HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-12, Page 2e • .,.., . Bemire, iri:' youngi• pig$ ...,take ell y ,Se..,h.„00..1.\..;,L,..e:.5:so.11, 7'-'1'.,3,,y.-0-----'-'''"'"---'vR*:.0WN
Closing 43:Large; ripe,,', „; .-. MH,OGS:. ' , ' ''::,
, .„,.....„ ... ,., ,
. — :, . • . -,,, ,-. ,
4,,,,,,,!,644,:.1,0, ii.o.wl, 1.1,,,,inatter,lieti,i,,..togi,out,toy.iiiii4i .. pol the :to, .stoie tj.to .flow by pleggiegi eeppfng ,' QYATftlediAlg OS .-POW:i. a. .'t,90, .:',ricli
111.4/4 ' t'C':'1:9*.4"'i.S:.-06:;.''ilicieheliii.41:190a ?.*.itb:Ithet•IOft'b ''-ii.*-1.4P ' ;11'.* --f le
;poet' eonnnop.cauges of this, nialady:
ration and .caldk: flalnPlIena! ati?-the The Return and the Rehuilding• of the Temple, Ezr4, chs, "1, .,4413Ce.' -- '
. , • ,....... .. . ,
JUNE 15 '. -
. „
. . • ,,,..
, •, •„- -.• A .. '" ' '' , ' m ' , , , ,, ,.
IIMPA,.,It draiiilarge. water of n and' alileaS elieelseCt ,Whel:). ,it- APO 'OP' ,...'','
_._,_.,.. _,_ :THINKING. • '
' .,-..'•
- :twill gas or other Ef4p' p' ty, iiipe. re.'4•''pj,r' on; "perire is. liable. tO .PP'read thrOa3h the' . . ,.,
,!....'c4.41.4,,„!,:p,ii„...0.„..,R.,.s.. w- '..,1', .'!ET,lare..,•4*-"thik',,ai4iii.' al',-afid:then 1 ' t te 'lieeeeneeted ,it is often. .difficult hPrCI, Tatil chaastrOUS..reklita, ' ..
,TWOlt 194 ',till* ,ot ,t,coSi:,,,ttouble4 ,Arott. a -i-'4' hisPi7;:thP liaahlig
hicV.Vill!!;..fg4C4 V... !tlielvl!'' i9PPi" ti.'9' 111.131'3*
Ii .turnhers. have af,stunt called bag course 3 to 5... ',GoldeitirText-7-,'CoolfOrt ye, Pz'infoTt yeIrly P6-9" •sra4tetoenilati. 'elli.sl. t!9.1-414,e4Y,14$1ct,(t)04:eoliirrndoill4,'. '
. .
t.„,,,,,o, „ ot,,:404*.,:**iii4ci:„41„,..b.ATEkii.Oicie .of....„the jaw. j.ust. in frent!efitliet !in-' ne.: that efin'be brought int use as °f course the- ellyieas thing to dO ia "*.
2, i.,, tushes! if., folieWa; • . ' ' ' ' to:avoid the pause, but even with good ple,. stOth your God.,• --10a, itb - 40; 1. ' ,.., .... . , .,.". v,., - . i,i,i,v.,..,T,.,:i).:rt.e!iio,-towp ,,,%irelia.:Ite-1,Triret,,i.s(t:Mr, •Foverr.i-
... , i,
li;,0:t po...4.,,...4t0.1w4Htry, ,irtHioil pic,1;.4,.i.,,..at stii.e.iim.41.iitt,014,74,31.1:400.:11.11:1;;,,),.. uTtlil:e8,37t1L41,tv,Stiil.:.,,rit.tcl. .:g:14-;_ttl.-4):61;16.ttird...,hi,.4M...,,..r,tbgi.,,- :..4c,f;.a.twr'ealrli-e:Iflui-t7!e(V174.''''•tpi3e4;PPOO-511-111.,:e73c'rligt.,3?e18:43-114carS,re,..:11;111111V.SIIIIii,!"?Vf4' .11-,Iel'•.-194e„lain(it.4hI0411:4-thDefi'll:CWISt-;:ti:'illiaril-d--;Pa.41e):411117.;11"10°A..119,r1:\*,--n1-11•:',,ridf-1‘1'6-riiir:,r;: '.•;:r1..tiltz:.•.i':1--en. );--t":::,.....' '..1,;'_--•'''..,' ...':1-:'.
'''49#41,74-011710.001#1-44,4Aterieve7rOJ:glAitcliga 4U„d',Iitick ' f th ."'-
!s. , , , . . ., , , , ...,.....:. %,,,,, ...•i„iith, the„., 1 0,. 1,..) ” i ,-, 1, '1:t`'" 7 g• 'kit- ....::. -..',Ailifhti.„1• the.••:.91;'.*,Ife ed'r. Ter 'tel.leitgie-...'.attrz.,,,ve a r isome,'...oUrilOY.,:f op) ,'ellii-* ' ..1:- rii el 1511.'' xlei.'-'-'iik'.;'-••;„01•••I' '1.1te eice7.e.....: ,:eieeFeee'yeeee, „id :•-•,e,..i 1 e., ee,e0, edeeeille: e. ,,, ee„.•
,ay or -,tixrd -,-*•;11 uEhtti. liy• toy.i:eti,,thp 13.05,10n, ,,gorork.a,i,c1.101,4,,...*,ot,* rd ,new Ji.N.:- tthe.s4foof.:per4od ,Was",o,e.r. c ...4'• ,• .... i . . ,.. , :.': • 11 do ,5 ...
d xarninat,ien. by • .... , - - • . • ••• - • ;04.14,, t91;..-, •I‘ f,-.-'41.0-..ase: is, aeitte, a,. teeSpoopfa: Ilth, e,rn.,...,.:rem. , a_ie,d, tin * 'llali'ViSliiii7. .,ialiers." Orli YAlle- PeoinFh-`1(1-'-fill-:763.7hi-s71-0,it.ia,trti:If;?t,l'tta;:flt:,,r ircrp,1011(!-:7071i)9er:47•atn7:71
'vonclition. ''' - , . ,,. , . You can now .examine. th,e7righ,-one endvVa uvte:piqZ14etth1:.eni•:Vlf6-i't'r.:fth'r6est 6 • .
. lnaY,' remain 1.1* -4 i- litush '''' '"' —
„. , A an ..ri. a -t elftless , ,.,..e
aide of the mouth very easily,. As from the valve. and • force a round 1*()1.4bie 14 Ow little felielYsk but ..aOrle 90 southward .again, Viaar.Y a ; -. '',..1 - Ti .1 ' l .• k. ' d forw'ii• I wi' h .not iliSt• ''.11:1• thE'.(°91 it ,"1" ("°• ''''''1. .
