HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-08, Page 5• , ldmg in Canada The 'Preiiellneed revival -In building Qttnada evidenced in. pgg was ea, 't113.11 into of de Velnes,, On the whelo,,:recorded, •,:f*Ils414rts-„, .ten'',Withhrther'A.WlYe, 111nsfb:4;-.71g,ew•'• 'attrUction.,....clurtag..,Alie, Year- .1.-922.• amounted, :vela e„..to_42-1-472,54T30.9Ta. .4041410d,, ceinpariaan with $311,- 840,899; art; increase Of $2,419.500.: The, -vela(); of- building permiti, in 56. Cana- cli.art .fcir,the year 'anteunted to ;130-,239$85, as • against 014423,974 in 1922. Taking Only •; principal however; the permit value le found .to het$111,-,422;522 In 1923 as a•gaiust 12.2.544,55,9., -in 1922, 'This! re-' veals_that, fit 0.,Iner_easelit:',:luiliding-.--..te,..7 corded' clwriner•parniigo iteconnted. for . by the figniller tGwas,..and gen- eral cbattruCticim. • -,Estlinated ..cest, of : conttrnetion Un-" dertakon in: ' 35 41)1.41P11).0 ". Canadian' cities amounting. In value $111'-- 174,.325; Is d uted among' the ,,pro, ..vinees at. follows :-Nova•Scatia, sig; Nivr rirtiwwiok, .$74-3,9611 Que.: bee, :$35,-353,863; Ontario', $57,311,438; , Manitoba, $4,657,134; Saskatchewan, 42,405,970; Alberta$2;310;510; , 'and , British . Celan:dila; $7,678,582":„.'Ta.kIng.• this•larger civic b,uiltling;:Quebee was, • -the only Previtico ' to recorct•aa in- erease in Value during theyear: • • . .0f the total value . of . ,•building In Canada In 25a?n -.ctinting to $3".4,„ .. 254,300; $97,645-,20.0,1s acceunteds'for by • • . • 'retidential, censtruction; $$0,436,300,h1 liusiness construction, $27,022,000 by, industrial „conatructien $109,150,-, 300 by engineering, Comparing 1923 -aoilsstg4ion. 411.705'; tie fOlind." • 4that whiist-the •to..,K:val -8---111922, in this one, eerie- pariton.only, it is sabstalitiallY greater than 1921, 1.920.and 1,919, It is about three times. as great as any Year from 191510 1918. Figures' for 1.922. are ap- proximately the same as those of 1910, an one-third Iciwer than those of 1911, 1912 end 1913. • - ACFOrtling to ."Mae14ean's Building Review" Conditionsareclistinctly':en„..... „conraging ,for'-biiiiiling; -in 1924.It 1s expected that retitientlat !Construction will continue in et least tworthirda‘the volnnie of last year, and fro% al/ 10 dicatiOns ther�*. will be 'increa'sed ac- tiirity,"in the erection of pUblie works and uti11t1e It, is -now:, On -Meted that cost has receded to a *int where government and municipal. work, can be:undertaken on a Sound basia. ••• A forecast is made G1 new construction In 1924 'to the value Of $300,000,Q00, divided as ,follows:Ontario, $150,- 000,000; " Quebec, $100,000,000; Mari-' time Provinces; $7,000,00,0; and West- ern Previnces, $44,000,000: Ali. in all there is, every proSpect, of • the' initia- tion of:a volume of construction in Canada during 1924 as large, if not larger, tnart More Men and Boys Taking Up Music. • .t.Vr,s,, - .... ...... .6.,;::':''.i...'i,:i,:i:'.;.4'.k:,°;rs:04.;,i,ti,,:t.1,,i4r,;W;:i:?.?!.s*:KI:Xvfr5:::!::*,'W.Ii:5,V,;•TtA.;?$;,:i$A.14,11;i:,':01:iii,i'1.4,1):ft6::;;;;4:1:::34.::!?;::ir:::'."''''s.:'t.:".°4.%°'°'t>.;"•°,°!