HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-19, Page 2"17 % V T ,A W, OY YeA*I lvga will, Pp?loo 8,q,a mJ esthn i tb 0 A. r- e PO4.00 vol bab 110 le . .. .... .. 0 A.r 0 ptogrda 'SELEC 0, A Coal oil and 'lice tfoh?t1t,6o 9 ' Votindian , I 1 11, �9 id'' ; � �: . I f V ;�N em to,' mix dairy or the Otiic�Aiadl,11194 nif butt T-, VOCATI g c0p*40''oupply, 6f.kh 411yi etter than, do coal, oil d 4TIW, �Jn all. water grazI4144fo."m ph and ch XNE 22 6qld 'be, available Wheiri, one is leastl', pep in gu the Other 144%. at� .e for', expo as. w ppop� as the Wth,8"YOW neig b4or- hnk,�� aW 41 thoye#rr P qng, A Thew !kow rarige, ' I f �thod tfiat�g" f 'c4rTicti R06.6 9yer, be n t u o Tie-, B$rd lnd��enoT ff M iah, Ezra,'.As- 7 _6 �10-. 0 n,O Of oe privileges--* which wo 91 use a. mo nder Ez 4' N' r mSI 9; 4iVe; rhem., g per� 'Isiiike, f this. Pest. It eeding s�ock, ectively, check�d the ad-jance guSid 1 wqq� a ochs. 5; 4 ariii 13..',Golden TiXt ROO as This, Is a feed .991r ',the! needs until the, ground I e ontioloRt d Ii "' t .,�,Cadacihms,bo t ivilitit of brio e' bec W P, and In the, ighl f of your, suc� 4i�ps frozen.. 0 Xe#P?P ex�erience. and With ly f reo to, cbpq�# froth an� 0 the next, 4e t, depends 6ii the ule one ne Some �I me, 6M, wiH ur' .-unt -.yqu, �sAj vi;o* rofessions, listed In th a, r Int, unto Pol not X80,3, were awed 'Int, in the regu rat ih, the Lordvfj ,460118,01, f) iish bVe ; . 2x4ls; the we, P IX' I scrap or other animal In - the se. being, Ap, long, a ,avo 049911, to believe Sta icb� the, 614�r e, roost h a whole'' (`ategory� of our national. feed I t ",,e-, 44 0 dQ_11-40APA-C� Jlqrj�,, g Y-olArts." Irds ore"kept. mm.- _W.i Ammer I,�ordinuxy_,.raj A Iypvl,�xp tezqtt �AIJ-,,rult,eveg: -Va ,E 0, tA d A. e-xeign �vf­�Artaxarx:ep 1, --6�,q It -0 _�!Itbat 0111 �-ftu S Mh 4-1, i-iiiii" V`rel�lu R Y 4 je �too *In,ly a. a'" EWIS 43�18ible to fur� -Was,� aid, titThIdiccrotra: 0 talk muclil Oldies Under -'Ztidbbsb�l by tile evalrigelisall ;�r p,. Qf�",buqtv*s,, I 'Inqre 8M6601 -b p .4"P, 4)nd �g �lqug )A Y thtin, it yet 't Iturn bf Ythe i 1`13� 'in -po If 'I al, It .4, 'bievdet,!� in the, best of, conditiol 'Soft 'about result c i and, Joshua, and fifty-two y nis 4 e t3on, one end Protruding4lirpq to, four Ye, evJdenice an �ee, e t, intellects, the greqtest cour .11 Met in. t q Way, of in' SP ano, , t ears after We lire to, we'pre$�et ade t,of f!eds. - If, YOU, bay pl' feet from one' b ithe- they,, are in tQ'. oTg$e for par 6 completion I I d-PrQdUced t I Prove that there, 'of the building of t1te �s of',Lvar,'in the fUtUre.'it 'will, the ino,�tprpifpqpii j0dentent, the gi was 14'' ­ 11 1. 1 ravagy� I t I temple. it Wag 'early in J As riaign, be chiefly by nle - ' 'i ' ', .0 190Y 6f in Ik - tbe".0ilier has ans sibilities.* all they Will d ink as it, ; aced wq inches from the end' ovement in th�,qt;41rl �Wui 13 C '459 t1la (I tile 12 1 t, , , . pol been, A pr h' eir, 'feed, -,be, spie, they ve, t e pi eeided im have. a r of h 'talc he place, of bepf s 9 JtY of t 6, ch"s6 and: butte the part of Cllristiriti.' Sinc6 the� whole,fi Id is ppen.,_,nu ­glit conSistink of at, ill'tak t crap. ropvQ, and the I ­ t� Ezra 4 learned'convicti6il or, th -.ch f least w -pritAiiiing port; in, a, great and 'f thti old pcople, Ill all, Ill -it War LIS � V i,.):_ c Some' of � t the gl ol" of 'many cases, and f Piioiis:� man, of one It f pref h Ms are -Oov6 filled with. dvice is''SquOt I 0 heayier,�bree A wooden bllt4t, was dud�,to, riestly families; came from Ilition, by ti ra( wh plyMpUt Babylon, �.e. g t (.?f Christ,,� Nj0it. ati4 all, out- r sehools and-.0iQro�Jq,_profT9r ea_#r pom,,_a_ _04ts -cbrd y A those erusalem­with- a-Aarg" 6ry r h _Ao plug,,,: 'the -:.g is -su&-as F Then on,�topi_ radl fredl at$. eksi W of this,- lyijb��t 1 e companyj *tie Js to 0 ter it L110 It I e_ ,01 -1 p�d` Rhode III (!Once o� f4#ehin OV at Ands, 04 Pjaee,� a'st `t44 lacc� a r' Pnrerits.,.,we' find 'in ro . . ..... 