HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-17, Page 6PT -11711 77 7 _7477-- , P77 7i;'Ti 4 X A C J '74 Tr J The, J)%44 prqxn;,S r �.­, �` I -, , I , , . 11 d 1111t, -.1 ­,­, 4�, � � . � , ".1 A 1�­, - : , - .1, A-0 A Ito, lie I r. :. " 1", 7 I.V 0 Fort A UY T 11 "Th ''Ing 4 nefit apart `�90r'vls 'KJ Etiter Days bring,,a 'bb Tlik,-#I�rr Ot. it spe religious, belief cQncer `T at �d BelIqlCithe strickened AgAB �ign,4,�Un6­ Tq-�Jiave. At least, h z' 1h da 4 77T Igo; 'Angels �'had-zrolled� 4he --st The �conqu6ror� of t . . . . . . 4` fixitlIAhat life.,w lly, vqntua w0lol� tip'd6th is,noe �jjth-p We haQ, er!� , 11 . I : - , f , , L., r , , ini -Pia, urgency, or qu;* nt; -pi ;F� Aq0arqd.,­ that udding-,4n unfold thero is nothir ste4,, the airici6 'Jiail H- h thee �f Light e 44ps q, spe .j d in n ont, qrprAys, 1; e rising, i 9, 410 under the sun., U _ondent. tho" 'I J[ d desp MKJi reim A and- 0 is" pestqt(3 w t WQ­ �"W beauty grace. t i-day4 -power, for; thql,'14�e �:that �r e e er io Seth a owns, way, iffid, Pr e etb. griset, and'. t e" Oct, I i . Q ­ AYS V W h LgS e;r Y -L -k Y B 1E PINC 'NE r, e: a iT Orn'.0 It t 17 we T rileth about, unto the n"'o r th And how'black'night down at Th 'we shall it :�nd. tu firp aeey throng- along, the 'qdron r ]I,- Hi3 likefiess be, I�wbirleth about, continu Da Th y thre d the city -through t noon, o e on that, im mortal sh e r -a pre al ere- es -live' —C-A-11-the-Tiver' urst 7:��� . , t e se,: yet., A no �Piore;. to 'the Up W ed 44jr The, Christ,'f ulflIled b is promlspd we d" fix wi'db 6§eph's garden hill,' no Straight is unto the -place r from Whence the ri Wh6liel HeL'. th '' I' Yers come tlifflhe'r io-Tee hildrei'll, 0 crown,. p I Sklilked.outlieneath a bloo red rqoon, At, Qyes the c HE hard,est. �palrt of, wash�dlay they- return. agi -All: things. art f I� Ra.�our-living� L 43 that e4 0. :NY dr �; d We crown Him ni, ,, wai s. lov the children t T riubbifigi rubbing, rullbing, has of -'labor man eqnnot utter- ft.'?� d., They dance,� they, ping ,the the, new M id , way jor hbal y climb the die 1 11 trVe tse Rinso� u�hei MOP keth od '6f, tcome again. Wet essant *riiig e w eyq1qs.. of oFlowers' try' �ana inc VoU used� 16' 6akink.th ' clothes c. ean' iih , inso. fw4,; Of all'. the. flo, we bar Ri -.both ill* outward, nature and. I or two long'( ayis no gir of- 6�y Th�y Circle round iri:ri'ng changei They'.knq�V' they wer at bloomed- tit 4 or ioaking, Thisi, *onderflil new,'. soap. o" pie s Easter, -timej -ien��,, pl soap In Galilee' r.ibrdan' aip tainot fail t : . .7. : inwayd ei ep. gently generations a A -in our no, A; t and, gU Oi r ose the. u -M. laugh, ( ­ j fi& Win Ifie eidoh s And bl ir and a,:'thbr6ugh ;C4 )i;sipg, f6t ho, Ought their message, f ri Aeparting like� lea;v6s 0 He. lifts His Va kegs llad,�Jaugh pe alid,joy h' rinsing things wh *t d )idfid"r "If 'bor 'is' plain UM � h ft h) k' ' d In every e the pai�n ea;t.. s qus y so a, of, the f lAilit :4ien .1 8 r .. it 'earth ..that thii-d d�y V ould. get. ce , i' - h,6ard%' w h ea, WA Of death for m4wby sin -defiled;' To. me,frai glistening. -as'yi)q IlLe et, 'c ' 0 W pendants in and reijm� hand angel. as A utrise, hc6f6rthtp;Jiv e-, ea n -y thern b4iore. 0 inorn o uent.m. d.4 Lord'of &-Kingi ofthe C II&P ''Fla h"d !Yzoti-where'thli dirt i e.rn co., ent up6fi life.