HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-05, Page 5...• WLTCOSTS::SE'VE .„.. moyeie.'ilco.pay for eq1pmen.14. vv4at..to440. , toi.. .,•;:qiakek *.#ti:ft." •.gracl*;,."-fOr • 'ttain.s.to C11$1.1.4 on TOn4 tnpaiyo... • • ti • • THE LITCHNOIV ing operating, expenses. + TOTAL COST EQUkPmeNT. 5A4:.A 07.10 ma. C.O.Art -.-- • t -tot° oaf • ^Rorkv 4 • •••• 047 TOTAL COST EQUIPmEN'Ir T • TV Is beeonaing daily rnbre important that the 'public • '1 in a country of such vast extent and small popula- tion as Canada 'should thoroughly appreciate the kir- : portance of the maintenance of an adequate 'railway system whereby the producer may reach hl a markets. It M obvious that the very extent of the country and its scanty population 'make • this' maintenance very • costly., Until such time as •the population increases by immigration' to the extent that the traffic on the railroads .15 heavy .enough to enable them to, reduce passenger and • freight rates; and yet Meet expenses, •it is impossible for. rates to come dewri, without seri- ous loss of efficiency. Those who d'ernand such reduc.• • Alone 'and even expect the ratesto return to .the ,•standard of ten years and more ago do not' seem to realize that unavoidable expenditures have' risen phenomenally of, late years In practically every. direc- tion, giving the railroads a ;stiff grade to •surrnount before they can pay. operating expenses, •compared • to r;rhith such' expenditures were, formerly a kvel track. • •• • ' . . This' Is especially true of railroad 'eqnipment„ the -woolit of *which -In c aims hes-doubled or-ever trebled. •It truithat_the •quality -of -equipment-has improved during' the seventeen 'years .covered in., the , above diagrain. The public has demanded' improved . service Mich as could only be given by improved, equip - aunt and the railways mush pay accordingly. • The diagrams shown. above graphically illustrate the facts as they apply to only one' alie$ of, equip- ment, locomotives and certain kinds of .rolling stock. , In studying them it. is important' to bear in mind- that • they de, not account for. cost of repair • maintenance or operation, including , wages; but, only for •actual construction, ,ancl. these coats net touched an here have gone up in somewhat sinsilar ,fashIon. • 1907 ' RAIN 190 ••••• *54.243.= Th ' figures on *hick these diagrams are based' are .taken from tables- compiled by the Bureau o Railway Stiatisties in Chicago from data supplied ;by the Jaterstate Commerce Commission and apply • with vaillation to 'Canadian as well as American roads. The 'following table' gives the cost of the locomotives and cars illustrated in the diagrams, from which the figures quoted therein may be verified, .and also gives the cost of other -equipnierit not ac- counted for in the diagrams: ' • - • • . , 19'07 1924 Heavy: freight., locomotivea. each . . . . ........ * . 816,243.00 •$53,550.90 Passenger locomotives:- each. '16,057.00 66,200.00 •Switching l000rnotives,. each.., 11,857.00 89,000.00 Passenger coaches, '7,83000 28,900.00 . Baggage cars, each.. . . . ..... 482000'21,000 . 