HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-06-05, Page 1$2,00 PEA YEAR IN ADVANCE; 0.40 OTHERWISE• YETOINA•10(,*;<SPIO.g91' -:iiiight,OrAnZ"Atlf •" !, DENTIST' • . . 'Dr; •MacLeod will visit Iateknow` • every Tuesday ui pt. conneil'S Of4Pe. '1)rw:"":-Mefnoes-.7-ChirePrnetor,-,7-of---Witigi, ham will visit Cain Holise Luck= now; -%forenoons,.: ••Tilesclays And Fri- days, commencing April 29th," also Visit the hotel at -Dangenaon %same , days early, afternoon. DR:PARKER:,- S1OPATE, at the Cam 1.1.0141k, Lueknow, every Wed- nesuay afternoon. All -chronic dis- eases successfully treated. Osteo- paths; lamoves •tne physical ceases of disease. Adjustment of the apine is more quicklysecured and with fewer treatments by Osteo- pathy than by any ether method., Toronto priced paid for all kinds of poultry. • ' ° 0-641 • A'. Grospopf, Lucknow. DR, MAIDikC BRYANS Registered Optometrist, Graduate Department of OphthalmOl- ogY. McCormick Medical College (hi- cago 111.' . `rterahichei.'DrY,Itchy Eyes Granu lated Eyelids. -Watery, Eyes. Pain in Eye Balls. Inflamed Eyes. Pus or Watery Discharge from Eye a and - 'Dizziness caused -by ,Eye -strain. re- iieved threugh properly fitted Cross Eyes •straightened . through' properly fitted Lenses. , . , ' Satisfaction Assured At the .Cain House. Lucknow. EverY ." Wednesday Afternoon and Evening. '•Wall Paper -1 have oehend the 19- 24 'samples of a number " of the best wall paper houses, and will be pleas- ed to show them at my houseor will take tnem to your resideace-R.',J.": tameren - Box' •174 Luclindw , MONEY TO LEND -On farm prop- erties at b1/4.-Lweo., A. Siddall -1-5-tf • House for Sale on Havekck street, Lucknowtiarcten, planted Apply to.. P. Gaynor at the Post Office.-- tf. FO_STER HOMES WANTED -.For teri" children, boys and girls, •ages from two to eleveri years. -Apply to Rev R. Perdue Walkerton 12-6-c. HEIFER" ASTRAY ' Came t� the premises of the un- dersigeed on or about May 12, 1924, a heifer apparently, about 3 years old. Owner may have the .same on proving property -and paying .ek- • • pulses. Joseph Anderson , Lucknow 19 6-p -•,A, -.La/aims' BUSINESS FOR ' SALE- Landon Rooming Ifouse--always full of pay- ing "guests --Good Opening. Phone S.ydney• Smythe, Market Lane...Lon- don, -Ord , Phone 33 , on 44, • 12-6-p, •• FOR SALE. -- Rubber -tire Buggy and Set ,Driving Harness. • Elmer Johnstone. • FOR SALE --- -Good Milch CCM; • grade Durham, giving milk. •. Apply to T. Reid, Lucknow. • AUCTION SALE An Auction Sale of Household Ef- fects, tools and many useful articles will be held at the Auction Room, Lu.cknew, o n Saturday afternoon, June 7th, Commencing at 2.30 o'clock Elliott Miller, Auct. • CHANGE,: IN BANK `. frotTs ' More cloSelY 'cOnfOrining. 'to, the hours observed by the -Banks in all ..-..-the•-stirroending.• --,tewns,:the•,-Conadian. ' Bank' of .Commerce and The Melson's Batik, Will ',After, June 15th. Observe the following hour :I0 Aim to $,, .with-' the "exception-! of, Wecines- daYs when the . hears 'Will, be 10a.m. to 6 p.m, .and Thursdays, 10, a.m. to, 12 noon. ' 26-6 IMPORTANT TO LADIES • -J. F Dibble of Kincardine, will be Aelfereirdirierir Sterct , ternoon and evening of Thursday. June 12th,' with a, splendid display of , Ladies' Suits; Coate ,' House Dresses ' ' ant1Summet....dresses. 