HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-08, Page 91SPRIN
OPRIES OF virmid;
e Too. 1Viucirfor gialtepr., •
Mr: (now, Lord). lialfOur!'was one day.
-Whittinghame-when-lai_._wefeaceba tad
i byian0134)4110:11444ANIPP
-.Oit being presepted with
• a ehillinge the Juan whispered to 'Mr,
• 13elfour:, . "Mon, ciao hen what I'm'
gain ter,tell ye?" ."No," replied the
statesnian„ .w.e4 the rejoinder,
"its gauii.tee, ra.m seirepty-twar deye."'"
Mr,'•Prilfeer, thinking to hav.e,'a little
4uri• with him' reiriarked: "That can-
not be -ter the werld Was entirely
• needediwterty days."..,"Rut," return!
•ed the old fellowi,•7the world ws, sae
• wee l drainedthen it"Is •pea";
"pre0.7: •
. Field-Mttrelial Sir Rebert,
Bon,' in conversetionrecently regard-
• ing. his early deyii. In the Arilayeehe
joined up,. asa private when seventeen
•4 years Oide-Ite confessed .4liat his first
'"crinte" was •letting .a.Prisoner.ga„ II
second lotting a.horse go,, end then at
• Orighten, at it•Volpate'er review,: a ,Man
, who was under. lite ,chnrge.• refreelied
hiraielf too. freely .and' h1 }terse 'ran
away with him,
Tho Colonel then .said to Young Rob-
ertson: "I ant .getting•sickor you first
you dot a Man go, then you let ahorse
.go,, no* you: leta nutriand herso'ge?'"
• ,
• , ,
"A Threat that HadEffect.
General •Sir Arelfibaid..Ma.cdthinell
bas found .himseif On. 'opeasiOn In as.
• ticklish situations as thaf.recently pre-
drrePressible cadets;
and Ilea emerged by dint.' of no less
• masterly generalship,• .
Aa.cemmiesioner61 the Royal. North-
•• „ • , . ,
west Mennted ,Police • it• Was once,' his
"duty tetry 'Indian for Murder. ' The
prisoner had been haled mit Of the far
north together. With a'W oma n, the only
• . • - ,
Witness of the ei•inie. • Bate the (Ifs-
' May et the Prosecutien,tliepquew,who
bade given .a. Straight-ferWardaCeount
,Of the: occtirreeee at two. preliminary
investig-a den% nwstuhborn1yrefused
• to,• say a; word. - „She had teld. thein
Lwice;.' that.: mai. etiong14`..; •There'she
• stood,,, dirty. and Unkempt, anddefied
•all the -.threats and coaxilags, 'of, that
'Imposing asserahlYn.
4,'1.:citik'he,re;•Te,Shtaga,",aaid. the coin-
• missiOner,enet unkindly, .thotigh in: des-
peration, 'tif tell -I'll belie to
Ted yot-to-the--big pi iboniti • Regina."
:Site cenaidered it a while: . • .
•right. Plenty eat. Plenty
•• warin. • t no tell:" • •
'But Yon know what they'll 'do' to
• „ . , - •
-you there: -They'll' cut yoar heir off
sheet like a Inaii4a."- • '
• That staggered her. They Might
wellsealp.. her arid be done with it.
But :she ansWered .faintly,'„"I ne tell."
..."Andda you gee .411s piece 91,pailer?
.. 'I'll. Write on. it and. tell', thein, every:
.SaturdaytO give- you. a'. bath...:"Sernb
yon.elf •Oydr with Scan!" •
no," she,walled. .71 tell. I tell
you everything!" "
Collecting Flower
Names.. '
A holiday-maker. on .a walking tour
' 7 in -'•England . asked the- country . people
the common name* of, the •wild plants
'of the vicinity.. He , found_ that both.
• the children and the' adults were :well
• acquainted ,with the • wild *mere, but
. that: the nanies. they .gaVeltim Were
;Often different front any -that lis- could
• • :: 'find in. hooka. Many !! of , them were
•..• poetic or .quaintly derieriptive, and
some had hisitorleal associations.
After returning haute:the 'Man con-
• follow the Practice of collecting' the
every daY:rittitieS' of planta and Il0Wer..4.
