HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-19, Page 1• 4'1'4. ••• • .$2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE;, *2.59 OTHERWISE. • t4 • • by. ' . . ' LUCKNOW, ONT., THURSDAY 41.3.1NE l9th 1024 •4rxrEgusuitt---suRGEolt=-3ws. •jelOer 7a046 gOrl , 'DENTPST „.Dr, 'MacLeod will Wait •Lucknow very Tuesday tfl Dr. -C ennelra OffiCe• •, Dr. McInnes, Chiropractor. of Wing- • now. :forenoon's, Tuesdays and. Fri- days, commenong 'April' 39th. also :.visit the 'hotel at 'Dunganrion roma ditie e1u1y afternoon. 'DR.:PARKER, iiSTEOPATEL, at the •'Cam. tome. Ltaknew. 'every' Wed -t, nesuay ternodni 'AIf chretie' tases aucceosfullY--treated.Osteo-.. .patliy zemoves tire physical' causes of disease. Adjustnaent of the • spine, is more quickly 'secured' and 'with fewer treatments by Osteo- pathy than by any other method. Toronto ;view paid. for all kinds of poultry. 9-64f A. Grospopf, Lucknow. Wit. MAUDE C BRYANS Registered Optometrist Graduate Department of Ophthalmol- ogy. McCormick Medical College. Clu- cago 111. •Meadaches..Dry,Itchy Eyes, Granu- lated 'Eyelids. Watery Eyes. Pain in Eye Balls. Inflamed Eyes. 'Pui VVaterY Discharge from Eyes and Dizziness caused by Eye -strain` re- lieved-througlr:IiroPerly fitted ,Glitts- Cross Eyes straightened` through properly fitted Lenses, - ' Satisfaction Assured At the Cain House, Lucimew. EvarY 'Wednesday Afternoon ,and Evening. Wall Paper -I have•on hand the 19- 24. samples of a number of the best waltrpaper houses, and will be pleas- ed to show them at'my house, or wiill . take, thedr' to your residence -R. "J. Cameron, Box 174, ,LucknOw. MONEY TO. LEND -On farmprop- erties at Geo. A. Siddall House for Sale. on Havekek street. Lucknow. Garden planted Apply to . P. Gaynor at the Post Oiftee..- tf , , /tubber -Tired *':buggies re -tired, 'First class 'job guaranteed.- • . G., Ostrander • Are you nioving from town? We do long distance trueking. Get our prices before °shipping. • MaadY's Wingham. Phone 82 26-6-p. • FOR SALE -The Tannery Property. and ,Hide bnsiness, in Lucknovv. tf. Apply tof Saw, Robertson. LEGHORN CHICKS - , . $, C. W. Leghorn -1000 for June 25. Your last chance' to secure chicks, from our -high -laying; strain of Leg- horn -4- at only " $16.00 per'. „hundred • express paid. Live delivery guaran- teed'Collin G. Campbell R2 . , Auburn. TEACHERS WAND -Experienc- ed teacher holding Second Class',pre- fessional certificate for S. S..No. 9, , Ashfieldh-Lduties to commence Sept- ember 1st. Apply, stating exPezience and salary expected to Wm. Clare, Sec'y. R.' 7, Lacknow: 3-7-100 •ADMJNISTRATORtS•SALE OF - = •, VILLAGE:•"LOT'AND' CHATTELS' 'Under instructions from the Ad- ministrator of the Estate Of Alexan- der' McRae late of the Township of Kinloss in the. County of Bruce, Gentleman, deceased; 7.tnere will t). _mold ,bir Public Auction „oni. Saturday_ the 28th day of June. A. D. 1924 at 2 o'elock in the afternoon, on • .be preritiae4 the -following:- „-- - - -", • ' Chattelii*, a . 