The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-15, Page 14,1^ $2,00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE $2,50 OTHERWISE. LUCKNOW',. THTIRSDAY, MAY 15th, 1924. , - ICe/eber,--Aipley One •29. piglet or day.-tl. • , DENTIST Dr. MacLeod will; visit. Lucknow every Tuesday in Dr, Connell'aOffice. Dr. McInnes. Chiropractor, of ,Wing; ham; will vieit Cain House; Luck - now, ,forenoons. "Tuesdays and Fri- days, commencing April 29th, also visit the hotel at Dungannon'? sante days early - afternoon.'; , eDR. PARKER, esSTEOPATII; at the Cain house, Luzknow„, every _Wed- nesday. afternoon. All chrenic dis- eases successfully. treated. Osteo- • pathy ternoves tare physical causes, of titeease. Adju,stinentof the spine s more quickly ,secured and with' 'dower treatments by Osteo- • pathy than by any other method. Toronto prices paid for all kinds of poultry. • 9-6-11 A. 'Grospopf, Lucknow: DR. 1VIAUDE C. 13RYANS Registered Optemetrist Graduate Department of Ophthalmol- ogy, AieCormick Medical College. Chi- cago. Ill. Headaches. Dry Itchy Eyes: Granu- dated _Eyelids. Watery EYes, Pain in Eye Balls.- inflamed EYes. Pus" or Watery Discharge from Eyes and Dizziness caused by Eye -strain re- lieved through properly fitted Glass.; , • Cross Eyes; Straightened through Properly fitted Lenses. ' Satisfaction Assured At the Cain House. Lucknow, "Ever* Wednesday Afternoon and EValing. Aran Paper -I. have on hand the 19- 24 samples of a number of the best wall -diaper .houses, and will he pleas- ed to show thein at my house. or Will take them to your residence -R. J. Cameron,,Box 174, Lucknow. FERTILIZER - First shipment has arrived and more corning. Get your supply be- fore the rush of spring, work_begins_ alle-ddeidessfertilizes, spcc- ial•--for 'flowers and garden plants. - G. S. Robertson WANTED-. Life Company with Head -Office at Waterloo, contem- plates opening in 'Agency at Luck - now. One .represeetative wanted for this locality. Good 'opportunities for right Man. With District Office sup- ervision and aisistance:Write P. O. ' Box 175, Waterloo. Ont. HOUSE FOR SALE Good Frame dwelling. 6 rooms, good cellar, good well, stable and garage,- Apply to B. Pearlman. FOR SALE- Bacon -type, purebred, , Yorkshire sows.ready to breed. Also little pigs -Walter Alton, 12,; 7 Luck- -now Phooe 67 'r 15; Dungannon. ° =8-5-60 MONEY TO LEND --70n -farm etop- 'erties, at. A.-, Siddall. • -1-5-tf PHONOGRAPH FOR SALE • Brunswick Phonograph best make, , large Size Mahogany case. -- Self Stopper.plays any record made. ' t abargain Mr' eludiug, 50 new tees:fats. 15-545 Apply_ to Box 202 Lucknow ' • PIANO FOR SALE 'Mahogany upright piano f& Also a Player Piano from Heititzrnan 4t Co„ ' Toronto, -like brand new with .guar antee-Mnat be sold at Once for less thaneiter value; A bargain for cash or 'tinee--..payments,--APply--- for . . ' To -Ocht, g02; LuclgioWS4.-. 