1,�'tirint _�_,qome P not in -good c an d Sip S ion,. dit' _b6 mad6 w de ude. a -special, �q letho.d 'itnol impor. ;pwe, t . _Z �77�. study In, bi �B b I-- cases; are advisilig' son U one,'inch thick s and a to break the 44 tacked Antl� t e 1 8 a Y oni4n Jewjsh home, it Of those books Which 'the re, suscepible, to ase. hens that bocome:broody.,, Broody he surface rounded �Off with' exil6g,baol t to' eboo5p. ns Til&t, :be other, lines d of ce read-(Neh 8'9). ,s�o work. thiln tilliNg Pyeoluent" in,p e Y, 1 -sl on, all,,Aho cords� b :Israel.'. 'flle.wiis in'tb� awh ae7he rPOSts-'Wei6Jbbn'pla It IS, Just as important't,6 f PI *th them,,,afid- especially of if -evev Jay and� tberefore� hells e* oductJoh -eful' .that, are beinj �ed Ior.,�egg�IpA t, e',4ncleptlawi of 0i of d the year. d which'had 'b- a0ic'e is 'tbe,,result of a cat OY a , i, 4 1 big� ilm roaue;. f a, rea: y scribe, tit t, je Ia* f . Moses. e sense, an �.caused�,t ell, to ur, YOU wish to gett agotrid.egg P eoonle At' ""The' time to `be'g'inJd�di In - ilie'kink's decide wMc otutlioilz�d: rz studi! of. the body!si o� 9i.rVii naituiral pr 1-ibo4ld,Irid, bi-oken,.,up, alit, spitts.. Ile t extending d of h siblev Broody hens Should, th' ng a, pig h stand, th�, WInstances tion during the gUrn ree-gall hi months, espe- be'removeo P1 tin P01 tas set on. is. about six onths, before he is born is Journey he is called "the ipri',st, th imme lately from ayl, ej key to our stu v to -day. "We ar forepart 'b6 -the bir th' lj�' ",R 511PPort, nailed to ibe-widl hti'the Tlititis'jite ty 1 the. scribe of e, I if.fe- to,, cially.: the,.' di d Ad: neighbors of to reall'; iindersta ndi liz in. suk h e, �b a of the God ou� ed'f r ng. ouse and placed iii I free. heave' _1119 to *tart,,. .'to boy'd or,* gkr Ing up oirer, put It 4,.o;h keanind,- of way w e 1. 6 , , . ., er � ay. eM. ori. -a. mis- �O,�tnati , 0 0 the fpjyls feqdir the.: urge;,, t t "16� met] 11he.,mArgiii j v' groun -Was- Put. slon, r form. For '16' "had patted bottorn, raised,.' Ith OP -lind.,tirtipp d iisA, he, health, th tbp. cartiql.to -p enty" es makr of Water, during- the. h6t'days fion I'nchbs to.'4, foot -so in, i nd kept in iiondit prepare ersion t e - tratis Ater-- have d' 11F ot:d wise c oice: that, d -full e Ohis heart to seek the laj�. of the Lord an al Sur. Deinyt. ove e as to. allow,'the air tO.'eirculate fre�ly I The, surp us from the stiturat rngtive reading f permit. the fullest..use bf,htprAl 4' ed cords' farrow and raise iii profit ion. to I -or th t look cl nning Ing roosts able - littV arid to tip It,: arid to,'t t is."with e ri 'ling - vessels eao ekneath.' [saked into eit6h- in I raef . . I It . is as Ing too rrluc4.�,Of Nature Statutes, and judgin re be.- given ere, pr That,' d I n day,, inside und the Wood,. formf s "distitiftly.11 og,,;�nd scald�,Wit n ents." The tation. facij. ties. to, rid the is very, suggess lib9 Ing atei Wlbuse-proof. to keep A sow,'In a dr decree, , authorized him , to ap . I.. � � But," tOo freoldently, 1i:itheri and 01i lot on, a r 'point Poultry'hoiIses Of mites *�hey breed! About,a quar Y atlon'� too, need an 'intvrprtaticir". of the inothers. -itre: advisin g .1 . . � pi', A Neek was. used.. of grain and water. rid e - magistra ea find Judges who VbuldlBible.' ut why? Here Nvo 0 4, q freely during warm weather.*- the'' x'Ppet sizable . . tb ir sons or 0 tt ate t d the"'bieeding enforce the law, Ezrit 1:2 26 T lIgliters 'to ovoid fal?Mi'llg.. b'6 th litters of husky pigs. V; cause o three reasons,-: n Ya Season, e will be. f6und In -and und" a pf lhe - recent, a I' the faSk �of tehchi�g rJ lliave'�bep are tile nests o�Bible is. not'. one gl�,ne, It does ot,p -to -d fo�a —alfalfa, clover blue set,himse f with pra�er�and With zeal. Written by One ay,' they hold, -and Ifyou 1740 it 'is: best , '1Pp9t and, Goo, ge- nd� ie&Irni he (a) 'Th ricutural depression. Ur mouth disease has Proved kt,t em.out on ider the dropping'boards -a; free, ranike untt id ort the thor but. a., MI rary. wbe 0 grasp an—a likht"The journey from- Babylon * -b f b k eta', da'diim f next Pe of the !most stubbor roosts, 4,pplleatA� once a -week n. and t- old 'get into some buginesLq that gseason., Lis. egun, o a or ::5 0 or as 94 . . . pamphl rom access� to a, ffiln6ral, * differ of kerps e upive conta t se ra ion of grain, some ta kage, 6ee',:�ith a; sole;un.fast that h es offtin giong tha Oygt�j Shells np�, ene oil crude,�netrole ,fence It' e says, We'many ndetlivate retur s,!' grit.are 7as nee"-, I'm;, ever 9tudied,. but fit mixture and' infilit.,affrict our ent. tim -and eircum-! tYed-thoroutbly th, Germany' 'I . Selves before our- God, stances.,. Would - 400 - as e rou;hout the two, bac. plenty �and it not be well to learn,! 