HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1924-04-10, Page 6kr- *•.se....Tirli,4 '`' .0t.'!'i( , AlitQl4fili,.. Itt•liniier41' -al:1(e; wsellieliOUP;C4ITi:1139141X0''*i.44°I'r:!'''''' titela fixed APen, ';!the. '''-"re. '00.t.'.,1040444**;•ti.i.0 '6 . ,. . 0, - .4E;...9F, ".:,,,ola,,. wick ., 4..14.'hr1.411,,,..;',:71iti ' '`,M4Y:. ted444*S1._:..14.'.,4X0,-,AV•tis '1.0cikiht GE erit44' ' ' iir#1-0-01'..-14:')#04.:'•'44i4c.Sit, down i•-•# ".134 yitt4'........:*:A*MpAkipt. 7.01•01045.4ffi',, de"turz*Mdikl'''Oig. iitr4kight4**..4;i,!.."}.1110.ihk.404-*40.t• , . 411.41011.11.•• '. PP )Orll, , , ,4 Families and 'friends- were .goirig'.to stay." ' :'', ' 1 t '-'' .„•- ' , •°tIlniagleltitfa....14411;',4dtiiintill‘l., Her after afte"Yrril;Ast,u•ralg571;t:4- '''''n`t.•-i..1•,•'."'t:°: '4' 78!....,'; i ',I. a .,1:,..reli.;..4tili- .., 6.; a-,..• 4,- bad i;e1p,'11Iett„.ixte*.:17,i?':.1,..."1:15? "4' ., „in .e recent broadcaat on the "IlY' . , .. .. ..,. , , . 0.4,,1„14,. had sent .proseots,,„ .but,,, loiod , .0.)ENt lot ,--30-ov ,,*00: ..* onder, ! .1.4,..!1*1/4,oft. f ....','r4i*e. 0,ottN.g5 of. Taniia, put Me. In '.gier.).°- of OK "44e." $'4rge(01.431-1°(!0r4) ,,.. 4.•'4.C1444-419- 14 eifer5."`'WeX• 'T 11:4Vu a: '1,11411 g...OPPPoleg. makes.a plea for a . • . . . . . . _ „ , ,.....,.....• . •., .t•-• other,'"g'lrlirv'P';''''Vl-lt4rdl'rtr!'''lt'i7treilrtJioVh,§Ctrrg4;.go'ITY:-tt Witl1-1r4ii*r",14:$1444.;'; F77'..',. 414,T.44'.44-''.Or.li,-17471'45,4140-,Vehlf6g1.2147...11 Iii.'911,:rg41-14e4S7rto4itra'•-al AL.1.1.fl' Ikti:1-911147ti-Ykillliti", r•orgeay tn Oeine ;#1./perann. iltitile stand „your,. ,-4',‘"P*titri,!.,0••:,,,,A,• ',. ,t''.:!..01,„ .., . „,...' ' ii*Elbliffer' ent--.34iii” fai'!,S.'alt.;.4,:i.,43d‘'..iii114-4t:i'Al'IttiV 341P 'ar4iirgit,g•41';'':1giVith"iiii'‘.1-lboi 4.g4i6Z204,,II, rt::Ifinft',5,,titt,-,,°;. ',w,,,,,,.,:',.:4,•.,i,t,'„,i,l,i,Y,.,11.....rigttiiairt:znFt.,:t--,7,110.etof,1111,11.e4, f4,17-41°616''75"[11: 000. ped away te, her i7ocipt, 4 • lfili,• the • Bead ' Bain • Pei": atimimered the positive. statement of H C. Petro.too big for the clothes i were befell) :: rithere..js too much, of ,a tencleaCY .... 'After banging a frank, "Buy- she. .ha] 0.0‘4.14,-;t4Pa)W''''-'1"va3. OP viell'icacw4 cit4tg:1: cif C)kt*4-r4'."414be: ,rta:9k:triancugl:Tit:i-1,1i-i!:„/,":44nItle't,a'1.:eez.,11947,g..4:.:::...:.. atort4;e4re,g iri:dir t7h8e:strIvila1;4t-,,,,e'r trht:y14bart,vg: •. ' keep °eV" sign on her .door, she threw 'aterneat looking man man th.e. had ever ta, Oi1:40...-44. „ :*111:„.4)rt P"'` '...°'°. ' :14:*;„117.1kCirtV4tri. ' ' ;.ielsseealtl.ha;:s6altat.a,4.-:',011m;-414,:iiCi. '''. t!,..ee"111,1r441410,t4'!..0C,1::,‘4111e:•::bill!lie:a.l!lid:111,4:::,,141:Y' 0,:',_-,i‘inivtraseteril910;g:1.100:14.-60.:;.11tilp.siiry4t:t11;81:11;asilliataintitebon,:anty.,:gpieo:sas,oap-:'t•p,41:9iiianii,ittedi.,,' .rtitsii0,. ik,A,,b./:ci!p;.0:n....,_:‘?-40ti1)ailtut.e. ;.' Or er ,0 ifleft7',Ph'.'Is:T§thl r-liZtumPn147:•fA1171":"''°. °.a°1c411t: : . .. ,. .,. --.-.•-:, , •...:Qf courSe She .sliOnidn't, havittalked then,' added in h Whisper ou15.t...theidairr...ieg, 4,a , a,,,,. ' t„ , ._ . g fl i 4b. , ul .Y.L. t. , _. , tiob..ijai„.:.,Sitith,siie.egelli-eni4aonE,i,„'VaivtLifiL.,,,,tg.i,pi:iti.:,.,4..,fiwy,„.i._,.,,,........:...it.frightened have told, her *ho' he was! ' He .had back at her and hie, nimithAifte.d. in ,•,, . ,,,.. . ,., , . ;..,.. ,. . „ , , . ,. _ : .. had made feta a herself.... He might • af.'tha.:0erridot:'he:te'pied And looked apaadanhaa' and. , 41-7:237 spells :'weirld ..'•-take::!l'anTirst::0agtqat,::::i.i,<7.11.7:,, -, .4s.tt that irit11' bothli ;1.‘11 i :Ti :mIlie:a.t4' I id. ' tieai. e:lial- it- 4:::4.1:11:Iirl'ill:i5-11;Q:aTtle..11'.1i:P'lltell:Yilift/ . , .• ., , . , , _, , ... known him, for, a thousand .yestria She, .1iY. what be had SOilc iii4::.iit.„.iiii':10iio.. ‘: , . 'him , for, that ,biit only '.succeeded in • : ''Why4:-Avh37:, he lilies , Mel". :her heart .