HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-08, Page 4•
freshasessi and flavor:
Shopman--oYou may have your cheice-•penny plain: or twrepeneeeee,heeetheeee eeeneren-40- h. thee '
..ti*;.mhe *la la eenhatighir
Wee buddy he emil Andra
Nruel.",hatehbeen glpd to. .See him sae
.604 _
tetrnedinquiringly on their handmaid,: 1MrY;Meal
; The . Oefi: of ' the ot•ietardfnee :weseh:
It seemed a strange reason tore 41 joy on
.hhi heni
"Weel," his,-•wideve ehiPleined; e cOniecumi you eau boy
DrAgEV • e
an4ig,:fh '
the part of the late Andrew 'Cosh. irs e longest -lasting
0.1einhihSthalleenhreye•n 1 n, / a ling,-,hott-er,.14:41areger-, .6t'..3-#-.tnte.:•.-17,
...a,o.y.:-. . ,4gArt.,5a40--,:,,..;litbrary*-.-17011.0411kille-•;t4, eeee-he
lake • lort' 'black nnestacheyse,bot lie
-GOPYrinitf-br'67e-Otfiai . e Oran Co. ' - . , ..
pirturi! and heeerenldna own that they
''.*.o.i..' CHAPTER I: , • - krIee.'tradero' on the fable turn -eon • tip, at., An mind '• h 'richt. When
• • e • • .. . • wte Onething but mceserable to look
t washis raft, as serious t saw the lercIrrilS:..1771..GeOr'e, 1. .said
aftIte::$0,0i tee: ,4i)t.. i7. Prio,rsfOr.d:fou.re:'0i6-401* 4 tha
to xib,,,r, j says; fAndza, wie. rieht,' I
ato..rie*1101* 45„ nOrOir soic114: bunt* - thirtyby the elaek an a ehill•Qet°berffeuf4. Th'Iarthisz4ha4 billtgihnag4 bpriluonlohriP' 11UvlYd''eayse,.. .she lifted '.ep.„,-the tritY end
The hills. eiheling the. little -town and silver, iYur)o'i. and anh''a and pea-‘ prepared to depart. ' 4-sirl, bell: no'.
were shrOuded. with Mist: . The wide c°qIC-s' ..Wit -4 911e 4r01 he clutched t1'.. b
.4i,viod'. thehteeen proper --the rilgh. AO*, YOU re on the deOgeoTOW.Seae hle man t -tin
,,_liee'et7i,legrieliy! let7.i7n!ab .,dtio; ”L*ih.-1-Ble.,an,„ .nlibobl7tic},:31,4eri.
bridge that. 'pal;t4jd ;•••the Tweed . and ;'eat otino asllured that anwiliiii&evo.Yh
•.kate;.. the :Neithergatee the Eastgate- me old,' Puae;'" You 'don't Want tO7get.I - '"..IYYti •. think," Said Miler in a
from the iesideratial part, was almost *dreiwileciSedg.'.Y0P?7 .The ciEtv:gtru:ggied pleasantly interested. ,.voice. "that Mr,
edesertede, On '. the left • bank o of the 1149' ---scraT.414". .. '.1171.r -en. goeete • •Yenre M.`Ccisn• is •be •Heaireri?" (Mier -never'
river, pew waiver loomed ..gbostiy, ill • doom. . . ... , •.., o I let oslip:an oopportunity for theologica
.the gathering deele. Round. its gree: : He 'clained.:his• hen& behind' him' "I • wouldn't •Care. much
Wane, still shied 'weeda of larch.. and in a Napoleonic - Manner and, ostood to go to **Yen myself, ' for all thy
.fir,and in :front the links • of ,Tweecr-glOomilY watching .the unembarrassedirierids are in" -he stopped and cast1.
. " •
'Bayed thrnagi; pleasantgreen pas.. progress Of •the cat across the, carpet,: a cautious „glance at Jean . and, jiidg-
OPNG=AKEADTQR THE. -.green leaves and blue flower's, the cur -1 tures.
. . . ,
Where Once ladies on. Pal.' While Peter Qt. fox -terrier; and the ing by her expression 014 dis; Cretion
- .
CHILDREN. '. 4 tale.14. Weald natartillY. be • bine, the freye 12'Clit hung with belle hunted With wickedest dog in rrinrsford) crushed, was the better Part Of yatei,and in
One acre of our farm has been set.'Paine as the flowers. A little blue their cavaliers there now stood the ,against hislegs th• show how faithful spite of an encouraging twinkle in * , the..