1 cook, stove, 1 %large coal heater. • zatmantityr4Of :lcoal-and wood, :quantity. of lumber, 2 'large kitchen tables. '4 --kitchen chairs..1 good extension lad- der, 1 iron bed, .1 chiffonier, 1 writ- ing desk,quantity' 'of carpenter's triols.; -.1(- gi'iml stone, quantity, of. household dishes, , quanti ay garden - 'tobis and 'a few other artieles, Reek Estate ••: Part of the North half Of „Lot 11111ho4-13--iii-4110-1"irst=-Concession.of., ,the Townehip. of Kinlesa-cOntacniiir ; One .acre of .land More or le, On ); the premises is .a 'One story bowie 24 x:18 feet veneered * with cement; ' kitchen 20 g 26 feet, good 'cellar un- rder--main....honse,,:with..._tenient-floor,„„ good well in kitchen. frantic 'Stable • •-16',x 18:•fecit.let• contains- good: soir, 1 for garden and situate just outside - l' --the ,Village of -Lucknow. - - . - ..4., TERMS:*_.iChattels-CaSh• ' Real Estate -Ten per:cent: on the / W.C. .JOHNSTON,Administrator. day of sale and the balance within 30 &tits thereafter. . ' -, . DUDLEY HOLMES, Solkiter for, k Administrator, ' ' •- .26-6 ---'CiiiANGt IN BANK' -HOURS • More closely conforming to. the heilts observed by the .Brinksin all - the' Surrounding, toWnri the Canadian ,• Bank of ,Commerce and The ,Molsons ,Bnnk will after. June 15th..:observe following hours: -.40 kin, if • pin. with the exception Of Wedned, daYs 'When the hOUrs will be 10 $4,M. • • - • - "fa LIWCAliAlMusiN=41Abr' • Mrs. Ereie White Of SPaferth• was week -end, ViSttOr-With-lier---aisters- the Misses Murdie ' "Mrnd •-MM7,E.:.-11: and •WalkerVille; • • • MPS: R. H. MeQuillin spent .the„ early days of the week. With 'friend a. at Fergus. • . • Paisley's baseball team -* be here to „1314Y jeague game On Fri- day of this week; 'The game will commence at 4.30. - We understand. that Mr. Joe Mor- tis has given' hp his deal on the Family Theatre and Mr. Bert Reid is . , again in possession. Mr. and Mrs Wm Rae and dau- ghter Helen, and Mr. Walter Slater, of *Stratford visited Mr. and Mrs; W. Rae Sunday afternoon/ Friends of Mr. Geo. Robertson Will be pleased to know that he is. Mak- ing favorable progress :towards 're- covery. ' Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Johnston and Will Johnston of .Toronto were week -end visitors .with Mr. and Mrs. Russ Robertson. .441.111110 Mrs. MacKenzie a very_ old /*ask dent of Kincii-dine Town, and widow of the late Donald MacKenzie, died on June 13th at the 'age 4 98 years. 'Cards of Thanks Mrs. Donal(' Campbell and ,family • wishes to thank friends and neigh - &ors for their `' kindness and sym- pathy' at the time of their recent bereavement - e I Order.Graduation Gifts now to al low tinie for engraving. This year , the Parker Duofold Pen is the most popular Graduation 'Gifts , $5 and $7, F. ' T. Armstrong bas a: full stock of Parker and Waterman Pens:: Call' and tee them. • .Mr, J. F, Tennant motored tip: from London On Saturday bringing home his mother and sister who have - been' visiting at London and Aylmer the past few • Weeks. Mrs: Sherriff .and daughter Mra. MacLean, aceornpaniedeMr. Tennant on the re- turn trip. . • • Don't miss the play; "I Can't Af- ford It," in the Town Hall, Lucknow,. to be presented by the Beruniller Dramatic Club, June 20, under aus- pices of Y.L.B.p., of the, Methodist Church. Plan of Hall open_ at 'Mc - Kim's. ;At •The Family Theatre ( • 'Don't misa. 141..04 .Lloyd:..in "Grandmites Boy," at the .Family Theatre, .Friday and SaturdaY-LAd. ,Mission 25 and 1.5c, Two -shows Sat- urday at 8.30 and 10.90. • ODDFELLOWS AT CHURCH Local Oddfellows attended :as a ledge at the Morning service at the ,Methodist church last Sunday. The pasto; Rev -J H-Osterliout,. •member.'orthe:-order •preached an excellent and appropriate aermen.