'All ladies- ,cor- . diatirinvitea,-;T: irmamsr . Mr,, and:- Alton: visited friends. at Exeter a :few days , lot Week. , ' • ' Mr.. and Mid, Bert .Treleaven and children' of.„ Crevve .Spent Friday last .• with friends' here • , 'Samuel. Sherwood attended "-the J M 8. Convention held at St. Thomas last *oak, • -Mt. Dynis 'Campbell has returned hoirie after spending the 'winter and 'apting • rnefiths in Algoma. ' Mt. and Mrs, :Charles' Alton and •'daughter of Toronto are 'Visiting, • OilthrelatiVeS in this part. ' and Mrs, Joseph 'Hackett vi.. ttea loth thole' daughter Mrs. Ewart TOOT Of ;44.01;00 ' POO ,4oly tiot .4'14 XoCAX,410,GENEEkl. Mr: Clair Agnew'. 'was, rip: •frorn Windsor, for the week -end. •" Recent-frostg-are said to have done but littleAmnage-te--apPle-7--blosscensy --throughout: the province. Mr. and Mrs James Eeicl; Of•Tees- Water visited on •Tuesday with , . , • , • r and Mr, McQuire Of tewn. , • Joe Mortis has. bought .the FaMily. Theatre btisinesA `. from Mr. 'Bert 'Reed and is now in 'charge. Dr, J: F: MacKenzie, of 'Detroit motored "from Detroit on Saturday to Visit his Lucknow and Ripley fri- ends. . The Ashfierld . Ladies' Aid are ar- rangiag to h lcl their annual Garden Party on June 19th: on the Parson- age lawn: , Mr, W: G. Patterson, for over 30 years in, the , jewelry business at Wingham has Rh/vett to Detroit where he and . his wife will .make their home, , Gordon, the little, son 'of Mr. and ,Mrs. Charles ,Steward, who under- went a scrions operation 'in the Wingharn hospital ,three weeks ago_ ds Able to be home again.. • • , . SilverwOod's have just installed a 'large new pasteurizing machine in their Lucknow plant to take care, of the constantly increasing ,voluine of cream This gives 'thein two mach- ines of 1800 gallon capacity and one of . smaller ' A number Of ex-LhekneWites, •now _.• in Detroit took ,advantage of Satur- day 'arlitch was "Decoration Pay"' and it' public holiday in the 11. S. to take a run back hoine. Among these were , Miss Rena Gordon, Me, 'Hunt-, • ley, Gordon and Mr: GeO.•MacDonalci,- • .11eV:•'.1.k‘ Rev.- K. A. Gallen Rev C !Cumming and Mi R D .: Cameron motored to Owen Sound Wednesday afternoon to attend the General .Assembly of the Preslyy ter:. Ian 'Church of Canada which will be in session there this and next week • They expeet to be back home for the week end • . „,` • Mrs. John Hackett was at 'Auburn a few days of last -Week And while there %attended the "funeral . :of a grand nephew William Norman.. Medd, a lad of six who, on May. 27 was run down by a .car at Windsor. and so injured that he died a half an hoar later He was the son,ef• Mr, and Mrs. :Williarir Medd' who. recent- ly moved -from near Auburn - to ..Windsor. The little hid had visited for ./Aome time with ' Mt. and ,' Mrs. Hackett. Gallia of 1 Thanks -7 --Mrs. • Freeman And family' wish gratefully to acknow- ledge the • kindness and sympathy shown them by the people of Luck - now and vicinity during the illness and at the ;deathof husband an father.' • SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS „ • Miss Frances, Spenee and Mr, Stanley Rivers ere this week entitled to 'congratulations on their „success in' passing ,the final exams. in the Thronta-UniVersityY•ArtS.course„.Net- ohly did they • pads but both took 'first' class .honors, a distinction 'w0.11„, by. only four. in -the-Victoria-C011ege class- this year. Throughout • their' student. years .Miss Spence. .and Mr. River s, have, been; in the, front r rank. neither having eVer missed an exam. and inVariablr,,taking a: high stand- ing.' , • •. .4i44,=‘.:4'.er04•04.4 FOURTH C(*.KINLOSS. . The Kairshea U,F. W. o, meet-' , •ing was held on Thu,rsday''May 22nd. at the hoMe of Miss Jean MacKenzie I74t1i.C"cinr,zAiter(!'theopening,""rernityks, by the President, Mrs.. Jno• MacKen- , zie, ana the minutes of the organiz- -ation .meeting -were read, the ary; Miss • Jean MncKenzie, -read a , paper, on the advantages of the egg, pool,' which was followed by discus- • Ana of same An instrumental ',duet by the Misses MacKay was much en,. loyecl." MISS- Mary MaeLeoci" gaVe• very helpful • and instructive, paper on "What ,Canada 1.,demands. of her Web -len:" Mesdames Carruthers MI& 'Hughes. each; rendered a sold Which was enjoyed by all, and , there Was community • singing; The Meeting wait brought to a ,close by the , singing of the National Anthein, Six new Members joined at the Meeting, .makkng a total of setentemimein. lien', The next tatting win be on /Oa Oth at the horne 'of MS,. Poo 1691.0noo atii on.ginioll LNOW $041661-',414:P' ^ • Ronin • • $eniet Class -Ex--- Evelyn li Shirley • Langferd, ,Chester 13.ruce, Betty Brown, (Ada Burne and ,I3oh- -bie Thoninson) -ties.- • -, J6htigichle,. Clifford Menary;',..C,arr On FinlaYsori; Phillia Cousins,. Jack' Fisher, Edna Agar, Donald NneD.9n..- ' -" • . Fair:__ -.Verna Steward, .4.VMStrong„ , C. ' MacMillan, Leonard Webster, las Clark ' Junior Class Ex.,-Stewari, C.41- yer, Alex McIntosh, (Frank .1VIckea•• zie and •Ceeil Armstrong). ties,. Lit- lian •Horne;•! --Howard Johnston, Fred Milne,George Jeynt, (Isobel Deng - las and Leonard MacDonald) ties. • Good- jean MacMillan. Edwin Whitby, :Charlie Palmer; Billy Mac- Kenzie, Maudie. Fisher, Elliott Web., • star • Christine • Audrey Henderson: •'.• • Fair -Flora Webster,• Margatet 13aker,' Isobel Harnilton,' popaida •Thompson, 4Rexford Ostrander; Vic'', top Barrett. • ° I 1Viurilie teacher ' oo r "'Standing in daily work Sr, iym. Plitstpin; E. MacDonald and •g, Wilson (ties); G Fisher; E. Colyer, L. 'Wehster; '1,1AcInnes H; ',Webster; ,L: ,Menery,; 0, MacInties,i D. `M.acInncs. . Jr. IV -D.• MacKinnon; M. .111,CQui17, lin; A. Andrew; M. Bruce; W. 4:gar; S • Jewitt;' D. Milne ' 'K. MacDonald, teachP,r- ,1 SENIOR BRUCE COUNTY , • BASEBALL SCHEDULE I • „June .5-Lucknow .at Paisley. • atine 6-.Vvra11.erton :at "•Kinearding • -• June •10-2:eeswater at-Kineardi-h-6-- Juhe -10-!LueknoW• at Walkerton.' • June. .Ji) -Paisley, at TeeSwater:, June '16-Wa1ke1ton at •Lucknow Jane 20,. -Paisley at Lucknow June„'"24,-Chesley• at Teeswater June- 28-=-Teeswater at Lucknow.. July 3 -..