HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-24, Page 5UeatiOri Pians rOgranitne
:111R'PJOINOWl.MIVErr limrsTalt,,ATItwtoto 1924 •
fRyg.4.10, ;Pt .pli9L...04.4.4(4.I.;.7
• Sir; Robert.' A: Faleoner, - Mr. PinconaaY
4 M oe ' •fl Shi: Arthur Currie, G.C.':Air.' E. W. Matti,. Prep.
preeident,,,, uh44. l_ber., Bpard PI GoiteWIm
rneors,- , .M.G., Principal. McGill Gni. 'idonc Canadian racifie Rail. ,
• vitrnitv of Tarnow- ,. r • :university et Toronto. .t - : veva), ‘ • nay.' chancellor: "stetiliiIE .
recent announcement that the third triennial mation.
, ' . • conference" on Education and Citizenship to he . ,The Council, waS farmed asa- result of a confer"...
';• . . held under.. the ansPiCes of the 'Nations', Council of ,ence held in Winnipeg in 1919 and attended by over .
'' • .', -
Education - Will fake plade in -MoTitrearni1926-Fecalls.-1;200-pefsbn-s-fi+orliall 'olfer 'Canada.- The -second con- '
• the• invaluable work this 'organization is performingference washeld in Toronto in APrii of 1923 and
Under the Honorark Presidency of His Excellency was attended by aJbout, 1,500 persons, representing the
the Governor-General and the Presidency of Mr. Vin- nine proyinces. This conference through many bril-
• cent Massey, President 'of the Massey -Harris ' Co, liant •'speekers on the programme, among them Sir .
Toronto, the Council includes many of Canada's Michael 'Sadler, Sir Henry Nectibolt; Lo -di Robert Cecil•
leading citizens, among yhem ' Sir. Robert A. - Fel- and Sir Robert and Lady Baden-Powell, sought to
' eoner, K.C.M,G., President ,of ' the Universit . of set • forth the 'Council's Conception Of the role of Edu-
Toronto; Sir Arthur Currie, G.C.M.G, . incipal of, 'cation as a ,citizen builder. '
McGill,•University, and Mr. E. W. Beatty, President • • Tho % plans for this 'third conference now pending
i of •the Canadian Pacific Railway.' It has as its prin-• were laid at 'a meeting held in Montreal, presided •
eiples: (1), That education should, concern, itself with. .over' by Sir. Arthur Currie, in the absence of the
the development of. character and should •provide 'a Chairman, and attended by several of ;the Nleading
full preparation for life; (2), That education is, a o icers,•of the .Council in the persons of Mr.' Vincent
spiritual process, (3), That education is imparted by Massey; President; Mr., S, B. Gundy, Chairman of the •
personality -its success or failure rests with the Finance Committee, and Major F. J.. Ney; Executive
teacher; (4), •That educatien is everybody's business; Secretary. ., - . ' , • •
and (5), That Canada's education must be 'Canadian At present, the Council Is engaged in preParing
in its ideals. ' • ' , • a programme for the second triennial' period. It has,
' The principal activities of the Council are two- secured as Educational Secretary Professor .1. A. Dale,
• fold. The National Lectureship, Scheme is a plan of the Social Service Department of .the University
tinder .whieh''distinguished men' and women -both of Toronto, whose duties will include the editorship
' Canadians and visitors from Great Britain and other ef ..a ...series .of,small-volumes-on -educational ,problems. •
countries,-*-rfre engaged to speak on education (broad)y The Success of the. National 'Lectureship Scheme In
interpreted) throughout Canada. The •Bureau pro, •augurated last year, which established important con-.
vides an organization for the exchange of information tact, with theleading minds of Great Britain, Will be
between the Provincial departments of education, for followed 1.41, begirming_in, September, by contribu
the reception and diffusion of ideas from. 'outside -the tions from Dr:-Finli, Editor of the New York Times
Dominion and for dispensing data concerning educe- and once a Commissioner of Education for the State
tion in Canada to the outside world. Until the Council of New York, from the Stratford -on -Avon Shakes -
established this bureau, Canadian educational authori; peare Fellowship Players, under the direction Of -
ties were dependent upon the 'American Bureau of Mr. Bridges Adams, and from a number of ether dis- :
Education at Washington for all edueationar iiifor- tinguisheci. speakers. '
. •
Council met pursuant to adjo'ar.
ment on the inst. .with Reeve 'Irwin
in the chair, Memberi were all ,pre.•
• Sent. Minutes of last me-eting
- ,
rend, and adopted. The. following ,
Joseph ,I3hTek $8.50 two men and one
, ,
team clearing' road, 3 from snow; 'S.