°,;,*'4%:" • ' • • •• Washing the Dishes. When we On aiinple rations sup From the _heads .of Jeoriserva- .How ;easy Is .the, -washing .111),• Aorles, music' teachers,. ,mosio lee_ But heavy feeding complicates turers and Others in a position to voice I The task by soiling mtillY Plates. • an opinion, it is learned that at the present time,, more men and boys' in C,ana.da are takiagio,music, either as a profession or as eholiby; than. ever 13efore. ' One pianoteacher recently ventured. the assertion. that at least 45. per cent. of his pupile . were .boys, whereai, before. the war the percent - 'age of boys taking Piano :lessons was not any more than. fifteen. ' There are various explanatioaa, ef course, for this grow-th. Probably one And though grant that / have prayed That, we might find a serving maid; 'Seu11104' To see Her tonne „actoss the sink. „, • . I wash. She wipes. •In water' hot , •I souse each dish and pan and pot.. . , • , NVhile Taffy mutters Purrs. and begs And Tuba himself against my .legs -The Man Who never, in his life ° Of the most important reasons As the Ha s washed -the':dishea with..,11is'*lf° . , . , much wider:. interest taken, '44 Music , Or 'polished tips the SilVer. plate; . • . generally hy'aliselatset ef.peOple.' The ''1-.6 ''Sgli Is largely celibate: -, Utile Was when intisie' 'was. followed' . . ' • ' ' . - - i chiefly Iv' die wealtnyokiatiee, and. par- One w.arning; there, is .certain waro... ticalarlY by.,the fair sex -In••any;com...i,That must be handled: with, all ;Cake; • mimity: . .The wheat of ;the .plaYer, The Lord, ;'himself will itive:Yea'aP ' plane, phonograph, pipe organs in thi,'i rt:37*sliguld• d6Pa. w'iii°1v cliil ''. movies and nunierous7other agenCies,__:._4_.•••••-:-.-,77.,-.÷-L--,t-,-,-;-:ChriaftlieF.,'_Wiri-elT. IlaVe4tItereci this and • Made -:musicTaT,':'-f''' - , -----::7, - . • . • • :' • • .thusie Is 'perhapi• the Meet Coamopoli- ' Much „, More '' dem.aciatio art.. • Now, , ",' Peace., ... .. tor and. ,slemocratie-bratreh ofartWe My scat' theta is a ceuntry;,, ' have. And this 'includes the men and I :Far, . beyond :;the, stars,. • , . beyS 11113i a$:•n1Reh aS'ihe fair sex. : 1 Wher.e stand a n, winged. sentri ••' Anotherreasoll; P'erhane. More `stibtle• ' ' All skillful in the wars. ' - but .. neverthelese. impOrtant Is ' that 'There; above, noise and danger, iigo:' It la within the - recollection ef And One bern'..ina manger:. , 1 music:la:not cenpidered nearly as .".ef- •,' Sweets PeaCe",alts serotched • -With - feminate". as it. !wa,e••not .6o Very Jong :: smiles,., • many of Ira •.that men arid. bo..Y.S., .who I. . commands the -beauteous files: Were studying rnasic , were 'often the :Bie is 'thy gritelinis Friend,..;.-'. '' . :Subject -Of--uncorriplimentary rentarka-1,: And, . 0 MY BOO, awakei-,---..' trent their fellows.' :"Siassy,"'"effemin- Did:in:Mire' love descend' ate" ,and . other adjectives .' were in I To die 'here,..forthys: sake.: battlefront cases applied to •theen„ , The If then canat get but •thither, , is, •''' '. .yfriter Once •Iteardof. a youngster who I Thero. growa. the II,ower of ;'Penate,.,, de -alined to accept It leather. intisit.rell. „The rem:,„ that cannot ivither • ' , ("Warded him.aag'prise in a piano I'. Thy fortress. and • thy...ease.' ,.'„....00mpetition; ;explaining with sintie,.eriF.:Leave then, thy' foOlish. ranges;:,, . -.