00 Freight card, each. - .$700 to • 825.00 2,301.00 _•The increase in the cost of railway construction in Canada has been no • less startling. . In seventeen - years 'it has gone up 271 per cent. • The following • figures are intensely' interesting as showing •what it now coats to 'build a - Mile 6f road as compared with- the -figures- of -seventeen years ago: TheyT ari concerned with that 'part of the construction above triabgrade,• that is to say; «actual track laying and, , ballasting. On the • preparatory work of grading,' ri ge and culvert building, rock -cutting, etc., where • most of the oxperise b in labor. the advance in costs has been no leos -noteworthy. As hardly any - two miles „of right' of way, are alike in that respect ' It is not possible to include comparisona. The increase in the cost of construction above suberade is hown, In the following .figures supplied by. the engineering department of the Canadian Pacific Railway and they' are for one mile of road: 'Ties '... ...... 3,00e untreated @ $ .40 'Rail se lb....... 125 tons' 0) 28.00 Rag e, Bars .. • 0.9, " • @ 60.00 • Bolts . . . ....0.9 • " @ , 60.00 • Spikes •., . . ...7. . 4.0' " . @ 50.00 Tie Plates ... , 600 ".• •@ 14.00 . Rail Anchors ... • ... , •• Ballast. -gravel . 3,000.4els. ,er •.40 Tracklaying, labor • • • •,.......mmuk• • 4.,,, • .• 1.60411,101 .1,260 2,500 • 345 54 •. 200 • • 1,200 600 • •,• • • • e • • jP •;• • • • • • 0611)&141•11; • 41.464j..,N)611K • Increase. 271% ,3,000 creosoted . 1001b. • •160 to 66 46 -1.2 .41 6 44.0 • " "• 6,000 ' . 1,600 -rock- 3,000 yds. *924' $ 2.00- 55.00 90.00. 135.00 , 90.00 , 2,400 •@ .25. 400' ; • cp- 2.00 - 6,000 • • ••.1110;01••••4 • • 1.500 $26,657, ' • $8,000 .8,800. 855 • 162 540 •4• , • , .r# .p4V. •••• • 106,, • MA1T1LAlvD $IIAS"..SPLENDID YEAR OFOOO., •Sec*ret01,11'8..gen.,Ort. Of. .Seetin,..At Walton The tenthannual r• peting of Malt- • . land .Pr.pabyterial Society o'f' the:, W. S. w'a held .in WAlten.. -.lin,: May v1§1to re:, were. 'members of the. 1.Y.:..10. Th e meet- ; ing was:- ,' Presided over by ther,prealdent and. openea..hy Praise from ps4i1m:58,, merabera, .0; Aux.. conducted, 'devotional ./exetcise§, Minute § of rn"eetiny e1 by from. ':,4,11..• the :department secretaries.. were given, 'Mesaenger See:. re- qu-eits aU stihseriptions to, be ter- • ;warded! toherlast, of ...October. if poSsible,'Y W Aux Sc gave "1”„ir ..8rd, annual report Showing some,-:en-.- .,couraging'•features. and , contributiOnS be $187.95, Reports. • from. • Press • Secretary, Strangers' and Social Ser- vice 'See: lollOwed, 111,, Band Se2,..rd- ; • ports 4 pew bands 25 in all member:: ship .781 , average attendance. :467, • icontributiene. $1,04000... Ashfield ye - Porta„ 2, junior memberships,..Christ„-, Inas gift suggegtions, Speels„ needleS, scissors,. a.utograpir'ancl Atriitted woel • quilts and other 'uieful,...gifts; 111., B. Seeya 'are askeelo send in; prompt reports eccorapanied bya letter;:tel;;., , of.year's: WOrk.',-,7:, Rallies.: to be 'Meld, at Wroxeterr, Whitechureb NeW.'. set . of .1.ante:rn slide; On sehoOl are. 