-Kincardine at. Paisley, ''• •. july' 5 -Walkerton at Chesiey: • July 8-,-CheS1ey at -.Lucknow. . July ,10-Teeswater at 'Paisley: • July • 15-Kincardirie at Lucknow.. JUIY 16= -Paisley at Chesley. • July 11-L-Wallcettori At •Teeswater.' June 19-Kiricardine :at Chesley ,1 July' 21--Teeswater at Chesley. July 23-C,heeley at. Paisley. , July 25--Lucknow at Teepwater. July 26 -Paisley %al. Walkerton. •July 31 -Kincardine at Teesvvater:•, August 2-Tees*ater at Walkerton August ' 6••••Chtsley at Kincardine' August' .9-Wa1kerten it Paisley. Augest '14--Lucknow • Aug. 1-4---Zkineardine• at -Walkerton •August i8 -Paisley at Kincardine August 23-Chesley at `Walkeiten. CULROSS CENTRE Mr. Wilfred McKagne.' has trade his Pori for a new Chevrolet •Coupe nthriber from here attended th Box Social .at Salenin on. Friday eV ening last.. • '7. Mr.i NIlt Di'.inliat• has returned zFergUS'*Oftei- 'spending a fcw days With ftierids here. . We are -pleased to report. ' that Lorne McDonald has. taken. the .turn for the better after the second •5e12 mus operation.. • • .„ Mr. , and Mrs Wrp, Stanley, Mr. Alex Sten16; and Miss Add, ht Kiii- cai-dine visited at. the hanne....of , : Arid . Mrs . Geo. Richardson • Sun- day lest.. "Wh le ...passing elan g the Con- cession• line • last vveek we were sut- prised, to see ,'a dwelling house in spurge, Of: erection:right on the peak of what was Onee, known as Merch- ant's Hill It appears that one., or mote , 'Imierprising Teeswatei ' resit. dents ,have bought this hill And are going to .build one or More Sanirner clitteges`;.• Well, • they will liaveLa wintry and all ;the fresh air that is goingertind-,it must go • Seme bp there: 1 sAtivAtrox •ARmy- MAKE- , • SUCCESSFUL CANVASS , , and, :./Iarold, Ackert; the local ' cornmittee'in...char- ge " or the Salvation Army Self Den- ial offering report that the people of Lucknow and vicinity' contributed $165',0rlo. dia.-land.° The 'We' darn- mitte0 are verygrateful and.' Adjut. ant Wright, of Stratford tenders, on behalf of the Army, sincerest-thatkS to 'those who So liberally cOntriblited. to the fund, • .LOCAL :MARKETS - Vaga, .4iff. '4 4 4: et 266..g:d'il7d Bgtter 4., 4 4 4 4; nOgS "4 4 i i ; 4.4 '4 44+4.4.40040.44.4•44:4'64' • TilunsbAY, JUNE 5t fr.ultni:NOTE, 4•-• The cOhpregation' of St.. leter' • church, .P.ie4400.., p.orpOSe. holdin special" serviees. On Sunday ' June 8th ,cornmemoratipti Of. '-'.41e:',.Fifiefb Antliretsary-,of licari'-,SPrNes_44„.4.tekn4T4.14,, P0911 .9401e, ..Christ • (.,',harch, 'London iI1 • he- titq ilreacher• 'on ;that ' date • • • Epworh League , ' •A• 'splendid niCetipg :was-heki in „. th''sv"EpWoft1-1,- LL4g•ne 'OW orlihg• 'Ttly ,PPenini'; .exercises were .followed hy:'a. prayer by *ell., The SCripture, 1esS4m .was taken- , by Miss ,i,V1yrtle Webster The mus- ical • part. • ,,of ,the • py o gr a m 'lie o siSte d" of •4 .solb lry My- rtle ';. Bruce and a • s,`o lo 1,? y , Miss Gertrude :Ti•olcaven, .The tOl)iC, , on a part. of the Life . of Christ Vas, taken': by 'Mrs. 'Phillips: 'arid proved.; •to be very interesting,. After the top- ic:a Very, pretty 'Paatornihe was giv- en by Miss Winnifre'd ArinstrOng' and his was enjoyed by ,all. trig • was, then giN;en :by MLi • 'Myrtle Webster and the • . It was decided at thrs riiqu'tifne; that the , Leagne..wnuld• be ;Closed for' the. -sun-liner lyronth's., • • ' EIGHTH, CON."..KINLOSS . , , Palmer, Of -Detroit, is itin.'her ',sister,. Mis. Thos. Ila1 rJs.,. who, we are -sorry., toi•epart,- as-'Well of late • as she has been. . • . and ,Mrs...;Jos. Wall ive-ci Sun- day Nisitors.. at. Mr. Thos. Wall's; • Mr. Lind' IVIrs.s.