*L Was 14111 :On such golden sground. s, 6 Resurrectio'llos� t e pitiless qe;, They vit i It, and' He stand �alone;, But a But Elister, proclaims' P s vealing'God! nits neck b rids, cuff. -edg eso .,conle to Nyeol "Th 49g-footh ViOlet, I'smil6d. She and the like need a light rubbing iron cirille a h e ever, since t e' world, was born And when thevornert- oa- Hi huni I si a broken atlaii­ Gi nd iThHad eorne to datzlis n! ght wliftl' dt3i Rinso lWays to revol h i�!'iihd greed e garden flames with flowervnew- saidit "Is that its nam 'darkness Ile ve. wit e Then ev9iry child 1he 1pie4qp .4ay.; -at'libritY ''Upoll Joy arid. liassed nd While 1, .46 hoil 8, -irubbied ow r these 'Bpotj,qui6klY inikes e Knew that the ire at ch.! dre Was with h t* ELn end The Are at home, aunting mem6r t., One urn ena e ies.,.of disappeari the' b, UM e,r �ring woo s; i ild.: -of.' ea n Kne*, thai the'stbrL6 was. rolled .4Way IS d I power d th, pote 'tiall; sh' Y atterine up W"'ka s' Ifnelt tyranny 0 qp-YAendr 6t-4hakes-that­g d t Mong [-�-Aridi -4neetAhe-ris t-sli —Wher har eir spo al th s bN ali grocers', over or lives..,, a And, loi before Madgra"lene,- bright the� flowers. Trust revivi thr6ugh a-' pos tive nd 4�pa'ri stores r e pulehrc, Ir Osamund ov vemen o 'survivfti of The learned 'rabbis R Had resAed' the. empty ie ;'St'ok d' the" t f persona ey hillS; n C. Or,'Pet�i hi what she haA death. Ydr th�se­irnplicitly qnd with., 'the crois ty. -They'knew, net yet t Or, fliet; John'liastened, afte M JoVe'r IS. toA Childreii's Par' affection.- of' hear' igh t cogimi-fting spin r: hex,, , I - That,' knojil�dge fails where love you p ease, If to thia keeping 6f tfi -�ie- The� clilldrin. I , 1. . .1 1 1 ''' 11'' 1 1 , L� �, ua, we ar 0 on.i. ar * -4 a d P an, . a qimple h d gone' begins. Life,: torious-an my., d ;tically lnclu�i dren.?" 'k V6 e a,, wondrc'�u vill :us s. a Ea'siel party f6i''chil' somehow. still on Easter niokn assurance, c of own Immortality. rin:thle,jardeni Walk", busy mother. The -world s, b - -. '' f * ' I .., , � � d:, , eautiful again., yes indeed I Write the invitation It 8 indeed a m6 aring hope warrierl awal: scattered I d And n"iMch--qhiId4ike hdart is. born on ap'ter cAirxds.4and seal tfie�''envel- A thoie" who' cherish And lilies - on, th gr6un -thq,.,. thiindef And seen Hiii-ginile afid:11teard Hin� oloe� ye '.0f 'good' will 'to �s �al envie e.sun sinit . ten mo, t arning is iii opep. With. -bunny -Decorate ifio s. un aln ?F �YX hortheiii MADEBy THEMAKE mer— au table. with Easte favors, Of h man, faith'. in, it world No chil A w" Plin