The Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-24, Page 8TiAPAM ilAM PIE 1�13 Z40T03' 'a Je ian ape"t, of taluablq" Sr -in M Y i &6�a es 'for, eq U in Lucjcn"�, I W. . 'h td the Pow- 01 4nl� , '' .,; 11 11�, i T r of sale wihkW� i' contained, jii,' a of cert.aifi " Tooitga at 9p, which 'wi I be, N London� mid�d P, an. oinamed� qpd,,at, fh*� time of sal either Tailor 6 ed or tfor- a few days, last K aleby. public auct- I Annie, Maci dy-aTp-� be, -offered- for 0 Rea'' Dd Of 'P -at 4d a� Mis hnId o s e in the Village of 4ra the Cain 11, y Wear mount ;Spent the W.!e@k, pII4 witb�ber uck' now on S.g. it the 96th d ay siste Mrs, ]poll K ep of, April A 77 -at __2 uc- 5.
u�e, o r pro�, d _V
parcel: �or tract� of -land' and P014 Pear, t -in A&4 Mis ynai
f Para ynt eci iniq PrIP071'sios! sftuate, lyin,!- "and being 1;t� OPEN. NA omv, is spending a fe' with her ala tention 'AN -W layp BIB the T given to RE, RE DY ter, Mrs W4' d * s A ND.VILLING T 40Y Of 'Kinlos in the,, gints
0; PILL IT, FOR, YQ1V- Al -ton of L of Bi ovince of, -411, Western C ada''' ane "joul"Y tice an Mr.' &tario and, being c ]RA*'EV V and ,Mrs'., Wim. n* posed of Lot. --have of number Fifteen! in 'P your nomoved to t er's Ighth Con- ck th L he fa B ::cssion"of tite,',iaid Townshi P ong arm in. Loc, alsh r V, U of,, JCin or shoiti y Z hundred -aeres: I . I i . I I f h M � b0fines SSORTE' ;,—, I - . -7 . i:� . I . $� . I I �:, loss. ontai .0 BOYS AND, GIRLS :--Alis§ Ad -1i k- llif I' 9 will, be' ao SI ES, AT r ciated. :.1,9c-: A a e ering 4rjmquil� and more; or, lesg p e re on th zonfifort"I e bri a Th6e e can, tick V I P BRO ' XUA Y R BWDi:KNIT COLORS I . I -, i, W
I lef t o Tuesday' for Det qj�. ek veh SOCK&—IN foaiqeav #ousie BLYE A, WN'l extended,, visit With frieAds e it, frame kitchen �attach- Pt you o; 4� ;�TD' FAWN VAL E d q.barn about 4 0, fti by rope on ll. t r
PAIR* Clifford",'Afid Carl, C' Q0 ft ,neath ok of Kincar, 1�e.Z
tone stable:. .Im tie 4rei� spending, -the -East de, ing steam -'about- re� Of the f�rm IParamount. . is - f;t for 6iNG' Fo SUS,'ETC., CANADT in cliltivation and,'the landi, is,v�ell wht-, itis' HAMS days `with.j er hol' bouf 90 e T c. A YARD, of ered by 4,$PrinA� �re�k and o d I hfrmiltion .0 y QUALITY A 25 ave IR DRE AN trav we 111
.W04TEA GJNGHAMS Air 35 Miss EJlen' R K and ... AM' etchab6* 9,0 ell. ;,e
in it fall plow- ount, visited, W i" fri nd doile - on the 15 Pa a- Thelr6 is i4bout .25' a: iw, it �wi;li_,, _N � che rf..0