„Jolins.teli .and family spent Sunday:With. relave§, •:kr::Geo 'Culbert .andj•sigter; Eliza- beth, Were: • the .gbests' at' John Svvalwell's, Tivertoil,-•on SUnday., • Earl and • Leslie itaitris spent an aftermion this' we'ek• in.,Kincardine ' • Margaret. johnitOn is SPeilding. _ „ few weeks: with Mr. : Jas, Baker.- e Mrs.. Let, Culbert•wifl.ente,rt ain. the. ' ladies pf the 1..1.:1;!.W.02'at 'her -home' 011 Wednesday:-'afte.rnoon; - "Mr' Raynard,, of Ethel, 'brought A •nurnber of friends up to spend • the, holiday .at Mr. Chas-. :Congrain's. . • Mr. Earl 'Culbert • and' little' seri, Lawrence Spe.nt'. a day, this, week at 'thp,•horne of:her4grents; 10th .Con. ' FORDYCE. • , • Mr: William Woods and son. • visit- od at, Mr. .D: ,Martin's on Sunday - Mrs -. • Jalues.„ Dew, _" .8 is, •ViSitii17 her. daughter •at"•Toront,o,.• •Mr LThoJflas MeGtitlin • • and Ivan, of Toi•onto, are , visiting !re!a- ' tives in this - lecality. • 'Mr and Mrs' -• And daughter, Mary visited it. J..,Jainie, sdn's 'recently: • . • ' C. ',.LeaVier ,R/14 11 „Champlan visited relatives ,at Zion •-• accent's , • ' • . Mr. and Mrs,: E. Taylor and :faleily ;visited at M. Gardney'S. On Stiridaf-;,,'.' '. Mr, and ,,Mrs; Tayldr• ViS- ited relatives 'near , Auburn on Sal - day ,• '”" Sorry. to h'ear :that: Jelin Martin ' is not feeling well. , • $17.-;.c.... F. Martin" has '150.en*, OPeratt, Iray. ',press ..4n241-1-15:•_,1.0c.alitY lately ,and has moved north -to White- . -.Mt John ,Rin-totil-has ..nurehaS'ed',a• new Pard: cat.' Drive ;easy- John. • • . • Miss Marguerite, Ilintbut;',.who • been visiting' ather home ;for Ilonth; has returned to .:TorOnto. • Mr: 1VLilton Naylor, • ofLikkhOW; visited:, his brother, George. Naylor, last week. .• • •:' . jolin Chaprnan 'Visited at Mr; Alex 4intou1'5 on 'Sunday; • • . -7--0•70 0 PURPLE GROVE spoidirig. a feWweeks in Lueltnew. • • The, Young Ladies • Of Purplt Grove held their pienie in MnJames 'Pollock's buSh on Saturday,' All le - port a. good • .•,'" •"Miss Stanley • ,of Kincardine Is. spending' a4ew,ttay.2".,,at,.. Mr: Watson. vis- itedCdIli1iJs at Mr. Dick Richard's on Sun- day. ' Miss Lila Stelling visited, at •Atr.- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Logan fr7nit •Teeswater spent Sunday - at Mr. James Pollock's,' • 'CREWE' Mt. :,end ,. Mrs R. Twalacy of Lanes, Spent Sunday with their- (tau-. ghter, Percy, 1;`)nniga`iy-,,v•-•-• Mr, and Mrd. George Beni's,- visited' Belfastfriends on Sunday, , „Mrs. John Kilpatrick :Anentlay recently With Mrs. S. J, lilipatrielt afeki rig,. • Mt, and -.Mrs, Bert Treleaven; teatrice, and Ronald. Spent Monday with Rev. , and Mrs, W N. 'C'eutti(te, Hoinetttille. Mr, and mit, ••wm, Crozier ;uid fattilY spent, Sunday ,with tile11 tirents „Mt, and Mrs. Wm. Can, bell .0 f 'Westfield. : Croztei ttayrnotid' Pinnigari 44 Orville potobagea it* fill441 A Ai And now 0014 lomoono invent 41 a peonoitilmo ,,..4.,ow*Eak,1110, • EM n A924. We 'have this '-i/yeek" 46. reilord .the dtjof Mr; Frank F. Freemnn who 'passe a away ,exT • Friday v;rg,?ek. following thrL - of acute rskduriiig ich,, he conStlititly , lost '.."Fre on On hadnot enjoy ea' day good % Yipzilth - for fUr years, 4067 'suffenid • and 'a.' Ile120.1.1.