HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-12, Page 5let
'"'"417-7!".° W BEPITINEG, THU►iAPAY• JUNE 12th ► 1924A ''''-'
Positively the best,
tires at any price
1 , I r
eti . RA r
- �
..LltrilClxl,,Kltctien�r, ®tie ".
est them su d th y other t res:u»der any,
° condition and
Compare e e
In Billy's job, , as in many -position wnere men neve won fame ato
distinction, it is. personality, that counts.' It is his Mission in' hie
to inspire confidenee, -and to lure innocent sheep and lamps ta their
destruction with -as great' alacrity and lightnesa of gait as if' they
.were skipping to thefields of Elysium, and this he does to the King's .
taste;' he.Was born for his task. Though hut two,years old he has a
substantial- beard,. and long' white hoary locks.' His mien' is gentle
und there are no horns visible which might giVe rise to fatal BUS•' -
.'picions. But in his eyes 'there is in,air of command, backed by 'the.
force ef a portly frame, which enables Billy to de what he will with ;
the Sheep aid -Iambs -which -co e within his ken, and •even, influences..
calves ,to keerir straight path. ' n the- bu.sy Season he saves, the -
salaries of five men r in ordinary times . he does the work of tWo
"He was "three months old.when he 'arrived at the Canadian Pacific `-•
Stock Yards, Montreal, but he took to the work at 'once. He followed
the heels Of the men, and 'while other animals tried at the work had
to be coaxed to labor by rewards of cake and biscuits, Billy needed
no, such spur, but in. three montha time would glanee at the sheep
comfortably, *start off at ch,eerful trot and, without hesitation the
doomed •animals would surround him and .happily,ascend the winding
runway to the abattoir nearby. Then at a comniand he -would go -
back and coax any stragglers, till he had all •at hand_ready to •be
Noiv .to,look at might seem. that he did this work In all
innocence, and that he was quite, unaware, that he had led his,chargea
- to any. harm; but ,that would ,be, doing an injustice to Billy's mighty'
intellect. He leads the -fleck -right tO the edge of the platform where
they, are killed, Init then he carefully edges lathe wall, keeping .as '
fir as possible from the danger point till he .reaches the, only spot
of safety, then he slides back 'froth the helpless sheepr wriggles out
And goes back fof another lot..
His treachery' does not •weigh on his spirits, he .18 utterly com.1
placent and self-satislied,'impatient te be on the lob.
Bluevale Sept. 1.0
Wroxeter Sept.) 11
Varna ept.. 17
Grand Beiid Sept, ,19 •
'Colborne Sept.. 22
IViature in Si: Years
Payakiie in Gold in 1930:'
E. Murchison, a son Of Mr,:
,business sent.tts this *eek some in.'
formation about the part og. the
world he lives in. He e?cplains that
when on a ' to Liicknow 'some
time ago, he frequently was asked
•what the South produced, ans-
wer ,inyariably "eVerythipg'", hut
feeling. that such reply. was net
isfying. nor convincing he sends a
statements he 'discovered in one :of
the 'southern papers, arid suggestec.'
that it Might be of intere'st to folk'
in. this :north.ern region'. "„„Accorcling.
to the statistics of ' the Publishers'
Association now being present d
-the-nation the -South is now-preduc-
About 100 ' per cent of tile Colin -
try's turpentine' and "•roain, which is
about 85 per cent ef,the world's out-
. About 99 per .cenVof the country's
sulphur,' Or about three7fourtlia of
the world's..ciutptit.
. About Q9 Per cent ,of 'the conn -
try's phosphate 'rock.
About 89 per teent of the country's -
About 73 per (..eri. of the country's
About150 Per cent of.,the,Colintry's
About 00 per:cent of.the,country's.
About"59.:per cent of the cOuntry's
Petroleum "or about 38" _per cent . of
the World's productiOn.
• About 5,0 ,per 'cent' Of the country's
Aboiit '100. per cent of the coun-
About 100. Der cent of the coun
try's sugar cane: ,
try's sugar -cane and eane sugar.