-. taking as :•seriPture reading the -chapter-- Good --Samaritan- ! There fvvas a large turnout of local :members, besides ,a numiber of bre- , thren .from. other -lodges:TIt was the of the Lodge' to . visit Greenhilj Cemetery in the, afternoon and to decorater thei'graves-'uVbroZ.1 tilers .who lave entered into rest,' but Tald':eollaing-'91V"Preierii:ed this cere- mony. ' NOTICE TO ORANGEMEN A special open-air service will be 'held on Mr.. Stether's Grove, Dun-,* ,,.gannon,' on Sunday,* June 220 at 3 &'clock-zp...m=sharp-Arridernispices: L.-0; L No 324 ,The sermon will be given by the Rev. Bro. Snell of Wingham,.County -master. All bre- thren and others 'of the surrounding -district-are-cordially *.'inyited,-;Seats • ,for the ladies -Collection -Welcome. 11 Pentland, $ee'y •••••••°rO-p-o-- ' I.0.0,F, NOTICE • • As on acct of rain last Sunday. the Decoration Day Service had 'to. be postponed this -service Will be held mr. Sunday net, June 22nd, at .Gr.eerthill Cemetery, All brothers are requested to rneet at the Lodge Room; at g.15 o'clock p.m, Others Weleome,---,Horace Aitchison, N.; G. ;LOCAL ttAnkint Rev J. Oiterbout B A•13 D will have aarge .�f the services .in the Method/it church *next Sunday, --Th silbject will be “EchOe's from the Conference." Time •eVeniii-g7STribriet will “Fellowhig: 4P,:y•otirtAdVantia-geti:nrA- yOung people. -.All Welcome. 'key; J. batf$I'llout B. A.; B. DJ has been; stationed by the Montreal' Conference• Eastern • Methodist .:ehurelt, "Ottawa " Oat ' He will close his pastorate here,- on Sunday. June' • . 29th: Rev.. T. Wesley Cosens is the new Pastor of the Lueknow; Method.- Lst Church, He will begin hi a work here on Sunday July 6th. Mr. Cosens e,omes from :Ottawa and is well known in the London Conference. " The Smith Kinloss M. held their memthly Meeting at • the home of Mra. Jiro, MacLeod on Wednesday June 11 Miss -Noma Nicholson pre- sided, ;and led the Devotional, and busineas, part, of the meeting. The Scripture study. Was prepared , by Miss Mari.' Mac1.4eod, Mrs. R. Mac - Callum of Lupkriow gave a• Very..full and interesting report of the jubilee meeting held ( at Montreal. Mrs. M. 'Irwin gave: rr4 reading which, was fol- lowed by the reports of the Presby-' Mrs. R. Martin and Mrs. Graham: Meet- ing closed :with singing 'and. ' the Lords' Prayer 'in unison:. The July meeting' Will be held at the home of. Mrs. L. C. McIver. -.:Mrs W. F. McDonald, Pres, OF. INTEREST TO BOWLERS The Classic : ,event. of". London's- boWling season,: the Scotch 'Doubles, will be held' on the greens Of the Thistle -Club on June 25 and 28. This 'event corning on Wednesday and - Thursday of the ,last full" week June, always attracts „bowlers -from all Parts of Western Ontario; This year will prove no exception, if one a • ' 1,11 Y judge•from the inquiries • which are being made, daily, from the Se cretary M. Alketiliead and •othei