154-75 • 7..L AND GENEHAL o goes° 9 ' ,The ? Anglican Ladies. Will held their a1e• of , home Made ; baking, candy' and 'anions, ,next ,Wednesday May 21st,, cominericing. .at , one o'clock; in the , -vacant store ..steross ..frere• Reid's Implement Store,. "d- • Mr: „Stan; .Burns is, home: from :the • School bf. Pharmacy,' at Tokonto., ampton Mr Fred NixonOf -South . . . , called, on .Lucknow. friends on Thee - (NV. - MaeDonald, •one of. ' the, very old residents of LuckOnw passed away it the home of her seri- - ih-law, Mr. R. T. Douglas on Mon.; day afternoon. Mrs. MacDonald who was 80 years and 5 itioriths 'eld,hed •been in Peer health for the Peet tWo 'Years and daring . the winter ,anci Spring months' had suffered,' a great deal from esthma.,, The funeral to Kinloss .cemetery was on..Wedneada:/.. afternoon followieg a service," held at the house. :Mrs. MacDonald is -Lost on the Walk- Stauffer street 'survived by seven daughters, two Of: a y.ale lock key. Finder preaae leave at The Sentinel Office. • Mr, • 11. MacKenzie,. of Winnipeg and daughter, lVlarjerie,, are spend- ing the week with.. the Misses Mac- , Kenzie' Of town. The Greateat event of ,the season DOLLAR DAY in. Ripley May 21st. The .little son , of Mr and Mrs. Charles SteWart. of 'town who under- went an • operation for " appendicitis -last .weele,is Making favorable pro- - gathwell . atid. Turner Big •Mid - Season. Shoe Sale is your opportun- ity to • get your new ' shoes -for --Vic- teria 'Dap at Bargain Prices. „ • Mr.. and Mrs 'Walter Van WYck' of '..Wingharia and Mrs. .M. Van Wyclt of •St., Thomas; visited with Mr.-. and Mrs. D M.' Johnstone on Sunday, • NoticeA made -to -measure • ex- pert will be at Palmer's Store with a. 'full- range of 'sample:A. for Snits and overcoats ' On, May 21st. , . . Mr./ and 'Mrs. ,V. .J. Spindler, and Mise Ettie.%."McGill leave to -day on -.a 'trip to Port Herein, Cleveland and other I?: S: peinta, They .expect to be away . ler nearly two: Months. : 'Mrs. (Dr) Carmichael :who ppent. ethe-peat-e-few--w.eeks-',at-'7.ber-?-foriner- heme here,, left fee her .home, at •Ed- menton'en Tuesday; She. wu, aceorn- :periled. as far as Toronto by her sis- ter, 'Alias J. Lyons, • 'Miss Alrha Agar,' of Seaferth , . spent the: week -end . with Mr ' and Mrs:. Wm: Irwin; of town, Miss Ag.ar ts .a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Ro- hert Agar Who some time. ago ; may-. k,,c1 to. near Seaforth. • Mrs. Wm, barnilten and two little . . . sons; of Kinloss are. Spending the .:week ,with Mt: and Mrs, McGuire of town Alvin, -the boy who recently had his hands. _injured by the ex-. lesion of a dynamite 'cap is making 'favorable- progres;,' although as yet uhe hands 'need daily Medical atten- tion. • MIAMMOTII Bfonze turkey eggs, from • matinee " Of large, vigorous birds, from prize-winning stock, 40c . each;. W. R. Farrier, R. 1, Lucknow, ' FOR SALE- Bred -To -Ley 'Barred -Rock Baby Chicks, 14e each. Also 2 Buckeye -incubators, 210 -egg size. • Mrs, Donald Fowler, R. R. 6, Goder- lain...Phone Dungannon 24 r 3. ° D'f'fOrget-th-e--"Angliearr-Ladies': -Sale, .Wednesday .: afterrioen, May 21. —ci 0 , • DEATH. OF'MR.. ANDREW JONES .. • . whom Mrs R. T. Douglas and Mrs Finlay uMalcOhn reside in town. An other daughter.; Ella.is engaged in mission work in 'China, .1 VISITING 'OLD SCENES • The Rev, -J. D. Reiss of Grand Rap- pids, Mick with his wife and three children visited at the home of Mr. John Ross, 2nd. Con. Kinloss this week. The Rev. Mr. Boss is a son of the late Mr. QD. A. 