HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-08, Page 6*cOlkiticit ossarriC
DdH couvaties 'and MO' iterrolie
°St #41ra and Laud Roller.
L lArl*E CO-:-
, Coiled Wire, Gates .and Woven v
- aim;
BM R. ed Ateika; Malsinto* Street, Grime
an -OntarisseAlfalfa *nein Teel- eortritsr
_ AN_DF.00L1LVEltiA".:77
r '
14.0.141,,wow 'wpm, Tupso"iYouir; i024;
at '41.41I9Wr
D. Mckenzie, Prandetnr
!Rd P44 -Pr
• TIIHRSDAYe MAY Stlie 1924;
1140311PORATED 1855 * `.
CaPita1- and ''Reserve, i8;060;006`,
. Over 124 *epithelia ,
Offerspbod Banking' Facilities
to Merchante, Manufactaiets and Fertile -es, etc,
Sairilik Department(at every Branch
eaforth Creamer
Thghtest -Cash.-pnces pauffor
and Eggs We guarantee
satisfaction to all eur
users a trial and lei ye prove-
yen that we &ire worth while ,
gr., Luc knOw 'Branch
Phone' fik
" (From/London Advertiser)
•. If 'year are 'thinking of going into
the murder- or car -stealing' busirilesi,
1etit-1, away frpm:Londorte-khiglande .
In ehat great metropPlis: last year,
-there-ewe:re only 26 murders, in 13-
eases ereests were, Wade and. ip the'
other 13, . the : murderer Committed
OW 7
Phone 256
onumental Works
:1135 the largest and most complete
•_stock in thi:.iitegit beate.,tiful designs
to choose from, iet
Marble, Scotch, Swedish 1112T Can-
adian Granites s
e make aspdaky of Family
Monuments and invite your inspec-
Inecriptionit, Neatly, Carefully and
before Placing your 'order.
,tlaug:las Bros. .• It. A. sootto,',
Lneknow, Ont.
Lucknovr Leo: L.. No. 428, ineets in
their* lodge room. every, second Tues-
.- day -of _the_ month at 8 o'cleek, rem.
Mr., and Mese ';Thoines Harris had
• the great misfortune to' lose heir
little dmighter, Beverley Maud,.who
died 'on 'May lat in the. Kincardine
,Heepital. The little girl was lust. five
• yeare old and „Zed started to attend,
•a;ChOOT on Monday. 'On Tue;day she
was taken with acute Lapeendicitie
and was taken to .the hospital. An
, Of the arrests -Made there were
13 conyletions, three •wee considered
• insane and 10 •were hanged. ,
In thztt 'great district :only327, mo-
• tor cars and Vehicles :were stolen. Of,
this number 314:were 'recovered and
Aheethieyes arreeterria convicted,
•Oee „Weinde at the eafeey ,of life:
and piopertY, in a ciey, Which from
its loeation on. the 'very edge of Eur-
ope, wld-b* a mark for • sceundeels
fieni all ',nations.' • -
• But ;there' is a record.' One - hun-
• dred' Per cent in running down firet
degree crime and 96 per. cent in re-
covering stolen cars, :and punishing
the hieves.
• o does it? The old Country of-
ficer, umtrined except .for` his baton.
,Welletrainede: phyeicallye superior --to
most men, and' mentally alert, he
, •
sets •up a reeoeti that officers -• of
United States cities, with guns on,
their hips and all sorts of equipment
1 'at: theiredispeiel; can neither equal.
ner, approach.
