HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-05-08, Page 3•
rvit_.:Yrikg-IN -AO 2'.54...b.TliEliWiSV
T_Exty_Any:Gpci-- Dr.
„1. Keleher, Ripley, . Phone 29,
.aight , or day.-t.t
Dr , MacLeod will visit Lucknow
every -Tuesday in Dr.
Dr; •McInnes.....ChirepraCtori of Wing,
haili,, will. visit `, Cain House.- Luck -
Tuesdays and Fri-
days, corninqncing April 29th.also
visit the 'hotel at Dungannon •sinae
days ,early afternoon. •
• .:DR.-PAREEE; uSTEOPATI-1,at the
Cain Hous, La'aknow, every Wed-
nesday afternoon. All chronic dis-
'doses suceetisfully treated. Oster).
.- • patio 1,amoves, tilephysical causes
,of disease. Adjustment of 1/4the
Spine is more quickly securedand
with - .tower 'treatments by Oateo-.,
pathy than. by ,any. oother, method,
.Toronto r prices paid for all kinds of
0.64,1 A. Grospopf, Lucknow.
Registered Ontometrist
Graduate Department of OPlithalino17
Amy. McCormick Medical
cago. •
Headaches. Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu-
lated Eyelids, Watery. Eyes. Pain in
Eye,, Balls. Inflamed .Eyes; Pus or
Watery Discharge frOnr. 'Eyes ..and
Ditziness ,caused by Eye -strain re-
lieved through' Pronerly--fitted-Gla• ss
• cross Eyes straightened through
• properly fitted Lenses:4
-Satisfaction AsSured. ' . •
At the Cain House, Lucknow, Every
• -
Wednesday Afterrupon aid Evening;
•FOR SALE.--Nordheimer, Piano in
good •coadition. Apply to p. ,Sid-
dall. Lucknow. • 8-11-tf
, •
' Wall Paper -I have on hand the 19-
;4 samples of a number of thebest-,
wall -paper 'houses, and will he pleas-
ed to show them at my house, or will
• take them to your Iresiderlde--R.. J.
Cameron, Box 174, Lucknow •
FOR SALE----"Tvvo Registered Short-
., ,
horn Bull, calves ready for service:
' Some choice bacon' type Yorkshires,
• both Sexes. Eggs for hatching' from
Bred -to -lay 'Barred Rocks and S. C.
White /,eghorns, also Baby Chicks
for May and June delivery, Phone or
. write for particulars,. J. Parrish,
phone Dungannon' 82-13.-- .111aY S.
• • WANTED -In 'GOderich, good
Plain -cook and•to, do general, house
work. no Washing or ironing, two in
family god wages. Write or apPly,
immediately t c Mrs. MacDonald,
Drawer 336, Goderich., '
rirst shipment has Arrived and
znore coming, .Getyour .supply
fore the rash of spring work begins
I have also. oderlesa •fertilizes, spcc
ial for ,flowerdNOnd garden plants:
' G S. Robertson-
• •
WANTED-, Life Company With
Head Office • at Waterloo'. . contein-
plates; Opening:, an Agency at Luck-
' -now ,One representative ...wanted -liar:
this locality locality'. Good opportunities for
:right man, -with' District Office sup-
ervision. and assistance. Write P. 0,
Box 175,,, Waterloo, grit.
Good Frame thVelling, 6 .1.00111S,
good cellar, good well, stable and
• garage ,.= Apply to B. Pearlman.
FOR smug,— Bacon-type,Ararebredr.
-Yorkihire--16W-s7- ready to breed. •Also
little ,pigs -Walter Alton, .0., 7 Luck -
now 45. Dungannon..
MONEY. TO LEND -0 n faint prop.
,erties at. G%. -Geo A ,siddan
• FOR Bred-To.LaY Barred
7` Rock Baby :Chicks, -18c -"each. Also 2
'Buckeye incubators,' 2i0 -egg size,
;Mrs, Doiiald FoWlers'E, R. 0, Goder-
ich; Phiine Dungannon- 24
BrunsWick :Phoriogrioh best make,
large Size Mahogany,„ case. Selt
etOpr, pbty any record -tnade,•
VOilt $190; Will kelVat Li bargain in-:
eluding 50 he* 'records,
•15445. '••'• , • Appy to J3o, 202
• '
Mahogany Upright piano. , Alike .a
Player Piano from Helotzpian & Co,
Toronto, like brand new with guar -
anted. Mist be sold' at plied rfer less
time."paytnent. . Apply for PattieuP
ars: . 'TO. Belt' 202; Lucknow 15.5.75
Man's driving gauntlet picked
4t1 'awaito the "oWner at
this Office.' • '
• :".1 AM in the Market for :another
Car .Potatoes, Phone tne about.,date.
