The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-22, Page 8• • , ^4, "1 •'', 4 • !P ftl, . • - - • ,•, •••",; „ • /4?to • ."",:1/4„, • fl ft' Peninap Combihations • 4),d Pelpark- Athletic, • nderwear For IVIer kid Boys PI Tff Iowa 0. Wartts,...a toia alue Price$!., ,epiirtment.- -.'• 1114,1461#0t'F'41eBlue,:FleStrPink and White; at 50c, Ayd. Oft::64:YilieD-14#3T-i-in-VIlite,-.0014,At:45.c.. a yd--- -- , tton'',Crepe; ,in 'White; Blue, 14ative• and Piik;.plaincolbi•s;at 30c printedOrepe.'inneat attraCtive at 45c: Pei', Yard. tinette, in White. Wise, Gold, Grey and Black, at 75 per yd. CrePnished Clth, *rill, large colored •pattern, ouble:width, at 55c. ayd. .•• • , , • ,Shoulder Strapping,,in White 'and Colors, at 10c per- yd, - • SiIk Tape, in White and Colors, 4 -Yd' Package, at 15ceach • orset'Deparpient. coilerie Corsets, White or Pistnls, all :,sizes the particular toft your figure. ••• Priced at 3.50, 3.75, $ .25 per pa,ir.. 'Nem9Self-Reducing Corsets, Special at '$4.25 per ,Pair., - rseetteS in Circlet and Juspul style, also front :and back lace. style •Priced from 50c, to$115each• • „ • . • .• OSe`--Deliartment : ereetiZectLitie -Hose, _Fawn, Browii; Grey, and Blaek,. at' 5iic. per pair, bbed TOp Lisle Thread Hose, Very Special at 75capair, . N rt Silk Hose, either plain or fancy with open knit RiL'. Priced at $1.00 Per'Pair- • ' • • ' arVel,Quality, Silk Hose,,hiiPlatinnm, Biege, Grey, -Navy, Cordivan or Black, priced at $1.75. per pair. ' .• Again it's de Chine .that's the smart thing for Bride's GoW)ns,. . . fil- my andtfernirunen cir_culardraperies from the low waistline, -What could.' innre-be than a frock made of our beautiful ‘‘La Belle" Crepe de Chine, t $2.20-113er-Yard ' • „ ' - . • APECI4Lf=411-Woo1 Canadian Tweed Men's Suits, Brand new §tyle, at' • . • • • ,. • :00;per Suit'. • • . • . CheaperStores • • • • • • ,• •• • • 14• had • .garc1ng In •"• • • ..q0...10.1)10.te.:.osottineitt Qj Ladies' Hat Shapes --only ••' • ,• ••.•,. each • • • to.oda.ssortmenvof-i-St. A . •• • J.:1 A.A., fat away below cost. • . • •• ••• • •• • • • • • • • • 1(00.will do well to make it a practice ,..'to visit this store, as the .pry RIPLEY AND VICSITY., • Mrs. Angus •Martyn; is. visitingAn Listowel , this. week , •• . • • :NV.. • F. 'Bald, for .West Bruce, **was, in town ...Oil 'Wednesday; •• Wan. Bradley .*Sr, is • constructing ;two ,new frame ..•CcittageS at'. Point 'Clark; D. A iVIc1.40; teacher at 1VIOnkton, Perth County, •spent the -•week4end at his home here • . • . • W..0, Ball, formerly of •Ayri'Ont, has Openec), a• -harness -shop !and: Mi.' Queen St • Sandy '1%/01.,enpala, popular 'Junior in 'the Royal Bank here; is confined 'to his 'home suffering:from' an eV., • tack of scarlet fevk ' ' George.