1Nialiyr '''stO0c"' eiViterS',l':think , .ydung • • • • • - , • , . . - • .• ' - - - -farmers ,eay thip ro-ridy,, will 4ry. .TT WI d At4eS About the great •north panting, hearts.to the Worhl i.n #hiell one .Who 1•edeives• it,.:mor.e 11:41rn1 Olk'n
.110TPeS- havenothinK Wreng"..wi e r ' .; , - ' ad the • • -; ' ' : ' . * - ! the sow. '. • ' e . • - . ,Ar ebian wilderness, ,te the homeland.: t hey Slmilld nOW PlaY'their.e•reat part. good': Leo4ing to the: polilit.itins. for ''''' • ' ,,-
. - - ' ' - -.'-' '' . ' stated, look at: the inside. 'corners of stick .cevered with tire tape - into the
. -' tpeen. ••' thie,' id .a . great' inistale !as, the_ .lOwer grq:41#rfil ' aria the, :outside 'oPetitilg next to. the Valve and bind. on ; • . • .. : . .
Those who are afraid. of thie may '
..., .must, h people a a f0A- the sick it So, it wes a tune of jo. , • aid does not ,g4 Us fu, as we are el, . . •
en ,an impossible jour- '. 0.-: The unknown prophet of . the ' . 11k(1 . : l eli ' l'- ; , •
. . look As jagged as the Rocky Mciun, . ilnlen .45- Pipe "'line . is opened force °. , . . • . . . , y... They and. thOso- w -ho cared for. Ex' ile proplUiine.-el .a.: religion-- .1,1, ,' --, • 474:.-1,y1..,-, 11:1,!,13I,yt:lo11).11,7,...,Ylii ill': 1:15)l.
• ' • - ' • ' .• • edges of the upper molars '.If they so 1 y mit cord. • .• , -
,.. . ..x.apip `ere:edge is ..feanel in aninials liC- - ' ' • ' , •-•,' ' -., ' '' ' • ' - '' ' - btain the. 'gime ,resiilt, by: giving ..,,,ne rm-
., '.',t,W.C-Cif..-.P4rr!latid ,aefeirtheri---at',.,any .. ... ,, . . , • , . .. .. . - . ----,.. -----• pig about as • much. sulphur 'as w 11 . • ' ' .. . - • • . . .... .: • . . • • . . •
i them -the members of their fanut es -far-r her -and -di inei tha enytlung . ,
' e _.„ :-..;;:if':..• -'..-li se- tr-thiS4wriod 't• ins .your anima •has sha points the -free end- of the inner. tube- inThS7 • . - . • . •
ie on. th.e. end of a. penknife blade.,.. - Lwho. could, not be . separated, from associated- 'With the old. TernPle, • If ft. is ti.ttC/"."-.W.t:•111-11k bi'cici' to tir'
0,r1.13- ..• - a e., 9! ,-..•,.,--. ,-,- - - ,.I.f. an extrajittleTtooth7-snuggles-op-,fairtas4hevalve,..and punip,oir-AlltO.. .
'a ',competent yetormarian„.often :no,:.. .. •, • . • . 1 ,.. of: castor oil in. the ..iaorning. to ,eaelil WhoSet;business 'bad,' become. eatahlisti,. leVel;when,they returned eo . Pal est i n b l
. ' - ''''''- ' • in ',front: of';the .first!.11PPer• Melari;itrit, nnti • It • eAel S. sufclentlY
t tb ! 'ght 'd . d insert theft:ash., back any flow that. might occur, .1, , ... ,
opening -1'111g. ht. are,,mightY .good., .- ,, • ., . .. ', ed there,. or .w who s, ,Cconie a d: • I ' d. I' • 7 ' . h ..tF.,Oit,f *sa,i:,!'es•s. ' anti prosperity. : So • fa r• es the ' "..,- • ' •',
to. that 'country and -its' ways; mliose Meant, that Isreel now had hei. we., .fai.m is eoneerned, it. haS. always been,
I ' If t th . Th shift the tongue comP e e y close. e pipe, ,. .. . . .
pig and the sulphar treatment . at
:!-"''. thing, more is, needed for...sorne yeers.
light. th-1 ft' 'il. • I the"fice,. and • • Tbis..stint is valnabIe•vv.heil ale° to. r.emain or. postpoeed eheir, ee, _second ' chanCe.. . She !shotild'. beeumk... a cese ef luiril.Steedy, Wee r„ 'in see-, . .
','''''". '` . • '. There are three common. dental ir- . 1 •:.
eXiiiiiiie'..the.".left'haek :teeth. „, ,1,`,,lien4ile ..0t,ns:,:,waortan.ic :$9.0 T.4). peel: , , , , Tire' ,e.euri'0,:sia.iicon,"8'..': ,,,, ;,`• ,:i etcburinnurt'u And so. :it• was that Jewish the the missionary peOple• of the Werid.' .c,,I..1.'ilid 1.„viii. d.ehr or...„L:,, di,...t,ed.,b,,,:,.,,-
',::;.,.,;;;,..,,:,.,.1,; , .iog.toaritips;.,•.,F.tro.,, sherp..', petp„ ,
found . on. the' InSide Of ' the. 16Wer" . ' . . : ..':-. • .....k.reat.• teeth, e:i.sitri:--eti-a.6, and any • :,ai.4 . largo 00i -tie -about:, aefaiip, 7. , pi , a• • • •• .• -, • ...perraanen.t , • - , .. , - •,. • • .. . . .,. . t • ..
q.p •i---..-. -- ,...intel
r,. • ,.' e .• • ' , the tongue, and those On the outside , milk 'teeth. . • . • • •
net to overlook .any small ' unalied. where plumber s help .is at a premium. •
t fr
' distributed ?ver . the province
.1 C. W,4")..Y. 'X'0.4A4Y, -Ve.ParolleTit has Vt -a..13,bi. 1"enr.rayiliaa,c-ioan.aq, p,e0aci":.opri.r..e. ofyeriui, s, a?3,foc.)nre.4 pli,:riatiitieigi, p4g11.1°Ia7fremii:iikeiorTlade.1 ellald, ., ,:a. i. ki...inake,. au ,r . ol.v,n led 1,../..ithi.a - e fy9 i ts. on • . ; .
i'."2...'` - • grinders, wlueli. May cause ulcers on, ,, •,,,t,,, ,-,. A e, , e.e. ,,, 4.
;,,...e, : ' . •
- edges of the upper grinders, which . • ••• . • . • •
. . , . . A horse has .forty teeth, or forty- . . . breeding :etations with 1.2„786 hens. .. tom own ;aims count ior ,tne most, . • .,
.. two' With wolf teeth:: There. are six .' • :' 'Milk . reservative. • - sum, le pedi- ;Babylorii was taken by hien in B C ' 4 But • whether they forgot- Or r ot.I reduce . our speculations; ' and . farm .„
.• . . , . .Sptoed, pzah#4 mili .. teeth, Which .1. . . . . . : , , . . .. , . ,. . . e.. greed
. Cr F Pr nippers! six uppei nippers„ ,.