Of loading. R. H Thcimostal
Phone 82 • Night 100 Lucknow
MAMMOTH Eirote turkey', -eggs,
- from totifige Of large,vigorous
birds, fretit'Prize.wilnling stock, '40e.
. otteh, ilkt a Pallier It 1,14naktiOW
-",W.ANTEbia.Pettitnas,, any ortaittiti
to 1064,64, oat irt• itklort .16itiday and
,00d ;OW - 104V it 400*
, 0 0 0 , o� 0• 0 0 0 0
Mr, Robt• . MR00411uni, is •,don at
Leamington. •
wth frighdst r4nt1' •
Detroit, Tues&r.c9,6
; RipLty, pobi.44, DAY -Wcdnes.
day the 2ist :
-Manitoba Oats for sale at The
Flour Mill, 14.1,e1.0OVbr.'
- Mr; jini. Orr has gone over 'to, De-
troit „where , .lie hopes
Show your-. civic pride, by fixing
,up.'yetiF'. „lawn,. and the -„, -street-side
, along your. property,, ' • '
• `.`Sherty"y, Hale . motored' front
Plesherton, and 'anent the., week,eficl.
with.Lucknow friends...* •
• . •
The, Bargain Sale et HlitStein's
Stor.,. will be 'contintied "for another
'week: Call 'and' See' for ;Yourself ."
.,,Dr. -,,.-Brown, ' Nose;
Throat,.willbe at the "gain Ho
Lucicri0W; .on Mai 1.6; hours 1 t
o'clock. . .." •: ,
The Lucknow Woinen'sInsti
• Wish, to thank the St Helen's -Bra
-roif.. heirdoriation of Forty Dol
for the. 'Armenian Relief Fund.
The ilaclier.of
wiii Aiwa a'. Sale of home-made ' b
ing, , candy. and, ,aprons on the aft
noon' Of May 21st. ,,,Pprther.'par,
ulara'next week.
p10-14T-AT,r0-socIET:t Se04gS, •
!ANoTnEw SVccgSs:• wiTn.
• opApp7r LoNO., Lgos,,
'The Town Hall was well filled" last
Friday. evening. to: see the. ',Lucknow",
Draniati troop -present 'the' feu r,act
oeinedy, Leng Legs," , The •
•pl.wa,5 quite up. to the usual high
standardthe plays oPr-eaenteti' by
'the. Society in reCent years,' and'
the crowd was well. entertained
throughout -a.! long program'. •
play was- largely hurnorons,
Of couite, It. told the story of 'a
honieless girl: who was being eared
for in sorne :sort of., orPhans'
Like., other honieless' girls famed `'i"!/.
story. Judy ' (that': Was her naine)'
had pleasing , ways , Which , made
everybody. like her -everybody but
the 'Matron. in charge of the home'.
and a few others with whose plan;
fihe interfered.,.' A kind . :gentleman,
,who ished to keep Out of Sight tOok,
kindly- interest in Jady and
to give ,her, a college • education
and. a 'chance'in the. world. She wa
very grateful, and gssurning that c
necessarily. was an elderly ,• gent
'man •with ,a bald lead christenehnn l
. . , .
"Daddy •,-Long, Leda"- '
' 'jerVia Pendloton' •the kind ge;it1.
man,., however was ,not, ,Old, but jtiSt
'ItitereSt 'in :Allay pre-
sently developed' into 'a • Warmer at
fection;•. and by they 'meet
and the ..abdience is !eft to ce:iehide
that they Were to be "happy for ev-;,.T..
