HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-05, Page 32,
rr r
tt. 11,
.By Rey, M.V Kplly, F./443.
(eeFitintle4 frOni Liget weak),
It our 40
/4Ora That! 'ciMipatleatt'qn•
Aro you yop thinking cif geinito, the ei
.1'4canse MoneY' nlade faster there
It ie not Surprielag if You seinetint
Years there la a straggle to Inalcc en
nieet! In. the ,.v,ery hest. •yehrs„: ti
surplus N , not lerge." The. farmer wl
in. a 'lifetime of skilful -inanagereen
clOse'lattentiOn htisliteSe; .04.14a?..
• "..vy..erle, eau boaSt
thirty dallera • ahead is F Fie
out • Of a very '' few his
Meanwhile . ''citY" residents., -9
leae. ability Lend ne baraer",worle -Com
into „the control -of millions. Can' we„
• eXPectAilM to bee satiSfied Llite
• . . • ,
In the 'first .Plaee,, there la another
aide to this picture. 'While a few 'for-
,titnate ones Make their 'millions,. it is,
, a, fact, borne. out by eetual statistics,
that ninety pee 'cent.. of those who go,
into, Jnercautile businesa fall,. There
g is some: eansolation, after 'all,
steady, Sure think.. •
. .,Y8 444, Orin :roceivo: laa
W4See'ter-theit woriton the tarrn, liayo
they nothing or vaino, ' titerotroin'T
:Have they: not received something. •of
InfinitelY greater thati themost
'111c1rAttYis...'fillan_glalotsiremil, jay.. Mum
0,1?•41,!14'.11Vii:. '941,
the tinle 'a...formation of character', a
„development' Of *brain ..pOYeer" ac,
quirement „of meehailleal skill, broad-
ening' experience 'which. are 'the indis,
peneable, aseete, for entering up on any,
fatare :140--1:. $Q4r• imp '0,114 ghls
P 0..skos,5 .15.11011. ...upsa.L...reashIng,
the.,ye4nr.or,itiatiltitY; yoichaVa-060T
rr,rdr 'them,' indeed: • Everything'
f else requisite' for it peeper, etart. In
be easy of attaMment. This
,113,,reel!,epineatien,!.ths onlyqrno,ocinca7
tbe eduCation ao-ficliceiV.or
lege can give. No boy or girl. is Sup-
posed. to -lieve a Case against „parents
who have cOntrived ta-give him or hex.
a geed edUcation'Ne father apologizes
to Iiii•poti *for not haying 'g paid him
wages foeL the haiirs,• he Warco .ovet
boolg,, cellege: Ne father ewes
:bqy wage§ fpr the ,years he, him-
self, .spent, drilling Mtn in the, worlx
thet•thade, a man'Of him. : • e
, . •
Would it, not be vyell, therefore, h&
fore deCiding ou a change; to be sare
: Belleath ail' anti of spreading maple:trees, s'• •
• • .' •• .
...But;.;you arguce.."We baye fade so-
nnich for a' dollar: or for five dollara.
'A. profeislonal • man redelye.s. More for
'dictating a 'letter or offering a, few
.' words of advice. to patient than we
can ,allow..eurkelYe,s for a. whole after
noon of toll and sweat, in, the burning
sun. We spend 'a whole season 'pto-
duclng a-,shiptifent which on. market -
day returns us a* cheque considerably
sinaller.:than niany.at
chant. reapS'.Oli ,a few days. turn-ovee
of stock:'''
.s -
1n. caleulated s,ometinies-
;„ and, from. a purely commercial „point
tit vieW, .correctly perhapstliat a.
.farna 'does not pay .,at. With the,
• ,assiataece. Of several. grown up sons
L and, daughters; who receive, an re-
. Meneretibn, •,•inthe form of ' wages; . a
-.ferMer"initkei-,some progreSs and. in -
'creases. his',property. Were he to 'pay.
them .witat . their • 'services '.wciuld le
Worth .(n .anotfier ocCuptition, he ,would
have , nothing :left:for himself.