A LITTLE Vitt:A-Gip Wrrlr,
The :little hamlet of ,
uated.on the beundary CZ -Cr -rick
and'eNorinenhY,'" townships '; hag' a
nnique., record that ie heed to
that. is, if a despatch from Mildniay
tells' the •teeth, . • •
This. barnlet contains only :fifteen
• occupied .,hotises; and aiming the
pepulation, liying•thete, fifteen. have,
• passed , the 70th :milestone:. The old'
• est inhabitant is Mra. 'Conrad Hof-
farth, who celebrated her 94t1'r birth-
day te first Of this month.:.. • '
Six persons have passed their, 80th
year, namely, 'Peter .Zet'tler, jPseph
Hinsperg'er; Mrs. John .2 Kiretner,
Mrs. pe.t.e.e Arra.' Vat/len-tie
Lobsinger, „Mrs.. john Vesterihafeee
-e-,Theepther.- eight have passed their
10th birthday: They are: Mr. and,
Mrs. e.Petet • ,IlesetA,..M4.eted
Leonard Fischer, glee .• • Katie'Keit:•
'ner,; :Mrs. Peter, Zettler, Peter Gin-.
odat ;and Lorene Shelhas,
• 'All of the Old-timers are in ,excei,
lent health and are Still, able: to d .
a day'li work. Three of the itheere,
Mrs, Conrad li ffarth, Mr. Peter.
Helsoli, and • 'Mr.- Peter :Zetileie have
resided there slue .1853-71 ,years•
. •
operation was performed but she
never rallied from the effects.
ipays to use
Nothinst like it for Hardwood Floors-
•. wears likeiron -
to to Head Office, Montreal for free Booklet
, • , ,
- ,THE-irt.EICLY-K4V
6' yearagd, iYeA IUS hP3t4r,_took Walla nlake tdien1 A failure should
-to4;i1o4o,rten;- and Ile allied:: not Pe iii4en, tea or twentY-five
Ayea*sraliTrouotf (,),"ffi ft: pYr,o;tphoOrtluloantidtodo.wlihttar;
the Average • capable business man,
gets; Bet the par of men at the
head of big business concerns ie pot
fixed as the rewards of .cither filen
---5SeeieelleTtIne thateeenakeye
etent. emus • simple ebecause•they 4ezin
de it, or with a view to, hiding from
the 'public' the ' very large profits
they are making.. A few, years Ago
an, ignorant youth who ,keew. noth-
ing about business, and...gave no; at-
tention to it, as chairman, of the
board 'of directors of '-the Chicago
Street Railway CeMpenee, was draw -
int a salary ofgWo film& ed thous-
and 'dollars *e year; • He was the son
3f. one •Of 'the big ehareholhatee and,
this wits just a wee- of robbine the'
-e4.'01119k: ,,a/nee theu, found it a
:petty good World to live in, And the
boys and giris a tine lat.*
DePew is 'a tYPical Anlerican suc-
cessful man of the, world. He en:.
Pears to: hayllien# /;ee.allanhatIla4PPile" constit-
peeele-ein or evele-well
poe, ea
out to
on 'well and enjoy life in
the world into which he was bone
His boyhood- •wae spent on a farin
by the HUCISOn River. He got a col-
lege eclucatop. and started to work
for .the' Hudsoe •River Railway in
some bumble clerical pesitione Ne,
doubt he • did his work well for le -
wee ambitious and had the,erigh*
idea' ae to hew, to .get upin the ser
Yice.„In thee he became president of
elle-railway and was a United Stew,
seeator. He was long r regarded ei." :;ornPanY in the interests of '-this
the kzn !f.:f...1.11teredlnner. SPeek,re.:. :
philosephy. of life , 'bee sem- '1:•..here are many somewhat .
tar cases among big business- con-
cerns, and in,this way, salaries to the
:wads of eaileays, banks, insurance
"lompanie:s etc. have been boosted tp
ieneeless proportions; until it has
;oMe about that the chief director
a* really big business would ap-
,ear shabbily treated if 'he received
may "e paltry!' fifteen of twenty
thousand dollars a year.