inemberi Of the 'Scotch. doubles 'coin - 7 • The Scotch doubles' competition 'wie* commenced in 1911 and Axis :been conducted annually "ever sinee. The tournament • .include three events, with magnificent cuPe- fer,-.. each: These 'trephiesi become the 'Perman- ent :,.posSeisiazi, .ef the club which wins them on three occasions'. Valu- able ,prizes are also offered for the winners and runners-np in ' each event, and in: the thinkrcompetition, fourAprizes. are Offered. SPECTACULAR FIRE AT ',ItESWATER Early on Wednesday Morning of last week Teeswater had one of the Most spectacular fires of its history. This resulted in the complete des- truction of a frame livery barn for :many years -occupied-byJohn '11.1tiart; The birilding, which was an �ld" three,' story structure :stood just north of the Grand • Union Hotel,' -which7-escaped-only-by-the fact that: it is a concrete building. A team :of horses and much of Mr Maar' s liv- ery -equipment was7leSt and' Ply tnis there was no ' insurance, ' although ...there Was some On. the building:" „-- ThefireWas:diricoVered'about two o'clock in the morning and ;although Volimteer' firemen' made ,a quick re- sponse' to the alarm little Could be done but to save.. surrounding. pro- perty • The Wind being' :from , the south burning Shingles and. sinders wore carried almost: all Ryer the town :to; the north; and niany: 'build,' ings. were . ignited, but as a elose Aatehz,yttas,,,kept...=.41res=thut2zs..tartek were Spee,c, lily • put out, ' The ,origin of the fire isunknown Mr. IVIaat's left the barn as .usual about . midnight, and eVerything • ..FOURTHICOWKIN.LOSS:, • Mr Hugh ;McMillan -is borne,:to spend a few days wth his father and 'brothers on the Sixth. Mr. ' 'McConnell of Hamilton, is visiting his sister Mrs, MeMnichy on , the 4th of Huron. , E. McKim and family spent, an' afterrioen ,Week with .IVIr„ and Mrs. -R R.' Middleton; . . Mr. and Mrs. John Christie and, mily visited at Mrs. IL McLeod's st/.week, , Mr Ed,, Little gaire, notice. to the inners on thia, beat that the , Road oik 4111 be begun title woek, The Acids leek MOre preinii.141# Pi° 104141M fa la Eggs ..; 0 0' 4 • 2522d17 w to '6 PM.. And Thutildg41m. 10.4,i tO 'f • $ 'I' • # 0'1 27c4k.l OQ piam. Popti gOiri . to*,,., • ,,,, .WIN FOS "IJOCALS' • • WALKERTON VS, LUCKNOW , Score,- LuehneW 15; Walkerton 6 , , The opening: game of. league' bate - 'hair ata-LOCKnovv; 'tlmost more. than the 'most Ca- thusiattie: 1°61 fan- Zbuld ask :i'dr-- a 'little, toe .Orie,:giaecl to make goad ...entertainirient. County Town ,sent over a fin lot of cello -Ws , but something !seemed' to go wrong ,Vitli,;the rather .14 -sided •' score ..,of 15-6 as a result. Reinhart who started to „pitch': for 'Walkerton, • and Was doing good- work retired in , the 3rd innings; and Was followed' 'by MeNab, , Irwin' and O'Mally. • " Mr., Kellerman' of ,CheSleY , who .had promised be over to innpire the garne, found at the. last monent , that it was, impossible for. him to get away from lieme,,...se Aitken' of Walk- erton and N• D. MacKenzie' were en-- . gaged- to give the dec.isioriS.. • , , Lineup " I.,neknow, ' Walkerton Bissett, S, S. „Obreicht,' S. S. Bridge,: 2, R;. •, ' lielgott 2 B. Gough, 'C. F; A •McCOrtFiey 4 B. Johnston 6,i.: 1, McCartney ,Irwin, 7 ••• . ••:Anderson' L. F. H. Aiiclirson,„ B; C',IVIally 3 B; P..4 F. • -Rerin'.4 C. F. -14," Murdoch, R. F; 3' W, Huston L. Reinhart P, 1 -C. Douglas, EReidC.FL;: F;• 2 The next league...game here will be:: On 'Friday of thii.Week; When paisley. will: 'be • the visiting team,' • THE.