Our Canadian Wild' fieWer*,. like 'Mope
of England, are eotteCted With our. ne-
. 'timid lite, as is Seen, In the Mentes
. thattheemnmen people give' to .the
• .0M:its of our; roadsides, .flelda.and.
'wo�d3. YFh�nunibr add -the: signid-
Canee' othe, names have , been. Only
,Ipartly:;studied„-and-ithere. are _prebably,
• 'Mere of ',thane that have, never been
recorded,' than are, set, down in hooks..
-e-eIneelleetingthenannea eno Ant e;
to. accept everY. answer to an, inquiry
as; being useful to , your ,purpcise.!be-
..eattee,sente of the tiames my be Only
the eXPreasion of personal rendes. ,"I
don't 'knew jest What the right naree
• AS" but I, tail It soeind-se," • It "other
-7conversant with plants 'in the same
neighborhoM recognize ; the nine
. when they hear it ylin can know : that
haVe a •true Palk irtnie
. • .
' In the, record, miter the, scientific
• 4--nenaceetitepotmlareriaineethe.laeiglibere
heed' Where it beersthat name. and the
• reason whyit beare it—it you can die
ectver the -reason. "' • •
," Have a botanist identity your sPeci-
• MeMe If . you do, not knOw theni...' Com -
Mankato year disCoverieafroni time to
lecatnatarel histerp•clitli
jouilial,ae acontribution
• totho knowledge'ef 'ottr national. folk-
lare, ,
,lie,,t,hat-listetieth,•for :,peeple
' may say of hiir. Will never have peace.
" Gambling % eApresS train - to
• ,
The• System Needs
Been" 'Calle-A
World's Create t TonicBy• %
Over . 100,000 Persons,
• Who Have Testified That
Tiinlac Has Helped Them
Regain Their , Strength. and
• -Health.•
• 'There is Ile worse robber than a bad
book. ,
The best throw the dice is to
throw them i.way.
• `There ig na dull grind if you take
pride in your grist.
If you ,pay" nothing don't grumble
libout, the 47.oi*.
aPtt ,O•aY0, Vint When. as a, alnalt 4PYt Surnames, all .Ther Origin.
great explorer who was. late benefaetpri •s
WS, lege Would get tired, .Livingstolad
would carry Jilin.", his- back until he
was rested.'
•MIA: Tiffellirsrheetre...-gardener_1;• the
sanle ,t,e-mtlY In Kent for more .than
thirty ',Tarp, In spite of the', olany,
years he bap lived In England he wears,
!.our.,CPEAS, in .30nter , Weather; .,,,
-,, -- -
0,4411''Cirlii0-'01.01.t 1PftICtittle; '
Tanlac Has Benefited Thous-
ands .of Persons, Suffering
From • Stornach Trouble,
Indigestion, ,Rheumatism,
Nervousness and • Kindred
Ailments -- Tanlac Is For
• -Sale.Bk Alf GOod Druggists
—Accept No Substitute—
Over 40 Million • Bottles
• Sold.
Aged African Recalls :Ho*
• , • , • r .
'Noted . Explorer °Saved Hirn
, from Slaire. Traders.
Ai aged A.frieln Negro: who US it
• . „
bey..Wae rescued fromeae.Eorta,
gueSe-eliive-treding, . party, , ,I5aVid.
L. iVingstone-baa beep discOVereyth
the . little village 'of .Chieleharst,• '-in
•Kent. He , is ithown'as • Arab Iklaitep-
Pe,Und he is-. not 'certain,: Of 'Ilia age.
He' only.know*.that it. Wita very arianY
black bp when the 'party. Which had
raided! iiii:•ifatifire'iiiilage, -andtowhich
he waSsold hf,an older'brcither,.*as,
attacked by: red-ceateif British.
attached'. ta.the. Livingstone, partyi an:d,•
he and' his 'fellow ,slaves,. both Men 0,14
Wen,. were rescued.. • • ';; ••:. • •
The. ,Calittired blacks 4pre brought.
before. LiVingstene and .the great 'eXe
"ploter•took a fancyto, the small Arab..
Makeppo and kept hini far. his, l';"boy."