4 it wise for pitre�ts.dto emphasize Ver. One pound of lj,� A6 it Of. iliese I teriL616gistS: working In collabo dry bed �, right ..He ad- how it all came t1te -like this� as''ih ration, abbufthat temporitiY.0kion, vie., Succeeded ifts with 'i �e oysrter;,sb6ljq 11i1tirnish enough, lime a pests., Boidyl1in solve most'of the.: pig tro n -ofreshing frarilcness� that. ticulair Pamphlets I ou . - ' : - , I I . I I U.bles., icell is!i in iPplitti,ng the organ. or' the hells� of about el must, b6 kept, 'down by, I bi hgvInk,,,sMd to the Peksiniti. ig k", son for 'not selecti sodium flo ide. A ism. of thd:glise king, 'The together because they' ght dozen good dustifig Of r; ase nd hav wel7e c6ncerned.gs a,'I eft�,d --brionie, secti. its of the Ic T ' his e prepared H, aIi! hand ;f our' IS, upon.All'them, for with,the one, subject' of 're',:gon? three w 0 ountry should be repeated in both liquid and-6olid cultu a vening. God ife -job? In all, probabihiy the eeks'so Thew'ay' is n I'finish the� ch frol after- -,(b.)..Th�re is�& grcvat Variety Of o ng an who 6hooses. tarlifirig"wil Ow, Ores while'lle iniq obiAined-,by ithii1owli -kill the lice �th' ve hatched 'clear for exi ashamed: to ask'f6r, 4. mjjijj�rj literary fi of pleting his' college -train-- 'where limestdpe�ip present� the.grit as, to id that seek y 6 Inres from JL tit, hd t eiiments keiii ;6rd ge is,not front eggs I , . by on, ran tha 'hitherto.'hav6 been,, impossible, . I , the grate- escort forms n .,,ible , If W,; n upon com :, .1 ' W ite.wallis' aroun him With dis,Aulol;n ney, but God 6iought his rpret myth ry as 8ober, ions.are unusually fil sufficiently* � hard . ita meet their needs Another 'that were on, the few]' on the, long and dangerous jour- Inte M, andciontinerciij grit must b Meth6d of� killing' body lie . -and in time a curelor"the Uisea'Se will d t i-iij that cond't" V, e e is onipany prosp, we shalt mis - ning. just orable for making faiming'a success - to.greas re too1ate a -ated ine -moment --on thig fa( -18 good �lic� ',9'1 'Ip either;' - to he -miss on I Ilitit we have' in the B:ible .'such 'liter�-.! e rfe6ri�g MPO -4 -of quartz Or graniti, his Mo6d is to' of 'h' ' "' I ", - 'herea, 116 'rid. The di` 1 " safely. upon. its, be1pu �,;! and plate - s, i s mea , ittroup he ��ent� with some seoverles Vefleb*� 4pr o tt, f he inimint EAgiand pr1he Western O�e n, iiiirusalem Other boy.,'W selectSL t e Soube y 'prayer . . . is as' likely to'g aduate. must hu'sh, a, ch. 9.) and'his earnestness and the b r She Remove the tates in, the' demici but Ezr qg r eep fee.mK made a profu rm'college When that branch of the, a subs Itu _AiIdt;,he.hired girl Aarts his' el Present epI iry.forms as the fqllowi�k: pro�,etb- ma e. blrdss the. I for,grit as it is flock" *ill'piobiably ' I . I rid! Imres- drama pple save U egy,. histor a loafter4he esnov col . ess e ttle In fa,v6rite -Sion upon the b "hess is on, the decline., tit] er the 1 iso Ogy legislation, sermons. ap on s list fatlire. as, 'Mush., Produce inferdleP eg' ocalvvse'r� T_ -L e 3' The lksft- verge of., the` etters, etc. ,rnese need to �bel in er� eran e -lo". e 79hucrld proce Ing chapter should, be iread With a e e oft d t k " bit, �e the i a, assem. udstry en iht Y Idthe S . 'thir from 'now? awn and at:the boundary 1' 1 - ble t, ines. of !our this chapter. :the of 'th (c),. The Bi " ' elations of the. in e si ffis A bI sprang citit" of igns reading- 'Way- ev�nth, inontit �Of the. tWbn:: ous experiende,,� but ­ not Out. r side � Delicatessen d of twenty a' faOn, we hav, Chd --Gott Itieth year of Artaxerxes, that Is the WAYSIDE s expen. -here. w, .