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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-12, Page 8
• 4E is c ades, 9: -- .:. :� . Three Vag h M �'1::� un 'Silk and .Wool, t e ��'LEA .. �. ea, y 1.` A b 1 - � 2 . e s hades � - a .:y P 1 . 1'. ERI✓�LA, A 'Wbol. 'w�tth':a'''Silk • Thread,: a c. per ball: • TiALINE--A 4rPly All VW ool, . very . popular, at die s ed U r. .. _.derwea p e es a, • 5 75 85c.., :1.00 u ,.. to ,$2.-75, 0 ' •55 4 60► . � � P t t►7 Straw flats en's ,. . Season is ' at hand.'We haeme raw: fat .h many at moderate: prices. reaves to choose from, �' Shoe er- ole • : ,' 1.40, . 1.0.0, � . 1'3twear. thingeve child delights to ' st. the '._ S e .turd. s � cial Jacks of Ladies' and Misses' Gingham ; Dresses,. all to Extra Value . Prices for Saturday trade. RDOG ne. No. 1.0' is at Your Service;, icor`Ca , • sh=We. SeU.Cheaper Than The Credit Mores cin g Season IsIiere WE :HAVE : ,COMPLETESTOCK OF ' 'COILED RE`, , BARB: WIRE ' THE QUALITYAND WOVEN FENCE. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT: lyly.: • ' : THE BEST , ,. . WE HAVE WIRE TREIC.1J.S FOR ROSE BUSHES AND FLOWER BED :BORDmt. OUR .STOCK OF SCREEN DOORS AND 'WINDOWS IS'. COAiPI.E'I'E WE'. HAVE MANY STYLES '!'AND. -.AL1 SIZES, START ,EARLY TO 'SHUT ,OUT. THE FLY AND .:Y 0'13 WILL HAVE COMFORT ALL SEASON; NOTHING ADDS TO THE APPEARANCE OF A HOME `mac KEEP "'RIGHT. `.;MORE' THAK • A_, ,WELL KEPT LA TO IT , YOU NEED' A MOWER THAT IS WORKING PROPERLY. SEE OUR.' STOCK—EVERY MOWER" GUARANTEED Cement' Always On Hand e. hale just placed into Stock a' carload-- ' of Limas and Plaster.' Ma i11t'�le . " uccessors to Lucknow 'Hardware & Coal 'Co: 1 WALKERTON • - The second 'annual . tamp -meeting being held by 'the Walkerton Pente- costal Mission on the Bend ; here from; Sunday"`. June .1st to Sunday*, ay to `a good: ut forty ad far, distant and and,.Av' vas at the- ?ng con tinu a au ment by ,'new.: . arrivals daily _ They eat_ ;and sleep'. on the grounds, and' give themselves up to 'song, praise :and :prayer. Pastor '.Blair of Walkerton•. is the presiding genius .at,, all. the •meetings. which' :include sessions at 11 ant.: :3 pin and' 8 pan. on • week -days, ,with the ''evening • comment thin!: earner, on Sunda_rs. All• a Lli:.'. - tin . e- e mea, bs . so ::far 3lare ween' late a is attended. • -•.Rev Arch Phi]potts 'of Mt.. For • es ' ' former Methodist ' pastor'of i niwood, • is` tthe' •efficient • and song leader, while: he chief ea honer is. 'Rev. G, A Chamber. ;. pas tor;• of, Kitchener;. ;,whose• method • ,of'• appeal is; almost as dramatiac"'"..and• Mike as` ;convincing a • .the famoa Bi y Strada: =:Nobody;: falls -:•asleep- when'' Pastor Chambers Is in action but: on • rhe contrary . his follower - beeeonye.; so arotis-d that eventualii many, of thein are transported• m o that state,' which •. the' •Penteeosta:W maintain enables;,.them to see eeles- i sisioti.,•and .speak with' other. June 15tH, ha of start, • and already. ab herents from points as' Kitchener, Owen S ton are ;:now under Bend, with'' their ;number Gertle;Jean end Keith Webster oi' Seaforth spent, tie *eek gild wzth ?r and, We Max `R•;aynard 4f Par mount. Mrs, a old , Evai,s o f N•anticote' :is vision with, her,' parents Mr: and Mrs, Robert Drennan: of,'Laurier. Mrs and Mrd `R,, °enzi •cltai.i InfiV ttat, werelr for Virittnipoj �r a n onth air so to °'visit _ ivath f ends. Mr, ', Lloyd Robb of Teeswater spent ,Sunday: with his. parentsat. Amberley.,• • Miss(. Mary Ross 'Of Stratford Nor- mal' -who hay';' an 'attiaoif of measles -has returned; :to •:her- home, -in Loch.. t • Pas.o''"i Chan hers opo i t""h, e camp -meeting on"Sunday morning• ,.last; from. the. 