HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-19, Page 1• 4'1'4.
••• •
t4 •
• by. ' . .
' LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY 41.3.1NE l9th 1024
•jelOer 7a046 gOrl
„.Dr, 'MacLeod will Wait •Lucknow
very Tuesday tfl Dr. -C ennelra OffiCe•
•, Dr. McInnes, Chiropractor. of Wing-
• now. :forenoon's, Tuesdays and. Fri-
days, commenong 'April' 39th. also
:.visit the 'hotel at 'Dunganrion roma
ditie e1u1y afternoon.
•'Cam. tome. Ltaknew. 'every' Wed -t,
nesuay ternodni 'AIf chretie'
tases aucceosfullY--treated.Osteo-..
.patliy zemoves tire physical' causes
of disease. Adjustnaent of the
• spine, is more quickly 'secured' and
'with fewer treatments by Osteo-
pathy than by any other method.
Toronto ;view paid. for all kinds of
9-64f A. Grospopf, Lucknow.
Registered Optometrist
Graduate Department of Ophthalmol-
ogy. McCormick Medical College. Clu-
cago 111.
•Meadaches..Dry,Itchy Eyes, Granu-
lated 'Eyelids. Watery Eyes. Pain in
Eye Balls. Inflamed Eyes. 'Pui
VVaterY Discharge from Eyes and
Dizziness caused by Eye -strain` re-
lieved-througlr:IiroPerly fitted ,Glitts-
Cross Eyes straightened` through
properly fitted Lenses,
- ' Satisfaction Assured
At the Cain House, Lucimew. EvarY
'Wednesday Afternoon ,and Evening.
Wall Paper -I have•on hand the 19-
24. samples of a number of the best
waltrpaper houses, and will be pleas-
ed to show them at'my house, or wiill
. take, thedr' to your residence -R. "J.
Cameron, Box 174, ,LucknOw.
MONEY TO. LEND -On farmprop-
erties at Geo. A. Siddall
House for Sale. on Havekek street.
Lucknow. Garden planted Apply to
. P. Gaynor at the Post Oiftee..- tf
, /tubber -Tired *':buggies re -tired,
'First class 'job guaranteed.-
• . G., Ostrander
Are you nioving from town? We
do long distance trueking. Get our
prices before °shipping. •
MaadY's Wingham. Phone 82
FOR SALE -The Tannery Property.
and ,Hide bnsiness, in Lucknovv.
tf. Apply tof Saw, Robertson.
$, C. W. Leghorn -1000 for June
25. Your last chance' to secure chicks,
from our -high -laying; strain of Leg-
horn -4- at only " $16.00 per'. „hundred
• express paid. Live delivery guaran-
teed'Collin G. Campbell R2
. ,
ed teacher holding Second Class',pre-
fessional certificate for S. S..No. 9,
Ashfieldh-Lduties to commence Sept-
ember 1st. Apply, stating exPezience
and salary expected to Wm. Clare,
Sec'y. R.' 7, Lacknow: 3-7-100
'Under instructions from the Ad-
ministrator of the Estate Of Alexan-
der' McRae late of the Township of
Kinloss in the. County of Bruce,
Gentleman, deceased; 7.tnere will t).
_mold ,bir Public Auction „oni. Saturday_
the 28th day of June. A. D. 1924 at
2 o'elock in the afternoon, on • .be
preritiae4 the -following:- „-- - - -",
• ' Chattelii*,
. 1 cook, stove, 1 %large coal heater.