-marf 'or, ill� t e do etition bo,'then'., transients a ch Ahead.,. -it gi 'the D ves one, W religlou OW4 p 44 'fourtiiexi- 'yenis aft ven one nation. The Old,.Testamen' M.CATESSEN., e jo A and year erl r men: and wc; en,.of. traiiiing? That 44Y OIN KE riligious'develop- is pint' he :vie BY ELE-14', JOHNS E Jew: of hig an in, "the' bf Asrael''fo" t Investigate 'a ane the cornin ol'. Ezra. Nehemiah' Wls-the story'of,thii least.. one .9 'have ow Ou will it d in Thi ''A Per- r, ' welve huridriid: The fa�t An so many whoordinairifly et , Ing' Ofit of the ordinary. tit! gage Is V Of 'the-, Child is" it Sian, e6itkt, 'is �now governor.-' Ok so., The New Testani� .0 be long 6n official'r k can s work until W.* Akinj Like [it grew a garden plot, or. a calf, EzrijI he came in 'the Gra6co� . u. : e !8 trI64 out'- 'YOU are Able to deter-�' Ise t6 Jerusalem'with a. Romah.'civiliza, Id b wiW pe I pig, 4 agricultur tire h men and women. )r some' poultry;' let oo or i pig, m. Siheer., purpes we I n t 6 most toug t-� qua e to;- elp the, people. �; ". . "'' , . , success, it mine h th, tb: get hie. ve'�Y, toi P will'win op . ihe anxt ,y t. to grow,next e Stud , Ing in" Writing be lit h' jeed to, study eveiy' book., bf t.he e'! piduce,, you, I -gar, what 'Produces " the best oks a-bd . have the care of His fl Bible. in light-, of the."age., I ll'�vhich;,k. h these ali1he profit rst task had. been to rebuild -the t:6�ci­Ar'other O;sr ?ss.4naillI4 th?fit, him�, makifig.,Jaws' for his, Protection,. fr th 4 1, rninus'teni 'for walls of,thd' t. - input e farm. what dish sell beat arid whatt.� rigs The World i�- city ver es r eni� ne.vei, to lines o . work' ni 'k all waswritton Jus -as,,we need'..to, ask the y the en' With You Will have to. ajoi�.Ii determ�iAed that childr' , or l'ibe PH, 'have been, restoiedsince Ourselves for'exarhple- "Wh' 'th brighter h fo ave rue- ce,of feed, which you."b tion of the d6st 8tAnds the 'en' and women of. the �near 7 supp led C in -y did Paul P the 'country roads', wh6'cdhoo�e 6 ­ ..can uchadnezzar in, le-tt 6 Christian. fit r akricu Itural I tite'city, byVe6i write.his first i::to ih giVen their Ii in Ause' however,. -is not, meant a en"] dots ah.,attern John wrlb4 hh� first Epistle?'�,�, P46PIel'. '4 KEEP "'or fruit, egg d Ic this, " les . your agre�crri6nt 1�fote �they E* e told c6f, or, "'Why 'did b, , tuiej-� shall b t6rhse�lve, f,, prq you uy fresh'vegetab iN Make 13 C 686,. unhis'Ithe story werts at - dorifith?" ork. s -An � Poultry, but Pf Ing.. zra 7 23 "r ,; S epres only recently thai I came cross two gage in the Vbrk and h b t 1 1 nt at HEAD UP ta. en e. rue rebuil(ing, earlier In' the of w , heir ornetimes the, �'traffiing which Will'allo* them to -do' to it do n4t "kilb '' t tnigine of the farn.a. they -reign e" 'siffip� b` ------- r �y e� tiuck-or car will' miss interin#igntly alre� th�?qqplexq-, y son wen -�arml:girls wh' YOU ke from , them the,'Ariaxdrxe�. , Bib! S 0 �re,, t�rytrig 0 e—to'run wild Thl§ cause the con note ,X -n lie' was UV.s Or_the-milk,__oi_1he_ekgs which ndwdd cpdragd' an Ils fr in diff r Ing q hoipe.� e wa ent parts of the Bible' ha�vfiig� a lif6'and &atb �strqggI6 It, will run f nd ion wou 1 Z r a period 0 ot ensure 'th6v they.' have iiod6�d; Without', p*yi' I Provided 's�cu with e W Ite.,',Pldgu The 's Hty. and, w me' rath h L ng ey.. ts u 617� We must.learn, the, itiieatfing of �,tli hi t teard tlinfitiddefily, devel� rights,,buj'de�trci� ihiirn� Their rights, th nits oll(d& at4heY'oV,6r1 P a Spell of-mliss� Pill, You perform an' -act 0 , , s any�ver�e or teXt,L ceptr6 -of fence against, the' attack,% :of *eal s as a pA I a mall 'Oft are not acts' injustice je ous rt', -of therild like :a in the, fee cream busi._ el� we go tio the of iiedrige,-but a- thorbdih which will t"bb- of ..expense - a` broub] raining �and -nor rdndei�d itarrative'l eath, .',ness-, and who I .1e find, t life - l.: .. ., _ 1 - � The jbvei ngry 'skeleton, ,was e. valves' jeF- them, dihonesty �.epemies. �6 Which it be, ��bnstantl'y staripg'�,Iilrhl in--th about to sell havinji 'th for 1 on- ngs'.