- - • , ., ..,,..: , i'; lest9rre'Sii%iii-7:Z:17''; '.. .014 fe•MINMIIMiallt, finding exciitis- for him. The pert brelithed '..tre the! feuipty .Stur 'parlor... Thinking was by Socrates, '11,Zretc-771;ts.. ,litiiP,eallii':°uat-912,1h;h1f,:e-nwiatr.74e0e47.ralE', t°60,1447;ageitil.dlweYilell'.4:ebry..°141.C13(.1einiel'idt°::::4114:tifill.)11i4.4:10°.°.138fli.Cpt°11ilinayl:::: not Played fair.. ' She tried to hate the eberacterlstie way she loved. • , ..Thutilin Thought., ., . ,, ... , .. I : :that" hurt mot was that she had ex- Tbenshe freWned. ' "One hundred per whom - Sft:-.FkancIs'''d'ilt°n•- -mils °a.- •I'",44;ngsayieyiloou;vsoiii440:u out with :ors,: tl'e-'01 l'113',sic-Ogici!•1 "eil4iise of not P''' • • raggereteci, things, Made' herself - out cent-. efficiency—earnest, -sincere Co- -steeteet:gaiiiiist ' in history. ' Before - .. -(N° CI-4„PWPOI ' , ' ' '', ' '' ' , ' worse than she was, ilASt tO, 'bear him operation -regard for rules,". She re-: seerates, the 4044 ax. alaa was vory , laugh; She had - so loved to see the -.neatest, ..!' "Oh dear, • I'll disaPPOint him; largely. a .. "t.,hear& you th.e ,ilitat time. ' I was X. lioYeh't you?" °16415a4"at‘1";.71Y.I'6*111 ". V. Ps ..11PlimypialiC4IstiiV4e, ic,/idOnagisp. esTseittietir%lotetp, gtrneef ; . cornerg,ef his. stern. mouth ptill- op. I knew' I Shall. Why will people make it is a Per.11°0Oat"IlgothPeladC-Oeficleafr ll:„1,ra;t17t°h*a . -,-- .--;BY 4.sAkilg4LA., GRIFFIii'll FLECK. . . ,f-geese..-he-,wee-eajeoh-emtesaif,,t-oshansw.ert, te!-"thairrshal,t ItC4.:': itt4Iit__.11.41?"0121"-iiltlilailfg("°ist: afs'-nlo. ranarl: :that_one,lamost, __ , ,, ., ..„.N.nd ' he lied laughed . quite. a little. II rules when anybody knows. that. the ha isn't thinking_ ju: :lens ght:vetilbineek:know' n'.- to. fly to 7471f7Prr611734te. newspapers and r'411.tellTrri:e.°'4Wor:t1"itlih°-er PART:IL . - - "We should worrY," said QYnthiai ...She decided ,.ehe Woujcl. pack and looking.. down on the. eoprt: yard with never eeee it. Loose thinking which ''. • ,' ,. ., : quent habit of introspeptien an e t 7 a de, flni,te a, nth" ate to the, .fre, -. ' ..: ' 'leave an the night train for llama,. its bandaged.figutes in ,wheel chairs,',PrteValledas forcenturies' behfoefee rope: ,. OW a ,feet.lark will rise to tli&I 011ie. height; and ,so , will „Et, ,i):118 deocy of the aged tO definend„ Sew- ' ' , 1 thought forlornly. • . ., , • - She crossed the sun parlor and s oo . • .-- . . ...... • ' a h * ht. 'f" 6006 A ` . . , .. • . '''''' th .t9't l'I0 : leaned againat' .33, 1,411,613% v•• , ' , , ..,. ' e,,'-iiett*t,bsrli,cle..:••••••'., - ..' - • thunder. nig, weaviag„ simple. carpentrY„ ; or. • nW•a'• • a •' . - :- - • • - --,. . - . There vras a - distant sotind . Of.sbe`,Wauld telegraph Mother to Meet dripplea on 'a shaded 'bench,' ` their i ra es, W. ,ge ng .man• now ., .. . ' '' • I her at the train, comforting, .cOnfort, crutches beside them,. the: sun -scorch -I. rates sew • that,. and Substituted for it ,1',0',,, ' ' ' .-' ' .' . ." , other' light.inagnal occupations, req Setaliaa.after„ becometo=laorreig.,•!-:' °"Seems as if Tirixie- was getting•On .able Mother. She. got up and stood by ed.•,'grasa• and ; waterless fountain. I hard thinking, which- •-inay be said te: ., , • 10,0,03j,AlieY4-: !SlievPein pointed through :the job ptialung the clouds. arouall,",-her.- 'smell square window, • looking Suddenly her eyes darkened and her , have "done the, Onsineas.-",Li0 -every- - , ,ing dexterity and mental aPpliCtition sillly, •Wieicad, Peraan,.1.1 with alarni • and. Socrates was put ;to . 1 e 1! c. of the elderlY in,,sochil. are us•eful• SupPlementary inoaSureS, lteJoade-hire' it'•gaiT ',little: b°*' '"ri2hat keenclever, interesting. His thonglits .other houre, -like a weriderful doll she ing rules and such trifles when life la • - . • • 31184. WA° liked, .1t, and thought. it Wa4." Bee0:011, ,F.arrn.„ '1,..i% viie freely giVePnu.1)-1"-"..' '141*. i''''°rt !td-' •w t younger persons' is'toften stltrui- .. 44:000 IdOe'y „taWard ',,tbelie4d 1.