„GREYHOVNB:-EXCPRSION • . . The Greyhound on 'Its, annial, ex- cursion, • Detroit -t o-Goderial . a n d back 'did, not carry so large a. aurnher of pleasure, -seekers for spite years ..'ipast. About four' :hundred came. _froth -Detroit. to • GOderich and aboutthree -hundred Made. the trip to Detroit.. The moonlight- excursion' . . . carried a thousand - The'. scare: appears A account niaixilY for the .srfiall nunibe going. to Detroit. There wasn't lime reasen for this as the outbreak Detroit apnea* to Thave been prett well. looked :after. The .authoritie took: r.ie' chance • :on 'having, it spreild A. few ,others; we: understand Wei. ,prevented •frern ...going by 4 less ex cusabie, feel- than the fear, of sniall. pox. The •story •got going that. eithei "Prof" Me -Mo -Rea, mindreadex( and prophet -or Migi-pollock...the- :pro' pfietess, of near Blyth; had predicted that the Greyhound Wei& lie:wreck- ed•'ancl-'tinic-whil-con"thi'Styearfi'e..- pursion :trip. It is .be hoped' that those who : ' s-.6 faise _prophet. • put it 'down in 'their ...Trete' books that the Greyhound •made the trip in ,safe, ty 'and, without 'Mishap Of any kind This ought to be enough to desredit the ' prophet forever. :10neseargelY knows Which :,t6 think the .greater' fools'. the 'prophets!' or these. Who: 0 s• , , ' :MASONS „ AT WINGHAM . Old 'Light Lodge, A; F, & A. M. LiacknoW was well represented at a servi6e- held intheMethodist Church atWinghaim last - -Sunday --eVeniripi:- 'The Rev. ,d, `Cragg,", of the Meth- odist Chnrcli hiniself • an enthusiastic member- of, the r ordet-7preached.•,tIie service, taking as Ada subject `,`,The Re figious -Element Those who attended, are ,high in their praise of Mr.- atagg's excellent,' diScOuno, It was ,most ariplopriate to the ci:Cea- slop.. 'Members- from all; over • •the North Huron district gathered at• the , Temple -where -they' were ,formed up • wider direction of Bro. L,-Postliff and marched iri a 'body to the church. r 1 AN EG CURIOSITY We :all have heard of the double-, -Yerked-,:pg0;-ef-.verk--31111111-reggsfi'altd.. very bigeggs gathered' froin the • :nettsoofg:thelyidifstiriotii heni: week .has brought to our -offiee the createst-enriosity'in the .1,t,K5, of Ilan- fridt, 80 far, It is. the precinct of ,a bird in the flock a Mr, J. J. Smith east of town. Thig- can' be described only as a Siamese twins egg or ,eggS: There two eggs joined Si the small end by the "shell j'egg6: fire much -under -sized and there is no ' .shell, LaSt year's brides now have the grarnOphorie paid for but "Still ' owe on ,the vactuirn *cleaner; ,The garage Man is a gentleman. When he*.fixer; dna •part he never Rikte charges for the other part luloinLget!, ' Miss Jessie Stothens visited fri- . • 'ends in the., rieighborliOod W.' Wing, hapar SaturdaYT Mr.' Clarenee• Shackelten of Wing- barn10d `11-6rb, Curren's Sun, ' • , -M