HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-17, Page 8r
TUE LOCENtiw sENTINEL, THURSDAY, AfaRt 170., 1924, ,
xed..a wiso.Old gentleman,
an -1n
es, a, probJeniofsomethurg
00 Co. know the answer to. this. I.,
it to our."Store--will Convince.-you.,that here,i0
a wonie• get their smart tlothing
, , , , .
epartm Displays ..its shimmering' Silks. zird
supple Crepes'. There is nothing more -
madeof beautiful uChess Silk or Canton Crepe:
uarailtee4 Black Duchess Silk; wide width, at 14.95 a Yd.
lack Canton Crepe, extra value; at.$3.75 a yd.
epartment Is showing a wonderful'assortrnent.'
sses' Covert Cloth Gloves, 3,-4, 5, 6, Valued at 60c..
Wainoisette Or Covert Clah GlOves, wrist length,'a v1r1ety-7 of,
ors, at 75c. per pair: - -
les, Gauntlet Gloves, in Covert Gloth,_in__Brown,_Beige-or--Grey---at
a Pair.
ilk Gloves, in Navy, White, 131ack:'Grey or Beige, extra value, up
EN OF THIS DEPARTMENT Is a new Swiss SiIk, double-,
Glove, fashioned with tapered wrist, and finished with a fancy
auntlet top, a full range of sizes, Valued at $2.50- per pair.
, y , WI your tail -
:V. -
This is the seaaon for Blouses you may need one with t 11
'Pred suit, Our Blouses are soft affairs, of Heavy Crepe de Chine
rblouse Style and rOund neck, Flesh Pink, Tangerine, Navy or Beige, extra
EO each..
- ,
_Black Siik Hose, either -Plain, or Fancy Open
Strip up the back., Saturday only 98c.
a. 10 is it 'Your 'Service
;sell atepiper Then The Credit Storei
ave just unloadetLa._cativad-
Wires-Coiled; Barbed and Wo-
ce. You will find our price's,
quality first claes.
use Cleaning Season is here and
llovving will -be of interest to you:
Sherwin Williams 'Paint 'for walis,*floors and,
so,10 Flat ton -.0
uresco-;-the greatest Wall Finish --we have it
Vety color made.
Sherwillac--the Finish for Floors that wears Well
ooks well.
Lacqueret--ihe Dainty Decorator for Furuiture
. •
WI). Ladders.
• Scrub Pails
Scrub Brushes
We have Paristone for Plastering- -
Lime. for. White -washing.
SUccestors4to Lucknow Hardware SCCoal Co:
The Retail. Merchants' ‘Asseciation.
Canada has sent out a warning to
itt'itienibers to beware of a,man who
hys:',Iiiniself as representing' Val.-
Witlfirtns in the -Old
onn,t,, ",:hose 1181.10:Method of
' telegram, signed by
'• kerne in inerean.
for Ition0 to en
ett iiiii4ttect. of
, : ........
, Word 'was received in ),Vinghain
last vveek of .the death at .VanCouver,
C. Of. lienjajiiin; Wilson, Who for
many years was ' a leading citizen
of Wingham,-4,nd-wh0-wa51-
eeted mayor following the incorpor-
ation,--of-Wingham as a town_After
coming to. Wingham in the early
seventies Mr. Wilson .opened a pri-
vate. bank. 'Which he, conducted. for
some Anne With great sacCess. He
Jate becanie. mahager of the Bank,
of yainilton when an office was op-
ened here, and ,he continued with
that .bank until it . recently was, ab-
sorbed by the Bank Of Commerce. .
rate for 1624- ;ill
•be,47 mills on the dollar.
About a hundred dollars -worth of
pipes, tobeeco,..,earettes, and choco-
late bare was "stolen fromharles
Flynn's store one night last Week.
The thieves ..gained', ,entrance Jay
breaking -a large -window- at the real
of the building. Warrants were
sworn out, and next clay •Constable
Bloor and Farrel searched three
houses where suspe t lived but no
evidence was sieured. Thefts of Sim-
ilar articles 'OCciir' here .periodically,
'A short tine ago cigars and cigar-,
ettes were stolen from the PaVilion.
Last Year there were thefts ef,simil..
er erticles ...,from. the -1;bleen'a Hote
and the -Royal., "
, There were blood ,niark's. on the
windoW sill chewing that one of the
thieves cut his hand- ini breaking the
VIra,,„---Staniey '-'7'Spent-,.-the—week.L
end with her daughter Mrs. •Georgt
.. , . .