'nOw, Mra, Murdie, sepply. • See; .reported, ;Bale sh 4.0 461 tre-,.-01:., 'and-sent...te Portage I..a• Prairie, .,' I. B. .S.,, • supplies': -required, for 192:4; Outfit s '3 .boka Alberni and. , 3 ,beka Tuelon •Schools, else. sheeting; I 'Pillow. 9....aes and Ch'riatmes i 'Weight of'parcel; No. of hosV nam( of ,,Atix: and sender be Plaked' en the, outside .:ofparcel as Well asin ef;.•,.. ial :invoice., H, Se.c...1,reported". i.Aie'..awakened• interest and gtoWth of the ',.departirent 'With 283' memo-- s and conLiibutions of..302.08.... • Divide'. distrieta, have; Aux.. members. visit:. 'and. *broadeastS,.enVelopes% end.' Mite boXess.;., .5: ct.- .a. week', :enable HoMe...tiplpers",: departinen.t tOs reaeh. `.tneir .o,bjectiVe7, reporf . was •.,,very encouraging, inc,..reaSe. -in., sympathetic ;understanding; greatei... deVotten •to the Work; deeper 'interest through Mission- study increased • .financ.es ,in the 30. auXiliaries....and, .associat Success in " the' ed -.7. vancernent is ate greatly to-- 'the', . • PraYerfiir.., „Untiring efforts -.of • .our .president., ApPreeietion,'. of, the splen- . did services ' of ....Mrs....;Gollan in ' her 1Vlission 1and W,Ork !is. 'also,. :voiced . • r ' Miss ‘,Alc.Gregor field ..,aecretary yis-• ited, ' and. organized One. .new Treastirer's'.,. repert, .tOtal," contributions .37467;75. :Gift 'from a 'friend in .Lucknew. of $500.00: 'made, total:. increase ever :last . year: ,S1'033.00.rePort of,financeSfor years • 1e2g: and 1923, were' .giVeri'. in detail Mrs. Tate, Blueyale.... offered,. kiedi'e-. ,atOrk prayer. .Hymn .649. closed, morn 'ing seSSion2 .During ',the. luncheon hour 'a kindly., 'address % of, Welcorne Was gIVeia Mrs-. ,.'Oster... President', of' Walton, ` ,, gracious ye- . plk Was'rnade ,. by Mrs; P. Clark St., Helena. :Members of '11fo1esworth. -Aux; 'opene:d, afternoon. ee • devotional . exerciaes., Seripture lessen Tfaiali. .61; OreetingS enhYte'ry • na •M•8111•6411140 Made by Ames Holden Tire &Rubber Co. Limited KITCIIENETt, ONTARIO • • ' will giv• e you more miles for each dollar of cost,prove it -fest thein • 0. with any other tire ' -and ompare ihe'lreary SMITH Lucknow's Leading Tire Shop GAS • ACCESSORIES ▪ OIL Once inva while.- you find*e: girl? ' of Charming freshness w„3,o, iSn't toe .. fresh. • • e- bath s u 'arei-,no:' ininiodest on women whose shape doearet,invite-a secoridglanee: •,UnfortunAely, the bobbing of: hair" • doesn't-alWyS' liaVe n'effeet,-, , When.. Sarnionv was: shorn' % they, Made' , • •• • KILLING -DOG JUSTIFIED' Is a man justified in. , a nelghbor's degf he, .tresPasies oh and-rattempts to -destroy his property at' night? This question .came up: in 'Hull' police caurt.the other. day When. -.Isadore Dubeau of Danford • Lake, ThtiZd Clifford Gibson of tii:saiike place,.; :for the v value;be.,plaeed fe;doeilihiclit-the 'latter -acknow- , CANADIAN NATION4 :'RAILWAY DEBENTURESMaure In Six, Years COMPOUND INTEREST Fully Registered Debenture Payabintin,:toliLin4930,i-• • ''Secured byMogag� ofl DOMINION 'GOVERNMENT .PAOPERTY", l'his is an exceptionally , /CooCt investment - Bondi may be purchased oath. paritaf payment