• zatmantityr4Of :lcoal-and wood, :quantity.
of lumber, 2 'large kitchen tables. '4
--kitchen chairs..1 good extension lad-
der, 1 iron bed, .1 chiffonier, 1 writ-
ing desk,quantity' 'of carpenter's
triols.; -.1(- gi'iml stone, quantity, of.
household dishes, , quanti ay garden
- 'tobis and 'a few other artieles,
Reek Estate ••:
Part of the North half Of „Lot
,the Townehip. of Kinlesa-cOntacniiir
; One .acre of .land More or le, On
); the premises is .a 'One story bowie
24 x:18 feet veneered * with cement;
' kitchen 20 g 26 feet, good 'cellar un-
good well in kitchen. frantic 'Stable
• •-16',x 18:•fecit.let• contains- good: soir,
1 for garden and situate just outside -
l' --the ,Village of -Lucknow. - - . - ..4.,
TERMS:*_.iChattels-CaSh• '
Real Estate -Ten per:cent: on the
W.C. .JOHNSTON,Administrator.
day of sale and the balance within
30 &tits thereafter. . ' -, .
DUDLEY HOLMES, Solkiter for,
k Administrator, ' ' •- .26-6
• More closely conforming to. the
heilts observed by the .Brinksin all
the' Surrounding, toWnri the Canadian
,• Bank of ,Commerce and The ,Molsons
,Bnnk will after. June 15th..:observe
following hours: -.40 kin, if
• pin. with the exception Of Wedned,
daYs 'When the hOUrs will be 10 $4,M. •
- • -
"fa LIWCAliAlMusiN=41Abr'
Mrs. Ereie White Of SPaferth• was
week -end, ViSttOr-With-lier---aisters-
the Misses Murdie '
"Mrnd •-MM7,E.:.-11:
and •WalkerVille; • •
• MPS: R. H. MeQuillin spent .the„
early days of the week. With 'friend
at Fergus. • .
• Paisley's baseball team -* be
here to „1314Y jeague game On Fri-
day of this week; 'The game will
commence at 4.30.
- We understand. that Mr. Joe Mor-
tis has given' hp his deal on the
Family Theatre and Mr. Bert Reid is
. ,
again in possession.
Mr. and Mrs Wm Rae and dau-
ghter Helen, and Mr. Walter Slater,
of *Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs; W.
Rae Sunday afternoon/
Friends of Mr. Geo. Robertson Will
be pleased to know that he is. Mak-
ing favorable progress :towards 're-
covery. '
Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Johnston
and Will Johnston of .Toronto were
week -end visitors .with Mr. and Mrs.
Russ Robertson.
Mrs. MacKenzie a very_ old /*ask
dent of Kincii-dine Town, and widow
of the late Donald MacKenzie, died
on June 13th at the 'age 4 98 years.
'Cards of Thanks
Mrs. Donal(' Campbell and ,family
wishes to thank friends and neigh -
&ors for their `' kindness and sym-
pathy' at the time of their recent
bereavement -
e I
Order.Graduation Gifts now to al
low tinie for engraving. This year
, the Parker Duofold Pen is the most
popular Graduation 'Gifts , $5 and $7,
F. ' T. Armstrong bas a: full stock of
Parker and Waterman Pens:: Call'
and tee them. •
.Mr, J. F, Tennant motored tip:
from London On Saturday bringing
home his mother and sister who
have - been' visiting at London and
Aylmer the past few • Weeks. Mrs:
Sherriff .and daughter Mra. MacLean,
aceornpaniedeMr. Tennant on the re-
turn trip.
. • •
Don't miss the play; "I Can't Af-
ford It," in the Town Hall, Lucknow,.
to be presented by the Beruniller
Dramatic Club, June 20, under aus-
pices of Y.L.B.p., of the, Methodist
Church. Plan of Hall open_ at 'Mc -
;At •The Family Theatre (
• 'Don't misa. 141..04 .Lloyd:..in
"Grandmites Boy," at the .Family
Theatre, .Friday and SaturdaY-LAd.
,Mission 25 and 1.5c, Two -shows Sat-
urday at 8.30 and 10.90. •
Local Oddfellows attended :as a
ledge at the Morning service at the
,Methodist church last Sunday. The
pasto; Rev -J H-Osterliout,.