Rich -el -deep' near 'Teeswater..
Aaamoseemeata,The marriage of• . A number.' from ' here attended the'
,. , . ,
play et iCingerf last Friday :night
Anna Matilda, daughter a astr:and ,..N,.,, James .tali spent a few day'
, . .
Mrs. Robert pet!, _seoforth; Ontario, of last -week :With -his .father .in'''' Kin.
.._ _ .. —
to Mr. Roy Campbell Andeson, son of carditie.:' :
Mrs. Anderson and the late Thornae MiSs :kathleen. Huston has 'return I
k Anderson, Hernilton . Ontario, Win4 ed home atter spending 'a few day..
take place gale0Y A.
on 22ii`d:- 4ith her 'sister Mrs. Frank dolvver
i .
' mi, Nvillio* 0, Sproat, Seaf.orth, c'f' BeiVie- ,•'-'` '
announces tho . engagement of his' Mr, and - Mrs. George Colvver
datighter, AgneS, to Mr, Jain A, ePent Sunday at ghlk)ugh:
Allen, i n' of M, and Mts. ' obert ..........-P-o-o -"•••=--= '
CO' 4 ii Wiliir'the '. " ' . o!,14. 0,500: hoile 'qua* that leen:
e' lin,'Whit 'OXhibiting stocking bolo
'b6c;.-#41.00111Anfi .
morcroAoE. siota, •
. Mrs, -w-esiay Bayle was called. to . Of-intitinhie faint Prorier,t34 in Kin-
Ltican aweek go owing to the ; loss Township. Pursuant to ,the Pliw-
f: a
dentir eft,lip r -sister. We extend our i Or of Sale which:is contained in a.
certain mortgage- which vill be
,12- ‘10 :--.4t,v. ;,1i,C-Oldf7jeirr,,,,,41. , tli7. 'Sil'ill,P'. t1;:7:2,-Iti-te:,7°, -i-111°.-11:66:4,1' 'f-51.74•--.-1-1 i-.1077-4-TIZin.0.3'.7.t.41'hi'0111)1Tilhille'ettie,i,,:h7e,
keep a firm hand on. tie ' Wheel
- at - glad tosee - Mr ,"."the-tirrie-Ot-Onie. there. -vv
:Lizeknow on.'Saturday,- the 26th dair
enelhIg 143r the 1-°th 01eer• Never
of April. A. D. 1624, at.2 o'clock in
mind Biafternoon by John Purvis.. Aoc-
b the hill is bacr tiOpeer. the followNg valuable pro -
We noticed our Westford ewes- cne,eirlaYLirr,apniale.clp-.71:,0Aillira4nedt soinfdd
givalnar tahnat,.
tnh°en,-4-leallstt-- 7n4ed1.311' 46y- i.PtI;titeti'll 't7."1sW4take ii.1
-steed County „of. Bruce • and Proymee ot
Lzfra._jaraes_tiocisionsaa was called -,Ontario and Oosed of .Lot
-number 4.111fteen- .-411 -the.. Eighth
tn: Lamicsn eiOlg,' le the ' eeneue iessie f thesaid Tovvnshin OfflOspltal Kiri'
. af .isra.more or less. There are : on:
Mr Vilbert -•
Haida'ab3i 'spei:ii.Lsol_‘ the Pronerty a-cdmfdrable brick.4ren-
.neas of her brother who is in the los. "containing one hundred! acres
bottse. with :frame 'kitchen,attach.,. .014' 'eveeing. at and 141's• 'Waiter eerOtt and a frame 'thin obout 40 ft; in
Nicholtion's. . 90 ft with stone stable: underneath
Sermice will be held In the Artgli- About 90 acres Of the farm iS fit for
canChurch here on. Goad Friday
cultivation and the land is well wet,.