plan. /4 • Wilte us jot' details Dominion Bonk Bldg. - BOND EXCHA Adelaide 0432 Toronto le • .100-ed..1% had' Idllicr On the' night of June 3 last, when he found, if attack- irg. a colt 'in the field adjacent to his home; ,Judge,1V1il1er .was of -te 'Opinion • that• the act was justified and -:.dismissed- the case againSt • • son., Judge Miller stated in disrniss- ing_the .charge. might._shoot- a'. thief Who, entered his, ,house at tent,..to -steal, or ,streyhe was certainly ,entitled to do the same to' A dog and, the onus'. of responsibility 'rested" on the owner Of ,the animal. . • , ,.MAITLAND 114. ILEAGUE- - SCHEDULE • ' The ''.follOWing schedule has been' drawn up fer.,9ie Maitland Baseball Myt'Goderiehwp at "AubUrii, 'May: ,30th., Dttligention at Westfield ..11..me'.;4thi, Westfield 'q,t Goderieh Dungannon, at Auburn •Utinee'.6tliGroderiehAWpitt:‘Westfreld' junb' '13;•.D.tingarition .„at:-.Groarich,,,t*P 3urie 14th.. Westfield at Auburn, • Julio'16tH. Auburn ,At ,GOderich tWO, June' 20th. 'Aubtirn at Westfield June. 27th.; dodetiCh. twP. at Auburn. Jane 27th,,,Duagai.i.non at Westfield 'July- 4th., Au'burn at Dunganndn July th,,Westfie1d,at Goderich J'ttlY.9th„,,7Godeileli twp. at 'Westfield July 16 Dungannon et-GoderiehAWP,• 3iity 10t14 'Westfield, 'at. DungantiOn . I .1 `were' conveyed R:ev' Mr. Smith. Arniour, ,;Who 'gave Waynt•word,:of praise. ,tO., e.con, ;only, of management in wiping out, proved . its worth .1)" 'its devotion, to:, z.dUty,:the and: definite'. 'aim, as 'an, educational to ' PresbYtork.. The success of' eX-. tending the... work at lionVe and a- / • broad wis ,attained ,thrOugh ate . knowledge 'of .,, conditions. 'Ile' :rna`de appreciative mention' •'of:, MiSg McGregor's. 'presentation' of IhrOugli • 'the .':,6huk1i and ,,.:-eited stances in his own life of the 'value' ...ef Miss:Ion Bands,hici? ;edueaks in' general as .well as in missions :and jjplps Om...11qt: Mr-mtlfarkness in her preSidelital addresa teok , as, the verse' ef.„ Genetal, Epistle- of 'Jude also 2nd. • verse o 4 chapter colossians, Buthl ag;t1).eep,t"Fas,.:Ahe.. IunplesslonJnade "by,ler.:;earneet...4,e0 eloquent ' rerharlig, Mrs, treikrnd thanked the ,Presbyterial 'for, the' Privilege, adeorded her in attending _ • PrOVineial society's annual held in Hamilton. April 7to 10th,, as, .their delegate and Pregented a lull and .instructive keivit for which she i•e- . cei•ved 'a, hearty viite .of thanks, • cbssion. folloWed repent presented hAt • the finance 'cOrinnittee„ Walton's, M. Jaly 23rd, Westfield. at Dtingaiiaon Jni1. 3rd, Auburn at Goderich twP„ ju13 ,80, Goderich tiv'p,at Dungannon of.• '<tidy :3001.4 AUbtiin .at Westfield. . ye !iW)tat will become a Oe young' peoilie'0" *line a reforder, 4'.4,111 they 0 groW old ond, 'Itorry ibOut flue W VoOft 90000, • 'favoured the audience, with the 'bilee' Song, A rettOSpective Survey the work of Maitland Pitsbytor. Soplety. ,from its IneeptIon 44 ars 1 age to the Present "time •wi.ld: Ven by Mrs. Coombe Of Kheardine n JalY initnters -broth 4. M, met Itincatdlne and, • arre Rocks 1 e eghorns 5 e set -411. _etd„rqm r At‘n. bens or Qui:. own p ape: • For,. the,,P4st. te.P. Ye4r:s • ;wq, made. a ..:careful ,study of the, Poultry business, ,More ..partictilarly inatng and bleeding 'along tar., ger "egg Production_lineS, ."In the ' preeritCanadian gg Laying Contest' being conduced at at the EXperimentel, Farm at Ottawa, der ••• Gevernmerit su per 7is ion; ' the re..Ve. 821,2pens-entere.,e-fri5rn .