halt, 'or lante, So� e ha"ting.. -s dfid ii�aker Y, M appy �'a, nest of wlifte p'e'paper (cui` cre where so- many vall r" Or hungry, orAn t: er, liou'ts of lau e r a a e still­wrppr,. atters clad in drea in nal W strips) for 'the cchtiepie'ce. futile Ow. is Uhrist 'r son from, th (lead Pod In night ter ilow y f sin ffor e an I in light thi 0 girig birds, Of, dtft�diisj r -n with Ea to f6 e. came, the. s er eg e, and' be6me the'J' lid ',,bt Z'6,�, An& all were o e t (911P A irst fruits pLfh ��ribb �ni or',th.e �gleanri ifor alle, th wh I an& % strong., �Of ive branches', eachi hiI4) and -have' a-. d6wny on -do, i I- at 'p Of dew -shine oh't4e Sy c i re�n, Yo yellow chick, repie�gini lit size, ng F ri s ayed by th front an, Ogg- e pri isfiviil, rad d a 11 "up �-taster, Day romln�g u shll on top. - For . the favori makel Witkh s aC b dealt In Switzorlaudand Austria,.as W611'. -eiack-was'- -epe-paper,bu�k-00­ d s Oul e s-iiiat ther e miracle of The. a narrow gate th t, little ci rs end�fot; in th the" Erope the all. 1`111 w1M the smalleWorie'at, ih�6 end.' "One c entire Contini E OF -opene in candy eggs.' 11' v hild the Resuriectioh,: triumphpdJ'N'ast6r. holiday' -is ','kept r ith'. ever' USI ding. t1 d* ' to ail archay,,'of rock. Bob— a e the older children,l.is ch6en as and :she' makes 6 Pftth I f Y by ]Bu;rris--and-�-R6�6-�entered-i�urio play.'�'bljnd fee le, b,liAd.'o Spr6ad,' coxiernony'of ancien't times. The pQa-*:,,' y in, simple. 611iltry folk, enim e ii� sants,-'pla if it-iliIn't"It little d Eih66tion the floor, litild haVjng� blind 11rhiI6 the' *hol of r -S -11f, like the 6`uddin ail 'effrt to­-cfit�h the ell -d. of- Lve!' gaid'Ros CEOUS - N ise. line, ye A e we"could vo players, seat them � 't e tw e oldeil U pla delight.: "I osy on :�nd o A keep. on is -h—, ii� pql:�-!- jFI S prini.liolidayand-hoiior s urnw�toi er. JOY the house �in­ What's thisli, I .. L Drs of Spring. wes -look. up owl Cl d,season acci tild.ren."always like. to. play "frilarch-: strii ward; 1i �ii;e in awsfafi,6�u M to, it, atw, �Mtu ns6pi' d' ggle up live' jl�dinglv� The Tyrulei;6 I ral e or�­Pti ed. ing'tod'erusa b ;,.6,onn ion Hd a. sort of -such s ground �'blind. man s s or their, -and Bobby was4 oc and w6rk c. y.'Easter ho, uffi','l life-offaith— bands 'of s ftgers, w raverse'the Ifa, Pimp ed, the and "follow'the le der.." Will. be =6 of affa -ice n -n 'let e h att' % t. to jel snilfin at, the" t re -birth. 9' nuse waii v 11' the: behutiful E th, cai a eyti, singing consideration by those' who 'down beg idialtim ill a i na Ing% leir OwIl,- music ,upon r 11 ns, k E 'though the -.plot desire to xiiakeil �he- - most of- the' md- amino the treAsure s,ih, the nest,.'The'r"C tfie'y' hav'w, or' ma ancient Pac 9P were four 601116 0f, the s y get. In lar beautiful - ster', eggs,� mTn Ol y Iki 0 0 KS itq be d ors,,where cilt're faM useful and borders the' besi''ekeet are, obtained, 'pink and blue.. and yellow' and I iies gro -to