s John -,and nett Curran are shidgling 1V1r,;"•,John Andrew's bain.112t1i. Con this Week• • Do/V.t miss the -Garden Party of the season: on the Ashfield Parson- age _ :Lawn; .1.,acknow,*'*thisi Thursday - 'Reit. Walter' Treleaven of Luck-* now Occupied the pulpits on the. Ash- , . . field Circuit Sunday owing to the -illness of the Pastor Rev • De Witt:, . . Cosens. , 'Mrs. Geo. Irwin and Miss Celia Pentland of pnngannon attended the Ashfield W. M. S. meeting at • Mrs, Edwards honie Friday afternoon. The Ashfield Auxiliary have accept- ed an invitation' to meet ' with . the Nile, Crewe and Dungannon Auxil- iaries in • Dungannon Methodist. Church., on the afternoon of July 4tIr. Mrs. ,Clark' of London will addresS% the meeting'. , -0 ' :KTNLOSS .° blair. Stanley. of Greve spent. Sithdayin.LoUr burg, . • „ .A lot of, gravelling. is being done on the road' by the farmers of the locality. • • Miss .Laura Griffith of Kincardine 'sifent Sunday. With her • Sister .1iIrs. Allan Kaake..2 • large ;I. -lumber from aieund ,here attended ..the Garden Party at Berfle last. Friday night; . • " , 'Mr; and Mrs. George' Richardson • and family,' spent Saturday at :Mrs. ITicha.rd;'S Pent a" few days. recently :at Mrs. aner' Arnold's of the Ninth, of KiziCardine • • '1VIrs.., Jehn tColwell, Of Mich- igan is sPending-'a.few•weeks „: with h1 niothei- Mrs. Winterstein Who is • confined''to heihed We all wish her a- speedY":recove.ry.. , • Rev• Mr: Henderson and Mi' •Hen, derson' of • Red `Cliff 'Sask, formerly Of Bervie, and Mr.' Wiiliath Hendel- somi and his, two: siters, of ITCeawater; called: . Mr,' and Mrs, Waiter. Kaake on Sunday . • ,• „ CULROSS CENTRE' „ , Road *irk the • order, of the diy Mi.: 'August Miller is," having his .stfab,AeS.- re•modled and cemented • ili Stobo has r the foundation built fOr,a .zieW 'Straw'. abpd...... Sonie of onr-jr:;.:Pariner-l•boYS•intai- tored .elph ::Friday.;.Of.. last b. Ora , oj•ins_ton. spenthe week end at home near White- church ' •• •. ' - • • ,. • • , Mr. and. -Mrs.; Walter' BesS" Viaited: at the h.Orne of Mr.. and 'Mr's. B. White -0o :Thurs'day last . ; . .A nintber from here :attended the . „„. • races :in Walkerton Thursday of • last' ,Mr;" Metrityre and :.Geo.' Richardoi:-attended the .Trustee's Convention, at Walk'etteri on Thura; 'day last • „ 'Mr. and ;Mrs. Thos. McD•onald. 'and children, accompanied:,:,7bY'.Mi mnd- toi.ed- to Eugonio..:Fails, on Wednes- day of 'tad,. Week: • 31APLE,„,GROVE CORNJR ' Lest, ye', forget '.'The Garden' Part at the ,Ashfield .1%r-soilage:nil* June , Champion •Ferdyce spent Monday with their ,daughter • ars. Mark Gardner.' • and grgAlt, MorILLIa4ylth, Mrs.' Ram••Slicr, - WO a 'of -117detTfts'7f • ' 13.itchie re -- turned boine Mcincifiv after a weekS visit witlr, friends in 'Walker.: ' •-• and Mrs,., LGardner, a Maple Grcic1 Mi aiid MAO,: A.. Hav- ens of LuCknow„ and C:1141Iipi.:qt1 ef Fordyce „spent Sunda at 'Elliott,' Taylor's St, HelonS „ Mr John S. Armstrong, .clau- ghter • Miss Armstrong,,,11:118 Littie and :MrS, Charles Stuart-, all of ;Tccswater left on 5th on :e trip .