* Who I e face. e e e e persuaded rich creditors to i6lejise from a private ,I' unds'*ere none, too pleiliiful.4 0 gioufid,�.ne* spark.p.litiks:diristalled, or, good palr lifs' that l'inight is rigiit .h arts h' ettier written.:to-da'V i, F th lead'Ahem to con other'great service to* the."pe Would. think . --iistihi on of Profit in e Out t1m6s. I clude in their I . ople:wh6n. df,t very having. the carburetor readjusted, only oys'and Ill "d tgages Which with6ut.r6ference,to came, ikn4 gappii: vf ce �r6am which' he sold to prepare their b YOU'the mor hatifo sl�kness V in this life., sought they­held'onthe i he �ln -,1.1eP7ve,, them of the training in -of their, Pparer�brdthren, to set. behind, the. communication a the:��solc sup ff and 0 Y "�,Ic -'!Well 1i is­the'sam�, to discov.er I t girls. for usefulness. in-�, thed' W� fields 1-��his father' a 0 -up ducV, he 'add6d­ igilition' H eci( ed difference, n Tfree those, -who',, had been', sold'into While4e 'ihust seek 'to itudk.'the *as � tak�� �WAY. F - th thing witli a- A er that thed,troubligjg� orldd; ut their 4u _rt of' hiirot�e in Pro Ity the thereAs a if, h. is e.' po 'rom a �Us I Ma 6 your eggs Afiffi occurs there'i hiple -to as Impor- onAn, the far' west' , - . P . I YOU owever, *hen, trouble ]kl �of this [wa d The home -Wh�' he' loniIer, ently; it is just ',couraged�is.q_ to O.salad dress- Y.We 0 it a 19 good for -child- t ;nd the Way it Ich slavery foiAebt bibie inteII4 a'Put- the finished product' and effect!ve be -done.. 'This ditferened. I r6ohis, of iliel Y. with ilit, 'h* It is� Messag ithod of,�-det,?rmiiiingl f L- to the ..Widowed and Ing all A s Al Si ed to drengiveg them r o I eicact,usurious. inierest 611110ans* mide] tant, that. *6 should stud f � '�I Out Me believe, is s ar, as. is po� I - or., @a e ai d niionR good It 1 ssible. When I ildre.n' lil,distr ss,., (Se' rence-. and humility.. Nve er it one ies 1n ch e e. n *hat'your n t wn' to,thoie *he were hPlkit of ibve A er: �'The P in( roblem the ipisStiij, spel eate favorable conditions 0 Om pig t to nig earell, be�ore its' I- M bring YOU�tk Ot. 4"Itt. in I - The book of- t aftet God,—a our dwn,., other, eggs ift oil We, t ..thb. fact that d not, kn,� fr ch. 16.) have InA hest6ry :of mail's s what room theY, Eire to l9 �w ereas of p rrative of, e ct story1i'l nal t:94:'Ve us the, idea for a remove the. high:. tdhsi6n'wirel a child'may h M6866 was, ful me,, Prayer- mu.s't� me wayside rPw natunilly, I 8166p, w en 'the same, or almost the s It is th6. et thed world,liead Said. the girls. rom Any on k' h thi 1P, - , itte.issen," they, keep their ngs in, "arity.old!.-Pentateuch...'It W as,the 1,'. 1. .1 1., . .. . I I., � .. .1 9 spor Id,.peoPle: did net think I ! o, . P. P ag and with the[ much ��6ut c6zldiflo�s, but p seep shari g - as a: c6llectin of rnan.s,,sp ritua pi grimage. On thel 1 other'side it is the attelnpt.to'pictdr� -Meet"the war' , "Head at thne Of 'day-'dd the -etrikine running hold the end 6f this attemp closets an& dra*ers'the -ancient la*�eodes, tog4her Id to ils rt br I a.sensio e, way of:the I to Ing. ffian to do it Ino y er age. '�atriess' 'the needs W t itu'dy it with to,do,-it��hai*d problen� 'f It that :by instruct r 'rights— I Israelite 'people, revised an 'b most ter-skelter wit4 other members, of the. history of the be- ­ ' i 1e divirte:66 .1 1 ted ewith s Up!,".What' People di6e,,jiist here?, What arethe ivir6, Grle-iiiixte6nth of; 'an incl to -shape -and meld :the child'himself ginnings 'The Worfd el commodities peop e want frOffi the end of the porcel in, to'Which Ae fardily, theyl miss thei: e a ways ii� *it 4 ion,,. punishment * I d ada ted 'into fellowship. -with God. Th is .th' I s diffieult t, ks for *us. ftl iri'the stimmier?, 0 that ili rew the'�right,to IThat'Would ind' ards train ng'in n to f now br6oit rftost'con.