'er ,after..".1 Qf Course .there wel:e
niariY others involved and. '-inany"
• highly amtising • "situations.",
• Those, who tdok. part.•Were:.- MiSs
'Lorna Campbell, Mrs:" -;W L
Kenzie, Mrs J., Wesley Joynt, Mis
• Mae Davidson,'Miss. Margaret Cicd;..
des, MiSs'. Helen Thompson, Miss'
Mary.,Connek MesrsM C. Bridge
ariick Deuglas.,-, :Thomas,: Watson;
-MaeLean,',1ohhston .Cantelon
ifred-.-Atidersoti; - Charlie-
WebSter, • Misses- Doroiliy
Francis - Thompson).- Winnifred
stronn., -,Eunice -Newton
. •
The Lucknow LucknoW " • Melody:. Four Or:,
,pheStra, entertainedthe ciowd be.•
•Tei -e the cen.Miencement of:: the pl
azId. b.. etween acts. Mr.. Carrick:: D6b-
I-is. contributed 'a couple Of -•-Soles
in verY good- Style, and Eunice New -
fen :gaVe':.a/ recitation; Mrs:. Newton
presided- at the -,piano.
. o -o -o ,
Mrs, ;LbAdiartjand family who for ,
a: number' Of ,,.yparhave ,:occuPied;• a
.mousg,. on,'Havelock:,Streeti have mov
ed into ..the .hougo.,'•recently.' vacated'
by Mr.' 'Mat •
• • " . • • .
: The-. Ardmatie Seciety .of ;. Blake's,
.church , present .
L_Qtd_.Eashioned Met.hee! '74tZion on.
the evening of Tuesday- May 13: Ad-
nisiozj ,35e Children 25c. -• Heavy - •
rains.: onSathi.day '• and
again:On :Sunday.'niglit'pht an end to
soinewhat..proloMieil '.dretzth .The :
-earth is now in tine hape for grow-
•th if It would Just warm Iv a- bit
. .
.; 111.rs„. •",D....;Macteed, of town ..and:
brother .Mr.‘,. Robert :Keith. of
yeesWatet..,... left. Jest.' week for Oak
Lake,' ManitObato.. visit •a sister,Mrs J.ohnston, ,'
Who is serionaly7111•
:During . tbe.. period' Of the: v,,eekly.,
ii1fthOliciaythe Lucknow • Public L'
•brary will not open Thursday aft -
noon, but vi11 he .onen. T.hursday,..,.v
• •Mis, W -J. TaY1Of;'and 'her dmigh:'
.6. A ••%,
ter,. '11.11i'.8. Holmes, wile came Over t
--fit,tend. the funeral :Of -Ithe.iiii.•1‘.11,sl-lugh Taylor are :
§1.;t=1,"Oing •a Coupl&
-•Of' weekswith Mz 14d Mrs. D C
Taylor.: . ; •
T h -An nua,1.--in eating-, of -the ..±-nek
i-ioW *Omen's. Institute Will behe'ld
n., the.. .Connell Chamber Fridav
May, the .,9th at 2:39 p,m,.. Be. ready
:krith•yotii suggestion ' for next yearts
prograninies. ,
' An. Old Time Dance , in, the TQW11
Lnektio'vv; Friday May 10th.
Music by the Lucknow Melody Four.
.mind; Auspices Lucknow Fire 96.,
Proceeds to.,Mellidrial,,Park,
''"Vn •accOunt.,of-, the', uniavorable:',
Neather laSt Saturday the sale of
househeld,,effects of D, R. McIntosh'
Was cancelled ,for the day, but will
be sold by Elliott Miller,. Auq, at the
Auction Room,. on Saturday May -10.
Yr, T. E. S:mit,11 t°ok. 'a roil'
do‘vi.1 to with Mr, Opretif
2eperts that EsSex, IS :a,r:ver"I'n'es-
oeroUS looldng 'count. ' The tobaceci
farms are very'small; •from one to
.15' acrea and they .„0.110 aroUnd,..
$1;000 per,"acre,„ •••:: . • ' •
'Mr. 11,,. p:'carherari was
,domplimented hist ,week i;;Irii9 in at,
tendabc a tbe .P1.0shYteritin Synod.
rnstrticted , by, the. Ge1irO1' AgsemblY
to "lappOit,tt7 twenty repreentatil,:es to
the. first. General, dountil of the. pro.