*aide, for the. children. Our hey' ii gingham would be; perfect.. And if neat little. dwellings' Of prellerous' he was compared to any 'kind of cat. eyes Of Jack, finished' denturelYeh"the
fear anede0r,gir,I.S.twe, We planted inside Curtains of thinner niateriel.ara' decent folk; and where the gond King ";.: "Haven't you finished eating yet, Other Plane•". ' e - • e . WAIeL PAPER REPAIRS,.
. .
twenty frit trees On. a recent holiday 1.15V4:11 these condd. be a. simple, plain,' James wrote his rhYanes, and listened: Jack?" jean asked. "Here is Mrs. :.."litniv, Ilaw," langlted Jectiewho WaS
mmaiotret:,,40,4, st,..tiei .1.4.4;."4: it .wi,th ao. etareoweeatting e4g.o. usually gin's Chapel„:the Parish- Kirk reared; The eillY; Servant The Rigs Possess; atitieo,' 9'm eeTTY fur 'Yew friendaP 'ed be :"ter ta. Put aWaY 4 i'ly'sPig•e-e4 qf
•,-, teeeshadie '14, hearing * . the backgreund color .of the paper. ...l.f.,
te4;for,,14 sieein orchard. these ghees•euefaine follow the tong. of
'edPterPlYiPresbYtef ripen stee. ehole.,' .No eel, was a middle-aged : woman the old chap. • De 'I know them'?" - . . the various kinds.of papers used. You
. . .any e, " ' '•(.„a; a, "Well," • said Mhoei "there's Na-
'. consistently .aniu.sed by' Ming and his . 'Eaeli time a. roOrrhia fresi-dy paper.
ttei,1•:::ettathetil:ii !oxfceedimarnifY. Mile
be the singing Of Maes frene the Vir- lid`C,osh, for Ilie tea -things.",
ee.,., _.eins;aliont fiv.e.of• pada Variety: 'clear whit.e voile. Or . scrim, poselhly
leaner' telling of the Conning . of, our Clyde riveter, who hScl. drifted'. froth oPulean and Dick Turpin 444. Grallanr usefulin
, ,,..lreitri;at*Idelrtime,.oir44.win that Is *Arm and -creamy, then keep' .
troublesome. 'neighbors. Tele,: her native city Of: Glasgow to Priors- of Claverhouse and Prince Charl-i-e that have been left, ;from contact with
evetr.i4.4,the.,gir' I fiee.,.. The cher_ the curtains similar--quiteereamyhifigraph Wires now carried the matter, !ford.: She had a sweet, worn 'face,
' ..*4;Other Varieties will of yellowish, then use a -more Yellowish'. and .aelarge bus met them • at the and a .neat cap with a .black velvet an Pdlior'YOlehe talithig' too' much," ,:eoji ed 1.1aricia, :brohni...liandles or chliir
eeeMe'rdnrigo`litter. We: Plan- to .tone.. • If the. baCkground ;is white, a trains and conveyed • them to . that bow in front. - • . • ! • . . • said David, who ' was jetting , &ten b • ts. • ,
01.4. upkv;.4n#4...0.04.0 or, the trees .white certain is used. oo. „ . flamboyant pile in. red stone, with its! Jock rose from the table 'reluctant- fiffurea in a-onahtfb.:).;:n/C-- ....'''' ) e gently with clean art. gum, erasing as
To ,remeVe.the offending, spots, nib
'oure1veg.,..,toiljt iAtijor 46,,,bider, :ma Many Of'theae.simPlen glass curtain'glorious views, its .medicinal baths,: IY, and %Vie at 'once hailed • by •the . (1:' v.
and. it . band -enlivened meals, known, bacir and oinvited �n to the raft.. --. ............„....,,,....:. ..,, much Of' the stain as possible without
allow.4,he-..rhilfdreir...to. Market the fruit Inaterials may be used to brighten '
as• .Priorsford lletdrepithie lo eJeckehesitated blithe Was' the soul , dem,: ging ',the telture of : the. „paper.
'nii*:_nvien'iti=0fit ''wes-nre *thin, 11';34n II 'the -add -41°n '`onf'-'-tinYo ban4 ' As -I have said, it.hvas teaethne tn Of geod nature.. •Hinell, only for* five ' Ueda* this preeeSa will rub the color
AVCI4.ithedg4H: thge litee9avii;ri: t4).clomatlitelilikethetireaPtinerel illieTtesf7cdhoe'is ba'' O.' .. 8Ica' iled, 4nd-tile 'senS te-nighte'' ' '. ' ' ''':- : ''" . ' V out of., thee .desigre .bUt• this is net
.!•4:efolei-orthilieter4n7wif angeedh.e, 0'.0inareleklentearenlietd. ' , • . ., triainutes,:reniember., . I've .a. lot of les.-.