' 1%T9W, thiS'' is. certainly a forniniable
,.iirdPoSitien.. At' seems almost titian-
- ,severehle; . There is apparent lnjustice
. those '.so.ria ..and daughters if the
business., can , bend ',.up 'some' c,apitai
only 'through their unpaid toil Mer
c.diants,•,•bairkets,,,finaticiers, 'generally
• attain real euecess entirely independ-
.ent of .their -Children's • efforts aqd.. co-
operetiOn. /Surely,' then,.You will con-
cludo farming, puts You and your:child-
' .:ren at', the .greatest disadvantjige_LIs-
. thet'e-"an-riti-SiVeTh' all this?. YeS,.as:.
Curedly 'so..
Flanders fields recently' reseined a martial .appearanee when Albert,
king.of the Belgians, unveiled a meruorial .to the fallen men of the London
Scottish. , Pictured With him is Sir Douglas
your -children and our children'e •
1 Love a Little Town
love a little town, whose - streets run up and down
c lildren would receive as valuable. an
educati6n In the ..citY,"' that you Will
have equal opportunities .of being -with
thein and eutding: them there, • I3y way
of contrast, mighynote in 'passing,
what a Successful merchant' does for
his .fanilly this.way.He can spend,
•Nery-iittle them; his op-
portunities. fete...farming their charac-
ter,-drillinglileem-in habits- of hichTstrY,
e,corichnY, or self- reliance, are all .tp9
,With the result that none of
his children can :take :his • plaCe. or do
anything' worth iwhile. • Ha can leave
them,large 'sums of money, the expec-
tation of which ..useellY'atifles all • aM-
fipte and effort; the posses.Sian Of.
Which, In meet:. eases, drives thein in-
to .lives ot dissipation. -wouhi
say theta father has done Well for his
fainily :merely. becasue he.' leftthern
;large Millis of Money.?. sUCCess of
this hied .you,are envious of to
gainwhich. you wo Id.leave the ferni?'
To sum is. the funda-
mental mistteke you Make ,in belng
despondent wer..Yetir slowly . increas-
ing bank aecoont? : It 'not being
disposed . to, 'regard :money-mitking as
the- essential:condition' of Success in
life? If you are a father; what is Your
real`duty? To make .ineney. or bring
up yonr. pronerly'L„.ILthee-intle-
-lionaire-lia this„ why'ehould
, .
,(TO be. continued).
Where the elm tree, Waves- her .leaves, and the. weeping. willow
• .
And ;the ivory crones of 'chestnutsdrawthe bees.
Where the hOuses-nestle backfrom the ThistY beathn, fracki„,
With room for children in their sunny spaces,
-,Withtheir -dandelions anil''Clover and green grass running over,.
And.. swings beneath the trees in shady places.
I love the "folksy" way's of the peaceful happy days,
VVith "Annie, take this jar of apple,jelly:
Across to Mary Brown; she's a, little bit run doWn,-
. And don't forget to. ask for Cousin Nelly.".
, . ,
. • . . •
I love the starlit night with the quiet, clean delight ,'
Of a lilac twilight, drenched with perfumed dew
When the flickering, darting kleam of the firefly lanterns beam,
In the trees andmeadows all the evening, through.'
. •
I love the ramblirig lane, twixt the,n0:18of golden grain, '
. And the river
that goes rippling on its way.
Where with rOcl and friendly book, one may fish and read and look
At the farmer with his load of fragrant hay:
Oh, I yearn for gardens sweet, With the violets at my feet,
And the scented : apple blosSoniS 'drifting down .1
For there's nothing ;half so dear at all seasons of the year;,
As the God -made beauties of a:little' town. „'
Marking Tune.
It does not do in any Calling;
trlal or' artistic, merely to go through
the motions. To singer or player in
lumber into lengths, perfunctorily, as
a soulless machine does itswork. The
actor who plays one part, Year after
year, is in similar danger' of 'losing
the capacity to do ,anything else -like
- contact with ,an audience PersonalitY1 tehes s2.1h01dn o
maniofrieTibplace eso
t w,hoiohngastbsaatt
Is an invaluable asset. That person-
ality may become manifest by a de- 'he cannot rise:
finite and calculated ekertion'however MereIY to mark time or to go
artfully the effort inay be concealed
through the motions Without the ac -
beneath the guise of casual,. unpre- five participation of the whole of
_ mediated naturalness... -Lt alwaysdooks one's being falls far shbrt Of realizing
O easy to do .the hard things, when a the purpose for which" we were put
real artist, does them. - here. There are pompous 'individuals
,If a man Is in business, he mUst Put who at ach_ntuch consequence -to their his mind on if and, make sacrifices of "standing" in the community. ,But
ease and leisure for it, or he will he merely to stand is nothing --it is aigh
O outstripped, by a't0111petitor who does -time they went ahead,
not spare himself and keeps long ,.----•: - - - •
hours of strenuous labor. Ile must Natural Resources B t'm
not let •himself be satisfiedto satisfy •
he tine -clock or to establish the fact, The Natural Resources Intelligence .