Avery' $3.00; ,Jos, Colling'';.$3.00;'
Charlie' Smith, $5.25 for •work inj
'clearing road 3 of ' snow; ' Charlie'
niPiltiA8' III the Qatari°, Befertn-
atnry At Ql-le!Ph. Will: the ,sentenee,
tiRrout 7bY lVfarr`r ita ,( it.aSor, of
Owen So n d ifpr.Iday ,Mornirifes,
grnie07 ',' Egremont. Who pleaded
g1.41t$r to a', islf4rge Of atteMPted
. . .
blatckmail, "or. extortion4 The story of
the. ease 'quite ari, interesting one„
, in 4inioefu a's it was the first one `of'
kind whieh .fias :been brought to
the -attention Of 'the Grown' author -
ties in a long tie, and although the
sentence imposed is 'a 'comparatively
light. One in view' of the seriousneSs
,ttie erime, ,all the circuMstances in
eennecti6j.'tvith the-. case •were, 'taken
into ''cOnsidtrration; ari&•GROWn. Attor
-ney pYke, did not press !for, a, severe.
, sentence. ' ,••
',there was ,no, evidence submitted
:at the trail„ btit. the lacts in the case
ys, ust• "
froiro-4 ke-le &Ors. .
,ff-treArsleite,ffAW • .
rcte' re;e:0''15OW4
PA!NriNg. mos,r)p ".kA.`e' •
IRAI,N.IllA.Kgii... It.,ATOI.g...1LD . , • .,
,..lif4q.:: UPS AND pOWNS
. ,
"Rainiaaker". .1-latfield7-11.inbre.', Or
' less ',. fverably' known :in ,' ..W.estern"
. .. . ..„ • . , .. .,
, ariacla - for ',ilia , ontiacts . to end
drOuths, is .-no W doing busine$s
California; kilt • the , fates' 'have not
al,. given to the'icourt, Went' to". show 1..)9,en 'Propitaous.,, • The •drouths .:„.. h,•i,ve
. that on , the aikht. Of 'March 1.2th,' aenx(ii's:tze.adinairila4.' f.HalaktfnteYdbLI:lita,h.a.e'PPeall'Ic-i.
' . rrtLeawi),istb.H.. ,oWlietse,ti,n'',thderogiyeethhiosd..i.ig:to.t.resierairriSic.i, ' ,
. which ;was.„ en. it Wednesday, Rev. ha,..v xi. ot alr,a-ys.., _fr olt.o..w, ed. ,.iri,e47ns•es:
quenee, that Would' bring dame and
his . Church ''., and after putting his -cutter -intiT"the shed at the, rear Of eein!,171111-1ailfe.,r'totio tilheaTs,e.tladehiltir,;?e,, sapoz..utinh;
..,horse away, , went hitO, the liaise. .As. ""Jj'haeirfii.,1.tNI,bel.i.;ea4.1):eietrl ,:heo'stici:ii:1,ahn '4:vteivob,elen:;
he .drove, in he "noticed that .,•theie '
• •• was another sleigh in tlus "'shed; ".hut .,.. sl6hsouldfhahnyt,70,,,:,,,i,n.e...h,eisiteeri*,,heal.s.as..t.,1„1.
. 1 .,!,,,.. not pay much atte'ntiOn'Ao lt,. but
i SOdn: 'alter he-. went , tnto, the hoi.U.--;e, :.,S.el'sreir.nyttri,g_dft.i:lieh,.;!, jintYy, 6. afe4ssaonn:', 13' '01:,11117.:::
he Ciought :.ht.i tietird.'ftiotStOpS, on the. '.
:I 114(1 been , a number of thefts. of ilils.e.;
; :from. -,cntterS' and •sleighs doriagH %the,' .... ' 14 ."'"G'd to'1 1.• . -": f.
l -oatslde,-,-and -reniembeitiryg,tliat-7.there -;..nieoali.iilt:i!:s..1";--.-ii,,si..7,,,,,,i,,,,,.....f:,....,,,,..1,45,:tivel.d.::.p:ri..thiisc.,t,e,..7.