-td Scotland Where, ihey will spend ,tliree MOnths;- Ben 'Cole of Clinton was pro- bahly fatally injtirdd last..Week ,It'e was ; coming 'down 'a ladder after completing the 'Shingling of Edgar Armstrong's house, The ladder - slip- ped and ,be. fell injtiii0g. his lin* so that lie iii"ParalYsed from the 1110 filcalit4.1:11:10, not expected to recover, • -ASEFIELD Norgs • 'Mr. john Afellue Lochls ;0ziant,plis•ootra'sParly4i7ito.t1;:ii:cot Miss Annie' Grant it the gu'es her. cousin -Mh5..Map"--Mptbarmid • tb:e. .1criii • this v.veok,' , inc at the hie :strawhe 4thesterigV:6,atat, Jack Hamilton's on J • h is• with a. • t. ,ot • of •, i•rY' une • Mms Bernice.'.Diennan of .Detroit is Mr. Hugh • McIVIurchy of Kintail visited with; his .Sister, at Ethel d ing' last week. Miss •Marguerite McLennan qf • • Windsor* is spending a few days with Mrs. K.. F. ' McLennan of Laurier .• ^, • .-• end, ur- Albert Struthers, Mrs R. Strutli- Jrs' and children% are ,motoring this Week to visit friends at Woodstock and 'Forest ' • • Mrs. Lorne McLennan( of Detroit, :ame ur) on the, Greyhotind and at - ended t h e Hamilton-SleLennan ptials last Week. •• • • • Mr. and Mrs. • Hector ;.McGregor and • daughter, ' Miss Grace, of • Gal- veston, Texas,„`are Visiting with Mr,. McGregor's mother, Mrs. A. 'MC - Gregor on the Lake Range Jack McDonald, of 'Toronto is ending a -short vacation • visiting • , ,vith his aunt Mrs. Duncan McLenn- an of Iaurier and also with friends in I-Iuron Township. . Mr; and Mrs. Stanley Hardie of London: and 'Mrs. Dick of Brantford motored' up Saturday • evening • to see" Mrs. Hardie. •Mrs. Dick is a sis- • . ' • • .. ter •Of Mrs'. Hardie. . Congratulations and hest wishes are extended to NI., and Mrs Frank Hamilton wire-. .,were on tdnThursdayy,,.arthforen;e12riyinisvitislq. ,is.i.clioarimiiel-- Lennan of Laurier • The 11iisses Hart.trrig of Miivertori spent .a few days recently 'visiting :with 'their .Cohtin Mrs Elliott SandY, Mr; and Ors. Wrn. Hogan:ef Loth - ian Motored .down' to Lucau and Strathroy.' and "- spent,. several 'visiting with friends. •" The 'Members of St. Andrew's P1.11.1i-eh• 15,oit Albert,' are: holdiiig. Jubilee .cm -Junes, 22nd, and 23rd it being the '55 - ':anniirersarycif the opening �f the Church.. Sunday. ser- vices 11a.rn, ;Rev.- 'T: M. Mahaffy, 7.30 pni. Rev. G. Gonim. Special music: A' Garden. Party :Will be held on church lawn on :the. 28; . '..,•wd,.ai•e 'told' ikat. in Our note last Week ori•;ilie• visit of Mr and .3;11rs. W. M. MacKenzie to this _part an. 'error in figures .occurred. When we - 'stated that .Mr„ MacKenzie.' had 'sold, liis farin„land, at $250 per. acre should have .said $500 per acre. -,Well - that farm miiust have.; been :fit for townf . • The paramount .17:: F. W. .0. meet - (fig was (held at, the home of grs„. 4.1Rx ..M.CP1021711id;; Lueknow. The meeting „ opened' by all singinp.1 , -were' • then Made and an' .exeellent program is lpeing-,Pi•-epared,..fOr thet-StraWberrY festival... A Paper on, eitizenshiP. Was read.. by Mrs., Grant MacDiarintd when Bessie Barnby 'favored the gatherirrg W i t.h an , instrinnental ster and a soloi: by Mrs,,,t•Jack!.Haniii- ton7....was, followed :hy a paper ,0,11 ^"Wht:1,70et-- Out', OP ii.6114•‘" ,0121.S.-„Plekering'.;,.