei'• Biscay Waters,for ZOce., „ • The new aquarium at the, lbondoit • Zoo ia.:supplied. with Sea water from the 'Bay of 'Meaty.' , ' • Correct. e- • • "Where do most of Our, traffic diffl- . culties origliette, anyh " • "Detroit, .1 think.' •Seeine in, the Dark. o -"How ,can you. ,see .any1)eality in that fellOw's .fiiee?" „ • „ , eWliy••tiot?" ' • - • , • "Wleve-ertelie:s.,ste. dark' • r•_ When ordering geods by, ntall .send me, rapidly elcrossed the bridge and ran te mylnether. ,Taking off his Pap; ,11017ANTED:--CAR OWNERS TO a showing 101 •bargains in Auto ,sup. • fiend for Our Big Free Catalogue litient:i,o°Wdairinig14.etilY116:hieidS'hadhetfitnoirsh6Odemle " rather long story that she ,as in,st. for , - lies It will eave You money. Send Auto Shope tellieg., Then he said: • -, - B ' ' 1 • .' _ . . . ,. Ox 154, Niagara Fat s, Ontario. it ' today. Canadian "Alaina, at yOur :convenience, I have • . . URIN • , IRRITATED BY . -EYES_ sUN,WIND,DUST &CINDERS', • ummENnD ("SOLD MY DRUGGISTS 6 ORTICIANIk W1*,or. MIS nil CAM 604:414, )44711011 CO. CIUCA•ONA, ,. ' ,A. true friend will multiply pout - joys and divide your sorrovra. • " Classified Adliertisements • FIREPROOF PAINT OSTS LESS. THAN ORDINAR.1 ' Barns, Garages, Faco:;:. toriee•etc. $3.75 gallon; 5 -gallon cane *15.00. 'Red, Black, 'lloxide" Paint: for Barnii,, Roofs, Iron, Concrete, etc. 5-gellem .cans; *8000. Charges Prepaid', & Co., Paint Manufaeture% 231 Corriere St., Montreal. ' some•thing to' tell ' • "What is; it?" inquired' my -mother apProvingly. • . • , •' Mama,, at a our convenience, , Lisi has fallen -into the water." . • "What!" cried nly mother, jumping up.. • "Has anyone pulled her out?" •• "I don't know," Ritchie retied"calm- ly and polite1y,'0"but' l• did aet Inter - rept your .story --and she,can swim!' • • NastY.Nicknerpes, • "I hope they,.dOn't give mylittle boy' -tiny nasty nicknames in school?" ' "Yes, mother; theY 'call me Coins." • "How dreadful! . And why do they call you that .• " 'Cause. I'm, always at thefoot of the class.''• • ,• The .Star 'Oen.. a • men's 'Cloak is threadbare, . 'There is 'a' bit, of tragedeas' well' asit is easy to pick .0 -tele• in it • eeinedyid the story that•in the .1.'apes- 'try-of Life' Mr. Rayniona 131at1aYteUs Of ,a :young man ',,whe.,afte,r .years,..of, ' poverty and latseryfinally emerged as a poet ,Of.the, highest order: ."A Certain literary deehess whh oed.„heenereatly faSeintited. by the. chain:, and . etvirta* ;of his'verse.eave atteaftrrrocin tea In ' bis', honor. ' , • 0 • • •:` ' 'Poor fellow, •Ile :sat • in speechless" 'agony, siirr,,Outitted • by his • admirers,. reatir,ingthat ins.' the. suo•' Of the • .. occasion he was ekpected.le'leilekle at'leaSeenceditring.•the afternoon. At ,•'' last an iiteniration..ciim a -I4Oni n ares 'Merl ey Order. e 'to:. hine.ITe . /tercels a Stori. or:the...1..6(1On 'et • .1t4 :ii joiithe reme„ whet lie • said : • A Facer! flK told in the Tatter. 'A.pertain Man who{ " • •• lVId riever :considei•O; himself as, itahd.-. • -Soni( lilied.:te think nevertheless that :thenlefty,e):ipression....,.ofeliis. fade 81010 than i.oin pereett ted.' foe' gni' in 1) • eAceordingly, going hOme Th the„one-even:1.0g, Jte. Wee nitieli geati deft 4.6 sc.e' a Man on seat; propiree a '.1.1pte1fO0kati.t1, start' siteteltine hiseface. , • - leaned, aRoss..,•te, ihe., Sketcher and said bn1it11y "I• See ..yeti 'aril an ;artist,••• ;",i'lie•Other "011", ii hatable ;sort of, , roalied, design' 'these: grots(1ttb door .ktioeiters.,,• 'Said 'Boggs . it t takingly , " .yeeremeefeeeVentSlefileng-:-. a gtei-tig••• If they happened but Ye.0erda:,;lic`l1ett . think' of .ieY beYliood 'Ity • ecandesel.soboni•-•-of • many '.fett; 36 ti thrill- on 6 -Tate • a C. thine; it !•TCI hotr 1, g.'it:'--Irtart tette-I-eve reteeirelne leg'. 