Y the 1923 breeding season. The infiu
'cgopckarerinelr for these stations for, soorliddienral pyru , had the 'gifts both of a. in. any event, they 'started Off to their i.within our, own . sefe Iiinits, the sur .
•.: aut, into the cheeks . .. .
e•e-e, . ,,- • • • .
InaY jnterfere. with. the nermal .pelsie
twelire lower ;rioters and, twelve utiPer - ' !Ives iga Iona „ work carried out nipatlig oi' Aliterhaziinn, •Ii:ns na;tcweryorcerciAnngie,jtehreusrailg6hmt, ‘tityy , 'T.. eoc?to., ..1 tiii1S1 „toot' :dfiv.aepnpepitrio.dticts_ ere colt! cer, .• .,, ,
e•..e . •
tion • of" the permanent • one .• On the grinders,. with. font Canines ,or tushes ; .the Depart of ,Baeteriolegy, 0.A.C.0 ePce.of this EXtension work has been the Aorth side of 'the Persian' gulf; ,he ed an altar on: the•sight: of 'the'great , Iziehided in our.. "ewn a.lIpirs” are ; .
r•-.1!,:.4.!..,.. back teeth, these
014‘":,•':''.., :., '
and often ' lkedge. • in between t`''Ye. ines. usually being absentee . : - -
Are' known as caPs,' 'A mitre has thirty six, the four :can-. 'e4:s*,e3rtia a°1cfor'r ;ill lai:atae;°.aarts. ath.f. fat.
the reflected in the great'.iniprovernent of came to the throne of Media, end then- brazen .' altar . in S'olornop's •Terriple..
ferm.. iloeks over the, province: : . . 'extended his empiro, to : Asia.. Minor And 'se the new epoch was begun
a note!, goVernment, suPP
wital.'certain..thingS of Public interest. We
.4,--1,, , . • • ,,. ,, • .. . Wolf :teeth are • common te, both tories, :was concluded , during the paot • , ... ' :". ..": • .; . . " aliCtee .gie-berdere Of. Egypt.; ' TWA religious sanctions ..end, ,,teremoilies..1 sll°1114. t74.1Ce',P.r f.°11''rc-'7P°°'il'ilitY':in
., ' ihirci, Welt, teethi: Wh4i are areall't ,e!
,exesi,;.' they' naually. cOme. in pairs... :. ' year. ' Many. factory ...,!rriepagere'hatt .• . .„, ,
. , . ,
Iriffillabligs, . !,: ,. .vals.t. regien, from Persia to the Medi-. Then me are confronted with! 0.1.t. 01I.r .ce-operattve ..
•cempoSite samples of milk • in good Physics Department, 0.A.,C, to deter.
•gatiini earn n • . , . • • . . . ,. .
terranean Sea including many small that is iliscancartin ' "the foundation:, enterpriees; arid glee (zee best to the ,
:nations,' he orgamzed m, provinces, 'of the.. ternple of the, Lord was net yet ,.. ;,.,,,
tinneceSsiiry teeth,": ueually f °Mid' Jest .A. colt has twenty...few Milk teetii,
experienced , tro ,. , . g
tible in keepin ' the ' ,, Invest! . ed o y, ,
...iii frerit.:0 .the.,firs iiliPer:4•rj,nder• It has: the same ,nurriber of nippers•or eemmunity; het in doing this, we mile • .,..,.
the Dairy Stendards-Acte .T.he result • ten •differentemateriali. the are.. com With . a 'Strongly . centralized. govern- Emit 3:6.. There .folloWs 'in the ever bear in mind the fact that indi--
Inent.''' He made it his, pal' t
ne ing of the foundation of the temple.. b.,'. ,
her:1k of Ezra an account:OfAhe/lay-' vidual .prosperity is :and, always, will
e, ,,,....•.falinnet,imes. a. Wolf Meth is` only' as. hig: fient teeth es a-fallegroven horee, but, condition for the•,..period required by mine the:.relative ingulatirtg 'value. of -,
• .
. '. le. a •grain .Of riee;,,eoci. at ether times ,
only. half the munber Of molars -six
of the CI:A.C. ' Bacteriological 'Dept mon used; , gave thefollowing re; ,ciliate and bind together in., hopds ,
' It is a touching narrative, Ezra 3:12, G largely. An - indieidual , problem.' : - _ . .. ,
' rititY :009' large,' IIS .4, PeI'S°11.?8 t.r.orit- • above and: six ,below, Or' three in eaCh goodwill all these...:provincet, and . ber i But languor , settled doWn over,-tanityi . .
inyestigatiOn ShosiFeethat feet less than' selte: ;,(iriaterials arranged in 'order Overnment ',can. kive Us, the opeore :-
- tooth, With•a longer root. - : ' l'jaW. Ari. April colt. will,.have a fall sto*ed - favors lilberally, ' It' •Was. in 1''
t ese Jews. from Whorn eo mtich Was, ,
grains ,, of corrosive • sublimate 4 'of value) 1.. •'SphagnuM. pima, '2., .neW ,
pureuence.of this policy that he issued but it;Will alWaYS.beup to.. -us -
required to keep A one -pint sanvle in leaves,,3....flax fibre, 4... old. leaves, , 0, his decree permitting the return f to 1.1414.a:id maintain, our OWii. 'fences.
In addition to . these, • We find' long set Of milk,teeth to eat his Cliriatinai .. . , . . expected.' , At, hist .11agggi; it .layiriaiy . . • . . .. • .: , , •
' ,''teetli c'ettoed: by tlietoith :in !opplisi dinner Withi and keeps this set antil ..
e and men of action; stirred the people'... . ' . 7". .... . • . - .'. .. , ,',
. good condition •for forty days. ' Tiiis grazinlatecreorlc;.6. cutatraw, 7. saw-• the Jews toi: Palestine. , ,, . Ito activity; and the' Temple Was- eone., i. •
othert,•.,Whieh,peernitS 'air uninterrupt.2 hi.belfinii'Went:teeth'in ifirrie4,Tonit
fat teas are made either once of, twice pulp, Sphagnum moss is .abundant, -
Whose Words are epres.erved in''. 'Tattle , - .There :is No.',Phyocal .
tiOli,,'„wearing .dowriflaoter than: the he it - about two years • of age. • Then
.iauiount.-should ..be...Used_lf ,the,..butter,dust,„..5';„-ohavinge,.9„..eiteelsior;..10,. Weed ••• The .great . prophet, ..pf ,_ the 'exiliev.,pleted-laut twenty.,Lyears„..had7.,-passed . :' - '''.' .... ,.eG • • -..a ilinest, '. .
ed growth of the other giinder. A. is when be is. between", five , and,ehe it g, 8, , predicted.e conquests• ,.
before that event 'Wes aehieved:,.,.. : I: :, ' , ... '!.all1I II ,. , .. . • . ' .