•• ,,The,-..rne.etinee..,••:: was bronglit to a close, by ..communitY: Singing, after whieb, the hostess.scr- yed ,a dainty lunch.. -A hearty vete 0t, sui-• the- tTSV.,i7e- 1107176ffe: 1.banks" 'Was ,eil.de'red'AqrS; Ma'ciDiaf- Kethabas invited the ,club te.'ineet at herhome in. Paramount .on 'July• ; Ware pleasecito report .that Mrs., John Durniti, who has ben so poor,: • ..Mr„ W. Smith Of Carlow is a vis,- ,brother,,,,iMr.. • jos:. ?1m' Alex McPherson of ', Lomien has been. a vSitor,wi.th Mr, aivi Mrs,' Ncil Cairipbell •the PaSt' week, Mrs. A. Stuait has retUrned to her lionie here after an extendea 'Vigit with iiidinbers. 01 her faniils i they 'States and 'Wet tern „Canada,- A,,bahy 'boy arrived at the 'home of Mr, and Mit. 'Chester' ..,Vitvlor on eek -End Specials Cr,am Puffs Bon liouche --Dundee-Cakes- HO-rnReaiMs4ja-dBereBardead Whole. Wbeat Bread atter and ,..Eggs at Be-el...Prices at • 011STInan9 Phone 36, .1..uCkapsfs I DAL GI FTS The ch,00sing" of a Gift for the Bride will be , a' pleasure ra-henyou call and -,see all the Beautiful things We have 'in Silver • and Cut such as a Cake Plate or Bread' Tray „ with, Pierced. Edges; a...Lemon- ade Set or Sherbet Glasses, in the Hughs Design in Cut Glass. Cabinets of Silver for Presentation purposes given special attention. CALL AND LET US SHOW ' SOME OF THE NEW THINGS JEWELLER FAMILY THEATRE Lucknow Friday and Saturday -June-2001-mnd 21st HAROLD LLOYDIN Grandma's Boy" „DON'T MISS THIS PICTURE • IT IS THE LAST PICTURE FOR THE SEASON. THEATRE WILL RE -OPEN FOR THE . FALL MONTHS ABOUT . OCTOBER fist Wo Shows 8.30 and 10 O'clock• . „Admission 25c.. and 15e. - ert Reid 'CREWE .1grs: .Ben _Comfort -and -sPrz Ennma of. • Kitthener are,,•visiting Mr. and Mrs. 1!. ° Mr. Cecil Blake of Detroit is home , after spending .1 few months • in a Tiro factory. We Welcoine Cecil back. . -Chortles Twamley Motored up _from ..,_Detroit_" and Visited 'his sister Mrs; P. 'Finnigan. , Mr and Mrs: Geo. 'Hunter of Zion,' Sundaked, with Mec. and • W. Drennan; •• ,) Mrs. 14 "Caesar, Dungannon and Mrs. Wm. Trwin Belfast are keeping house for Mr, and Mrs.Geo: Henry who are away' on .a yjsit. ' 'Mr, and 'Sirs., iVicAllMeic ,Chicago and 'Mr. Toni Henry of Bel- fast, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. -Geo.( Hen- :ry of Belfast on Thursday. Mr. .IOC Wilson who is her from • ,Mr. and Mrs: Geo.'Henry. " kr, and 'Mrs. Sid 'Gibspn „ and ramify inotored, UP fromi Stratford and s er_p*Iday .with.:_Mr,Land...,Mrs.'- • Wns, McConell and Mr ,and Mrs. H. J.: Blirke;"-' ' • , Bolri-To Mr,•. and Uri: Camp. bellef,•tetteif--a daughter; Stine ,13. Mi's-Catripbell • was fornially . • Miui Memity. Mena* is busy .framing Abe Brown's barn. . 'Mr and Mrs. P '8.1,iekvond of Bel- fast .spent' Sunday witk. their .slit1"•,t-!. ah sister .Miser r, dfle$dayjrine iitl nrattjl. A ind 1ayihoid thotrk.ftole,..Sriedaff e r s atiens. ' Mr, Richard A. Miller. cif Rego.... town, Sask: who was a commissioner at' thd : General ,ASsenibly at 0W*71 ,$SOUTA; Spent a few 'days here IAA week. renewirig 014 aciPlaintances the guest of his Aunt MI* R, X. Mil- , ler, Jack make's; his ustral, Sundai", night visits V.:ast. • A normal" man it On4 who thinks. he Would look. better it 'the bikrbev, had Olt bis hair .tiliterently. A , lee •.;.• S.