About- 100 per cent\ of the coun-
About' 100 per cent of the ,coun-
try's. peanuts oil: ,
About 97 per Cent of the- couniry's
About 91 per cent of the country's
About 91 per cent of the -country's
sweet potatoes.
About 83.per cent of. the country's
, About 80' per cent ,of the ,countrY's
About 40 per cent of the country's
citrus fruitS.
And the South now boasts: "
About 100 per cent of the coun-
try's cotton oil- mill canital.
About 80 per -cent of.„ the country's Solomon 50; Dave Smehzer .$1.00;
This is the time of near when Your'
liver becomes sluggish and your }n
testines become clogged up with poi
sonous waste 'Your liver does 11V
:o �. :.�a f .`"h.10041..'-�t�a�_.�n. �.
;1#`I....Il ..ly .x . y
''ot .skin; he',result ,is salld'w cool„ {
2lexion, dark circles. and, pimples,
coated." tongue and, bad' taste morn-
ings 'Asx -these--poisons-=,continue. ta:;
flood your, -system; your resistance
s, dowered, • you' feel dull • and tired
and sick- ..
__..._Make '•this tests Cleanse ' and....tnne_
your liner ;with Dr. Thacher•'s-^Liver
end Blood Syru }. • Contains ,pure it►
gredients` prescribed, by' Physicians,
`13elp , nature • strengthen: your 'stein,,.
soothe' . tired a •n d . overtkited•
'tei•Ves; brace :.up .system, ..and 'purify,;
vont,' blood: 1 Notice gick difference'' in
way you •,look,,, eat, • sleep „and feel;.
You, :too will be' satisfled, as others
have, or no' cost;
Dr.- �Thoeher's.,:is sold and 'recoin.
mended'by A. E.. McKim, Lueknow
,Qantelon .50;" Jlervey Carter
50; Sarali 'Carter: $1,,00 Misses
tong Collyer,'.50; Mary .cooke
50; 174tni,. 'doririell $1.00 i- Dr. Connell-
, Graham" 2'5; Alfred HOD :25; Allis.'
Daye Johnson ;25; Ed...,johnSton
.50;" Miss Dolly 1-lenders,mi
LOc-khart.. .50; Alex Liickhart,
Carroll -.50; MacDiarrnid $1;:00*;
Frank -1VlaeIritoSli .25; Wm, McLeod
MacKenzie .25•;' Mi§s MacKen-
.W:es. MacPherson '.50; Cordon Mac -
Harry Nixon .,25; ,Inck .0stellidtt
Pearlman. .:25; . Susie Ptirvis'
brland'izichards „.50; Russell
About 63 per cent, of the country's
About 50 per 'Cent of the,. untry's
native -white farmers. :
About 50 Der cent„of the countrY's
cotton, spindles.. •
About 45 per cent of'the country's
eettOn mil] capital
About 43 per dent of the conntrY's
42 -ler-cent-9f :the country's
About 40 per cent of the country's
About, 40 per.cent of the country's
• , About 36 per ,cent,of the country's.
export values, , °
About 35 per cent of -the country's
Bonds may lieIsurchatiod on the paxtial payment plan.
Write us for detisits
Mr :and Mrs., Win:" Smith $1.00; Lea
Ste: wart sg.00;
Thompson :50; .ThornburD
‘:2,5; Nelson Wintei•ste'xi m.
found guilty -.On , three cotints of p.er-;
*open 1, 'eanie up for ' sen,tence
ICot?nty -Court before Judge:" Klein .a
‘Tticker of'Owen Sound Put le.'
he -had- fUrtlier evidence to ' the'
effect- that Mfg.' Gardhiiime,
the., witnesses, had "been .res raintS(
there are..any errers.in Maine
Dunt,', or if any one else Wiabed te.