• bee. it. poultry breeders. in ',Canada and the United' Statescoolest : nse., 4-9,-23•,-ar ertds oct.:34§t. •01,-, Pen of , White. ..4eghorns, o 40; 'is in Secand 'Place" .(a pen frorn 'the ' United ''States..boldirig-first :posit idri.) ',60rApen:-.has not been lower:, than 4th: plia'sinee 'the .first , wee k.,of the: Contest.: Chilek§,, we ate. :hatching 'fot .otkr 'customers are•froine. the.,;. mothers arid-, ssters-, :ofth pen, t..* :In tho,'-lattir'tiait Of WaY,, andthe month of June we, will „have . 15,000 Chicka•Rocks '18c, LeghornS-15c. LaSt'year we bad 'to re-: fuse; 'orders for 'thousands of gli2.ks as 'parties wanting 'them Were .. toolate in placing their orders., Right new is the time to, orderChickS for delivery, the latter part Of May or for the ,rnanth of, , , . Have ,you. been Nkee.ping. Hens ? or %ave. the, Hens been skeeping • you? .Start now and get the kind that will keep .yOu„: There is a ...big diffbrence in the • returns yo4.1 gct f1:011J",s4nie amount of lobil7 conSurned Why not get. Chicks that have the "„breedind back of 'them. to giv'e you big profits.. Th e. Chicks we send . out are pro, , , perly. incubated, therefore easily raised. • .,-,, WALTER ROSE. i3;:fr4',41tirje-P,L4eT;41.-.9:T Box 34: Brussels; .0n ? , I 19 bil Hatris• -of "'Taranto' :See ..lif .11.1e. '. of Workeh ,nietiolr "earried'hy.55 .. ;to 38% , ,V1,:•.•Ciee . late' of Cianbrook„ Mrs, .Thiit "N'e• dry...not ',indorse ',,OrdinatIon, Woman's "Forelgn Missionary/ So'ciey. I. .. \ Re;:o1,•eil that se i , he membeiq .ries...- - ' •cif' . Maitland. ,, Presbyterial now as- '-',1*.ga.'''',„ri?ed 'a ,i'r-e.bY.'t•j'Jal; •th. e -,..1...' seinblecl-, take this' OPpOrt'uni.tY. of : ViVe. Pres,. .MrS..11\ik,Nab;.,' Luekilow. I. tnad6 .. in., the, .0.TA., that would in, KaA Airs. .carneron, 'Llieknow; .1st , • • . • ' . . • . • . , , • . ,. ...protestmg..against any • change being , ,e,cretary Mrs,.. Lea] - St. SVe1,01F*; 1 the least degree „bring about. the re, :freasurer ' MrS.- ,MurraY,‘4.(inc2a1414.1e., I.laxation ,6f the 1,aW as. it 'noW,: stands ▪ )reabkterial: 'as .P later resid'ed. 'ev,e1; I on Ahe. statue bookS:We,• feel. that • , , .)y Mrs. Sut. et ,en, • 'AP ,(-3' °r , - 1 eyery .fair minded person,, will admi.. ...Ir.'s., liiarraY' Kip4ardine for 7 ye:ats, 1 -that said law has done .and . is• doing .;Irs: •..f;errie Whignam. :for ' 10 :: years l' good : &bill, materially and morally. -.or shorter periods .'h57 Mrs; 1+1-ann, A* hee.rty vote.' of thanks. to the W.' Ars: 'Bell.,'",INIral. ...,Coombe at .preseht....M.a. „and -.C..ong,regatiOn, . Of Welton ..'3' '1.4rs.: .HalkneSs ..,RiPleY. Miss . Ma, .,y,ias I.'gi.ven for . their kinilness and :,..lier Kineardirie, , aeted :as SecretagY hospitality. . Mrs llarxness closed ,lrf4doinfgthme.a. 4y0),y6etiairsi.,,,1D41..i. rt;lneg.4, tl)i..leatowaelieliti... pser_setlioattecL,Woitheirp,brayy:eRi;c E_,,,ylitenitni,rh:saenti§sii4oin: '7.enOf. the -W•ET.M..S., dz- W.H..M.g. An, address', by tho Rev. j.. G,,; Taylor . • : took . place in -Toronto '. Called. '' the .i -N .1-,:, D:..of the 'Presbyterian college. at Inclore central ' India brOught : Pres..;,- b7tei-ial to 'a dose' • ' -.WoUld :the. 