. 'Cyrus,. the fall of Babylon, bite.. hie
hands, and. . e ,.,.return. • .
I,. 5 • ' The leadei ship of Heeevai"mas ! My bey came. home from. scheel the ..
I.of ..the utmost 'in-mei:tante ' at this ether. day sayinethat he' hadlearned:
not: 'win:suer to fhid n'".--.teet.lirtif:this fully equipped with -a-brand" new-,aet •a.,Inenth, , • , , ,,,,,...,,, • ,...„.. :, .. ,. • •.' . , . : . :cheep'. and higlily: efficient.' ,..',. .
,'.::;','!:':'....:•:,.•... , 'kind sticking op. over an ,ineb above Of 'Permanent 'ories.•-• . . • - . ' -^ .. - • .. .
iA.1: ...-A. '; ' • -. it's:Metes. 'This .in ttirii,, weara a large , Fiilly, half bf •the ,celics. and' aCute, . • !. , - through the . little toOk of Haggai. at ' x
juncture. The . student - should :read that Sinall-pok .e'res really g, geed' ... ,' . • •
Vi`..:tee.,e:::. •. ;. ..hole,'-iitz..,the teeth it grinds. against, indigestiorie ,aripe.. 'trope' imPerfect • ' . ;COrilr'AO .1)efettive:: Childs
eiPlineof the exile, was -preparing peo le one ittn
for'theirThis Prophete
se' ine selfishUket
48:12-15. ::'He helieved that 'tlie' dis4 ' sig.; • d hde
, * . • '• .....that,..May Involve the whole jaw, borie. Fixing the teeth is -Called floating; arid ;..,
' • -',.
When •4-4, ensPeet . anything- ;the is terforined.: with a ' Olelike iitatiu :' '-' ... .
' • ... ' . 'IEir.• 0,ilda-,fliCliniOnd, ' ' :::
, •,,.' - .. it was With this 'end In View; that God '' ..; •
a great service to mankind,. and that .Work on the erectien 'of the
slacknessa:g. aaine;w, uarage art aelnali ta,o.. .s..teoti-..-toa .:t.ak;eirie'ilt.,'..,'..,:'. . :,• .... „ . ....... r.'.. ... .., . • .,'. ". : .1 -
Temi.,&i, get -over... it • all yighe, he . asserted.
. "I' iteen it'e a . geed , thing • if , you • .., , , ,
end „Wee have, on ulcerated condition teeth *To,. poorlY.:,niesticated . food: ....' ,... . Israel, as Jehovah's servant,.. to render , P . ., ,..
'child' Outside the. • home:, hi Of eieCeizt 'help, Witla; the child; perhaps the' horne, erictorious.. cereer,' eitid ecommiseioriel ,
mh,te. set: free theecapeiye pepple ote ,eeitie. :He, was a singer With.. his face:: If .you. get over it, yen are In lots het- „ , • ,.
toward the futUre, :.:,' Listen ..te....t.his ter'. Shape. than before." It; eleena -out ' ' .
-• th - .- 1 .'Our 'Science ,teacher .told Us about it.....
inattef in:. a horse's 'Mouth,. ' Yon.,,, Can meat' called...a float ' : It, is •reMarkable ' The idea 'ofearing for the defective Attendant, Or even. have . occasional , a ca : Cyrus, sent..• im upon. his '
, But' If ' ' ' . f ' '
-find ;Met a great deal:.by ••peing, ailaeh, hoei'. quickly a ..herse •will. reSekindeth
lIght,, , First ..of all, be . very .. gentle having his teethputin good shape . '''''The'eld idea that the Mother' 'life. will. not weigh tee heavy upon li
origin., . . . . . : : : : , , . ,rebuild Jerusalem: Thus, he,,deela:Rd, At,lerretbethe ,peciple'reeponded to his so'• j) • • ' . . ' " .' • -
singer 'Of a "yet More glorious day" ',our impurities :And makeg. you • ()eve.
of such - a Child Should give ,to,..ii...fier the Mother, -hilt the presence Of Stich.,
. .
judgment'ip the. earth,'?..and that God ,. • . •_
',In spite Of thescience .teacher . ..am ,. .
you are ettei .and stroegere. , • ,
istiel 'restored ..would, "bring 'forth'
*hide life :in loving and: Sympathetic a child4ri' the hOme,,,..particularlY,..orie judgment to, the Gentiles,' Would "Set coueegeoue, 'demand. that. they..ehauldieT, ' '..
realize their extraordinar privileges., - .- d • • that r• d t k I, • "
Cake is• •so.igleeThrooted in the ihurnan who can get 'about and who has '' to - be
'mind, that,. 'grav,e atistekes'haVe:licen cOnstantly wateltekis -it drain on the woe d ive'his,,seriant. Israel ! "for a Y ' , -'i..oblige, to say...;: •. : o no, pp .•
• • .
w o , .•
For Horne and Country
• ;WOMEN IN AGRICULTURE. tida, and since they are in the work
.Fifty Years ago there were Priietie.
-..caNy; onlY -t•hree-prafessione•-oPen to
womea-to teach- 'echoer,' to teach
music or, to get tharrieit. .Nowadays
all thMi changed: there is -really no
door that, 'erased; we, hitite only to
' pick'. and: cheese fof we inaY de what
because. orlove for it, they are. find-
ing :life "a. great ad -venture and a
glorious thing." -Mrs. B. M. Aitken,
Beeton. •
• .." . BORING. '
-desire to d d s rieriseng We wonder if:any organization ever
Inati4 **mien' hive choien!'• agr• i; had a. mi.° neighborly Piece of work
ilow to its credit than this: The Institutes
of Stnith-Simcoe were running a series
of inter-institute..debatet last winter.
.When Bond Head came to Tottenham,.
they had a debate, a musical progfe*,
a short play, by the Tothenhanr-Insti-
tete and refreshments. The proceeds
amounted ., to $40, .with limited ex-
penses to 'either organization. Three
•days previous,'a woman living in the
country neer; Tottenham had lost twin
babies and her own life was 'hanging
in 'the balance The 'Totter -diem In-
etitete, wOmen hearing of it, iinmedi-
ately put in e trained nurse. The
Bend Head 'women, learning that-Tot-
tenhein was mine. its share of the
proceeds from •the evening. for this
purpose; 'phoned them the next day
Asking to have their share turned over
to 'the seine cause.. The Secretary
Says, "We had a nice letter from th• e
doctor in .eharge saying, it was the
Means of saving a2life."