--,... harrassment--that •ho 'preferretir.carry- l• ' trar_none .ean- thee. :pedal's . Ing his 'muSic Nil:armed •irea newspaper • But !con'e. who never thangesee• s ap: Other bOys. Could, not kneW-Whak, it --s . Thy: igacti,. thy life; thy- ctire„:'.' •;:. . 'Truk . This at the very.-sarne time ' • • , --LHenry.' Vaughan. r's n,Sed to make if -a point when he prac- _ ' Wad in broad daylight to pull down Ole shades, close the shutters and turn Propagating Salmon Trout • on 'the lights; so other boye who were • A total of 40,000,00u salmon trout gassing Might not' discover Min in BO ar3_occuPation-es• -Playing the.pianot , • , ' Portuaately, through various The Rise of the Coll One hundred years ago men' ar. The PYgn,lieL of AndanilW shirts had the collars attached. one day it occurred to a man lilt e Hud- many of the Most deszierAte grindnat,c,,, toWn the eaSterrt hank pf solL'Alver that tin' is A white Via 'Andaman._ Iselend_e; t`,1;1141 Then in the middle of tbe BEiy of bet! Ing in there Is a Penal eettlemeto to whIell. • • tonic! -htiF !Ong - ‘steV 'then bp „replaced with a selean 'On Wife, :f3),'.8 ,Mr., Logan lvioPhert Human 24'94 •and- Human N Made collars for itini that at firet attached to the 'shirt by. means of Then she made collans that pitin nia4-070eliAt-atef-tit'abiltrtyllar 'thelliAnlig.alnont•-•11,43.10414nn#1.,04,10•47 cOh-fd. several tribes Of black "dwarfe O . His among the most prIniitive hunian'erea on in, tures on earth: They are net Much, '!Vants; more than fear feet in height, but thek--, were are perfectly formed, Mr; E. A. Salis-, taPe• bury, 'writing in Asia, has this to say' ed to about them: the hack of the neekbead and 'h ed front. They Wt -- that. she made others to sell t neighbors. , ,zeinTphioeyeind7wnotrporeneif:othrtesii.:40,P91taitpte of otlier.families;-.*IihWete glad • to 'inerease their ,incetnea. Not tent With , What be bad. slonk hes tobask. ton oethey fatorifTuui on ,Nfnd r_401.3\yclytll York gt ton,tnal3d4o.4tshoetatberarwc well as in the front was iktrodu and collars were made mire' dui pliesbeing ,manufactured of man lies of linen and cotton sttifened starch; buttonholes 'too Were dev that did. not tear readily. I3usiness organizations of Troy spe- , cialised in producing collars and cuffs. Pagern blockt ;an'd 'knives Cfere in- vented whereby piles opootton oriinen rriany,,.sheets thick L.:Geld be Cut with one, 'application of the knife' into col- %••• lars of a 'special design and a speGial size. Then machinery was invented for uSe in the various processes of cut - /MI Aboard ting and folding.: The .rnakIng- of 40- uttc'n- As We StePPed.ashore one Of thtier ssfu1' Women" --Caught . attentiOnrimni-edfT p , the ,Ett-r--.' e*r She 1184 Wh4t. appeared to be a. • huge white erne:Meal liaaging from eollar Onien 411:17L-Pliel• 'with stonfshthent. The orna- t•hul:.:M_Ienlito'witott.as'tgelirale4tul;ialionaMa,ln,,Tsticue , women • Itails 'of their dead hhtbandis s Were as loving sofivealra ",he explained,: .,s; • . • . ., • • .BOS : r - • 7. T4611 he said that . when anaandies the little :people blew on his feee `tP ,a5' say good -by, then bury him and deserk.. ;afebilds • ,er te.veral Months. they come back, w--leea. Melly they -holds a deneo. in hen- ' el::: the: camp in,.. th.ey are living. or al P the bones and Wash them in the . ,deacl naan plat it • with red Ochre and white. clay and give It and' the Jaw. bones to .the chief .mourners, .Whe •wear , on .fibre strings round their necks. • Another wornan•We.saw squattingon " th.O.grOund', appereatlY7exanalaing her. ••• child's ann. But. When we 'went for,. • ward to see her she was Making a row of little cuts around it; the boys body was Covered with :rewie•,:of.