'officers of , Maitland Presby-terial eleCted'fOr 1924 please send , their full/nal-ries and.- addresses to Preis Secretary . in: order that a-. eoinplete list. of addreaseS .p.s well as *narne'Of. A,..uXiliary; may .13,eptiblished. -, Mii.S.. „Richard:. McWhinney,.; :. ' Press Secretary •, .. , Dangnnen, -Ont.; , Marriage, of."SecietieS and,. the.'firaT reception' tOok place.:in Kincardine, on. ,Ma'y 19th 1914, just. '30 yrs. • after_ Maitland's' oraniz,atfon. In ;1886' the,. , sum of $404,00 ,raised Ter sions In • 1913'. ''contributions eie 2b3, 00 Iii.1:923 47467;75. ..There were ,in .1913, 2p ,auxiiaies and .ten 13,ands."., in 1923 'Auxiliaries : nthilhered .31'.. and 25 MisSion. Band• s,: In 1913. membeishiP 927: In- year. 19-. .22 membership .932. 'he elaiMs . are. iarger' then' eyer.,.,We must rec'ognize-' .our obligations, ' inerease our, hership...;;The „Years. that have. _broil- 4ht..increased privileges 11,fie, also breught., equal 'resPonsibilifies..."It is :iersonal interest that Courit§. .A. very. :,Langford, Siincoe, Provincial 1-l0me, ▪ "SeC waS'. read by President, :The is.. die; qUartette. of 13rtisse1s% ..heard to good advantage in 'their selection, It rs His ill Report of -nominating cornmittee was 'i -very by Mrs; •Mdteod,.Mrs,, 'McGee, Winghain BANK'SUPT'S', REVENGE • .• If ••• everybody'• baid ' debts pr.orriptly: the average business ,:wotild.liaye^an. easy,: time :of. it, For N;ei'ffiea' ii()/1:•of this Statenierit '7'ask• ..,a.ny,,bnsmess Irian in..this..or. any, oth- er ' tew.n. knows..„,,I-Iurnan'.nature ,Wide. world ov.e.r., an,d, -therefore-% .new:s.....iteni from a south-. ' apprecia.t:, ed. here'aS :there. • Even thciugh •they,' might not 'care by' A niotion w as he; kVa.liting,..Yr.sYnlpatilY, fel.. the. 'an:: .passed that bi uswti .oui s takenbe.7, , ed on a lilank-board.'. In single nem-, (-t•oa1 -• o ansolveti2v: mar under the inatiOns',-,election. ce.1 be 1.sting:of hi in been,'„forced into -'by-open---ballot'- of all deiegate n blinkltiite\s theman liested • on :tics -front :door a 1',t of persons ',who 1)0 'inYttation. W.As',•xt'oinied by . hold 'the ..annu .d1 n ed os Cd him xnone', 1aerii)(71stat. • In't'ing riiiickn°W a41(1ot he would,have. been. 'frille''''ci"15-44T'''''''"tv'°r.d:', Thee Oy I o reed e ',tato Anrrilt•'.::'." able to pav his Mrs. Mitchell, WirighaniA n ".. umbet said :the 'sign; Oyer the,,nani- ' of resOlutionS wer,e' Allen ..c6pgidered: To Mr and jrsHaidi The Prod bytelial 110W "itCSessiOn havingheard �L the illncsa .in' ;our' honi6, WiSh to 'eaelid, our ,s,y,n,ipathy,. \.i flhiS,y0tii' presend, with us., Mitt tiuting G6(1 "Nou'r, inaV soon', be restbra .,In 'the.; list.,,says..the correaliendent",.,. rep,orting :the"affair,,:Wt-fre !the nanies'. of .0i..1u.,,,of,*,t110.thWii. They ''ivi-e..na ;,itfriiif:s,..,.bilt not 'rfghteptisly'''iridigonAlli;": And 'about. twenty - of the ..,-w.onien , - ... . ., . lil : . . stor,nird th l' to' . q 1 '' 't • ' ,s,o0r iisnal goo_ ilea ii, . , ..., , t . , - t , •• :'101) ;', nt, tole - he sign „ . II 'Regret ..at the' renieval of, '-Mrs:-, ' .