•member.'orthe:-order •preached
an excellent and appropriate aermen.-.
taking as :•seriPture reading the
-chapter-- Good --Samaritan-
! There fvvas a large turnout of local
:members, besides ,a numiber of bre-
thren .from. other -lodges:TIt was the
of the Lodge' to . visit
Greenhilj Cemetery in the, afternoon
and to decorater thei'graves-'uVbroZ.1
tilers .who lave entered into rest,' but
Tald':eollaing-'91V"Preierii:ed this cere-
A special open-air service will be
'held on Mr.. Stether's Grove, Dun-,*
,,.gannon,' on Sunday,* June 220 at 3
L.-0; L No 324 ,The sermon will be
given by the Rev. Bro. Snell of
Wingham,.County -master. All bre-
thren and others 'of the surrounding
-district-are-cordially *.'inyited,-;Seats •
,for the ladies -Collection -Welcome.
11 Pentland, $ee'y
•••••••°rO-p-o-- '
I.0.0,F, NOTICE • •
As on acct of rain last Sunday.
the Decoration Day Service had 'to.
be postponed this -service Will be
held mr. Sunday net, June 22nd, at
.Gr.eerthill Cemetery, All brothers are
requested to rneet at the Lodge
Room; at g.15 o'clock p.m, Others
Weleome,---,Horace Aitchison, N.; G.
;LOCAL ttAnkint
Rev J. Oiterbout B A•13 D
will have aarge .�f the services .in
the Method/it church *next Sunday,
--Th silbject will be
“EchOe's from the Conference." Time
•eVeniii-g7STribriet will “Fellowhig:
yOung people. -.All Welcome.
'key; J. batf$I'llout B. A.; B. DJ
has been; stationed by the Montreal'
Conference• Eastern • Methodist
.:ehurelt, "Ottawa " Oat ' He will close
his pastorate here,- on Sunday. June'
• .
29th: Rev.. T. Wesley Cosens is the
new Pastor of the Lueknow; Method.-
Lst Church, He will begin hi a work
here on Sunday July 6th. Mr. Cosens
e,omes from :Ottawa and is well
known in the London Conference.
" The Smith Kinloss M. held
their memthly Meeting at • the home
of Mra. Jiro, MacLeod on Wednesday
June 11 Miss -Noma Nicholson pre-
sided, ;and led the Devotional, and
busineas, part, of the meeting. The
Scripture study. Was prepared , by
Miss Mari.' Mac1.4eod, Mrs. R. Mac -
Callum of Lupkriow gave a• Very..full
and interesting report of the jubilee
meeting held ( at Montreal. Mrs. M.
'Irwin gave: rr4 reading which, was fol-
lowed by the reports of the Presby-'
Mrs. R.
Martin and Mrs. Graham: Meet-
ing closed :with singing 'and. ' the
Lords' Prayer 'in unison:. The July
meeting' Will be held at the home of.
Mrs. L. C. McIver.
-.:Mrs W. F. McDonald, Pres,
The Classic : ,event. of". London's-
boWling season,: the Scotch 'Doubles,
will be held' on the greens Of the
Thistle -Club on June 25 and 28. This
'event corning on Wednesday and -
Thursday of the ,last full" week
June, always attracts „bowlers -from
all Parts of Western Ontario; This
year will prove no exception, if one
a • '
1,11 Y judge•from the inquiries • which
are being made, daily, from the Se
cretary M. Alketiliead and •othei
inemberi Of the 'Scotch. doubles 'coin -
The Scotch doubles' competition
'wie* commenced in 1911 and Axis :been
conducted annually "ever sinee. The
tournament • .include three events,
with magnificent cuPe- fer,-.. each:
These 'trephiesi become the 'Perman-
ent :,.posSeisiazi, .ef the club which
wins them on three occasions'. Valu-
able ,prizes are also offered for the
winners and runners-np in ' each
event, and in: the thinkrcompetition,
fourAprizes. are Offered.