=Mettityiei suffered .a` pain - tut ,aceideriF this •Week,' while, team: trig 'for John -MeDerada. The, horses ran away :and-. Mr; McIntyre's foot was badly crushed, • . R'Ll'releaven•is; hoine froin the Royal Dental, College,: Toronto.' Mr., Treleaven has successfully eorriplet-' ed iiis course but has. not yet 'decided \-ihr ere. the Will. locate' - -Ripley seerna'te,..be..in 'the midst of •a 'Mild _Minding boom, J. •S. .Robert- son ":and •6. H. Ruttle hac contrac- tors 'busily erigaged"in; `the -coinple-• tion of their new residenees; Angus. MCDonald •Con. 8, is •prepari g to • build and .a number' of new garages are in •propect. ,Besides this several citizens are ni kb, eyfensii,e alter--•••• 4.401••••." . nations to thei4 dwellings or stores. , • , •• • ZION -NEWS • Miss :Seundera of Winghain spent 811LAind:a.•yj'atObW,,ILIcgnie:r44arndclirleHeesn.r.'; Gar.' drier eiagh 104 a- valuable cow last Week just' ,f.i.eShened; • • • .Miss Gaunt of St. Helens • is -aSSIS- titing% Mr. SCam Reid with ler Spring. , Mr. C, E, •MacDonb 'attended .the ' Good • Uoad Convention • was 'held at Walkerton' last •Week • • and is: ; Alex Eavehe ad fatnily of Lucknow spent, Thursday last week at Mark . Gardner's. • •1. • Mi. and MrsW.Hill of. 111 41:, now visited at, Haniy Gardner's onFriday evening ' •• • • , A feW• ladies. from Zfo • attended . the W. M. S. at Mrs.:, Waiter Altoni of. Hacketts on Thursday' .• of laSt• '• •O.'L. 1044 meets in Zion all on.'Priilayt•eyening May 23rd Owing to the wet weather, t Sale will still continue. Many -c u not come in and purchase these grea bArgainso- ,Here-is-your-chance-to-bu *biieqbeglets-stilbWeheve-ark:Orli 'a fe* of thmany bargains •• MEN'S SUITS -The ehalteeea, .have ,been, waiting f • These' inclfide High -Grade Navy Blue' Serges and •• VVorsteda, • Come in and inspect thy stock. • 'MEN'S '"LEATHER LABEL"? AND."I'EABODY'S" OVER ALLS-Keg. 4.15, will be Field at,82.18. and '"BIG B" Overallls IY * — • " " )4 MEN'S TWEED. TROUSERS,- Reg..:$4.50;" for ,,$.380; METS WORSTED T ROUSERS-Ileg, $4 50, for $2.5„0. nosF.',461v,• is your •chance, at 19c. _ " , • ., BOYS' -SUITS-HWithr 2 Pair'of Trousers,•for ' LADIES' DRESSES---rteg. 3.53, 30 and •$1.5(1, for $2.25 $1.98 and 98c. ' • , , • ALL -WOOL FRENCH CREPE -54 Inches wide, in the lat- est shades, Reg. $2.50, for $1,98,. FANCY •,VOILES Will be sold at 39c, a yard. ." GINGTHAMS--LHere is a Big Bargain, only 19c, . LADIES! ;COTTON HOSE, for 19c. •• . • • LADIES' SILK 110SlE--Reg. $1,25, for 59c Thjs is very good quality.'' ' * • LADIES' VESTS, for 19c •• •'WE HANDLE • A LINE OF MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES, • as there is quite a lot of business to 'be straightened uP. •-• . Last- Sunday herrig-Fatlie:f'S-Dilk The 'Fathers of Zion appoirtment were:in charge of the serviceTifeY. had,a frill `choir, arid the rnusle was: enjoyed". laY' all: ',Next Lord's Day,. May 25th., the young: ladies yill •be 'charge. -Service at 10,30. OUR. BARBER SHOP STORY "1 want a shaVe,", said the deter- mined -looking Man as he'clirribed into h: barber shop.; chair, "I don't Want any bay um, witch