•'1.3400. he reznarked: -.. . ' - . , . .- • .. .. : !across ,'at• the aim, parbir.- SoniehOW; 4eadliftacl:a.'ith a' .06w7foun0 :-41•4144:-1 thing else. 'neW:-tlitaking..was regarded' 110,1,,t1i4i'-iresdIr.4.ant":0-,,,c'' hAfda`rteise"e"Vb.eg!;' 'rh5r.'botlt laughPcl• 'QYntina.' WaS. she knew that the hours she had spent I.. • Why, 1 you St0ntfOrd ' . • ,. • . lati.RS-.. It 64014d.'Uot.be felt that -a Per- - -.., • • ... . enjoying herself inimenaely„.-„He was there would alwayaapart froth all she chided, be thinking about break- death. for it. - Nevertheless; there •Were . Nmi)atnhstignegdS'senbcrt•feit wohner7caPtra°111OegrfilYe' 'EatdPrinfr.i'int 11°1r44 1...inversall°119 ,i,,,tbeekeite.,ris, . , . .. . . ' Ruddx..-MentifOcturing Co., „Ltd. :son ii„,nalcinger antitlisd to an .interest in life .beessuse 143-41. Old. Ont. .fiaxilo broadcasting has opened up a , „vista-Otarichantment'tol„the ag,ed„.• ea- pecially to, those with impaired . hear- ing 'Ott failingyision.. , Not only does . radio Interest and instinct but it often ., PS ital .13abies, Did' Not Think It FooliShness and They Ought to KnO,W. • P;i-t•I hay#xet.,,,ole.0 of friglo,.., m, the speried . tb ;pacA, out;and •meet. •hera had :possessed for. -a ,single 'day and iuS c „ac u o wor ,-w i e gs inearl.:Whila'-.7and.;:if-the• • new `Supe" half ,way; as it. they had known each then carelessly : broken.. 01., why was Waiting 'Ole done? • Oh, you might to 'anProvea."''''13-Y.i,thS1`--Wak.-hn*...did:..Y.O. other. all their lives In comparison she so thoughtless!' There.were tears be Po proud to he ,trusted. flairieal . . . •like him?" •i• -- •-• -• - • , "-- wit him,al the other internes that of contrition in her eyes Well it was - Help, met° he. worthy!" t .‘• ..4Wher 2'. ', - - :' ' ' . ' ' '''. ' ...."-- 4a4' aanie".4314".g-One.- during ...her „three -done and could .not 16 .undone .: ,....•'.i.„. ,. ; ' ..• . ., (The 'Erict) -., "That big, • husky Nandiker T. saw 'yeara of 'hospital ,` life faded into a •She must, go now and 'ay good-bye to •iciii..talkinkston.while ago,: IL :want to blurred inoschline. background. To his the Children's Ward: ,, 'fhathurtiShe WOMEN CAN DYE ANY , ,Make •0., profession -0r ,'hit' ...with him;" interested questioning, she told a lot 'went through the dining-rooM and up , ,,, A ImAirriu. ../.; rt..•*,,,,,, ..ehe Xan...ow.eanfid-eiltiallY: "Of course .about herdelf;---Slie"--exPlained-Staff-thelatick-way-as-slie-had-done-The-pre- ----t- -utismaiigaL-N-a-f---.1.tintir-Eavi- • . •• . ., . . • . ••.. ,. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . -41t,would:U0erlinto,let hunknow„ho* idiosyncrasies to. the last cox* detail.: viout night. ' In the. corridor she .. ' • , . ---t,-- ... .• .' , . Tint, Worn Faded loOliiili:-.I.'.*eanY;..1,Si• F'er', I've sitriPXY She ....-mocked: • certain . machine -like paused and, with a ,quieitfahawie_faeed . ihie „ oi ..100t: to capture theChildten's Ward.: 'I4,"petfect nurses," and .imitated ,the. glance turned quickly toward : ,T.I._.• I- .1. r . ,.., , love. children. 'I:Wish. you kiiear jiin, artificial htanher.. of the Probationer. the sun .parlor. . • ' . • , ' ' • '1,.13P11.111 110v r9ir Ia. Cents. .. py.,-,,,:..11es,. A, 04iii4kt Arid::.1.,.i havei".PoOr Old '.dear! She doesn't approve , \‘‘I • guess. it's like the desire that eleven Otfierit."'-., '-'.' • ..- .-..; '', • .,:-.7 ' l'Of my:...innoCent fairies," Shellaughed; tdraws A'eilfilihal,haek to the scene. of ' -`•14OW' about showing the* to ••itie :t"Fact . is, I don't .believe -she 'ever, be- his crime,'," . she thought :whin -laically 1 •iiicirreW?,- -' • '. .• .• - . ....„-,. • " '.:' .. lieyed in the fairies. Did your She and then stopped aghast, 4:70.11-",t':bi.:en dutY,4.°-;•Comiterieeinent• naked it lightly, as if the Matter were Just inside of ,the doorway stoodthe exercises. And, oh :404i ',X should so ,net in the least serious hilt he .felt zieV110,Stinerinterident. . , '.., :•:,_;L:.: . love to She* -..theM.:',.to,:yeu!" ''''..