Early on Wednesday Morning of
last week Teeswater had one of the
Most spectacular fires of its history.
This resulted in the complete des-
truction of a frame livery barn for
:many years -occupied-byJohn
'11.1tiart; The birilding, which was an
�ld" three,' story structure :stood just
north of the Grand • Union Hotel,'
-which7-escaped-only-by-the fact that:
it is a concrete building. A team :of
horses and much of Mr Maar' s liv-
ery -equipment was7leSt and' Ply tnis
there was no ' insurance, ' although
...there Was some On. the building:" „--
ThefireWas:diricoVered'about two
o'clock in the morning and ;although
Volimteer' firemen' made ,a quick re-
sponse' to the alarm little Could be
done but to save.. surrounding. pro-
perty • The Wind being' :from , the
south burning Shingles and. sinders
wore carried almost: all Ryer the
town :to; the north; and niany: 'build,'
ings. were . ignited, but as a elose
were Spee,c, lily • put out, '
The ,origin of the fire isunknown
Mr. IVIaat's left the barn as .usual
about . midnight, and eVerything
Mr Hugh ;McMillan -is borne,:to
spend a few days wth his father and
'brothers on the Sixth.
Mr. ' 'McConnell of Hamilton,
is visiting his sister Mrs, MeMnichy
on , the 4th of Huron.
, E. McKim and family spent,
an' afterrioen ,Week with .IVIr„
and Mrs. -R R.' Middleton;
. .
Mr. and Mrs. John Christie and,
mily visited at Mrs. IL McLeod's
st/.week, ,
Mr Ed,, Little gaire, notice. to the
inners on thia, beat that the , Road
oik 4111 be begun title woek,
The Acids leek MOre preinii.141#
Pi° 104141M
Eggs ..; 0 0' 4 •
2522d17 w
to '6 PM.. And Thutildg41m. 10.4,i tO 'f • $ 'I' • # 0'1 27c4k.l
piam. Popti gOiri . to*,,., • ,,,,
Score,- LuehneW 15; Walkerton 6
, The opening: game of. league' bate -
'hair ata-LOCKnovv;
'tlmost more. than the 'most Ca-
thusiattie: 1°61 fan- Zbuld ask :i'dr--
a 'little, toe .Orie,:giaecl to make
goad ...entertainirient. County
Town ,sent over a fin lot of cello -Ws
but something !seemed' to go wrong
,Vitli,;the rather .14 -sided •' score ..,of
15-6 as a result. Reinhart who
started to „pitch': for 'Walkerton, • and
Was doing good- work retired in , the
3rd innings; and Was followed' 'by
MeNab, , Irwin' and O'Mally. • "
Mr., Kellerman' of ,CheSleY , who
.had promised be over to innpire
the garne, found at the. last monent ,
that it was, impossible for. him to get
away from lieme,,...se Aitken' of Walk-
erton and N• D. MacKenzie' were en--
gaged- to give the dec.isioriS.. • ,
Lineup "
I.,neknow, ' Walkerton
Bissett, S, S. „Obreicht,' S. S.
Bridge,: 2, R;. •, ' lielgott 2 B.
Gough, 'C. F; A •McCOrtFiey 4 B.
Johnston 6,i.: 1, McCartney
,Irwin, 7 ••• . ••:Anderson' L. F.
H. Aiiclirson,„ B; C',IVIally 3 B; P..4
F. • -Rerin'.4 C. F.
-14," Murdoch, R. F; 3'
W, Huston L. Reinhart P, 1
-C. Douglas, EReidC.FL;: F;• 2
The next league...game here will be::
On 'Friday of thii.Week; When paisley.
will: 'be • the visiting team,'
• .