-Scars..„-The Andathanese believe that •every child: is bora with evil' spirits 'Within them; . -.rnonths the ns\°•_etIPveerryeutStIcfthoe6prkitnhrt't -eseape.,-,A,a"-tteresultethethedielrof-nit--- the men and women are 'covered. with.: ,•. . • At the :re'quest 'Of' our, forester. the. • ; • Andamarieee held . ,MOek „rnartirige.• Two 'Whe ha recently been Mari -led"... acted' as the bride and the"bridegroCm. There Was -a 'dance* then- l'hir:•Yoting Men, pretended .flee latn,•the jungle; Tne, other Men ran iafter hire. and . 'breughtThjm. beek, to where the bride.. s' wassitting:Oa the ground, surrounded'; . , .by the women. : .With loud shouts the-. • •nien-plamped,the._lad4lownIn the .girre .; lap; and all, men and, women •threw ; thernselv&4 on top Of the 'bride , 'and thebriclegregm, Weeping and , • - • —_ • ; . ,, the main buginese' of the town. Tra- rQjo late and cuffs and then, shirts became Robb of -AuChterl ---nuchtith his wife and six children, photograPhed on board thp Canadian Pacifle dltIon and associatIonled Young men liner "Metagama" at Glasgow en routef or Canada. Thisfamily party is proceeding to Braeside, Saskatcheivam • , ,and young women into the employ- . . Captain..Kidd's .'Buri 1-1' 1] .. The -Clock." _ the 'biopic .hat stepped. • The running wheels ' - The Patenting' of a grapplirig device' fit ' Out the • expedition, which, star the seconds up so small, seente an ..unromantic, transaction,' but ,i. shortly, 'hen the ,ice will have melted s 117htegliPduwillds*a3ring Pen.cluiiim; - " it hides : one of the most romantic: offthe river 'in 'the' bed. of .WhiCh the They do not move at 'a.lf. ' ; quests of Modern times. ' It means a treasure .is. believed to he. And one would think -,so still deep determined effort to locate' the, seeret, . .., ' Owes es' Will?: ., . The hush---Aliat,day had gene tatsleep • . , - . hiding place of Captain Kidd's bOried J This is not the first attempt which The slender hands ,that used to milli. : treasure of gold, which he hid 'snugly has ',been, Made in the locality AO re- ., Th el hours and minutes as, they sped s1 o7in00eLvhheere yiena!hebeSfoltreeepreots,v;tve;a.vin. cover &rift hidden _gold. ' .. ' . Severity Years_ago-!:-a-partr-e,f• iiietT L-. 1 tilki6ilelitsgse4rns-othfet-h1 eaPdeatt7...ini• '3' ' tured by a British frigate, immediate„ 'believed they' , led. located the • tiiwPt And:furtive 'secontis •tiptoe in,. 4 clYlip6ptetr"allned hwadealimraatelcidnga trhiCei-I.:Pdtaiainn elaborate plans , were made to recover I s;_•:.",...;• '-- ,...- * where.... chests 'Pad.. been sunk and - Then BeftlY tiPtee,hut again. and. crew Walk the plank. _ ' thera. The old wooden sloop in which Thirteen Psit ilyet ' The niagle,,bour ' . Thatthe buried gold exists is Cer- tain' enough. ' His "Song of the the party sailed. is ('stillilaid•-•-upL-in4a, -.Tha7T-devi liesthickest on the lawn, /3°Id I. small7sliliVard . close. by, having 'only And'ehadeiVs-Crouch. ben ea th the trees: ...Buceeneete----bas-beeri7li'aiidgd. down ,retirect from .serVice lip and; d ' As hiding from thedawn. ,;•.' .