atour' gate, Whiell is ..ari: . the ..Publie bleached . cotton„.crossway . bands in children; finding. in-tlie. weather little; Ile sit down. on .the •,uptu..rued_jahle ' ' •• ,,,,..r i/peo ,,,1041111:1af;,...fis. if nitti! 14e ,ea,sily . end
14„.e.-- :, • . - ' • • .- .he cretonne*, sateeneor_holored cotton are-ericOuragement te.,lingetraiacil.7gon ee-toeshistlegri...htfirililing °ch.:the-carpets:ankle- ' *Mee, to ed hy• ' the waterecolee
We are o„Settirigoout-berry planta- -Oftell-YerYhPrettY' and effective: 'Espee.theiihh---6thoTriThe little houses hummed '"Tom Bowling," but :. the. . thee ,•* gir,
*small, fine Camel's-hair brus u ,
phecees. '7 -To . do this Merely Moiaten a
„ era:, onethe border of our place. eiallY is , Oak true in the bedrooms. by the riverside brown .teapots Steed, hdhor leaned. from his poet es.siteers-'
These4iII be bearing'and b Where bed .covers' may: be Made to .
,.„ . . soon, can 0 , . on the eche, and rosy -faced women rut**, azi, And, said gravely, "Don't dangle ° eh. bread and 'buttered scones, and••••slape; your . legs, Jock; there •are ' sharks in .•• ' ,
'h$'::::th.e'#i"i14refr Td* they are thattit, ' Cheesecloth is likewise a sen'o •ped. theirchildrenWith a 'fine. ieripar-1 these . waters." ' SO :Joek obediently
0 :, . -e ' oo 2,,,, . , : ... • • . - .sitive•and.fascinating material, to tiiility; whileln the 'big houses on the crumpled his legs until. his chin. iested
. ":-,..the *op NIS eight heneewbtch ----4na- a ,dipping in the eiyepot. Will Hill, servant's, weileiJig delicately, laid oil his :knees. .. • , , ,„ •
e, helped to hatch in the'springe .)-See Make it any color you Wish... The light out .7 tempting , ' tea -tables,. and-:'.1,1tet Mrs. ' M'Cosh piled the tea,thinge, on
keepz a 'separate coop filters, through it very. nicely, and it eOlacing smell.ofehot toast filled the ae tray andfolded: the cloth. '.'.. "Ay,
_. eedS"-and-ihaterahtheiihregularly. is evehy pretty for 'almost any. rootair-' . l'-"•'.' • ' • ,.."., .. : - .' .IPeter," She said, catching, sight . of
- Wo''';',Iieligite that when the children ht• the house. ,- , . " . 'Moat. .Of • the smaller houses ..,.in that :Aotorions. character, ,`Ye ', leek
Illtlerenn: 6141. Willhbe healthful' '' • Texture needs a Word. Some ma-. Priorsfard were 'henY much of . one .real good, -but, I wis hearire „ye, were.
pattern .and all , fairly. recently • birilt,lefterthe Sheep . ' again the ,clay-" • - -
• • • , • . . . .
XiF..:'16-141.tieni-'hi the summer "iaea_ tenets are rough, Some are smooth. but there. was one old house, an • odd,' -Peter turned 'away his head al if
k:' right. at . 'benne, and they ;will :If your 'Wall ,neller is • very Smoo , - o
1.7,6',:.a.'. Measure of responsibility. The is bc.St,..to- avoid using • a' coarse tex-
ISalreidy -trend' �f his.. part 'Own- titre he rough -feeling material, at :the.: .
shap the trees, and in time they window. : If ' the paper • or wall •
ZW4-=',SW-elf their •savings -account rither'rough;::-then avOid. the ,sni6oth-:
Or college from the sale of the fruit. finished material. • These -are small- •
ey,,Wi:lt."...be managing, under ,ditee. pointee but ,they. :often' 'make' a .:great
tio, differenceiwthewaererreoliihfe,eln :t.0
,'.03r•:wiW..1De kept briey: • Soler ..PTiiii:-.3'Othe'h•Theemininthee-Ofhtehituree iezi‘ilt:e-v'
found that when nip chIltfreivitre'kept hhving. thi.e. people: 'Centradictiig • you
tiaye and:, intekested,' .automatically at the senie:rnement-every diettirbing.
they are good. -C. •J'., . • ' .' ' , j• ...
".... -
' initS .,
. Pprit)i '-
1 ilit-'17i6i:11"
if, illiESItti W.I.NG
It only a tiny -touch of bright
colors to setea roomeoff, and the first
thing Jarow, 'instead of a dreary,
estupid, rather iiresome feeling place,
we have a bright, cheerful, attractive
room, The 'curtains and' draperies af-
ford a chance to indulge in livelier
color than we can use in the. wall
I paper, rugs; or upholstery..