„ .
Theie women are working
„,vriPi, chickens; witsly• bees, with apple
trees; With floweta, with. dairy' cows;
• ,--icith•oznallffriiits-irideed the list 18
, 'almost ,'endless. • '
To unmarried' women and girls
these-oecupations are often a way out
•---• from, city* life which has became ,clis-
„Itieteiful. For • the farmer's daughter,
•.; this ...business ' of , it:teepee-earning at
borne is a blessing; , she has .411 the
jogs 'of ho. life aii4 stiwis •tasting
the Sweets a independence ; One Of
;our. short' °Course, girls, who helps her
tatlier in the, orchard, says, "Earn
your -Own money, •girls -it's le lot niCer
• than aSkinge`Dad." To the farmer's
Wife, "butter and .:egg money". have
always, meantthat most peecioue pos-
session, "my own money." it
, . •
is spent at the store for genghein for
„the, children's dresses' or shirting 'for
father' d shirts,'Or if everyone else is
,looked ' after, poesibly. shoes.' for.
. mother.: Still, it has been ,her own
niOriey, and she spent it aa: she want-
' And. now, "all:through ,the country'
we see a quickening of the. activities
of :land women. In one section neer
• ,Toronto; we see two nurses adventur-
. „, • lag', gaily with chickens, lacking ex-
• rience,'Iacking canniness, but mak-
•• Frelif a succeee Of it, since they abiin- tiewmeeting, •the roads were about as dently •possess grit,,bacicbone and vi-
•' These' Women: take all, the help
, offered, 'by their governnteete and,
every year are growing in knowledge
in „Nerth ,.,.Hastings when a new
branch was organized at Rylitone 'last
winter, the distriet president sent -the
newt.' to every other' branch' in the
district, And each branch secretary
sent a' letter of welcome to the new
sister. At the time of this.organiza-'
made dealing ------hildren Who 'at herveond Physical -force .441 `e..inother, light +'ie Gentiles ", andefor,"Salva-
wornan has' laid down her life in such 42:1-8; 49:6. The' story told in the- the' Canadia: • 1 'd - f ' ' '
nce o t eir own
. n , peep e o not ully ap- • . • ' • "," ' • '
tries in the, markets •of growth of soulie but I know Of not • ' - '."
tion in many minds whether or not. ;„ • . •
' 1 wee from the int ' '. '
pp of view of .t,he fruit.. rn competition- With Other coun-1-a
froin'th 'sacrifice• Canadeen apple stands high. Indeed e • ••• - e -` •
ell . id . . one 'single' illnese • that •bririge, 'physical
the defective Child gets enough benefit!'s-- •
Direct ?ropleet, ii to . be understood e wor the. : .' •
• a . ,t e, .eabin•.... ',.. •Ii. • - . ,' i :.
. , e to warrane.at. Of , not sime Y as the, story of 'et people's i.
1 restoration,- but as a step toward the I . i i ..,..
yeti heimen to know someone who had .
i,dmperial e,xhihition recently opened in. Some of ' you will. be a little slow
f the-. Canadian exhhit of fruit! t -1.1- '.
course it'iti.a beautiful idea -that of ftilfilment of 'the
giving ,i e an a its possi 1 ities in Go for the .world's redemption: For
, . . . a, out apcepting my statement because
g -r. , us, purpose e „ .. . . .
an .effort to care for an unfortunate Irritie •Lord liath made bare his holy 1 London, is attracting unusual iitten•-•! :-.
salvation of our God." • • • • awhy credit th '
- Etre 3:8-13. The second year of , industry that we .h . . .. . ' .
aye a geed expert.
' e, a.", different pers.= ever since' 'But . •
1 typeoid or Appendicitis and has been
: e improvement' to the
arm in the eyes of all the nations:. and tion and favoleible. `comment • \Whi
all the ends of the earth shall see the 't. •'"regarded " - ' ' ' ' .
, I is as important for the ' ' ' ' ' • . - '
_ _ . prosperity of the , Canadian • orchard
i ra e, it would seem inconsistent for ,,,e • ,
illness? ' ' s '. . ' . •
their 'coming,.wa-e, probably; the' year t e ee ' . • ' .
B.C. 536. " The altar had been built, oue.people to continue to import, fruit --f Icnew-an. overworked.' student Who • ...
ofthekinds that, are available at me own .e.vit typhoid feeer. . She • ...,„ •:. .
borne, Everyone ; it is true, is not . a e
- had"been -playing 'around the edge of
,. . . ...- •
laver of apples eaten out of the haed,„
-- destructiorefee nearly bier .years and -, • ,. • ,.
but there are, few Who die net, relish was a 'phesicar wreck when she.suc-
cooked fruits prepared and 'served ace '
cunibed to the .disease. So her ehances ,,, ...,.,....
seemed' Mighty slim. Eventually' she • ',, .. .
view to Securing a greater' home con- .
. pulled 'throne. Since graduetion that • ' '
cording to the best' in:actices.°, With a • . ' ' •-• 7 ' .
surription of C.anadian -apples, whicb yea]. was out of the question she quit'
is understood' to, have a salutary' effect - • • ' ' ' e '
worrying 'about 'studies, stayed in bed
for nearly fourteen weeks, took eth
Agriculture at Ottawa has issued •i whole- summer 'for . N'aCation, gained -e--. . ---•
upon the health,. the 'Departinent . of
;Bulletin -No. 35 a series of re& fitty-six.pounds ip. weight and became
, _ var oils -we -ye. The
for their ' Use in. 1 !"• . 'P's -mother thipks the typhbiti-"cleim out!P• ' • . -" .. '
n a new Weinan. ..Al!iii to this:day her
did it
e; .h . . Inns 'A.' business .nian . who had been
birth; or following an, illness or acCi- that 'few can understand... Many a ,tion unto the end a the eartin't Isa.,
deet, are net normal; end can not 'be
treated inetheehomeas-henithy,-noisy,
but sane and girls are tieated'.
In every county, there are children
who are deaf. and dumbas Well as
those_ .who.. are hopelessly, . feeble,
minded; blind, crippled or otherwise
. —
'defective,. and the problem of caring
for them, affects not only the home, child -but there. Are those who insist
which such children are found but the ,that the, institution is better equipped,
eenimiunity at large : The parents of to ,care for such eesei.ami,. that the
a defectiVe ehild shouldleave no stone sacrifice. of.,the mother is worse than
unturned to' See. that 'the:child' yet useless. " • •
• The charge is someti d 'th
gain "
Ines ma e at •
. 1 a -single illnes that gives physical
n illness may strengtliesi or re-,
APpl e'
e apes
, I • •ter it me ive a -
a-striiggleand-it-48--a-debatable,ques„,1 first,chapters Of the book of Ezra, as peee'iate the eeedie , • f .'i; • . • ecleare,r 'mental vision, it may induce •
. , . .