'The 1 tnglieh party.. kept .,,mbst-O£-..-the
men of the petty -with- them, sending
'th.e: women back ,to their, native vlI
lages and :thenafter. leariting the, nee
titre language :elent t'shent ,.'theoughcitit
the country t� announce to the native
'tribes • that the ,. Englishmen were
friends of the Africans and were bring -
Ing good -will With them.''Thits was the
Way. prepared, for unmolested, eXplora-•
tioniti the farthest depthsof the then
little knew* Continent
Worahlifs 'Memory' Of Explorer.',
,• • • . . . .
Makeppo remained in the
3tone party as 'the hodyaerVant iits
leadeinntil the great adventurer died,'
and • was then sent to England to7
sehOeL .Sherify- after his itiTival here
he W -aa' christenact deorge_Watto -by
the En,glish family which .engaged hiM
ae.a..cook. He Is .a devout Christian
and to eke ferwarfl .to. again Joining,: liis
fainens ,"Geverner" whea.lhe•
He'renienibens well the grim ,proCes-
doll Of himself and . his -native, rela-
tions and friend& as captiveof the.
Portuguese. ,He...sayP that the men
.Were tied .two by two to •wOoden
vvhich they wore evenintheir.
•eleen; ' the Woniefi-TWire-Clialireil-•at •
. .
wrists and ankles, the girls "roped like
liorseaewhila -oraes,•ehimeelf.„
diteng Ili eneeWerealleWed tiferruterre*
.were ,kept in the centre Of the
Party. ,•• • •
"We were frightenedall the' Same.,"
. ,
he said, "when tb,e Redcoats began to
ilre on our !Captors." •• .
He Worshipp the memory' ,-of the.
Every new andthen a ,tory of some:
thing other than mutinies and tiprie,
Ings comes from. that "poet .distress -
s country" • of Ireland The latest
conceree ethe man' who. crossed the
. •
fairies. " , , •.
'Iu a reoenteprosecntien befere a
,lOpal peaee,ceinnaissioner.quite a lot of
fairy igrecame up because a certain
farm baildiag had been bailteon a
"pass." It eeenii the little folk always.:
traVel in a; direct" line and repent any
. .
.to,natractioa placed acr.oes raeir, path.
,When they 'find themseyeeheld up ,by
:a- honee. er:farra 'then woe.. betide' the:
person there:. , • -
Near the village Of s4viaa.m. Coss,
,some milee.east. of 'Clifden, e returned
• Irish -American not Tong ago bought a
large . faith, and -us there was neither
cewbouse nor stable began to erect
these things, despite. Warnings of the
When the, buildingWere
roofed and cattle instelled:therein, the
animals' refused tee:4,4)148d awitY and
ded..Not until three-fourths of his
stock was ' killed (struck by "elf
stones," aid 'the peasantry), Was he
cony laced • anti- he 'rentovod• thet build-
ings to another Place. After that his
hickchanged.and'he lost no more cat-
tle: •••
. •
• .--RO
Variations .-Heyward Ilawarel#1•Hew-
Source --An office or title..•
eerprielag thing how many
fareflyenaraname6f. t'a-deey.-'-'9r.e.eree'nt
'd :20+5 le 'War& dCrietin iVeed;
:zr, • eoffice' • long
Fe people. peeple, ip this country bearing
the name *mild heve any idea pf What
a "hayward" or a "heyward"q was in
ng and of the. twelfth, thirteenth or,
• fourteentle.centuries, nor of the nature
of his duties. '•
• Den the explapation that the medi-
val word "ha''• meant '"hedge ” and
is n:otMir modern word "hay," would
hardly nerve to give you the right
clue — . •
The; "hedge warden". ;NOB not the
•keeper or hedgee ,in the sense that :he
rasa gardener. Hie cenelated
In Serviee :toward the villageriCtlie-
farmers of the'clay. • ;
• Fences ,eea, *ens .were mile, used in
• those days to Mark -the diviSione of
land. •FOr this purPoae.hedges, either
the real thing Or Mere indieatiens of
them, -Were need: . Naturally, cattle
had a tendency, to stray from one
nian's land tep;' another, It :was the
'thayWard,'s" day to prevent this. Or-
iginally his duties were limited to this,
He was a 'Servitor of the entire coni
.rnanity rather than the employee of n
Single person. But in the Course of
,thne his authority and his duties Were'
extended until' he became 'a Bert of
general •trespass, officer, and an offieial
of considerable importance in ea.ch vil,
lege or conimUnity.'