- The practice of closing business
Places in towns and; villages for a
half day eaCh, week .during e the aems
mer seascin appears to be pretty well
established througliont "Old. Older,
Its connnencernent here Thursday
, „
Of last. week was the occasion for
' criticism of the practice;
and .,we heard a number Of mop ra-
ther- vigeroirslyedenonpeing•it• . They
were prompted- to do this, perhaps,
bee:an:se a eurnber of conntey':follt,
forgetting that • the bueineee. pieces,
Were to be closed,, had genie to 'town
.to make •purdiases, ad bad expree-
sed disappointment on discovering
that, nothing could be donee It was'
argued that this elosing up was just
the thing, that was killing the small
towns; it was playing into the hands
of the mail-ortier houses, encourage
ing people t go te the cities and
forcing them .to deal' at the country
No. doubt there is a good deal of
tenth in this eontentieni. It is inevit-
able that some business will be lost
by closing • up fee an •aftereoon.7'.
The Weekly afternoon 'closing was
-started-, ,Ewith view .to emakine
break in the week during the hot
months Of Jena,: July 'and August
for those who .w-orked in shops, arid
offices. where ventiletion is not geed.
It was -argued that if the ken, goods
whic_h_raightebe sold d 'n . the het'
afternoon rerriaited on the shelves
that day, they Would, sell • 'another
'day. There was of course a mea -
sere of truth' in that,: The afternoon.
away- fioni, 'business' toe was eyerY
..ceeverilent for the . mai !Who wished •
to do some eatden!rig or attend th
the fixing tn; aboet:::home' for which
there' is- always . need,
afternoon off was
:eXtended. so, as to be observed in.
'May ',and September es as in
'the. hot menthe, We have • always'
The r•ephealthy beet Of the store, or
office, not an excuse; It isin feet'
nothing but a partof the . general
terideney, • eo manifest in recent
years,, to quit work and try toeget
a Hying witheet preductiee . labor.
Wage earnere;and those who work
on salary, naturally favor every
movement to shorten the, •Working
-day arid to establish holidays se
long as Pay is not redeced. Salaries
and day"S , pay mey, not be reduced,
but theeeost of living wae bound i
go hp; aed new - there is complaint
because rents ate high and ' clothing
and boots are dear, How .could' • it 'be
otherwise?. '
.1tqw.r.: HAW).
med-up as fellows: "Don't be afraie
to laugh; Laugh, its .the ' gecatesi
expanderof life in the world; Laugl-
when you 'get 'al/ in the POrning'
Laugh when you go to bed at night:
Keep ° a emile, pn your face -never
let it wear Off -your in danger when
you lose it." "
But .,:thedgc; Depew has lived a
long and haPpy, life, and at the age
of, nirietee appears still to have some
yeas of happinessaheadof him, h•
__ •
never has been regarded as* a man. of COu
, .
much ,account. -neither a great nor SOLVE MANY •PROBLEMS
• 4 good .ran.. With all his speezh- 1.• •
•malcipg he •is not ....credited with ;have Wheyis ..t necessary efore, an eautose
ing said anyth-ng Of. much weight or nobile club to plant its road signs;
hearing the phrase, "Courtesy Makes
Safety," throughout, a )ocalite in
which we know traffie to ' be very
heavy'? .4 - .
Why,' de .*e see articles in inerrae
importazice-,- a . shallow, .
talkativer happy man ,, Re''had few
troubles of his •own,, and, he didn't
barrow the 'trouhlee of others or of,'
,the world. ,DepeW• was 'a great and
suceessfiir-"loebyist.0ne. efeethoe -i
men Who infest the lobbies and hells thts-"A Little More. Cenitese, . or a
a Parlianient .or • Congress with a Lot More Trouble"? .
trteee to: influencing legislation in fa-. I. What ,happento a' neer when he
.vor of soMe business proJect: :As s Tete behind his steering Wbe.el?In
lobbyist DeneW got, many faVors for many. cases, ,. pseicholegital
the railway ,in whose, interests he I ...ihange seems to take •plaze eri
Werked. • • 'or he displays 'a woeful . "lack -ele
. . .