n the eye of a supervisor, that he is e
aervice Of the Department of •the In-
ot a slacker.. When he has earned
e terior at Ottawa says: '
he right to present. himself at the Getting bait is one of the first es-
ashier's window and claim his pay sentials to 11 sUccessful fishing trip.
e has merely lived -up to the, nega- Those whose' fishing eXPeriehces are
ive requirement. -
One if the most successful men on
• '" h
Front.one end of ,therworld.tothe other'Britain liaa.gathered ,reeresentietiveofj)er pnp1e to be,
.progoni the-I3ritist-Ertiliire eit ...The .nruc
.1rejeweled,iigases,;shown are from
Atmosphere Extends 540
Miles From Earth.
Man devotes a lot of attention to the`
air se.: day's: .New that 'radio eoie
.. 'torts; are cirifthig tiireugh the air. for-
. 'twenty,four4.1totiisieii,,. daY,... an11I,, nunleru,
' Magellans;;.are. using', the air' toLcir en Iti- .
''.niivigfilfi the', gAtilie- in • tiv ing-nricii It .,''
, . .. ,
. the ale', ha& aellieVeil . an,iin,pprt'anee.
was ehip,loYed!' almost ..exchleively - fOr
,. breathing Anil -Poses. And in '. view „of
tile new ftt ftie • i t haw': a CAviev ed -,-. -117 i§ea'
eeiricideficoi that seletice lute. cilsoover-
,ed that apptireetly ...mere air .sorrotint1H
tlie,,earth thtlfl,, over hefory.:wAs
.."-.,.'...., weweelerag— 01' 141-7-1V1).T.tifi-NTP.,:fe...-itiii-,-
---eel-litefivc1C7PireiTrl'FfifiFiiiiTirliftier "iinliiiiTe c ed.
'''' ,•'• •••16,,,,It
that seieiitilic-tests,seeitio'cl to intliettie
that tho sittilospliere. extended,' itheut
540 beyond the. earth's surface.
'This is ,mere than five time8,aa far as.
science: previously., had : estimeted „tho.
ettuosphere'§ height. '
Thd, apparent existence-
itn o Wii •ainiOspheric laypr;was7cleter-
'Mined; .bp'irigeniestife,dheerystiti*,..,of
.the auroitt borealis, ' 'Sininitaneous ex:
posuro ,of more ...than six hunch.
plitit °gra phs,rtroniAlferetitzTiohltM,'Itztq'
sithsequent Mathematical' caletilafilin
•indicated•that the antOre extended RS'
electrical. manifestations ..i540:
shove the earth, It'wea assumed' that
iese phenomena. could not display
thentselyea, enipty• space, and it was
c,ea.cluded , gone.eqn enc e ethe re:
Good eitizena are Made or .niar! ci
n the nutraery.-Dr,.elantea ,Gleven.
• 4:
YO(.1' BEEN' PRACTI.Stf\).
A T,r.o: Wish,.
1571441t.`t0 n
!A. golden around •
Of hrillient,leayee. I 'went .to gee, -
Tito, twitoning. gyOwtit above bolow,
And .0*.orywhero.. I want to know .
Tho -away' .or. wind 'wavoo, would 40431
The cool, sweet 4.00 from log. to lent
.Pf' *ming, Nil, r; ion; to. lean ,
'Against ..the hark and hear It trioaa
As raoon and wind" and .clouds go by
Alia -Met Wakel?
Of b10.Q. At
Of aptd,ara Nveaying' early .shroda
'Or 01:01Kier.,Nieb4 frOta hero to te:therei,
A atoning cup of morning air ,
TO, Jill, 413,,, throat.. • then would try'
To, join; the Psalai. of melody ••
ntight ,in tree.'