. e..!
ered by a spring creek and good well.
ev'ening' at 7'3° P4e. Thereis about 25 acres if fall plow;
V,re are pleased. to, report that nr- done on the preperty. The prop -
Jas Johnston is improving ertv is situated about six and
after being being setiouSly ill
The Women's Institute held their "Term% 'of sale—Ten per cent. of
April meeting at the home of Miss the purchase money' on the.' day of
L. Purvis, a large nuirther being .•(itaoye, taiinedr,eathftrTheee13alapurchaserncewit
present Mrs. Will Percy gave a
splendid .paper' on "How .to raise
Chickens." 'Twentyfive dollars. -was
donated to the -Armenian fund also
twenty-five dollars- .to the Greek
Famirr. Fund. It farasalso decided' to.
have a "Cookie Shower”—the cook-
ies to be ..:seat, to the' -sick _soldiers, -
'quarter miles' from the Village of
Lucknow in a good farming locality I
hurnorours plity, of three acts, with
,ten characters lasts about' two hours,
111.6, action- of the comedy. takes
Place -in ,the home.- of the Pilling.
,hams, New Rochelle, during the
-Montir,of May; Mr; Ruggles and his:
'son-,n7law My. 'Dillingham, the own-,
er of "a new fishing Yacht take. if'
'mysterious : sail, -accompanied by an
'actress. Their -':.-wives; become •sus-
picous of the.,trip,; through a pair of
.-.gleyes found on theyeeht by a
young cpilege- student; ..Robert-,Slo-
cuni, a friend of the family. AS time
passes : the . mystery of thegloves
thickens, Mr. Dillinghath and Mrs.
Ruggles., endeavour to deceive their
wives with. excuses: but throligh the
farsightedness of Mrs Ruggles they
are fdand.ont and divorce is Sought
by ,;,the ladies After, exciting times
in which vidlence by the , actress's
husband is 'almost used, gradually
affair l are reconstructed again, This
is being initon under imapices of
the Holyrood Women's Institute,in
the TpWriehip Hatr, Ilolyrcio,d, by the
kinlongh Dramatic Club, on April
21. Admission 35e Children 1.5c,..
Lunch servedBELFAST
. • ,
• Mr, Sydney Ferguson left for
Detroit !recently,
- Mrs.; 'James COok-ls'visiting
her sister Mrs; Toppe, of Toronto:
Mr. Jim Henry has gone to:,,Flesh-
ntonwhere he intends Spendingthe
aimmer. .
M. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor Of
-..ducknow Spent' Sunday with friends
the burg.
Mr. and Mrs, Frank Irwin spent
3.uriday, last with • Mr. and Mrs.
William Irwin, of Lucknew. -
,Mr. and Mrs. John, Bradley and
:on Eldon of Laurier spent, Sunday
Mrs .• Bradley's ft:timerhome here.
Miss Irene Brunt'. has returned
ionie after spending a few days
with ,friends in LuCknow,„
A -large number from here ,-'etteri-
led, .the play' held at Mafeking on
and. MrS. Arthur' Culbert and
family .of .Thingannon spent', Sun -
lay i•With. friends.'at Crewe.
Mr. Clifford ,and Colin Crozier
;pent the week end with their grand-
,...)arthits-4,at.:-"Westfield,„;_ •
Mrs. A....MoQuoid. visited -with her
laughter Mrs. Little for a few days.
Mr, and Mrs.. John:. Savage, of
Dungannon, spent. Sunday with Mr.
ind Mrs. Percy Finnigan.
, Mrs. Wilfred Drennan spent
laYt;ree441.13..,with -ber;- sister Mrs
Ewart Taylor --
Mrs. Wm. Crozier and daughter
re --spending -0.-few—days-With---her-
parents' ,Mr. • and Mrs. Wm, Camp -
el! or
Miss Ada Riett visited, her aunt
Irs A. 'Culbert on Saturday,
Mr. II, Hackett spent Sufiday with
friends at Crevve. -
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hackett,,Mr.
and Mrs Herb Stothers and deugh.
, .
ter spent Thursday at eBrt' Trelea-
yen's. ,
The Zion Dramatic Club -intend
putting on their popular Play "Safe -
:)s, First is the best policy.