.posed United Church � Canada t�
place. Mr Cameron was _agreeabli
surprised to find that be was among
the twenty, appointed,
_ •
'The 'Greatest. eVent of the sdaseri
DOLLAR bAY inRfpler May 21
Ackert-At Holytood on April 17.
.1924 to Mr, and Mrs,. •Ernest Ackert
bon.,-LloYd Henry
Moroved 1341141' will not be re.
sPotufible for anv debts contracted
1,14r: my 11131,1410, ofeltfi Hemet, _with.
. .
„ in 1111g4 4 • ,
' Evory:.store.-in . RiPley .endeaVors
to 'give ,., unusual bargainaen .-DOL-
LAR DAY: ••• '"
. .. .
—.0 o o---:- . ,
, -
I1OLY12001:1 .
The, .popular i`Aii 7 Old Fa--,
Shioned Mother" -Will he, presented in.
the. Towns'hip Hail, at HolYrood,', by
he yount.r,' people, of Maker§ Ghtfreh;
milder auspices/ of Helyroed. MethodL
ist chnith;on the evening; of 'Friday
. -
Mrs„Gardner, of yValtotr;
I t 'wee]: "'with Mr,. and. Mrs' _Ernest
Scett • '
Sonday School at .Langaide
ope4ed for the summer. months last-
,SundaY., 'ivith, a :good .attendance.
. tune t'o his. face quite 'badly
•,:tOr a ,
and'.51is BusSell' ' Reid,
• , ,
Brantford., spent week -end with
the, former's patents, Mr, and Mrs.
•‘Aleit, Reid, ,
•Mr. ,Price Scott and daughter Vel,.
ma, who recently returned from
awn a.•;• 13; G. , and. Mrs.v:Murray, uJ
•Whitechurclii visited- with% friends
'•here''One day last week,'
• , .
LOOK Out *for' the 1310 BILLS, 4n,
--frobaw-0) Vaal
Day, 'ask' your ,Thito for one,
Ittcti tntell
• r
, ..•,•
and Mrt; POrilter and
'Jean vieitecl At MrLIGeOw *MCQuoid's
on Sunday, .
Miss' Jean Gillie4L ..,1{ineardinq,
..'vriteeirrgundity At Mr; Wm. bait-
' • • „ .„
Mrs. -Clubb visithd week
with •her sister 'Mrs. "Wit bow, of
Mr. Hobt. 'Henderson. and: Hugh
David visited at Teeswatet over the
week -end, '
Mr, and Mrs. Vincent and
Of Westfield visited,. at Mrs, O'Brien -
on Sunday.
'and Mrs; 'Duncan Kennedy
visited at 'Mr, Stanley tnLuckno on.
Sunday, , •
Wesley, Lott, of Mount Clem-
orsi lVith,f ls visiting his home here,
rM, 04:11,1.degMuriltinItact7411, °,88 ould'146;Led'
. ,
;7;ok• • t ,1:4; 1,14its.e4itsii!mdoeryn7t;:gnowL,upcikfirizoellIvs It owpoQuni
;sider a little luriv ;Mich they could;
1(14 to the beauty and attractiVeness
of the the yillage if each •property own-
er -up hia 'own little part After..
thP /amp . is smoothed ' Off . and *the,
-grass CO; folk ..Should extend • ()Per-
9•Vona a little bit. and,: flit: up the
• strip between the -sideWall. and the
'travelled part of the roadj-..rake out
the ,ditch, sr -Imo -tip down the ground;
and See, that the grass, and weed5
are 'kept 'Within bounds, •If each one
"did his bit" along this line; *hat :a
, difference itwould make' ;to the
whole town -_the whole, tOwn vould
tben take on a neat ancl well kept
aPpearance..„. It mean' work, ','of
course, but we don't get:, much in this
world without work; and th'is'apehis
'something really worth_while. •Now,
All together, try it for. a. seaSim and
see how it will Work. -Citizen -
130Y GET,S
. HAS Tiy0,11A NIP.>
,..1.1A1)1,Y' IURI
AlVin the •six,year old -son of Mi
and •141.i.s W.m: Hanillton, FOu rth
he -
.a -
Gon, Huron TownshiPhad his ha
very badly Mutilated by, the ex
sion of a dynamite cap which
founc't and :exPloiled., Saturday of
:week, Both_ hands are.:.,,badly 'claw
ed . only 'the. little- finger on each
ing uninjured. • The thuthb on',
. right 2.1iand:- is, offat the. first -,j.0
;and the nail's \Vete blown .off,
fingers _and_ the thurtib:,.:-..of_-thel.