. The Greyhound on 'Its, annial, ex-
cursion, • Detroit -t o-Goderial . a n d
back 'did, not carry so large a. aurnher
of pleasure, -seekers for spite
years ..'ipast. About four' :hundred
came. _froth -Detroit. to • GOderich and
aboutthree -hundred Made. the trip
to Detroit.. The moonlight- excursion'
. . .
carried a thousand
- The'. scare: appears A
account niaixilY for the .srfiall nunibe
going. to Detroit. There wasn't lime
reasen for this as the outbreak
Detroit apnea* to Thave been prett
well. looked :after. The .authoritie
took: r.ie' chance • :on 'having, it spreild
A. few ,others; we: understand Wei.
,prevented •frern ...going by 4 less ex
cusabie, feel- than the fear, of sniall.
pox. The •story •got going that. eithei
"Prof" Me -Mo -Rea, mindreadex( and
prophet -or Migi-pollock...the- :pro'
pfietess, of near Blyth; had predicted
that the Greyhound Wei& lie:wreck-
pursion :trip. It is .be hoped' that
those who : ' s-.6
faise _prophet.
• put it 'down in 'their ...Trete' books that
the Greyhound •made the trip in ,safe,
ty 'and, without 'Mishap Of any kind
This ought to be enough to desredit
the ' prophet forever. :10neseargelY
knows Which :,t6 think the .greater'
fools'. the 'prophets!' or these. Who:
s• ,
, '
. Old 'Light Lodge, A; F, & A. M.
LiacknoW was well represented at a
servi6e- held intheMethodist Church
atWinghaim last - -Sunday --eVeniripi:-
'The Rev. ,d, `Cragg,", of the Meth-
odist Chnrcli hiniself • an enthusiastic
member- of, the r ordet-7preached.•,tIie
service, taking as Ada subject `,`,The Re
figious -Element Those
who attended, are ,high in their praise
of Mr.- atagg's excellent,' diScOuno,
It was ,most ariplopriate to the ci:Cea-
slop.. 'Members- from all; over • •the
North Huron district gathered at• the ,
Temple -where -they' were ,formed up •
wider direction of Bro. L,-Postliff
and marched iri a 'body to the church.
r 1
We :all have heard of the double-,
very bigeggs gathered' froin the •
:nettsoofg:thelyidifstiriotii heni:
week .has brought to our -offiee the
createst-enriosity'in the .1,t,K5, of Ilan-
fridt, 80 far, It is. the precinct of ,a
bird in the flock a Mr, J. J. Smith
east of town. Thig- can' be described
only as a Siamese twins egg or ,eggS:
There two eggs joined Si the small
end by the "shell j'egg6: fire
much -under -sized and there is no '
LaSt year's brides now have the
grarnOphorie paid for but "Still ' owe
on ,the vactuirn *cleaner;
,The garage Man is a gentleman.
When he*.fixer; dna •part he never
charges for the other part luloinLget!,
' Miss Jessie Stothens visited fri-
. •
'ends in the., rieighborliOod W.' Wing,
hapar SaturdaYT
Mr.' Clarenee• Shackelten of Wing-
barn10d `11-6rb, Curren's Sun,
' •
, -M s John -,and nett Curran are
shidgling 1V1r,;"•,John Andrew's
bain.112t1i. Con this Week• •
Do/V.t miss the -Garden Party of
the season: on the Ashfield Parson-
_ :Lawn; .1.,acknow,*'*thisi Thursday
'Reit. Walter' Treleaven of Luck-*
now Occupied the pulpits on the. Ash-
, . .
field Circuit Sunday owing to the
-illness of the Pastor Rev • De Witt:,
. .
Cosens. ,
'Mrs. Geo. Irwin and Miss Celia
Pentland of pnngannon attended the
Ashfield W. M. S. meeting at • Mrs,
Edwards honie Friday afternoon.
The Ashfield Auxiliary have accept-
ed an invitation' to meet ' with . the
Nile, Crewe and Dungannon Auxil-
iaries in • Dungannon Methodist.
Church., on the afternoon of July 4tIr.