We are sorry to report the ill-
ness of Mrs. Matt 8.hackleton but
hope to e0On Spil her up end Around
iC entitled to possession forthwith
The property will be .offered' subject
to a reseive bid, , • -
Further particulars and 'conditions
if Stile my be had onapolicaton to
undersiened, '
.John • Purvis, R. Vanstoae,
• Ifolyrood, Ont., Wineham.- Ont,
..4.lictioneer. ' -Vendor's Solicitor
The Term of the. Wine -ham
Business College begins '11!tiesday,,
22nd, and a. new elass will a1ia
be fornied Monday; April 28th Our
--Graduate Stenographers. -are, beg_iph-.
pur expetlenced stenographers 'are
drawing:. twiee 'as ranch. Those who
cannot enter colege: will have the
college brought to them by. Home
Study. .Cotirses. ,You.'may begin any
day , -.and 'Instruction is iridiViatial,
latest..:Male testimonial _Com.es-
trent a 'young men who was eel-pl.
ing $2,75 per ..clay. before and is now
earffluig-e.$4:90n0s0c,..74p,eiw•-- hrit.clortc,'rnal
elling to
4Wholesate.. What' we haire.. dam ' for
„OtherS •we can 'do for you.; if you so.
de:sire. l'Affillated with,: the Canada,
Business 'College (College et Spacl.:2
iia), -Toronto. Write today for Part;
Five of the nineteen cases in Pol-
ice 'Court before.' Magistrate. C, A.
Reid, during the 'month of March,
were dismissed. The fines assessed
totalled $156,,: of which $6 went to
the town of Goderich. Magistrate's
fees were $39; constables' fees, $18.-
41, and witness' fees, 15 cents,, Six
,of the informations were laid by
'Chief R. C. Postelethwaite, while ten
others were laid by Inapeetor'.W. TPellow.
This is net a story. about fireatren •
all, kinds With '`g'Ood"' Paint: ',Apfinst
the action of the weather, ,
XII every class of goods ihanufac-
tared the inferior as -well as the best
quality will 'be- found, and it has al-
ways . proven the best is not
Only the least- eXpensive;but the saf-
est tp-pse. -
:The 'picture !Tiatedting the
Homes: of Canada" tells:in inter:a...t-
ins-manner why good' paint should
he Used to protect your -property,
why you '-shOulch'avoid using infer:.
ior paint and how good 'paint is
made. •
The subject of property protection
viesra'siOttfgt today
iatya win
iiteetrheesrt toin helloyh tm,cf.eno,iv.on;
Family Theatre, Tuesday April 22M1.
Man's first form of government as
we recall it, was made from a rib
Fable: After they had argued for
an hour the wife finally shut up and
let the husband have' his way..
, Love at first sight is possible but
it is always best, to wipe Off Yet:1r
glasses., and leek again.
• ;
A lot of henpecked. husbands will' .
tell you that "loved and lost" beats
--"Wesitied "anr--tossed:"- ,•
• An occhlting..light run by acelyene
no takes :the*.place pf the.,pewerful
revolving: light that 'shone .from • the,
lighthouse it. Paint Clark: . 'the- old,
lamps are to be removed to the ight,
house .at Cove Island; The 'oceillting:
lights -ran autednitiOally for three,.
months:and therefore dliglitkeeirer, is
not required. Mr. deeigef Ray bas
therefore been notified that he •is te
he !retired Under the Civil Service
Retire/tent Act with'. a Sinall annuity'
rtd.two .month'S Salary gratuity .in
:leo •of potice.
It pays to use
ibr Barns' and Outbuildings
„ 'it has, no aluat. .
Write to Head Office. Meaireed for Free Booldei 2
- Lu.cknow -
Rugs,Beautiful New Patterns in the 16-
4 widths, at 4.10 and $4.50 the yard,
12-4 at $3. 10 the running_yard,8.4a_
the moSt, service-
.. . .
al,ale-1044(1,111e.1)4ttern0.. are.iieW-,..krid.,.'thek •
h4ve.... the .:w4jced....finiSLi...:
t.. ,$. • 5,00,—
Floor Oilcloth Rugs, 6x9 ft.
at 5.25, 7 1-2x10•1-2at$7•5.0....,
Floor Oilcloth,. by the
at 55c. -per, square
4, 8-4 and 10-4 widths.
- .ungttr
Beautiful Nei,v,. Curtain Netts at 35, 45, 50, 75 8
1 and $1:40 the yd.
Nottingham Lace Panels,_thellewest Curtain Mat
eria,l-at; 1.75 and $2:50 the yard. NOTE --As jt onlytakes
from 1 to 1 1-4 yds. of these for a window, they are very
• :Brussels Nett,' in .„Ecrii4Shade,
sign, Priced at $i.35 per anel
'exclusive de -
one I 2
" lortorleff sirg1.1140.11.
Lisle Hose
98c, Pair