, "Heyward" is not the regular sofirce.
' of the family name :C4: Howard, though
eometiniee the. latter Is simply a per-
rapted el?ellipg, of the fernket.
Voilak,19_04—Dan lel; Dan,Jinc�ek.
leileel-'veit 'name;
Daitiele is another sal th90e tranilly
narneswhich comes dewia terierfor-ei
the days of the; old. • Anglo-?a-xons',.
though, like other•faniily 'phrries,, it did
apt beCome such until .a period after
the Anglo-Saxons and;Neprmair-French
bad. becomeTyped into the English
Tack) :of -medieval -and :Modern -*Ones..
• The. final s on 'Daniels indicates that
ithas ben Shertened• from Danielsen?'
• •The'^variation:Tairciack is the .reenit.
Pt relappelliegthat trent into the,.
*eine at some 'period., either. betore .or
.after It became a -farit1li.,n4nae„ .end
the babit o the' A.nglaSaxons &short-.
ening .names tO one syllable and then,
adding-aT1iiiiu€ie endixg. Otte7:of.
these endings Was "cock" .or "each,"
mearting Tatteeck, then, trans-
lated 'literally into, modern speech,•
'Means Den;" or,,If we should 'lite
the modern dirninutive„., "DannY.7.
It is impossibleto state atjust what
period .13anie1'S gott". ceased to be
Merely', dOecriptiVe of ..an individual
and was adopted 'through eeNietal gen-
erations; thug beconiing, a family name.
A general develoPthent dI cust0111.. took
place along; this line throughout. north-
ern Europe from the :twelfth to the
fourteenth ,centuries. • The freqeency
with which Daniel appears as a- given
namein the old days Indicates many
unrelated families•adopted, it simul-
ta.neously., ;' • ,
ANDIEURALGIA Former Playmate,, of Czar's
Children Now Saleswoman..
• •
Little colonies'. of Russian' ariste,
&ate, pepnilesa refugees, are forming'
in Canadian.. cities, Honors, Wealth,
titles have' all,' been swept away • by;
'eight years Of reyolution. • .• • •
These • eXiles,are. content to :begin
life • in a new, home -just as; Other
migrants Positions as domes-
Caused by StarvedNerves Due
to ,Weak, Watery, Blood.,
People think o,lieuralgia„.as a pain
in the heed or,. face,' bnineuraigie MAY
affect -ay ,nerVe.Of the body Differ-
ent' names lire, 'given, to it 'when it" af-
fects Certain nerVes.'. Thus .neuralgia
• of: the aciatica nerve Is called' eciatiCar
butthcha-theterofthe pain .an,d ,the
natute of the lierre-fs-the-'sarnee end
Ahe -remedy, to , be effective, must .be
.the Same, The pain, Whether it takes
the for*. of :Sciatica Or•Whetherlt af-
• fects the face:add head, is- cauSed by
staryed.! nerves. The which•
northally 'carries- neurishment, eta. the
nerve. for seine reason-nalenger daea
eh and the ekettiffiatingrpain you feet:.
Is the. cry et :the starved; nerves for
fecel.•., The reason 'Why the blood.faila
to 'properly nourish ate' neeyee Is us-
ually beeauSe the. blo•od' itselfls weak
and•thin, •,. . • ,
„ • Ween,yeu huiltinp the impoverished
bled :With Dr. Williams!'.Pink Pillsi• you
are" attacking..sciatida,, ..nenralgia- and
icindred.diseasee -at theroet. • As proof.
of the value of Dr. Williams! Pink Pills
in, cases), of this kind we give the state-
ment' of Mis. Meilen Hell, Port....E.Igini
.Ont., who: say -"Some yearn ago 'I
•Wee attatked. with' sciatica in' ray leg
, , ,
and. hip: •The pain ,•Asette excruciating
and:..iinapy 1 was forcedto go to bed:
Apparently ell the:doctcir could do was
to- give Me druge,to.dUll the pain, as
otherwiSe I felind no ' 1 had
been in bed with the trouble -for eight
Weeks when e lady w,ho came tolsee,
Me said that she had.had a, Similar at-
tack, and had only found reliefthreugh
the use of Dr. Willianis''Pink PHIS.
decided at once to • try this inedieine,
and betimes I had taken More than'
throb boxes•I' found relief. . I continued.
the Use Of the pills and under the treat-
,thent:theepain_leftenie..:-_Lwas-able -te-
walk 'again,: and have:not since had
thesleast return. of 'the treublie: I feel
,that .Dr.' Williains' Pink Pills have
.been. of such great benefit to inc that
I 'strongly urge Bieniler, atifferers to
give them' a fair triaL" -.• • • , •, •
You can get theie, pilis 'from any-
•inedicine'dealerear t,y mail at 50 cents
box trent. The. Dr. .Wililates' Medi,
eine CojBrockvii1e Ont.-: .