ropertY. The �prdp IN., DARIK.- ham for a' 6rtv. is COLORS,'S, ITABLE FOR Boys, SHIRTS, OR LITT. L�9. 'G' NTS, s Situated about six and o ne- E SUIT% ViA.41[113 PR E as, )�q,Iiise. M Y' of Stratf9id' fmaxter in PER YAR Mi AT 35c. ii es froin the Village of Ilucknow in a�xood farming locality. is spending Easter, With her friend, BLOUSES. 'OR FINE SHIRTS,' SPEi N TRIPES; ONLY,, S UrTIA 1$ FOR a' Congratulations the rchase money,. on the Aay of erms of sale en, per cent. of A RTZ 14G VERY FIVE QUALITY, 1 $ Miss Ma�y Ross of Lochals,11. OY#re, ektpnded' -to n'& the MCK CIAL'PRICE�5 bal�nce within thirty Q Mr A YARD days thereaft win Ticke and AlTs,. George, Murra f", or.. The purch P
,11 every sion. forth 32 with RIGHT -FO R A_GJRL�S PL ei Property.will be offered sub' k k4AVY. SERGE A Lj Paramount. wo 'wish )e e t Aden't -WOOL, JUST ittitted. to'ip6sses:' aser shitil. To' h EATED SKIRT'-,, VALUE Th o a reserve, bid.- enjo b!e evening. was T 85c, PH AR -D' t Jec A - very " Further paiticula conditions�' ts.and HEAVY� 14;so� spent at the. home of Mr. Samuel of sale my be HE had, on aPplicaton ' to PROPE& THING FOR -Boys, oeP4 a n6nterta d a number of his friim Vankone W. M- Champion wh SUITS o Smi�hls,on Frida
V LUA 3) PER YARD. -COATS, y,of lasi,week hav e undersigned R'REEFER; John Pur 0 4
Holyroo4, Ont. number; of white qnds. Wiz.1 h ont r' 'And Mrs. A" -Jlave�s hens )was Much z a m, BOYS AND -GIRLS -THE �A:SK'Eft Au�tion6e�. V Jdnd. two syrprised I Lr%, -�� Rev.). endoi1g, solicitor daughters, the other' 4a;r, to-, sie, that WILL NOT BE 'COMPLETE: WITH�. Hardie 'and' Kenn Chri9tena and' Jean, also III T, A. PA R, R Y, 0 MORE OF s flock Was ..greatly - BOYS! BOX. C. 'BOOT,,. B L A, CK Fa r, orr Nr, and Mrs. M en.11digibd 'ALF' is are under. the' d6et s: care Gardner visited at on � looking' �M ' ' i Nt clo ely -he'd scovlered .
UR WN' AT 3�.50, GIRLS'; BOOTS-. .0 M $2.50, Up. A T, $3,20� �t'pyeseiit,: Their man 6h f
y friends' bopei 'PURPLE 4R 0 V aXnPions on Sunday. about 20 ofthe ge .,for their speedy and�, permament,q ChAPIn4n,' son Of Mrs e Sea 0 !gulls. strap it _Be e ry... -Ghapiiian -is -,vi Bi Ino, -in th" w locality mla'16 and qui e Easter Servicesi f Purp the I -summ, er. a id 100: Wh B" taying ith Mr.. Dus.,,,In' 0 tal�e, ar 0 were, hel
Conjrzitul4ti Bob; Poildr 'bf Godir le� Grove chure nte rat ons is extenopirl tQ, in h on Sunday. '�r no
Mr. and,' y� Beec Ofjor. Mi, A� Haven3, Collingwo0a Mi. Thomas .0,M I.ley'. d ays as wc-A e aretital vof. . .';; ' I -plCKBr, BRAND. ..'W, HAVE FINALLY SACI�.RED h brother, Mr. E 71 R VALUE T BET', The'. following spent Easter un6r h; J§ ifi- Ofit' her Easter vacatio�i Nvth� her -'WE ARE DEqQx0TED_ TO ADVISE''YOU tied. for a','cou'
Ethel Gawley of f�'N' ich. we wish them �eve y. happines HAN-E A L RANGE, Op 9 -a is pie of' it'
,OVERALI� THE at JU WHE G1 their respoetive, hoines; Miss Ellcida' Havens.,,.,, ------------- A I-ENbf-IFOR THIS j'13413, AND WE HINK THEY ARE AS� GOOD parefito., �iiiTEWTHAN M ronto, h morson. as I. 'ANY" ANV, Mr.'. Georg Irwin' of To , o e E -h et ANY ZXNDS 0 F urned, MARKET. uc, now Migg';Ma R6ss of Si �t OTHER I �1 OVERALL$ ON THE k in Detroit 'Hoy 11 .V,941113i 'MARK: i I 111. Pry op',4 THOROUG t och- ,Mrs.. Doer *h� spent, e-p4st,t I : , ' pay -S BRED