'nand, besides., the .skin and .,fleah
, the, fingers ,being ,badly 'tern.
Hamilton': 'dnam
caps let ' over froin, a quantity. 'us
in. blastlno.. stumps. -These had be
put 'care,fullY:.a.way where they we
-thotightto- be.--ont• of-,7reach.:'•of-t
J.)....ciSrk like___rnostz„hoy,s:-ofLb
age, is., pretty • aAiVe • and. 'While --11
father. .and. ai littlebrother were
•,hekaew,' .he. aiseovered, the ' clyn
Mite': caps. It ,is.not..known what
didwith thein but • one or merea
pears to have exploded -,•in. his; litt
-hands; and : the .daMage .is 'beyon
complete, repair. Alvin is a 1)1.40.1
li,ttle -fellew, and he. and. his parents'
have the aythpathy of 'inaily _friends
'in connection With the uhfortuna,te
55'; • Robt, Johnstone
lan• Dr. Spence, 2.00 Friend. 1.
10,0 Wn MthdIfT0� i- -ID::: MC.
Donald 50, :-.50";-. Ken
XeKenzie 1.00; John
'1 00; Archie -1VicIntyre 1 00; Mis
rs Rd
Young : 2.0br Tem,. " -1'.11•ftionatd
i59; Neil Murdoch .200;. :Mrs.
-Angns- ME!Rinnoiri.301n
Mi 'iJtCIuie
. •
00;; Mrs.; ,pAtteitc.m ,
Patter -on' Malleholi '1 00'
1.09; Alton 1.
hart .501 Friend 5.00;- Mrs....Boarding
00 ;1,11Irs-.-'•A c ke
00; Miss E. Robertson .50; -Mr,.
cb_larni id :150; rs.:..,Sto the rs
eInthah Mrs., 'JOhnstene .50;
olyrood 7' Winten's-Instittite" 2.,3,"(10;
. ,HelensVVOmerr's Institute 40.90.
tal $393,35;i •
Henry -Ford . and- 'Willys 'Knight
11 go' OVerland tO,. meet ,altcv6iet
d MacLatighlin-.Buiek and 'See tie
AR •Barg4irli3 •gt
DAt. . ,
Miss tliza '6f• Go:(161:ieh'
is a visitor t her,:gil•Acr`Uts,
J,' littalphrey, '
is S., 41.,0_0...J.tinteittl,..,J .LkOme:.:fiona.
,Terplit0, toe A "111014.1.i.16
,Thom$,, Valfaee eilt(
Miller attended „they '.1'ut160ii.,1
of the-"fformer's sster, Mrs, Will
Moore, 'a,..oiogiey, 'oft reidAy..,
dorson 'motored 'izid
'spent the' week -end 'their 'par.
,irkto 4e, an Mrs; 1, D. Andersen,
, Thos, Phillips 'end bur,
Phillips were visitors ; for leiV
days. r*. and. ,Mr , Hirman
neer • Lands, • • .'',
The , regular tneeti* thS.W, M.
S., Will te.. held: in the ' 'elintell, on
Wednesday Afternoon next; MAY 1:4.
tocAt NtAititErs
,Eytts dr$•• iu, 15640,42,..
2gt;t00, wy,w,fitoi .4V1V.it'litli' 254414'
011111tC11 NOTES
The :largest -nuinber ..took sacra-
ment in the the'. Xethodit church last
Sunday, nabrahlg that observed'
ordiridke on. any oceasSiOn,
ing the 'pastorate ' of; : ReV;• 11,,
'•Osteil-iMit. Twelve new hi?nhlierS un-
- With the: elftireh',...-and".7fOtir7.7ilkill--
&en, werd ,baPtised 'during the !ier- •
1"leet.. • '
Epworth -League
2E it ofrile League
eg •owiasm.Qhneclida;1.7e'retlitie.