. Guadalupe, is the sole 'remaining
erekpharit.Seillain the riet.thernherriP'
ephere. ' ,
WondrOus'indeed is the virtue of, a
• ,
good book.-
ask for Minard'a and .take: vie ,other.
Iieee4y, Goa. ezeet. Santa 11'0. rtY•
40‘ Pree Prom nide.. Detroit, mice.
Phone: Main fit?
as saleswomen, or as ordinary Jae
ere are aceepted. As a rtileearistoe'
ic arrivals ' are absolutely „without
ds or any one, to whom- they can
appeal ter assistance.. Previous •ar-,
rivals rreinRapeia, drawn Prem.:the
proletariat, are generally hostile.:.
,I you enter a' leading jewelry store
liti,Toreate•you may be waited ori.by a
tall young Woman in blue sweater-
• Mrs. Alfred Tranchemontagne, St.
Michel des Saints, Que.., writes:—
"Baby's Own Tablets are an _excellent
medicine. They saved mybalay!eelife
and I" can highly recornnaend thane to
ell mothere." :Mrs. Tranch.emontagne's
•experience is that of thousands of
other • mothers, who 'have tested the
Worth! of 'llieby's OWn Tablets, The
Tablets area 'sure and safe medicine'
for little ones and never fail ta regie
late 'the bowele 'and etomach, -thee re:'
lieving all the miner ills; trona which
children stiffer: •,, They are. soldby
medicine -dealers or. by inail at 25
.eents, „a box .from The Dr. William's'.
'Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.,
Oat With ,..wavy ,•blond hair ;knotted
.leoeily,-,-a-Striking-faceeeinewhielyeex-- 4-7
Perience and. Youth= seen):
blelided,. who wilt- try., to learn, yetir
4rants' in. broken English. She is the.
• ilareaneas. Luibleh. de -4ozinaeLeeinoky.
:The ,,batenesgs • was a an:tighter of
Heron Ivaa TeliteglOvitova, •• :Who • was
,minister of justice In Russia froni 1905'
to, 1915: To .him fell tire 'task of pro-
secuting, and punishing Offenders, in
the revolution ot1905. No' doubt, he 'at-
tracted. hip 'share -Of' fear and , hate: .
, Inittiediately on, the., outbreak -of the ,
revcilatien in Russia:in:1917 the baron,
was •threwn,•into prison., Where he re,
main -ed during the regime 91 Kerensky.
Then, In 1918, when some one..ishot at
Lenine; in retaliation -the: baron aad.
-Other prienners Were taken irona'a.dun-
geon, below' the •Kreitilhr!and
. ,
. ,
Holo.,the English: Make. .'
• Toffee.: :.
•fonre cups brown , sugar and
hair a cup 'Of 'corn' syriip With ;half a
cuP, of ..w.ate,r; and, pat on the lire, stir
ring .carefully until' all the Sager LS,
dissolved.' Leethis celiac). to A. boil and
"theit7take off Alija
tableepekenti of: butte.r:Put' the mix-
tureback Stove Onee• More and
'boll until the better has' penetrated
-throughout the , Candy:, 'Pour •. onto . a
greased enameled' ware tray , of
kind and, • as the candy ebels, markt
into spares. Whe,n. it has hardened
break theie-inartaner iwrap &oh piece
separately in wax- paper: Inaidentaillyi
you : will -find ,thittethe,iithereofe"clean--
ing up" Is a great ,deal leSe if you have
used an enameled_ware sittreeptinelore
11.1.0.se.h1nge 'ainetteeven,the 4tickleEtt
lin liter es go o t adli�reI�ng t� lth .Pqr,
claltplike .eurface.. •
Tip (rare the Chaplain:
The rector of a. faehionable. London
chnieli, Wee -induced to preach at a
'Well-knoWn prisOn. Wh.eniii the ves-
try he said to the prison chttPlain:
."Now I have' comee I,.don't knew, what
.to Bey tee, pier...Convicts?" The .;chap-
lain .replied,, "Preach to them exactly
and .romentber: Oply .0110 thing: my
people'.fiave been found opt'and yours
At the 'Cross:roads.,
•& recettitewearing..fourteeite.ireboote
Wee ;erillated lit the Irish, Free 'Statef
army; One night he, was included in
a rounding -bp Party, and when the reil
was called 'afterward he was ,absent.
