HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-05, Page 8FrPr yy' '',ShOeS :allies. aid. lernen hums" Shoes For Boys, Youths, and Growing Qirls . Special Sandie; at $5.50 �ci 4th Hemstitched and Scallopedend, at $2,25 per pair. • , ' VCr 'our Gift List able Linen, Pure ure Linen, ' Bleached, at 2.75 arid $3..75per yd, ched.ai$ Uribleached;;,at 1.25'and•$1.60:per yd: ^' x8 6 Shamroc k attern ,:at '' • ) . .... � > _. $7.25 each., $T00 Per dozen; • -t'- llow Cases,42-inch •.Qualls y P� , nth; deephemstitched hem,at: $1.35�.a `Trish Ianen;Table,Cloth, apkins tp match ClQth e•' Quality Pillow Casesstaiiaped for.Em1.roidery ajld cttt work, fin yX Linen: Runners stamped . with design: • ' Y.,,. ...: � pe wl h on end and. Hemstitched all `at;$125 each:a.. i in'Fin t :.,_. Ish Beds read; extra large and beautiful'desi ' at • .: . P :, g go) $8.50 each.. ds reads double -bed size, at 2.00; 3.25, ,4.50 and $6.00 each. • anc •' Turkish Towels, n Checks and 'Leaf X .... ) .:, .........patterns; In Blue Gold vender and Plain White "7 c. ... ►.�• ,... ) 60, 5.1.00 1.25 '.50 nd� , ) ,1� a $2,00.each.,. arch Rugs, An Axminster, Wilton and. Smyrna _qualities, at 6:00 t :nn,eacb' eversible" Bedroom Rugs Pink and Grey Combination. �Peelal at • Room' Ru in alhthe.st standard nda d . sizes, - -� s n • Ta esti .;Axminster .:•'• 8`s , . , ,,.. P •: Y) and; Wll- nced from 16:50 to $6000. �i •"'.T'�..,MEW AR..,_.ii-.IVA L- ,- hi'te 'and. nd' ightLinen Trice Broadcloth,. < . r d.� verysuitableadress:orthat Mannish Blouse... ncoline Broadcloth, Wt with BlueStriped Patternat 1•.50 a a,, t• yd• TURbAY PE IAL= MLL, ls ses .B ackPatent�-Le.:.athel-Oxford., s -co sh- e'and rubbrheel sizes11 to 2, at$3.75: RDOCH R one e No' �l .i ,: •, 8 s at Your. Service Iw Air* for Cash Mie Sell 'Cheaper Than The .Credit Stores icing,=Season Is "Here` WE HAVE A COMPLETE '•STOCK OF COILED WIRE . "BARE WIRE., •AND WOVEN.FENCE.; OUR PRICES SIRE RIGHT ,AND; THE QUALITY THE BEST, WEr HAVE '' WIRE: TRELLIS' FOR .ROSE. 'BUSHES .AND FLOWER j BED 'BORDER. -I ,OUR STOCK OF SCREEN'. DOORS ' AND IN • __ ..... w DoWs IS COMPLETE: i' WE HATA ;MANY STYLES AND AL SIZES. S, START EARLY .TO SHUT OUT THE FLY :AND . YO'. U WILL HAVE COMFOJtT ALL SEASON.. 'NOTHING 1, ADDS TO THE,' APPEARANCE OF A HOME ,:: ,MORE THAN A WELL,KEPT LAWN, TO KEEP 'IT RIGHT, YOU NEED A MOWER ,THAT IS WORKING PROPERLY. SEE -OUR ' STOCK—EVERY-• MOWER GUARANTEED; r <' Ce >lnen't; Always On Land J We have just placed into Stock 'a carload - of Lime and Plaster. Successors• •t to Lucknow Hardware , &• Coal C 'HORSE ' DROWNED IN Ai•1 BAcE,• On a recent afternoon as George McKee was turning in. at the Pink- erton mill' with a load' of''graiir, his team, seeing a truck in front' of 'the, mill,._ stopped. suddenly.: and, on :i;tart Jng hem again, one of the „horses, being . of an ugh?' disposition'; ` in Stead of . going ahead, turned and reared, getting both feet over the tongue.•' it then r • sired' 'the,'eeeond •tinge, +tln1 Arced' bath bones sad 'ering- gave away and all went into .about :six feet • of water. , The' :head - gates ,.were•-:�imnxeiliately, = closed and the water • lowered;. .By this time there were many 'willing hands o:i. the 'scene and both horses ,.would. -have peen' saved: had i4 not 'been that the one , when it reared caught its foot in: the line, close to the bridle thus holding hit head ,under the, oeo ' The ; great , source of strength of Labor.. is that they have . 