'winter ‘inonthS,' decided te....'gO out., to .11hes. 1 . rain .:f.1-.-ar, $5p600--within:-'a
his' own :CiitteiHand'bring 'in his, .0ivn fortnight. :, 13,anche're. in '; other : parts.
robe and whiP,. As he waS 'about tP., )f• the State geeing his ;contract:: in
. leave' the Shed he sbeai.'d sonieliPerSon . . he n'syspl"'"'s, began t°' cifini9r:6'''
:.eali ,out to him, and ,.moke. some ori... his ,,:. seryice§. Purses ;were , 'raiS..,ed,
. ciirr.)lineritarY '' reniark, bilt. went ind ;if ..r.14tfici .eould have 'brought
back info. the' .house awl thotiglit 'ne the, . rain'. lie; would haVe •beteme
Mere abOu,t' .the niatter.' .Wealthy in fe.W 'Weeks 13ne ,fate"
be TOwnshiP grigineer, during the -bOwever, • greittly .surpriSeci: afesv hirn• 4efOre. he
'pleasure of the Council, was „duly taYs later; about ,Mareh. complete 1114-, PreParations for the'
.passed, signed' and Sealed.' MackaY--:•;,•Ceive 'a letter signed by -'11;ioinaS Ale- T°infail 10' San ' Aternardiria, an • inch
: gem' on the, .. Trer.surer were. ies-acd:. • .2mith .$1..o0. to'r, :supplying lanterns ,..rdr :the. 'Offiae .of Sanitary .inspector
.00' Clearing 'ditch road ..3; Robertjr- i .lectric, ,Systeni...for $2.70.-: for light away:. suggesting to 'him , they. •-had•
or five nights, .John Lowry:. ,$4.,.50 . fOr '' k,),P1.).i.C.Ori.t.i. to StOte. , salary expected inte the shed and .take the: tWo, robei' l'?err3i.." ''..
d.i.sking :Cori, 10,;', Ernest ..RhYver .$2,,i (Carried).., '"Bill. Of . • Ripley' HydrO-.1•. •otit ,,.of, .the..,:ciitter and carry '''' thein.
.McL!linart: That the Clerk' :.be In .'• ' NM:MO; and Written -..frO;11 'iS147. Tor-' of 'rait''' fell,' arid Ilatfield. Was,. gi've'il,..
strUctetd to advertise for applications , Onto; in ,!WhiOlf it.,wiis.stOte'd,that :the.
.writer had. seen the •elergYmari go out:
. . , . , .
, . .. . .
. ,I, .:t 1.v3littlatintiedh: Tireaern-f
fieWers and ..sinall fruits , "the ra.sp'z'
ll'at they ' call in that.: ,,. elfine of
. aol 17 n. '?: ; a ' i.1.9t-gen°r4F
.. Johnston:: .Rotilsten$9.g5 ''..ior , s=4,46v01,.. win ; Reeve' W. .J: . Mackay Deputy I for .gaii '"I•kro: :ordered paid, ..A.,.. COM; been Stolen,' but telling iiiin , that he The skies remained-. as brass '',ri' 'other.
:ling, "and, •diSking ;.snow . on • • Cen.: 2, . .Reeve-,.' 'John . •Enimetton, .. Roderick...1 Munication 'from, the Department Of ' .:ia. . no esire.'to.eauses•him any' tron7. clirs0.ict..;s. ' q)"i'l.'sratfld ........waa .81•11)"tr.4911'L
- . . • . , . . . , . .
.'James McTavial..i ,$4.25'. •,'; for 'disiiing iVIcerinan and '4.Thornas . E.. ilergan "PUblic HighWaYS: ', Stating that ' , the.: ble;. but that if .he sent the Writer .the '''''d ' to King' 'County, where -1,ie ' made
, on. Can. g i 4-, fday . - ;..ii.. ' shovelling .Councillers, $25;09, ., each, 4s.... pill; 'total . amount .Of.. the ,grant; 't,O. the •surn.. Of 150,, hO:vioulci, not...gi'Vethe. .4.- contract te,;produee tWO inches of,.