_ • -D. ove
_40;4 pet pp*
, ..Seren. 'Men COMprist4 t4e. entire'
staff of ther. Edison lamp. Wory,s itt71878
when Mr. mr, nano* -4PN4,7 Pf the
Ficting,4' Nuaearn Now Yorlc
fraino house -to appiy for work. You witk an agrlcultural pow*,
can bo. nun in the PoRitint i'r°114,0* to. the `Pne'll*f.of
,structien constitutes, one, of tho2. moat
B01,1ape,,igonthly, .407, 417,henrt •wais.r.qia tnkal. for tee .PonainfOn. farm. In -
thumping, how, I was besieged by 'fear
c_tipil-Atgestviggs,;.4,4*-00,-*Itt7,.wop:,41101,14144aft±38.44.--444- -AvP*-20-0o:
'13,!;$0-01:04IHniitOt'tfi..10 4.n- ITINW•gil, ifiVii: "'-.F; ,,0?-,:111--91111,_,R-lici-Y_ROI-011,1.knotAme4t14..:,-:-.
lYitigunder'a eclat hickriry free beeide 9r. le -ss :0.0414e;'91v174ti,c to the iingtoti
4.34,Autititl,so'fiatt`tet146tivr. thoO;.flirtinit'gy' iiit. ',,,-.-ilfi'a7.16.:P4r..°69.4i,e,f10,1.:,...iclaltaniii.431nludsil,.in.tea;t;ini.:34:i,:ifoeerror,...,4,,id;,,
'lila ."°°' ''Allit" 'X'' 411411114- - "Mr.: es.:if471:Ylifol4. seC.,,attoeu. r4eFesfal.:illawirii
, valoo pet .dos,'.1' - ' •• ' ' . ' - • '
oProbably h t: ot rs ' of -.
It occurred to: trte,..iltat I ;night wia '
agrieultaral knowledge are,the'qernon- '
:ionio..oltog:t favor: with' Mr. Edison if
.egtaa .42.41.0, frohdEi. *au la's, do • .:!traltioenev. farreniree' operated eabyedthe. :Fed -
thrust: Lityjnindfd pat:tha,titilinaL. P Out and lo t In all
• fiist.4 t" f...vv
hen Sand is is ‘`Quiek:.'. staira Of 'the laboraterY, tife were
At low tide one can ,wat4 ••on. we' stayed Yo!ing Int4i,* Who Ewer haa''e
Goodwin- ppncltr With' safety, says an tere'd• he place. For; .."ani
bEenegilllsh '4; :(11ti'.01';" tctireTr"stmnol:gh seut3rfhaafee. der the tree
-8''br";11.66al:r ft.'w6
chained there, but I dicta% take tina
Yet when the tide • is .coming in the tapasfQcergretaneitlh.aeltyfaecatii,,eftilaly.strreahne:aree
sand Softens so, that it engulfs ,,eyery-
thing Upon its: surface. , speeches, ',forgot 'eyerything I ha
you want , to iinderstand about planned to. ,imPreSs Mr.' Ptlison?'
onleksand,, take two, jam -pots and en dashed inte'.hie laboratory, Pantini. t
both with -dry sand. takes a geed e..nd looking aPPrehenslyeel
deal of force to Push an -uncut pencil lY me 1°1. the' b•eq-Pt'? which I c
to the hotteen of either jar. DamPen felt at Illy heels' hati
In -
the send in'one Jar, and it ii still dif- tuenndneyd
,i.triott. hie ftiagrnriiii:i'dc'.41.0Iunss,tea, I' was
Mr., Edison laughed heartily 'when I
burst. in on hut it was a laugh
that . endeared him -to "me fore Ver -n
sudden, Swift revelation of . his' char-
- provinces` '`o'rtliiff
, •
farms . ire operated along practie,al',
^tanning linesz A large. amount: of .ex- '
" t perixnental work is 'carried -on and ef- •
arta are ma.de to necertain, the best': ',
:crops most suitable *for the district in •
wbich the farm is located. • 13y carry- :
Al ing 'out, these' experiments, m4110135' '
'd 1, o dollars are annually Aafed to farm;
I '
Iatensive. agricultural traitting is
alten care of in a capable and efficient
marine,r by the large number of agri-
ultural colleges Ideated in the Yazd.:
Qua provinces.. Caeada has some of
the 'fine,st agricultural institutions. in
the world, and graduates frora these
.caoruentinrillsd!man'd from ManY foreign -
Operation of "Better Farming" Trains.
fiCalf tO, penetrate,, but it
wltha ,quantity ;of Water, and keep' the
,Mixfare stirred and ' ,pencir
pierces tath,e.leottoM With ease. :
This' Shows the secret of citiickaand:
. . „.