� y ftitaclI4 now islo� mak6'the­sOi and refinement w is our -duty US 'd' saddjti6njo�-tfie 4ark �gap inside"t it' ht the laip,befdre the, con.;, arid chastene spirits.. or us, -Ito he rying.-sitp o'nc, f t read in the ears of. all tin, cylinder the. that. is- the`horite-�lik 0. 9 1 'o t in... -7;0 or us, to' Tlie: ina'nii-'er in wii i �Uousli? Wilt eTegation, He. ati -at,: quantities should spark *ill also have to e -:-as rieAc,aria ac Who could Understand �atandmg in.thei we prepare? These were �som' Jump 4,one-si I Wt, -11160t Oqse,things has'a Wo'noloi4ful'infllienep xteenth'. inch �L fertile as Possible for, broad ldce; (Rev. Ver o of the .-gap, in. he ourdyoungs.ters.' You do 'not need to do mu Ions; ni oWho, When: he -has D Ybu� give ihe' girls�i_an square thet-city gatle- u on,- it fthd�'spark co �Like -the, fai,*rnet shink. pc litinues ifisidii Jump ':regularly the gn Iti t of ivtered,:�nd. draIned It' P a POTATO CRtLLLgg:� ET cu iva e. is empiy room, liberty to. take what they high platform- which had bebn erected: *ith:a gridleitackki-tbeinAvith ,crop,: der: at., l6asf confident, d d '' and 'Head"i Up, and, right in tha IOR - is a kard6h,, feels' oin the b P4 061 0 g'Oe:Whnt S6416 . tM6 '-fime, Ahey will x, I -t 'Vs. 8.' :"We,fouiI4 that'thiagr6aiest, t, cylin likefr attic, i few dollars for. him. f 2IOP16 passed,betwee nuin dr. the othek- -h aid, Jf, the, sp -so. we, when w af�e tom rea e a in, the b6o'k." n,thebounof ark -have 'in -12. ;_ -k at eight or smiles bac Th� difflc�ultior�, bur, and eight in the. I t af ten ti "lups, it'should be feel pretiy'-su The, scene is: mes and th re tha t the, cozii place �of it.. And this %cribed was -an im- U C a e, . ternooti,l,oiice,.ozily.,t.o,ji,, Misses charh Cozy.p ace. of itts ngressive one.' When, Ezra,op which. 'we btiv'O"Pianfed will tilay'rotake'the 'irl! of disorderly.'ha ts, �ped:the ish Into thin alr.:. s-deicided to k mp�- reg -6 cteri cep open at that ti for Six Fittheris.� ave well larly ook. s n, , I e world th6'. e qs a0i growin, POOP16, stood up. When thus adA d' W our location Oi seven times and then to turdy.merl�and4women. n6atl and ;tbe�. girl of irritable, temper n. them "Your father's n6t.ap st W6 h: rong as mine. u ha ii� the best �Vill, a gr ol..'�Amen 11 iftirig,�up My'fat n -and,,,iq at, f bit. at Igni ion 'h 'and I t ur children their, hands- and' ever, We are' care e8s of the .9 It is at- hey -all answere besC 'o whricil be invoked Ood's blessing ur was a mil lVis a'pb§itivd': f,- how gunny ahO: ood 'h4moied. ip i e krid'a half" from tow, a ihdfeatip�l th 0 1 1 least lworth'ii 6i - 11 t her lt�&tks. th' ye Ive to tl on ' 'I - �d;, and ititiveiti ome, gArdbn. er thicket 1 91 ave 6d, roi 3t twine", back' t 0 -you, bduring &ir hea s in SaJd,:Eddie. Jones t(, -aiTmy Black. .,'V Ve nirtible and e6m grow up in s allow or, utlsymphthpti� vorship.� Then Ezra, iihd his,.ancicl- f�w 'mad sed a Test 7all th6. i h d e-uP, disbes such plu, gai A'decent inirror nd ow as Salad Jim glared atEd asing,,, app e �pie, cakes,. : re back' 'a v Itle's; IP6 nients. 'd �nd, explained, -th ho:peopla StPone dre surroundings,. net -.arrange -ates r&t and all "d a , . at our make'a sudden, aif- th '!Twine? .Th.t­.,inn!i hyr enleaningof.wha t. no ishing in They, potato Oilly R, 1p�e and. P'Un th�i and crullers 'as Well as, fn� a Id erence !- - -rs r di8cou rnwr 'ma e: th�fti�gtrong aij Pfobably"divid6d'-th bre A M�ty Star a U t r i a,'' d, fine, any, at6lthe..right-of e, Peop;16 into 6m- intaln 9, do* kge aks rope!. _n -ire: e*ery 'Pairlies-which of ��F 9 o Ezra OPO child 1 1 hr our�trouble. -multiply. th,c, 'of the op� � I I . f , 0 1 11 -.11.0%1. 