, ., , . .. . .., . . , ,.. . ,
•• . snow on Road 1.9, ' the following or7 .pairment of salai'y; . Angus. Marty,11., t...“'vG81-lio.' fOr', highway,' purposes on fact to. the. ,press, ;Inentioning, :,the.,,
, • • • • , - ,, -
7 t'in within a irnonth ,for";$2,000, With'
• ders Were isined: .F.red 'Wardell' fp1.- nc.',Ierk,., $1,50.90„ „ for 'Part , 'snlark;.: 1.:inr- .' a'-'..Sotint 'Of. last • year's' ex:Penditures,, name, of lack jOanuck;'aloronte 'pub-, a thonSand.- dolla,..,,t dor...each Auarter•
A 00; Ogle: Duggan ' $2.60.;' vvin..,'..,44tier
'• on .& Kin.JosS , Municipal ,,Teldphonel ' is,-.$.2F9g.33 , !Ind..a cheque' for ,this, licatiOn:. • The letter contained.'severe't . :If an inch abOve that mark A fund'
,.$2,00;". : • Wm.. Mardoeli, .$206: ' John'
' ;
„SYsftem.; ',.$9.00; for . moving •poles :on .' stun has been .teceiVed .by ,the Town- libellous remarks concerning.,•*- the -.°f •$51:H30 • `A'''.4s Subseribeil;but be.:
Mc Cormick .' 0.00;., .h., M. ;Canierol-. Con; '2. ,~The .resignetion 'of . john ;s;' ship T'rekIsprerr Morgan-•-•=Enunerton clergYinan;. and ,the . latter ,lost ... no, t‘ore„,..liatfield, could ,g.e..t. hio..ap.p.av:a..
. . . .
. .
$2.00; Chas : Erninetton• $g.. oo .paw.:. R• Ob•orton, is Sanitary .• Inspector ' of i That the Clerk F'Ublah the 1919 (the ime• in an( mg •it over to the. proper
, • .,
‘I, P • .1 , , • . tile set up rain fent. .It was riot 'al/
. . .. . , . .
son' Snowdon $1.00; "George .Tout the',.ToWrienip . was receiVed,and it , hilit) .agreemerit. betweenthe ..Town.'.
. $1.00; , Stephen Tout, $1.00;- 'Robert 1 ',vas :-InoVed,•'liy :William -J; MacKaY,. 'ship ,and the Mice' .Village' of . Ripley . • : • , , . • .. • • . • • ..., •
'MCCOSh $4.00; 'Frank lout ' '$1..00.' 'and'. s'ecOnded. by ', Arohn Emmert:on,: "f•(arried); ' Emitiertoreen.:
. . •• • . . , ,.. • - • - . . . , MLnan
. .
, Also .Williani,,J: Johnston $6,.00 for . That-. this council- regi.et .that .. owipk That, this council,. ,clo . now adjourn, to
•. , .
•-ahovelling". '. Snow off hill :at lot, '15., to ill , helilth Mr . Roberton his been . in ee t again on Monday' the: 26th day'
COO .. 9; Kenneth , ircteed $2,25" for reinpelled 'to ..give *up his offide.''‘,Ve.. Of. May., A 'D. 1924,•-• at the ...„utial
• man and team on grader 3/.(,i day Con, thorefOre, ... accent .. 'his ,. r'esignati Jii;• ,heti,r an place, as a Court of...Revision
..,:..-.404 NAP,. ,MtCaY pan, ,and : team ' on • . (,CarriesD: The Coun..cil.,"paSsed, a .no- al0...to, transact Township 11oisinesS.
grader on Con . 10; 1/2 day, $2.25. Tiltaninions ''resol.ution;. inbred • hy ThOS.. (( arried)„....'.• ., , ,' .. ..,'... •'..,.. . ,....,, ''',
Treasurer' of the Township . of/ Kin -'!-E : Morgan and Se'c,ondecl.. by ', W,..,J; - ';A:,,,,o:'.. " ',.".•.',"„•': , Clerk..
•. . •
!pas '$99.98•, for ,Hurores.:.share of ex..- Mkiekayi ;protesting; again.4t: the, ac-,
.:. tra,'Ass,ess,ment on Henderson- drain, ti on of the.: geVernment in --surveying.