'text, ' "We.'are' doisil. ' ',directly in' front, of him, and there: a: great Work, shall we come down 7'' was a crash' that will cost, each own- At; `night he preached a'forceful mer er something for damages. sage:on":.:''-Lie... Coming of .... trail -V.'''. 0 0 G Rer, �I'r: Pliilpotts, who *as the It Must be a difficult part in' these' ass' day, afternoon• amateur theatricals where a ° girt sgealcer at the Sun =firs. devr - ari tislpressl•c�e leszo. •. • ,dt,esf rpt, have to • saj! -a word. .. from the' text, "This day•Is the Scripture fulfilled • iii • Tour Ears," a declaration. that, Christ Himself 'hac. made -two 'thousand Fears" ago; in thF moms Mr.. And Mrs: Jas, Ritchie , are. spending a week with friends. in •.Walkerville and Detroit. •. , 3Vi'r, 'and :Bert Treleaven and fam rly ' of Crewe .also Mr, and Mrs: ..Ewart Taylor 6f Lutknew • visited at. ,: ... 'loin Hackett's ori Sunday • 'John Cha'tr'ipron -Of Fordyce and. Mise Ida Steiart.'ofMark-Gard- -11a, Kincardine epoht Sunday with Mi r, Mar•Gard :net, 11x', and MO. W. Jr, Gardner and i noillidn*p spent 'Sunday witl� tri- s� Ott leu uit14, Mr. ..:and ,lits •Fred •Ritelaie Spent Sunday. with `friends in Kinloss, Tp.• 3fr_, and Mrs. J.. McKeith,, Mr,' and Mn,' Cheste Hilton` and family of Oakville spent Sunday at Chas. Rit- chie's. .Hi3LE S The Annual Sumtner meeting. of the Women'e Institute wi11 be,' held in the Community Hall, on Wednes- �'dayofternoonlune 18, *ten Mrt, Paterson, of Gadshiil; will be' the speaker, A.11 the ladies 'of the:locality sr' eordianfy invited,: Mr, Kenneth Campbell of :Det• roit.,is • home••for•a• few days. mot he'' coant, of'• the ' illness of lila. Mrs, Rory .Campbell: of. Lothian;' Mrs:"$t#nvn, of Detroit, is 'spending a' few + weeks with her •sister ' Miss Sadie 'Cameron of Lochalsh. Mr', and Mrs. Wellington Hender- son and children of Lucknow spin? Sunday with: Mr, and Mrs. Jack H'en•' derson,, of Paramount Mr, and Mrs. Jas Struthers ' and Mrs. Walker of Paramount spent Sunday 'With Lang side friends. . Miss ',Margaret MacLennan, of Toronto, is visiting at her homine . Lochalsh ' Mr: And;, Hamilton, of ; 'Henfryn :spent the week' end• with Paramoun• 'friends, Mrs Dr: R, L. White, of Chicago is visiting with, her mother. Mrs. K. F McLennan of Laurier.' Mr;°;anti' -Mrs; Melvin Baynard and daughter Jean' spent.:•Sunday• with, • Mr. and, Mrs, ' George• ,Drennan • of 'Lanes; \Mr. and Mrs,, Win. k, .McGill of Paramount spent Sunday with Lang - side friends„ Mrs' Jack. Hamilton and Carman. of Paramount, visited ;with friends on the fourth con. on Sunday,' Mrs,:. Smalley of Detroit is visiting for''a few weeks;'vrith her, brother Wm, Baldwin; of Lanes, Quite a number. went ' down to. Goderich to take in the :moonlight :trip ;of the Greyhound on Monday night, Mr. arid Mr's .Jack McKeith and. Mr;' •and Mrs. Hinton •and, •children, of Oakville motored up 'and spent the, week end with :friends 'in Ashfield Mi- and Mrs W. M McKenzie of Vancouverspent the week' visiting Mr. and Mrs. M J. McKay and Mr. and Mrs R. J. Sullen; Mr McKenzie left this county about -.thirty-five years ago to make hia fortune in thy: ',West and chose Vancouver as his. home;:: When .'the; family ••;resided, in Ontario they lived on the ,;north half of R. J. Bullen's`.farm They are now, taking a 'three month's, trip touring: ,1LAN; SIn' Lcgs?de:, district"last;" en old re 'si'dent.on. onday,, :of"this week in the heron ti!' . Donald" D. MacKinnon!. familiarly, k•nawn.as . Dan MacKin- non, •whale farm was at Murray's School Mr. MacK �nnon who was in his `,75th year met with Mt accident; about three w eios •before his death, pra •ed :Fatal .,iia Was ,luei,l.kwood on a waggon and appeared • to have fallen off the 100, some of the wood coining. down 'en top of him,. It 'was: some hours before he was discover2. ed` and was then in a,pattiallY par-. alysed. ;condition, The. funeral- was -- on: Wednesday--a_ftgrnoon. to ....Kinloss-_ Cemetery; . GOOD BALL AME AT PAISLEY • Lucknow:,Baseball team played nits • 'first. league 'genie. ie of tie seasonn at Paisley on •Thursdayolastweek. ' The score``doesn•t-.look .well= -97-9 favor of Paisley ' but spectators say that- the -• game; looked :much better than the score. eveito Lucknow fans.. Mr. Kellerman' of Chesley was umpire, • a fact which,' 'guaranteed, clean .playing aand , satisfied crowd;'' The • 'rather one-sided . score is ac. counted four, the critics say, by really good field work by the 'Paisleyites and rather loose Work in the field by our boys, "No reason why they shouldn't tighten up, on • this.; Earl YlcCoy did' the pitching for' Lucknow and Bridge stood behind the bat;:' This end of ;thework' was,,,well done, but the :batterY didnot. get ,deserved support in the field.' Honors in bat- ting .were. ;pretty '.evenly,. divided." Paisley 'getting '4 hits'Tiind'Aueknow 3. The Paisley team' will be here.'pn June 20th • LUCKNOW BOY CANDIDATE ; INN VANCOUVER A 'letter recently received in "'town'. from Mrs; James Bryan gives' the in-. •formation that Mr. •MeI;;Bryan'is the," Liberal.; party candidate in North Vancouver. This :is in the, provincial: elections to be held in British .Col urnbia . in the ;near' future. There'' are still many ` about Lucknow who will remember. Mel Bryan as a lad: about' town, the Province, having left there; own home on the: 28th April .and are now on, their return, journey... and espeet to be' back home the later rt' of July.* Mr• McKenzie thoughtit, very queer,'., that; farms in Onta'rio would-` a,'t rent for ;there :taxes, as 'land, in Vancouver was renting far $50 . and acre and 'taxes.,, He . sold his . 'own farm Ionie time • ago for $250: an acre ' •.. Sirice going tothe West lie has met met several', old. Ashfield' boys who ;rave also made good 'there.•;Is _it ' any Wonder he says `"come to' B Cand ive right-" ---0-0-0—x- HOW AUTO ACCIDENTS HAPPEN The ` Teeswater News tells 'the fol -. - lowingr story of -a, street accident: Too much care cannot be exercis- 'ed, when driving autos, as the ac .dent .at the 'corner of Gordon and Clinton -streets on': Saturday night alt--won3tWain ns .Mr _Ba er • (not f our Mr, Baker of town) drove south on Clinton. •; street • in a - Foid. •cal, he xas 'ollowed by Mr. Siilick • in' an Overland. car. When ,Baker neared the,corner of Gordon.stre k, -he .sway ed to' the: right: as .if , to ge West. but. he just' merely turned 'up enough. ;'o get -a wider turn on Clinton. street; 'Siliick thought he' was going up. 'Ger, ^don street alright:as he did.not hold qui, hand. to' let his ;intention he gown' 'that he was going ' to turn "and come' • back north.,.on.. Clinton street; •S iilic`k° naturally, tuned a lit- tl• e to the 'left', • but Baker swerved. 