1 1 1 1 , .a. US. W t linseed -oil esped Ive-, Ipst1r,ucr- wrf -dy ac bled in, diff laughed,, and -8 -idthad e bring. t6 ced. it wter and sunshine given PJ for without. them nobo - assem' te, I ­ a question box,, 'Cotton rais III r1j) af' e,rpnt part& R 9ddie tit Out, they lie Iti� cOmpUshes, greai -thii16 Jfi ih& W6rId. square'with­tbeirl gatewa people, were- 'askdo: are -moist--wi'th. �q vegetables ter s U I ow -we. could, fill th� 0 us fla- dieu,must b a that Wag In! -kind. write their ants, an t an& turpentine, and..espe4the-Pan 'ready foi, I The- home. whiph'is good f -tors'., They "gave- the�'�seusc Often b WI M;t cc d- suggestions as - cially if danip with. thent large and,,�If a" elici I ave a or ehil.� I Wa ek, 'if left d o his sire. mi� and: th�n Vor. welcorr'i.e for th6 they U'nderiitood t e, o rol�6i by�' ay,, dre'idekl for c"aus �g n in- boys and'girl' There I uch of the ]a' 00 many of.6,5� are to takc-al ace, overnight in a wdd reading..- .!'Dad yanks it -ditee 11 1PI M , ­ , - nguage o the "hricient '8 - f b a their xequesii ''in he box., if they haye been *ow I h he said,.'!andY6 s "Our trad POntallic�us 'combustion,' are Pierialn aw was heilth, See -how nice re its in, e, commenced. We- vated. soil ' � . I i s which o r -young pr6bably.�trjnge and'uni a.,pc i m Is �, c. View in� len- careful to study store p ies on, c6o'ked paint�rs'iett P( order to. be' tel ge, People.. The' ]an-' i,i -these days. ;h n t Ing cn,, we Mean !OP161 need tu were You' are doing Painting or I v, ligi4le i6.the once saw. f th -era] Ow, here i,4 works, �n thorough tr guage _a j. -and kept'�in toliefit"- N4��t6,�are,.A life�, and lhcy -suc Wasd,§Iowly changing.'Old te er siatip a, cessfill -in li,fe' ufricient exr. Which they call learol-find- 'Use .for, (1prices -on And ve�y'oftdnj the, must, rec'( nin -0, Pain'tis mix -1 )(I only, fr�mt othe1boys, become obsolete, cild-custoing,�had ard Jimmy,.Blac ­maln't�i�- -away,---an, aws were garden stufF, butter and, '�d -in the s' d" af)"'whe I"- O� t)16� waste-homL b -,,,a or tki 'tame apart, I ma lng*ca are y that pf,play baker" U h)" hd-'p likel �Jt 0 eggs. 'We -counted' the time 'used in' -or cotton;'ritgs: strengtli tIgA1h4_'tained,'�but �hdih a veW ifitorpretatiom ke k"' lceo'8iiilad dres�ing, or t6 be le ftf tbeffi4 -s of do, t I M I �:f Ma e What e their wn, ages'to,fit the III:-egeni.need. ',Eira and his who, 'oil it Ple, besides the does, e hollie-which is good in Order to I" a sblf-dOrlt�ol. � T It teachers e around. I' 'actual 064 mater ark nfgljt thus did" a great Then' Kddi� t h for 4ve ii'syrie. a Pt i'WE ba Iron . . ...... Had. once bee ng In., are no. Produced by othe SUP- iitfts and. Ptti)iting-.�-i-ern6ribei,.,ab,()ut picked it uN!'_ declare g, an'd t6' ngs -a lot'of clettiIing afid th 9 thc-� traivi e,eonse- z by his',clad' 1 0 are , f Vied Oth4 'figi6h. and good ciii- me . for acts, when the, of 4 atlVdrtiS,ng,� sc�vi -ingti ' ' t 1194; :i Pidt if r4M on our. the dAy's. ftrlc 'is done. Spj on hat the� Ve ,*ork Ir. -By sa�lng, t tat n- d. ee n generally'bri bar price Of,( is , ives Aildren enship.. h broken at: :t thorl y ope, -I y 0 caul I -W Ic Is. -o "t '�e their righ h" who cal orn �ng our Ina- In factp any,oil 0, cd� The. goveri 'and in,, tbe�. pow 'Used i t o ga teritils: -tip, e, Y tag, is like' Persian' titl Ain'd bfok6 it lit lit. across bis. k It ejudgm6nt igute 0 eft in a bub'd ren older Ian three or'four The bon 1186ochied Jt Sure wos WOn0rf91­tb see," ife Fi �ut, ally if'.] All Aild' 1h ' imself with� Ezra' Ili this impokaht, U io Which- �.fol., 'ehil- task� and joined with him an& his Ow iptich Oil.mops odiht,to �6,k years", c can$ I -'daily tasks You will 6ceiv'e ept Ill till an4 Per ctrm.eertaffi , I .., ." 1, P!!, -the Levibes inproc a mipg this d Th ept it ill)' for, half It'll 110VI, e% d, rom a_bhshiel f on insists on.1,66 f rest, sleep lay k' tato.es'if yous' po�, and aWay fi-0m:papet of 'r6l ohresh air. 'EV I*Y-'PAI* kht to Iy in I a day T. t6jolcing.': The pieoL. tbeir lilladsi w ch tell P 0 chips ell rh ih'tlie form cif'�bus6ble'miiterial, study the pow and read �i few ay a holy U,,y should nd fr 61A IOU, til `2004t' up the' -pried h a pe of apples f 'they- 'fieard, i Ing In �lg t give. tIfem to'do jh f o? hic.h tnPle books ,, hi* wept when It rokb'n' till; of' ck a t�ey how mlu'A' iiIa, f, *ring ­11cd f sold, in W great'a id inspi Pie.. alry e d,Xpe days (Including chunks (if a ­.