3x their ;ranks' a large number of'•men •who belleve ft fbeir poi ciq WINGHAM June2 — .2'. i n h ' W a ,had ad' g ri'..of thee, busiest -police court,,sessions' in mon- the here to -day 'and not for a long. time has there been such,an array of police officers in the ..courtroom 'as. graced it to -day. Magistrate' Reid, of Goderich, presided„ Crown.! Attorney Seager appeared for the crown, and George. M. ,Elliott, officer of the. Chil dren's Aid Society; was presented'°in connection with , several '' cases' .in Which juveniles:were involved •-Two boys '*etre ' charged `b'y. Prov-, mesal Officer "'Phippen with •robbing Mitchell's . drug" store : here: The two lads, -13 years of age,` pleaded ,guilt and Were given 'a 'severe ' lecture by the inagistrate and Crown ''At"orney Seager,' Thy were ordered to report; e periodically to„ --,_ Mayor :Willis :The charge against 'two giber boys of robbingGeorge Rob i g b nson s: garage • was withdrawn:' P Robinson,of Winghani,:charged" by 'Provincial,' 'Officer Whiteside, with ill-using a horse, pleaded guilt, 'and was" assessed a total of 24 85 0'• -15 days<:in Jail,: fHe" took: the' jail terir and •was taken to the jail at 'Goderich by Provincial rOfficer 'Whitesides.:' • Officer. Lewis, of .Goderichy char. °ed 'T.K.wMQ g Ii'enzie of `'tiVi�igham nwitr, being drunk in. a public•place.'It was 'alleged that, he laid,orr the street for. hours in ra heavy' rain, Mr, McKenzie failed • to , appear to answer the charge and a.warrant will be issued for, ..his •arrest;,"• Chief Allen, of Wingham, charged A ., iylcl.ennan:.,,with .being Ydink. ,. I.:_ wa` ca s� hanged that he laid in the rain' op�the pavement for some • time anc' was .finally picked up `by a ,motorist' and taken to: the'*town hall His fine and costs;= amo.un:ted .tor..$•19 • A; W;l'rwin was charged liyi' Pr"ov.' inial Officer-Pelle* with, driving'hir car' at a greater rate of rspeed, than•, 25 miles, an. houi y».He. ,paid.:,$11,25 to° the' : court exehectuer;' • ., '' �•,'o-o oma-.- ASHFIELD •'Hoy; •TO 'BE 'JUDGE 'IN, IBRITISH COI:UIVfnIA " `' `' •A. despatch from Vancouver'. whit} refers to an Ashfield old hoy `says., M. a,-Maeddnald,"K, C., is to he ap pointed to the vacant`: judgeship it the .Appeal Court bench in Brithl Columbia; ' according to' p'ri'vate a.d vices received in Vancouver today, 7tir ' Macdonai'cl was attorhiey seliera" tt i>l t sF ,ro i�rr>;ml�li;t;• TINEL,. THURS.liAT, .►>tms RJt'l;E`.. NTk VQIEITy Mr, *Id Mrs. Join Munni and Eel,. gene Ma>E•tyn n otored; to Stratford on W,�dnesdalr, , Mr. •' enneth McLay, accompani i, by his hon' ,Milan Et McLay, left this, week for Loekwood, Sa,sk•,, where the fo7rmer's: sister, is dangerously all, ,lei. Dir Harkness and Dan ,Dnnald,,:are, .representatives to , ther inter!