• , . -
•Geoige,4-.A.-,fiecigiris-',- 00 ,,.A.1:-.--li, _a 0 (IS --4:11-ii . ) (Iasi ri g : lo-fs--e-t-,.--Brtic.&:-=--Reaeli-tb'
delivered at Ripley' Cemetery; 'Jeklm :the cottagers, •• without consUlting
McIver $10 00 for breaking roads tel this Gouncil•-...; A deputation consist -
Cemetery for four different funer- I in:r, of Reeve 'Irwin, Councillor Mor-
als; Robert Irwin, Reeve,' $10.00 and gan • and the .Clerk was .named to
Angus Marlyn Clerk $15.00.,for wait upon the Government in the
preparing •statement .of -"ETiffend- near future in reference th'erete,, Ey-
ituyes on roads - and bridges for the law No 695 appointing A: S. Code,
'Department ...of • Public Highways, 'O. L. S.; c. E, of Alvinton, Ont. to
1. •
resit- Odor
lean Clothes
• cleanses all garments and, fab-
rics, leaving them soft,vvell
'-waslied,And with that fresh
odor So pleasing to particular
authorities for -action. .A.S•day Or •twa , .01P" 0', .that the-ra.neliefs '' deired,
after: this :Rey, Mr. -Atirest received but it was enOugh., to .,bin.f..that. rain
another letter 'fren, McNanne fur; ;might fall without the 'interVehtien,
theyinsisting on .his demandbe-• of Hatfield, The , wizard remains ori ,
ing complied with, but Stating . thai the job; hcoweyer,' in the hope' that
he was 'abqut to leave:for 'Montreal., , he • heErtenS - will Open .again,, If
and giving, an address. in t -hat ' city.. `..heY• de, he,..wl4,1' Collect• -ti -handsome.
• -Pr(.1‘.4ncial Constable Gardiner; .ef„ s'aPi . even though . he is unable, 'to
fil.A..:Iist,ria headquarters staff ai. prove 'filet the, downfall was duo to
Kt liner was Placed in • chaige Of 11,”5 n'init.rAtionk° If"roiff' doe' 3 ".-1:1'°1
..,the.,case,-. and •on Thu,rsdaY •afternOon, :fall' 'Ilatfield,will 'point to his .1...e%
4,p4,,,,,..s.ectivirig. all the.;_lacii
,tainedi went to New Toronto arid.. i bout . ri00 ',rain inaliiilg • exPerinlentS
placed _ his.. , inanunder. arr'et, 'on!el Ind only a ' dozen. failures.,- .He- can
,night„ The accused realizedthat , he
broticrht him' to C A. -en SOtind 'that ''5howr that Ili services' were eagerly
$ought in ItalY; ' and , that. the •,:Siim,-
' wzis „caught with 'the „coods p'nfj• ..,!.04.0. 1r or of '1922 .tild ',Italians., wei'e inclin
ih' .macie.'. a full' statement of alf the . ed ' to regard 'him. with greater „res';
One' night laSt 'week' a Sneak thief:
-.1itered.a number of homes in; Pais -
lc iricking up' such things ,aa he saw
fit to ,.carry. away. In pile "house, ap.
parently , the first •one enteri‘d
•socure,clea colore-d wax cartao, f.acts-J-placing himself. on- th-e -rilefer
thie he Used, to light his Way in 'a court; The ,Magistrate
'him an opportunity to -Set.ure.' lerral
. . . ,
1.c1Vice,'“whiah he but' all `that hiS!"
hiwyer coUld ..do ,was request' that
IJi Worship ..be as lenient :with him
as ,possible, as he was the sole, .sim-
,Port of . his wife and ' • three sir ell,
iijdren,: and pointing out- that' the,
accused did not fully realize the Per-.
iotisness the ,Icritne whigh.„..he.bad
,committed; suggesting that if,at All
,posSible,_ the prisoner.93etnliOnmil54-6-
,..goeon---suspended: 'sentence: • ; .-
" The Magistrate' :•stated • that ;fie"'
would not .agree to isa. suspended sen-,.
tepee •withotit' the consent d the
Qt0WP, Attorney, and, Mr,_"Dyre'
ed out that 'owing to ,the fact that,
•the „crime •• had :been ,s'o, :deliberately',
planned; and the demand repeated..
'and lii:additiOn to this, the .characl-e,..