'Ross, a broth.er qf John,' end will be well .remembete- ed in. Kinhiss, The family came. over by ,motor from, Michigan and are calling on old aeguaintantes in the „ _ township. Two other' sons of the late. D. A .Ross are also in the °ministry _arkle,have charges in Saskatchewan.' . GOES TO COLLINGWOOD • Mr. R. S. Williams who has been relieving manager of " the, • Bank of Commerce here since "Mr. Glennie left for Scotland, has been 'oppointed Manager ef the ',blanch at Coiling... wood, and left for that town Wed- nesday afternoon, Mr. R S Wilson, who -eerries from Harhilton has talc en over Mr. Williams" ':sluties. here The appointnjentto the Collingweod branch is ' permanent .and Mr Wil - limns. is :to be Congratulated On .se: -7euring-so-good7a-positione-He-saieL he was sorry US leave Lucknow as _ ` the folk here certainly had used him well, and dip ,had made a nuMber of valued friendship's. , RIPLEY' DOLLAR DAY'. Wednes :lay the 21st. The remains of the late 'Mr, An- drew Jones, of Toronto were'• laid to -gest -in, Kinloss- :Cemetery day afterrioon. laat,2'folloWing a eeie vice held in the ' South .,Kinloss Cher-. ch. Mr: Jones' was not very well known in this part otherwise than as the husband 44 Sara MacKenzie of the 4th concession, 'kinloss. Mr, Jones-- died, 1...apparent1y : of heart failure in his bedearly e, morn.2eg of May 7th, • • . TO THE PUBLIC . Islet, -to etate ' that _there, is no resison whatever for my wife, 'Mrs. • Barger ' publishing a notice stating ;that she would not be 'responsible :for .debts which I„ might contract. I always- pay '',for what r -get; and never -charged anything, to her 'nor ,tnever :thought of so charging any - further to give .notice that I shall not be responsible for •--any. debts -.which _tale (.1Mrsf.,..Bar.der) : may contract, without my consent in writing. • John Barger. • COURT OF REVISION , _ • The, West , Wawanosh Municipal • Council will meet Tuesday May 27th at 10 kin, as a Court of ReViS100 to hear and . decide all appeals', against the A.Ostissistent for the year 1924; • "- APPLICATION WANTED Application will be reedited by, the Undereigned up till . 26ih 1024 for the, PitilfiOn of Superintendent Of Reads: in the Township of Kinloss • at. a War,/ -Of $0,00 psi day *two on OtY,. 941,00. gOit,t, Towtbp Pierk AST -FIELD* .NOTES •"Miss Jean Long is. attending Kin- cardine High 'School since Easter. Jan 'McRae, who is attending Os - ode Lave College Toronto,is home for, hm is sumer vacation at Lochalsh. Dr. David H, .Hardie of Galena ,I11was over fora few, days seeing his mother Mrs. (Rev.) Hardie) who is not imptoving, as fast as her many 'rids would 'wish - , NO More' will:XS-Wad' ii-e-abl-Cte boast .of ',havingthe largest, barn in , the ',County. The barn "en the' Taylor , ,-.farrite downs...on- the -10th Co has been sold to the Ackert' Bros. of. -Holy-rood and is nevr,being .wrecked. ,It was. a -noble' -leeking :estrum:Ore measuring In the neighborhood of 56 bY -17p ft: ,Many 'wiil'regret'to see it, removed, , EIGHTH CON, KINLOSS •SINGLE COME., •NETnobisTrwolYiEWst• ISSIONARY.SOCIETY, . . VVINGIIAM. DISTRICT' , . MEETS HERE : The annual convention �ftheWiri- ghaiu: District Methodist W, • M, .S. ..was held in the • Methodist" , ehutch 'here: bn Thursday afternoon and ev 'ening, of .lest' Week. In spite of the: downpere.ef rain yvhich, lasted throu- ghout the; afternoon, .there.was. „0.:. lard ge attendance. One hundred and ei- .g.hty -delegates ..registeted, represent... .ing'.21 of the 23' auxiliaries in the district, ' and Six' out of . nine ,Circles 'andbands were repres,ente.d The -afternoon' .session ' was , presid- ed