• -:Trelpay,en: which h.o.: never, •rc,•cov4rFd.• Ana' the 'effeets Of: which. appears tc ve ,weeks ago he able .to b bbutf jooking'. nivel) as Usual and .at times feeling, like, ketting .back. , to 'work; . ' . ' • funeral' on Sunday Afternoon was very., largely attended:the locat,, lodge of "Oddfello•Svi had eharge And the fener,al, ceremony. of the ••order was .obder.ved: 'The 'ReV. J, It:Oster- church ',Conducted, the ' hont; B. B, .D of the Met7e.r- dist •, , , „ the -late. MI! Fi•eenian was A : . sident, 4 Liu.,knew sints ,March oi • 10.90., having' corrie.•• hei•e from 'Fthc .to .take: • leaven, Eros:' flour.. mill He was, a _sanable...war.19n an and un.derst eecl-the% Ilour•milling-buSineSs ,thoroughly, =being,' able: to install, :repair or re- move the mill equipment aS ,Operate it. He Was, of a courageous - and soCiable-natiii•-e, .and inadelmany .: friends ' - :„. • '•- . • • • ..:•." ;' . Mr. /rreernari• wag ..borni . at, Hawls- bore', .6nt:-: q2'y'eitr.s ago ari.d. 'there, grew to :o. -ting,... pianhOOd;- Ile, -,fearned•. the ;nirlimg ,.business. at Seafoi•th..ancl w,O-i.ked -in .milIS at Ingersoll, :Peter - bore . and,. yith'el... before coming.. to Lucknow• -Thirty-nil-ie.. years', 'ago he was, married : it., , 'Ilderten„ 'Ont., to ----A-I-iss-.31.;i.y_'•. 21.attBO,ysto, Wit14 .two ,: .SORS' and: a•••••datightet Suri•ive..: :They' are.Mrs:. J. , ,Wesieli,t' ,SaYnt. of t,ticknOW, '-• bi;•... -\\/..:,:'P . Yreepian".....'of . , • • Springfield,'..Prit.,' .and Me( 'Harold • tend. the •Krdduatich of her 'sister: . . . , . . „. „. Freernan-whO as travelling salPsinati, ''FloreriVe , who , has ,been inftraining. •;' Mrs. Washburn" of Detroit are Vis'ififig- With, friend;• in' Id;chalsh Miss • May Johnston ofl. TOrento. •iS• .. 9iending a few day s friends at Laurcer . •• Mr. Jas I'M'Cljanaral of 'Pdrarnottat i • 1` •.• :eft, Idr ,a; yksit With. Wind- sor and•Detidit. . Mrs. Pan, ."41eintyre. of aijrier spent a few /clayS - and '.111:rs• endsP, : ata- 'mOun.t during the' -week. 1Z,eeve JOhnston• and ',Deputy eeve, Jahn J'gnieion are ' kitten' diirg; ,-County • Conneil'. this week.. „.• . Miss, Eliabeth aiid Mac.,Inglis of t. Ilelens spent *Sunday with :Mrs, ,ack .Me4uley. • , • Mr,. ancj Mrs Itbt.,Ii.Amilten'" Li'etreit, motored' up and spent a • 'vlsitiag..friendseiri,`Ashfield. • Mr; 'and::: MrS., VVin .,?.empteri. ,With Will • Keriipton:Ot .Lau:r.,cr. .dhring the week,: • and Mr. Charles-Litchie oi 4ion .viLited with . . ,rwin'•'• of Paramount: • daring. iveelc;' Mi .and:'.Mr. Jaek Bradley • • •and"' ot Laurier Ir 4t.q, "toti.iers' ;ani'i Oil.' • . Mrs, 'Cratit McIliarmid ; of- .Para- •nO,sint' Visi fed " with -Me. and' . 'Mrs: Neii J. McLonzie ofi . City • during the Week' a b4 1Mrand 11,11.•S . IINt , C. s rp a 1 Jrs George .Steckliam' of • Detroit. ;notored ,:up' and spe4„.a 'few .day ,lisiLing- with „friends in Ashfieid. '• Mrs. ' Lorne , McLennan: and"; child ef Windsor 'Visited. with her ..ndi•eatS, 'Mr: and ..