If. the . grains are eeparated 'hY water
Which • ie. eariStantly • catiling, in from
below, the sand: is 7qUick."•,•But,'1,he
•separatinglagent need not be 'water;
It May, be Small patches of
ten.the-reault Of decaying matter, such
. „ . ,
ai buried beneath the:
,etirface and '
,Quiebstinds found inland, .in , river
.beds or . are-. Usually
ealis,ed,. by underground "springs., Out
..qtileksend not. ;. epeeial 'sort. of
`san,d., Any firie-g!einecr sand beComes
quick. in the circiimetances described.
• Tough Leek::
I. have got to have a Rib,: 'nian..02
Years old, intelligent
dlaisified ad. in San Antonia Eitpress!
acter. There. was no ridicule . in the
laugh, no. trace of enloyment of a
'boy's embarrassment. It 'waS just a
wholesorne, .hearty, Sp,onts:neons burst Allierta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba; '
In the past few years the railways,. .
'in conjunction with the Provincial:and
Federal -Governments, have organized
and operated "better farming trains"
nierrithent suc,h as any, coinical hap;
Ontario Quebec. Theee trains, larhich
'In an insta.atl was at'a).Y aPd schooLs; ,have, proven very popular.
pening inight cause
I'are rea' lly miniature demonstration
within -4---Yery• few mlnutes arran'ge: Other aliedia of fain: Instruction, ,
merits had been nia'cle for me to join
tha...has I which have an important influence on
cMontiEnudeisdailvt,Tiahnouatsisn°teeirertniePrition to gpi Canada's framing community, are the •
,preseet day.
X-rays Detect .
nglish custoins inspectors are us -
annual exhibitions. ' It is here that,'
the farmer his an opportunity of see-
ing all the latest developments along,
farming:lines, as well as viewing the
exhibits of. prize grains, • fedders, and
Ing X-ra,w, machines :to' lecatecot -
band goods heavy hale-S.0cl ,p02Ces.
.1-1e who ' gOes to law 'foi• a sheep
loses., his eciw.
Oa his arrival at Melbourne, Australia,,General Bramwe
leader of the -Salvation ekriny, was welcomed by Commissiwho has charge of o
the New South Wales branch of the arm
can hardly appreciate the importance I saw so Me- r tins- wheel at even-. tide `ct:vheet:mt:.ksetn-Yf4rlouiliblae2-nPileng
Joy ,of Water. c4;5ntain'Ing `-4,111 o
Imuted to the interior lakes hnd rivers
his continent has said, that the min pf^ ffl ' • • And with%e.wift Silent. 'joy. F "
Where the farmer is unable ta'at-
tend the annal fair in his district or
,yisit the better farming trains, the '
Governdients aid him, by the 'distribu-
tion of bulletins on every conceivable
agricultural subject. These bulletins, .
.whiCh are distributed free of charge,
, e experts
have heen-ei:material aid to. o,i( farm::
,ei• in solving his . agrieultural, prob-
• ,F73.,;I'41 instruction, as 'carried out by
the; 'different Governme,i3ts, ..has en- ,
-abled-thela-rmer,tie'diiitivate his land
.on , a ,More acientifie basis; raise the
'Crops ,best•;uited.to, his .particular .
Calitk; and thus increase his . erep yield •
and; secure for hlin greater returns On
his labor And capital investment. The •
result's of, this :work, are beceining"
More. Sad More, apparent each year, '
and , the splendid Lagricultural Chewing'
'Made .1)3r, Canada in recent Years' is at-.
tribtitablein. a large' Measure, ,tO the
farm instruction programme. of . the
q-overnments... • .
Youi,Fountain. .