:Though he has :been 'long in :the ..,ourtesy toward his ecilOWernetorist.
limelight, has been, a Mari 'Of consid He does things as a ' moteri.et that
eealle and. though he ap e*ould never dare to, do,. as a ped.:
earently .has •gotten 'intreh out of life, estrian.
having ..a. sort of • jolly . good thee For instanee it is not our 'custom
et_hrmighmit his long career, Mr Dee 'o earn peeele as we, pass ' thein_o_e_
pew •etatide" a geed: 'chance .pf being 'the? side all, we do, net cut 'a mae
Utterly, forgotten "very spon, after he Off as he crosseethe strea; We- do
, semhieidm
n ti-hyoeb:heeenmuch man's
liymed'a 'rotdeliberat.jetY.. try ea. ste'ei.,enOthee
• •
happy are eteueee when eeey wezee• es:eiaalte.e.inouatie
act;:'i:tron°s11.n. tcli4er; vetless part
depart and their': namee‘live • in aes.: of „the' motorist• 6Verydey'
thee. Such.. are .ieen- :who take life • The other- deeveVe ea'A a motOrist •
seriously than did, Mre, DepeW making . a park o, Mid -this is • :what -
who try do soinething. for the bet-
terment of the we:4'1d and. who. are
net aiways laughing as though life
were a joke.
hapeened-he ... had: pelled up
side the c. -,r -„inlMedfniely,' irr front '
o'f Cie space ,in ;which ke. wished' to
earkeeeetteparatory to ' backing _into
BIG PAY TIT"a-i")---0 , . nulled up and teied,. to :"seealc"hito
this space. Another, •but smaller ear;
,. . ..._,...L.USINESSe maN:
_bativied occurred, and. ' .n40allY• the
The 1 -,he same. space before the. first cat
back .in.., An acciderit rnient
The . Federal T'icisrrir '
Governmen, , has .fdrat *driver was ineensed :at -this7Oct
Ome in for Considerable crit
efe_disceurtesy,'-:-and-heedidenot heel-.
. THE SEASON riecause : itepeys a salary pf fifty
-. ,
' thousand dollars a ear to Sir Hen-, ,i'e thought of hire.
The el-teeeditrgin 'Ionian desire -Or
' 7Ve --Of tli- northert C'otintriei _are, ....ri....111.01. lit011,:_as.:lead...451,..he...Canaclian ,
* - - wan .1 , .
ting 'to "Get • even' exists in aft
ever,y.year-irriPatient-,:e_fT the coming:- -National- Railways' - ,
of spring. It seems ,as though we a.1 The payment of this salary e de-. Of;us.. and we dB notedoubt but that
would- like to be : "cloWn -. where the feede on •• e grounda as sa are tr11,fisn. act of :cliscPuttesy caused this
big "banannes grOW,., and its sOMmer • le.s of: railway"• presidents go fifty a to Yoe.- . that'. he would: "Get
. -
all , . : thonsand dollari, is not extessii.rei cr.-en" with the next -Jean Who tiled
all the thee." e .
' This ' yeat the 'balmy spring ;days and it is pointed. mit that with, pee-- -sZeuhm .trie-lise On him- If' both Inen.
- tate to tell the other. man just what
apply • • • the GoldenRule, ,many
'have' been., unusually slow in e'oming., sidents of big ,,raiiways', , and ,,other•
te deeelepriient;- might be,
instead-efietbreeteee 01.--theSotithgekveet-'eit*--ebilsiliesSecoacerris.FSS-rarieserange
preveUfecr,s It is noteworthythat the,
have had chilling ,v.inds from. the, froniefifty to tWo,bundred thOusand.
Ontario . 'Motor League -, has .-earee
north ,-fot "eek.s On encl."' It, has ", ' ' ;„' •
',Paig.ned . for , courteous driving • iinee.