They need not hi -expensive: There
ate ,itziaperrable.materials with which
• 'we nisi, get the prettiest of effects '
• without paying an tnorramis sum of
First of *11, you looked over
the ghighams and Chambrays in your
local dry -goods store? , Have you hon- •
sidered the `possiliilities of the voiles;
or cheesecloth; or dress muslins, and
unbleached cotton cloth? Every one- of
these materials offers an almost um-
' I.imited -opportunity for pretty- and in- •
expensive curtains, with the addition., 4,242..e.Here is a n d • g
of a little ingenuity and a little taste. version of the Rompere7st;ine, wi'illtehasolente'eld ake);leut epring andhin sum- 'sure:- It -was- nerni- e Jeare-trying to- may nvish-for--Will be regarded d USE YOU_R
Then,there are the pretty and him_ standing pocket sections and neer blazed in a sweet disordtr of o'd-' hurry the., work forward by offering served and recommended to graastef 13-1 SPAli -E-Tihit OR
mbrey, fashioned
:to do some task. M. m,Cosh.,eimpie, France, who has 'receive,i • two sonsuALL YOUR TIME
This little hohse was called' The' stood' beeicie her and ...conversed until back, from the Jaws of death " said the •
Pensive cretonnes- and chintzee. • The able sleeve.
darker ones ,for dining and living- khaki, linen and cretonne are good Rigs. I the job was done. Jean never 'knew general. e-Ar4D PUT
,,-troonnnia.ms, thine lithghter ones _fer.'„the :bee_ „ for this* _ design., was a queer little', house, -and:a whether to laugh or be cross 'but she eiae. et -raptly asked that a h• i'lloney-teit" Your Stockin
e more expensive ma- The Pattern is *
BOY. 94 GMT:4. • '
:04.2•Nheker hhefet4E6.- Evezwere -ewe-eve< e
oehheenehne.egeseseetenee *heee eeeektreag'
7 The geed 'health of the King is ,partially explained bythe alitive photo-
graph His ‘‘3.1aie..ety out for his regular morning ride ie.:Windsor
Park. The first generation travels at a sedate pace but at tile- same time '
Manages to stay on,
eas is found in •toy, paint boxes -and
apply in turn to the desired colors in
the lefteover paper h Deftly paint over
the rubbed -out design, supplying With
the brush the proper tone and, form.
To. avoid smeara .and eunning colors;
'cleanse the brush each titne before at-
tempting to apply .a different color
. or tone. ,Use the Water. sparingly.
•This restoration teethed has been
' succeSsfully by an experienced deeer-.
FETE 114
Greek Orthodox Chtirch Cele.
rates-"Witer's Hai Day"
With Great Ceremonial.
Toward the end' , of janeery the
Greek, catholic or orthodox' church in
.Bucharest celebretee "water's hely,.
day." This is one of- the greatest
-"festi-v#.zday.of. ;347- c hut:411,-4-1a--
de-iried !to the remeinbrance ., of --the ,.
day` when, "Clieiethwerit down tohthee--
Riven Jordan' to be. baptized by Jehn,
the iiaptiet, lIanne Sono,: ;
In all 'orthodox counteiese as , in.
Russia, .Greece, Serbien Bihgatia,,
Armenia and Runiania,-. the day ' is
celebrated' With great splendor. The
running , water, wells, rivulets,
streams and Jakes„ is hallowed on •
water's day and possesses at that
time a iniraculOus power.
mciti go out Anat morning, to hays.
ice cold water from the Pump in the
'yard 'run .over their; head and bodies
• soethat they may be protected against
all' sickhess during the year. Every- ,
• where precession; are. held by: the
clergy,' followed. by the, town' linthoie -
ities; soldiers and the people. The
Procession goes to the nearest river. ,
•There a golden crosii, is thrown Bite
the water by the highest clergyman.
Two'en of the o.peeple jump into
the ice.cold water 19 .get the cross but
again. Since the winters! are ex-
tremely Cold in Russia and Rumania,
a hole .must be made in the ide. for
this ceremony, In Russia a soldier :
used to :he Ordered to dive f r 'the "
cross.. In Rumania, however, it is
usually a. peasant who offers himself
for this, Service in .the hope of a big
. reward. •
Platureaque Precession.
, .
The , bigger the town is the tnore°
splendid is this .1.n:occasion. In Bu-
charest, where ahe' eituated the king'S. '
residence and the lierries of the high:.
'est Roumanian clergy,' thee•prOceSsione
ris particularly -brilliant. ' The. train
'goes from the king's paleee, through
Lietens to Fiction Now. ee„,:h. •.istor ieereficivatingo glee wall papers.