•'• . . - . - •for '..-gerierationS;----- ,. - . ....' • - ' s -ii "I'd ninety bars of gold as .I. sailed--„, eepscot 'River a few • year a ego. . When wakeningbirds'hegin to say.: • as, I sailed.; , ' ' 'Thit •Veaa4.ivas named the -"Glory," "What sliall• We breakfast on„to-day?” , and there is Still living:an old man of , :. . ,s '' " 1 :. -Victor Starbnalc:. -..rd ninetY , bars Of gold as I sailed! ninety-four who remembers the ex. It's ninety bare of gold . and dollars pedition and the 'exciterhent it created. ' ' ' manifold, -e.,e‘Tif4tileci.dohves uncontroll'd as • si -. 'Plane and Mans. :Meat, in •which -they obtained ,sp,ecial., tzadjskiltna ar now Made In nearly eyerYlown and tity. the United States, but Trey Continues to supply nearly all the 'collars worn by Men in other parts Of the' world. • He :says that the party spent many weeks investigating the • bed . of the rF.•er, but without success. The plans new possessed by •• Kinn- I3efore • the gallant Captain was ow, Ilowever,' that they, were work - tarried off at Execution Beck he eon- ing the wrong part of the river. Kidd's fessed that.his vast 'treasure of gold; plans are unusually clear, and el - wet still safely, hidden: Being teia though time has.temewhat altered the. by the 0rdinary-(et' Chaplain) that; bed of the river it is believed that the . • he should confess- Its location, ap.j precise. spot can. be located 'without Vain 'Kidd remained silent for, a few :much : difficulty. s, ' /moments and then, broke out; "But It is confidently expected that ka no! Let those find itthat have the vast store; of jewels and geld chillers secret!" Immediately' afterwards' he IVill also be kund,' as it :la _established .was hanged; , that Captain ' Kidd was unuSually Now there has come upon the scene, as diase- riv;t:iraa3rd;:sYlitdu° n:17 igueaStun at hiw,e- ho ie°81direni an} IdePhitauhscal reha; the eds theoi wnotpi°t hiCotf4hbnew9gotirstrtv,c'e'5‘wrInA. 81Hese il ikon:6171' eaGnsada'ti PI heYal:!de" 'fitted out at _Portitmciuth. He was suP- posed to. sail to Madagascar ta hunt Pirates, but when he arrived •there he turned pirate., Terror of the /leis. a is s tie hid : -* eggs has been collected during s,-thei the last season by theDepartment, of Marine and Fisherlea Lakelluron, by GeOrgian Bay and take SUpericir. For years ,he has been 'laboring. at grappling ',device, 'which he declares absolutely necessary to secure 'tho asure ,Of golden bars Whie lie. den beneath the ice in the bp of turbulent Sifeeinicot t' Said that, being liard pressed a pursning frigate Ca tal Kidd PolIticai. Orator , (fieroeli)=.s-"What • , • . .A • PiessIbla EXception..-- law of universal.application_and bene„. fir Wee not enacted by my party?' Auditor --,..!The law .of gravity'•nlight be -mentioned -perhaps." ' Aunt-",YonA'VfeterceEuinglthet:fi. •to eight nieely,. dear. But don',t.:....yotthilo* what COMei after eight?' , • „Zcilth-11"13edtline." His ,first -prize_twas-..the -"Qbedhad Merchant, -"-whose' crew- he '-mur dekcd ' In this ship he sailed the seas as. a Monett; at work, music hat been exalt,' n his black irate s 'craft tip „the. ," lected immense boot3,',.',„ In 'one, Year it . pirate "of 'great renOwn,''' and col - The c011eeting•afid hatching