-.Msembl,Y`r j l,tg".'r{esbyte sap j Midi i `in Canada. which' meel in Owen .Sound • tl}is year, _• R, K` 'Treleaven motored • to Tor- onto this' week to attend the,,.;Conyo- cation of 'the: University; ' Mr,' . Tre- leaven graduated fro m the ,Royal.;:• Dental iCollege'thth year. ' 1th' Moorhouse 1V o a Art`s s gn) .xi dent: of ;the •Universitya of Western Oir ario;, London, i$ home . on vac=: ation. Moorhouse ' ' is: clerking . in Bushell',„store, for ,the; "summer enon , „The ' Ripley ''branch of -the, Royal Bank received a' new steel door for their vault on Tuesday:, The dooi was purchased from Goldie' . illcCul- Joel', Galt, and :is -of substantial con- struction. Mr S, W. Archibald; teacher. in ;Ripley Continuation• School, wiPll • ro �, •bably leave' • at vacation and ' go to. Sault Ste, Marie where he will as- sist in a ' survey sof a highway', froni that cityPo t' o rt Arthur.. . During the past few weeks severa; immigrants ,• from )Ireland, Scotland d Whales and the.,' north of Europe, have `arrived in l Rip ,.e,,, being `sent b the y authoritie' s to. farmers in the' -neigh- borhood. For the most part they seem to' be uieklY •adJusting them- selves selves totheir r.: 'new surroundings and -proving "highl + satisfacto . ''to -their • y iY employers, The ,congregation .of St. Andrew's Church ”, moved'' this " •week ' from the building ns !forme ->•]y occupied • iyy� Knox Church • to the ;one occupied by ,Hur- on before' the Union ' of 192yo • • Each been building has: b n . used alternately for periods of six months .butat the la§t 'annual meeting` a. resolution was' passed deciding :upon, the pse of 'the latter buildirig. until the question of r e manen t act modati , 0 on iv` settled.' • P as 'sett e A special agent of the 'Bell. Tele- phone C.) Mr. Smith of OwenSound met the commissioners of • the Huron and KinlossSystem laSt Widnesda y; The e11'' B has.g;veii notice Cif the ;can- cellation of their agreement;with the local ,company respecting charges on . messages' to Lucknow. Mr. Smith :said that" at the ,.. present rate „ they, were operating at a loss and though+. that , an increase was unavoidable: No. agreement was reached, pending further :.'negotiations. In recognition nition of the g evaluable ser - :vices. ' of ' the Fire ''Brigade 'a' free telephone ph a has .beeninstalled by the Huron &' : Kinloss Telephone System in the Ripley Fire Hall The tele- phone is one that was saved by the brigade when' they extinguished the fire 'in Traplin'si garage' a little over two years ago. It is feared that,. the' kindness of the • company may prove a somewhat mixed blessing, as many thrilling , games of euchre in which the firemen'•indulge may,be interrup- ted thereby: • -At' the 'special' anniversary service- hold in . St, Andrew's .Church .las'. Sunday,, Rev Dr. ` Taylor from -India occupied the pulpit. Dr: Taylor, who has been '.a missionary ' in India for the .he' past twenty-five 'years; ,delivered a: very interesting address • on .eon- -lx tion the/lot-He -pictured-the land -as- seething with. political, : religious. and ;,ocial unrest • but. felt that thia';'very unrest' by,e sweeping away ancient :harriers of' ' caste, and prejudice,'is diving thee'' church .a wonderful op nortunity,• to win the"people of India. 'Tr -the Christian, religion. •In' spite of • the, disturbed` state of the country; resulting • from changes in methods '. of 'government and social conditions, Dr Taylor,. holds very„•hopeful views concerning the future prospects N of missionary,. work in India;. -o=o-0----. WALKERTON :-Two lads, •`who .,threw a bunch ' of 'firecrackers.' into ',a movie theatre the other ni3•ht, while the show was:; in progress' and'caused'"of sensation. 