"Has .,.anYene se_en. _Jew.e11_71'....eaked
• 'Sit, said. a Voice,'"he's gond up to
' , •
the cros-s-roada to him
• ' 'Value of Insurance.
Mike. and Pat aro Sleeping and are
awakened by fire gongs, Pat shouts
to 'Nlike„ reit for your life, the
-heifee i gn Oro and, the root is falling
in!' Mike replied, move an
inch. 111 stay Tight where I .am.
Sure 'tie meself-that's „insured ,against.
„ •
. •
, , •
Keep MInstrd's Liniment In the house.
• tin toil
(The hfary
• awilia peper:-.4
•to bring you the full richness
and mellow sweetness of this '
"Tobatco of QuaJit
Manufactured by ,
Garden Libels.
, 'Moet garden labels are , unsatisfac-
tory because the' names become' Oblit7'
gers.ted so Auickly.:, There is -a Method;
however, by which labels can be pre- :mine for?. .
Pared., at 'hhme so 'that they. will re- •eHe'id? •pai.o no , head, .
• •
ill:is a, oh; ticeet aX''rty7itey`e buyaroar 7,43eltier; eift .Dtqatikae.jepes'yf;bbuattcoh7:131 nn e t?fpr If Y()b-ciaunravel Y.
•zinc andt6 cat it: intolabels of whate, thee,
ever .sizeyou 'may desire.' A' hole, Or
better still, two. holee, can be punched - oEleVen ponrids,,of cork Is sufficient ,
in one end.for the wires, which shOuld to euppoet a man of Ordinary size. in
e.• .
be of eopper.. Stripe adreadY cat and the watr.•, •
lOred(4t.gleanitilYemileaePnwitiellre. 4
"You ain't got na sense," said one..
sense? Den Whit's dished o'f,
Punched. ean be .bought ' for a
cents if the gardener ,desires to avoid
'the labor of 'preparing Went• • *
•Zinc lelaele have been, Marked ..with pc.04:rEte,r;797:4TbilFlau:L:00iFienix:::,
_eaaVryr.e•PaItretdhei7lit'anebluktatrheaefatipaosneadt:'tnoet.6hse.. ... 0.:.4.,eartdoe:,nio'i000nl:,, 8..ainple' enough nght .
'elemenes for a...few Weeks' until they'' I • •
beceme' oitYilized 'the writing can -,be
done: with .au , ordinary -lead. ',pencil.
Oxydization can also be ,prcduced by ,
immersing the labels in a bath ai salt ,
water for a few days. • •• •
-Also the results. by this method are ' 4. • IRRITATED BY
egeneraily-satisfactory*, etill-better-ones-SUN WIND DUST &CINDERS
..Can. e o aine y, pa n ng -,t le zinc .._
. • , ViAlwa FER MCA EYE CARE ROOK MORINE CC. eueekeem
with a Reed gray paint after they have. ' ' . ' •
.heen.. exydized • The paint'.shatild be
thick and can be mit orr:with. a
and..the :Writing Should be done *lien
the paint is only partly dry..e.
' 7What'{he:* become Of the' tin %loco.:
MotiVe and train Of:cara tgaire you on
your birthday?” • ,
smashed replied the, little
boy.. "We've: been playing :Govern -
Ment ownership." • : •
The fiaWer of a conation miikweed-
catchee-ancl-holds'aTCluster,fly- thatI7
had.come in. search' ef honey.' •
She -"How dare you speak to nie9 '
Tea 'know out engagement is broken."
• thought'.J inight17
flirt Witle You and catela you .again the
Way I did the Met_ tithe,"
• Send a Dominion Express Money Or-
der: They are Payable everywhere.