Of. these river and surp5, his •bars "in ih,E, bo.o, of , , ed. InAlie. eyes of. males these,last few• - • • • . , egg,s is conservation in the ' highest is computed he looted 180 rich Alias. Years, and to -day, for a man or boy to ,['n,o.' . , ... . . n f tl t ' th ' ' le, erni, as t ea ' e r m, Intending to r tu n, ,and He was finally •hunted. down b.f., th'3 men and ••boy s who study the' piano, ..1 eididi:ri° b. " 1 a . m the comniercial catch of ' fish f • • . ' . . • s• . Eil are obtain- tile s r The secret o he hiding plate was, t escort. ,., His trial- m London treated 'tpllow music, is a mark of distinction! - Be ° Collett them. He vvasicheated by:Fate. King'S shiPs. and sent . home', under tole voc.al, lessons Qi rdnow :any of the a f t eY were lot seVe e'euld 'go confided tO7his .11 -eaten -ant. 13-4eY, an immense Sensation and large sums io.oge:r. go I ;lite the offal barrels and, be a tetal 311 'musical." instrurneriti, One ,Jererniah Trash, a teugh old 'sea% of looney paiA for seats in N'onnd,,,r_Hieeling •that they.are "effenaia-1`m °Assintsenange-:i3t-tliti-JialierieS Of„ the_ '°f()gl:hwil. li-hadt -In ar as. reproduction and._ the „, titinieil,„en-boarci one COUrt...../Ii7defeilded-hiniselt-withqiiiit- ,ittOT-or sissifieci;"' but rather do th - ' • .0 ,,:t oe• mg s 4.'f' ships; %ileSeried,', ' and: ity.:" '. - ' ' • • • ' ,:;..Vor .fcmg he •hail ,a -passion • for ac cumulating jet:cols, cosily watches, and, entiff-boxes. That he .had A 'ehest• ful of these here can ' be no 'doubt, and there:is also strong evidence that .they vanished just before his 'Capture , l•feet 'that -iiiiitadyiag=riursie'theY- ars .,• - ,,,addingteath,eir refinennen ban d ;Making themselves Stronger ; and nobler . citL- ens.• Greats -Lakes '114 'eteiterriett.'s The fetal' , . . ,nilmber I:obtained.peoinparea.,,faitrably with•the'aVerage :cellections of 'recent years And issuilleient to 'fill all , the' . • *hatcheries on ..the Great 14a:ices en - Worldly 'wise is but half 'witted at glig.9(1 .the. PrePagation.,Of :salinon highest praise. _ . trent: taken service witlt Kidd. ; Financing a Dream. . Captain Moses 'King, "ninety, yeats young," at he describes 'himself; is a great-grandson of Ti ash He claim's to have in his possession the original maps s: and plans made by Kidd and handed to his lieutenant ..King vas bred .and born at WiscaSSet, on ,the river, and came aeross' the plans some time age,;althoUgh it had always been' a tradition in the family that Iiidd's •the BritiSh as Government, "Property The ;Search for, the booty. ef the nOtorraus , pirate -has °Ilrbilkd great interest throughout. Ameri6a., If it is found an interesting % point arises, - rta ii),Nytkether it Could not beelaitned b .:8ttioaraedklara 1:.(114,wrtSpiii6Nyeeiceii"I'iisforit.;eitill64iidn+,t0Tf.ie,p,iorn4):...u7t,if.,9,nr:f.0?...t4.9.4:ict:1),.,thol,Cr.axvil-b.-Y.- bureati, he found the Papers in tt,Be-, .— -.. .'irs4-', — ''' eret drawer. From thia it would ap- , 0 Fair Offer.' pear that the 'geld bars are concealed ' : An En gl is h in a n who ma s.„4.1„Veti,•to iir.,1We'Vast's.:ciloto sunk ,doep,:in 'the draiiing the tong ben, told at a dinner bed: ofthe s,ctrearn. • ` ' ••. ona-day. a thrilling tale , of, a 1.1ger . os- , ' How Ring got funds , to ,,,begi a ,..his alifelt _Measured • thirty, -feet In -length, Searchsnfreshs and got ,',htv'grapplirig. and. Whieh•ber,alone and-7unalclod, had ntikitattia patented, is in Itself a 1.,orn- 'caused to depart thisl' ' . . -,•-;-,..