Mrs. ,Clark' of London will addresS%
the meeting'. ,
-0 '
blair. Stanley. of Greve
spent. Sithdayin.LoUr burg, . • „
.A lot of, gravelling. is being done
on the road' by the farmers of the
locality. •
• Miss .Laura Griffith of Kincardine
'sifent Sunday. With her • Sister .1iIrs.
Allan Kaake..2 •
large ;I. -lumber from aieund ,here
attended ..the Garden Party at Berfle
last. Friday night; . • " ,
'Mr; and Mrs. George' Richardson
• and family,' spent Saturday at :Mrs.
ITicha.rd;'S Pent a" few
days. recently :at Mrs. aner' Arnold's
of the Ninth, of KiziCardine •
• '1VIrs.., Jehn tColwell, Of Mich-
igan is sPending-'a.few•weeks „: with
h1 niothei- Mrs. Winterstein Who is •
confined''to heihed We all wish her
a- speedY":recove.ry.. ,
• Rev• Mr: Henderson and Mi' •Hen,
derson' of • Red `Cliff 'Sask, formerly
Of Bervie, and Mr.' Wiiliath
somi and his, two: siters, of ITCeawater;
called: . Mr,' and Mrs, Waiter.
Kaake on Sunday .
• ,• „
Road *irk the • order, of the diy
Mi.: 'August Miller is," having his
.stfab,AeS.- re•modled and cemented •
ili Stobo has r the foundation built
fOr,a .zieW 'Straw'. abpd......
Sonie of onr-jr:;.:Pariner-l•boYS•intai-
tored .elph ::Friday.;.Of.. last
Ora , oj•ins_ton. spenthe
week end at home near White-
church ' •• •. ' - • •
,. • • ,
Mr. and. -Mrs.; Walter' BesS" Viaited:
at the h.Orne of Mr.. and 'Mr's. B.
White -0o :Thurs'day last
. ; .
.A nintber from here :attended the
. „„. •
races :in Walkerton Thursday of • last'
,Mr;" Metrityre and :.Geo.'
Richardoi:-attended the .Trustee's
Convention, at Walk'etteri on Thura;
'day last •
'Mr. and ;Mrs. Thos. McD•onald. 'and
children, accompanied:,:,7bY'.Mi mnd-
toi.ed- to Eugonio..:Fails, on Wednes-
day of 'tad,. Week: •
' Lest, ye', forget '.'The Garden' Part
at the ,Ashfield .1%r-soilage:nil* June
, Champion
•Ferdyce spent Monday with their
,daughter • ars. Mark Gardner.' •
and grgAlt,
MorILLIa4ylth, Mrs.' Ram••Slicr,
WO a 'of -117detTfts'7f • '
13.itchie re --
turned boine Mcincifiv after a
weekS visit witlr, friends in 'Walker.:
' •-•
and Mrs,., LGardner, a
Maple Grcic1 Mi aiid MAO,: A..
ens of LuCknow„ and C:1141Iipi.:qt1
ef Fordyce „spent Sunda at 'Elliott,'
Taylor's St, HelonS
Mr John S. Armstrong, .clau-
ghter • Miss Armstrong,,,11:118
Littie and :MrS, Charles Stuart-, all
of ;Tccswater left on 5th on :e
trip .-td Scotland Where, ihey will
spend ,tliree MOnths;-
Ben 'Cole of Clinton was
bahly fatally injtirdd last..Week ,It'e
was ; coming 'down 'a ladder after
completing the 'Shingling of Edgar
Armstrong's house, The ladder
- slip-
ped and ,be. fell injtiii0g. his lin*
so that lie iii"ParalYsed from the 1110
filcalit4.1:11:10, not expected to recover,
• 'Mr. john Afellue Lochls
Miss Annie' Grant it the gu'es
her. cousin -Mh5..Map"--Mptbarmid
• tb:e. .1criii • this v.veok,'
, inc at the hie :strawhe
Jack Hamilton's on J
h is•
a. •
t. ,ot
• of
une •
Mms Bernice.'.Diennan of .Detroit
Mr. Hugh • McIVIurchy of Kintail
visited with; his .Sister, at Ethel d
ing' last week.