*, Y,
been unusually dry too. •In "'fact "thel Critics the . governments• tail -
its inception
Oldest teeident" cannot recall anwapolicy contend that fifteen e,•e, •
The desireto make time in many.
;other April quite so free from rain' t,.venty thousand' dollars , would he: • • :
cekei • •leaes to: acts : of 'ilise-ourteee.r:
astheiriernth that has i'us't gone by. eae enough for the headofthe C..N.
and • sometipies dieesthee This was...
• 'This has. had --iteeadyantages, hew- and they- ,asserne:ehate-a--men -of-
. brought lien" e -r -to -fug; • reeently When
ever. The 'srto*' Was no sooner gene tirst rate ability can he secured for we v..,,e,re (irle.ng
with a friend. -
_thee ehe, eerielewase .to work on amount,
. -• ' 7 • The ''ea't;-aritr'Afe",it*Trifd'7, tlraffiC
:end thee roads ..fit, for .traffit'.. The. ; .-Others might • ,contend that f :e
. lv - I had the , rfeht • of Way and tie
C001 "' day e too' edded , greatly .tci the' 'or • ten
-coinfort:.-Of, -.WOrking -"horses 'ewhicb emPle 'intl.:tie-erne/et 'for a t 66d-err:fan
north and south an ,impertu..ity, te
Some 'seasons, are: 1Voi+ied by ilicS to take the j9b; and that there are ere tliroueh--which ;made •'• a had
sit -
and 'distressed hy the heat. Seeding.: ro.,,en as clever as Sir Henry::Thorn- r at' on worse -but, then, 4' it Was "me'
'has been done earlye-always a great ton. Who 'week just ,as • hard as he rersee. We were thee ,, ear ere •the.
ous,and , dollars would be slowed -en to.give iheedrivers going
*advantage ashas been rnp.ny times does; and Who, in their line, have as
preyed em the experiMental , farnis. e 'uch :,seeciale knowledge as he has.
The heavy rain' on ;Saturday made- a. ' regarding 'railways; who 'get *long
'We,lconie - break in :the „ , monotonbus very well on less thin ten, thousand
;drOutli, and all, vegetation shotild. be dollars a year: , , -
11:ently.,,,,puimptgd.,,„.„-...I,t,..,.s,e,g0:,qtllt„e., ,..r.11)9...,s.§.?!?„1„..tg....f ix
., . ., . . .
The season apPears to have he.en upOn. ' a stun that would . be. abbot
scerneWhat cliff; erent out, on the ,Prair- right; as dalari, rOr the head of a
ie ProViiices:, Since the spring break- big' business eoneern such as the C.
tth :there have ' been -several 'snow,, . R., and it certainly iS , better to
storms,. and in places so much rain err on the side of overePayint than
that seeding Operations have been -Inder-paying, Fifty thousand,
'held up, This snow and rain, hew- .lars per year is, pot much here -or
' •evee, '311°Uld 11:.a'ko for -good er*P3 there in the4.:10ings'o*.Of.*:ithe''',C,
later on as of all tha,risks a western" and *if the government is sere that
farmer-ehaeetverunretiediy- speing'is-4-1"p- manit should poi hee*:"
the greatest. • itate to pay doehle tIfi#. aniountthat
• " Sir Henri is receiving: If the' goV.,,
• ;Chauncey. M. .Depeiv , for , many
years ,l'irotiiinent in Urited States
railway ,and political life, the other
day celebrated the ninetieth annivere
sary of his birth,
Of eetirse, the neweparer report -
'ars Wire around to see: him,, and to
them he Paid ha coPld rc,64111 the itqf
' eminent has' a first rate raiit'va
an it should not • for fift" or h
Iv:mired thousand dollars take the
diance of getting a bungler, It
might get aegood a man or a better
'man, °but there are chances alit it
might get a man who ,,would cause
IIIr loss of millions of dollars in a