this atS aven-, -to Ip uped abbut, Joiii iii choruse;­ by xx, ssing. sevetil -an erp and eve Y one- wAs how '�Color, or several -�aiieties ot one spe- an" tdR -Adn pI of � �oli4 d6i, !its rejoice witi gl, and hey, too arringhig for ar con-, Aidy lidrb, nalso'. p.6n �tllis- if, �eVisjj the, �Vh, said Rose,.. llwash,ti.' it* dear Inu -ood ai- tlJrally tl�c' question oUf pr9pe ity,Zf­ ­ bloorn, but in'sm'a e 'tlL;L __' 11 r� bord of"auntier to'61imb.li ' It wi P ere to, hide, my 1.0 ents for C singers and-thoit� era and where the number of, p an su - in communities, at per6nniiil sh t fell" eggs 'afid ep iLa r n 'we % dra ed.] ible to' get this and'sonietimes', one' She 'Pic large, has played a r pronlinent, liar Its It prige? How frlenoS, as weli, "� tho OM lsljmited; it is -often not thought pos� we'd come e��lor' -d' 11- in uld ked up the par 'the border 'Will he, wiihout put Y lote 'of th� times � and 'iv:kirig tiffie, them carefully, into� her �k�t. it is, hire We pfin& that'. tfic 6us�wifer­ bloom po offirs to .ell prepa"re'd buiring' the growing,seas�n. the. sur, Then she down the bill. h'Cr gliests eggs wei At the'ehic,keif-ya d Ad ing, r gate ishe f6tifid & d y e_g U- 1, V trenthing. and face soil ghoul in, the' ana b0ling d be keptjo6sb and%frec' iA w looked -h 991 nxibus. la. ljbej�l upt, SA1 ho. yu. in i W�eri y gn in e s u m -n -i e- i -Rosi3:-show4,her- the d AN' - 0 Mos eggs It hag r',need 'stak !rem it t pe A i'Vg,: aSr fine,,- afull sunlight, thafike& beti lint Sara 'wag plainly, .'he puzzle, Ila cre 11 L ul Pbssiblej.'they should. be JAt6 children who a mpanied':.the spe linens are to you d ven't fqw1d-.m-Y. ave. i ave ceased -blooin- -hid t gers as at es, carryi' g. the When', the iplan' h n will get the most' Mcf, a I io.1do6 ill -the' cLave. sin 'southerri' :fnk -the old, stalks should be Lit ill belongings of i6 singers. The� good he off -"Then pff­w'it'11 96meb6dy n d 1,64 suitable,, ��Wifqi had th prepare( and h6ii % olse's � eggs f cS - near, the grorund.'o: lc eggs re, s,, protee ion from the just b6fo 6a rlkr against afid. the re Perm�ffieilt sets asked Aose. c.d,, do I.Vst. M­the- plants nIn,, the border OrL bed� should &64&;th�J.�' children' gayly colorbd�,bask�'ts killb L ' " , I , I , , _ anada's Jo . 41 each- door forj, 0 61 e ggA West qi�alif* closed called ai� ting - nay 6. done, elthe a Ari Of' bout P),,u i- - J: ild -ieti C clies f t h0ring p ar. lant- straw in the' eggs. The. singers, War vi f 'had' b ­the-,-pr�to�tf -th d t d ftnure Or This " will Meanwhile '0n!;.thi6 fanii o' alsoc' mcis _she' Aild Bobby P 9 p�- in, t e, the fted in* for 'refreshments, in n form :a' good,rrulch nmotor car, on Wheels. e corra , ail ill a warm�,corn Most'. -iiiefli I of the plants in. winter, and at' the shed -she found a covered nal 61y regaled :for tbeir. Eastei; cnr-� n;; baskt. d a Ialltinj � ' er.' it sante, t, e nrich ille aa -ar' son aking, and 1�rd' -ound itility, and - - - I