Miss •Marguerite McLennan qf •
Windsor* is spending a few days with
Mrs. K.. F. ' McLennan of
Laurier .• ^, • .-•
Albert Struthers, Mrs R. Strutli-
Jrs' and children% are ,motoring this
Week to visit friends at Woodstock
and 'Forest ' • •
Mrs. Lorne McLennan( of Detroit,
:ame ur) on the, Greyhotind and at -
ended t h e Hamilton-SleLennan
ptials last Week. •• • •
• Mr. and Mrs. • Hector ;.McGregor
and • daughter, ' Miss Grace, of • Gal-
veston, Texas,„`are Visiting with Mr,.
McGregor's mother, Mrs. A. 'MC -
Gregor on the Lake Range
Jack McDonald, of 'Toronto is
ending a -short vacation • visiting
• ,
,vith his aunt Mrs. Duncan McLenn-
an of Iaurier and also with friends
in I-Iuron Township. .
Mr; and Mrs. Stanley Hardie of
London: and 'Mrs. Dick of Brantford
motored' up Saturday • evening • to
see" Mrs. Hardie. •Mrs. Dick is a sis-
• . ' • • ..
ter •Of Mrs'. Hardie. .
Congratulations and hest wishes
are extended to NI., and Mrs Frank
Hamilton wire-. .,were on
tdnThursdayy,,.arthforen;e12riyinisvitislq. ,is.i.clioarimiiel--
Lennan of Laurier
• The 11iisses Hart.trrig of Miivertori
spent .a few days recently 'visiting
:with 'their .Cohtin Mrs Elliott SandY,
Mr; and Ors. Wrn. Hogan:ef Loth
ian Motored .down' to Lucau and
Strathroy.' and "- spent,. several
'visiting with friends. •"
The 'Members of St. Andrew's
P1.11.1i-eh• 15,oit Albert,' are: holdiiig.
Jubilee .cm -Junes, 22nd, and 23rd it
being the '55 - ':anniirersarycif the
opening �f the Church.. Sunday. ser-
vices 11a.rn,
;Rev.- 'T: M. Mahaffy,
7.30 pni. Rev. G. Gonim. Special
music: A' Garden. Party :Will be held
on church lawn on :the. 28; .
'..,•wd,.ai•e 'told' ikat. in Our note last
Week ori•;ilie• visit of Mr and .3;11rs.
W. M. MacKenzie to this _part an.
'error in figures .occurred. When we -
'stated that .Mr„ MacKenzie.' had 'sold,
liis farin„land, at $250 per. acre
should have .said $500 per acre. -,Well -
that farm miiust have.; been :fit for
townf .
The paramount .17:: F. W. .0. meet -
(fig was (held at, the home of grs„.
4.1Rx ..M.CP1021711id;; Lueknow. The
meeting „ opened' by all singinp.1
, -were'
• then Made and an' .exeellent program
is lpeing-,Pi•-epared,..fOr thet-StraWberrY
festival... A Paper on, eitizenshiP. Was
read.. by Mrs., Grant MacDiarintd
when Bessie Barnby 'favored the
gatherirrg W i t.h an , instrinnental
ster and a soloi: by Mrs,,,t•Jack!.Haniii-
ton7....was, followed :hy a paper ,0,11
^"Wht:1,70et-- Out', OP ii.6114•‘"
,0121.S.-„Plekering'.;,.•• ,,The,-..rne.etinee..,••:: was
bronglit to a close, by ..communitY:
Singing, after whieb, the hostess.scr-
yed ,a dainty lunch.. -A hearty vete 0t,
sui-• the- tTSV.,i7e- 1107176ffe:
1.banks" 'Was ,eil.de'red'AqrS; Ma'ciDiaf-
Kethabas invited the ,club te.'ineet
at herhome in. Paramount .on 'July•
Ware pleasecito report .that Mrs.,
John Durniti, who has ben so poor,:
..Mr„ W. Smith Of Carlow is a vis,-
,brother,,,,iMr.. • jos:.