�todt6i story of the 14 Sor d.11f Gu WO L', n "a this� tend tho, f" and when. th 'in, gettifig have" 0 r a'�e that little., the t ol '- cy realized he,# t T ienl:�7t 6, - 4 oU these os anxious Ith' �o ibitrket and t1i rp'aikoted 'so ell qIlcy oil: arm, is o, w how A,b waste ha v . e I crops and,,ottiele '0 re hip helj�,­ bit u roin the 1'4* of ank vault' �0 YOU might vegetabl' pe J)le a fbeirnl,� ork far they had d6parted f o hard,. justag the tenden(,ry in their 66 For 1,116pd. lift you, re - Produ�ts, I fo d, ecaus ,is !"Neither, c,yo, gotoky; or P so) sgr, oob' . f i..just schling to a 't' Up b e thei Worts aTe ,IoN 0 )let of J�uf th�- 1.1.1-Jillicti6ri-of the ir OwW st V and the­Critle$ is 'to gi' P a. Uch 4 Il -in ne coni- blunderink it' I haturam, to'c'lwck thehi! v t the joy of the Lord." PICNIC 'nion, wayj ey cept, Lw It]tid, peifoxin-th mot- f; T h en t c cas ai, when up-0-ith- the 48' . I , � if or not APPLIMATr6N -,Our:trAdd b" good products' assorted io boys oij,t to is c I f ere cr� instruative it did in Put. 4� iii ' diviolfial picnic lun�hes­ itY Will t0r, They iold -nings so full 'Of chorns that and' inspiring In the nar'rative And appe ogatf; you 't' plow; it Uel to fill the' k soniethihk, v Por:quith a I d uniform- doing, nd ','hen they i-6 wbN- asked a girl who' ofte f SCII I�Lleh bat blame. the)n fol'. gelfihnegs,' faer We of the ars, unlegs I'm W r my bu t I tile boys and I am -'Thereought toe off to: �school,',Icssoi.i crowd, Ot"Y'Un PpGploi r er On. are 1 .4 Il. for Q( necessary- s en to tho� oiposifion of, e 'new barn and dia best fenOng,' di to Ii '�dAogethcr- as -s vong. rhila tarth 0 9 4y to 4;ho -grove a. they -were assorted �ifito cve�' Which kug I Y -00ilci 1, 'tired.' n. �how�.much 69" wt- to](] bm'siz colni -ach gpe6i,irnell, I' k seep, play, and fb� I Ilk 1 66 Ing file Law, under. the-gUldance of Ne.6 ordet, i4'given e day bef 10" 'It differetA tagres of gro'wth, ore,' they appel�'d ilh�dlfbr the'AQ ThIus b Ids. The 60(iren must'ox- Cut'Sweet ClOver Uilt tip lip en" trade,' W plas agso Hi h, Ig It will avail-tiothing to hemiah' and li,zra., These were "red ess, v ews at ring tbit-d efteros of, the farm, to.1ree itq e rted t' exte" the surely (yead chg. 8, Oand also learned that, Pie..sold iii' ectio' Will W 0 R170 anoll pr CI vpto will Ily die Wit h Wo, - n.% colot 'fit rings even mOe6,.tha,rl,-a who)6"I)io,ft'T)I)le.�.-tnigedI S I WWA guide their hort. 10) and �at the close,carno the,.�tlgnf low L V( 'tbetfJl__ gges .4ind_t U` of, -lij� ng .1 ' asparagus i k'ept our .qeq%V1e -adi 'ThU4 fi iuf� gue, A64 ccivonah� se6din�, My'neigbbor waifed to' L 6, I ibe, Put, tip, Ing 01110 Is the. best- Op'Of -ir It .6 , the! f�rni�the chil- be faithful t tit f6ti,r to eight foi, '-w 4n theirs and w6rthmaking ga 0 tlie Law, Vp s6bore. a first boy crop 6 crifices for. Ord to take timp -aTf 'The It 06d, ?o 1. ' , 4, -10 IgIous IM.I ff wid thprr� �;A APPeAi ome w 10118 g value -Z -f- a­commor op. a phildren Ile It d We love -what is i pulse. 1�rin �N the_ UX V trom p rep, 'eo6ld, and it- 04�d,-_, the black' I , , . isL(�Vite8, 4nd it ga vii6el frittil a All ing'! s' to' Wait on 0 ws pcople-.,Ao-own and' we do th _4 ...... jolly ati JO."i an -notr I a all moved 0 or a n e; e ter t6 bin ni oWer,, d6elop. ProPerfY,, fol� sa are out. h6nies' i Ily arid jut ah� J)y tile to Reei-tain the divfn 'ddhld il�'Any ti 80me Inen '11pv horse eulfiva i'T6n'oiur� sl!,tis ;8006198 be( 'the will and tonform to I' high tr�- effective. 'AUSe'thby (lot) t look i' th llity"'A per�'elttion] kiiid,� we bxPedt out- 6ildren A h 0" 1OP cuttin �Ough ousd mitss move- lantqg () , Wherl 'You IeA( htto of 0 U r�' 1 lit their 0 tit f tbis kind 18 of incaleu, P This made the sicl(16I qiy it 0 secI'Y` 1) �vba� 10 lov� they 'arrive af. the ds" wo ftow, ;And a rcg�qtC fo 1, Vor 6xilrople, tho'organiz' cut- three or, four flicbe �bo,�,d itcontracts, ndre 06 i I d ore, o Of, t takly church bega,l. af ter 1hu c rOwIl and, At the'jq4 just rijilt t, e , f la on