(1-aw",,,,'.. -, • • ' • - • '' ' ' ' '' ....PI1/1';';‘'''',,INTvres:.•'' t-:11'.:9PLI::',1.'„,",...-.ihItcle:1:41111:1:11-r-ejc'06i115: t;::::vlari:It'sP'%1 It . '\''''Its ' 11:tilltifiUtilig. to mid bet Nv-ilies'i'Oilow 'them to:I;i16,1.r.': .tt;it,l-t;:-tlir';'1,1°)3..74:,ffilli4liefe';'"H.gal,440,4'!1;F:17fitii,i'fiii?"Ct'17:1,:,..;)°411ea°,:al,;tit'- neW, henies:, ''.:, ,. ''' : , '..'.' . ' ' NN ay , ' 3",t', ,,., if .t....he .:. butvlier. 'told ; the .,,,ii,..6e..riet.:,...„. intoroty,iii„.::;11,titeralaile;0,.„ 11,E:,..j.iiiiiAntkl'ortnil::t.,,,s,:itil:fe,E,fi.:. 'ria)(1.1,:..N.:eb..F1,Ysn'.,,.t.;114i(1117iltitii7ttli.:„'. °ttli''')P1.1.clse..,',1:it":1010,ei •', t..e,,i.c,iftlailt,',116,161.....t''„hbdt7,s 13,,,11`11).1161;,litil', :slla'nie !was' .n.ot 'undeServed, „Tile." ---`-'11i-r:cli"'i '41'4' -"s4ri°"'. St't")°1 ' it,,I t3.. I 11 . ,t 'a) I ‘..e'. 1)71'itriglil sere' d'brttlthtiol°*•psor'iss'aii.as: brink' !Your VisitOrs. With keit, . ! TV R,eseltitidti ' banded • do Wn • . 6din. ‘1,1‘',.;!.:,116,1;tifiiiiag,11.:(1,:on'',1,;:,,,111:ttil:i;16..c7/etly,,h1114.iei.:),,,•:,61.ilitiliilgii'ili.itLitotiiiosl'i the 1?roviiiciAl'Societk lte .. the ordifl. i ation :of .Wdmen'After a:" eoilelso ir'e- • ‘‘,ih. til(14„,e; 1:01it,.;1.1,sibit, .f,orti..,liat.nlea, fl.r, view of (jt.': tll. st°P...s ,16A(.1.in‘g 111) to 'Ill.' the itreide' t ' 'II •• ' ' .T..e.splo r011 NyL,S, given ,by./Mrs, Callan oxaIiii3.10.., ' .ofnithit?". illu'itc•I'll.:1,1011.1,1'tililiiig*, l'\1‘11•`.12,i1.1. ha eiCc it 'many' reasond,, for 'the atep.. Rise •••fillity";:o*t "the e'ctioi;; off•Cr'eary.- IFt't*.v...'ilda' re'i'tic)i's' -.1.1.' '016' 'ag'kreg* 'Ate' I.ftiltillels: t'f''°ersaNicilaattC1:11's' 1.1°Iitp.ef‘;;;:d}ilt'lt: .:11:$48., 11' 4,6t'br: r; 'tti fb:Ilesv,'"?8:4;50;rie:"1,-.to'.:11,0)::::\::'e;ditY;01:11:11:141:1:1);1°616-;!fi • ' ' ' ' the 'butel r'' ' b '0 • '0 ' . ' ''. 1‘460iie.':t.. *1)ths.'Plitt8'..1:11.1).:01<ie:1). cs1.0111.,,1<111,111:s"1:' l' total Itlies6 bad • debts -ruiued Mini' :Ite.t•iottilidorfrf'wlioliolliel,10.1101,Th.v.tio hoe ,e0.1.0.100(1,.. ahd his irisOlVen.y in'tUrn Will o'reVe At' least .'s,1 i0 tly embarrass i n a..,, to' Wg, 4 bo.!ty.,4,' "tliii.i'llit)b.o•odit'ti ,,hr:cihei, ol:1,1. tijie,ii.eael ti ti011.10dtti.iiti:htli; '''Itti:nolartletill:;:::61Iftlill:il ,de,a iiri:ii:o: ...gis.t:ioist1).1`1ci,(6,1101hia:irl,111:edfal t,tiliisato'1).nil;ayy.. ei:uosse: fel... nipre, 'thati.. those Simla eirriditieria ..lit. Obtain. ,ft) H d f . ., Igrmitif .1. •:,001v0,4 iw, tow 04 •1. ain0110.41,erit '',Wii§ ,inade, . by M. vg , i .‘0))vne.06tiatild: rbijoodaiy: tiy.ph:0,tol debts,:6inibia. 