, Old Frienti'D6 yell read 'fiction at i'
night like YOnizseihta do?''.. •ConSlderatlon
. wants
husband to listen- to noW
you kevery even-. •
Wife --"NO, net at all: ,1 1. have my who .
scmeUung to eat
ing, irOw.". ••
"Giye him some tiread and Ceffee,
oto • '
• . •
The In. eeper of. th Rhne .
. . : . . i, .. i ' ”He seemste have'•epen better ca:v5,
•hAcreSs .. the Rhinee-a eciinpany•:, Of mum." .., ' .."' : • ' :-, ' • . '
Feeneh,engineers' were blind/11ga poii• "That so?, .Then gi've hini shaepkin;
Mon. bridge to loin their- restored pro- tee
, .... ". 1
vince' of Alsace with the Gehmen land
'citi •the.othet side: which France holds '
. , .
as a .defensive bridgeheade One Of the , CREAM
pontoons gave be. larch, and .in a .'inc-
rnent •• two .keentho ;engineers-. were. in ;
the stream. Away the Swift' current .
:swept them as if to .ce5iin death.
.:Tn.t below them on the bank stood ;o
' Max Fladt,, the innkeeper of Kehl -one 1
We want o YOUR' Cream. We pay,
higheet price. We supply - cans
Make daily . returns. To obtain
beet results write now for cens to
'theRhine, ,opposite Strasbourg. . The
two men Were enemies of his country,1
and be knew • that seven' Germans' had
recently been 'coademnedto death for .
damaging krentli property and .were .
even then in prison at Mayenee. Never.;
thele -ss; flinging , off- his coat he
the main street, theCalea NictOriei,
• •
down to Slater church and thence to
the: Pambohita river. • ,
At the head of the procession'yalk -
two priests with the, golden' cross. The
tnetropolitsm-primas follow with the -
leg, other „mem .ers of tlie ley a
•house and foreign prances. Next ,comes
the ,entire retinue of. the king,. the
ministers and foreign amb,assadors,
. b
the city authorities and high army
officers. ;'• , • . • -
• After the church ,ceremony is over,
the king views a parade of his sol-
diers. In 'former 'times, before King .
- ,
Carol became sovereign of Roumania,
the princes, called voyvods or boyars,
and their wives -appeared at the pro-
cession in. their exquisitely beautiful
national costumes • on special two -
wheeled carriages pulled by two; four *
-or six horses, Recording to the rank
of the owner. That was a colorful •
sight. • ,
Though ,the „modern water's day
procession -lacks this: particular trait
the _procession is still 'very- pictur-
Blown Sails.
.The clouds before the nprther scud
Across the wintry sky,
Like sails in ribbons blown away
Frorn all the ships gone by --
The ships that labored' in the rind ,
And wallowed in the foam.
-And- lonietimeSnever saw again- -
The harbor lights of home.
little rough stone cottage, Standing deeply shocked at the accusation, and plunged into the river. A. strong man ,
at the end of 'a row of irillas, its back' Mrs. NI`Cosh, with the tea -cloth over -and an experhswimmer, he caught the
turned to its 'parvenu- neighbors, its ; her arm, regarded himh - they indultwo. Frenchmen as. e-7 Were passing
eyes lifted to the hills. A' flagged; gent smile. She had infinite tolerance * him and brought *them safe to the
path led up to the front door through for. Peter's short -comings. shore ' , or so ,Ic.ter Max
received: .a
a herbaceous border, which now only h "Peter was kirma late last night,", A dee
held a few chrysanthemums and she wouldsaY, as if referring to an
vl.sit from the -French general in com-
nichaelmas daisies (Perdita would erring husband, "an'. I jun* t sat up.; , .
Beef on'. Farm
Nothing pays better when properly
'managed,- 'Send for oiif. catalogue
of beekeepershatipplies.h..Expert ad-
vice freely given. ,
Ruddy Manafactering. Co., Ltd. '
• Branteerd. • . - - Ont.
have, scorted them. as flowers for the for him." • ,She hach also infinite lei- • • 7 •. . Pneiiclie1You. CAN
M 0 tf E Y
S LS only o • ' , g
cutin 0 Sizes; 2 queerlittle faily, lived in it. Jardine generally, laughed.' •• . ' '. .,,e' c ' .h: "' - *
: teriels, there are the. 4:dn.:silks and 3,o4, 5 and, 6 years. A 4 -year size re: was ,theirsnamee and they .settogether • Once when the house ii'...i been up- ' It4OrteY in Your Purse! '
rewara the lives of hie fellow. couatry-
men, ,i g in prisop. at 3layenceunder ' ah• . ' '
_ - .6 : _ _ _ _ _ ........______ _-_..... -_,....-___, inc contriSting, inaterial.