'ford, Nofthl, a . her' home in 1
cLeod b alih, Miss.' M4rgar'et M of weeks in to' s re urned A sI I ,%Taron' , has, .�Lanes, at 'her home in Lochalsh, -home �u dy Speel m Miss, Mar�a'rei Mc'Nain.--of Bruce-, The Mh�seis ampbell. Ripley, SAt kid al AM* etib' ENOUR'
at her -home in Lauiier,� of sspent ast'week "at Mr, .Tamjs'R6_` "DIES' BRAND N EW PRING COATS iiHE STYLES ARE CORRECT, TH Catharine, Blui 09, Fordwich,, af.b�t be"Ason's 100X PURE, PAINTA VARMI:du r VY'r Is' 6 G90 UALI�. P 'AND Bois, �22.50- EV RY'COA.T. homio, in AM erley ffis� Jj 6.50i $19-50, AND' b E ichards of Mi,,.,3ames . R - . . For Zvely/"Gise �-fbricvfty Buckingham of -St.� HelOns, -at, her'.. arnia, Sur&m the howe,of,h, W!itAp Head 0Mpe. k66jrW for 064i ome urier, r. Nalcoll Me-, in ha' M pent a few�-aayi a,t inMAC* CASY., ;parent is Lennan,.:of _Sikdtiord� -Normal, ahis ItSbLID 'BY hq r�, Miss,. Marguerite dwini i-�_ . -- _Nixon_ t�e in Laurie hitley' -iris W" it d, C 0. e mersons M&enna�,:,of,:Wlnds6r 'i4i hei home redenily.- r-Toroi;- lt�A C MER, H. in.. aurier,. umbers, 6f, 9'...-MURDOC, nto, at 1ome in: L! b d t 'LUCKNOW alsh,: Miss. [ui on., an.tevL1rqOes, his be -Stratford: Ni6irmAl x! In s With- of a in xi at he� home ih Hehilodk"GUy � Miss mortgag,,, Helin i'of rewe� at ek home:. J, , Ad'a 'C It IZion, Mlss� Janie. Ritchie of 'Toronto' ..:VALUABLE FARM at her , home in Lion, -14r., Charlii6 W iPRO R y , : - - - Lottie PE, T McGrogor, of at6lod Miss bhe Under "and by Vi, t c enzie Tit ixg near T' a or gage' dit Store h t Whit will be prod onto liari- McKenzie 'teaching 'at uced at �the� Si�rvic -teach,'ing. in North York, 'IT Nd*' I 0 18' at uir ii ue of the� oo*' M K e: Ior:0L*htWe 961111':Cheapeir T er4 bontailied in a- eertaiii in' Isabel' McKenzie n -Wi 'there w -offered Con'"; Miss* Mrgaiet''Melbennan'. of Of sale, WASH? fo Hl be .Ofr -at -the. ec -Cust PuBuc� , , * - , : I I i a AUCTION .W sale: b3� h"i 1. hi teachin in T lioc I g oronto. e �have , Just unload6d ar o d 1§lhe
bY John Purvis, Atictio, aqn: Ouse in,'the:Vill4gb -of Lu-& ti re—�Co at, 6:,w Fehe eid,'. Ba"- Od WESTFORDNEWS,,: Me' .rst o and ft- G * H 40 W. -In the Couritk of B tuce, at'. the u fr M ther 1_7t -924;WF�f6llo ve i swing� ayi -S- Ndlffg `iiin -find, Aa o'clock or prices, Pa hifids aitd wi premises,. in, one Miss - Mabel Hodgins -of 'Stratford. pa parcel namely: '10 and qual4r]a —All that, certain hbli- J,ormal School is sp6nding fier - tract Pf.Aand and roof..- - e—parental f141�to i4 t e said'Tww�nshi�. f Kinloss, Wash:7:ft i Miss V. �C Humphreys abri&_ 611 ClSahing,Seaso hi the',Cotinty of 'Br4qe. dfid-�ein I fi Th& New. nde'M.I.