ing. After the opening hymn, Dr
NoWton led in prayer.. The roll. -Call
wa's taken ; by Margaret, MVOS and
the Scripture . road Misal
yen, ' The chief feature of. the pro-
giram :was the , topiO:on "prayer;'
which' was Capably dealt with', by
• D. C.. Taylor ;• Miss 'Myrtle Web-
ster ,gave d reading,a S91O, was given
by MiSs Myrtle' l3rut,e ap71 the meet-
ing was closed by the benediction •
Mothers Day Service -Will be held
'in the,Ilethodist 'church ;next' Sunday
. Morning, *Suitable music will be ren-
dered -1)Y. the /choir . and a Motlie'rg'
Day 'Sermon he preached by'..the
-Pastor 'Rev, J. 1-f-. Os terhOut,"13;,'
D; Mr. 0.sterhOUt 'will recite '"The
,..Old Arm,' Chair, . Honor your Mother
by attendinr;• tireh.,-0.1104Y-Tweariri g' •
a flower for. her "meinory; The "even,
ing • seryiCewill.:be •Withdrawn ' on ae,
,eount. of the, AnniVeisary the
, . ,
'Preibyterian-•chureh ' '
• The closing .ineetin6, fer.".the • 4!
..sen tbe JUnior'Leagne
aftetncionl ter*. the.: feria . Of. an
Rome" he the juniors ''eritertaine
their':thothers. aiid, friends,•The Pres
..ident,•Waa.,in the -'three chOrtis
es ,yere. given :by %the ;leagges, Pian
, soloS-).t.Kneja„ and .'Harel
puttOri;, by Myrtle. Bruc
andHelen ;k0Le.,e'd; 'Recitations .1)
.Hunice Ne, -ton, Margaret' Button
--and Margaret Rae; .4,1' parieornime...bv
Winn if re d „Xtmstreng;', ' whittling
solo by ...rack, MeLeod'f- a. piano, clnett
by Helen M•cLeed :and,. .Winnifred
Arinstrong;-,and two .driilai; The
p10 -
gramme' .,•Wa's " fine. ' Refreshments
•Were served' at he close. of ;the' meet-
ing,: • The Jim I 0")... 1.,eagh e has.: had .a
Most •successful thanks to '.the
Capa.ble: offieers under the direction
Mrs:, Armstrong,. Mrs,. Robertsen
anrMrs Ostorho.nt,,'.
The Presbyterian. Guile
Thse whe. attendPd. tiituild
meeting 011,Morid:4y.
triat..: The Viee
opening exerciea were. ,follOwed
the .Scripttire,'"', reiiding; ' taken
WintfraL Derit41,71-4---:'-',Mi-IrV:-.Altaie;i'ili-
Sang a solo- and -.MAIW traA",e.'
e• 'readnie.,.,- entitled, r.--fl'ile"..Red.'Gods"
had 1,charg.e , the', program -and ;.,the:
taken by Mi ai ',Dean :McI.p0d, wWo
:has 'beenattending 'the. Moody: In::
stitute. Cbieigp, Mi MCtJOod, gave
' •• yery, fine. talk the "tonie, and
nclucled..',11cr;adfiteS"a...bY the;
. gliMpse f'of
--111,004 do-hrg'in-71railiih-g--
7youire• ir••ves for the 'Mastoz"i setvice;
icsent,-tiine4wel.'ve:-.11tind red-
yeang Pemile' from -all c•orne'r'Sof the
for. their jife
work -in thf reliftiOns'
Clarll 44a Carrick :Douglas c:initrib-
vocal' duet, arid a' reading ;was
, given. by Helen ThoniPsen:,
' HUGH. TAYLOR .-•',
• •Tfra" reihaink ,o•1 Mrs' liugh 'Taylor
Interrea 'UN -101111H CenieterY4' Q11.
'Wedne;4y. ".tifterno'0" of `lat,
health foz.: the. ',past: t'wo,
fora'hefpiiierriage,:ttr 'TaylotsIe
was M18.6 it00.1(,? her' 'c'at'ly •
trome„ h1in c.z.' near 'N11)105:4
lag t ,froni2;
to . WeSt, about 'seventeen
:Ye,ar,s age; in ,Saslt-
'atoon gru4dr • of the time.