-if: e_veneiliged thilere Y t ey all, talked 'ato 'in rpten,rean handhrung the :heeresentence-ot.,deathLiaight•he sPareci'..,1, ' , '. ''"ifneY in the Bank l
one,, e loudeat yoice :Prevailed,' eeatedly, and, retehring: no answer' '' Tolle .ieneral red til;a'tthliceh mild : ''•k,`47.:e?curer•AtOtethr:feVeletisalel:ausr:eerefin•e''
.' the sunfeststhe „ethees'elours.,....andevelvet.se-ciairee-24-yeedshof-38_inehetnafeeideeinetbehreliyin -room on this Oetoberh s -eh by illneseeae rained nurseswere
.g.-- 11 h
But secret of making the, room To .trim as. illusthated- '
will requite.
ma re to any lid .. , but to -night -was_ noteso -much had g ' the hi h ' ' " ' ' ' • '
one ay e - th e,r, There she mehre :theewishre,klgven ;
bright and atteactihe. „71eii in. getting, yard of 36-* ' 1' pwroper;ee., l'it'e ,rQ;'s afq/Intalli"`', '
e th . right color and the right. texture:4 • Pattern :: 1: hil - ' - - - hhhhh ' . ' . -
The'Color Iiltigt 'match the wall paper, receipt of 15c In 'silver by 'th ' Wnon eompetetion; e and ,, Jean ' frequently ' found th-e Mhoh '' th n eevery' striall• etherter, • and 'then he*::14M.velf . iietild .: Any -;.-&diz.:;i aZilhhOcegr=itztVeqvileesiih
e I seri, found .hereelf-holding the floon alone.' bo -e seated „on, Chair' playing. e,:gleeolt his.earteet eueporte in :the atia-e;i:,nstIpte:°1:Bareeisi,-Erliiyie:11,4- mgefi..,P.suiIthhi.,tessi.$7,3,h
I,olie..a,,littleSt&ngere.serai.th. separateepnblishing.,Coo,h,7.3eW s'hAdelnaide'St.4'h•'VeihdhliiilFPhahIiii:g 7";414iiti .'„Iijiii:..4'.'iitejlithAprkat;'.",t0iit;e' 311-':i141` COA41 ;116' etitude*ro''°f•tli'e..`45.P" menen-the 'or-nenC.- ...=
the winctesi tient the Wall a littlehand Torente. Alle.w; two .reveeks :far receipt wooden box, was the . re -on for the; skirt,. held coeuettishlY alOtt$' 'CIO riCed genera' .1* and 'th'e-'•'' Gerreafi innkeeper • re.",eteve1/4e!';'"'oiseete'w,heeell rerade"em*erreeirese'sliece'
' „lialeep ;iste.heeryaoreinettobifinf :like r telizaem rupig and: of pattern .. , ' '.' , .' ' rcomphratiy'e quiet.' ' :He. Was . nine+ een '. a 'fetV ..te s t ' h -' '
i r , . - P • cht e mhsleh jene-he- lies the. gerin of ?peed and u' nderstand-r . . . .
- ' • .. .0 0 To-ci .
: ier, °!,,rttlit;?etteet;..5%.?"mw.FeoregioW.:),56:i4.eirtsasmel,1
e, , en . end: 156 tn., silVer for our .up..10.1 and in the morning' he. weeegoing '. e 'mg Jean ---,had '_ withdrawn . urmotieed ',
frig. , , . , Pa to theit ‘3 •rEi
;Walk MnY,have' tan, ecru brown, ,ot', date' Spring & Stimmeh 1.924 Beek f Cbcferd to begin his first term tnere. and seeped epetaire to e. siee-rocen • , • - . . .
h , ' ' - th ' "^1 - - : teecte7yee 2 re. , , • .,„
for :contrast, blue, or bine and tan, or FaehiOni: . 'O. • . . . ,
eb ue, tan, and brown. They may even • '••' • , • e--- • o
. I that he felt dazed by the neereese of tachrnente
• . • He had , so long looked foreverd toe it much cheered by the eight .of. such dee ' minzed's Liniment Reif' ' Cuts. ,' ,
. , . , : , - , , earS . •• ..., ._,FloYier or, DoOtt,), ^ • - ' •
, ., . . S.: 41t E..,,OFACTURI/10 CO. 0'0: H.) , ..