year., rt Sir Henry can make a RUC-
ceaa of the Canadian National Rail -
vows the rhik of getting Omen who
lieft of the north bound 'traffic; we
tWiShod to awing across the avenue
and: eo left to the. West, but it was
eecessary • for us to' wait ;until we
ni1d'ed'-e our Way' through the east
and '-urcet-leetetideffiffir,7m
Finally an opening occurred -the
two, cars in front of ue did not, seize
the "oterfortunity to go through, so
irY friend swung 'around 'beside 'the
ear in frOnt lindrotarted7-ae-
ross the avenue thereby cutting off
a ear which Was crossing the avenue
-from - the' north, , This • -south-bound
,satilitathe rear rightientleof our
rar-he iCbtild do nothing..Olse, for
r'e .adt.ut- him off. •
The man with whoni *a were delv-
ing not onlV• violated it traffic rule
4.p naSSine the two: cars abreast, but
he Acted diseourthouslyeth the other
motorist by rUtting hin off, Pnil' aci-
ually.endanTere'd lives -not to speak
of the traffic tie-up which resulted
fruit his disdotineons act, 'prompted
bY his, dzlire to make tiina As it
haprened he, lest more time than if
he had traffic 1'1'0; ZOO thr
epurteiy of '',br road We have all
an4 'Ger
:Oral .Clean --up, Time has arriyeid,
. .
. .
ENS, -$6.00' TO $8175.
Fregh:.CarTof just arrived.
'The. store Where Your .Money Goes the Farthest
Phone 66. - Lucknow.
seen such acrs ef discouteesy on tile
pert 'of out -‘,19\v-motor'f.:is . as ',ell'.
ting 0 01( ,1*;•3 - without signalling;
• . .„ • -
sl.e.ecing Jp when.3' atiotier %motorist-
ttpfs to pass; cutting in •too
sharply after passing. a • car, and
last, hut net least, the, indiscrinain-
*th "Ose...of the 'horn : ••. • • :le
, .
•Humeri , nature 'is ,just stubborn
enough not to Stench for being brush-
ed aside by',such acts, and itubbern-
ness and irritation resulting from
• discourtesy make the • right combi,
pation for treMbleP. and metering ingeneral' Suffers as 'a, consequence.,
" "We have reached a point in mot-
, .
being ' where, "unless courtesy' in
driving • .receias renewed, and Ser-
iou attention;"' says ' Frederiok- C.
Russell in Motor Life, "the piloting
of an ,automobile will become a free-
for -all 'in kwhich everyone will 'aim'
make' jest ineonyenieittees,
possible fOr everyone. else."
• • •
e-The whole 'question apparently
.rcielvesitself Into this; Eyeryeaet
efeediecoerteeer encourages a. more
.eerions, • act. retaliation...With.' its
sulting trate .ef. . annoyances , and' ac7
eicientS. Why' not; therefore; •infer
that :every:" eiet of courtesy will
bring:, forth • a better act; of recipro-;
- • ,
cation? Furthermore,' 'Why not try.
'it.? 'AntoniaticaIly, others,.
Iow -suit." ;
gr.., *Russell is „right.. With the
great ;increase in. the number of cars
on our 'roads; and the, :corresponding
increase. the complexities: of 'driv-
ing,. ',:old4ashiOned motor .courtesy,
it. Seems,: has pretty . well gone by
-thee-bpatdeehtany Orptir traffic", tie-
ups and acchlerits are, laid eel:- the
score, of Apo:: inany.,', automobiles.' on
the , " streets: Th.: capaCity • Of our
streets,. has ...mot been. reached -they,
will accomodate many 'more , auto-
mobiles withOut any 'trouble 'f. we
are more !.ccirisiderate' of th
fellow ande,the cither-,fellow is moeo
• considerate . Of us.' ,
Let Os .stop talking About horrible
traffic conditions, congestion and
neciderits,, and act onthe siiiipoSi
tiPn that courtesyMakes safety'.