over by. Mrs: Willis, of Wingham, the ` 'district • • seperintendent;. , Mrs; CuYler 'conducted the devotional ex- ercises ; A solo by Miss Stephens, of. .Gortie,•and a -duet' by the , brussels Auxiliary .were well received. Mrs. ,(11ev•,) Brown,. of Wroxeter, conduc- ted the 'consecration and :memorial' sentice for the 12 neernbe,rs' who had 'died .during the..Year. ArmeW, Brus- sels4 Gortie,. ',P,ipley, Winghant. and Kincardine ° .were the societies that 'were bereaved. : , • "HOW to,Make the Mission • Circle „It -detesting and Instructive" was •dis- cuseed by Miss Pick -field; of Oranges Hill, ' and a. splendid" 'address ,on .thristian. Stewardship"". was eon- •tributed by Mrs ; (Rev..) P. E.: Ciagg of 'Wingluen. • „;The 'election of officers resulted in the • re-election ' Willis, • of Wirighain; *district .auperintendent, and MtS, W. J. Greer; Of .Wingliam- ;es. secretary. . • • The Clbsing addieSs of the .after- noon was, given .; by Mrs.:- :Gordon "Wright, of London, on • 'the -presept.:.: day; respnaibility of W M. 'S -mem- Mre. Wright's. address Was -listene1. to with rapt -attention, ' An ';excellent .supper .;waa Served by•the Lucknow ladies -in the school- room, and at the supper :hour Mrs. (goo Osterliout, president Of . the Lucknow •Auxiliary, made a neat address ,of : welcome to: the Convey: - thin, which Was happily responded to by Mrs. Cameron, • of Bethei,,, Greet - Inge,' were also brought to the ci vetition ,by Mrs, (Rev.) •McCalluni from the. .Presbyterian Auxiliary, .and Mrs. (Rev.)'. Gollan, of the • Kin- loss Presbyterian Auxiliary,;' • • •Rev J. H -Oeterhout ..presided eV- er the evening session.; l'hesupeten- tenclent's , ,and secretary's : reporta were g:iypri in. a -splendid ,'manner by and M'ts-.. Greer: The re - Ports revealed the . feet that in the 23 auxiPariee there were 529 annual • •menibers,_92 1ife....irrembers';100 little light"%eaters•- and .35' helji , . - associate• eta •and ; that: $2,51145 was 'coptri-. • bUted,:bythe auxiliaries, • being an increase of $122 Over last, year., in the three bands .there . are 100 mem- bers and $100 was contributed, an increase- of $48, , .-Theeeeetetarygave„..the,:eepvention the • information. that -just 21 yeats ago: the ,annual - convention was .held in, thejeicknoer church, with 'Mrs, Cuylet '(who was present this -year) as .district;, superintendent. ' Mrs. Gov - doh, Wright addressed ,both i afternoon and --evenings 21 years ago, as , she. did' at this meeting: At the gather -- _Mg 21..",yeareago.thete Were 11 aux- itiarles --.reperted- • Mr; and Mrs; Thos, Well •spent Sunday With ..,the ..lattet's father. Mr. ?rice' Wall, .Kinloss. . We are sorry to report Mrs. Thos.. , . Harris's Condition not so , well lately, is; Harris has . been poorly for some time, but seemed ._"SteneWhat, better Until' recently. nuniber from this line attended The funeral ,ef-Mre, Richerd.' Need- ham ,en_SattirdaY....The deceased had 'been a great sufferer for sometime - Mrs. Mac: , Smith entertained the 'adies of the 13 F W, 0' ,'at her home last Tuesday., .