?1m' Alex McPherson of ', Lomien
has been. a vSitor,wi.th Mr, aivi Mrs,'
Ncil Cairipbell •the PaSt' week,
Mrs. A. Stuait has retUrned to her
lionie here after an extendea 'Vigit
with iiidinbers. 01 her faniils i they
'States and 'Wet tern „Canada,-
A,,bahy 'boy arrived at the 'home of
Mr, and Mit. 'Chester' ..,Vitvlor on
eek -End Specials
Cr,am Puffs Bon liouche
Whole. Wbeat Bread
atter and ,..Eggs at Be-el...Prices
at •
Phone 36, .1..uCkapsfs
The ch,00sing" of a Gift for
the Bride will be , a' pleasure
ra-henyou call and -,see all the
Beautiful things We have 'in
Silver • and Cut such as
a Cake Plate or Bread' Tray „
with, Pierced. Edges; a...Lemon-
ade Set or Sherbet Glasses, in
the Hughs Design in Cut Glass.
Cabinets of Silver for Presentation purposes given special
Friday and Saturday
-June-2001-mnd 21st
Grandma's Boy"
. OCTOBER fist
Wo Shows 8.30 and 10 O'clock• .
„Admission 25c.. and 15e.
ert Reid
.1grs: .Ben _Comfort -and -sPrz Ennma
of. • Kitthener are,,•visiting Mr. and
Mrs. 1!. °
Mr. Cecil Blake of Detroit is home
after spending .1 few months • in a
Tiro factory. We Welcoine Cecil back. .
-Chortles Twamley Motored up
_from ..,_Detroit_" and Visited 'his sister
Mrs; P. 'Finnigan. ,
Mr and Mrs: Geo. 'Hunter of
Zion,' Sundaked, with Mec. and
W. Drennan; •• ,)
Mrs. 14 "Caesar, Dungannon and
Mrs. Wm. Trwin Belfast are keeping
house for Mr, and Mrs.Geo: Henry
who are away' on .a yjsit. '
'Mr, and 'Sirs., iVicAllMeic
,Chicago and 'Mr. Toni Henry of Bel-
fast, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. -Geo.( Hen-
:ry of Belfast on Thursday.
Mr. .IOC Wilson who is her from •
,Mr. and Mrs: Geo.'Henry.
" kr, and 'Mrs. Sid 'Gibspn „ and
ramify inotored, UP fromi Stratford
and s er_p*Iday .with.:_Mr,Land...,Mrs.'- •
Wns, McConell and Mr ,and Mrs. H.
J.: Blirke;"-' ' • ,
Bolri-To Mr,•. and Uri: Camp.
bellef,•tetteif--a daughter; Stine ,13.
Mi's-Catripbell • was fornially
. •
Miui Memity.
Mena* is busy .framing
Abe Brown's barn. .
'Mr and Mrs. P '8.1,iekvond of Bel-
fast .spent' Sunday witk. their .slit1"•,t-!.
ah sister .Miser
dfle$dayjrine iitl nrattjl. A ind 1ayihoid thotrk.ftole,..Sriedaff
e r s
atiens. '
Mr, Richard A. Miller. cif Rego....
town, Sask: who was a commissioner
at' thd : General ,ASsenibly at 0W*71
,$SOUTA; Spent a few 'days here IAA
week. renewirig 014 aciPlaintances
the guest of his Aunt MI* R, X. Mil-
Jack make's; his ustral, Sundai",
night visits V.:ast. •
A normal" man it On4 who thinks.
he Would look. better it 'the bikrbev,
had Olt bis hair .tiliterently. A