1\ext Sunday -will be 'd ,big da: :at the Bend,P..er;;• 1lf :-Bakney -a re tt;rned. •.Missionary ,.front. India, gWt, ing a, talk on missions in the;,after,• ,noon, while an arousing evangelistic Meeting will be held at night. A fe F Indian' choruses will be rendered b.$. members ,from the Saugeen Resen*,, The . camp' meeting will cotzelude the following Sunday tOth a big 04?":. Pri Reduced ces On Baby Chicks SEND ORDER AT ONCE 'FOR 1 H ITE LEGHORN BABY ' CHICKS, AtiDGET ' THEM WHEN OV ' 1VANT THEM. PRICE' FOR JUNE $12.00, PER 'HI1NpItFD • 259; Cash With Order. DU CAN " KENNEDY 1)0.131 r . r ttsclrarch r • Filly --"Oh Lilly!, I don't klow` .at`.'to do, -I'm in_ vited to the.ir'ecep- w a ^{ r -,'e rY.'%'d . ` A•i, Ga , an 'e- l-afra d , ' l; ki �g-so e h . • other fellow might ,choose.' Lilly --"Why , that's easy,: just all ut, to ether,: and go! to - St a n le: s.. Va riet More.- YYou', .:cans pick •on one.: .y . Dnner�•Sets ' and::if ,of,'t :e 0•pen � Stork .: Se t, ull �F ,.: .. , :eta ,. Vou', have riot eno h to g . •. will be,..abl�_� to•�:make ltll'• :them- ' rath er-: ' ould es. I am , su-re • the• w silo • , y 'st h n s.. . n mo t t •tliat'tha . , , ,g .., y�HITECHURCH and Mr, Little Mr.. and Mrs..Jno; L ttle. John :Kilpatrick. and Miss ,Susie. Kil- patriek of Ashfield visited on Sun- day at Mr, 'Geo. McQuoid's, Mr; Pete Kennedy and Misses Jean a n d: Olive' Kei'fnedy • visited with' friends in Guelph last week, Anniversary Services .'will. be . held • the -Presb -Presbyterian Church'next`Sun- Y . day, The Rev. Mr: Sinclair of Tiver,' ton, will'' preach in the 'morning and evening, On Monday; evening, .thet�e ]gill be, 'a tea -meeting. Mr., and • Mrs• Norman 'Stuart and Mr. and 'Mrs, john Clubb visited with, Mi., and Mrs, Dow;. of; Brucefielrl on Sunday, i. P I ✓. ,AUTO . •TO pS :_ . E. RE AR, TA1. •, � SIDES �AN� CUR,...... WE ALSO SUPPLY NEW TOPS COMPLETE Micas 'ut in while,you wait'. P WILLIS' SHOE': STORE,VINGHAM :'Saturday June l 4th.. aturday June 14th. ThisRemnant is our second Day..Last Winter we de. de- voted ted a day':.o ,�the � ` Sale ofRemnants, that certainly was a success,and manyof the 'customers o ' ss,.wh took advantage of the, many; bargains then will no doubt be among the first .customers Saturday me ) '1' mnants,of Prints, Gln h' e anon � Silks,Towelh n s Em broil- eries Curtain Netts C aintz • Art lateens °Etc. ..Hundreds of Them. Also: 1. . ;`.,..End.Linoleu.m,_7 12 ft.r eg „.:$9 54.�-fox 1 End Linoleurl, 8x2 ,Hoav>estWelght, Reg.$12 OQ; for:. _..-$9.50. 1 ndLlnoleum 10 . . ft:�E in:xl L,ft,;.Reg, $14.70, for .:, : $11.75: • 1.End Linoleum, 11_ft. 4 irl: x12 ft� Re:. :IS.'75, for • .,- g $ 1 1 Piece ShurWear, White Habutai SIl,o` r those tailored blouses and. Men's Shirts, Reg: $2.00; for $1:69 per yd. ;,Heavy Natural.Por gee,:Silk,.,for:... Shirts,.-Vnderwear`.etc, «�.�.. .:,., .. ...,.....,.,. . ,, , , . , ,:..:The Regular $1;10. quality; Still Sellln ..at'79c. a . d.,,• g Y Princess Slips, 'so necessary with.. and � , y th ose ,Gripe, . Voile. ..°. dresses. W. e havethem in a good. quality Satinette, ir:Padcy, Navy :Rose ari . Black, Sizes 36 to'40;Each. at 82.25 Each„ Silk and - Wool Sleeveless Sweaters, .in Black and White,aomato and-:- oc -and-'Mmtve`aWhll'e, .2;50 Each. ' � _ Men's Warm Weather Dress Accessories't Belts,' Coat1 Braces, Straw Hats Bal ri . . t gg andainso©k-U . d .... _... Garters "Silk andL ..�, ., , n �rwea-r, , isle Hosier. Shirts. and. the mew -Lanky Bill" Ties Made -To= Measure ,Clothes For ' Men from Can- aria's Best Tailors, 1.„.................,...,-,4,........,*.ifri---- Phone 12 Linole- ux and linoleum Rugs