• • Mr. and Mrs: Jos. Wall , were vis- itors Sundey, last at Mt.., Thes, Cul- bert l3orn--Te' 1-loustonLeA soli., " Mrs. Jos,' Culbert and son; ' were out -to Ktheardipe Sunday to Rqe. the fOrmer's father who a couple . of weeks ago made his home with his son Albert Swalwelli his Wife having been removed from his hone by the Grim Reaper.. SWalwell aver funety years of , age but is: - keeping. feitlY well.:.' The .seeding is about over now.aild ,fialting is the o'rder' of the day down by the lake: , ' business meeting of the out••• io's corner's club was held '"Apr, • 29, when the 'following officers Were ap- pointed: Pres, Mrs, .11i0, 'Little; Vice. Pres; Mrs. V, Johnston; See. Mrs Geo. W, Lane; Treas. Mrs, T, J. Lannert; Auditors„ Mrs. :Adam. John- stone, grs. Jno. Farrish; DirectOrs will be appeinted ftt the next meet- ittg to w1dci, �VIfl?Y otie intere5te4 it OVitiiii!' • ." WHITECHURCII , •"A iiil,k4bY'llItif:'-"Wesley ,..,JOynt :and e quartet by the Wingharn Circle Mr. ' german Stuart,„ - visited in Were well received, ' . • Windsor. ,Oyer •the .week -end, . ; The address Of the evening was " Miss Bertha Mackay,.of Wingliern, given by, Mrs. Gordon Wright' on• 'spent Sunday at her home here. ' "The .641 of the ,Hour," ,and Was e' • Mr, McCall. made a business -trip' inasterly.'-appeal ..and 'a clarion, tall to Sarnia this Week. for the ladies of the W, Mr,' and Mrs. • Jas. Laidlaw and standard of `" Prohibition • and to do children, Visited With tits, Maiden. their ethicist, "to keep the. •measure on, Sunday. . of prohibition in Ohtario, intact and Mss Tictdiist-CarriCk' spentthe week -end, at bee borne .Mrs. .Wright gave an. array, 'of 'ergo- ment and figures to show that ,Gov- -,_.Miss Edythe, Peddle-, of., • .Muneeit. :ernment, control n British Columbia attended the funeral Of her father,: aid 'QUebee.witd. a "diOnter. 'failtire as Mr". Sfimuel Peddle. ' ••• • far a9.. curtailing, the drink traffic "MtSeend!Mrs. -',Wm."-Martin. `..end -yae -Concerned. ,She ,said that Gov - Bruce, and Mr. and Mrs'. Geo, Garton erninent sale had proVerr.its4lf and Children; have moved to Lucknow than having the open bar. where Mr. Garton and 'Mr; ' Martin , The :conVentioo, deSpite " the 'nnfav- will work , for the '4 N. .R arable :weather was one ofthe. best One of - The old residents.' of ' the held, by thedistrict for ' years., and -Village, Samuel Peddle; -passed aW07 much credit for the _success • was .clue on , p.undaY, following an; illness of gra', Willis, Mrs. Greer and 'Mrs, several. Weeke.-Mr.'Peddle wa over J. It: ,Osterhotit, the local president, 80 years of age, and death was due Miss Mabelle Aiim, the; church or - to nktural decay.' His Wife died vadat, was at, the organ; during the 'seine years age, and of tato he and two sessions of the convention, a son have lived together. The fun- eral Was on Tuesday afternoon to Winghai Cerneteryi the .religions service ulna conduet.ea by the Rev. *fltyi0ii for all the. family. at Rathtvell 3, It 0010410i 04 4 ns D,t,,..,of and 'limner's Big Shee PAW. f'Oln, .I.414119Wi ' • •• AilC),*11 atituRen4.--TFoTbs The Rev, 3. Ross of Grand Rapid, Mich, will occupy the pulpit Of South Kinloss next Sunday morning, • The tenth annual meeting of Mait- land Preebyteriel, Seciety of "•tkp w. M. s. 'will be held in Walton,.on Tuesday,: May 20th; :Morning 'seSsion 'JO agn, Afternoon session 1.3_0' p.m, Mrs.: F. E, Langford of Sirncee,, Pro- vincial Secde, vvill :addeess the . afternoon session. Dr. Taylor, India,. . " Will address -evening -session .. , 3 . The 'cengregation of St. 