intn. is here and composed":'ot I 9 -in our e V Tenth, Coxicesi�ion' of :the isaid Town- .F 109 Ot' nuxftber�.Six- i' rdirre visije'd -this - �r.eek.- n th e, f011041" th Jilt W of uarahteedil bslu A �s.t �C Pr
erestloyoui ey� G0 shiv;of'Kinloss , , . I . I 1. 00 and lot number. 8i:'K' Mr. and' n - Leif- in h Oon�es�ion 'of �thp., )'re of Ripl6y: 'spent ;86nday wi , t he'�EIeventl; -I aining nloBsi,66. t , * U Ar, and. Mrs,'JaWes 146dkins.'� ercerizd-, Jng'a 4 ep lustek Ous coloring floot�,,, and, together 'William -pa.i f 60-r_ wal Sherwili nt Is, siiid"Towfishi� of Ki The 9 ffac,'a 1�'Of 'fine in -al' inFI two arn giv e So at tone� re or A it which.. defies. wear �and 9, hundred acres�,--m tIfiiber . in,the washin "The arm O' ok fr�m.:. here' to' e ituate Tues- e A is onderful w is said[ to b presentation a im: W, h V6 thi J, ng.CI6.t;h in"fout -colors -R-os' '7 'about sbven:, mil - - If -.1r.---- J . I es, r oni ay evening ast 'and , all report . all], inches rid- & contr n owin InlDroveinent as. g to-makib up Wifffginghams, 'T a' the, Villaib: of-, Lu�kno,W. wx! e and - splendid �qr ish--�we.halve'it e 'Muresco -and-Blue W ashi adies,and_ChiIdren!1)
in Overy-co or made. st g'Taten L al said to be,6n Mm' J. k. Anderson who fo� d the prOT)erty: a solid' the. a e price,is. 91ily 85c. y brick' . dwelffifli house With , frame :.)ast AilonflI had been 'visiting in kitchen.�, Sherwillac'."Ahe FinIsh' f0i PlOoks that a rame'. wearswell Pig, pen . f li�iving shed and Burlington; has 'returned to 'her '4nd .look's well. , About 01�� hund 'd d.r. re an ome.m Lutkno-w. Silkahege",_� Onty'acres a to elepred,'and th Arn f6r Summer S e, is weAters at 3'5c -i the hard of about one,acre.: Afi;.Otc oA number -fr in here., took, n a ba'll. Lac'quer6t--the. Dainty.Decorator for Fu The property ..will be -,i ay at �'Holyrood 0 ruitu're offered, -for n Moil y, even -r T a v 7 -Coinkollon, salb subject fo-, a Id �ng last- and spent reserve bi
"S't -1 d4 ers Scru 'thei, purZh PIP aso money 'it U6 -tinie Of Scrub Br'u . Mlailil E)IA-, Moor e F�r o not c0rk. these. Ru S' t tockbut,w have-anarra �n ;,,7 1h gs�,in �We�'h P - I I . .r. . . figetn6ilt-with 'for Piasterinz_, i6ek,.at the, home''of., Mr. and Alto, ollr'Delh�&k on these goods. 'Notrhavin. 't Allies w 110
ave Aristone F urther George� A,� i "oh, M661ynni stoc o.,carry, A 11meJor White -washing'. C44sell them c id b!''le �Lucknow, k of the we nd w6 qns, eta y ss an nt rio Agi_An.d .M oy� IlaldeA�, and house', do, What the Mail-6rdet, rs. A -Saunders Bell spent Su B'Tbr;ntd . hildren of Xhigirt' nday at. he'home o r—and'i fo�'the Vendoks., Cpdipare tfieie: prices,-, x 12 lt.� ai 'Ord(r]Pii "s '50 John A Lockhart it. 9 xi 10 fi.,6 f�o Haldenby itMt.. and Mrs M 6x 9 ft - 6 in.:k9 WM'e1'-MUrdie & so CE 'g.'00 r. ar coni .75',Ogle Id 1309s, 46 d" 10 15. & 0 a I r, an4 M tq. Robt, Web�tot -rnd 'y A y, are zpph ing. R�idenb panied 8.50 RX 0 $16-00, Successors to'Luckno,\� H .25 'he .samt, heir holidayg t'jhe h ome of tr terms,"a a thil. t ardwkire Co. myr'n'o-ved i 0 nto thpj t._� -1111-11,111 he catql09Ue- hoU11Z'e7Vn'ly,�oUS ''a e igoo 8 me.