:proper examination and the opinion.of ':t there is anotheresideto the case some months earher and active steps
'a competent physician as t..9 whether and one seldom Mentioned, and., that were now taken te. begin the rebuild.:
or not the .case IS hopeless. If the ie the responsibility the parents Owe ing of the temple. 7eerliblzahel was
'parents .cen s not ,afford the expense
of an, examination, the lecal doctor
can arrange to liave. the werk done
to the normal children in the home. I- the. grandson of, Jehmachin, the king
know it is a delicatc;tubjece in many of Judah who was taken ca.ptive to
homes, and the rights of the normal Babylon in B'C'• 5", 'and. may be
. . .
identical with es azzar who is
by some specialist connected with a 'children are often ignored in pouring
1. •. . .
mentioned in Ezra 1:8.00 a leader 'of
hospital in . a nearby. city. Neither out leve and syznpathy- upon the one the returning" exiles and' a' prince of
false:pride nor the desire to conceal who is defective, but that Is not as Judah, and in 5:14 as .goverrior. Je-
such defects should . Prevent . parents It Should be. • -- r shua was ,the chief priest. The Le -
from taking advantage of such heIP• RPFE°T °N. NORMAL CHILDREN. • vites. were ..' regar- del at this. time as a
eration Or treatment ' will remedy a One little girl who was sham
day after day by the irre-
ed aa•d eligious order of a lower 'rank than
'the priests who were of the same
Often it leas hap • Pened that• some 0P• -
defect,- and -surely every child has a ehriarnialititeed tribe but claimed. the distinction of
actions of a feeble-minded 'being descendants of Aaron. They
right to a fair chance from the very brother was roundly scolded by 'her ,were how appointed overseere of the
first 'moment of life. • •
If it iii found that the -defect is
incurable, and the child must remain
blind or deaf or crippled for life -
should efforts., to help the vi, dim
cease- Certainly not. No Matter
pert With' theeqittle-onee- the 'child
what anguish it causes the parents to Eic. tica...t, i.he, vi i•or , d .f . , en _lel* .10:9, -lee The foundation
mother to thinking ' and she came to •
. us, eective- child, stones -were raid to the accompreniment,
should he early placed in a state or was not only net restrained, by either of music And songs. of praise,- The
PrIv;ote.; iiisiltiitleil- for training and ,ledraert•lenhe,adbuatbsaolisuotetiyhantothrieghettshetzh-acthhile ordinance of David. is probably -that
discipline.• ; - • • -- . . " - referred to -in 1 Chron.,6:31. The
HUMORING THE UNFORTUNATE. cair.m. was obliged to respect She !!! ' '
. e consider- words of praise of v. ,11 anpear in the
ed it cruel to shut him away from the song attributed ,to 'David in 1 Chron.,
: ,
' The Average home is not the best
belletin„ availabletit the 'Ptiblicat'
mother:, The little girl Was saddened work of building. . The Jeehua men- ' - , PP • - are
by, the :scolding, but' she plucked , tip, tioned in V."0 was npt the Priest, but
sert, ' Apples. ere also eliiisified ,ac ,ero
years,, called me one night becanee Of' *i. • .
speciallY good 'for eooking, :for des-, tabled With "indigestion". fer• six '.'' : . - •
sufficient -courage to • say : "Mother, ! was, like Kadmiel, bead of one of .the •
cording to the, season in '' which thee. his "eo• lie." 'I. diagnosed appendicitis - r ' • - ••
I'm your little girl as much aeFreddy families of ,the Levites (see 240, ) and we reinoVed his "colic'? and put .it . . ' • '
is your • little boy, but, you never Seem/. where they are both 'called "children are best for use.. . .
'' '', • ' . in a bottle. He gained -in weight frem . ' •!: ' ''
et -, of Hodaviah," and Neh. 109). The • '
• sons o Henmad are also mentioned
With the -greateincreeselnethe eon-' xi -tenths, and :often -tells-his -friends .-- - ..- ' • - -
-to -thi,nk se." That remark•
s the ' Gelatin and Beet •
,eria. . 122 to 154'• • the ne,kt Six
pounds in
w• hat appendicitis_ dict_for hiin.
sumption ot ice creani and the devel=
ing business, various, schemes have ,
and prevent disease, keep Well... 'The're • '
opulent. of -the ieereream Manufactnr- ' Shuw, illness, of every kind, avoi& 1,' ' .
virtue in Allness.---Dr. C. • H. • .' ,
mbeaenndevirkolvaedwtoaytapkieofictaarbeleoti'oehetht •Lise.e'neibge. • , - ': •
place in which th train and inetruct .others, so. that theY were, helplees arid 16: 7-36, andin psalms 10fi, 107, 118 manu acteermagnmsneallilnogn thoisf foovda.noiuns .
-the-iin.fortintate-childf.--forwhile-the--a _atdem._ isepr sence,ewhile_a ethe___Th • f th Id
_ ,_ t. _ . and, lea, , ': - ' making x ' t• ' ' '
samples • '
of gelatin sent to the Bac- •
ParePts may be able to limy for.train- same time they could indulge in no remembered the
e eweeping-o - e -o --men- who
rriagnificence of the
teriolegY 'Department of the'. Onthrio
Agriciiltural „. College••some.-- samples!
• i •
ed help, the tendency to spoil the child 'PlaY, had no •playmittes and. no Chance old temple of Solornon .was expressive
'ie. too• great The mother who through to, ge-"LiiiY-whexe without being.ohllgefflbetit of,grief and joy.; A similar ince.• -
to take hint alohg. All at once .the.
mistAken kindness rnekes a domestie dent.is-referred.tochrthe,propheeyeef
ty-rant;Of Alie,titrifortunate,4ittle ',one, • • -,, Haggai ,ewritten -.sixteen ;years -later, -as ,high as 960,000 ,peregram.-Whelee'l •
is not only sowing' to! the. whirlwind
for tater leers, but is shutting :out !all
possibility of , the limited happiness
pOssiblo, to such children through- Wiese
Winter; but a eleighlead of nine *Omen
had as the' have- ever "been...ire-the
drove out froni Boriarliiw to help., with.
foetid •"sPlendid niaterial"!'waiting 't0
the , orgaeizatioh• and they e say •twey•
. oi gamzed-twentr one - members
Jianother . part of Ontario we find e
! a • Widow ..'(left with a: farm and 'five. for a 'beginning. , '. . ' . •. ,. : ,. :
, - , children). doing What?, eTteleing'' the ...-A '17.-"1-74'' ''' :
.?....: , .•., alert corse in agriciiltereaO 'that she ,:, . ' ., :. e U '!Ilea' 'mg. Int'
,. Recently an auto'. etopped. in. , front
eney 'become a .euccessfut farmer and•
•• . • ... •', hold her farin.for her sons,, Not, yoling of My 'home, And fa.my query As. te -diSelPline elide-ea'reful traheillfee
years,. but With the eeirit Of -eternal why 'the -driVer did not apply, grease. • A .man who took h deaf and demb.