*::1McDeria1d ;of Paramount for as.few.daYs 'MisS,'.1)!Iarg'aret 1VICKay', of ,Lich7: tor Chicago i�s • at - is with 'the,. an.cl Miss' ,Laura ,Hailey; and Mr, Ed., . . Crash', I1oui •:mille • t ff le • _ .1„.s a a • • Nagle, ,of Detroit viSitedwith theit o q o friends.:Mrc. and: Mrs -Jas McDonald MRS..:ANDERSON• of °Paramount fora few days repent:. • DY.:1..the- death Or Mrs J. • -.7 d e 11S h; :hieh occ-ux-rd at th, herC..early:'en 'Sunday morn- Jnne 1St; ..tuc11ai6T lost oiie of most' ,dsteerneti... and .bcstj-Ofqk i6.forinakhin::th:at Mrs •, An:der:S."6n... had pbsse4".-'attay 'Caine :as. ,snyp•Kise' to friendof ..the family, for ti-i.o.ttch •.it.• Was •,1-ipow. t:_hat- her. was serious,.411e• :am:reared., to 1e.making,....favor•able ,i)orre to a:teinPerarzi tecOv.er.y nt Jeakt.'!'"The; end•-appea-rs. to liaVe ,:been due; to 'heart '.failtire '',-''rather'• than :,,to the' 'trouble. fer S.11-.rnider‘verit •an • operation.- a :few :weekS7. ago, • •. • Andei•son'. and .;his. son -haVe the; sYNpathy: of th coimuait>, loss. of: a ,w,..rfe ;and rothor. •hOSP,- ffrst:.thditglitS.Lireevct ,10••:,;eare and hapPiness :of 'their 11'(••):1e. 131.1c'f'-'.O'ir:iie-i; • • ni'arriage-.„..1.114-S• on whs.M• ile`rth,a pboliand lie i• • early' benie heing'in.'„the. township 'of. NShfield n'ear, polieml.in •• Shp'v 111 ;be .grefttly • Missed:: froiiiilie",...S*.ocird:: and. frpin ., the'. Methodist' • • chuillf where„ she. liolpftil in the choir'and_the. N-V7ek. ili.OTCSAVOtk . • •' ;."The fuerbt was on 'Vechesdny aftoi'noon, 501'c' .belf1;. Mthofit ,,chura, • n'id'ock.'f)1'.. low•mg hieh the, re111,4flif4, ,310,10 lid • to:.ye8t 'in Greenhill: cviri.00:i7.., Mare. -were, many :beautiful floral- contribtr. - E..artiest congratulations bet, 'NViskiei'are extended to Mr and Mrs Elmer' Fairish who V, -ere inarried on 'Wednesday May the 28th at • the' tibiae of the brides parents at Hal: stein. MIA, Farrish , Was fbinierl3i. Hilda Whyte; They Are living on the groom's farm on the 10th Con ' • "Parainohnt Sunday School opc.-ned .SUrichiy, d:311.ee The following officeis. will have., :charge this,. yr'ari.,,Sy:pt..,Gra- havir,Mel',.:-ay.,Assist-Stipt;174_;'s;•-JA Hamilton, Sec: -7 'Treasurer. Elleda, 'Stanley," AsSiSt. Treas Annie..ketch- • . abowf •Organist, „Ellen"( Ketchabaw, „kssi.st:., Organist Dorothy pickel'ine,•. Tetki!liers; p. R. ,,,111C.Nay, " Albert' Alex .7.51cNay.• Mrs. Hqrn dton, and Mrs.: Coblc., ZION ii)h t',11. the late beheld. ;111aeintosh, for'many years a' resident of tars Part died at tbiidlio'n in brought h• ,‘• •:- f"oT inc4int t in Kinloss conic i m 1ndty of this -ek11tr,4'• '-.Int,,4111 :was won ad 1 - I027111a11Y4 ftlY1 a few menths bach :kith her sister oin wh o'.40'home ^14,- held., :Beforeher ti'leHato MEielniesh Annie eatoi», (.‘,,.i•rt,()NENTENT • The Lucknow •Wonlen's Institute WM hold their :.postPoned7 meeting the :Town Hall on . Thursday el., ming; ;Tithe, 6. 1924 at."8'• o'clock, ' adios 'are cordially invited tO hear „Mias Reek a tienhelin, who will •• No •servict.i ie.,: .Zioh :Suhda:',. on Jtine '22nd,".at .7' Ow Mr,, Jan -.Little Of :1_,,as With .111;.., Albert:41'61m on, -1-Vednes- t Smiday, wth thec;ausin at e"..*:SVC-Adi fthdr -1181)1 : at: Holstein...! on last, Y11c 6.1,r and .1i A Alex' IT -ens of LUckiow isited at 4a,?:1,1.datiizier's on ..S.tinda.3; last( . 