Many 'feeintain-pen itreguleritieS re -
suit from ,ap.parently trivial L happen-
ing ror example; the person who
lends. a friend his, pen Meat not gar- ,
PriseTI, if it .never Works quite ari well
afterwerdeere,No. amount' of •fair Wear
and ,tear Cause a nib ..to deterior-
', so mach' as. a' sudden change • of ;
This is because very few people Poi11 l300tli-
World .seSS precisely. the ..kame ',tenchbe it
ner Whatinore, ,light,' Medium, or ;'heavy. , 'Again,. the
''.• 'angle at, which. the, pen ..is held, varies' ••
. .
are Written lift d ind
—:------. with almost every. individual. But for_ -
unces of silver,
- -••= --' - one pen spoiled in thlif-wa.%,, three will
. . , go. wrong- throUgh being cl gged With '-.-..
e of ,siher -ore, .---_-.
duititurt, arid unsuitable ink, while '
e, ill the.British twi,ce, as many more,need _mere "'dock- '
ed hY the Gov. g
,he ''.1earle-d a
in through rough usage and acci-
dent. ;
at 'the ' British
.• : ^ ' Vc'en in regular use a 'Pen dhoula
t least once St. month. , De -
who wins is the man Who does more
than he is paid to do. The young
mean with his, foot on the lowest rung
of the /adder that mounts succeSsward
cannot ,afford to give to his job- less'
than everything he has -to give, ,re-
'gardless' of the pay.:. 4f.'he has.'estabe
valuable 'perform-
er, his price .:will ,
Even a writer cannot. afford to give,
his r.A,ea.iirs',tlie''-impirssiori'lliat he
grinds outhis-lines- in .the:spirit of a
hireling, „who drudge§ along in, the
Same routine day after. day, content
to be safe, Felorying in. all that, 1.4
stand -pat, without searching his mind
now and then to sce;.-if he is adding
his.stock9T new ideas:
We-Wig:his, Work with -gut, callus-
teriotation of quality. ' The reader
feels that he .ddes ,not care that be
is merely ,saWing off 'his intellectual
No LONGER...1-1*f 71-0''
RE -STRAIN.' '"-I.OUR,SF.4....F.
su cient quantity of bait to the_alit:ere-will he exhibit
fishermen on the sea coast, when its Soar and circle0 ernment . of ,Ontario
lack Means no fish. , 'The Canadian
Fisheries Dept., operates on the. At-
lantic' coast a ,bait reporting service,
Whereby captains and owners of fish-
ing' vessels* are provided with informa-
tion, regarding„the'satche at various
POiIltS along the coests of the Mari-
t,inie Provinces and the Magdalen Is-laiids.,
.Le :information is -tele:
,graphed,to the principal fishing Ports,
and •is very valuable. '11
,Sonie idea of the amount of bait
.uked mai, be • gained froni, '' the '• fact
that hist year 142,888 barrels of her-
ring were uied for that ,,,purpose
,etistern -Canada.
"fitissia,Y,see, .18 'going to educate
' h,X1,9n,nibt,...,
its peasants,`” ."
ho'l'il;ero,,bably, Red school:
04; 'i "Vi'AVi-fdt
O JN -4011K,114-911
,MINDE.0 IT "4
,Aad 'plunge into 'the:besem
:Empire Exhibition.
Of the lake. .-
PlaPPing a" rhYtInui,- flight, ' • Two eggs recently
Their fleet -wet Wing.
akota and believed to
•Iipped Up the cool Sweet ev.entogair: years old have, been pi
.71h eY,'....itinged,..epla iv. - uTiK;Pr 'prey!' inwrstaie•
be millionat Of -i gin -.11Y•fliteling. the Ink 'reservoir;'and-1 ,
aced ir4, ti.,,,,,u, after.this leave the Pen in a, bowl ,of'" ' •
.. ,.....
..,..,,, ir.,F..bi, aiii:!tol 1 g.... -f ceild.:.;wii tete., tintileLeVere,.tracee:Ofe fide- .' -
And joy of life Inetireitte, ." ` .. lifi, ,,,et -sediment is reniored. • •• •
, the oldest:,signs of animal •
Whirred' and , ivli fried '. ' , L , . ; .. „,.,,-,,,, ,..,,,...,Frecitilently.,a,...geed,nili ieeinjined be7 .