'Peter's church, Lucknow -.purpose holding special services on Sunday June 8th. in commemoration, of the Fiftieth' Anniversary of the opening Of Ang- lican:servicea in Lucknow. The Rev Canon Gunne, M. A, Rector ' of Christ Church, London will be the preacher on that date, • . Very. successful anniversary ser- vices , were held,' in the Lucknows Presbyterian church last Sunday, The 'Rey, Finlay Mathieson, of Stmt.., 'ford, 'preached both morning and , . • 'evening, giving sermons of ,a high Order, Special. ineeic ' was rendered': by the. choir. A special offering of $3.00.,•00 was askedfor and this Sim hWaass ,.rrei aarei z ec ha a. t cMhf 1.1• ees. ocna a gwrheo. ,Bruce • boy,:his early _home having •Callurn was.- at Stratford taking Mr.- congre- gation. at Stratford a, . former been pear, AtinOW; The Rev. R. Mac- Mathieson Woq, : A; .very interesting and appre-: nerate Mother's; 'Day . SerViee, was held; •." in the. Lucknow • Me'thoclist :church last:" Sunday morning. The. church was , beautifully 'decorated with floWeii, nearly- every one WOte a flower, and special music Was ren- , lered ,by, the choir under the leader - hip Mabelle AIim. Thesee- mon by the -'pastor Rei. J. H, Ostet-• hont, B. ; 13; D. was very faVOi/ ablyCommented on at the close. of the serViee bya ierger, nurriber____' Of people. •There • was . a. .ver la gr-re7 at- tendance: .. 'Epweitth ,League • A very -pleasant 1 -heeling was "held in the League on Monday night: A.f,.. ter the openipg..hymn,.- 1VIrs. Oster- hout led in Prayer, The. Scripture lesson- was . feed. by *re.. Joynt and Mrs. Andrew . led iri. •sentence prayer. The topie taken by Mrs.; Rathwell, was a' sketch- of the -life of David Sallosteri--the Indian teissiopary.. A ; duet was -given. by Miss Fowler '•and Miss 1VIi1dred :Treleaven, a leading by Margaret_Rivere; and the Meeting as closeclewith-the7benid1ct10n...._ The Presbyterian , Guild The meeting , On ',Monday evening -look the _form of a -Mothers Day programme. The Chair was, taken. by • Mrs: iVlacCallurn, and Mrs ; Gorden played the organ, .The opening hymn was 'followed by the- Lord's -.-Prayer., in 'unison,' after which a chorus: was sung by the mothers_1-"Dreaming• of Home Mothers." Appropriate .read- ing'S were 'given bY Mrs. Decker. Mrs: W. L. MacKeazie, and Mrs.. 'Roberti Thompson, The topic "The Puha -School as a Nation Builder'", was very ably dealt with by MTS. Geo., Dbuglas.,_ 1VIrS, Temple,. Clark's sb16 "The` *Hand' Thdt.- Rocks the Cradle :Rules ;,the ,World" and, the dtiet by Mrs: - 'Murdoch and Mrs. • Clark were very much' enjeyed. A selection'. "The Old Home Songs" was led by Mrs :7 Iforac0..itcheson, and the mOtheraoirrned in the chorua. different orcl home •-sbiij.''Miss Joan MacCallum read a fine paper on "Mother': which was prepared by Miss Belle Murdie 'after Which, two of the pmothers took up, tit!) offering, The singing of a hymn ; A. good time to get a supply of •(Fr6d1' the `PaialeY Adveeete, The officers of Bruce 'County Sen7 ior 13aSeball League were the regipi- ents of rather a -high compile/rent by the large and enthusiastic gathering for the annual meeting -which was held on Friday May 2rid. The .large redresentation ftorii a dozenclubs, and the. re-election of the 19??..offi, ,ler, also the evertures" -from. clubs :outeidethe county': for affiliation with Bruce League, all, Went to show; that ..hte manageinent,.of the . Lea.. gue's schecjele has been, inOst sat- `..ifactety to those who participated dferein, since the organization came :nto existence. The meeting- was held in the di;.