ancing the old folk da' im e do7en elie�pin faM Th,'mulch side Were a S Most i i 136itant. n to ugh g downy , one,.,. pl�anflhose r kinds o 'y car in 0 or surprise. MA. Will ve a continuity bloom, the spring, a� oft�n.ni the fallink of t6 shades, of hight t not t6 �be, removed 6p sooj� Ird yel merrinfentrelgfied, supreme, 'ah 1. witil 'a.st TO* ehidcs,. bel� 1k, voxn� e,.aga 11, c,imbed the hill eats rem away. lioniii ". ­ A, ove. rin'g'un.tif,l4W'1n d9ne to. peieniiils is done at'the -tholight.' A'; h Pst of thq,dam- Mhen lzp�, Both s 18p age went ihe %aal she Ing out e r reng' and to arran hLard. voices, arge them ;so. season of: ye'a'r. when, inuell �seat. 'the W', We. a t ( re r COmpar with happ�,hea,rts. i�jly rolind th bigo 'rock ment -pro- most The thiWing �nd -fie�izjftg .1y Pahche or' Iftg�al' eggS"'111 VO 'near Videl 84rpple a' f ')oy ,,tumbled liver� -a and r0cejris� M. flk cnst forined, a par t',Clif the tastef- tf' ti. r the, After' takilig.,oO.. 41ito and, eo dirg - n on, -of- -are ii b4C, spring the-shortei, hiantivi?:rIlay Just`;� OM me immeni6n. natt,6rs *hich..Should b Jon 6een -handexl. nd Ile ven very be dug, ill -to' i nri(;b tife, Pda,ull" asked, Roser abl e` for tall "and' ort 'Joe closely havo'tlmdit' e bOy- sh, ople& 00 at 7- tl rea go lite yes' ratur6i thatwe, too, feel At llji�� em. iq as f r i e I I d p. L "Doo' d', e I gg 1A. necqssary fOl"the 'truo, !Ovely i�;iw N�ith�;Uie th I til , . .1 R at g�h, OS.(, :an ;I 'I rs fron M IousArlliiik altliou uklo good lin�bink _1, ' ' ' '4 ' ' L. ' . W" g 4 t tL 'ti3at ration of t 1� lo, 1( ay UP VE 'OV'Tlit Uz)hlste h thing. liat ellifdreii, like' to eat,, 1, 4:e, hab sec.retly for; Wearing. T usual ()V' erland edo COILOREO'EiGOS: nom Y A -Y DAU `Y T llttifr'l) y Ile, bid opondability is, th�� ne* b6ilt into I'll(. liffli, gi, nd; d tJr sthe -egg h POWerm,,, Ov4rla Ig h. T. th shap6d th, IM brIl t'ohco', f'r. t1i e I Mpion 0 W t " oi4kL ill th(. *101! Rose cai ldfathe I i!j'0LJl4.' just be are RuAter,,ghe -felt. lon Gin Jl &S tpd,r I es awd'S% on ca cvq -1 iOall t t -oil Month; 'tit she Id -not be hOffie �4�,a` Y h B C siv. got., bejah to feel happier e re _ inember6d the (ra, kic lit ara pr( -awl, said tat in ter(,, !8 aft 86 old lit t d ri ficr 'last visit;j otilel. Iti fo r 11 h. faetork ra dis .1hutioti r U OW WP Wni silo glict the t _6#6� #jI t i , ill to , �a q FV .sin, e jz Ilotr & s�oi Roseb6d; g 1) n ay I rl Otle I h 0. kir, dly, $bt tho)'e -a' YO file oarly oShe. Vatted Bobby Burti-i h 1`601 M1169, Can't N�,ott 11o, flot to Ah d ho ek, 01c8u.q of' tho holidays -ifj png' hal), wl)iolt WAS. llit Mid Be fir �af rown ilotig an "djr"-the Ideal farm-. fr.; 4700A Tran t, ak1d ripa q.g UO' AfiAt r 01, for �i 'to, gol by �t� t 10 hi t oqa* so 'pri `ty the ge in's, 0. new pt. Wi a e, 5 oOrland st'o�ped AWAktils tl)o 6.,,, Urnited k I Nif P,� Cro �.,j 4 , ., i lThe waget, ffjou: o-.1ind my. Ohl, GY01, Mem and Nv6 T7 W �dg A -Vede. Z