We' fear ,:iiire''tlitit-theAnily-epPlic.,
ation Of this •rule do away with
many of Our traffic problems,
Halle you -.ever - seen -a- Coal "stokerclrssed in e clean 'white suit actively
shovelling' 'coal. into -y-aWning
'aces ? What an ' absurdity you ex-'
claim : However industrial science
may make the occupation • of the
grimy giant whose. duty It. is, to
furnish coal everlastingly to the
boiler, fires obsolete and forkOtteri,,
Already , in some ,planti feW,
whit coated attindanta "feed hund.
red's of tons, of coal dilly' to' ,the .roar.
Mg fires. Fer them the shovel .and
ether hand inatruments are. Oheblete,
they press a switch button bite r
there to eeeoMptielt Whet termpriit
took the Ile energy fif hundreds of
toil-worri 'stokers. -
The' huge Power. hesilding, evente
ually•to contain turbine unitseleggree
gating 25,000 K.W.,•11 the plant pf
the Ford 'Motor Company of ;Canada,
Ltd., Ford City, Ontario is one of
Canada's finest Instathations of 'such ,
power units, it forms ai striking con-
frast 'with the steam plants, of the
past. And if. .the Company so desires
the attendants can be • clothed in
epotlesswhite suits:
Powdered • coal • •handled by com-
pressed air is burned in the furnaces:
Not only -'has this d'Ystern done away
with much human toil, but it is
showing an economy surpassing pre-
vious records in obtaining power
units from coal.
:The India .reserves apjr to
produce 'quite a number '.of worthless
young. rascals. A short tinr. ago L wef.
,.hati ;a couple of Indian comics , in
+14iclinow. A tei,"-weeks- later; anoth-
cOuPle broke *into and, robbed a
'etOre Winghani, They, were cap-.
hired the day' following and are now •
• fur-
ther, from The Paisley Advocate,
,doing time. ' Here is sometring fur-,
'about the: same pair . ,
` It : now' proven that Francis
James and NOrman Moses, two
young braves, ?) from the Saugeen
Indian: Reserve, were the pair who
made a midnight visit to several
Peisley.liornes on the night of Apeil,
10th., and carrieil_Off tan . assortment
of articles that did not' belong: to,
them OnSaturday last ; Constable;
Lith withr'thepolje
and other- .authorities 'at Wingham,
.Goderiarwand making, in-- '
giries by. telephone, as to Whether,
he: tWO' Indians !lensed' were, in, pos-
sesdioil of Such:. articles:, as Were mis-
sed from Paisley: :After seVArat calls
had been made an Officer at Hensall•
was prevailed Upon to aid in the In-
vestigation, with satigfactory results
James', and 'Moses had, been eonyiet.
ed Of 'robbing a, stpre10,,;*ingliiric.-
and-attire:trier:W*6re incarcerated in
Crederichjailoawaiting transferto:
the Industrial' - Firm at Guelph, to
Which ,°institutiOn' they • Were 'sen-
tenced to seriie a term.. As tenni, ,
onera were:s.put AWay by,
authorities .to Ibe restored ,tiPon. koni-
pletion of senteriee, A seareh .arnong
their suPPoSed ,,,rOperties .brought
'ifgh the ,:raInable 'ring belonging
to Mrs, J. A. LOgie, whieb Was idol.
en from their* home on' April 10th,
• along with anOther ring which 1* not.. •
, yet recoVered, Mr, Logle's • shbes,And
11.shirt taken from Mr. J, 'MeAr,
,thur:s ieLd, The latter's. .
missing flashlight is *said to be
ownie4:4hheirnet. inthde vitnidi:fringRe.aiarereeth,
do -best
.% iiheartrtyvitiirttusi.ndThthal 1)11114101vb1011;r1,