.iontribute; .please! communicate With
Geo, .AitcheSon, $2.00; Mrs', Allen
Arnistrong :50; Atinettetie .10;. , Judge Klein S'entenced the, :priSon-
Mrk Blilter .40; MrS, Barbour ;25; tO terni.nOt less than 8....Ye*ity0
br.;italfOur $2,00; Bell .50; Abe ,itha nett mete than 10 ye,ars
ttlitzsteiri .,50; Hannah Elitzsteln sten penetentiary. The 'Crown, A
Miss ,EOWman .25; Adeni Betvinait ,torney 'had Made Otit live charges a-,
Mrs. Etuee..,50r 3/4 Thoi,,Eurns, indictment, The 8' to 10'. year& aeaff,
by the pollee from. giving her *full
evidence, Mr,,, Tucker , pleaded for
The lawyer for the defende Wed'
ten& for his client.
urging leniency, on:the part of the
demi but as' signers 'were lacking,
[ einedies for tic ven and Chroatc
•Tvrnpanitis 1n° L{ the
'fr'uati :t)cti<r•ibed sire of
• ^�•u.,.al t�a.'i'uncturc 'the;,Hu.nen, Be-,
S;oininemied for Eloven--interna.
Ii 11Nj#41.?, AlYu 14u�,geSted �i,uber-
9! feW.ePeriences with
seasons. Bloating is charac-'.,
,,-Ctri404.py ,swelli,pg, at the .left
TOR, OeverV-C4soa-tr,felliiiteutiOn.'may•
rya tiking;
irthe het',
iie.attrifineed te any kind of feed that',
••;, Preil.u.ce, indigestion.' it given in..
greeslY ,aninia,1S. frequently re'
tirc‘d nig, With • middlingS,'," barley bpi
.'°4.6.,ses inis..troh The digestion'
sets ,up. in tha
Ihilicture•nuluen 'tvith the 'Trocar...:
411 .44gPiit.L.64sbs
t . the 'continued life
-by punettirint the:
0:sten Lieu. marline the
.a • u.ttatty tile -point of grea.test•
tiTy'an'attendant,, until
. Si thea,ibe replayed.
g: troivale,can,..best:
the administration :of '
oniiceste one:rquart•Of water .for
ti her salts. in net Leas Akan One. and
,t'.'nail:'qiiarts-,of water:, ltepeat the
This Tenn., .of .bloat is; present
st.,„bles• during the' long,
period -when .cattle ' are atand-,
orally:not, to ah 'extent' to ;require.
1.4itic't,irre and. relief :by ',trocar.
. provided :•the 'chronic,
-. -"The. 'following; •.closage. .has
'Prepare . by Stirring,. th.e
.0142tholasseSi..',Stir, all. for tiv,e
to favor easy.digestion. silage,
; alinien'tarY ,good, Con. -
Thu et.: linseed meal arid,
mixed,..with 'the . feed
'horning' 'anti • night. -„a handful. oi
TA .1,- gla laiative..enougii.rPottis,
••stutil bi•-earnona.te, .powdered get
Systina -and thereby •aitr. In the . pre,
volition of Chronic. linft or tYinPan-
W{.11 anti give otie bUirce at the begin -
ahronie bloating • continue
atter..".tri,ativent the tn'bereulin teat
Sliould, be. apPlied .to the,
!tuber -Conies s' and t,)airylug„.
culosis in tile tiairy industry is, s Dawn
considered,. It is
us'etul life of the aset4
OatiOn t,; the great, 'catt ie 'plague 4vill
•Richard: sl3tikin;tia.n has re,
• turned ,Exon} St Josept}'a ..Hospital
• London, where he 'has been receiving
Medical treatmept •He . is .consider.:
y ihipr, ed n l.El�lyti
Mr, b . J. Reayae lift on: •the Grey-
iouniii ,excursion- to Detroit; where he'
r .lhs 6,1 riil'.iSrtr there,
x= S.A QarS ,ITi11:' cti •t i;, Irf rfdlK'l t 1�eT'
and t,ubene , S1a1Ly:ii'. mow'red to`
S�Latturci ora.'1:htrxauay ,
+i$$,, ( rtrudt, iilciriey. has, recover-
d xr&rii'her recent •al:tgck of liiness,
1li'.• tate. abence. of Dr... 2iarkness
• Shu is 'atti:nuing the (Gen�lai•
. , Ly izt ;O xi Sauna,' ltev bl; ;` t�olian,
�v.it yrs, oc,c }pieu the' ptup t an 'St,'
out aay : iteriiuun
ua:,ive ed an •e*.eeilent'serli.ux3' .:.