,.',Wetepinioned a oV et inn?,
. .
•,f'"iin.d*•' ,•';''''''',..L.:."_L ' .. , ., ,.: , • ., ' cause its ()weer has anbstituted a new
Dipped, Again:. , ". ., , I
Wardly tbe. Spare .fits all • rIght,-'btirin--.4,
And, cireling lodes.
. ... , .
car) ,for . otf9 ,aacidentally 10.§t.:, 'Oat. '
, The Viola '15!Arnore is' neW' h 'raie
With. silent happiness ] , musician .Who . recently discevered w
one. '-' '- • ' ' , '''
; instrymente-ao.. rairs ' that . a L, Dutch ,artti there is , not • ,,tio.o.exii,,..00,4t,..,
Intothe lake's clear •Jer-. . nl, Faris said that , he: heliev,e...d.:it,tel tihAerz.i'nf;r2-'dthIe4nilib.1;; ,0:hsta:11:.'t, ,i186. .
'Cknnrades many theYl' . .
O'gr,and o'er.. with' deft. 's.ur.P.',Ilight. , stetiment !has ,Set'en..gut ...Ptr,ings andia- til° 4_
, I be. the oilly ohe' in existence': '',Fhe 111,1 it better 20,1.11 rest, ',a,w..a.tici agaia..
Works .
-'1"60:diihnin.04 't•hc' 'ervSt al, wa'i'oq •4.....sevenern.more-41.re-stiiiiis-''tlfitt -nassl''rrills-is.'"uee'"Ili°"-ri:rugh61'111:i'fa°6
And'ililitYeIrthe7ga al e. tOgeiller: -7- _Lunder. the.•fiager,:hnn...r.„4„ andi VLb4,ajte ,111, : • :flies , . : ...,,,,,::::,,,,,....4„x„,,,,,..„„,....„
: ' • I papers -cause the Alib to heat slightly
7,1:70til:fiamietitite,:;iliet:cleetveirlits;7„piin;75,-,erhicraleify-tvitiril'44etrr' strin.71 s
Tho lender togitt;'stoio'...cortii ' .,, • ". ' torte is „%peettliarly: soft and pleasing, l': ... The wiscione:of. asitig „ink slie•tiaily .
.IVO(i trailed 'her' healing rdbes. .' "Soine ambitiotni ' tnaker of 1'4611r1 ' eannet-': he emphasi2ed too strongly,
. 1. reeommended by fountain -pen 'makera
Xeross 0 Weary Wo.rld,!'• • , . . might. try this' inctruinen t, on a -new . ,. : • ,. • .
-Mabel. Alakeslee. generation.: ,
1,, 4
asayrian Hortiettitu.r.e...-----,--1--,- .
- ,- - • -Many ;coalition plent:,, and owera
•L 'Etror. referted to Itthe tine -lent: ettael,i-o•-.
... !Orin tahlets dui op .in the' rotas; ot
' .".1321:iyllah .aati other ° -,AssYrieri, ,Citie.e. '
..;,,Fifty„,,ifieretretilany'llf -them dreg ':pieiitst ,.
....;-. intvo . bl-.en idonttaed„quite reoenfiy,;:r.,.:.....
,.., -,:, -through-n•-stadY or the refattire.,fie=
, atiency .• In wilicii the, nallies • odour,
• their therapeutic tiSee arid the Cert. ,
. paristai of the Word With the nae of
' Lite ilow.er, or _plant- in Other 8enlitie
languages. Among the new platite'be-
lieved to have been identified are the '
roSe', the daisy, ,intistarch..esefegtida, .
stuniteli,, inniii, chainothile, aPiicet,
elierrY ' amt 'Anitiberty..--Oeience'Se6:
v.i.i.-',0-, .. '
......*..., .,.....,+...L.,.......41.....-., ,
: . A Letter Frain tierne,, -.
, Mothe'r--"TO Wheni are yon Wtitiet,
• . ,
3..ohe letter, dearl".
- .''). ,8.'i6tYi;.;-i614')l:!
:ltthe::t la*l°•'x' tr)oin:O'
"Yes, h:1,tiiiIihithet'i 4 .
, e...
7\)1-'t 'YOU
_ „
- -