$11e, that it was and confessed half 'bash- .- .. "I've been looking for you;" he said. „gla*M.,7•.:Owitniel',uk`e open door into 'fully . he* he . used .to. bunt . in, .the ,if. hope yell didn't take my talk to. , .. Don't wonder whether Yeu.- eau' !lye .the.',.,tuirSe'S .recePtiem, trio* in all :its. meadow under the dew -wet leaves. for heart, personally.. That is, I hope you .. , , . . 1, 'or .tint auccessfullY, • because 'Perfect, ":....iala '•ba,W'reoM J,dieSS; '''There . Were thein, believing that some lucky UnderstO0d.". , . -stiicterte inteed in -fresh White, - Cepa,' nieruing. he should find One that had i - She looked 'up quickly. and. for a h°1443.41Y031.6 1:°. guitianteeil viith "tha- mond•:Dyes"- even if ' YOu :tive:.never , end'..apronsi,--afe*,:staft.AdrS'eS 'all- bi.- overslept. . Cynthia thought he., must 'second, her imniah hurrior. peeped out. white and a..•''seete- •of. 'White ;Ailieked have been -.1iii ,awfully nice little :boy,. - "About fairies?", . ' . dyed: before. lini$gists have' all. col- ors: Direatiens: in each' Package.. • lintei-aes4.,,,Jhe'.-.oreheatta;.sWung intal -• At this point, the Chorus of. "Good "Fairies?" he .repeated;. ,puzzled. , , 'My Mammy" Cysithia-aaW'theAnn,t:Night,-Ladiesm-reeehed-them-ftorn-thef Did_l_say, ,_. ".', • • ',."._•* , ' •• • • . , . ., , . . •• _. lor4.,1Shiglealltiokihg.'• .fOr. her Her floor below.. 'Cynthia. spring •to her'. i. "Yciu. said it , was "..ref)**: :that ' eyes. twinkled. .„ . , . . , ,. feet, clapping her hands to her throat counted! „ .: • • • . : • • • . , . , , .,Justice"!..1;_between men or..betweeinraz ..tions ,can only, be achieved thrOugh -.-?.- • .ttCoMer,::.ske.. said sprat .iig .dovrn, in a haract iistic gesture. .014•My .- His hearty; virile -laugh reealled her ..'tiith'i'..al*Ii.derable-•:,gelituWef- :ttlittrita-;4and!' The last dance! -• And l• plan- misery. What inip of perversity made understanding 'and • geod.t-will,L.-.7,1ark.e tiOn....• :She'. darted through the low ,ned: to make „an. inapressiori • On the her,... even, 'then, say something .silly 44.:14**. . .'. -.-' •• ' :OPerr *nide* at the:end of ' the porch; Irandikee' ,; °°' '-'• ' - • • .' ' . *hell' she shpuld-be-,.niese serious? She : :.-. ' ,...• ,.,, . • .. . ,, ' their throUgh.4!P a ssago iiito:the-,,baccL • "T--1.... am, Sarni'," ... stammered her turned to go. ::. - . . • ., -idiriard'a Linirnertr,./9ehle COL., hall..';.; `!1':,htive ;ant. idea.. ., Let's go „ .p. companion. , . . ..to-niglitr!......' ':. ' :;:' ' ' . . ' • .. I -"NOt your - fault,'" she answered ' !!To.:ee• the: kiddies? Will it be all,' Cheerfully:, • "Anyhow it may be, bet- right?"-..".'.,,'''-..,..., . - ,...-...:.•.. , . ,..-.. ,, ' .- 4.,ter that he sees Me to -morrow kir, the Aait."*sia.iiierelY;a'sniiallimattef'of 'first time'wheri'l..ani;ih all.my glary." breaking. an iranTelad, .rule: , thet..'11OL -"Funny; but you, know I don't trio* • mire') Should,,returritethe ward When your name.", -, . • off .clutY;,•Quathia.*.told „him. it , weal. ,"Yours.. either!'" .Cynthia :laughed "perfectly all right," only ,•plie would. over ' her shoulder, imps of • innocent slip- Up the back-WAY:and meet him in . fun' dancing in her :eyes. oBut then the corridor. On-41iti Way through what's in a name!" • She. added. and the riniee'a.'dining7room, she. sipprot •hurtied, down ' the. ' corridor,: lekying 'priated a •quart Of ice Cream'left•OVer :the 'man With, a , rather be*ildered froth. the', 'atty. - '.- ... t. - • . ..t .., • . • -look ,cin his .wholly fine face: • . 0 . --Eight of the twelve -children *ere, ' ,."Like ,st fairy .herself,"' he said t� awalce,,:toseing •fretfully •.in the. dark., no • one in particular. •• ' • . • . . ened liet:Ward,,so *hen CYnthisi push- . -The .4leceptien'LHall, the following • ,- •• ed..a little dish of. vanilla ico.. cream afternoon, was a festive place: The ''-itita. dirlin. little 'hitrith4-7there, is Sinair ftaffInenibers in-theiraeadeinie--rOhes 0 'Wonder that .more than One believed, and mortar -board hats sat in all their. . - in. the brought you just dignity upon the platforzte-: Eighteen . *hat You Moat 'wanted ' if. you. Were awe-inspiring Young, women in stiffly „ good. . '• - ., - • - • .