„1„74;„:-•,------y,.------s'.---1. -AmengAlie-gileitS'Wet a. Wel:shins% ' - A hanker living in the • neighbor-. who liateried, apparently unimpressed', hood Of the honie, 61 old man 1(irig • te this narrative of adventure. • • filets him at dinner one night. , The 1"Heard ony:c;f. ye over of a :skate; financier ' began to s(4ieak Of drearna; catight„ off,,, the' (Gast Cif:, 'Witle"K"that :erift meUtibried .tliat he had /did a naost .COVered twe-aCres when.: it Wee. Spread • ‘.1iPC•il1iar ,One •Conderning,1114.fiSiiiilk'nli ,en dey„Ittad?''...be inquired; In a 'clear, from the tiVaks Of 4hig' iren-eloriped innocent ;voice a' mtiment later. , - • ' • 4._ :, i 4 hox, centaieing 'oars' Of gold. • " •Tlid hero of the tig•er. tale fluSlied .• Ring_ grow quito excited and - told and !nettedittlelt offcmded,. And elle of' the banker that he \vas merely "8e4,.• Iti.s- friends glared across the tahlo at Mg in adVanCe,:" for, lie added, ,"if . I the guileless' 1Velshinan. , had the fund s those eb'eStS of gold" ' "Pe"You nibnn CP tnSnit InY'lliOnar . ,. • . 'WOild 840n be a reality-," . :: , • . no demanded, The banker Was latereated eXamia- "NO,• that I clon!t." 'said the Welsh- . ,„ t „ , 4 pi4o • Potitopa Phetograph 61tOWS 11/1', II" (1, 111)1111'64 hfinter, Bannoelcharit i. \ s ' ' ' 4 . Alberta, is fast eeenling a eader Iii, the prodtroffou of saddle lierges aint2•1a81",/1`.4i,o ..in..4).:to,80d. wio..1 1,..i.ing,.1; de.- ta.ko ton ..foot from his tiger, i vv.jii do plans; became enttiusiliatid, and -than, ammulY, 'but •If he, inclines to Wtillier •of .the tic/Cleo eharnpferiodp,•:at, tee. ..'hectittoptot -8:Deree Verse 13110N,V, i end, e gave a large Stint of Money. te, Ment to lain." . 't, CO If°, gappr.in,g, the c iebt.:„. in thp inc but \-a,h the fish, out of eeniplt- L No Use'1s1tOi D, . your; go to, school, Tominyl" , SMall Bey -"What's the uset .can't rea.d, I, can't write, and I can't -draw; so I don't 'go." _ Fault-FindingIne. -fitiman and fallibleWorld.there 15 .always s'oniething , the ..inatter,. and Martel aitalia,-largeOr.little,, are for-, . ever :crying sittljtistment and -repair.r.--Ins--:.One''spart7Or.„-atiether the -taaellinerY et.. civilization collapses, and • those- who bring . experience' te' hear are aumMened. what -they can„ --even. though,afterbrief trip', the cery„,sibei: who -incited. thein'may- Send. them aWay,,-• NatiOns.and•,hoeset helds,41Msin.ess•• cOrporations and s•in- difiduals' repeatedly invoke the aid of the wise who • are able t.4;; t11' them *hat is the Matter and inatall a better • , :Yet the, nein& of fault4inder ,gen- erally conveys a 'reproachful iniplies.- tion. It'stiggeati the ra.labed,••shieW- lah. temper, 02 000 always looking for tremble, '-It'seenia.to mean•e. 9/' ,nagging that brings. misery .by. its ,in- cessent quern:Iona Menifeetation. • But this .1a,;the lesser. and negative • phase of every tensorship.