o ejou, and overyour b M money. e h A: gl�nce at the,�rabo t d n 7-77 Ve prices
Zion flks aro! saV sorry to' l6s�..tb( Me.' 6n,th .:small siz Show a Co"naidierss' -------- ing" L e � . . ejo $2 00 s - Webs-teri!� from 'amongst hb �of' Wicknow Midr. ee �iire sold -on,tho' large im,'Th "R `MVST 60 fo) f hill Va ;!SUT only, for i4 b'tter', f riendA.or, beio* can V h M ., an rM. TWO LIARS, IN T REGIME rs it r", A M- Crdner. be 'found in'' bur settlen :'..Asb fetid. 7W.�. 7ver ------ - t Governmen apparen� I an merican r. an d Mrs. M ' -,'Champion o.f ticcessful, mbeting on bl6nday,Jlifter-, lis'stoie regiment ,w'ent -toi -his tFordyce,' T 4*d- o:and.-a Zion,friend Ahe 'ked lea'v 10 -last. e 0 go home Mr. Victor Whitl,�y 6f Liticknowl, ,that ancient and, help , hi� institution, -wife With het��,Spring elda M i s 8,e! pip ninge 4ah,ie and'MYrt 6,111tchie,'o-r alled, oft our )Line JaStr Mon-d.ay,-W 'I f i I f il h the _'WNe U .1 b 9 bOX or, res W ich the: Ataitite labor, hhd 'all donpt Ur�day pen ti 'had, it paren s. here. 'found _��a]0 tl�,-06mm"ding 0 se --youi,, P Yt r6WffgliFp erki a r'm e IB Ive iing on ixon., o ;'ha� Mrs 'Win 8 t'had, eid A Riftc held a gewin' W rants to any town,Alp. lettek fria YOur wife �iayin - that- bem visiting' With �'Zion f kien (Is' rb, )ee On for, I tho. Zidn,4,' uis r make g 0, is hVint at St.'AO'gusttne adies. turned t h' _durin 'You Are no, -help -Ao �her � �'*,fth "the pring, clean ing, and,wking mic-q%it koe.Easter,. o. give M Mrs., ose urie dbti'the Governmont's 'action, t J p '11h.dkett of ft You leave." The -man saluted 'w6bsfer, Zion_teaehr, Myj on, friends'alonfg �be -line: one -effectAn 025j, and turned'to go is door he 8 ending Easter with 'Luckn6w,'Jay thi Week MY, Aug.;' "Will take . . w �'At tii� i's to; aboll a- Oppe( urned and - remarked fr16 ds; and kAs Ada Helmi Ore 4 go to tjo We Zion Drhmatiir Co. pre . n d thb, qoptng n este e othere * are. h r? is `.Sept. OAM 404 Of at 01 anti An4 On h6me at Zioli, aster at hei -Aay. Of ahity Virst" Crowe geho �$ to 00 :this miment, Phoe .1 24 '40 Thur ng 'The pli� evoiti Kri obeir, Ct