50(1 thinking .liow many foblish. tirie,gs I'Ve done:" • •. •• • •Al)d,illogge-,Wateleted _Why ljlA wtfo •reeted 411,11i • lalolly•.0,,atter ..8,1it1tars. Liteful Inventleit • ke te.her...ef' teem were- en ge gedeitiett,• , diselekeibe ati 'to who •VVa.5''. the greitteSt ineteitteit:. Solite said spine, • sitid Marcell end„"eenie • sti INIer.e es .• Vinalle;a enitel •Jeee eget In:new ord.: !nfldtskt Vol1 11dnt10InonsdOJ3p yaS, giteit people% hitt. I. tell yea, de mii 1,.6t 1111 P1051. yn5 nO 'fooLPI "rtnppinwl! is geat leve "and intielt • rving,." Nlinerd'S LiniMtnt' for Mystery in Chinese Donee'', The inabufaetureby tier!: eecierit Chineee,,ef gongs "apd tent-teme;. With: their perfeet tones; still•I''rentainie. nee, mystery 1.1) the putside werid, althbegit • „ , their, ,elennictil ceinpoeitien, hoe: 1)eee det0r111I1Id 0- • Say 'Bayer. Aspirin" -Unless' -you --see. -the "Bayer Cro5s" on tablets ,:you ar,e not getting the genuine, ABa3erplrrn ptoved safe by • '11' d'p e c 'bed b nu Ions a n r s y ph y- • . • sicians, for 24. years,. ACcept, only a -Bayer aciEle whiclicontains proven dIrectionS 'Bandy '"Bayer" boies- oi 12 Itibletti " • Also bottles of 24 and 100-DruggIste •Aspirin 1. tbe trade mark (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manlifacture of Mg110* acetleacideater of Ballerlicatid Lift 0 f= • Deeen't hurt ona.bitit. Drop 'a 11E115 on an. netting. 'oft.In Itatitirvnit atetithititittg, 060' thOrt4' tea lift it right Ott with liagert. • Your drtiggistjellt a Un bottle Of -"Freeterie" for a tetidonts, SuAlcient to rtniotto ,Ottery• hard 4Orui soft ebrn,' ;Or ootn bOtweeti the Ong, and the Not .ctilaStai withouL soreatts or ir1it4tiort. A ..;...taleeseeeare of htolasseS ixect -with - t lie -bran will .glye quipic relief.. • •NI talt„ thin neee ous, 'let' Your dreggist. st1P,PlY you With tee -Ph Ospliate.' it IS gasrani't4d 10 `IncreaSe Weight aid Strougth and re, • store "etiere„viget neid nerve *.toroe Price *I,. per j;$1tgti....' .J.Itoratcrif .co,,...26 Front et it t, .„ , Have You Tried The New Cuticura Shaving Stick? This delicately Medicatedantiseptic Soap produces a rich creamy lasting lather, enab1ing, you to shave with - mit the slightest irritation. India- peneable for those who shave twice daily, Propetly ued1 it.will prevent ingrowing hairs. - • . Price 25o. Sold everywhere or mailed post. paid,apon receipt of price,by canedianDe; pot: Dudoura.P.O.Box 261 6.Montreal.' OTHER OF TWIN BO Tells How Lydia "E. Pinkham's Veg- etable Compound Relieved Her of 'Inflammation and Great Weakness West St.. John; N. 73.-- "I was iii a • getierel run-down condition following , t.he birth of my twin boye 1 had a great deal Of inflammation, With pains and Weakness. Finally my ddator recon- • inended.I.;Ydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable , -• ,^Compteind. -Ile Said. that .your ineclicints -woniclbe-the only-thing,to_build_me up, • :iinirh better' and atritainingin weight,- • having gone doWn to, ninety-three' - potinds. 1 was' in bed forover a filen tle• ,.. • ' but arilup agaiatow, ,. I have recotri•-• ` e de dr. thee ge table.Cohipotin '.• friends• end give.yon perthission t0i1 _invjetter:"1-Mrs. ELMER A. kilt 14 . Rodney lit.-rWe8t'St7ohir,7117-13•: There are many WoMen'whd find their ' • household:duties almost unhe arable t� addle Wealtneet Or derAbgement. Th tra,ahle: May be slight, yet d'ailso • suth 'anfioV.ing' eymptotriS .ita "dragging •pains, vilakness and a rundOwn feeling: • Lydia, E; Pinl'iliam's Vegetable • pound is a splendid. Medicine for such4i tonditiOns.It has in many cakes relieved those symptoms by removing the cause of thett. Mrs. Ritchie's eXperience lo but oneoi • • Yoti imght interete • ••reading , sx'rivateTeNt7BoOklipon • the" Aliments .0? Women." You pan • got a 'Uopy free by- ;writing the Lydia . , Pinkhani Medicine pd„ Coboirtgy '°n*:"Irt• :r).; 247-t14,, CI 4 , • •