'that wasn't, . on the program,, pleaded. duilfy to a disorderly charge before' Magistrate McNab "'on -Friday and were•r,let- G on suspended rsenteince;`y on paying" the coats of 'the action, which seethe hey,• back '$4• apiece,- I era'id-Times ” Reduced Prices On „Baby Chicks SEND ORDER AT. ONCE FOR WHITE LEGHORN BABY' CHICKS AND GET THEM W'NEN t'OU WANT THEM. ' PRICE FOR i 012:00 PER BUND ED. 25% 'Cash • With Or. er, DUNLgjjt $E.NNEDY ,fat '0 d + W,10.0190041, 5 i.444 smAltilo Wo aXe ln» receipt of -the fol.lowxn setter f oni.the +Vhite star° I,,xne�.De-' troi The .t; ,Sentinel, • Pear Sir;= Vire have• learned that someone has circulated a story in. your territory° to the xe#feetxtlte ^smalipnxx sit t�tiA r,n',1�; api';iolxs' enough to,,make,;some of.:your 'people -doubt- NI as to whether;' or not 'they would Make. -the trip, to , Detroit' pn . the Greyhound June 10th. You , need have no hesitancy,• in. publishing a Story to. the effel' that the smallpox' Situation is absolutely un der the :control±-`, o�the= Scrard o f = Hea1th of, tha cibY.oietroit,•Thexe havebeen' recently only' a very Jew: •nets,• cases, and 'they are c9nfined' to a certain"„area• ,The situation at n'o --time ha beenid s cons ered "'serious. en= ough>'to. put'a giiarantme in effect on; the ferry service between Detroit and Windsor, , and: 'approximately 12,000 people..- are, moving both ways across the„ river,: daily:, . without re sttrictions• of any'kind, which would not be if the authorities on beth. aides •of the river: were not hilly 'Sat- isfied that there. was ' no danger of ,contagion, As a matter' of fact, more than 500,000 peoplehave been: vac=- cinating' about 50,000` people daily vhich leaves Alien of • Public Health to state that the epid- emic, if at any,' time: it` could have been called such, will be absolutely' stamped out, or confined to the Ke - sent, sent, cases within the next, week:; Strenuous measures have been taken. ;;o' accomplish this,• and no expense has •been spared,.in establishing vac- cination stations in fill parts of: the cit On'Thur da ” y last �the'.Wh�te: Star gine• hed.'the Publ•ic� Health. Corns,-' uff aioner furnish s eient' doctors a n d. nurses' to vaccinatb every employee' of this c ompanyt 'so that all who. `ride On our .steamers may,feel 'that 'there is to possibilit of corning in .con - P Y a tact wi th 'a single • person Who .has- not:. been. i ro erl a • , p P Y. vaccinated. Never af' n'- y time, or 'any.. city, have .such, Vig oro us and : ener otic measures been taken lay , the author - 'ties to ` eradicate tate all signs of'.:the. danger of . the •spread^,of the disease; Yours very .truly,: N. . F. MacLean • General Passenger• 'Agent' PEANUT KILLS LITTLE °GIRL . The . funeral •of, ; Little June `Estella" Halsey,' daughter ;of Mr and '`h:Irs. - A.:' G. ;Halse:y, 1070 'St. Clair Ave.,, Toronto,' took place at • Erin'l�a;t. week.."The little girl, ,who :• was tiro and h if nuts given to herb $' ,. Y her parents on sew weeks with Mrs, James •Geddes: a a S 1VIONT, be "invited to one. ar d nit �ou1d talo n,10 it,� `Gall gull„ see ou'ai'et in khxna, Glass.Dinnerware and'. :Aluminum• v e thn. '' ,. r ,, 1 l y s .Marked 'ri,Plain--�' 1 ... . 