If the elergYman .had hteeli ,assailed
he coultt,liot noilsihty.give rnl' t
'Pe ,Same time • appointed out that
tnelv an Offense. was ,pu'hishable by
fitrm, of 14 year'' in the poi iteiltiarY,
The niagistrAte 'then' imposed the
-41161,0 tbne -e'ottgidera'ole
jigtyatii, • and eSpe,e„
,Ill.t.itiong,..4.1ine.n.thers • o'f--14
tt.ro: . tong- r4auli.,.. :who showe+
coneerni.nni were, an, tinxiO.is
a' the affair
cleared op;
. number of: other hOUses,„ as in each
tine;were-the:teliqairdrOlii.'.of -candid
Wak" the 'fiber. 'one house.. lie
Spkt. some endeayoring to get
an to the Combination of,. a' safe, as
shown :hr the great puMber.,
wax drops 'en the floor. :::!xipiner_
sto1e. a flash light and ;discarded the'
,Candle.• .Froin .o.ne house he 'stele
,ohOes'-:and• Socks,- from another;
„able rings. and. some• caSh, but, hisv
fLight's.;:hartrest apPeara,,iftv.have,..'heen,
All doors' have since. been lock.•
• Two barrel, containing. eans filled
with alcoliol were seized- -at flpn-.
ever statieh. last week and the conZ
tent8 promptly .conflcated...The bar.
rels Were labeled, "glass') and were-
addre$sed to a." fictitious' perh•bn. •
said •,.that ;the alcohol. would Cost
,Wh'el OS l'e, -thh
eit into'.a beverage Would be sold
at $10. Per
4 , Solitary' who Passed, the
. •
Winter h,t
'1;.efa at' ill Whikoioii or the
snits lakes in the ul•tinier
•passing' the -Winterihashak
the-rstrtsktrte-:SOutheeripfon and
his bumble home fell Under. StigpiCiOn
' 'a place , where. booze' VAS to be
•, had., .1 -the pOlice 'Made a :tall and
tmi cOnsidetable search fnunil an clil
-teapot witfi the .forbidden
liquer and 'further Seareli reVealed,
,a *tittle' dontaining the CeminOri Var.!
iety.' 's:WEOlt)4bisitey..butied hi the
,c'ellar, The dark man had MS choice
, between paying ,,,a• find of $100. atm.
gohig,' to jilt. for 3 inentha,. and ..not
the treneV he was obliged to ; first' esioothillii 'tit:411114 .0
ettitivato ooquailittnoo with 4101 • tO hli,Ve.:010#1 than the
eQfltafl: "
..X.biCtirdine., „Review says:
Fishing* off the pier is a popular`
-pastime theSe fine spring days rrid
profitable t��, for they .eatch trolit
now ranging' Lot the *kr Thnti 6 'id
121bs, •• •
. •„
-..;)e an • d'Arinunzio, '
• •In, Atigtist :of; that year 'Seniihern
...Italy "was ',Suffering froM, a po1png-
dretithiyand' Hatfield appeared ,on'
the scene He set up his 'apparatus
r,ears Naples, made' his ,incantations,
• andthe heavens obedient1f.4diseorged
copionily that a ;flood almost
n his -money., Hatfield,
quietly disappeared lint the news,
tplai 101)e. I7taC11 i9asi17:14:tC,GliOPN,5'eai:n-Uit":11
ent was being
Aion'1irforliis secret. Th 1915 Hat:'
field had an unfortUnate exPeri-
qhce, due, he
heingSsys,' to, his successtOO greaf.,:• and in: the matter.
of i.ainitaking,' fi.muh f.4uecess is,:
almost as Unsatisfaetory• as tOo.,
•li.tt:e, There w4is anather,greafdrou-
fh. .Calii:ornia. The Morena dani,
'v./Itich;supplies thg. city- . of San ,i)legn"
yith , Water, Was' :at i 0,14!), 811(1
City Council Sent; .i'6r
;fill. 'the' r..ouervoir Within a eertairl
• VO'r„nitilitits no rain had falfon
lit Hatfield".s*ici it would begin' to'
presently, and be set ; ',Ails
• 061111ilie;-;
Vins; a i,he vfniseliafl'... writers tall
hint, "•
Lilbecaine oVe:et".481611:t
and sb�n •i•ahi be-
glth to fall, at 'first gently' but Seen,
in... an, unbridled, notnier.::The
" Vater: Jit 'One day eixteeir,
other•-toefility- forty inches fell white
the storor Listed.. The reservoir was
not only 'filled for the first time in
its,' 'history; bat overflowed'..