,ctiolot VLOWEHS,
Bedding Plants, Ett; Lt SeaSoif
P1 -al Work and ,ent PlowereDe
livered To' Aty Part of Canada
ati'd rilnited States 1n Short
Nottee., Itist, Phone Vont'
Orders, In, ,
fGEO, .STEW±Akt-:.
'.1'1Othit '
'Plante , tOOetielt„ Oat,
cream,Ptifs ..,,Ron,13ouche.
jjciN. Wheat .13,red.',
kionl Made' Bie4d
liuttei'aild Eggs at BeaK•iceS
Plion 39,• LOcknCw
rhe puLJi are
ht eaith n'ay not lahee"tabkYen
of aq
..)u.blic place or street in the Village
of •Liicknow ..uniess. proper authority',
oiven by'. the Road ahd.Bizdge
Comin•of the Village,and no earth
.1lay':,,be,taken of the-phblip 'Highwaya-
vithout the. Consent, of , the „
C9,:11111of the, Co: of: Bruce p .4:;• ,
••so without autherityare
liable to .irosecutiOn: 'By .Orcler
• •, Elio" BARN
• ." Taring. taken over the premises
jiitil recently .!.oeciipied by. .Douglas'
as :a ": livery Stable,: ',•op-'
crate it as a feed barn •at reasonable
.prite, Open, every. day • and evening.
• •
riday -and:SatutdaT-
May 9th and 10th '
• •
The Wolf Mari"
Comedy •
AI St Jahns, 'in ,
• 7
Friday, 8.00 o'clock
Saturday, 7.30 -and 9.30 '
AdmissiOn 25c. and 15e.
',Tuesday, May 13th.
'Lorna (Doone"..
„ ::Educationa.1 COn'
8.00 o'clock:7
Bert Reid, If
11 Barred Rocilcs
C. White Leghorns
ot,-0 'and; '.o.i,ciute -ono of .th e • most ,up46'-date. PoultzY: Plants
• . „ • •• ,
'.. Can:i'd1„ Th:s iz not. a..liatcher; but a real . Poultry ” Plant, the •
eggs .Set :are c'ellected .from "o or laeds en our own place•.:
• For. the past l ten .years- we .ha-ve -qmade a:. Careful study of.. the.
Poultry --busineSS,., more liartieular mating an'cl:breedjng along. lat..
ger:egg, P'roduCtio'n lines; 'In the present. Canadian Egg Laying
,Contest being•Coridteted at the Experimental '1Farni at Ottawa, un..
(101 Government supetVisimr, • .thp.:re "' ate.. ,83 pens entered froni. the., ,
•;best poultry breeders 'Canada a nd the United 7States .(Contest
' 'started Nov: 1st,. 1923,.. 'and ends 0dt .31st. 1924), our pen of S.
• G. White: Legh6rns, No; second place .(a. pen. from -the..
,Uhited-States holding first 'position.) •thir Peri has -Mit been 16nrer
4th place . since the -first 'NN'6 :C. of the Centest. Chicks. we are'. .
hatChing. far; put Customers -afe. 'from the Mothers and.:siaterS. of '
"•thisHpen..., ' s • _ ,
• . • • •
1,5„000 ..Chicks -Rocks 18c; Legho 1,5c:44ast year .7e had ,to
,fase;:ordere far. thousandS Of 'Chi ::ks 74i-33'artles wanting .them were
' late the,: thne-
• Chicks fo'r,,dellVery the, lat te.r.:. pa rt Of Mayor ,'±',0r the month of
. • . • .
}Jaye'. you been keeping .Hens.? .or :have the Hens been keeping
• . . • • •
yeu ?,..Start." now •,arid get the kind that- will '—i--. -
amount of food • • '
consumed, 'Why' not get ,Chicks,tijtit have „the bre.eding,back of.
theinH, id' .give profits: The Chiels Send: out.. are . pro-
, porly ,ineobatek :therefore ea,IFY, raised. •.
• • •
W•81?.TElt it;osE
Brussels, Ont •
Opens oi)..1....fbt....40.410SS;with an..:
p,10.•704t0.,:j1.0.0 of Spring Suitings,
Chie*.i0f*. SogesSootOh;7-
ent_ for th _Crown .Tailoring
ran. -Toronto,
‘,. 1