1 -Sures,, : InIn e a d. o o k .Around � a tonl., • �'. eys. Your ei ary set 5tor Friday evening, As'•. she, was eating them the' child' complainedn,a of .choking 'sensation, which later,.turil- ed intoa severe '.fit 'of . coughing. ,g., g June had: been subject to attacks of ,asthma, and heraren attributed p, is t buted the choking to this and took her to see • a .physician. on Saturday morn- ing,'"„When'.. the wheezing 'cough was describede' treated her c.r for 'asthma. "he died suddenly' on Sunday• A post-mortem examination - •shcwed That in:- one lung .there was a •whale, peanut embedded well down . in th'e lun - and: -about h ' g 'half -,a, peanut in' the' other lung In the throat a was a large ulcer; . which.. had materiality •contr..i- ' buted'to•.th' death'p e by stopping the breathing:, : KINLOSS Mr..To m 3VIiller of Kincardine Spent nt : Sunday•at his homehere.. - Mr • and Mrs; James Smith of Nile 'spentr' Sunday: at Lorne,Hod�in's. a Mr • Clarence: M oulton is ;`spending a few months .at ,.ColleL a at Toronto. Mrs:"A i • Stanley spent .Sunday at Mrs, George Richardson' s of ,near eesw. �' iter -4• ,Mr. Austin Gfah ,,:; of . Bernie _' will. preach in the churchr'here,'next :Sun- day. afternoon- unday'afternooir at 3.30 The local '•' entrance pupils, spent' ,Saturday last at .Teeswatei : trying • some Of there, final exams:Mrs. George. Co1well' and family is spencUng a. few "days at Toronto vasitini~• her sister" Mrs; Cecil Flood Miss Mildred'' ' i . Mci:wen of Toronto years old, ate three pea- has returned . borne' after ter spending ;a SCHOOL' REPORT Maca'. S. S . No' 10 'Ashfield Sr I•V .Gladys77, ' Johnston Ruth' dam: 66 Jr.',1174.. *Myrtle 'Johnstone 66,: Herbert MacAda'm '63,'.John Howard 57,, Melda Lane 46, Marie Hogan d$; Sr. III -Charles MacLean 93, Tom Howard' 83, *James, MacAdapi53,', Jr.: IN -:Minnie Lane .83,-..Gosrlon, Johnstone 68, • Louis ' Rogan 24.:` •- • 'Jr;,. II Roberti Howard 90, • I_:e1m Johnston •8.8; Bilice Reid .81 ea Idst__*57.Matthew Johnstone 91 11 L a Hogan 80, Bihie; Johnston 58 "*I>ick R S Pr. r, I James Drennan:70, Frank Drennan 68; .',`• '.` Jr' Pr:—:g Jean 1VI c N. a Ada da. Lane '• 84. Ra mond Hogan r y 1.3•. Birdie..•Reid 3.9 Best in spelling ng Win nie' lie . Reid. ,Perfect attendance marked' ("`)' Average attyendance 24 Margaret garet :MacLeod teacher S S.'o N 16'As fie h ld Sr IV-Rabert cW kinn y :.7X o .. Aldo'- n Has -•: t 3. .ford i CroTer .14, 1'om Anderson' 66; ,, Lloyd Finnigan 64: Jr, II, E— Frances Crozier 87%;, Jean Anderson 78; Eileen Treleaven 72; Beth ,:McConnell, 60 Jr:"II . A-A-Iex;-Gainey:. 50 -co. Sr:' I -Gertrude'`. Finnigan A—Anna' Treleaven,. Colin Cro i ties; Benaion Sh' z er No. ackeleton:' • on Rol ' 11 4 Av - Attend 12• • AHelm, toac r White , t Terry Bath,Towellm • . g, 24 finches wide, .. Regular 65c., Friday and Saturday at '5 7c, -a yd;�'. Na t r' a1 Shade Pongee S> l�,: 1. 10 9 uaht Y at 79C. Boys' Khaki Bloomers 98c. , Sizes 26 to 3 Special Men's .Heavy Khaki Pants, well ma d , with h cuffsBert.Straps; fiVe ockits, Sizes 30 to40-in-di WaistSpecial ..= Price $2.00 per pair.,. Ar t%Sil;k Hose, of good quality, , in Black, Grey, Y,.Yo.1awn:-and -Navy,- Reg. '1:00 and $1�;25 lines; at79c, '. a air.' Ladies' Black Cotton Hosey •for everyday ryday •wear, the best on the market, at 25c. a pair. . LtoOtegttLROliinatifs • -1 Ei1d,•7x1'2 ft. : � 50 • • 1 EEnd.'Heaviest quant 8x1' nd of Y� 2..f t.,*,12 egk„ $1�2 0 Mate -To- " aleaSUre Clothes - for •Men ,from Can- ada's an ad ' , a s Best Tailors • ums and oleu�ri Rugs •