- • 1 statclied„•White',Uniforma, eech,Carry- - -! :-.There Was ,birt,-one.niglif 'nurse to n ing a large of sweet lieeS, Sat: . fleet...and, '84.'sheiklis busy in 'the- ad- bb.ck::of .them.-.: . The stage Was banked joining ward i• she paid littleattention with .. field daisies and potted 4 ferns. to Cynthia. - Anyhow it Ws not he After the:, prayer and • awarding of ' business to reprove a 'sdnier2••• . , 1 the diplomes- the chief of Staff- arose. „:.:,,.:...Cylithia..,waapittitid.:Cit the WAY„.jilil•-•..11(2_44y, brjelli; `,`-We •have Witlither'to4t rny' 'made 'friends viith' the ,new ' in- day our , new Superiiitendent • ' Kir. 'terne. '• -Before_ bo -WAS .through .withtTliornion Is to hold an unusual pesi.7; , hia ' ices'„jereap' he waS-telling 'hiniltiOn. He Will 'auperintelid.the doctors, about the three .good fairies, Who lift, ' nurses aild-ifthe • Staff?". •• - .. ,',, ed Weights from-, aching :legs/ stirred 4. , 'Cynthit, .'itvelted at 'Mr. Thornton tur..71 breeTes. arid did let:40. and Iota' ',of sitting &Wit" front so 'calmly.; She 'other things' for geed little boys. • - . -wondered. -bovi• it felt to , be about to . , • After removing the -ice cream dish-. address an audience. And he seemed .;.. , • , • , . . . , a . / . es,, beating up • a balf-"doien---,tvarino se---undiaturbed. .The introduction was :.'4200.' : One , may have this Without. ...: wrinkled little ,pillo*s. and promising Over but he did not rilOv..e. fraio. ',ills 'Sleeves, and without 'ilie... bertha, or •is - to:see- Trixie.' about ii breeze, Cynthia seat. . Instead, one of the black -robed -'tiPtoed,„AcivAi4he-'Ciitiiider°,7;fellOwedhy;:;figuregT,„setated-WithC:his..-,hatk:te„0-Cyn,„ 011uStrated.. The development , with onen- door of the sun -parlor -ea if •by the audience 'arid then: stepped' to one 1 ;thenew interzie, -/Illiey paused by the .,thia,, arose • with alertness, bowed tol; - •• b ' th ' cl•-•Witit'Ut- sleefeS:ceiiiil-''bi in batiAte ,Or .voile .with h.emstitching, e. i' , a an o , ,. - ceniinore, 0 -consent ' - "'The- new 4 ---inoonTside -':--fadin g*, :t'he Y -eighteen .-,:•young,"and"tembrottlery.'::i -Witir-Sleeves-,Ond •",',Wherth.turnitteva,•;herik;„-off'ra'2,::§kirt --..1 shining. through ,the' potted:Palms graduates. • - • ' , , • . - . - Witheat bertha, the . dress is nice 'AlSO use Paper clips in place Of ',pins. ',They ' -"Made weird shadows .on the. polished.' ..'Cynthia dtew ,a qUick ' breath' '. o f . fer' percale ,' crepe and gingham. . '' , 80 .hot fall.. out and., held; the 'cloth 11061..1' : -„ . . - ' .° , reeognition her eyes :wide, 'hei inolth i The 0Pattern IS 'cut ih: Sizea: -1, 20.firrnly juaf where yell wish it AO' he • , "Come," he whispered, as, a shadow. wide.---0faseinated.. , The, e,Olor', flooded ; 3..4 and '5 .yesrs.... .A. 4 -year size Ire- held. ' Th OS, are ,.r../Se 'excellent to Use , moved Slightly. Then;- `f•It's ' MI. tight her' tace: like a rim mi 'tide and :nen : ' qiiires 2%, 'yerda :'of 32 -inch material. in holding a Seam -for stiteliing., • for aS to be °.heit.?",..he seated :.her," slewly ,,reeedcil. :. In; her . bewilderedi. .., ,by an -open windeW. • - - '' - 1 cha'otic triinealT.the things sli..hadi Pattern Mailed -tit -any•..i.ddress on • r ', ' . ' - __ . . • , --'ned do P . 'the pre u 4 . 41 t receipt of 156 in Silver, bY the Wilson ':' ' ' - ', 'JUST LIKE A -ROY! • , ' • . Publishing co.„ -n West Adelaide St, i formed, a confused hae,kgroand fe,r The 0 . • eir_z_e_ery Areat .., ... .„...__ „ . ,,,...4.,...„_......„..,.,,„,,..,-; ate......S.prangLand-Sitrarear_1924 _Book IGL . • Said- the. gs•rt next'. to. her. •°!, ' ' • : • • — n• • • , : • ' he is. right here. -13, B. 