1tti, w.,dtoliet,orbu*.tsliglicaerT:14,t,:: , i" C' `alba' tOtionol'eit 'b • iftti, ,PerriO' , , , , • , Avraouon, • T poifsg, ..r.A'Ssataiwkr;OF.,,-;:PAfT*OrW` .1 N' •4.YD: LINOLEUIVISk` :TERNS THAT ARE' PRETTY, HAVE THAT smoorg., SUR- FACE AND Wil..!L WEAR: WELL -.AT PRESENT :017.E. ARE' Et; 1111RITINT:07-'7:7777777-7-'- * IN TWO QUALITIES. AT' $4,10 AND $4.50 PER RUNMING • VD., AND FOR THE', MONTH ,OF JUNE WE: WILL SUP- • PLY, LINING FREE; " We have 5 New • Reninants :on,, •' hOnd: that weare clearing • at $3.60 per Yd. " IF YOU WOULD TLIKE A RUG • We have them in all pies in STOCK; '. • Crfongoleum. Rugs.; in STOCK -You haye, to wait -7 -in sizes from •.9x9E-C-to:9xi:31/2ft. /Bring , in 'the SIZE of your/ rooni; we cut .and match all Lingleuiris, '$O/that you have no troidale in laying them.: STAIR OILCLOTHS,, in 1-2, '5; 8, 3 -4. -Yd. widths. ' • r All 'the widths, in FL.001:i CLOTHS' up to 14 !yds. RE111EM13ER.2the STORE 'With :the STOCK has VALVE and: • QUALITY in every" SALE. IPL dit conimerce• would languish •• The 'southern housewives • „whose naines were Made pu11ic as default-'' 'erg are 'angry now; but no doubt in* • their hearts ,they are; also little Hreinorsefii1.-Thei7liave ,beert tatighT.7. what. the: conseqUences of not pay- eYen Olen: debts -rnakbe. If .they: -are More vonicientOus," in meeting,. their obligation's .,promptly hereafter -the •, lintcherti .reVerige Will ..-have, ser-. 'yeti a good' "purpOse; • . KITCHENER LOOKED DRY° TO ' HIM • ' • (Art 'Wesley In 'The' Hera1d'and. •• • Times, Walkerton) -HHearing' -'1Cit6helier -.- as the . horrible, -example to prove that • 'the 0.T:A, is • ri failure, we, expect. • ed "oi -visiting that' 'place the"' night bIT.I.,eb-1,,shiiert„h, to fin:, a fnewil,issoilick..s • Wi-l'inind 'the' gitkeriiii '.17ble-tb cash up anything o ..floundering about, and! trying-to:re-' epver their: hats in, •the rush. In- rok subscribero.,:, ethreei-i,..,bwoaestr.,lueng.7 in°. 'about as sober any Minister-. count and from•his sedy,Jim- row appearance . It verily ,looks .if . e will, have"to'Strike scone ;other ??•occti- -nation the' over expects- to, pay, thatr, • •-• ,bill;",..tire 'Went in and .out of the big; IL.11 with. our'•,collar tip, and even, peepedgest. 'hotel like oe mes into .the,,,pocil rodm:,. where you don't 1n8t exactly expegt to flind the 'Sun-. , bJest our%"klii*ers, if. We -could ,dis- iehi sav.oin o an. unsan- ititibtentik If-7.-15tbliibitibiTla L. a fai1ur6' it's' not Where tittranger Kitchener: toritrast this ;ouj-towns:Mani 4rthuGiabjIj, net Winnipeg, where.. tinder ,Coy't. "control!'' He' found many publicly' , , soused in the street dais and • Most ' of :the bunch full in the'hotels, After comparing those tiva, places if peo-, 'ple ' Still 'think aovei•attlertif Control the ''better temPeranCe',.,IneisUre, theYfre sure ..inakiniz mit-', take` than ;the gily.• who Ste the tOad- , Stoalt • .1\frS, Leonard liowsOn, reai4"1 dent d-TeeSAVater kinee 19 pitased•. away , at the home' of • her daughter. Mrs. A t. Strome on May 22, 'She was mni 'her 64th year ad' for seine time had 'suffered from h‘art tre,uhle. :Iter husband (tea" itOltaOn dte (given Yetito agOi