• °
•Xlie Call.
Come with ni•e where the Soft: winds
• , • • "
Corneeut where the wild flowers groW
• Among the yelloW
C,onie:where the fairies ,play at dusk
o', day,' ' „ •
When the golden Sue is slipping away
Down beyend the hills
, '•
'Come with Meere the day ,groWS late,
collie. -When :tea trill ell " 01 link' lip'
dn theotorning hour,s, •
Oli,,..doine:.,:14.1tlilYMe:-,takthe;-rn cad o ws•%
•1wide ancle,free, ;
And -thy heart` shall •Meg; the bird'e
• 'filireet 'melody. '
AmtinE the flowers.
Lift Off -No ;Pain!
• Say "Bayer Aspirin"
INsisti Unless you' see the
• `Sayer cross" on tablets you
are not .getting the 'genuine
Bayer:Aspirin_proqd safe by
milli�ns d:ii;eaescrrs.ibed by- phy.,
'gfl ,-Ac4ept- only '
_13ayer package
which contains proven.directions ,
Handy -"Bayer" boxes. ef. 12 tablets
- Also tottliestof 24. and 1,00---,Drziggists
• • .
.lispichT is-- the • tradO mark (reenacted' ffi."
ganadti) of Sayer Manufacture ••!bp, mono- ,
acetieccIdester of salicylic/kale,
I A 11E !
M inard's , eaee.s• the stiffness, r
•lieves •the pain,
.Keep a bottle handy. '
Dosem't hart ono bit! DrOPa tLtW
"Freoieee" Ma an aching corn,,,,„/M,'
stantlY that corn .stOpli, hurting, ths
shortly you lift it right Off with fingerii,.
YOtit driigglat EMUS .a tiny, bottle �t
"Freekone"- for a ,te* Conte, atibeletit
to retrieve every hard corni^soft cern,
or tern between the toes, and the foot
calluses, without &drones* or kritation,
NervOUs PeOpI�
That 'haggard, care -worn, depressed
ookwill' disappear and eervous, thin
people Will gain in weight and
strength when nitro -Phosphate' ' is
taken for a short time, Pripe $1, per
pkge afyour druggist. Arrow Chemical
and keep pita
scalp :clean
and .healthy.
Before Sham-
pooing touch
spots of dan-
ingrit- any;
with Cnticuni
• .0intthent.-
Imp' Raab Freely- itim
Depot 'NW I!t".iRdros:Canad159&31rZZ?1":41IZt11
Price y25tOIei2m1:TC.
AcY new Sh..ink
Lyalis- Vegetabletein;
• •
pound Brought Relief When
-Other ,IVIeditines Failed
',Port.Mann, 'B.' C.--:" i•took i.,,cii,E:':
,Isitiltham'sVegetableCoMpoithd because • -
' 1 wae tired and run- '
• 11 down: 1 had head- '
aches and no .
tite ariciwastrobb ed
for two' years iv h
eleepleseness."I fried ..,
'many medibihes, but
real geed'. . While I ., .
Wes hVing in Wash-
ingten I was reepra-.
to take Lydia E. •
4 Pinkharn's• Veg.etar.
• 'file CorriPotrid, ' I amatronger .ani 1.e.e1
fine since then and am able to do my
houseWerlc. I ,am Willing for 'you tp
tige these facts as a teatirnoniale' -Mrs.
J. C Ga1AVE8, Port Mann, 13. C.•
..:.;Feels New' Life -rink Stre-tigth-i—
ICeehe,N. H.- 'I was' weak and run- •
down and had, backache and all Pottoqf
troubles which women haVe. 1 found
-great relief When taking Lydia E. pink7,_, ,
hami's vegetable Compound and I, also .,
''1:Gncsih -Lydia
eht tO3ciatinrklanfidatvel . .
newlife and Strength from the Vegeta-
ble Compound: I Mt doing all I an; to/
advertise it."- Mrs. A. 11; IIAmmoni:il
7,2 Carpenter §treet, Keene, N. H. ' ,
Sick and ailing women everywhere
hi the Dominion should. try Lydia E. .
Pifilthatn'e Vegetable, Compound. , Cr -
cal Co., 25 FrontSt. East,' TorontO, .„,....;
' itif.lUE No. 18-'24,,
. , '