'are.._etatiblag -our , , . In ,Jnly when there were entrants., and ,goosebcriaS to be picked wast soineWhere .e:se, but no* when ,a glass t of , ,y, i.e ng opened after 8 chool . . lonenaked ,outita!ifiog truth t tThis 'Toranto.:... Allow, tvio .Weeks for reeeipt • .• . . . . . .. . . , , man Was. the new SUpe ri r ter (.1.4elf-!---`. of 'Pattern- ' ' • - "----- • - this Vras :fhOrnteni, - .: ....- .. 1,• 'Send 12e. -in silver . for our up -to - of :•Fashicins. :. , '• ' ' • • .1. . ' • ' C . '' ...' . , ... tht! ' tn.tkO with the: v,:.•ei..1v1,.i!, . „,„, '• It's tile longest-ListIng .1.'4,r/tot 1 nomt?' : -ft:, A thia a•-iked w' 011 d -y - , ' ' ' ." •• . . . 'TO IMPROVE CANNED-PRE:IT . etkrileerso# j',rott. -totit. buy ' : ',"4ri., ".. ' . ' - 11'1E. ..INT.E' RittIPTIONS. .• Open canned -fruit, an-hoite,or two --.--aftet:i;es' gt •belpi- to, -021-;:- -: '-.-.*:-"w•-',-t'-i -1'..g'rt'-'-' , .,. t One. Of , the,. herdest conditions that f *oefere Servitig- . a n d pour the contents • '• ,,A*r4.0tre..,e.,Cfa00s,i!'.d..r..g",, • •- , gest012 :at201.. .elotztsi!er, 1, , -4. .„. „,,,, ., .,...,,,, „,....„., ,„,,„ 4. ' :',otne.buy honseWiyes have to :contend 1. oi: :the jar into a dish The eontect " .' into l'' ''''''-'-''"--2er':' With ' is • 'Hieof being 0conStantlyi of the air with the fruit will 'rortoref - ...*--4-,........,--- ,---v--.... -- ---- 4- 6'...^:- 41.4°.* --1'..:4,1), '"4:-*"L'-'1:".icefi-.;--ilitie,rrtipted - in, their -daily, --Work; 'Ai the ;oxygen -and greatly linproVe:the.' ,Sfilifiga 0000r.linfAi. . "i, 4,4.• ,t. .t "trAi• . 1--' zan-„,4 ,,?Arrif tj,,)',„ f t i h (,arri' O •' uh'eXpet er...• appaniogs, a..i . ' . ' ‘'Itg****. '-'fA'tf'" - ''''' 154". ''''' 'fti' t° ' ' 11 ' li " 'th ° '• l'ttl • icl • - ---"'''0''',':':''' . - t - ' ' ' - - - • . •• " elpecia y w ere pre are i e e i - .,..„. ik,„,,,,.. .0„ f,'1:t,t•,4,..:--lott, 16 ?get - 0 •4 • - * - ' ' Millard I Linlmeht ter tiendruo • afr'ioRr--14w.APP ••';' `. ' - - " • •"' - • .'" .= '}-• - - dren„ ' weara- away in large 'portions. - • ., , .1.44,4,%of4,iwr: , .f,ei,:e.2n.t 4i. fr..9.14e .:..y, I. t?:‘:' n ,. _ , . , , ‘ . „ ,, , i •..,„ _...., _ . , , '„ ' ': , -,- .......,--.4S,r-'-..--.......--r.L.--rn.**.... Art4 .. 140(it.e .,/e,,...!,,ee!1,: 14,...'—'*?,14, '.4-.',..,„ . i i j ,j, , the, ,pit„opUs4-tlrne.--,+t ts-Jt to Keep , , . •-‘ 'DAINTY kiocit FOR A LITTLE .TOT. make life very difficult,' but there is another.,waY of thinking .about it.. ' It, is better not to figure time too closely' • lest we become helpless 'slaves of the deck. We ahead always allow largely when reckoning with minutes just-aswe have to makeup our-irtinds. that therewill be an Unforseen am- ount in our cash-acconntewhieficoine under the head -of incidentals. • . •The efficiency experts when economizing time and strength,:divide mirk •so that there erg :Short shifts with interyening-spaces of time for Muscle rest or mental change by a .different 'occupation. , • , „ Now, why -can't we vie* ourdaily "round ofvaried, duties , in .the same Way and make up t our inindethat, when these interruptionS 'occur; we will not be distracted, thereby; 'brit. will think of them only as grateful changes lbetween shifts of work? And it may be that our efficiency, as well as our peace of mind will be increas- ed, -Alice A. Keen. a good 'thing. • They kept on thinking; ahd • twenty-four hundred 'years after Socrates first Put two 'and two to gether we lind ourselves enjoying the fruit cif human "thought to such'an ex tent'that men get rid , of the hair on their•heads as 'quickly as they can and -devote-them-exelusivelYto thought.. --If ,there were hair restclrere we wouldn't Use them, Heads are much tbo valu- able for wiste 'products. ' IN PLACE OF PINS' It B-REA,T-11-E-S lintlaYou *neuClass"Reft, DONT SQUEEZEYOUR WAIST •itsAte1w BILT 77IAT ISTRZ7=9. Miens TO.EVERY MOVEMENT OF YOUR NOM • HAS THAT MART APPEARANCE THAT HRH MSS'S.. ORM posh. 'awn) 11.00 , . SPECIALTY IMPORT CO, a weer 001.110A111 IIVT, TORONTO, CAN. Thorough 'Tests . Show t4at. cons .41.1Se mem milk ;after de - horning than' before. The .Depart. mem, of- Aeneulture-says- IfeKenna KEYSTONE DE/1011MM the best instrument -to perform the Operatten hamently. " Bend Tor Vied A...