..,•,_ - youth in ,thie (posting .'aelee .knoWl. to one ot'. the; car' 0 bearings 'that had daag*er to an -institution only after
- .. edge, , , • . . :, • , • .-: ... • become. So bot it was really .srrieling •his 'wife'S 'health ,had broken,. • was
: ----- ----- -'- -,,,--1:-.-„t-ir-----g.'-ve---. --e4.• .• L - itt-her "itel,. - - ' ' e ' • ' .
e . neh -1.0.phod....th. ,... ...h . sno-gr asel:with.;-..!.1T.9.7ie-4....4-e-v-z-
plOntbs.later,..t.o ,..fle d „the
-Irroni.'"allOther7smal. -,--- -a.r 3,:-.,- '-"-14riiiiriiita
him And 'ebuld. not secure any until .'
natigliti, !uttri..giil erans . .
' - ,•• hampere , are, sent each week. to sevbn,',,
•, • . , , ' lucky city dwellers.' Each. hamper he reached the.'ne*t geragee five. miles l'a • •haalth' • Iatelligent'. '11.a143ir. •behig'
,zontains , chiosen; fresh eg s,, tresh .(I, t , t. , e , , •, ,., ,. .. ' , and ho had hard work persuading her children -wile are ' feeble-miedede or, work weep required te finish. e, 1 -
• el (,,t- nri doubtless:he ". wi'1,1!--" Why; tufa .. -' ' • ' .
egrce of
forin.., ..., • ../en,t,,,this..„.„an,,,e,30.4rime,ak. in I, wheels carry an, excess of geease from,.
.. , which, iti. arr emergeney; the- grease la." gee .
., . • . • • 'clemitholaret.a. happ,yeintelligent ',children in,.the home:. and to, the.,torn,:-....
• did not conie te ,t'.Ch'e. '5th7rgol-Intel:-.71--itt;:;171'13-e.--7C'77.:! aio.Lfooli:;r.heojgbui,.11,..di,g11...e: f. L -.11°)d- P. ,..,i,-;-, . . '
for , . . . .*: e. :„ . ,,„,, ' .. nectiek tede: are offset. to. the centre e
' -....e. .lit a' -beside -beside one �f pur2su,nie of -the heating and in. refittieg• them' . , - ' . ,
ciphno and, sehoelintee ' . ' ' '' the nhoine or that illrieSs' D'In* " -It
prive such. childr.en. Of -training, 'fits-.
tut' MOTHER'S 'SAURIFICE.; , r. in defect: it' iii the'. ' Of -All ' 'Ad
,,cititens..,,to _help ,Thako oin. ptolegei-ri, .1 - - i bt,_..0 • • . I t te ch rs h
that aileb a„ "aliht Oitiy be borne into. great men, like '3e14nnialli g7;q1c,iel;:mid
others had made to her, , The Jews
had .notlisteried-Any-to6.-carefullrta .,to
4..i.,- ,-• ,.i.
4+.,,q, '" ' .....,,,:e-----"--
. ). e: rs'ex;:(-:€e6. :ei ill ers,8, nt'(:' k:',1:..'');:•:". 1:1111Ifik,5,4•ehlii.•Yorti...Itil:.(1.,:xiliiiki.('_il; What'it.,. :',\:'rj.r:,R•:',,v..1:41','''',,:', .,•,.,' ', :•:,,,,
s l'oni; e ( eta 3
• • , •
'butter, e jar of inittifialade er
kies arid Often home-made . , . . ,
h ' de 'bread
jam, • Until the • fact was. pointed cut ' to ‘".t0' acomPeleY 'hint
i him this driver" did not •kno Or re'-'
, . w schooliebm to Any good bye a.e She 'With their own kind than with notinal that. of • beritis,', who began" to.' reign ! ,,
to the ' door of the , blind,. - or • deaf and dumb ' are happier ' 'decree of Cyeus • was .supplereented by • • • . . • , -
1 ru...
-t utrkeirg of , fedure way down in
. ..
Hot water • tied a gond ; stiff b. ' '
eee. feared -lie -Would, eakeeher hems•e_Thet-beinge.? : Will-etheeedefeetive-growe-up-
ovreta_neLE"'• . the releeseteetteelivneineansecefeptite-
}"....1°'4,'.' n.t.,..„tIt'l rt., ..... '-e". ,. ...e........' ........teef. . -
.:$Verything is raised 'oriniae 'iiii'llirtienther-that tiwlitilr-cais-of-thirfrOn I, -
girl grew up to be a il,np honsokeene.,r, to ,be.''a enepece triciralli.to the other , tion of ArtaXerxes, iS 'puzgling, for he ting :the'earfacee 'in . the D •' r e ' eel'
. ..' agriculture w6rth , trying? : .
,On.,anothei..farni,eviiete„there ie. anIcepeabeita a dry „ bearing may.be re. , , , , . ' . 4 M°r° who'le e.toret of •rebuildiek et„ told • in l'e'• • I.'.
auti?, ,0*aei. ,cnurso ,1.11, !...mting,.,,,uld, ,as, neal, y .uoluiid6tiouut? must., enter.ipto4he..dia. ::.0,e,,•YOft.111:- lat.e,d:.....,.',-S, .t.b7:.,.-..th:..ti,:,..pv . joiinnt,
voman, • ,ible, to speak „after a. long ',Triunity? ' All, these 'and maey'
tne ;get s .,.i. ,,r,.,-___,_•,„ i,,,. '
, invalid litiabaed,,,the -witeouteoteilieer i llleielell0d: i The farmer
e t child, an not ,
, . ...........* ,,...4.1... _ ................
of ' would de Well to, remeinher- this little `able to "lead a. nornial 'life at' ber de- Petition of the de/ e I've " • el • ArrteCeltole. ' . , : .., ,___. , .1:eucn ‘ii.tee4'1,ci`iileski. 'p,leasin•e„,,,(Ion.i.t .eall
---- -----0.},-----..‹, 111 'set rig ,t aboet le', says Lemuel; • '
recessitY has beilt up, a businese fect permitted, Ilad She remained At merely sympathy and love . .