- ing room of the Grand :Central 'Hotel with over fifty delegates in .attend - Ince from twelveleading clubs Of the. ,county, Entries have already beenmade for 1924 by Walkerton, Chesley, Kin-• cardine; , Teeswater, itipley,, Lucknow dort, ligin, Paisley, Hepv.rorth-,!:.-Ar: ienford,„ Ebenezer ,‚and 'Park Hee& 'More applications are expected be- .. 'Love the closing. date f, r entries, May 15th. The *relining Committee Vag '; Meet on May 22 to • arrange ..roups and draft schedules of the games -` for the .season. Last year's offileri wete re-pleeted • as follows; Pres., Gorden Ross, Kincardine: Vice Pres , G H, Linklater,' Tees 'water; Secretary, G. H. McKee, PaialeY; 'Treas., M. "C:..„13ridge., Leek - now W 0 Durst of Chesley was re- „ elected as a member of tbe, eicecotiye while.; the new members are •Art Mee Cartney of Walkerton and Sid :Bell ?)f .Port Elgin. 10 The Association will be governed, hy the. same .• rules as last year, which calls for residence Of "playing, members by May lst. It was decided that only a senior schedule' Would be handled, so no jiudoi entries Will be considered. • ' ••• 4 f • , A 'strong representation was "pres- ent , from Goderich, -*Who put up an Urgent plea that their application '-eittrieLdnici the Bruce League should be•accepted:After-Itill discus- sion and consideration in committee - as to -whether to confine the opera- , timSof the League to countylimits or broaden Out sit Was decided by, Vote. of nine to one that it would be ceuhty' only for this seeable • ' 7There; wasr a general expression. ef, updee: rzilccs' -Bon 13otthc, ht. :and. Pineapple Tarts, Cream Puffs 'Raism Bread° Whole Wheat Bread .Butter. and .Eggs.at Beat Prices Phoing•Lucknow ,I=1•1111101111•111111111fai FAMILY THEATRE Lucknow Friday and Saturday May 16th and 17th Fox Special Production 6 CHARLES JONES, IN. he Fa,st, Mail” FOX NEWS • Friday, 8.00 o'clock Saturday, 7.30 and 9.30 • Tuesday, May2Oth. FIRST ;NATIONAL ATTRACTION IPE HAMPTON,• IN.. . 0.Lightl# Comedy "NO • LUCK"' ^ '8 00 o'clock •••••,:t.' views in .which the dohiinant, note . . was that the game should be 'kept, upon d strictly amateur basis in this League. • ?- - „ Henry Ford. ,and Willys Knight willgo Overland to nieet Chevolet . . and MacLaughlin-413ifick and see the, ,STAR l3ariaitTS---at- Ripley -POLL-Alt- DAY, ' M S. MONTI-IlLY-.10ETING The regulad. Monthly meeting - of the W. M, S, of the . F'resbyterian , , church_wasebeld May „.17.th,;,Mis Mae Caliuni conducted the devotional ex j'eri.dses' taking for Bible "Study Acts ,1-9 read by -Mrs. 'Struthers on the "Receiving ofT the Holy Spirit."' A detter was read front .Mrs, D, R. INIcIntosh written to the 'Seciety up-, on,her. arrival in Southarnpt�fle . resolution vas passed te-the effectthat the 0 T. Abe given a ,and repeating of the liabefFetliz" ction brought the splendid ; pro-, granime to a close. The Literary Committee- will ,have, charge efnexi - Monthly evenitig's programme and a debato. is being prepared, ...Everybody . ;come! • K/NL0SS TOWNSIHP , • ' - COURT OF REVISION „Notice la hereby given that a "Court for the Revisien of the ases.