hazel, heir • tonic, hot. towels or face massage, I • A meeting- of the RipleY Lawn • Bowling 'Aiseciation was held Satar- day night. The folloyving. : officers., were re-elected :--John Archer,. Pres • ident; Roderick Martyr?, vice-presid ent; John Munn, secretary and V, A. ,Jackson, treaSiirer, An 'energetic' • canvass is, to be conducted for new • members arTd7the • ass�ciatikW forward toa most succeisful season Messrs. ',Duncan' Munn, ' Angus -Martyn, Thos:JE, Alorgair,---and'Rod- erick Martin 'motored to ,Owen Sound on Monday ,,to,.:be-,present at' the nieeting. o the Eugenia' :Hydro • Electric' ..AsSociation. The delegates were royallY,banquetted• by the Pub; Utilities donimis'sion of the city, after which an excellent address was delivered by Mr,. T. C.. James of the • Hydro engineering staff, • An. Open discussion ensued during which Mr.. JamRs _answered -all taining to HydrO which .tbe deleg- ates, wished ask. • don't want the Manicure IadY't� -,hold-my-l-liand-•*ar;--the,..--bootbleck- e• t* fondle my . feet. .1 just..want a ,phrii 'shaverwith no: trimmings, •,Do yoitl understand that?" •• • ' • Yes, sir" Said the barber.: "Wil you have .aome 'latheron your facer sir?'„. , ' • . • . • Men's Straw Hats== • . • - , The • popular boater shapes, at 1.50, 2.00, 2.50, 3.00 and $5.50, all sizes ' • ' :and every,hat,a new one this season. ' , )3a11-.1riggan, in Combinations and Two-piece Garments, Sizes 34 to 48; Meri's ummer Underwe,ar.. ..,. --.. .„...,... ;., _._.. Another reason boys go wrong is Fine White Athletic Cornbination§ at $1.50. .• because Dad says: "For heaven's sake go away and let n,e read in •,' , , , • peace" Coatless Br • aces, 2 Or 4 -Point Style. •• CHOICE CUT FLOWERS, '•-• WEDDING 'BUNCHES AND FLORAL' DESIGNS • A-• SPECIALTY, , Bedding Plants, Etc:, In- Season • Fl..raf Worland Cut PlOwers De. livered TO Any Part of Canada. and United. States' In Short * Notice.t Just' Phone Your GEO. STEWART • Y., • • • , SND 'ORDER AT,ONCE . FOR' .WRITE"-LEGIIORN ,BAR* CRICKS AND' .'GET ,T1*IEM4VIjEN -"OU WANT THEW '• 'amire.sesit'ftetddrsetemirstismatioxitoi • Pittet! VOA JUNE, • • $12,60 PER 'HUNDRED:, • 25% • Cash With Order, , . DUNCAN KENIltDf • • 'a•'4' !IVP/ithlktht • Ties, i "Lanky Bill Ties, in new patterns and qualities a so Bow les e • . these at.50C-.7 ' .• - Odd Trousers for Slimmer, wear, Sizes 30 to 48, Prices from 2.50 to $8.00: . • • • Ladies' Fancy, Sleeveless SWeaters, in Silk and 'Wool. Special' at $3.50each , , , • , , , • , . . • . • • 4 Summer Dress Voiles, all nesitpatterns.- - POpulatpriCes, 75 and 85d. a •' , -Princess Slips in Blac and:tk..olors $2 25 each. Plat Crepes, in Sand, Grey, Brown, NaAy and 13Iack. Special $2.49 ay.arcl". - • - • '‘‘ inan's • MadeTo- easure. Clothes • For Men Phone 12 „ . • • ;1=1;10,";;Igmz'. trottetimr,,,mometote=g 1°,:Sodal • Values In •'Tapestry. Rugs , ., .. • r'..",,Ittvs,1,444,4ttoft,...'ke*oditztAiig.:44:4-44,0*,,e. .