‘Bointer. 219 1.2.41ober1 St.. . Toronto, Can. INVENTIONS, 'Send tor Ilet of Inventions wanted by Measisfac. turas. Fortune* have bean made from aimPlii Meas. "Patent Protection" booklet on request. HAROLD C. SHIPMAN & CO. ..PATENT ATTORNEYS 331 8A4K ' O'rTAW.A. CANADA 111.1111.1.11111.111111111111. • • • : • • -an essential in business —a necessity to most families ,MON G the. greatest and, ITIOSt ,practicil of man's inventions, one of the most vital indtruments in modern business and one, of the most useful and beneficial 'influences 'in family life is the modern autornobile." " • Dependable, Comfortable, speedy, Unconfined In scope; unlimited' in endurariceand eminent- ly.:practical in the economy of ,its operation, • the automobile has -contributed mor t to man's earning .power and to bis enjoyment and - health than any/ other single factor, And unique' among: automobiles, , Chevrolet provides' everything .any car' can'', afford. it a „ cost that is unapproached- by another fay- , equipped quality., car in the world. Chevrolet has. the powet to to any place and do any-, tiling that is possible for any other car, and At the salte• time it holds the world's' record for ,Jow' runn.ing ,cost and economy of Upkeep. ,Afake... a. personal inspection of Chevrolet --Exatninelt-ihoroughly.„.....Ask_ua,for_a/detrion-- oration. 0.24 .:,Asic di about the G.M.A.e. Deferred Payment Plitt; fbr Economiad Transportation. Chevrolet Motor Company of Canada, Limited ' .Oshawa, Ontario -• Dealers .and. Service 'Stations. Evorywhere7-",' • timed - , . Seale):1' - ih iv4 : Pu thy , Packmgc • fJ, 16% \It ' ' *1.' -- '.i tectiiI-6,(-Y I JUICY'kliq''''.41"' ui T if n ' • w CHEVVItki(4.,ch41 l c.,,, • : .: .. a . ....: .. „,„ /..,,.. ",.„,., ,,, II i A • :.1, ..,,, Air ai-•,-!ier u4.*0-oli-Ji.,,x "..0,.! *..,--.of one patient; dc:rene; hard not to. feel' nerV-- , His Strong POint. •,. ,,„, , . • •of... 1).•'!tot. ,e,tr.t.,*v/t,„, K...,:t4,0„. ,",o1.t: .0 Ito- '' ouswertiedi and driven in the face of '',OCied gracious!" sal,t1 the,: visitor• thia- rutlilik,St--upsettrecof -, sore Tiltitig.r bachelor, "dciee, your baby .6.1Vie.ye cry , 7 -?..e.; ovatz..,ti.,-; r:t..0.1-,ek..;',c•::::,...,-r7.14:::,•.(1oe,'"; ij.f, We .think that -all theae, distractions that WaY7" - „ '. , . , , .• • •C,...rty,,,,,(„AY '''.4.tok, ',Ye 1k,:-rv.•:•';;' if ta'Kea • ' • ' : ' ' - ' ° "Oh; dear, iiolrasponded his host. 'at f-:91'. r*1:, Z,-41/to:'.,ks, :4,44 ne :,tagkeA,-- -yeah l'','", fleil • e;',.t?: ,11.;e4Itto,,..- ,. Ile 'raid ' - . „ Y k e ,.. 4/ ' ,,,,,,,ith 4,4, ....,,......di„,:. erie has qiiite an extensive repettedre„ effit;fee.ey, -J.,C1.4.,.1;:ti *,atisty ti tItflIkE orrianinui removed tif . • e..",rt;t,:;.,.•.,g',,A.1.A• teat:, • rt anti red- This hi 'only One Of his lighter perforni• i sOpetie....te-.4.4er,ti '0:foil th4f, Withi)git the . : tvott.iiitoilii.viiichati iiafonrce2Stii,„ :mi-i.e reserves his li, eavy, wet, -If i earnelet., r-.'aiXtf4":'.' ii.",itil$.7illeiri Of the,' tioitgai,nt, ri'''r to'Fire IXP1tD Na.t.itt.aileft 1 ;, 44‘.iiiid, god. . 14eataii =lomat"' ii4atrou'Ifiesnti' gicl;!"Meakttlig'i ifoolletitati narieic- 'fiiit goal 4e."..r.r 11'.:Itlid 6 reach,. .. Front enotheris evil quelities- it WiSe ed. litk,rieali. obi's` Y arid, ritXs rd 1,or .ti.'" lad .n.346;44046 kith: Writs •aletan intincfniate., man cOrreCts 1113 OWn. role4; tee.ie attrihuth-4 hikhly:te itr.-!: re, iiiSrleTT' iho011ult. '0141Ttpi 11D' Cell* cornrmede,l. But after all, the great Ste 1.4'444' ''' ' ' Ignorance .elluts !t� OYea' and he, fundatrier.t,a1 point .•Was''', the "Spirit." ' lieves it. iii, right., of the ,1:ftiree; the Oita of heart.. and ISSUE N.O. 14,-14:: .• . .. 0.MY.4lu At! 9.00,1A1/Micklilk,V4 4V1) Crown the'Breakfasi Porridgc. frfths.ufreehleEss,..anct,,delicious flavour , spathes. 't" -With7„-ititaieidestOpk Ohangea of • program . afters, diver.