-- sment Roll for the Township of Kin- loss Tii1 be 'held. at --the T-ownship -1-lolyrood on Tuesday the 27th day of May 1024 at 10 o'lock a.m. to bear mid determine any appeals against". errers or ornisaions in the assessment Roll for the Township of Kinloss for the year 1924, _ Parties interested will please take notice and govern' thentsdVes accord. ingly. -Geo, G. MoffIkt, Clerk, Pated Now 10th 102i triaL-.That refeeerditint..be Ken at the present time and urging more "-Aringency:,-;in.-s'Alie-,enfOiceinerit. of the lew... . Mrs, Gorden read from the Study Beek. "The Tile Beautiful" on the Work and ..policy of .the- Rev. G. L.. McKay :late of Formosa, ; ?`Ten "Ways' to Kill 11 Society" was read ,by Mrs: MacCalluni. Ai pleasing, feature of the rOeting.. ai the presentation of a Life mereber's certificate to Mrs. jag.' Irving who VeidnrrYears imseteen--uie:, tiring in her efferts to further the work of the Society, . SOUTH- •KINLOSS • , • The monthly meetirig," of - South Kinloss W M. S. was held in the church On.. May: :4111,.,:vi,e,itylg °Puled with Singing and prayer and Scrip- ture reading. Mrs. T, C. McIver' gave the Scripture study, The Resolution in, regard- to the, "Ontario Temper- aned Act', to be .-Sent to the Presby!. teriat'srit WaltOn Was read. Mesdames D,, Martin, A.Giahani and w in Were appointed delegates te attend Presbyterial, The Treas. teeth? for Arita and Easter Thankoffering am- ounted to $44.05; Mrs, Gollten gave an interesting, yeportOf the "Prove at IIAMiltori4 'Meeting closed' with Proror,eaot, ert Reic14 Mgr. Pineapples ; Next eve-elt is. pineapple !leek; Let me have our order, All sizes at • 'right prices and, quality guaranteed _ „R, H, Thompson. Phone 82 , , —0 -0 -0 --- Potatoes , Last. chance to :dispose of your surplus potatoes. Loading Monday; 4Tld.TuqOayy, .711aY 19th and\20th., Thompson • — Night .100 • t BORN , • Douglas -In Lucknow, • on May. 904, 1924, to Mr .• and Mrs. ,Wre. J, Doug- las, a son -William Leashmen.. - Houston -In Kinlessi on May .12th.'. .1924, mrs. David Houston 8 th , A sc)n_ , • • FORDYCE Mr. -C. Leaver is ploughing, with his tractor' at Samuel Deacon's. Mts. Fallaugh . of Toronto is vis- • Iting Mrs., JaMes Martin. Mr and Mrs.. Chester !Taylor and fainily visited , relatives at Auburn OrSundey., las t: , • - • Mr. •John Bintoid who has been - helping" his cousin 'W. J„; Rintoul of 'Morris has "returned home. Mr, Peter O'Malley and sons de- livered :some . 'finecattle at Donny. brook one •day lest. week. ' Aitcheson Brothers 'delivered a rhiet- of cattle to Mr, .Jobi - :Shields -last week . Mr and Mrs. A._ Havins and fam- ily also- Mr. and Mrs, Mark Gardner visited at W, 1M, 'Champion's one day, , , ' Quite a number, attended the meeting at John Turner's to .disetiss the ditch question.. As far aa can be, , agertainecl no• defiriate settlement was reached•. , ' Mr. B. McClennaghan, of White - Church "-visited -for 0..:couple .of days last week , at, Mr, James Barbour's. . Mr. Williain-Weeds arid son -Ar- nold, visited at Mr. Daniel Martin's on Sunday last. • ' If reports are true Mt.' E., Haines has rented his faint to Mr. Miles McMillan for grass for this. season,. Mr. .-Artier Itaities..-Who haz beerr • visiting his brother Edward Haineg haa, teturned home to Wingham, • , NOTICE • I, Margaret Beiges° will not be re. Allensible Mr tow' debts contracte,4 by my husband, John Berger, witIK O*0 my, written consent. 841N. 5