Ota, and 8tillwater'.‘„dairis bUrSt,
"arid :the.' fitirtounditig, cOlintrY Was
5ubni6rged,-Raneli houses Were cat-,
ried awa ha bitryis .and other'
bldtigs floAted.iirotnid in E. 'Sell. %t
rAjil• 04 )14014 thud,. Valtighla tattie
were' cli.x),4-ned; The 'damage 'ran in:
.t.'6"..rrilllions, of dollars; .1.1ictims .
the 'pity', Of 'San, Diego, doliinporting-
rairithaker; and inktead:of...pay-,.
Mg' hini the City : 'Council Stied ...Hat-
field;•Seine the' suits; we are
formed, ,rernain! ;the court doclsets,
and Hatfield has never been., able to
colleet a"..cent because his contract
. was, loosely: dray'vn.: AnYone, y.vho"eays-
"that Hatfield • Cannot ,produce, rain is.
referred' to the swbrn Statements,
ruined by the floodat San
' Ilatfleld ,SaYs there • is. no p.aticti- .
lar • mystery' ahout• -his, 'method: He
.. diselaims .the. title. of "rainipaicer.!'
He is More of a- collaborator with
• . • • . . •
the rain. It ' exists already, he says.
'Nature. He .does not" actually create
,i• :the‘ form of moisture.-- ' What he,
doe's is . Merely • to -, cOndenSe it, to
draw 'it to -a' "Single-. sp,ot and there-
•preCipitate .it .on his 'clients, I -le . got
hi's original „idea . twenty-five year
arro-on Iris-1,ather's - ranch in. Cali-
fornia,: trhere Wai. a ,drouth.. and he
•,i as., led . to "study meteorology,. phre-
nology, astrology, and „kindred Sub-
. 'e:'Its• He Made hi S first eXPerirnent
in 1902,. and hiS' first rain a several.
Ile was paid $50 • on his first con-
tract. ,,Nowadayi - his 'ates 'never
, vary,' He .receives $1,90q an inch' for
,rain with a .gliaranteed iniinurn Of
Inite Ver. " is,,desired:', He can alWays
Ai'arantee a , n.ilnimuin.„hut not, 'as
.110.s. been shown, a makirnum. Meter-'
orological "experts says that Hatfield
• is a faker. arid. has no -control what-
ever ,
, on, the. :.rainfall it rains he
vins, if it does not. ram zi he does not
collect' b'ut7 he pays.:no forfeit, .but
Out:. in. the. great „open Slice CeS •-where:
men are- Men, apparently suelt 'con,--
traets „seeni -reasonable, .enOug,h. ,
„ • ,
'Top CAN "ilUr
• E
-,•,9,,X 9
..1(),Y.4.x 9,1t..
x 9 ft,.
13yz•x 9'ft. ,,
x 9 ft..
Mar4uisettes; Scrims, Bungalow
and, Curtain Nets ,of all. &scrip-.
thin. . They start from 121/2c. per
yg,, o.p*ards:; _Beautiful „Da m aeks
r grid Tepcstrics' for Chair' or Fur-
niture Coverhigs or Hati,gings.
Widow Shades, Curt:lid ,,Toles,
Line.: Shine, Lino ietair
'Plates, FUJI stock on hand.
•ThiS ie THE, PLACE 'TO, 1-27:-:Y.
and See a real STOCK, Of
' Renee. Furnishings
.1iINLOSS' • Seeding is now in. full, swingy
, Mrs. 'Weiter Ross': is visiting; iri-
Wedding bells are ringing. in onr ends in , Toronto and 'Hamiltonbjr. .• •
• ,
Miss , Leila Mossey- ,of Granton is .
oviesoit.inngiahta' ritih:oilhoine- of Mr. and Mrs'. .
'Mies Jean McIntyre , is spending
few days', with Miss Johnston near
e,Mrs. "A., ItIcKagtie retirrned' home
after Spending a few weeks with her
mother. . in 'Teeswater; •,
Mr. and Mrs..: Walter Day spent
Sunday at „the home of Mr
• Mr. Geo. Richar4on sold , a , team
f horses 'to Mr. .Lawrerice Rowe of.