11r ,1{, L , °Lteaeaveri_ lest o}t Lion-
L,,,y laz°. ,.1unuiin 1y nese ,nc. xn ends , jib
u ell an- oruce:, •n'
..uwdiu r.rcnauald of Seaforth, .has,.
.4eWi Vibxtmg •:his• o otner,,
.t�atuaiu tiils' Weer..'
• `Lx• I11cGi livray,. of fort ',Angeles,
spent a ie�w `hays .witn :nia
� uutw ; uc,n•.1V1e(. diiviay, last' week.
• Beige :McDonald is: visiting., at.
nL home.* ilex' •s is cer, firs • loci.:
.rL 4I eei}ian,
...in heai•diiie
- • tz. 1H, .tilo9n'ey, yir•.apieter ' of• the,:
.t..ey', L',xpreSs, has lett •on a• tri•i�..
,o .�L'w U1itar10, wrrere ti'e•:."Wil,('. Oe._
r� .y • . engaged as•:a. field surer_
•tne LoliUiiivii overnzneiit'
.n,,,ug�Quon serv,ce.
�^ number of 'Kipley citizens• went,
o .yuu.c a .:. t:lil� ,�v,e. • t -u
.ue Letroit''trip: oii tne• t reYiioanu..
,We are ready to give the MGT:,
GEST. and BEST VaiueS' to Oiled
eeiring.tb,Pet..,their W001.9 Mak.;
Blanketa ?for ...your
'mother .ased ,to make wear
are here iii:n11 weights. ,Prices
paitl'arf account of over , two • hundred
CompanY Was 'still in
ceurSei as. ;all 'the known:
ac,:2Ount had, been. paid at the time of
:1"aith, ..they 'Were. pot held,!Persanally
..dable'ind,the nese 'against :them-Wea,..
Z'iirten; presided ,at a Special', hearing::
in 'Ripley- on S,aturday,-haVing ;been:
called in; anfount which
nay to--the'towu
of litirop..nS -its ' share :4,tif the.
townshiP, rate.. The. judge •not,
•,iye a written deeision as vet ,but
ciiiiateci that -the "village..would have
it'll township' rate len its •
to a refund..'of :the amount, expend-
ed on 'its Own'. roads ,and: Side:Walks.
details bf: the, Settlement.-- will'
not be available. till the wr'itten.. order
en6he'S.. the interested _Parties...A.
appeareti for
'Walkerton; . appeared for "the ..teWn-,
,the yillage.'
were brought by BroWn'',' trOs.'
.te.tre are in, app,earanco -fine ,as
:4;1, l;•, 051 ungiu2stienably 'the .1.yeSt
of the dit-enie. in. their systems.
-.Midi they ;clarinet. be. .to Jive
for • fear ef., spreadfng.• :the disease'.
last ;and,
ii( .,cocVs 'Mentioned
haill Were breur#ht in at a "Cost Clem,
allqwatide Of .$100 for etteh
Dr. torrid gave' out ,sotnii itifortn7
*Moir that is itither..starding in COO -
Every . Wednesday and Satur.
daY evenings and have BARG.Aly
SPECIAL'S • Air' these evenings.
'To Sell Sumther
City people in the
•ceries and. , meats' by
call up' out-of-town cus-
torners once a week and
get _their 'orders. Deli,.
veriei are made by
truck or express.
Some grocers arrange
With, their customers -
to give this service.'
hoDa fri fdsele ryra cisc aet3zoCallspthaeyyo, fn°c a 1 irW e d YIL ne lig
Let us work out with
_you a _plan for the surr.
rounding -distaidt;
Every Bell Telepho:ne is
Ular disease id cattle • and maY
Atilt 79 aivakeniiig the authorities of •
'chis district the nedessity of hav:
,ng tested,, particularly, those.
rrernuently as many "its 175. , tubeir-j*,
1144 logs lot stuUt 6f u eatipta Of the'
older eneS *hell they escaped- and In
dIfferent .wayg 'being This:"
Year. Mt, 'Moore has pup8 from 'I
There ia MOM* In black &it reliant
when" 'OnO, 4teta WO of
!1114 044, OV,:0101114