:Loudon .. Ont.,ario '
A . C r 4 r ; a 7little . orange or 'red. ' But be ' ;THAT SMELL ' OF ' . . '
COOKING ..ehie goal. • He we's a gooddooking hoe h Mee.. M'Coch had been •eieht y :
- - • with honest :eyes .and si frrin ri,',Otith. With the Jahdines,,oand .was ire many '
. =re „that- tome • of the color: - in thee e
.c,n,rfaias are in *a.11., thigh, and Chair ' •
The '1 ' t ' 11 f 'd d• fr ' III- ohly .sister,e,leen,,, fete -
p casan sme o lie co ee, . , years ereys.,suen a treeeuree.and.earweyee-,IN. ,thetlihhlireeafe,i• to 'w -rite to the •
, groun .sprin. e on a• o s ove wi
ds • Isl d : li t h ' 1 '11, /...,Iderethan himself, left thereble sine such An ameeerrient, that thee would glrl:s ,Lathe,r a:,..15.ing fob; h,..er heed: ,H4 ,.
e ocee, ermgs._... ., ., , ,•„, „. . _ . , ounter„aet. the .11,„rip,,ea•nt., odors. : of hzat.ht. enhhthe edge of the, bee wat 1-er e eet -have parted froth her'!•.for ' much wa5 'en a 7 --. .71 .,-. lover,o at.,.a.poor sp -
- Tor t.ne moroonrwe orten • cnocze a , • • o • n. m ene'didonot.effer'to hio,) fa,-... she' red geld. '' . o' ': .` ' . ' eet., aed hes tete re -.n: 1. went your'
ocooking, in a house; A few of o. the o •
plain coir thee ih exactly the s.aMe 'groundsascatterecl ere the top Of: the.,.ktonceh that eVery man know:: ;net -heel Belle Beth:eaten eSpectira bee leo- deuenter•-tne.in.ur efeyod, farm t.
'shade ahhthe color .of the Aoteers in the. • pack his Own hoolchi bet she hem- geroe.thh Morren The' ^ tea,tray.,-Wase' :"The ii:;n:r cf rey, fernin,eis- eood.",. ree
•. Iltin°1' ih 1=
,,. „-, _ „pa - ....,,,,,,,,....,„::„...„4., 3:itoheri range will 'keen the sinell, 0 Jped a t netOpro.,),.„, ,.4, ,..,). ,,r,,-4 II. „re44:-.:. 4,....11.e.,,g.a.r..KI,-.4.-AwAYT-)Vatc.)1,7e-..-pvled-,4-ne ,ohorden ..°1',•-ehore'hYen'-htirehit''''`
-hh. '''''!".' n'hinieerfei-sFreaditih-traherieenii: II.OW happy was the aceasion and ir -e hl'aeli lingered ' ' • . . . • • • • • • , -;, -
. • , r ' L - ••• ' ". ' . . . ' .' iteht ;et -dough you re. after,:
. Try this plan.When fish: is being hied. she ;p,atted heavid's grey tweed Fhoele "Oh.• le eller sale Jeah.' who is': • • -
• , .e, i• • • • • e r , ...
" I Rooms in which people have been'deras he leant over *her. Perhapshit that's earning?", ' .• A , , .. s'in.plieity w thehali.nar
;., r-tbH, oht.ti.,___
' snioking° usually have a Stale smell she felt that he ne6c1Pd e*hoe.eaece , "I canna nend .the exact nam'e, but
wheo apenede in the, morning, h. Tbi..6., !nem treF, last !hest at teeele. ,„' .she's ca'ed in'- lielh
nouraehan, she's- tengouiehee, the fiee. gold of the -really*
. earl he largely, prevented if, before go. .the 'efnehhtirhilier; e .':-h...16•.;1'.,ov htingin' ft heddy's maid:" great ,irein the , alloy- of tii,e pecien..
ieg hohbed • at night, a big bewl or a afrofibelleect'f''..i.e-ii. -:ir
.rhi*fe/hae °CP ene"eaodetnrne/4, -' ::Gi °eillied3iyaogtfirfOlt,", tOeisaaceti:tahteat, oekk," -t'aul' - -
- .
1 d .
Pail ef' wateris Put in the Tem./when was still at the tea -table. He was Jean reminded 'him. ' • e . , ', ' ' '
di4---- A —
WOMEN CAN Yilmi:Liriy
there is illneose And widows in ihooms ra.ther ' s.haeried .of ' his 'appeci, but "Ay" 3lis... 344Cosh ,contiritie
must. to a.targe extenteheicePt-rlosed, ate deggedlye "Jt'Botthat 1 hi nter-h"Belle`BattigaWrIfiniiir pit oor 'ileRie ,
i the air may be delightflillY freshened grY.:juSt now " he would say, "'s-t.lt I it. She diena ken how. she's to cook', '
, • . , . • •
NEW BICYCLES if some dried tave'Uder is put in a eo soon get hungry." for ara Hoteutable-she nivef saw;
. , bowl , and,. this, • is then cemeeed ee• h At the far end, of the. mire ii a vin'' ' 1 Dye , . or Tint Worn, Faded
. . ,
, FROM $30 TO ;50 „
very hot water The addition of a lit- *C"'"
• . Wineos, a small boy, with a dog • "Have vou seen one?" Jock asked 1 110
. gs New, for 15 Cents.