Kinloss, last .week.• , ' •
Miss Nora-- Johnston ie,.. Spending
he Easter : Holidays at her. .home'
near Whitechurch: .• '•
-- -Mies '• -Florence -McPherson ' is.
.13pending.. the. Kaster vacation at :the'
711 :omf:plihe.errs.POanr..p.a,t.s...,.; Mr M.27 .
• We ,hare,• this Week to ,r▪ eport ' the ,
deatb of old.,:tiine resident' of •the
tOwnship in the person of Alexander
.3,feerenald,.who for 'many, years. was "
,e'.....nesident -of-the Ath concession, and ,
at mil earlier date , of the 2nd Con-
cession., or'CulyaSs......For, a nuniber
-011 yS• :pasSed't•he ,wiriter 'leaser' in
Teeswater,,'Ond.,it '.
home that he paszed'awaY. Mr;' Mae- •
" House •Cleaning, is the order of the
MissMae Stanley "is'. hom,e at 'Pur-
ple Greve to spent the vacation: • •
• MrS. Walter .Kaake ' spent 'the
week -end at. Kingarl." ."
Mi Ralph
• O. !I iS v.:spend a
. feW days With Mrs; (Rev..) ',F4's;Lew;
few days in Huren. •
Miss: Pearle Geddes is. 'spending a
Mies Mildred McEwen '•of Toronto
:is spending 'a ..'feW: days . with Mrs
James - Geddes..- - -
Miss Laura Griffith -and Mr. Will
Pollock of "RipleY spent 'Sunday 4Wi Cr;
, Mr: and ,Mrs. Altan Kaake's.
, Miss,. Ida of rortE1iiui i.5
spending few weeks with .bdr ,aunt
MiSS Maggie Kaake, '
MYs. . sPerit'a few
, clays .last -week ''at 'MeS. Mcnii.-
torr's of ,Kingarf, , .
. Mies Lulu Kaake- is Spending a
.few. days with lier aunt; Mrs, Ogle
• .
s e n •--
Master Hinton' Colwell of 13ervie1
, . .
nirrht, There' Was. also if social thne
and taffY at ,the close. , ,
, "Mr. Duncan of the north si
line past ' through the village . on
• Saturday' last; Puncan irr great
pits thee days, '
'PRE STICK -1.6ETU Eli P 0111,Y
Thete:org, '1Vhd• • seenr• to ,:faney
'TiTai for, eadness they nniSt `roam,
That for smilos that are the brightes
They intn,4 wonder' far from .home, ,
That tho Strange friend i8 the true
_friend, "
;Ala' they -travel far. as trak, '
And ,theY,„-_,Waste-their. lives -g-riAIL:
For a joy thaes far a;vity;
When, the buSy dayis done;
Are the brothers and; the ' eistere. •
Who together 'ehare.the fun
Thestick..together fanii1is. ,
Are -Itaripier. by 'far, .
'Than the brothers and the Stdr4.
Who take Separate highways are,1
The gladdest people living •
Are- th.e wholestithe folks Who make
A Circle at the firesidO.
That no PoWer` Ina "death• can • break;,
And the fine'st, o conventionS
Ever held beneath the" San,
Are the •iittl'a antfty gathering
When tho boy iloy 1'done;
Donald', was -80 years of age and had
been in rather poor health,for,fouior
five years. He is suivived by his wife'
arid a grown-up family of sons and'
(laughter all:, of 'Whorn 'were , at' -the
furceral, with he •exceptiorrof Anth-
ony who fie :still cOnfined to the honin
las ,a 'ilesuit ,cif an accident' which
nearlY resulted ' For 'Many
vearS Mr. MacDonald folloWed the
as farming, lie Was 11 Roman Cath -
• oliC by religion and 'a ConeervatiVe
in politics:
Here' the , replains of Pereival
• ---
He (Trove, it car_Avith
Lies Alunlberin' here` ' one Williant,
• '
Th heard-.t.he had no • brake..
. • •
'13eneatli t1isstafli3 lies SVni...,Eaines,"
tee nn th hill, he' had no -el -pins,
14010 lies the body, of il1ian lay,.
ic di*ir,nrivintitinillg his right •
1.5011; 'Higgins 'n•OVer' would be paSsecf..
breed • bit, ear's enluraneo,
fte. ,posted Aix ;cos with . a bitekWitrit.
•giande-ee.' •
1114 *Ito- li64. bio•