, . .
tanning fruit, making -pickles jams. Poiniel•
and jellies'. '.There was. an abtindance • , ., , • ... • -
. „ , . , - . ,
. , . , ,home iche would he been a burden,. to, nese toward the helpless., -
herself and her .family all her life. ' Sinee .no familer. circle 'can declare '. 1. It ' with the. teiumpharit efiridica-
. ' , ca of the return trom captivity. '
Let Us. endeavor, tO see the eignifi-
-4-ereet. e-ce 4 '..7.7,e.
'I . reeken I'll, •}Mies if tel •finielied ,by. ,
. • , .
of, smell fruit on the, farm ,and this -Refitting' Connecting Rods:, . . ,
_ . . • . it is not, icindness but : c:t.11y titi, de- itself Absolutely free from the danger tion of those promises, that Isreet's •4a
'...r.... •
..,( A I; it .Toutit?,t101,:g„._..hr*W.7:11;4':-.4.}‘..e'4.-,
' has been. carefully tended' and cared 'Iii.some- autOrnobile engines the con- . '. •
• • won "at the A t t r I 4 . • :'
, 'excellent interne ' frOM growing' and ofNet is on the right Side:: 'Otberevise But lf, tho'ctild ' k "inciipAble. .0,Y 8tittitienii, for "unfeetunatee
. bier resorts, e,,,jartner le ,rnaking„.Ati geeat Cate. eliould he observed that, the ,,
eeeee,„ re --
.. ...v..,
i.: i. --/ t
. You can 8..1 -tut -your doors. Against a . „
Iis, ollilkink, suoces '1' . fh-•! I li • ' !
If. the poor little being is the . lecel, wtho-i'V'ildclebeilhl-egedblitehkati..cioArzesditaoyertol(ile sih,eoetpd
thlut, but -not 'againt :I liar,: . • .
' selling vegetables .to.the eummer rest- they May be• metalled beekword or treining?'
Short and ewd;t1 • While. the tell Maid is sleeping., the, .
, dents.' -Hie Young daughter, Aged just the OPPasitete.What they Should; doonled to idiocy or invalidistn-shal 1 that /tenet and skill can provide. We ' and that they would flnd,„ pasture on
sixteen, IS also adding t� "her ineenle 'be. In *bleb deed the connecting rod the Mother sacrifice all her, life;to, who. are stveng. and welf'owepot:slianlo,1 ABth...tents.bmyr;;I!ttatti,lihelyesie;:e..gplairldonapiht:fe)t,h8i,u)etiwlvghoehn,t,,t, htlbilleot,,. ,
- by' raloingt and 'selling flo‘Ve.rs to these will be tient 'and great presstire Placed care fel- , it, en. shall, that
, same delighted eottagers, ' '. , ,. •ezitthe. bearings, eo that they will burn child. he :cared; for In an institution?
eind of a , defectives thaChanee, to live sheltered,' ali-collqiiaring CYrife threatened
development obteitieble eor the)* vvith
quiet .11ves and the 'highest '
"Oraeleee, ' VV.1f0i little' etie hath • ' are blazing the trail for young Can- A egeeless eseerteblieg jot:Le-He E, ...• 1, . If tho perento can afford la ptty an. queter as the "servant". of Jeliatran. ,
I g, A• ki tileeedy,iiitlicated, tha r.etuen ‘sr;3.' labtlet,?1;•; in'he ,vei tt,16'111. ,()..11:*;P:ntn ita'11,' '16-;18.-et:'hin'gai.
, . -, ,
out. eeeti tleeieheee atriple,snpnly,.. of, That in Alia a question,. Which tlie
., h ts hailed the coe-
Then "new wolnen" in agriculture .oil Is present. This may. happen '.gifter trained (:Gt.ir, 3 00 „.,answo. , protoetion to the oonununity at large right' rheir PleP e ,(i:Pft;'7,),Ti'.11:(1,1'
from their presence. , . ' , ,,; •..,, . , '
• , Us a t Ines,* , , . • ,. ' ,. ''''•
, , . . 1 •
, . . .
I . r. ' ' '.• , • , . f
, ..
. • ' w , , . ' 4 ,,,,
i f
..mo ea „saw- e.,injus ice ...o e,,case,.
and she .eonserttecl to
. place the e.iiiku; iwnligenwgterersttunalo4n4gainndtecravrarlitdhet;bcouilmd-_,gsoimadee,iegeeicarteialimiscatinsneo
t ihne iintsadeerellif at"' II' "Ne:''11":
eposeibleete yut:him...inean ins,tit,u,ti,ona,L336,,,Firx°.,hrellsei,exeteeeelaiS,?`vd, by .41•1,...,pero,peke_tes.e.,-olcle...,:aia-rd----,,,•-elp-61:41,a-a. 7.--,2:b-On. -rem- 0 vt(}:ifl v 4.:Ni-z:: 0 :t• ---'in't!rel. The9 "i ' t. . . Bill 8 on' f 13:j..1 „trr:-ff:we3v61:t11:1::ern:"Iiti-l--471fi.ctreRet---::- .-.- '' i ------
rights which he Must respect.. , ;
learning that. i;ther cliddrete • have, pletion Hag 2:3. . tion , . .. . , 1 e yes, if yoouneasS,k me, ..,1:11 1,./.57•.!'
,, 1-1 -It ought to be done, bell I re:71 in ny ,
in an, institution. "Freddy" , is. now,
. . . Ch. 6: 14, 15. The opposition of -e-,-- ee ,
e • Re-gluingJoints
• '
The. future- of thee defective' mizat- friendly. advances. had- been, 'rejected • • ',
, , , their' neighbor', whose su'spielously, '
• ' ' Is aome ime9 necessal y o ic-4.iio
It' ' ' t- • • 't '• • , 1 ' Ti• 1, - , ' -
• • . 1'- •
1:it - , n1 . net the one for it. ' 'You ' •
. .. . .
*child whert the',1nothee wears: ;herself se'n,'
the Jews, lio dieubt with good - . • •
also be censidered. Who will talce the bY . ,
led to the abandonment of :the joints thet, have hecorne loosened or ' thinlv.1 ion9
. , ,
- _,_ ....w. , ..., effort t,,z) rebuild the, terpple in B.C. .come apart, but a perfect repair e'"Irt., Wei] ibis. T- iht• 4 .., . ., 4 , .,
outHu2tarinfr,for- him? ill it be ears nothing waS not be made Until every vestige 0
at t1 age ortWeney-OFtTility-as. cas- , Haggai
. , • . .1 eci aping alone will not a i I 1 th ellen I-- , , •, . ,' ' .. ', '
C. 520, they 'began
and Zechariah in the year B. i e , . • , . ..., ,
ataln• Fenr'yee'ra'; task with the deed dac°11P th l' (*f •
ily as when a child?: Is it true, that .
, .
• • • • • , • , ' I • " • • •
„ • •