Write fehhithription ara aur sPecial "e th t e i -. g "o that .1 know of, but when I,wisi ' : .
ceth pricP*, It means Imying a -Bicycle -tie 'dried'Urahnge Peer T'"345:' the "frag- I. .a. ''.*4 ' 'Its P, u31.fig '''''Pliri‘ Ll' 'r''
, „raft, The boy'. name was Cereeee• pew opener at -St. 'George's I lel in i
thoreeghly guaranteed. Just address ' ' • PIE ihtIcKENING,„ * :which, as Jeen wouni have exPlailed
for at...iset ss team •than you Arm pay :r7ece, more egr,....,...eesi_ble, , ,., ell arceinetoefreacbgerus,hise tawitence•ksn•soswin,theto a‘ilheorth,1 , eehrie,.verra- brew folic. ,One Sunday' .
elsewhere, and all our Bloyeles are . • • , . ,
. Diamonil
letter_ . • • ' A heaping teaspoonful of an in.stanh te is' e
you. Gaelic for "the, great ne-h S
PERCY A. Mr:BRIDE , Thee had greatr,ess' been ,:theust upee INVENTI'ONS ' 7-- ,
406 YOMGE 8Te TORONTO , ' hatillittemeauscrusttanione: msillxnedn vtiedth .tthee juthic:, him. iier,.!vas. 3,p,,,,e04. and he had es,„shed , .
ii interested tin Sporting arid Athletic 4..., 4 ' M .21C4,0 "
, . at nip. Pence be was tv,o. rae se:4 Orr lista ta•roocects wanted by Wrzeaftc. 1 DCa't ."11dCr 15.1)ther Ynti can dY'e
.. _ of A.. -t pet a mote paiatable. ae a handsome child with an al.thcst ' - ''''''''''' v'''''""" ht"" """'" r614. ir "mirk' nr tint Stied'eSSfullYa becausu Petfect
P Onerelfee, or In Aforitercyclei., advise US, tee lc n..• than eithe fl ' ti ,
— . ic e mg ro r 9r corr.. uncanny eller= of mar,ner ate, a it "he"' `7".'"1"tt"elhh***becUta" 1•411•61* home dyemg is guaranteed with "'Dia-
Catalogne and rrices on these . .
star= a make-believe that made his days%,. HAROLD Co SHIPMAN a co. " mond 1)Y:es" eTen If you. Lave never'
' 10111 bib mailed.
, one long exeiteirient.
, ,
' I mix WOMBS "
.7,7231 :viz .thgragi , dyed hefore. Druggists have ail coi.
isouE No.. 16-14, eeinard's Liniment tor 0141141 . He now steer:111kt some "graVe Ty.' i ars,* Direchora in each prackage.
Moro jA6.0 refrc;ile.oilsolde
ca.vefiked., At Your
ware dealer:.
epac,ftv!tu ota.
Brown sails 'of barks from tropic parts
• Below the stormy' eapes,
With cargoes(' of mahogany
' -
And 'parokets and apes
. .
Gray sails of schooners odorous
Of inh and briny pea,
White. f3alls , of,eliPpers „sweet with. ,
Of ciiinfirinexe andhea.
On frigates proud, and •tall,
Patched Canvas lost from clingy sloops
. .
In hurricane or tqaall. -
Topgellantik royals', flying jihs
' Belli:hieing: In the blest,
.Ilieped frOM the stays and swept
To .bleek abases vast:
13orne on the tempest's thrashing
Between the 'Sky and 'S'pume,
They ,rode the elemental sfrite
--Andevaniihed in:the-gleetneehe he -he'
The elotlds, hefore the norther ifs':
Unquiet ghosts et sails '
Blown long ago from hapless'Ships
T4t.,foundered"*.ini the .gales,
s-4 ' Irving.
..-Wonderful. -
"Petunia7--huh!" Snorted a dyspep-
tic gtest 'What is
! ;epi'lcd
there reniarkeble
the landlord ,ot
the • tavern if you draw' a circle '
around this town, fifty Miles away in
every direction, Petunia will be feunde
.to be exactly in the Middle-, of, the •
• ,
are so fond of sterets as these
. Who don't mean to keep,therri.
The tinseen things of life are the
Most valuable, The man who putt
spirit into farmirig gets mere ont of it
than the. ,Inen who just facene. One
does not have to be a bootlegger to
get the proper spirit in fatming.