•:, Correction bY no meane implies„a- personal, atti- tude :of. antipatt3r. On the centiarY, it often: is;the manifestation 'ii,;pro- found 'affecticin, SG devoted to, ,the ob- ject that "'cannot bear to see that ob- ject ,appearing at it disadvantage.. . ; Geed, advice is not inereiy,the Clop. WO like to take,. virldch..._givett•sue.. the aisurance that WP,.,ares.deing ex-. aCtly. tight' We should bp as grateful when.; we are told that we ire, entirely 47:73.egn.. edeaburaleoeefl.vh*, eann I wtY0, reproved, letting the ,hurt We feel, be larger than the help that was given us, it we. Woulit receive it A foellah hypersensitiveness, even beyond Per- lazineris, -la the:chief 'obstacle: to'•self-improvement... "Faithful are ,the wounds Of a •frfend'',-and it is a grievous...trier to assume that "those who loveusare these who find in us no' fault. • ' • • The sense of•humor isthe One sense that grows, stronger -with-advancing ' years. -Dr. 'Ethel Smyth —AND' THE WORSTISNETTO,COME:. 1116; t!gti BAicrA )10 00 wAsHitig. -14ACH lige ,ekto,s(49,ii tict, tiActi SE'grzg•D° Dalt/ *PIO f•1•1 • . • 1 .n Standing near the marriage ball was girl whose• -body wascovered with long zigzag designs in white. She re- fused to *enter into the fun. The for- ester explained that she was a de- butante, ,and'that•natirriage ,Wat much too 'important for her to enter into. Sport about it She had but lately re- ceivedher "hewer name." . . Every pygmy ,girl must,be called at ter a flowerwhen she reaches womanhoode She „passes through an elabor- ate,threclay ceremony :to receive the name, and during that time she is al- lowed neither to eat nor to sleep. At the end of.it a name is chosen for her after one of the jungle trees or plants • In , blooin; it shows that the girl her self. has bloomed into, womanhood,. Henceforth she Is never known by her childhod name. , s But 'perhaps the 'Strangest , thing about the pygmy nomads is that they.. keow,.00 way ,,of making fire.. Each familY;hae a fire of their own; which • they always keep golng When they . travel theycarrythe fire with them;' they think it is a gift from the gods and- that if it Is once extinguished they may'never relight it. .The Little Blue Books. The Fecleral.13epartment has issued new editions of "The Little Blue BookNo s.." s . 3 --How to Take Care _of the • s Baby. 4 -How to " Take Care of the Mother. 5 -How to -Take Care of the 6-7-HoW to Take Care of th Father and the, FamiLy— r-,Elegiiiing a• Home in, Canada: ., to., Btilld, the Crinadlit HHHOoniwousc:iol'.C,•.aadlan 10 -How to Make Outpost, Horne* • in Canada. • -'- 11.--How to .Aveld AeCidents and First Aid ' :12Cariadians' Need Milk. 13L -How \ye,. Cook in Canada..., 14--I1ow to Manage Housewerk in Canada. . ••• 15 ---How • to Ttke Cars ef,. HeUsei. "7- EOM 16-4lons,ebolti Cost Accounting in. If yeoualiaa'doaUld 1ik COpies•Of Ahes4 ooks; Write to:Yederalss:Departit;'-et ealth OttaWei, and: mention this ewspaper. In your reenest. Letters': riottilleata•tiet;uasignoev4rnerneettri.1:0dt.etcopti,r8timai_ueri: but Yetl• 1,•eldpe. • 'on ed -en • •,- Useful Trunk. came, back fromthe circus' ; much eicited. ' ' 11.111.1401aj het_ crie'd as 6000 03 ' „he got in the lioasio; 'Mary Some unts,,, and what do you, stiPpoito the elephant:aid? He picked them all up.with his s'aeuttni Worna&s' Minute., Barker--"Arhy does a Wernan , ways keep a Man \vatting so len*. itf. (or she 'says Shell be ready 111,,h, ute?" ' ' • I liaritor.-"Ileeausevshe piekti 'Oilt a Minute which 13 about half...ea.-11one , • away,"