41t.".:r142-1;8:4t4 e tiection ofyoungrn'On_ A ,hpir of fifteen ; -then: sang ,a "couple" "of seleetions; Mr, , 'AridreW rendered "Lif.es Railwa o Heaven.' pastor Rev Mr Cost H-ok fo coNt, TiVeSi of • •A1,),sOiam and T)ie .Terriptntion.g" of • the yonng wee o olo„twontiotis eentury, ' • -LA-NGSIDE • •" • (Intenchei for last 'week). Mr; and AMrs, J4,'. Rqs of Teds*- "Wa' ter ,Vi$iteti on Sirntih.r., With the former'd parents, Mr. and Mys. Thos. ROss • . "are p;lad to 'report that ',Mrs, Goe. ilarkaess who undeivent an operatioa for appendicitis in Wina- am Iloinital cm Thursday, of 'hist *dolt is progressing faVorahly. • Anniversary ..Aervices:. wilt be bald the Presbyterian church here on undat June 8th *hen Rev,' J,' the tawArt, n' .61'Iner 1)4St'Or at White. nireh and Langaide, new of Rock. God WM 0.404 at 10 04, 1 iti 8 . gi'v a ddrOSS.: mbat' I're.• W #0$11,41014tN ' • 4%,ye , SINGLE. C9PIES, 4 CENTS. Specials Dundee Cakes' • . . ,Nut Sqtiares. •-Chocolate pie•with. _,Whipped7cTre1701--------- ,Sli).tana Cake, with. Almond Icing 1, • gtecand Egg. Best Prices, - at Phone '36; Lucknew . , ' FA1VIILLucknowYTHEAThE • Friday and Saturday Jamie 6th and 7th TOM MI X• IN "Zile -a -Minute Roamer" Friday, 8.00' o'clt.,k °Saturday, 7.30 :and -,•9,30 Admission 35 and 25c. Tuesday, June 10th. GOO. Spqpial, 8=00 O'clock WHITECIIURCH .Miss Aiiiij Kennedy of Goderieh visiting :at her home .here. .Miss Gillespie of 'Ottawa is visit - frig with -friends in the Village. • _Mis,"s Alba Fox visited:with friends •. • . Sf :Helens for. a few days last 76elki; 11L:RUsSell, Of Teronto,. visited over, Sunday with her parents, Mt. and Mrs: • Jas. 1VIeGregor. •MeSsrd.• Wm. and .130rt and Miss, Mabel Reid- of Ashfield visited on , „Sunday "at_...Mr_4_,Ce4ge.-McQuoid'a. ' : The ,:play "The. Spinster's ,Conven- tien," ,at Larigside on Tuesday everting June 10th , , • ' • ArintversarY ..setvices will .be held in. the Presbyterian church here on S.unday.:Jtifie '15th. Principal MacKay- if '.V.I.Anifoba College ,will preach" at bath •Services: A. tea -meeting will ,be held on the Monday; evening follow, , Mr. B, Naylor:is in. Godetich' for the Meeting of the County Council this week,.• • .• The, regular, meeting of the S.. will, he held •next Wednesday at. " 2„30-o!clock. • ,Mr.,Rebinson "Wood S .has gone for. 1 Weeks holiday th'imiddil aria Stan:- 1C*YEeIN:'°, wCnshhdiS-1),.Cummiiig:"'rIS at ()wen S'otilid this Week attending the Gen - 01 11 blgy Mcss-Maiarct Rintout returned ...to.,_,Toron•tO•-art-LMoriclay-After-a--mon--- tlis".holidays at her heMe, here,•..., .,• .babygirl- at the home of Mr, arid Mrs. Archie Aitch - °sob last FriilaY.. Cengrattilations. ,I3orn-Ata'WeStfie1d' on May 30th, :to._ Mr•And,-l)X,rs.Robert..;'Srrelt erly MISS, ,Jessie ( ampbell) a daugh- ter, • ' ' The .District aneeting of the Wrte nten'A',1,nStitate g'aittiq'fl? n Fiida next when Mr.: Putman" ,address, the Meeting. • The Anneal Social ;Meeting of, the Harris '.11issitel Band- 1,1:11.1 be held' oil:. Saturday afternoon next., A spepiat , inVitation is extended to all the children'. Mr Metcalf of London, Mr. Sant °Johnston and Mrs, Campbell of ' Brticefielcii were visitOrs• with. Mr; , and Mrs, Robinsdn Woods during the past, week, • "" • Misses Alba and Isobel' rox .of, Whitechurch and Mr. •and Mrs., Geore 'Walker Arid „little sbn of East WaWanosh were visitors with ;Ifro and Mrs, w iltImphror 10 W, 111 tht, weik ' A 31