- ... stOn ,.whlch Is hygienically. ‘belPful: •Good " rad10 muslc is thoroughly 'enjoy, able, no doubt beneficial.: One should not, 'hOwever, go. ti ; the Maresca of keeping late 'hours even.fer ihteresting• ...; • • • . . radio programa. • ; • ••• • '• : Many of .; the iiroblema;.,cenhected with/the hygiene •of 'old age are •clue 'to :• towered mental ' power. •••Therefore; eheerful...'and ' Optimistic 'edit ud e to wards the aged, es:peel-ally during ick- nbos, 18 .„Osliential., to their well being. Old 'people. regard their :'oenditiOn• as far leas .serious .• *hen fully dregsed'. &ndoutofbed. Howevet,;*then'siri' elderly .petston, Coinp.lainsrof being Over - tired; ot•. citherwise pet physically . fit, 1-Izat-in-iseitter:a-dayt-in,adidsabie,,,Lviy • :adinintsteringo light and: eatilY digest- ed • food arid applying warmth to the ,bOdy'. cif aged. patient' he .is,, often tided over:a prosPectiirelllaesS. Special attention. should alsci be.Patit. to proper elething; ••cliet and exercise of the elderly: Intim-tine* as body heat • decteaSes .after the age of .90, eierclie is required to prOiricte.sorae of thede - floleac.y0 An English physician who , recently •reaehedtheage of 95 "Years,, . • • advocatesand practices a daily walk In the ^open, regardleaS,Off the weather, He 'caution, however, against ,exer: cisittg• to: the point ,of. fatigue.. ' While all Old people • May .not be 'able to fel-;•; 1610.•thiS":hardy example, it is neyetthe- leirS true' that a Moderate walk On , pleasant.daye is a.beneficial atiniulant, "fliedigeetiVe'POWers of the elderli, are leas vigorous and there -hi -..--not. as great, a -deinand----for body. fuel ir as in ... e,ailleit...yeats4, :the. principal:features: of a proper diet in lid „eke include: first; 'a diihinished. quantity of food:;' • second,''theingestliin of food at more frequent intervals and ineinallet quau-• '- titles. and, thifct the, 'use, of emitly T iteatible food 'whieli 'does not produce. either, too,large or too small h residue„.„,..,„ ofwaste matter; ......Pereens Of .advanced age . are Tiiiihoie invariably. lean, .have partaken" ModetatelY -O.feeckanti drink..,,, in 'earlier life and art 'a,.ruld'have: eaten, -, relattYely, little meat 1n later •,- '4:?,audatioh.'for a nappi and conifott- able old age is laid during .the active •earlier period otlife. • ' .Witliteasonable•attentton to certain well.defineid' end 64Eitly itedessible print% ,CiPles, Of ,pereonal. hygiene, It. is pea-. :Sib1e,„:11y-theny, Instances- at, leastr•te.'..-• retain one's -faculties to, stioh• ah.ettOnt. -as 49,,,inake old 4e-4...Pleastate -rather than a burden. Bar* to the 1V.liddIe Ages.; hie Wheel of Tfrirele not 01WaYs Ing forward; sohietimee 1trolls - back. -.Despairing Of ever getting their books • published Under -the Soviet regime, A nurriber Of; Rusaitin authors are copy-,, Ing their workS , Manuscript,' ,and have A'Bop,k1top of Authors" moanow: TiiIs retails. the; , of the' '• ItenalesanCe, thl old -learning led to a :great:demand Poi "Sc,tioes" to, make Copies of the Nets" andprillaSoplitte, -whole& work, after., centuries � ',neglect; had once more eeme inteIto owl], , • --Xtettlies-,Lf r• :so nr Otime •••-echild • danintahd quite ifigb PriteS. 'for their work, and, even after the Printing- 'Pres,s had been introdueed, etnithiued against 'that • ' _ Iii. thti. atebh.eyn,‘'Pv'ere encOura-ged. by ' teMe. •cfthe great nobles 'Of the tithe..., :The Duke Of prbino, for instance,:Who -!Itipt forty -seri bes *rripl 'Yeit in •OoPYieti: ' par;chments„, wee aceustomed to, say •• . that ha would be "Ashamed to ,have a: 'printed betok. in itis library.", I It is-ra pure and wilolesorne Whether Used, for, table syrup, sauce o• r for candy,rnaking. At all dealers -Lin tins. • THE CANADA STARCN Co Lim rrED I f , -lnitrgr 6 '44711rard-artarafirdriainnigira7dEN , ,Lettera- from Louden ,; to Paris " *hieh are 'posted' before seven &Clack in• the evening are .,now deliVored Itt Paris by the fltat, delivery in .thi, , morning, ••' •